Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, August 13, 1891, Image 2
THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMES-RECORDER: THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1891. V, = THE TIMES-RECORDER. Oully unci Weekly. The A>:K:tni* Ht:<-okt-kk !'-r vi!«:•*. Thb Co vs..i . Al’KlL. lwi. SUBSCRIPTION: Daily. use Yeak, *6 Daily, use M^xth. Weekly, use Yf.ak. • l Weekly, Six Mo.vra«, For advertising rate* address Basm-om Myrrh. E-iit-.r and Manager. THE TIMES PUBLISHING COMPANY, Auiericus. Gx. Americus, Ga., August 13, 1891. Tom Watson is settiug his traps to vote for Tom Watson for speaker of the next house. It will be a lonesome vote. THE STATE I’KE* Enquire advises l«e planters ell quick." MIL CltlSIL Parties who are interested in the de feat of Mr. Crisp for the speakership of “pick fast, pin early and ! the next house of representatives, have | industriously circulated the report, that the Alliance delegation to the next con- j The Fort Gaines Chronicle says: “One j press will not support Mr. Crisp for this j man in Alpharetta, Ga., has made over j high office. As far as heard from, these 709,000 gallons of blackberry wine this • gentlemen, with the exception of Mr. I season.” j Watson, deny that anyone had authority j — to speak for them. The damaging re-j The newspapers are advising the , mrt> however, has probably accom- j CUT PRICES Stili the Rule at Beall & Oakley’s. farmers to plant less cotton. When the j pij s j ie d jt* purpose. It was intended to farmers undertakes to give the editor a j impression, that Mr. Crisp little advice about running a newspaper j canuo t get support at borne. Heuce, it there is some tall kicking. would be fair to infer that he is uu- ; * . worthy of the support of others.JFortu- The (tiillin canning factor} is now mn- j na(e j v a jj e canDO t long prosper, and the The stay law first round. It died a natural deat from starvation. The people of Georgi are not yet ready for anarchy and nihi lism. It * i that fut • to utmost capacity, canning j m0( j egt , g eo ial and accomplished Crisp , • <*••»«• okra - etc ~ besides I***** | will prutit by this lying rumor. It knocked out «n the | and berries. T e j would be a beautiful sight to see Crisp j in the chair so long disgraced by the unscrupulous tyrant from Maine. The Ozburn family seems to be play A man's foes are often they of bis ow n ing in hard luck. Joe Ozburn, a cousin : aI ' <1 no enmity is ’ of Charles, who was recently bung in ! as ,Ilat of t,ie f:ltull >' * mauv for an Allia nary Lu; Wynn <-1 got to hi therefor for an ordi- day sinner. Agent Alliance Exchange ire tiger, and is r and wiser than fut befo burde vannah News is busily er papei) in at once extendiu i. railroad from Lyons to Sa ,\s soon as Col-mel Hawkins to do the actual work himself, iove the esteemed News of the consti uction. The tomato will be j ready for the cans in a week or ten days when things will be in a rush. 0 O £ a - deadly and Atlanta, shot a man in the back on Sun Crisp*s brethren in congress will gal- day aud killed him instantly. The trag- ^ nt ^- v R,,st ain him, and whatever his edy occured at Newton Factory in Jack- son countv. Ozburn made his escape. As i specimen of linked imbecility long drawn out, the bill of Mr. Smith of Greene to tax base ball games is just now in the lead. Now let Mr. Solon Smith of Greene get after the little boy with a tax on leap frog, muble-the-peg and tag; and his name will go down to immortality with a brass ring in its nose. Dunn’s report of the financial situa tion is far from gloomy, and a* soon as the people quit crying “hard times” the better off will the country be. There will be plenty of money to move the crops, and there need be no fear on this score. Americus