Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, August 14, 1891, Image 3

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THE AMEftlCUS DAILY TIMES-RECORDER: FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1891. 3 BAD BLOOD I: Pimple* on the 1’aco i 2 Breaking Out j • Skin Trouble* | • Littlo Boreal Hot Skint • BoiUt Blotches | • Cold Boreij Bad Breath i 2 Bore Month or Li pa i 2 "you asflVr from but o" ' take IV'W ! DOCTOR ACKER’S : ENGLISH LBLCO.O ELIXIR j W H Y ? "“Bf S.'AW K ”I • JUre yen emr n»d tnrrrunrf If to, did yon 2 2irWe *ourM>lf the n—*-'• -•* - -•* -■ . . _f «o,«— - - v - - .. .. — v- ->ntlon at the timeti 5 Wo .T ,' ed n . ot u ' u lha ;* Joo requires blood*. • nun!to'n«, to ensure rnxibHn from the after ef.I Sf. <;U l»r. Acker'. I UI.m.,1 I tlilr lithe I •only known medicine will tlioronpliiy eradl-■ • cite tlie poleon from tbo eyatwra. (i«t It from! SymirdniinrUc. or write to U . It. Hook I'lt A»J lVO., 4« Weet Itroadway, New Verk t'lty ; *1” RES SIHLI5 CURES [ood Poison J i*k!n i>iUmT5^I?Im?^TrTnTc^ir!!IIv^?onT!TulMfTier iurl*l Puieoa, Tetter, Braid Hr»J, at' — polenfwd ami whoah Moral la ha la wenlml Irrvralsriti.e era RP.P.k CURES MARIA f KI.TM-I. li Philadelphia Kcii’iitisf^ art* |»r.‘parin.u to find out how List an floclric cm trayoltk An ex|M*rinii*nt will he matlo, probably from tho Franklin institute, by connections over the Atlantic cable to Liverpool and return. A recent test apiM-anil to show that an ?Ieelric ctirreut in a slow couch as com ■'•iretl to light, Mil.; only aide to get jver to Enrols* and back in something like a weeoiid. or at too rata* of only some loo.iHM) miles a ininnte. while light iiuhleHttloii'f at a million milesa minrtl The Philadelphia s« ientists wl» are proposing to nuke further investtga tions an* not satisfied to give up the rei ord to sunlight, mid hope t.o prove that the electrical current, if not handi aippisl. is the swifter element The most recent exiM^riment was tried at McGill college, Montreal. The rent was transmitted in Montreal, was transferred to the cable at the New foundland cable station by means Thompson’s mirror galvanometer, » across to the station at Liver|ssd and re turned to Montreal by the same method The distance traversed, partly by over head win* and partly by cable, was 8,000 miles. From tho time the current left tho key in Montreal until it returned to the receiver in the same oflice just one btuimim and one-t wen tier h of a wcond had elapsed, and the conditions were not as good 08 they might have lieen; hence the further exjieriment to ho made hero. The rapidity with which the current travels over short wires with no delay indicated unlimited possibilities in the ’direction of practical tests. Professor Marks, of the Edison Electric Light company, is authority for the assertion that if the gloln* was encircled with n con tin nous cable a current would ^ vel the entire distance in a trifle over mm* secouds. At this rate a current would travel to the sun, covering the distance of 96,001 >,009 miles In three and a half minutes, or twice as fast as light. —Phila delphia Record. LIPPMAN BROS., Proprietors, Druggists, Lippmsn's Block, SAVAHHAH, Ch&e For sale by the DAVENPORT DRUG COMPANY, Amerlcus, Ga. Health is Wealth! il o f -^ s OltALM | reatmentI^W THE DAVKN TOUT DRUG CO., Sole A gt*.. Amerlcus, US, R. E. BYRD, Auditor, OFFICE S7i JACKSON STREET, AMKttICUH, ua. Will adjust Hooks and Account* and do a Kcueriil collecting business, A competent attorney associated. Charge* reaaoimble. Will take business In nelgMiorln* cities. Ilcferences; .1. W. Hbertleld A Co., Bank of Blunter, Ihivenport Drug Co. CTorrespou- denoe sol. cl ted. ni«y*Al 3in. ‘An Ideal Hummer ILoort HknkvW. Okai»y. SWEEr WATER PARK HOTEL, l.lthU HprlnR., (Icontl*. Klcrsnctfanil comfort. Tulile. sorvfce and rurnl*bluK* iiIhivo orltlclon. 