Newspaper Page Text
In the course of a few day snow we leave for New York for the
ourpose of buying our Fall Stock. During the week we propose to
convert every dollar’s worth of stuff possible into the cash, and
in order to do so will offe* the trad9 a lot of startling attractions in
the way of bargains.
Spot Cash only is what we mean and we will not charge them at
these prices.
To begin with everything in woolen dress goods will be offered
at greatly cut prices and if you want any woolen goods at’all come
to see us.
j 29c. One lot extra ouality ladies’ hose, Hermsdorf dye, every
| nair guaranteed stainless, worth 40c-
49c. One lot illuminated ribbed hose worth 75c.
25c. Big lot of odds and ends in ladies’ hosiery worth 40c.
23 l-2c. Extra quality 10-4 sheeting worth 30 to 35c.
12 l-2c. Fine Chautong Pongee cloths, 25c quality.
43c. Fringed doylies, 75c quality.
$1.39. Magnificent ouality extra size counterpanes worth $1.7
17 l-2c. Very choice lot “P.Ks.” worth 25c.
4 1-2. 1000 yds. check muslins worth 7 1 / 4c. Not over ten yds. to
any individual.
75c. 100 -patterns black plaid lawns worth $1.50
14c. 1000 yds. wool challies, 25c quality.
5c. 1000 yds, 7c C. Island.
One lot cotton challies and lawns, 7 l-2c quality.
8 3-4c. One lot Persian mulls worth 15c.
7 3-4c. One lot check muslins worth 12 l-2c
10c. The choicest line of plaid and striked muslins ever shown
in A me ficus and richly worth 15c.
75c. Our one dollar quality C B corset, any size.
98c. C B corset worth $1.25.
55c. One lot of pleated bosom unlaundried shirts worth $1.00.
75c. New York Mills muslin shirts extra fine linen bosoms, we
will match with anybody’s $1.25 shirt
89c. for choicest Monarch goods. Other houses ask $1.25 for
45c. One lot gents’ night shirts worth 75c.
We have the best assortment of these goods in Americus. We
commence with a good bar net at 50c and run them to as fine bobi-
net as you would care for. We commence the ready made nets at
$1.89 and run them up as high as $3.00. If you want a net come
and see us.
We have thousands of Specially Good Bargains we haven’t the time or space to mention.
us we will make it to your interest.
If you will come to see
The Leaders of the Fine Dress Goods and Dry Goods Trade.
Those Who Come to and go From Ameri
ca! Day by nay.
Col. E. F. Hinton went down to Brunx-
wick Sunday on Important legal bus!
ness. Ho will probably return to-day.
Col. Henry Lumpkin Is at home after
a pleasant two weeks’ visit to the coun
try. His many friends are glad tc
welcome him.
Mr. W. H. Mercer of Wobster county
spent yesterday in the city among bis
friends. lie said bo left homo early in
the morning and forgot to bring any
money with lilm and forgot to leavo any
at homo.
Mr. 6. D. Buchanan, conductor on
theS. A. M. road, returned from Ar
izona last week. He brought with him
a very largo Arizona hat, which ho will
place on exhibition at The Timks-Kk-
coni)KR office on Wednesday morning.
Messrs. John A. Cobb, J. I.. Adder-
ton, T. S. Lockett and W. L. lackey
leave to-day for Athens, where they will
represent Sumter county at the auuual
meeting of tlio Georgia Stato Agricul
tural Society, whicli convenes in that
city to-morrow. Tbo name of Capt.
John A. Cool) will be presented to the
meeting for president of the society, and
his associate delegates propose to put in
some good work for him.
Fine Good,.
As will bo seen from his notice elso-
where, the celebrated tailor, August
Dorr of Augusta, will havo a represent
ative of his house hero ou September 1,
and will show some of the handsomest
goods ever imported. Dorr is to men’s
apparel what Wortli is to women's; and
a “Dorr” costume hears a distinctive
style that never fails to bo recognized.
Look out for Mr. Lawreuco Dorr about
September 1.
The patrons of The Timm-Kicomieii
are urged to pay promptly the bills
which are now duo for subscription, ad
vertising and job work for the past
month, A nowspaper lias to pay its
labor tho cash weekly, aud on the first
of the month it is necessary for nil its
bills to bo promptly collected,
Tho ourront expenses of The Times-
Kecordkii establishment are about £30
per day, which must ho paid ovory
Monday without fail or delay.