will have enough to pay for ail the cotton raised within a ra dius • >{ 200 miles of the citv. The August report of the department of agriculture at Washington makes the condition of cotton 5$.ft for the whole country. In some portions of Texas the crop has suffered from drought, while in other states there have been excessive rains. Upon the whole, the condition of the cotton is good, but is reported late in all the states. Agriculturist A. Ai.len of the Ma con Telegraph may not know a single tree from a “scooter” or a ‘ bull tongue,” but be plowed a straight furrow lu the bottom land of truth when ho said: “The most charming feature of the crop reports is the high condition of corn in the southern states. Georgia will proba bly make the best crop in years. A good corn crop will go far to offset tho low price of" cotton.” Julian Hawtiiokxr contends that there i* a time coming when speeches will bo unnecessary. If that’s so Mr. Hawthorne would confer a groat favor upon sutfeiiug humanity by so arrang ing events that Mrs. Lease and that epoch could get together “hmnejitly” if not sooner, liut as Mr. Hawthorne’s statement is avowedly a part of a work of fiction,’.there is apparently Uttle hop for us. Dk. Woodrow, the celebrated evolu tionist, has ovoluted himself Into the chair of president of the South Carolina college, after being dragged out in va rious Presbyterian synods until very little unevoluted hide was left on his anatomy. Ills unorthodoxy seems not finally to have been to his disadvantage. In fact, to be heretical, these dogs seem to have some decided advantages; as witness the case of Ilcnry Ward Beecher, to say nothing of various less distin guished men who hoard popular favor. The railroad committeo of the house has agreed upon a report unfavorable to the,bill by Sibley, of Cobb, for a -cont rail road passenger rate. This is as it should be. The legislature cannot make any mistake in leaving this mat ter of rates whore it properly belongs, in the hands of our abie, fair and im partial commission; wIdle it might be j a very serious blunder to put an arid Ira- who John Ware, a Uttle colored boy 13 years of age. living in Albany, happened to an accident about two weeks ago which cost him his life. While running and frolicking around the yard he step ped on a nail, making only a slight wound in his heel, but which caused lockjaw, resulting in bis death yesterday about 10 o’clock. fate, he will have this supremo consola tion, at least.—Athens Ledger The Abbeville A Waycross railroad will be completed to Swain, in Irwin county, by October 1st. This road is now being operated only thirteen miles —from Abbeville to House Creek. Its running expenses are WOO per month. During the month of June its freight and passenger traffic amounted to £1,700, leaving a net profit of £1,300. Wilcox county contains at least one farmer who Is not affected by tho price of cotton. We refer to Mr. James Smith. He has raised only three bales of cotton since 1842. In 1S42 he planted a three-acre patch in cotton, and it made about three bales. He picked out one bale, carried it to market and sold It for cents per pound. That gave him enough, so he plowed under what was left of the cotton, and swore off forever. He has never planted any of the fleecy staple since, and as a natural conse quence, he is a prosperous, substantial farmer with plenty o f his owh “hog and hominy.”