1 bo ln*st for tho least. Recreation for the plc/wura seeker, rest for the Invalid. The finest Hath System In the Hulled State*. The most valuable mi*oral mineral waters In the wornl iree. Illab-rlass lu-eommiKlatlons for gm**!*. Klsvatloti l,Jm feet. Tore pine wissls nlr. No malaria. The great Piedmont t.'linutau qua, with Its brilliant attractions. Ahk 0,1 (on postal card), to send booklet and rnu*. Once a guest always a firm friend. ^ «»pcn Mrs. Pettis' float Tloated A tray. Mm. Pettis, a lady living at Lake Emily, Iti Le Sueur comity, met with an experience that she i« not apt to forget tor some time. She was nut l>oat riding during the evening, and while out on the lako her boat, which wan leaky, be gan to fill with water. She was in tho Vicinity of Cedar island, and. rowed there for the purpose of balling out the boat She got on shore, and some dis tance from where she landed sht* spied a can, which she proceeded to get. She got the can. but when she returned she was horrific*! to find that aBtrong wind had taken her boat some distance ont into tho lako. The island was some distance from shore, and her cries of distress were un- heard, and tho prospect of sisniding the night was anything but pleasant No one came to her relief, and. as there was no way of escape, she was compelled to accept the condition imposed by unkind fate and remain. She pstased the night and was discovered next afternoon by a party of St Peter campers, who wero ont sailing. One of the party, A. F. Everson, secured a skiff and hastened to tho island to resene tho unfortunate woman from another night of horror Shi* was Liken into camp ami kindly cared for by the ladles, and Iter mental equilibrium was soon restored. She luis no desire to spend another twonty-four hours in a like manner.—Cor. St Paul (ilobo. RcvcMgo on is Widower, A heavily veiled woman, dressed in black, entered the business oflico of ono of the morning newspapers a few days ago and inserted a death notice, with the announcement of tho funeral next day. Many friends of the deceased limn read of bis death with sorrow, and at tho hour mentioned for the services gathered tit his liouso. Several carriages stssl in the strict, but no hearse was visible, nor was there any crape on tho To Printers and Publishers. The Times Publishing Company lias for sale a portion of tbo newspaper and job out lit made surplus by tho recent consolidation of tho Times and Recor der, consisting of ono cylinder newspa per press, two Gordon job pressos, one Hero , paper cutter, oue perforator, six stands, two imposing stones and tables, live hundred pounds of news type, etc. This material and these presses are virtually uew, having been In use only a year. A great bargain in prices and terms can l»e secured by the right par ties. Address the Timkh Puiu.ishino Company, Americu*, Ga. It is said that the daily wages of me clianics in Kansas last year ayeraged $2.23. Pensive and Kxpensive. Many a woman shrinks from consult ing a physician about functional do- rangemonU and weakness, and prefers to stilTer iu silence. She is sad and pen sive, and her neglect of her ailments will provo expensive. It nmy costlier hor life. Ono of tho most skillful phy sicians of tho day, who has had a vast experience In curing diseases peculiar to women, has prepared a remedy which is of inestimable aid to them. We refer to I)r. I’lerco’s Favorite Proscription, the only remedy for women’s poculiar weak nesses and ailmonts, sold by druggists under a positive guarantee from tho manufacturers, that it will givo satisfac tion in every case, or