Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, August 15, 1891, Image 3

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THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMES-RECORDER: SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 1891. 3 BAD BLOOD l: Pimples on th» Face | • Breaking Out i s Skin Troubles i : Little 8ores | Hot Birin i s Boils t Blotohesi • Gold Sores | Bad Breath | : Bore Mouth or Lips i • If Ton naffer from but of lacM •> mptwmo, take ! DOCTOR ACKER’S! • _ ENGLISH ■ [BLOOD ELIXIR! j WHY? ■ E0A WffcWutM t0O ° ? r « r u*ed mercury* It so, did yon • th« n-ojecj -tMitlon at the time tS " ~— that you require a blood. ■, . i - v—i° treedoja from the after ef-% nio «4 EUztrlathe! known int"d lot no that will thoroughly eradt* - J & *t*» the polnon from tho ■yntem. Get T| fron ■ • co 1 .' i «\v ii JV WK&l 8 IB SYPHILIS r/tyticUns ^aSorSnrfrfrsrr r. r. na n splendid cmUmM. r*»t snttofncUon hr the car. of IRRR ORES SCROFULA. f lll.ntiulM Awrlilng., Ithcaai.ilim, Materia! eld t>ry,ir that hnv. all traatmoaL Catarrh. HEPJSsoh s tt=T=nssr bkb nsms=mrn=? LIFFHAN Bllus., Proprietor., Druggists, Lippman's Block, 8AVABHAH, 0A« For sale by tho DAVENPORT DRUG COMPANY, AmorictiB, Ga. Health is Wealth! I)u. E.C. Wkht’h Nkbvk and Hbaiii Trkat- mknt, a guaranteed Ht»«cltlc for Hysteria, I'lssl- iii'hh, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, iloailaclip, Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tolwoco, Wakefulness, Mental lh>nrt»ssion, Softening of the (train, resultingJp insanity and leading to miser)', decay and death, Premature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss of Power in either sex, Involuntary losses andSperma- torrhoea, caused by over-exertion of the Drain, self-abuse or over-indulgence. Each l»ox con tains onomonth's treatment. $1.00 per l»x,or six boxes for $5.00, sent by wall, prepaid, on re ceipt of price. WK GUARANTEE SIX KOXES To enre any case. With each order received by us lor six boxes, accompanied with *0410, we will send the purchaser oui written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment doee not ef fect a cure. Guarantees issued only by THE DAVENPORT DRUG CO..Sole Agt©.. Americus, Ga. R. E. BYRD, Auditor, OFFICE 57i JACKSON STREET, AMERICUS, GA. Will adjust Hooka and Accounts©udrioa Joileettng iMisineM. A competent attorney asvocUted. Charges r*AW»nabIe. Will lake business In neg mrlnrcltlea Heferences; .J. W. Mliellield A ( °;t Ruml^r, Davenport Drug Co. ol cited. •An Ideal .summer R-sort HknbtW. tiltADY. SWEET WATER PARK HOTEL, 1 ItliUHirlmo.UnnrKl*. Kldwc and comfort. ™de. Mrvlee end tariilHlilusa ritlrl-in 7^“ieVer i lllW , ion for tIt** pleasure weeaor, nSforDH* invalid. The in tho United Stales. The most valu*D»e mtiiral nilnernl m-ral waters »n the worm tree. »oc.,mrn.*1..6m. bw smtuejtt. it Piedmont Chautau- Elevation 1,‘JiU fee N ",r“'nit- fflffiftnf' VffifflsriAwr , postal . unii, -ead booklet .ml raw.- mays :1m. l*roprleu>n. Mini, May II*. Korsdlo by Dm DAVENPORT DRUG )U1*ANY Americus, G*. a THF BFST KNOWN REMEDY "H.fl.C.” Cum. Gtf Rmtles Hotter Than Scepters. It was just at th© beginning of th© busy hoar in the evening and th© car was crowded. People were packed like herrings inside and ou tho platform thore was the usual crush and struggle for four square inches of spaca It was just at the beginning of a raiu and th© gri man bad no waterproof along, seemed that at every second door some owe had to get on. The car wan con stantly stopping. It was filled to the last limit long ago. but still people were waving their arms from the pavement and clumberiug