Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, August 22, 1891, Image 5
THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMES-RECORDER: SATURDAY, AUGUST 22, I89i. Shoes for Young:! Shoes for Old! Shoes for Rich! Shoes for Poor! LOOK naming the new hotel. AT V OUR SHOES! Ml 7n M t Km Fur! —THE— Great American tagle’ oHOE STORE, 119 Fofsyth St. Hasju?t what you want. Still Aniloui to In Heard on Thli Iuipor- Unt Question. Kot wishing to crowd out any of our citizens who desire to have a voice in naming our new hotel, we give place to two more Important suggestions on this subject: SOMETHING talismanic. The Times-Recordeu: I have read over, with supreme serenity, the several nomenclatures for the new hotel, and It strikes me that the fanciful names are too fancy. There's no one deals In fan cies unless It is fancy stock. The local names are too local entirely; no one In the adjoining counties would know them. The Indian names are proper and correct; but the names of the Abo rigine chiefs who Inhabited this particu lar spot of this mundane sphere were not known In other parts of the universe. 'Tis sad—'tls true—“The Alhambra" was a pretty name for the hotel, but as one of your correspondents said (per haps more of them have has de generated, so Alhambra must go. That's true; but 'tis sad. Now, Mr. Editor, all the names that have been offered for the new hotel are pretty and significant; but did It ever strike you— your readers—thj public—the stockhold ers—the committee in charge—or any person connected with the establish ment, that "The South,"'or "The New ! South” (as you please), is the only name applicable to this hotel. It is the best planned hotel either north or south. It was planned by a man whose Interests are identical with the south; it Is being built by capital that has been accrued by the south; the managers of the whole concern are southern men. Consequent ly, the whole fabric is of southern brain, southern output and southern capital. Gentlemen of the committee, call our darling “The New Souths” “Pooh Birr Proud,” and Others. P. S.—This may grate hard upon the ears of some people, but it is original, ’tis true, and perhaps no one objects. The Leading GROCER has this to say: NOTE CAREFULLY: During my stay of three weeks in New York City nud other East ern markets, I have been in position to buy groceries cheaper than ever before, and propose to sell them at a lower figure than any house in Georgia. I shall name such prices that will aston ish and PLEASE the trade. Don't fail to call and get special prices. Merchants supplied. at wholesale prices. E. D. ANSLEY, The Leading Grocer. DASHER! DASHER! Haberdasher A Sweeping Reduction will be made! on all Foot-Wear purchased of us in the Next 30 Days! f In this Sweeping Sacrifice Sale unprecedented bargains will be offered on all LOW CUT SUM MER SHOES, and 4 we expect that the anhonnoement of this sale wJU “Sweep tie Tom!" We arc not after room e*. most - meroha.—would say—but are AF TER MONEY—room we have enough—but are SHORT ON MONEY. Hyonwantto know what we mean by a SWEEPING Reduc 1 tion, come to tldp A LATE SUGGESTION, RUT NOT TOO LATE. A well-known citizen comes to tbe front with what is considered the best suggestion received up pa date for a name for our new hotel. Here It is: The Tiues-Recordir: If you want a unique and original combination for your hotel and street, why not name the hotel “The Stratford,” and the street “Avon.” "Stratford" on the "Avon" would strike tbe educated of every land, and the tourist In particular. Besides, it Is a combination assoclated.with a name that can never