money refunded, Pu. B. c. Wkst’s Nkrvk and Hraih Tbkat- Mknt, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Hind- ness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused l»y tho use or alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental impression, Softening of the Brain, resulting In insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Premature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss of Power In either sex, Involuntary Losses and Sperma torrhea, caused by over-exertion of the brain, self-ahuso or nvor-lndulgonco. Kach box con tains ono month’s treatment. $1.00 per Ikjx, or •lx boxes for $.1.00, sent by mail, prepaid, r colpt of price. WK GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order reoclvad by ns tor six (sixes, accompanied with $1.00, we will send tho purchaser om written guarantee to il(x>r. refund the money if the treatment docs not cf- [n f ;i ct, instead of witnessing the last sad ritoa tin* visitors found themselves ushered into a brilliantly decorated room, in which a clergyman was altont uni ti tig their alleged departed friend to his second wife. The laugh went around, but the mystery was not solved until some timo after. It 1ms since transpired that his first wife’s relatives wero bitterly oppMted to the widower's second mar riage, and insert**! the fnnerul notice in a spirit of revenge for the outraged feel ings of the shade of wifo No. L—Phila delphia Record. A Grant Year Tor Little Immigrant*. A medical man who knows what ho is talking nbontsaid recently: This is a lwiby y**nr. 1 do not know how to account for it. bnl the statistical will Icearont my nsseriion that sotm noted for the great number of birth* that occur This year of our ls»rd 1891 is one of tin's*' seasons. II yon will Like (mius to look tin* matter up you will find that 1884 was a very prolific y*ir. and vas 188« and 1888. Now vre have 1891 with more than tin* usual nnmM of births. There will Urn great nniulter of happy families More 1892 come greet ns It is fortunate, t*H», that there has !>een comparatively^ little sickness among the uhiMreii so far, which not true of either IHhOor 1888.”—Chicago News Hturks Thill Fly l^mg III) For n uiiinlier of yrars a |«ir of stork, bcilt tli. ir Host anunnily in tho |>:.rk of tho Ci—tle Rttbolol**, in Uorlin A fow yotn. nf5» mip of tho sorviints plntssl a ntitf with tin* nnuio nt tho phu a <. nml .Into on the leg of tho lintlo htrl. in unler to bo oortnjn that tin* miiiio lifnt retnrnoO each year. Unit spring the stork wune buck to It. rtutoiuary placo, the tionror of two rinifi The wt-otnl one l«re tlio itisenptioij. "lutlia aontts preetinp. to Uenuany.”— Exchange. A Conblnstlon (tranborry. A Palmyra woman amhl not helleyo her own eye. recently when iha found ■ •trawbeny tncasttrins On Ittchc* In dr- cumfcrraca An tnYOttgaHonj (bowed that it was mtule of no leas than eleven berries which had grown together, mak- log a great sight—Bangor (He.) Com- mental There aro In tbo world l,f>00,000 coal minors and 4,000,000 metal minora. Not. Bllraete, Now. Until recently consumption wss com shlored Incurablo, but now pooplo aro beginning to renlizo that tho disoaso is not inourablo. The cure of consumption is not a miracle, now. Dr. Plorco’s Gol den Medical Discovery will euro it, if taken In time and glvon a fair trial. The world-renowned remedy will not make now lungs, but it will restore diseased ones to a hoalthy state when other moans bare failed. Thousands gratefully tes tify to this. It is tho most potent tonio or strength restorer, altoratlvo, or blood cleanser and nutritive, or llesh builder, known to medical science. For weak lungs, spitting of blood, “liver com ilatnt,” and dyspepsia, or