Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, August 12, 1891, Image 3

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THE AMER1CUS DAILY TIMES-RECORDER: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1891. 3 Q,P > P Cures srofulA. finw*. "oUwfiw Mslar'a, old Chrtwlc Ulcers that b»™«t»IIJra>atmgt^J-etara^ CURES TocSpCnt? *Tsrrzxrv2sr corlal Poisoe, Tetter, Seal r. p. p. u » powtefa p. ip.# Cures rhimatisM whote blood I* fa UFFKAH BKOS.cprietors, DrngjliU, Lippmin’s Bloc&VAHH AH, GA. For nalo by tbo DAVPORT DRUG COMPANY, Americas,, Health is 'ealth! use ol alcohol or tobacco, Walncss, ifental Deprvfision, Softening of the H; resulting In Insanity and leading to misery ay and death, Premature Old Age, Karrenne**» of Power in either sex, Involuntary Lo»|nrt Sperm*- torrhma, caused by over-exertif the brain, self-abuse or over-indulgence, ih box con tains one month's treatment. #per box,or six boxes for #5.00, sent by maUjutid, on re ceipt of price. WK GUARANTEE RTOXKS To euro any case. With each oteoelrad I»y us for six mixes, accompanied;!! #5.00, we will send the purchaserou» writguaranteo to refund the money if the treatindoes not ef fect a cure. Guarantees Issued 'by THE DAVKNPOUT DRUG C(jle Agts.. sricus, ua. R. E. BED, Auditor OFFICE 57i JACKSON SEBT, AMKRICU8, OA| Will adjust Roolt. and Aero I and do a . * loulnoii. ■tmtriif Ant tenoral collecting business, attorney associated, Will take business In belli — - References;.!. W. Hl'e|fflel*l Blunter, Davenport Drug UoAiresp™* dence sol,cited. ,,n bmpetent Ttsonuble. g cities. Bai urn >21 !hn, 'An Ideal Bummer Resort "-ffRTW. Gkady. SWEEr WATER PARHOTEL Lltbls Bprtn**, Oeorg Eleraneoand comfort. 1^** — T*'* rurnlStlnga above critic jV"’7!* r "'Ji 1 ' least. Recreation tor the pleni Keeker, reel for the Invalid. The nne.,10'.'-m In the United H(ate«. The l njahmhh nntnrnl mineral water. In Jhy.d Iree. Hlah-elaas accommodation, don gne.i.- Elevation I .Ml reel, Pure plnood. air. No malaria. The great Plednio hnutau- quVwlthlSi brilliant ton postal card), to send *' Once a guest always a Arm frL JT* May 12. K. W. MARS CO., •nuall.Sm. * »*- Rally's l.lfet Saved l»y a Pigeon. An incident occnrrefl recently In the family of <i. F. Marsh, a member of the P’W’ifir Coast Pigeon society, which proved to him in a most impressive manner the valuable services which may sometimes be rendered by the carrier pigeon, and probably explains some of his enthusiasm in that direction. His little baby boy wjis taken suddenly sick with most alarming symptoms of diph theria. The mother, watching by the bedside of the little one. dispatched a message tied on a carrier pigeon to her husband at his store on Market street In the message she wrote the nature of the child's alarming illibtss. and made nn urgent apj>eal for medicine to save its lif« The bird was started from the home of the family near the Cliff House, live miles from Mr. Marsh's Market street store. The bird flew swiftly to the store, where Mr. Marsh received it. lie read the message, called a doctor, explained the child’s symptoms as his wife bad de tailed them in her message, and received the proper medicine. Then tying the little vial containing the medicine to the tail of the pigeon, he let it go. The pigeon sped away through the air straight for the Cliff. It made the dis tance. five miles, in ten minutes, a dis tance which would have required the doctor three quarters of an honrt In twenty minutes from the time the mother’s message was sent to her hus band the baby was taking the medicine. Naturally enough Mr. Marsh is partial to pigeons, for he considers that he owes his baby’s life to one.—San Francisco Examiner. One Art from n Real Life Drama. "1 witnessed a most touching and dra matic incident the other day.” says a Chicago man visiting St. Louis. “It was at the Union depot. Among the passengers leaving the train just in from the floutb was a distinguished looking old gentleman, and clinging to his arm was one of the most beautiful girls 1 ever saw in my life. “To take the Joliet train there came down the stone steps a burly officer in citizen’ll clothes, and by his side was the once society favorite, George Lipe, con victed of forging his mother’s name to valuable documents, who, In spite of all influence brought to bear, must serve his term in the penitentiary. “A steel baud was about the prison er's wrist attached to another about the officer’s wrist. The two couples 1 have describ'd met directly in front of the big gates. *• ‘Oh. papa.