—Rochelle Recorder. In Monday’s issue of the Atlanta Constitution Mr. Livingston, in an inter view, stated that he was surprised at Mr. Watson’s card; that there had been no consultation upon this question, and that unless something in the future shoulc prove to him that Crisp was an enemy to the Alliance, he should certain ly cast Ills vote for him. Mr. Crisp is in favor of the Ocala demands in sub stance. He has battled bravely for the cause of tlie people, been prominent in the great tariff reform fight, aud led the opposition to the infamous tyrant of the last house, standing between bis revolu tionary devices and the great American people. They are not going to forget him, neither is Georgia going to forsake Ids cause. Mr. Watson may fly off and vote for somo one else, but Mr. Crisp is going to win. The truth about it is that Colonel Watson has written more cards to different journals that' any man who was ever elected to congress. He is all the time busy explaining something he has done, rather than letting the people take notice of his actions as they see fit. We trust that the letter of Colonel Wat son was an utterance similar to that he made in Atlanta and for which he Is now sorrowing; but if it is so it will be a shame on the Democracy of Georgia.— Athens Banner. When The Americus Times-Rkcokdkr asserts that “Mr. Small's going back to Jour nalism is strongly opposed by hit family and intimate frieuda,” it utters what Is absolute ly without foundation; and when the Southern Afternoon Press” says ••differ ences prevail as to the policy of the paper,” it simply Invents a flctlo.i to All out Its lame and lack-lustre report.—Atlanta Herald. The Times-Recordeu never made any such assertion as the double bar relled parson-editor erroneously claims. The above paragraph was published as ! an item of news taken from the columns j f the Herald's Atlanta contemporaries t potisible for its creation and ’ POWDER I Absolutely Pure. I A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strength —Latest United States Government Food Report, juuclo diwlyr JZ I 0 C o CD O a h co O O i— o C/D 3 CO •CD 0 ■a o jQ sz I 0 c o h < CO CO >> 73 ctf O CO 73 O O a CO >> Ctf 73 $ en co O CO ctf CL L. 0 E E D CO CO CO lq z CO D CQ ■u £ 0 o a ctf ctf Cjl O a h co ZD W CO O J o PROFESSIONAL CaRHS T ^.kuto . Architect and BrrmnrrfexnKXT Ainprinu* * * Americus, Georgia. Lamar street—Murphey Building. J. WORSHAM • Office over People’s’Nattonal Bank. DENTIST, V. BURT, DENTIST, Cranberry’s Corner .Americas. Ga of d«“tUt£. t0 ,rlend< •» •» I M. R. WESTBROOK, M. D. . PHY8ICI AN AND BURGEON. Office and residence, next house to C A Huntington, Church street. febVtf J A. FORT H. D. Office at I)r. Eld ridge’s 'drug store Can •be found at night Tu his Vora, over Aldridge’s drug store. Barlow Block. \R« T. J. KENNEDY, M. D. I PHVKli'UV ivn LIT a ! night in his office room over hldrldge’g drug store, Barlow block. feb5-ly DOCTORS J. B.ANDJL B. HIXEE Have one of the heat fnrul.hed and beat equipped doctor'* office. In the South, No. 318 o h x 0 c 0 JZ Z < u £ >T § 15 CO 0 n 73 (/) > O O ctf 0 0 -p O O 0 * >\ Household Kemedy £ * FOR ALL ? fcjfi ifmn asm emsi * BLOOD and SKI A3 * DISEASES .B.B. Botanic Blood Balm U Cl!roe SCROFULA, ULCERS. SALT yu res RHEUM. ECZEMA, every < form of malignant SKIN ERUPTION, be- I tides being efficacious In toning up the * system and restoring the constitution, ' whtn impaired from anv cause. Its i almost supsrnatural healing properties ( Justify us In guaranteaing a curt, If, directions are followed. 