Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, August 19, 1891, Image 5
THE AM ERIC US DAILY TIMES-RECORDER: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1», 1891. Shoes for Young! Shoes for Old! Shoes for Rich! Shoes for Poor! LOOK STILL THEY COME AT YOTJR SHOES! Don’t Tn Stti i fa Pair? —THE— Great American eagle’ SHOE STORE, 110 Forsyth St. Has ju^t what you want. Another Hatch of Names for Our New Hotel Handed In* | It is barely possible that the board of directors of tlie new hotel will suffer from an embarrassment of richer If sug gestions continue to pour in as they have been doing for the past few days. The following were handed in to-day: Mrs. G. D. Buchanan hands in this batch to select from. Either will suit her: Hollenbeck, Richeliea, Arcadia, Cambria, Alexandria, Westminster, and Xadean. LOOK OUT FOR BARGAINS IX THE The Times-Recobdeii: I tlilnk it would bo good taste to take a name with a national ring tc It. I propoae for our new hotel the name of “The Cleveland." B. F. F. The Times-Recordeh: What Is the matter with "The Sumter Hotel ?" This is not only the name of our county, but It is eminently historical. What more ia wanted ? Birke County. Fancy Grocery LINE Aud keep a watch on this space. The Tihes.Recoiideii: If you want something unique, arabesque, and en tirely original for your hotel, there is no necessity for roaming all over the world for a name while we have that noble stream at our doors, the Muckalee. I therefore name the new hotel “The Muk- alee.” How is that for style and sound and general tone ? J. K. A Sweeping Reduction will be made? on all Foot-Wear purchased of ns in the Next 30 Days! In this Sweeping Sacrifice Sale unpreceedented bargains will be offered on all LOW CUT SUM MER SHOES, and;we expect that the annonncement of this sale will (( We are not after room as most merchants would say—but are AF TER MONEY—room we have enough—but aro SHORT ON MONEY. If you want to know what we mean by a SWEEPING Reduc tion, come to this The Times-Recohdek: It is contrary to my views of propriety, to say nothing about right, to med lie in any way with what is strictly other people’s business; and I am not sure that it is even allow able for un outsider—a man who is neither a stockholder nor a director of our hotel company—to offer a suggestion in reference to Its name; but as you ask for such suggestions, and as many have been given, I take the liberty of saying that Americus is certainly the metropo lis of southwestern Georgia; and as our hotel Is now assuming metropoli tan proportions, why not name it “Met ropolitan?” Is it too much to say it will be justly entitled to this distinction? G. I expect to show more Fancy Groceries and sell at lower prices than any House in Georgia. I am buying low for the CASH, and ex pect to sell ACCORDINGLY. E. D. ANSLEY, The Lending Grocer, And the only Grocer that visits New York and the Eastern Markets reg ularly iu the iuterest of bis trade. A DANGEROUS POLICY. Is to buv spectacles at your residence from peddlers, as many of them are im postors. I will pay a liberal reward for information leaaing to the arrest of all such men who claim to be my represent atives. I positively employ no peddlers and do not sell them my glasses. The genuine Hawkes’ spectacles have the name “Hawkes” stamped on the bow. A. K. Hawkes. All eyes fitted and the fit guaranteed at drug store of E. J. Eldrldge. Good News for the Ladles. By reference to their new ad, on the second page of this paper, i: will bo seen that the Messrs. Mack, tho clever and genial “Bee Hive” people, have de cided to remain in Americus for a while longer, and are now making prepara tlons to put in a handsome stock of dry goods, etc., the arrivalof which they will make known In due season through the columns of this paper. A nice line of extracts, colognes, toll, et waters, Ac., at Dr. Eldrldge Drug Store. 