up and in some way. Notxxly knows how many persons can get into a Chicago stre»£ *jvr At one corner three worneu with baoies in their anus stopped the car and got in. Thegripuian swore a little at them At the next a man looked at the clouds, signaled th© gripmati and got in out of the wet The rain began to come down a little more decisively The grip- man started up aud threw the lever far forward. He wauted to shoot straight to the stables without stopping. There was another man. Th© car had not rnn forty feet. . The gripman swore very roundly as he loosed th© lever and pulled back on the brake. Then ho started, bent the talons of the grip about the cable and pluuged ahead again. There was another woman. The car had run just half a block. The pas sengers looked up as they saw the wav ing arms of the waiter. They expected to hear a very volley of oaths at this second stop. The gripman’s face was A study. First it was black as night. Then he looked closely at the woman. He hated her aud wanted to blast her with a frowiL Then his brow softened. A twinkle cume into his eyes His lips |Nirted uml his great wooden face broke into a kindly laugh. What had she douel 1 Who was she} Did he know her? Nothing—nothing at all. He knew uothing about her. She was only u handsome girl, and she laughed a caress right Into his lips os he frowned at her. Smiles are better than scepters any day.—Chicago Herald. Wherein IIuiiuiimn Surpaas Wheat. Tho banana belongs to the lily family, and is n developed tropical lily, from which by ages of cultivation the weds have been eliminated and the fmit for which It was cultivated greatly expand ed. In relation to the bearing qualities of this fmit Humboldt, who early saw the wonders of the plant, said that the ground that would grow ninety-nine pound* of potatoes would also grow thirty-three ]munds of wheat, but that the same ground would grow 4,000 pounds of hanuuas, consequently to that of wheat is 1:13 to 1 and to that of potu- toes 44 to I. The hauuna possesses all of the essen tials to the sustenance of life. The savage of the sea isles and the jungle owes whut he liiu. of physical streugth to this food. Wheat alone, potatoes alone, will not do this When taken us a steady diet it is cooked—baked dry in the green state, pulls'll and boiled In water as soup, or cut in slices and fried. I do not know whose beanty 1 admire tho most, the ma jestic cocoa palm, with it* heavy crown of great fringed leaves, or the graceful banana, with its great leaves, which are six feet long amt two feet wldo.—Gold' thwaite’s Geographical Magazine. White llrMMi Nu Lunger Worn. "Speaking retrospectively," said ■ fashionable widow, "when I was a girl in society tho white dress waa consid ered one of the sweetest things a young lady could wear. Now ono nevor them except at a commencement ora wedding. Prints, prints, prints) Even tlie sweet girl gnulnuto in a white dress is a rarity. As for Broadway, the sight of a white dress on anybody but an in- funt is a tiling of general feminine com ment, “I know it is rather daring to venture un opinion in this ora of colors, bat 1 think now that a yonng and pretty woman in pure white U the loveliest vision in the world of beanty. She need not be so very young, either, if reason ably pretty. I've seen women who coaid be called without offense neither young nor pretty who looked better in white than anythiug they coaid have pot on." Aud what man of forty upward, pray, will not agree with her!' The man with a handpainted mus tache or bcurd went ont with the white dress.