1 CCUT CDCC „__ ILLUSTRATED ocn i rncc **b*ol «r wondm BLOOD BALM CO.. Atlanta. Ga. For Blood and Skin Dis eases; Kidney & Bladder Troubles; Indigestion. For two yean I raftered greatly with Blood Poi son and a general breaking down of health. I tried every remedy that I could hear of without any benefit, until I began to take your remedy. I was then eoon restored to my usual g»>od bealthjuid am under lasting obligations to Wooldridge's won- SS8KIC- “ w “ on,) ' ’SiwikSK^ Columbus.Ga.,U&rch 14,1S83. DeauBib: Having given your Wooldridge’s Won derfulCure a thorough trial, I can cheerfully rec ommend It to all suffering with Liver troubles.. I; has done me more good than a barrel of el like a illed mw mao. I pro no unco BE5TLY. Manufactured by WeeMrMge Wonderful Cara Ga* coLrxor s. a a. lUlilSUin, WA. FOR BALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS, CHEAP RATES Commencing Saturday July 4, and each succeeding Saturday until Bept. 26th the 8 , A. A M. Railway will have on *ale, at $3.50, round trip tickets to U J* O J5 CQ >* o c Cjl j— O o +-> 0 CQ i— 0 S3 L- o >- L. 0 E L. 3 o 0 7 33 C/J CO CQ O X CO Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose A Specialty. C HAS. A. BROOKS, M. D. (Graduate of Bellevue Hospital Medical College, N. T twice grudunte of N. Y. Post Graduate Medical School,Chief Burgeon h. A. M. R. R. etc.) Offers his professional ser vices as a general practltoner to the citizens of Americus aud surrounding country. Spe cial attention given to operative surgery. Including the treatment of hemorrhoids, a*- tula, stricture, catarrh, and All diseases of Anus, Rectum, Genitourinary system and nose aud throat. Office In Murphe.vbuilding Connected by speaking tube Lamar St. ............. tMW with Eldridge’s Drug Store. Calls should be left or telephoned there during the day. At night call at residence on Lee 8t. or tele- phone No.77. apr29tf E A. HAWKINS, . ATTORNEY AT LAW. • Office up stairs ou Cranberry corner. B TTT & LUMPKIN. ATTORNEYS AT LAW’. Americus. Ga. Office tu Barlow Block, up stairs. W. P. WALLIS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Amerlc w. T. LANE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Americas, Ga. Prompt attention given to all business placed *uy hands. Office in Barlow blocx. room 6. Feb. C, tf BE0LL & OAKLEY, 313 LAMAR STREET, SCHOFIELD’S IRON WORKS, FOUNDRY AND MACHINE BIIOP* A. mxox, . ATTORNEY AT LAW. Americus, Ga. Office in Baele.v building, opposite the 'ourt House. Prompt attention given to 11 business. iuno-ti. M aynard a- smith, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. „ Auiericus, Ga. Prompt and careful attention given to all business entrusted to us. Lamar street over P. L. Holt’s. sepl9-dd:w3m* T L. HOLTON, . ATTORNEY AT LAW. * .. Abbeville, Ga. W ill practice In all the counties of the State. Prompt attention given to all col* lections entrustedto my care. tf ANSLEY & ANSLEY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Americus, Ga rl Will practice In the counties of 8um*i States Conn. J C. MATHEWS, . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 221*4 Forsyth street, Americus, Ga. Will practice in all the Courts,aud in the Coun ty Court for the next twelve months. 12-24 d&wly. J. S. SCHOFIELD’S'SONS & CO., Prop’rs, Manufacturers of Steam Engines, Boilers, Cotton Presses and General Machinery, Cotton Gins, Cane Mills and Saw Mills. Dealers in Mill ard Machinists’ Supplies. Special Attention to Repair Work, r -4-7-6mos MACON, GEORGIA, Americus Iron Works, BUILDERS OF Engines, Boilers, Cotton Gins, Presses, Feeders and Condensers, Saw and Grist Mills, Shingle Machines, Pipe and Pipe Fittings, Boiler Feeders, Valves, Jets, Etc. BRUNSWICK, GA., Shaftings, Hangers, Boxes and Pulleys Wkllbobn F. Clakke. Khank A. Hooper CLARKE & HOOFER, ttornoys at Law AMEH1CUH. GEORGIA iimylS-d-w-ly WAETE11 K. WHEAII.IT, J. B. FlTZOERAtD Wheatley & Fitzgerald, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office: 405 Jackson 8t., Up Stairs, AaMEIUCCS. * GEORGI/ jau7-tf JJUDSON A BLALOCK, LRUYBRS, Auexixccs, Gxoroia. Will practice in all court*. Partnership limited E.G. SIMMONS, W. H. KIMBROUGH SIMMONS & KIMBROUGH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Harlow Block, Hoorn 4. Will practice in both 8tate and Federal Courts. Strict attention paid to all business entrustedto them. Telephone No. 105. 