Wo aro therefore compelled to press
collections; and while tho small bills
that some owo may causo thorn to re
gard tho mattor ns insignificant, these
small accounts aggregate several thou
sand dollars, which we are compelled to
collect promptly to moot our obligations.
newspaper can't rim a week with
out money; so cono up to tho captain’s
office and settio. .
Times Pcnusuirtn Company.
Tho regular monthly mooting of tho
Hoard of Directors Times Publishing
Company will bo held at tho offieo of
the company at o o’clock this afternoon.
Ham om Mybk’K Secretary,
F»t Ilcevei.
Yesterday Mr. Zolvo Ilill of Taylor
county brought to tho city twenty-threo
head of fine and fat beeves, which he
•old to Messrs. Mayo & Winkler, who
Domestic anil Foreign and of General
Sylvester, Ga., long iu want of a good
hotel is goiug ahead to build one.
There has been a split among the Ohio
Prohibitionists, growing out of the fight
in the last state convention.
The west has experienced the wannest
weather ot the season. The thermome-
eter has reached 100 at Chicago.
Burglars entered the store of Malone
& Bro., in Columbia, S. G\, and broke
into a safe, stealing $800 worth of jew
elry und watches.
It has l>een rumored in Atlanta that
an offer of compromise has been made
by Ryan’s attorneys, and it is thought
the can- will soon be settled.
Atlanta churchmen have stronglv
criticised the city administration for al
lowing ihe street railway gang to work
all day last {Sunday on a principal street
iu that city.
The Richmond Terminal system has
again ln*en attacked by supposed jealous
rival lines with a view to injuring the
business of the company to their imme
diate interests,
Mr. G. S. Shewed, a prominent and
wealthy real estate man of Athens, Ga..
blew his brains out with a Winchester
rifle. Hail health and an insignificant
financial matter causing temporary in
sanity, brought on the sad result.
The Bennington (Vt.) Hattie monu
ment \vas attached for $4,(MM) by the
Security company of Hartford, which
advanced that sum to make up the
amount necessary to raise the fund for
its erection to the necessary figure.
The returns issued bv the
- v .— Londou
will proceed to feed them to their cus-1 board of trade show that during the
month of July the imis.rts decreased
£200,000. and that the exports decreased
as compared with those of
the corre.sjMinling month last year.
Notice to AdvertlMfr*.
Copy for change of advertisement
must be handed in at this office before
12 o’clock on day before publication.
This applies to all and will he enforced.
Times Publishing Co.
July 28, 1891, tf.
I*rof. Carter'* Concert.
Prof. Carter of Canada gave a concert
at Glover’s opera house last night, as
sisted by the local talent among the col
ored people, which was a very credita
ble entertainment. Prof. Carter was
recently married in .Savannah, and is
making a tour of tho Southern States
with his bride.
Reducing Stock.
Messrs. Allison & Aycock will get
into their new quarters, in the Alham
bra, on September 1, and are now re
ducing stock preparatory to moving.
See their advertisement in another col
For your toilet soaps, toilet
aud all toilet articles, go to
Du. Ei.nmixiK
Itoom Wanted.
Gentleman and wife (without chil
dren) want large, cool bedroom, with
privilege of parlor (no board), in small,
private family. Must be within ten
minmtes’ walk of court house. Address
This office.
To Our Patrnu*.
After this week we w ill collect all bills
for job work weekly. This will make
payments easier for you, and help us
materially, as oar expenses are payable
* .Times Publisuio Company. 2
When Baby was sick, we fare her Costoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria.
dona dispatch
is been held by tin
ciat.on protesting;
i the United Slate?
mid Porto Rico. ,
►a a colony of the United
A Barcelona dispatch states that a
aiust tlie
a regard
to Cuba
make Oil
Near Montgomery, Ain., a negro wo
man was ?di«»t with a pistol and th *n cut
in the face with a razor in the hands of
a negro man, who idle says she never
saw before. The woman lived only a
short while, and the murderer has made
his escajie.