—Now York Herald. To Printer, and Publishers. The Times Publishing Company has for aale a portion of the newspaper and job outfit made surplus by the recent consolidation of the Times and Recor der, consisting of one cylinder newspa per press, two Gordon job pressen, one Hero paper cutter, one perforator, six stands, two imposing stones and tables, five hundred pounds of news type, etc. This material and these presses are virtually new, having been in use only s year. A great bargain In prices and terms can be secured by the right par ties. Address the Tikes Publishing Coup ant, Americus, Ga. It Is said that the daily wages of me chanics in Kansas last year averaged $2.25. and Expends*. Many a woman shrinks from consult ing a physician about functional de rangements and weakness, and prefers to suffer In silence. She Is sad and pen sive; and her neglect of her ailments will prove expensive. It may cost her her life. One of the most skillful phy sicians of the day, who has bad a vast The IWne of the Unruly Student. The dean’s office at Harvard is. from the nature of affairs, a purgatory. A "summons" to the dean means that there is tronble for the rnau who Is summoned. Tho high coart of Jnstico sits in the (lean's office. That is, it does to far as the undergraduate* know, fur here are delivered all the court's decisions At one time in the history of Hsrvard col lege there linng in the room of every un dergraduate a cartoon. It was a picture of "U 5"—the dean's office. A grinning Mephistopheles stood at the door welcoming a long line of con demned wretches. Over the door was this legend, “Who enter* here leaves all hope behind." Nearly every man who in recent years has left Harvnrd college in disgrace lias left bop* behind when he last entered the door of "U B."—Now York Tribune. Pew Murderers BepeuL There is a popular notion to the effect that a murderer is necessarily panned by the furies of regret And repentance; bnt the truth seems to be that inch feel ings are rarely entertained by the offend er. Surgeon Bruce Thomson, of the gen eral prison of Scotland, says that of the 500 murderers be has known only three could lie ascertained to have exhibited any remorseful symptoms. Tho true criminal to unrestraint* by morel pet" ception from crime and the tame lack or sensibility forbids cootdtloo.-Washing ton SUr. - ■ Da not be angry If the rooster* awakw you at daybreak. Remember that U yon went le bed at sunset you would be willing to gat up with the chicken*, and roosters don't stop to consider such things. .. — Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription, the only remedy for women's peeuliar weak nesses and ailments, sold by druggists under* positive guarantee from the manufacturers, that it will give satisfac tion in every case, or money refunded. There are in the world 1,500,000 coal miners and 4,000,000 metal miners. Not a Miracle, How. Until recently consumption was con sidered incurable, but now people are beginning to realize that the disease is not inourable. The cure of consumption Is not a miracle, now. Dr. Pleroe's Gol den Medical Discovery will cure It, if taken In time and given a fair trial. The world-renowned remedy will not make new lungs, but it will restore diseased onee to a healthy state when other means bsve failed. Thousands gratefully tlfy to this. It is the meat potent tonie or strength restorer, alterative, or blood cleanser and nutritive, or flesh builder, known to medical science. For weak lungs, spitting of blood, “liver com- f ilslnt," and dyspepsia, or indigestion, it ■ an uncqualed remedy. Lite, Health and Strength. Apalachicola, Fla., Feb. 17,1880. Messrs. Llppmsn Bros., Savannah: Deab Sins—I will write to you to In* form you that I was afflloted with Blood Disease. I tried one bottle * * and It gave me no relief. I was in bed seven months. I tried prominent physlolans, and they could not do me any good. 1 saw your advertisement of P. P. P. the Apalachicola Timet, and though would try it. The bottle I got to-nij. makes seven or eight, and, oh, how good I feel. I have been np ever since and at my business—lumber Inspector. You may publish this if you desire. I have informed my friends that P. P. P. Is life, health and strength. augll-dl2-wk2w M. P. Doldxr, A little over 82,000,000 pounds of oleo margarine were produced in 1800, A CHILD KILLED. Another child killed by the use of opiates given In the form of soothing syrup. Why mothers give their chil dren such deadly poison to surprising when they can relieve the eblid of ita peeuliar troubles by using Dr. Acker’s Baby Soother. It oontalna no opium or morphine. Sold by Fleetwood A Kus- soll, Americus, Ga. 10 Banana growing has been tried with success in Screven county, Ga A DUTY TO YOURSELF. It Is surprising that people will nto a common ordinary pill when they can se cure a valuable English one for the money. Dr. Aoker’s English pills are a positive cure for alok head ache and all liver troubles. They are email, sweet, easily taken, and do not gripe. For sale by .Fleetwood A Rus sell, Americus, Ga I There are 40,000 Russian Jewish work logmen in New York City. For Over Fifty Years Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrnp has been used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea Twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by all drnggista through, out the world. Come and Take Yoar Chela White and Colored Puff Shirts. Gentlemen’s Madras Summer Shirts. Gentlemen’s Summer Underwear. Stylish Summer Neck-wear.- Light Summer Coats and Vests. Gentlemen’s Fancy Dress Pants; Boys’Blouse Suits. Boys’Knee Pants. : The remnants of these lines on hand will be' sacrificed in order to CLEAN OUT the above lots, that we may have room for the fresh new goods that Mr. John R. Shaw, the proprietor, is now itt! the Eastern markets buying. ifRn* i«n i ».,M t»rfj II— tjiruq The manufacture of oleomargarine is largely on the Increase. People with Impure blood may be said to exist, not live. Life ir robbed of half Ita joys when the blood is loaded with Imparities and disease. Correct this condition with DeWltt’s Sarsapa rilla, It is reliable. For sale by the Davenport Drug Company. P. P. P. Is the greatest blood purifier of the age, the best of hnmor remedies, cures every disease and bumor of the skin, scalp and blood, whether Itching, burning, scaly, pimples, scrofula or hereditary, when all other remedies fail. There are fifty-nine women In New York City keeping butcher shops. CHILD BIRTH * • • • MADE EASY! « Mothus' Ftnro »is a scientific Men’s, Soys’ and Children’s Straw Hats at your own price; ^__ --*•■*! V-H CHAMPION CLOTHING AND GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS HOUSE 117 Forsyth Street, Americus, Ga. PASSENGER SCHEDULE Georgia Southern&FloridaRy. SUWANEE RIVER ROUTE TO FLORIDA, Taking Effect Jane 14,1801* Standard Time, Oltli Meridian* "TJoinu south. S 46 pm 640 pm TIB pm 0 65 m 7 10 a m 10 46 a m 11 00 am 1 66 p m 8 28 p hi 4 64 pm 7 00 pm LV.T.7T. Ar Lv mil NO NORTH. 8 as pm|Ar.. 10 00 p ralAr. 'Ar . Macon ..... CorUele ..Ar Tlfton Ar Valdosta At .. ..Lake City Lv lu 20 p 0 20 p in a 10 p in 3 27 p in 1 fo pm 12 01 p in 0 66 a tn .Jackitonvllle.. 