die, L. S. T. Don't storm the system as you would a fort. If he'd by the enemy, consti pation, gently persuade it to surrender with DeVVitt’s Little Early ltlsers. These little pills aro wonderful con- vincers. For sale by the Davenport Drug Company. Notice. A. E. Lockett has this day purolmted of C. D. Elam his undivided Interest In the livery stables of Lockett & Elam, and the livery business will be conducted, In tbe future by V. S. Lockett A Son, and we respectfully solicit the patronage lie. Respectfully, U. S. Lockett A Son. d£w 8-1-lmo lint* bega, r»d top and all tie* of turnip seed for fill And suin- of the public JZ O GO PC w Q SS Q& o GO pH s o td h- CO 2 < O h =2 ii %■ CO DC U -J UJ £ u eg C33 E- 3 QQ cd o> g T) H :3 C3 ,< a < , t- *2- ■J Q <5 05 £ 05 rm* < Oj H 05 flu Cd Cd U O EH a © CD t o X Z 0) Z i— <D "O c 3 CO CO © c '53 a Si A Churn with a good Dasher will make good Butter; so will a new Dasher to a Haber dasher. C. R. Whitley, Pres't. B. L. Sullivan, Vice Pres’t. Americus Jewelry Co. Owing to the protracted stay in New York of Messrs. Cotney and Bell, purchasing for the Americus Jewelry Co., our opening and collection of stock will be delayed till their return. AMERICUS JEWELRY CO. Mr. Bailey is in New York buy ing goods at prices never beard of before. I know this to be a fact, for the goods are here and will show for themselves. CAU.ASDBE HD. ANOTHER REDUCTION You Come to See These Goods. THE PRICKS DO THE REST. BUTLER & BERRY. PUFF AND MADRAS rletles of turn! 1 , raor planting at Dn. Eldridoe’i, See mention of James Frlckerifc Bro.’e new department, the,only o*a of its kind south of Atlanta, arid refers to that tbe moat Important of all Subjects, the sight Day 30 Clean Sweep Sale, and you will find the Largest and most varied stock of shoes ever offered in Americas and at lower prices than are obtainable else where. THE NAME- SHOE STORE. THE PLACE:— 119 Forsyth St. AMERICUS, GA. Hawke** Cry«t*llied Lenses In all styles, specs and eye-glasses sold with a guarantee to please on money refunded by E. J. Eldbidoe. P. P. P. la the greatest blood purifier of the age, the beat of humor remedies, cures every disease and humor of the skin, scalp and blood, whether Itching, burning, scaly, pimples, scrofula or hereditary, when ail other remedies fall. For a pleasant shave go to Dr. El dridge's and buy one of thoae celebrrted Tower Razors which are guaranteed to please. Effect of . Ch»n*e of W.tor. At this season when people are trav eling for pleasure, they wonder at the disordered condition of the bowels. In the majority of these cases It is due to change of water. Take Dr. Riggers Huckleberry Cordial. The colored baseball nine of this city went over to Columbus yesterday and got fielded pretty badly, the score stand ing 8 to 2. DOCTOR iCKERSi PURE PINK PILLS. u MlMU.faTKU. Wllk *•: lilies. Sold In England for »«.; , la America for S5a i from r**r Dnfgttl to W.1.KMUBAC0* _ _____ «S Weel Breedway, lew Toi. || * (T , J!!?.7.r.....sssaiinMim«i«ii ““ Notice of Dissolution. Notice l> hereby given that the arm of Fleeiwood A Bussell b*s this d.r b.«n UU- salved b> mutual consent. Mr. H. M. Fleet wood wlth<(r»ws from tbs arm. Tltebnsl; new will becontlnu*d by Dr. y. C. Bu.sell, who retains all aa«ets and assomet all Unbll- ItlwofwldItrin. N. B.—No goods charged at these cut prices, but will be charg ed at our regular prices. JOHN B. SHAW an|2*-law-4w. w. c.’bubselI OOD, French Pedal Calisthenics School THE NICHES PHTSICUJBUOATIM. .