30 Clean Day Sweep Sale, and yon will find the Largest and most varied stock of shoes ever offered in Americus and at lower prices than are obtainable else where. THE NAME— TEE HIT AMERICAS SADIE SHOE STORE. THE PLACE:- 119 Forsyth St. AMERICUS, GA. N. B^-No goods charged at these cot prices, bat will be oblig ed clour wgulwrpriccc. JOHN B. SHAW Mutual Building and Loan Association. Installment No. 37, series No. 1, and No. 30, series No. 2, will bo due and pay able at my office on Thursday, 20th instant. All who do not pay by 0 p. m. on that day will be subjeot to a fine of ten cents on oach and every dollar thus ipaid. The funds of both series will bo offered for sale at 7 -10 o'clock sharp, Thursday night, at the council chamber, old court house.' Lorr Wabren, wcd&thurs See’y and Treos. For a pleasant shave go to Dr. El drldge's and buy one of those celebrrted Tower Razors which are guaranteed to pleaso. Clark Houi*. 1 am now running my house, with -he assistance of Mrs. Love In the eating de partment. She is the best In town. Everybody mado to feel at home. I have tho best furnished house in the city. It is well fitted up with good beds, electric bells, gas, and connected with the sani tary sewerage system. Everything con venient. Satisfaction guaranteed. J. C. Clark, Corner Lamar aud l’rince streets. Hawkes’ Crystalized Lenaez in all atylea, specs and eye-glasses sold with a guarantee to please or money refunded by E. J. Eldridge. Removal. J. Rott merchant tailor has removed from old stand, Forayth street to Cotton avenue up stairs la old Times office, where he Is ready to give first class work to all his old customers and as many new ones as will call. July 10-d-lmo. Attention Builder.. We sell Longman £ Martinez prepared paints, and are authorized by the manu- f acturcrs to repaint any house at their expense on which their paints do not prove satisfactory. E. J. Eldridoe, Druggist For Kent. One front room to rent, up stain next to library. Apply to, 7-25-lmo D. F. Davenport. Ruts bags, red top and all other va rieties of tnrnip seed for fall and sum mer planting at • Dn. Eldridoe’*. o GO PC w CP !Z <c o GO Oh S o K fr- CO 2 < O h CL o I <Z> DC W J w £ u 0 in O -P m K*' u f—I 0 0 b b 0 O o 1—I ft 0 1—I € (tf DASHER! DASHER! E C. R. Whitley, Pres’t. B. L. Sullivan, Vice Pres’t A Churn with a good Dasher will make good Butter; so will a new Dasher to a Haber dasher. Mr. Bailey is in New York buy ing goods at prices never heard of before. I know this to be a fact, for the goods are here and will show for themselves. Cl 1 IE CORED. ANOTHER REDUCTION 0 d & GEORGIA Normal and Industrial College. A State Institution for the education and special training of Georgia girls, to be opened at Mllledgevllle, Ga , on Sep tember 30,1301. The county of Sumter la entitled to eight scholarships In this school. All girls wishing to become applicants for these places are requested to appear at Court House on Wednesday, September 1,1801 to stand tbe entrance examina tion. The examination will Include the Elementary English Branches, viz.: Arithmetic, History, Geography and English Grammar. No girl under fif teen years of ago will be eligible to scholarship. -For full Information concerning the school write for a Prospectus to Presi dent J. Harris Chappell, Mllledgevllle, Ga* W. S. Moore, County School Commissioner. dlt-w2t Sumter County. S. A. & M. \ ailway. FREIGHT DEPARTMENT. CIRCULAR No. 168. Authority No. S93. RECEIVING OF COAL OIL SHIP- MINTS. To All Agent*:— Taking