10 60 7 00 a m « 06 am 4 07 am 2 4ft am 12 66 a m lo 60 p m i,v|7 3Utnn| Palatka. J*v 7 U6 a ml 0 80 p m Auguxtlpe Lvl I Trains arrive and depart from nnlon depots In Macon and Palatka and F. O. A P. depot In Jacksonville. Connection north bound and aomh bound la made In Macon with trains of Central, Macon and Northern and E. T. V. <k G. railroads. A. C. KNAPP. Traffic Manager L. J. HARRIS, Ticket Agent, Union Depot. HENRY BURN8. T. P. A. Macon, ffa. JAM EH MENZIE8, Southeastern Agent, 98 Weat Bay Hu, Jacksonville, Fla. W. H. R. SCHROEDER, lannfacturer of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Van, Galranlxed Iron Cornice, Tin ind Iron Roofing, Hot Air Heatin' Etc. Iron Smoke Stacks. Exhaust Piping for Saw Mills a Specialty. Corner Jackson and Jefferson streets, AMERICUS, GA. B. T. BYBD, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. REPRESENTING THE SAFESTAND STRONGEST COMPANIES lNJDE.WORLD. Insurance placed on City and Country Property. Oifioe on Jackson Street, next door below Mayor’s Office, decas-dly. , -«8The Bank of Oealgnated Depository State of Georgia. Stockholders individually liable. * §??» I188S82 -iDiKwnoflai-uifi Hiitr Itodson, Ofjsi. ItoCeonS Boa, Attorney,. 5: ggSEffw 1 Capital stuck J'0{ Paid op Capital r ;; .- f THE BANK 0P> SUMTER T. N. HAWKISH, O.AjCOLXKxtf/ President . iUo^Prreldpnt. W. 0. FURLOW, CaahteiG ~ DIRECTORS—O. A. iJnlkUw^Tf V Hawkins, B. U. Josser, Tjfh Hswfcw., W. C. Furlow, W. H. 6. WtimJUy,TC% Oliver, H. M. Brown, W. M/tfswkj Dr. E. T. Mathis, Arthur Rylander. Liberal to its cnstomail ting to the publle management, this b* and other business in 1 S. MONTGOMERY, PihL I.C. HOMY, VhsFnM, IN0. WINDS0I. Pf. UlTMWIMr-- E. A. HAWKINi, VO. Peoples’ National Batik Capital, 060,000. Of Americas,. •.ifhsaiMN Ins ORGANIZED ,l|83; ; E. J. MoM VTII. II. R. McMATH McMATH BROTHERS. -DEALERM IN - Groceries, Previsions, Country Prodoce BOOTS, SHOES, ETC- ETC., WHISKEY, TOBACCO & CIGARS, SPECIALTIES. 307 FORSYTH STREET, AMERICUS, GEORGIA. Weaollclta share of the patronage orthe trading public, guaranteeing aaturactloa low prteaa, and good goods. We deliver goods anywhere In the elty. Call and eee na. McMATH BROTHERS. 71. F. nehhingT FKOPMKTOK. dient of recognized value and In '/th* medical pro fession. These ii Uncdinan “MOTHERS’ • FRIEND” - WILL DO si that to claimed (or k AND MORE, k Shortens Labor, Uee*»PC3, Diminishes Danger to Lite of Mother end Chad, look to “MoTsass" mailed FREE, con taining valuable information and voluntary testimofitoto, Sntbjr esfreas ee receipt ofpnc* HAS .er bonto aaaantu aanuuion e*.. aaMs.*. •OLD av ALL DHUUOiaTBb BAKERY licksoD Street, outer Allei House AMERICUS, GA. LIGHT BREAD A SPECIALTY! Mil fe tta efiS Grit Prcapllj mild I 8ml ud Ciki Wifn 6m «at Ik£y. Country Merchants supplied with bread »l wlmhwusto iirlotw. BTT GGIES I will sell you the best busty In Oeorsls, price sad quality considered. Repairing all kinds solicited end executed prompt] v and neatly. All work warranted. T.lS. GREENE. - Opposite Prince’* Stabler Americas, Georgia. Investment Securities. Paid op Capital, $1, DIBXCTOBS: H(JBaglay, WK W S Gulls, • JW WMIlawkes,BF WEMurpbey.SM B. 1 • Buk of DlBKCTORr:, J. W. Wheatley, K. J. C. A. nuntlngtoa, H. R. R. J. Perry, J^C. *b. Me ferry. A. W. Smith, Ve “ ,ap *Saaa^w- Cntton Avwi - E. Buhr, Jb., Pres, H.M. Knapp, V. P. O. A. Colkhan, Sec, * Tress. Georgia Loan&TruslCo. Negotiates Loans on improved Farm and City Property. J E limits. Land Kismlnsr. LC-fUIC ftWdEl. B P Hollis, Attorney, t.n.muur.naaai Planters’ Bank ol ■Havltte, Georgia. PAIIl DP CAPITAL, Collection© © Specialty, H Liberal to It© i th* public ©ad pm6kat la II© t tiank Kolidtt depotlu aad cAMr boaiam la tt» ******