12-lO-0Otf j BS“Special attention given to repairing all kinds of ; Machinery. Telephone 79. 2 l3 - 4m J W. B. Gcerry. DuPont Guerkt Americus, Ga. Macon, Ga, GUERRY & SON, I AWYERs, Americus, Ga. Office in Peo* i pie’s National Pnnk Building, Lamar street. Will practice in Sumter Superior and County Cotm«, and in the Supreme Our junior will regularly attend Ions of the Superior Court. The pedal cn*e* in any superior Court. Court ou Southwestern Railroad. ate cannot be changed for outbs if tin stab Why t Tut should : •omuasmon •y will put o Mi; J. O. general agent of surauce Company ot New York, with headquarters at Atlanta, has the same initials as the business manager of the State Alliance Exchange, who is about £20,000 short in his accounts. This similarity in names is apt to be embar rassing to Mr. Wynn, the insurance man, who stands high in social and business circles, and has many friends, not only in Macon, but all over Georgia. Mr. Wynn, the insurance man, has many friends in this city, who will be glad to know that be is not the “short” A’liance manager; and who would need no assur ance that if he had been the Alliance manager the shortage would have never occurred. There is nothing short about “Oxzie.” original publication. Brother Small single ail- | Bkcokuku to saddle with the blame <-f lorn j a news item originated in Af’:\n$a aud re!- * merely copied, as was done by numer ate * ons other papers, without vouching for 1 its accuracy V lias the briiliar.r Small Id time sf create tu’e, IfruaiWick to j ud. Only •-1.00. i W. J. 8LAPPEY, U-knowu .vidont Life As- nalistic ability that h men of straw to knock down, in ordi have some subject to till his column ft Tut Savanuah News shares its lack of loyalty to royalty by saying: “Because a few royal personages are alleged to have announced their intention of visit ing the forthcoming international expo sition at Chicago, the newspapers of that hog-murdering hamlet are shouting In ecstaclcs of glee that ’Chicago attracts royalty.’ It also attracts tlie*. Don’t storm the system as you would a fort. If he>d by the enemy, consti- THE LITTLE SEWING MACHINE MAN I'M)Kit OPERA nor Wil.Tt he Will Ik? gln.l t.. a l,:. fri. SEWING MACHINES & MOTORS Needles, Oils, Aitactimenis, Etc, . rOR ALL MACHINES. Special attentiou fttven to repairing i *■'. *' ** " * by mail will 1 patiou, gently perauade it tu surrender with DeU’itt'a Little Eaf Early ltisere. These little pills are wonderful con- vincers. For sale by the Davenport Drug Company. LOANS. Loan, negotiated fit LOWEST RATES. Easy payment,, on city or farm landi. J. i. HAN'EftLEY, net 6 1, Americus, Georgia. Tito Finest Stock ot' Whiskies, Tobacco and Groceries it: Jhe city. Sole Agent for Schuylkill Whiskey, Which In offered at *.he low price of ft.ic. J. B. BROWN'S PRIVATE STOCK. Ten year* old, :it W.W) per ^ullon. Sole Agent for FINE OLD CRESCENT CLUB WHISKEY. W. J. SLAFFEY, JunWAwt! L'NI.KH OPEIIA 1IOUHE. , SujH*rlr,irudent l».’k, Auiericn 6 furnished for -public built!- htlona by mail tli prompt at- cr!- llflLLIAMSON * EARL, VV CIVIL MANlTAhV UXG Flan* and eMlnmtcH for wh a^wcrrtge aud neueral enulncering Construction Mipermtcmletl. sewerage a specialty. Ileadquartera, Montgomery, Ala. A merlcim office over Johuvon A Harrold’ store on Cotton avenue. aprl’l-Sm “jSf: DUNLAP HATS. THE LATEST STYLES AND SHAPES. ARTHUR RYLANDER. jaoiu Corner Lamar and Jackson St REMOVAL, • JOE & SING’S Chinese Laundry Una been removed to 820 Lee street, the store rporn next door to the Little Sew ing Machine Man’e etore. Thanking all who have so liberally patronized us, we aak a continuance of the same. We are elegantly fixed up in our new quarters and want Your Laundry. JulyiO-lm