Exports of specie from the port of
New York last week were $705,905 of
silver, oi which $704,383 went to Eu-
jnd $1,522 t
A Louisville, Ky., special states that
the amount of the shortage of Sylvester
Young, defaulting cashier of the New
port Newport News and Mississippi
Valley railroad, is now known to be at
least $38,000, instead of $25,000 as first
supposed. Further investigation may
add slightly to this.
Ed Davis, colored, was shot and killed
on Judge Morton's plantation three
miles from Quitman, Ga. No one saw
the killing, but the circumstances point
to Jesse Johnston, another negro, on
the same place. Johnston could not be
found by the sheriff. The belief is that
he has gone to Florida.
Detectives of the Chicago and North-,
western road have raised quite an ex
citement by reporting the discovery of
a plot among tho employes to dynamite
much of that road’s property and blow
it to kingdom come, but the officials say
they have no faith in these reports.
They don’t lxdieve there is anything
serious in them.
A Jackson, Miss., special says : Re-
j»orts from the Copiah comity primary
indicate that George has a majority
of 3(X) over Hniksduie. It is the largest
white county iu the state, and since the
visit of Messrs. Polk, McDowell aud
Livingston, it has been claimed for
BarkhUale by 500 majority. Wayne
county also went for George.
Great excitement is prevailing at
Kouts, Iuil., on account of tlie finding
of natural gas in paying quantities. J.
F. Fulton, an expert in drilling at the
place for water to supply the Chicago
and Erie railway, struck natural gas at
a dentil of 120 feet. A How of »2 feet in
height of burning flame now attracts
the people from the surrounding country
for miles.
A Sparta, Ga.. special states that
John W. Mason saw a chicken snake, in
the act of swallowing the last ot a nest
of eggs on which one of his hens was
sitting. The snake had coiled around
the nest and was using its tail to press
the hen from over the eggs and hold her
down while tho swallowing process was
goiug on. The snake wan a* large jls an
ordinary man’s wrist. It was killed.
Another rich find of silver is reported
ou Pomeroy mountain, near Caribou,
Colo. Tho vein is about 3 inches thick
and of pure metal. It is evident that
there exists u still larger vein some
where in the vicinity of the same kind
of mineral, aud it is thought these dis
coveries will soon lead to developments
that will cast in the shade even the
wonderful mines of Nevada.
Gen. Cook Is Defter.
Atlanta, August 10.— Gen. Cook
rested easily last night and seemed to be
in no great pain at all.
The doctors hope to have him out In a
few days, but ho will have to use
DeWltt’s Sarsaparilla destroys such
poisons as scrofula, skin disease, ecze
ma, rheumatism. Its timely use saves
many lives. For sale by the Davenport
Drug Company.
The Baker Sick.
Mr. C. W. Ax row smith desires to in
form his customers that owing to illness
ho will not bo able tobako any bread for
several days; but just as soon os he can
he will return to his post and resume
liis work. He will have some improve
ments made on his oven and will be able
to turn out better bread and in larger
quantities when ho resumes work, which
he hopes will be in a few days.
You never tried DeWltt’s Little Ear
ly Risers for constipation, billiousness,
sick headache, or you would not have
thesese diseases. For sale by tho Da
venport Drug Company.
Clark House.
I am now running my house, with the
assistance of Mrs. Love in tho eating de
partment. She is tho best In town.
Everybody made to feel at h >me. I have
the best furnished house in the city. It
is well fitted up with good beds, electric
bells, gas, and connected with tho sani
tary sewerage system. Everything con
venient Satisfaction guaranteed.
J. C. Cl a uk,
Comer Lamar and Prince streets.
Savannab, Americas & Montgomery R’y
Taking Effect July 12,1891.
lve ..•Opelil
7 00 pm
0 05
4 40
X 25
11 45 am
11 20
9 00
8 SO
8 20
8 00
6 20
3 55
1 00
7 40 pm
2 10
Betw’n Montgomery and Am ericas, vim Opelika
*8 10 a m lve Montgomery ....arr| 7 15 pm
2 10 pm lv«........Opelika arr 1 05
6 40 arr Americas Ire! 8 20 a m
8 oo am
10 oo
10 27
2 10 pm
3 25
3 50
5 54
6 10
6 40
7 00
8 27
11 00
4 30 ft
7 35
6 20 p m
... Ellavillo
.. Americus
., Americus
.. Cordele
.. .Helena
Between Montgomery and Amdricus, via Union
Springs and Columbus.