* exclaimed the girl, as her face lighted up with pleasure, ‘here is George conn* to meet us after our long journey. “She rnshed forward to meet the con vict and impetuously grabbed both his hands. The shock the sigiit of tho man acles produced was positively frightful. Her great eyes opened, her face blanched, she tried to si>eak, but could not, and then she fell fainting into the arms of her father, who I jo re her to a carriage. “The convict during this ordeal was a pitiable looking object. He uttered no word, but as he passed through tho gate 1 saw his lower lip was covered with blood. He had bitten through it. “The gii*l, 1 learned, was tho felon’s fiancee who had lasen in Mexico all win ter.”—Chicago News. To rrlnters and Publishers. The Times Publishing Company has for sale a portion of the newspaper and job outfit mado surplus by tho recent consolidation of the Times and Recor der, consisting of ono cylinder newspa per press, two Gordon job presses, one Hero paper cutter, one perforator, six stands, two imposing stones and tables, five hundred pounds of nows type, etc, This material and these presses are virtually new, having been in use only year. A great bargain in prices and terms can be secured by the right par ties. Address tho Timks Publishing Company, Aiuerlcus, Ga. \ 4 ABBOTT -??; Wafws “ l, AIN. UPPMAN rofffoWSIWSWIpftSA AtlcX For anil by the DAVENPO* ’OMPANY Amorloua, **“ ll.ti.C.” Cure. Ciorni-B anil IBetlDlteSDoys.wlfcltete- ^1 Prevents stricture. <«“•*? Tltelr l.!,«* liy a Jacbtu. A sped til from Montgomery, tlio now mining camp in the extreme south western part of Nevada, nays: About a month ago Bob Montgomery, brother of tho timler of the mines here, with Mr. Slienvood and Mr. Metcalf, left here with six jacks on a prospecting trip In tlie foothills around Death valley. They are all old hands ut roughing it, hut they -roe thu fnmous valley is well named. In making the trip from Fiirnaco creek to Cottonwood a hot wind came np. in which it was next to inipwsible for them to get breath. Tho animills be- gnn to give out, uud they werecouipelled to abandon their packs and start on a hunt for water. What little they had left they mixed with vinegar and oat meal. but the intense heat soured the outtneal and mado the tnixtnre so hot that it wiitild actually bum them when they wet their swollen tongues with it None had ever been over the gronnd before, and it was only duo to the intolli- genceof Montgomery’s pet jack,Sullivan, that they were saved from suffering, if not death. Dragging along up the val ley they were passing the month of a canyon when suddenly old Sullivan gave a tremendous bray. Metcalf said. “That’s water, boys." and started up the canyon. Snroenongh, ho gave a yell of joy Wafer was found. -St. lamia Globe-Democrat. Iti-lnx Curd by 11 Trlcyclo. The latest remarkable cure reported in Maine is that of a nine-ycar-old girl named Orff, at Levant, who is said to have beep cured oi a bad case of spinal disease by riding a tricycle. Iter trouble dated from infancy undshewassupposed to lie deformed for life, several promi nent doctors having pronounced her case incurable. But a month ago the child's father bought her a tricycle and she at once begun riding, at first only on smooth Boors, but later ont of doors. Lately a great change has lieen noticed in her condition Her back has begun to straighten and her general health to im prove. - Bangor (Me. I News Tho little German princes Inncli and breakfast with their parents, and bo strict is the emperor In nil ceremonial observances that the little boys are dressed threo times each day in clothing appropriate for the hour. They are al ways attired in English fashion, and their morning suits exhibit more sign* of wear and tear, more evidences of thrift In the careful darning and repair ing done upon them than on American boy of means would submit to wearing. Unar Wilde is the latest author to be ktcawdoT plagUrfwn. the aaeertton be ing made that lU poem called “Dupree- aioAd# Matte*war printed under the title of "One Pale Woman" in the Lon don World fourteen years ago Xo sane man would prolong his life forever, but at the same time bo would rather die to-morrow than to-day. Not a Miracle, Now. Until recently consumption was con sidered incurable, hut now poople are beginning to realize that tho dlseaso Is not incurable. The cure of consumption is not a miracle, now. Dr. Pierce’s Gol den Medical Discovery will cure It, taken in time and given a fair trial. Tho world-renowned