effect September 1,1891, this Company will receive shipments of coal oil for local stations on Mondays and Thursdays only. Please notify your merchants and be governed accordingly. E. S. Goodman, General Freight and Pass. Agt, Augl0-lw-d PUFF AND MADRAS On account of Laving to move on the first I want to have ns little to move as possible, and yon will procure bargains—real genuine bargains, by calling before I move. A BRAN NEW DASHER At the Haberdasher's. 1 am dashing Summer Shirts that I have keen selling at $2.25 and $2.60, at $2.00. Only a few left. Avail yourself of the oppor tunity by calling early. 'Americus Jewelry Co. Tbe Americas Jewelry Co. will open for business about Ang. 20th with a nice line of everything usually kept in a first-class Jewelry Store. Call and look' at their new store on Jackson St. even if yon don’t care to purchase. J. T. COTNEY, L. C. BELL Manager. See’y J Treas. You Come to See These Goods. * THE PRICES DO THE REST. BUTLER & BEHEY. SPECIALTIES. One 112 pc. Decorated Dinner Set, was $18.00; now $12.00 Seven s6pc. Decorated Tea Sets, “ 7- 7 5: 5-oo One 2-Burner Gasolene Stove, “ 8-5°; 5-oo One 3-Burner Gasolene Stove (second hand), 3-50 One Double Refrigerator, was $30.50; 19.50 One Single Refrigerator, “ 18.00; 13-00 One Single Refrigerator, “ 15-50; n.25 One Single Refrigerator, “ 9.00; 6-75 4-Quart W. M. Freezers, “ 3-oo; 2.50 4-Gall. Decorated Water Cooler, “ 4.00; 3-oo 3-Gall. Decorated Water Cooler, “ 3-5°; 2.25 2-Gall. Decorated Water Cooler, “ 2-75; 1.50 i ‘/j-Gall. Decorated Water Cooler, “ 2.25; 1.10 l / 2 Glass Pitcher, “ -45; •25 8-inch Berry Bowl, “ .40; .20 Box Coffee Mill, “ -75; -55 Wall Coffee Mill, “ -65; •45 Infant’s Bath Tub, large size, “ 2.00; *•35 Hip Bath Tub, large size, “ 5-oo; 4.00 Swinging Lamp, - 50 Reflector Hall Lamp, • •25 Matches, 200 in box, per doz. boxes ** .12 You Come to See These Goods. THE PRICES DO THE REST. I have just received a lot of black (absolutely guaranteed fast black) Half Hose, at 16c, 25o, 83§c and 50c. Every pair is warranted not to crock, stain the feet, nor dye under-gnrments. ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. AdrartiMmentt will b* Inierted in thil column at the rat* of On* Out per Word lot each Insertion. Vo ndrartlacment taken for leu than FIFTEEN cm*. ATTENTION MED MEN. If you could see the prices I am making on SHOES you wonld buy whether yon needed them or not. Yon wonld think Jack the Ripper was in town and had strnck BAILEY’S Jerry Simpson could be socked ont of my stock of Socks. a... )< ‘ ' ‘ ; One thousand dollars most be raised by the first of September, and is order to raise this amount, anbta suMr*M*y*i*. will offer for the next fifteen or mmt. Apply to^M, j wen jy jays, nothing but betguiot BUTLER & BEKEY, ARTESIAN CORNER, LEE & UMAR STREETS. TOHN ED. SCHMIDT Takes this opportunity of informing the people of Americas and the adjoining country that he is now fitting np in the best of style, and will shortly open one of the Finest and Most Complete Restaurants to be Found in tbe Sontb. He will spare no expense or pains to make it worthy of the patronage of the verv best people, and Americas can then boast of a place where everything good will be served in a style as never before seen in this city. Remember the place—Schmidt’s ReadingSRoom, Lamar St. 8-1 dawly Respectfully, JOHN E. 8QHMIDT, T. M. ALLEN. E. TAYLOR. T. E. ALLEN. ALLEN, TAYLOR & CO. Beal Estate, Eire and Life INSURANCE AGENTS. COTTON AVENUE, auilMty Harrold Bank Building, • AMERICUS, GA. GUttt/tffeuA*, Sreoxcjiou* We ofler at tins season Turnip Seed! Artesian Drug Store. I, (AT THU AKTUSLAN WILL.) Freeeriptioos a specialty, aud filled with accuracy aud < MrMi