7 40 amilve.....Montgomery arrj 7 05 pm
3 50 live Columbus arr 11 20
5 40 'arr Amnricus Ivej 8 20
fiotw'n Montgomery and Americus, via Eufaola
Attorney General Jones has given to
the Washington World’s Fair commis
sion his official opinion that it wva ille
gally organized, and all work dune by it
is therefore mill and void. It is now
rope mid $1,522 to South America. 11u-! proposed to reorganize the Commission
ports of specie for the week We;e $257.- at a special meeting to be held at Olyrn-
A nice line of extracts, colognes, toil
et waters, Ac., at Dr. Kldridge Drug
Store. _
hich $199,9 *3 was gold aud
$57,904 silver.
The attorney general has given an
opinion to Acting Secretary Nutt let on
that there is no legal objection to the
payment of salary to Mrs. Hn«nn Gale
Cooke, as secretary of the lioard of ladv
managers of the World’s fair. It will
be allowed by the department.
The dead body of Moses Coggins, a
negro, was found in White Oak Creek,
on the Hon LuuJie place, near Newnan,
Ga. The jury of inquest returned a
verdict that deceased, while having a
fit, fell in the creek and was drowned.
The negro has been having fits fre
quently of Lite.
pin on August 21. The ____
already sjieut $5,500 of tl;
ing drawn the same from tin* state
A telegram has l>eeii received in Dub
lin from Belfast stating that Messrs.
Dillon and O’Brien have iK.-r*uudod four
of the In.-h members
comment*, who. since tn»* disruption in
the Irish i-ariiamemarv party, followed
the leadership of Mr. Parnell, to secede
from the Parnellite section and to cast
their fortunes with the McCarthyiies.
the sectiou that is opposed to Mr. Par
nell as the leader of the Irish cause.
In transplanting, be sure to keep the
roots of the plant moist.
Democrats should get back to the
tariff platform on which James Buchanan
was elected.
One of the troubles of
life is the breaking of lamp-
Needless. Macbeth’s
“ pearl top ” and “ pearl
glass ” are tough against
You will save nine-tenths
of your chimney-money by
using them.
“ Pearl top ” fits most of
the little lamps; “pearl
glass ” is for “ Rochester,”
“Pittsburg,” “Duplex,” etc.
We make a great many
sizes and shapes, all of
ot J tough glass. You can get
the right ones. Talk with
your dealer about it.
nttibarg. Oxo. A. Mxccrrn & Co.
7 40 a m lvo Montgomery. ....arr j 7 96 p m
11 05 lve Kufaula lve! 4 07
12 20 p ra lve Albany arr! 2 50
2 30 arr A merlcus lve| 1 10
Between Americus and Jacksonville, vla Helena
ffoJFp m lve” Ameriusc..
1 18 r — -
6 10
Jf 50 [arr Jacksonville.
Close connection made at Montgomery for all
points in the Southwest, and at Americas for
tiirmtngham and all points in the Northwest.
* Meal Stations,
Sleeping cars between Columbus and Savan
Passengers from Charleston destined to points
cst of sovannah, change cars at C. Sc S. Jnno
Gen. Superintendent. Gen. Fas*. Agent
Americas, Ga. Americus, Ga.
J. M. CAROLAN, ft. E. Pass. Act.
jinab, Os. K. A. SMITH,
Western Pass. Agt., St. Louis, Mo.
M. I). ROYER, T. P. A,
Americus, Ga
I and Whisk* jrBablta
■ cured at Dome witfc-
loutudn. Book of par-
I ticuur* scut FREE.
Til 1-2-
East Tennessee,
Virginia and'
Georgia R’y
Short and Direct Line to the North, East or
This line is conceded to be the l*est equipped
and runs the Wriest Pullman Bleeping Cars in
the South.
Elegant Pullman Sleeping Cars, between
Jacksonville and Cincinnati,
Titusville and Cincinnati,
Brunswick and Louisville,
Chattanooga and Washington
Memphis and New York,
Philadelphia and New Orleans,
Chattanooga and Mobile,
Atlanta and Chattanooga,
Without Change.
For any Information address
B. W. WRENN, Gen. Pass, and Ticket Apt
Knoxville. Term.
C. W. RIGHT, Ass't Gen. Pass. Agt.
Atlanta, Georgia.