remedy will not make new lungs, hut It will restore diaeasod ones to a healthy state when other means have failed. Thousands gratefully tes tify to this. It is tho most potent tonic or strength restorer, alterative, or blood cleanser and nutritive, or flesh builder, known to medical science. For weak lungs, spitting of blood, “liver com plaint,” and dyspepsia, or indigestion, It is an unequaled remedy. When certain peoplo begin to “feel for you” your best plan is to put your purse In a safe deposit vault. Pensive and Expensive. Many a woman shrinks from consult ing a physician about functional de rangements and weakness, and prefers to suffer in silence. Slio is sad and pen sive, and her neglect of her ailments will prove expensive. It may costlier her lifo. One of the most skillful phy sicians of the day, who has had a vast experience in curing diseases peculiar to women, has prepared a rpraedy which is of inestimable aid to them. We refer to Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription, tho only remedy for women’s peculiar weak nesses and ailments, sold by druggists under a positive guarantee from tho manufacturers, that it will give satisfac tion In every case, or money refunded. Life, Health and Strength. Apalachicola, Fla., Feb. 17,1889. Messrs. Lippman Pros., Savannah: Dkau Sins—I will write to you to In form you that I was afflicted with Iflood Disease. I tried ono bottle * * and it gave mo no relief. I was in bed seven months. I tried prominent physicians, and they could not do mo any good. I saw your advertisement of 1*. P. P. In the Apalachicola Times; and thonght would try it. Tlie bottle I got to-night makes seven or eight, and, oh, how good I feel. I have been up over since and at my business—lumber inspector. You may publish this if you desire. I have informed my friends that P. P. P. is life, health and strength. augll-dl2-wk2w M. P. Doldeh, In condemning the vanity of women men complain of the firo that thoy them solves have kindled. A CHILD KILLED. Another child killed by tbo use of opiates given in the form of soothing syrup. Why mothers give their chil dren such deadly poison is surprising when thoy can relievo tho child of Its peculiar troubles by using Dr. Acker’s Baby Soother. It contains no opium or morphine Sold by Fleetwood tfe Rus sell, Amoricus, Ga. 10 It is beauty that begins to please and tenderness that completes the charm. A DUTY TO YOURSELF. It Is surprising that peoplo will use a common ordinary pill when they can cure a valuable English one for tho samo money. Dr. Acker’s English pills aro a posit!vo cure for sick head ache and all liver troubles. They aro small, swoot, easily taken, and do not gripe. For sale by Fleetwood & Rus sell, Americus, Ga. P. P. P. is tho greatest blood purifier of the age, the best of humor remodles, cures every disease and humor of the skin, scalp and blood, whether itching, burning, scaly, pimples, scrofula or hereditary, when all other remedies fail. Tho surest way to pleaso Is to forght ono’s self and think only of others. For Over Fifty Tears Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup has been used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens tho gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is tho best remedy for diarrham. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists through out the world. Beauty is the first gift nature gives to woman and the first she takes from her. Peoplo with Impure blood may he said to exist, not live. Life ir robbed of half its joys when tho blood is loaded with impurities and disease. Correct this condition with DeWltt’s Sarsapa rilla, it Is reliable. For sale by the Davenport Drug Company. Ilalf of the world doesn’t want the other half to know how It lives. CHILD BIRTH • • • • • • MADE EASY! “ Mothuj’ Friend ’’ is a scientific ally prepared Liniment, every Ingre dient of recognixed value and in constant use by the medical pro fession. These binedinamanner are corn- unknown “MOTHERS’ • FRIEND” • WILL DO all that Is claimed for it AND MORE, it Shortens Labor, Lessens Pste, Diminishes Danger to Life of Mother and Child. Book to " Mothers” mailed FREE, con taining valuable information and voluntary testimonials, . !