indigestion, It s an uncqualed remedy. Life, Health and Strength. Apalachicola, Fla., Feb. 17,1889. Messrs. I.lpptnan liras., Savannah: Dkah Sms—I will writo to you to in form you tlint I was afflicted with Blood Diseaso. I tried ono kottlo * * and it gavo mo no relief, I was In bod sovon months, I tried prominent physicians, and they could not do mo nny good. I saw your advertisement of P. P. P, in tbe Apalachicola Times, and thought I would try IL The bottle I got to-night makes soven or eigbt,.and, ob, how good I feel. I have been up over since and at my business—lumber inspector. Yon may publish this if you desire. I have informed my friends that P. P. P. la life, health and strength. augll-dl2-wk2w M. P, Doldku, A littlo over 32,000,000 pounds of oleo margarine wero produced In 1800. 1 A CHILD KILLED. Another child killed by tbe nso' of opiates given In tho form of soothing syrup. Why mothers glvo their chil dren such (fondly poison is surprising when tlmy can relievo tho child of its poculiar troubles by using Dr. Ackor’s Baby Sootlior. It contains no opium or morphine Sold by Fleetwood A Bus- soil, Amoricus, Ga. 10 Banana growing has been tried with success in Scrovon county, Ga. A DUTY TO YOVU8KLF. It Is surprising tlint pooplo will nso a common ordinary pill when they can se cure a valuablo English ono for tho snnio money. Dr. Acker’s English pills aro n positive cure for siok head ache and all ltvor troubles. They aro small, swcot, easily takon, and do not gripe. For solo by Fleetwood A Rus sell, Amoricus, Go. There a re 40,000 Russian Jewish work- ioguien in Now York City. For Over Fifty Year. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrnji has been used for children toothing, it eoothes tho child, softens tho gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and Is tho best remedy for diarrheas. Twonty-fi vo cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists through out tho world. Come and Tale Your Choice. White and Colored Puff Shirts. Gentlemen’s Madras Summer Gentlemen’s Summer Underwear. Stylish Summer Neck-wear. Light Summer Coats and Vests. * Gentlemen’s Fancy DresrPants, - > io?. * itd ?F Boys’ Blouse Suits. Boys’ Knee Pants. -:A rl lua J.'nJ - ,.i.-nb ■jitajt The remnants of these lines on hand will be sacrificed harder to CLEAN OUT the above lots, that we may have roo|ti»ior the fresh new goods that Mr. John R. Shaw, the proprietor, ifl rfijw in the Eastern markets buying. Men’s, Boys’ CHAMPION CLOTHING AND GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS HOUSE, 117 Forsyth Street, Amerlcus, Ga. PASSENGER SCHEDULE Georgia Southern ^Floriila Ry. SUWANEE RIVER ROUTE TO FLORIDA, Taking Effect Jane 14,1801* 8* andard Time, 9ith Meridian. UUlN(i M)KTH. (AOlNU MOUTH. UTpi 0 40 p 1 7<» pi 0 85 p in 11 OK pin 18 65 am 8 00 ant 7 lo a in 10 44 A 11 00 a 1 r>-. p m .3 25 p m 4 51 pin 7 00 p m Lv Ar Lv Ar Ar Ar Ar ....Macon.. .. Cordele ...Ttfton ..Valdosta .Lake City ..Ariio 20 pm ..Lv • 90 pm ..Ar Q 10 pin ..Ar 8 27 pm .Ar 1 M pm ■ A. I2 oi pm ■ Lvl $66 am 7 80am 8 25 pm|Ar Jwokaonvllie , 0 65 am 10 00 p m|Ar Palatka ...Lvl 7 06 am tfllpm |Ar Ht. Augustine Lvl 4 07 am 2 41 am 18 66 am 10 flop Trains arrive and depart from union depots In Mooon and Falatka and F. 0. A P, depot In Jacksonville. i. Connection nerth bound and sou'll bound !