^'rei’nVtT'ib?r»“oM?A5Sl«n uS* SlwbfibwiSydrtre^dly au, art tsnfbt by _____ MONS. BERGER. Apply at lb* WatU Boost.. AUGUST MYERS, Artistic Tailor Has removed his establishment to the basement under T. Wheatley’s, Forsyth street entrance, where be It prepared, to do FIRST-CLASS WORE always guaranteeing a nice fit Cleaning and repairing promptly attended to. SUITS TO ORDER From • handsome line of patterns. Give me a trial. augSd2mo at ' > -: T. S. GLOVER Desires to inform tbs publlo Ibat h. baa eloied out b Is zroeery boslnus and baa put In a splendid line of spot ting goods; Guns, Cartridges,Shells, and inch other goods as belong to this lines Give Me a Gall.' T. S. GLOVER, Watte Building, AMERICUS, GA. aug 22<13moe On account of having to move on the first I wont to have os little to move ns possible, and yon will procure bargains—real genuine bargains, by calling before I move. A BRAN NEW DASHER At the Haoerdasher’s. 1 am dashing Summer Shirts that I have been selling at $2.25 and $2.50, at $2.00. Only a few left. Avail yourself of the oppor tunity by calling early. SPECIALTIES. Three s6pc. Decorated Tea Sets, One 2-Bumer Gasolene Stove, One 3-Burner Gasolene Stove (secor One Double Refrigerator, (sold) One Single Refrigerator, (sold) One Single Refrigerator, One Single Refrigerator, 4-Quart W. M. Freezers, 4-Gall. Decorated Water Cooler, 3-Gall. Decorated Water Cooler, 2-Gall. Decorated Water Cooler, i J^-GaII. Dec. Water Cpoler, (sold) y t Glass Pitcher, - 8-inch Berry Bowl, (sold) Box Coffee Mill, Wall Coffee Mill, (sold) Infant's Bath Tub, large size, Hip Bath Tub, large size, Swinging Lamp, Reflector Hail Lamp, (sold) Matches, 200 in box, per doz. boxes was $18.00; now $12.00 “ 7;’ 5! “ 5-OQ “ 8.50; “ 5.00 id hand), 3-50 was $30.50; “ 19.50 “ 18.00; '• 13-00 “ 15-50: “ 11.25 “ 9.00; "• 6-75 “ ' 3-oo; “ 2.50 “ 4.00-; “ 3-oo “ 3-5°; “ 2.25 2-75; “ 1.50 “ 2.25; “ 1.10 “ -45; “ •25 “ .40; “ .20 “ -75; <1 •55 “ -65; n •45 “ 2.00; u >•35 5.00; 0 4.00 - • 50 - •25 . -13 You Come to See These Goods. THE PRICES DO THE REST. I have just received a' lot of black (absolutely guaranteed fast blocs) Half Hose, at 15c, 25c, 38Jo and 50c. Every pair is warranted not to crock, stain tbe feet, nor dye under-garments. University of Georgia. NINETIETH YEAR. Session begins Wednesday, September 17. Tuition Free in all depart ments at Athens, excepting Law ’ A. l. hull; »ugI8-ln Btoretnry. THE LR1LH SERIKS MACHINE HAN offers roR sals SEWING MACHINES & MOTORS For mi Mscbluss on nsy terms, and CD supply lb. I rOI 111 MACHINES. If yon conld see the prices.I am making on SHOES you would buy whether yon needed them or not. Yon would think Jock the Ripper was in town and had struck BAILEY’S BUTLER & BERRY, ARTESIAN CORNER. LEE * LAMAR STREETS. TOHN B. SCHMIDT Takes this opportunity of informing the people of Americus and the adjoining country that he is now fitting np in the best of style, and willshortly open one of the Finest and Host Complete Restaurants to be Fonnd in tbe South. He will spare no expense or pains to make it worthy of the patronage of the very beet people, and Americus can then boast of a place where everything good will be served in a style as never before seen in this city. Remember the place—Schmidt’s Reading-Room, Lamar St. 8-1 diwly Respectfully, JOHN E. SOHMIDT. fiUiwAJuautu, SfeoyyLeUb We offer at this season Turnip Seed! STALL FED BEEF TO- Jerry Simpson conld be socked out of my stock of Socks. One thousand dollars must be raised by the first of September, and in order to raise this amount, will offer for the next fifteeq or twenty days, nothing but bargains. M^YO & WINKLER’S. Also the Beat Sausage on Earth. nursoiit us. , • ' '' 'fi SOUTHERN FEM1LE COLLEGE. In*, and Practical Arts. “ _modern equipment.