>* Sent bve*prr»t on rr*«ipt of price f t.50 per bottle BA AD FI ELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, to. BOLD BY ALL DRUOunm - * Come and Take Yoer Choice. White and Colored Puff Shirts. Gentlemen’s Madras Summer SI Gentlemen’s Summer Underwear. Stylish Summer Neck-wear. Light Summer Coats and Vests. Gentlemen’s Fancy Dress Pants. Boys’ Blouse Suits. Boys’ Knee Pants. The remnants of these lines on hand will be sacrificed in order to CLEAN OUT the above lots, that we may have room for the fresh new goods that Mr. John R. Shaw, the proprietor, is now in the Eastern markets buying. Men’s, Soys’ and Children’s Straw Hats at your own price. CHAMPION CLOTHING AND GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS HOUSE; 117 Forsyth Street, Americus, Ga. LISTEN AT WIIAT ALLISON & AYCOCK The Leading Book Dealers and Stationers of Americus HAVE TO SAY As has already beon announced n new quarters under the Alh entrance on Jackson street, opposite Dr. Eldridge's Drug Store, where ced after the 1st day of Sept, wo will bo in new quarters under the Alhambra Hotel, 2d door from ladies’ we aro having fixed up especially for us, in a nobby way, and we pro pose to add to our already elegant stock, sneh a hne that will not be ave already onioyed » good trade for * * il for,' equaled in this soction. Wo tho post twelve months, which we are thankful for, but we expect to make our business now what it has never been before if good goods and plenty of them with fair priceB and kind treatment will be a ducements. In the mean time we will sell our croqnet sets, hammooks. pictures and picture frames, and a great many other goods at actua cost for tho next twenty days to save moving them. Of courso this means Spot Cash. ■ ■ ■■ to • hi ,it in Very respectfully, ' ALLISON & AYCOCK, Americus, Ga. W. H. R. SCHROEDER, Vanafactuer of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Van, Galvanized Inn Cornice, Tin and Iron Roofing, Hot Air Heatin' Etc. Iron Smoke Stack*. Exhaust Piping for Saw Mills a Specialty. i) Corner Jaokson and Jefferson streets, AMERICUS, GA. E. T. BYBD, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. REPRESENTING THE SAFESTAND STRONGEST COMPANIRS.INlTHE^ORLD. Insurance placed on City and Country Property. Office on Jackion Street, next door below lfayor’fl Office. <tectf-diy. .L Aft)MATII. E. J. tfoXATH. B. H. MCMATH McMATH BROTHERS. DEALER8IN Groceries, Frowns, Country Produce BOOTS. SHOES. ETC.. ETO., WHISKEY, TOBACCO & CIGARS, SPECIALTIES. 207 FORSYTH STREET. AMERICUS, GEORGIA. We »Uelt. .hire or the phtronexe ot the trading public, guaranteeing aatt.faetlon low prlcea, and good good. We deliver good, anywhere In the city. Call and Me na • McMATH BROTHERS. R.F.NEHRING, PROPRIETOR. icten stmt, Oder AlKi mate AMERICUS. GA. LIGHT BREAD A SPECIALTY! Orders ftr Cakei of ifi Sisii Proaptly TM t Bmi ulbb Tip 6« nitty. Country Merchant, supplied with bread at wholesale prtees. BAKERY B UGGI I will sell yon tbe beet baggy In Oeorgla, price .nd;quallty con.ldered. Repairing all kind, wlldted and executed promptly and neatly. All work warranted. 1T.1S, GREENE. FINANCIAL. t. H. HAWKINS Piw’l.. H.C-BASIEY. Vice Prw’i W. 1. HURPhEY. Ctlklir. ORGANIZED 1870. -e0The Bank of ^^boWsfriSSSTyfiisr*^ Capital, ... $100,000 Hurplu.i -/ - - ilOOdMo -1 BlRECTonS:— . - *s. *« T THE SANK.OF SlIMTER T. N. HAWJCES, ,0. A. COLEMAN, • President. - Vleo-Protldent. W, a FURLOW,' Cssbiepv UIRECTORS— Q. A. Colemsg, 0. 0. Dawkins, B. 8. Jester,• T. wT’Hkwkea, W. 0. Fnrlo w, W. H. C. Wbstelet, bTS Oliver, H. M. Brown. W. M. Sewkes, Dr. E. T. Mathis, Artbn~ —— Liberal to its ting to the I. MONTGOMERY, Fort. I. C. RONEY, VIn Prert. JNO. WINDSOR. C*r. LESTER WINDSOR Ant. Or. E. A. HAWKINS, A Peoples’ National Bank Of Americas. Capital, *00,000. ORGANIZED 1883. A C. CLtnn, Vice Free I ' Investment Securities, faid np Capital, SI,000,000. ISurpIue, 1260,000. nnucoroas: HCBifrtsy, WE Hawkins, S W Coney, WBOmU, JWSheffield, V 0 Clegg) W Mnawkss, B FMkthews, G M Byne, W S Murphey,^Montgomery, J 8 Pharr. i HJRHLUS AuSdiVldsd Pro • Bask of Southwestern >■ J.w. W.uxfiovSn nntnorons: J. W. Wheatley, X. j. Edridge, C. A. Huntington, H. B. Johnson, B. J. Perry. J. C. Nicholson, W. Smith, W. 8.0. Dudley M. Speer. " X Bom, Jb., Free. H. M. KRlpp, V.L O.A. Coliicm, Sen, • Tree., Georgia Loan&TnistCo. Negotiates Loans on improved Farm end City Property. BPHouis, ■ J X Bivins. Attorney, - Zand Examiner. Cotton Avenue. , Opposite Prince'e Stables, Americus, Georgia. w. o. wjtui. riuiouT. LE.CUU CASHIER. Planters’ Bank of Elltiillo Mantle, Georgia. PAID CP CAFITAI- . r SM*e» Collections a Specialty. liberal to He eoatoaiere. seaerasradaMag to tbo public and prudent to tte awNsooeot, this beak solicits deposits and other bestow, in Its •ten. JapMAwljj ■