■ made In Macon with tralne of Ctsirglg) Macon and Northern and E. T. V. & G. railroads. A. O. KNAPP, Traffic Manager. L. J. HARRIS,Ticket Agent, Union Depot. HENRY BURNS. T. P. A. Macon. Go. _ JAMBS MENZIE8, Southeastern Agent, $8 West Bay ML, Jacksonville, Fla. W. H. R. SCHROEDER, Manufacturer of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Van, Galraolzed Iron Cornice, Tin and Iron Roofing, Hot Air Hentln* Etc. Iron Smoke Stacki. Exhaust Piping for Saw Mills a Specialty. Corner Jackson and Jefferson Btreets, AUERICUS, GA. Tho manufacture of olcomargarlno Is largely on tho increase. Feople with Impure blood may bo said to exist, not live. Lite Ir robbed of half its joys wtion the blood Is loadoil with impurities and disease: Correct tills nondition with DoWitt’s Sarsapa rilla, it is reliable. For salo by tho Davenport Drug Company. T. P. P. is tho greatest blood purifier of tho ago, the bimt of humor remedies, cures every diseaso and humor of tho skin, scalp and blood, whether Itching, burning, scaly, pimples, scrofula or hereditary, when all other remedies fall. For salo by the DAVE.VPOltT DBUG COMPANY Americas, Ga. B thf best known remedy "<•'' Core. Oonorlw*. sou Ok»tln ttoODsrs. without Pain. Prevents Stricture. Contains no There are fifty-nlno women In Now York City keeping butcher shops. CHILD BIRTH • • • • • • MADE EASY! “ Mothers' Friihd ” b a sdentific- aliy prepared Liniment, every ingre dient of recognized value and hi constant use by the medical pro fession. These fngredientsnre com bined in amanner hitherto unknown “MOTHERS* • FRIEND” • WILL DO in that is dahned far ftANOMDRB. KShoitans Labor, Lessens Pa5i, Diminishes Danger to Life of Mother and Child. Book to “ Mothirs ” mailedreEE^CTflk Se.thy.vprc.t on receipt of peie. I ISO per botti. BMOflELO RESULATtM CO., Mu*.*. •OLD BY ALL VRVaaUm M. T. BYRD, REPRESENTING THE SAFESTAND STRONGESTCOMPANIES.lNjTHE;WOED. Insurance placed on City and Country Property, Offloe on Jackson Street, next Boor below Mayor 1 , Offloe. - ,L MeMVTK. K. i. tfoH Vni. D. U. MoMATH McMATH BROTHERS. DK ALBIUS IN Groceries, Provisions, Coiiry Proice BOOTS, SHOES, ETO^ ETC., WHISKEY, TOBACCO & CIGARS, SPECIALTIES. 207 FORSYTH STREET, AMERICU8, GEORGIA. We solicit a share of the patronage of tbe trading public, guaranteeing aatisfactlon low prices, and good goods. We deliver goods anywhere In tbe elty. Call and see ns. McMATH BROTHERS. _ PKOPKIKTOK. bebu Sret, UHtr ADa am AMERICUS, GA. LIGHT BREAD A SPECIALTY! Orders to Cakes ef iS Siadi Fronpt!? Hd I SreM ud bb Wages 6m nt Oiilj. Country Merchants (applied with bread at wholesale prices. BUGGI ES 1 will nil yon tbe bert baggy In Georgia, prioe and:qnsllty eonsldsrrd. Repairing all kind, tollelled and eiecnied prompllr and neatly. All work warranted. T. S, GREENE. FiXASCjAl.. I.H.HA«KIN»PiwV kc-BAGLEV. VtoPm'r state of Omrgla. Stock bold.<i lodlridnally liable. 8Sm& *. *.-.$158383 . 4ti»htacite«|fitTw K. O. Ittgiey. Pm. A men pnilnvestment Co. i.:oa..nHU{ •i/f.rt THE'BAM0F)SUMTER ^ NcHAiWKSa^ 0i A; [COLEMAN, • President , „ ''Vice-President W. C. FURLOW'.' CaWier. UIBXCTOBS-4 6. ’A-. del*ian, 0. O. Hawkins, a H. Jommt, T, Nr Hawke., W. 0. Furlow, W/H. 0. WbAUey, B. 8. Oliver, H. tt Brew* W. IV Hawke*, Dr. K. T. Mathis, Arthur Bylander. Liberal to Its cusfomiia, accommoda ting to the publlo and prudent In ita management, this bank Solicit* deposits and other business In It*line... t.MONTGOMERY, Prat, 1. C. RONEY, Vic Freak JN0. WINDSOR. Pr. LESTER WINDSOR Ant, Cr, E. A. HAW ORQANjZgD, H. o. Baolkt, Pm. F.o.Ot.aao, Vie* Free T. F. CUTXWtXin, Bea. AIT. Investment Securities. Aad up Capital, ei, $360,000. X. Btma, Ja., Pre£ •M.IT.'Xxaff, V. P. O. A. CoLXj^gr, See, a Tress, Negotiates Loans^n improved FartfjShdCity.Property. B P HiWWS, ; I,'. iV-X.Brents. Attorney, 1 *‘;;LandJExamIner. Mfl i H !(1*J Cotton Avenue., Opposite Prince’s Stables. American, Georgia. *. s. NUtn. rtEttoar.;"J, i. PUDlm’ But «t IlliiUIr KUvtlto, PAID VP CAPITAL, . . CoUootteas a BpoetaUy. Llborol lo lta i _ theeabUesadpcaSaatlalk awtarel, Ute !>uk solicits (topetHs an* o«a« haw ia la. ' fM***nlj