Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, August 30, 1891, Image 4
THE AM ERIC US PAIL" T1MES-REC0K PER: SUNDAY, AUGUST 30, 1891. { > CONDENSED NEWS DISPATCHES A N<-w 'V'-rfc rfg»* imh! of -i.-il «iVH Mri WB«n Charlemagne ui hli “ Knights of ht Bound Table " were making war on too In Africa, It frequently hoonened *' on either slilo would light In i tor thn honor of their re- ,Vo anuka The floraeons had boon. May year*, the scourge—the dreaded fctradert —ot Europe, and all Waged war agnlnst this common onemy. . , 5 at la toeSb daft the wont senurgo mat throaterti us, is uat dread Invader, Con> QnBuniptlcm fastens Its bold upon Its Vic flats WnUo they aro nnronsrlous cf Its M ■Coach Pr. Pierce'. Golden llodlcal Die ■Jr has cured thousands of cases of tr fatal of nrnladieo. But It must l before (bo (Iseuso toXoo (hr advtnc “■ S> ha effective fitt token I trlal L it will ouA, < K \ arfso (torn a torpid , nothing can tabs tbo s's Golden Medical Dlieov- irA fothlng will, after you have seen what IM It yhsvents and cures by removing i II Invigorates the liver, purifies X fhaimens the eppetlte Imorovee , and builds up both strength and , When reduced below the standard at I bp druggists, averywbars. This is the way with die Ball corset: if you want ease and shapeliness, you .buy it—but you don't keep it unless you like It. After two or three weeks’ wear, you can return it and have your money. .Comfort i Isn’t all of It thbtigb.! Soft Eyelets, and "bdinea” that can’t break or kink—Ball’s corsets’* have bdQi of these. Forntuby GEO. D. WHEATLEY. Oil Nick Whiskey it the best and is noted for its ago andljhnritt', having boon mode on tho unto plantation over 1S3 years without • rival an wo constantly keep four year old RYE AND CORN t—jhip any quantity, so write iuj Nick Whiskey Co., Tadkla Co. , 1‘ANTIlEIt CREEK, N. C. for umuanoa., Prepd***, SAVANNAH, Gib For nle bp the DAVENPORT DRUG COMPANY, Americas, Ga. T. S. GLOVER Deal roe to Inform the public that he has closed out hla grocery business ami han put In a ■plendunino of spoiling Guns, Cartridges, Shells, andjiuoh other goods an belong to this Hoe. Ofvi Mb a Call. e ’ T. S. GLOVER, Wabb Building, AMERICAS, GA. •ra mi-v Arlur. Mrs. Fred W Vanderbilt. Mia TowiwtkI liorilt-ti, Mrs. Richard Irwin, Mr* William Jay aridother well known iailim, have expressed a willingnww to colitrilmto for the relief of fhe families Buffering from the Park plan- disaster. It Is expected Mrs. Astor and her asso- otatre will form an auxiliary relief fund at once. The Washington Poet says: Hon. and Mrs. J. (1. Carlisle, with a party of friends, snout several days last week at the I lien house, in the W'hite mount ains. Kx-Sjx'nker Reed was at tiie Vjote'l at the sume time, and the two ViistinsTiisln-d men enjoyed each other's company, Hie latter discoursing at length iif his Knrojman trip over n great game of cards. A Jackson, On., special says that II. L. Johnson, colored, who wan formnlly mtmittfcd to pr.'U'tice law In Butts supe rior court last week, informs ns that he will likely locate in Macon for tho prao tbx of his chosen profession, as hut lit. tie business eouhl be expected In this section for a colored man. A negro making a speech hoftrru n court and jury in Butts county would certainly be n novel sight to our peupfe. A party at thtrty-eight Pittslairgors aremnklnq ready fora pilgrinume to nee the holy font of Treves. A chlWch authority soys that W.OOO jssiplo from tho country will make tills Journey, nncl at thoee HD will eo from this dfcxmno, Mnnv persona will go from Canada, Mexico mid South America. A t eighty will leave here, and tl . with others, wil sail on the steamer Oh- dntn from Hntxikrn on Sunday. A sjiecial from Lakeville to New Ha ven says that Mrs. M. H, Hotchkiss has presented to the hoard of trustees of the Yak: prei>arntory achtKd, of which she is tho founder. $375,000 • in cash. Of this stnn (75,(NX) will In expended upon the Imilding, ami $300,000 will bn used as an endowment hind for pmfcssnr- sfitps, etc. In addition to this gift. Mrs. HotclikiRs has prevented to the trnstws a tract of seveuty-flve ikto of lanik for Infants and Children. Lecture on Fools. Admit Oue. A gontloman who lectured on fools, printed Ills tickets as above. Sii| tivo, certainly, and oven sarcastic. 1 fools aro they who suffer the inroads of disease when they might bo cured. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery is sold under a posltlvo guarantee of tts benefiting or curing In every case of Liver, Blood and Lungdiseaso, or mono, paid for it will bo cbeorfully refunded In all blood taints and impurities of whatovor name or nature, it Is most positive in its curative effects. Pimples, Blotches, Eruptions, and all Skin and Scalp disoasos are radically cured by tills wonderful medicine. Scrofulous disease may aifect the glands, causing swellings or tumors; tho bones, causing "Fever-sores," "White Swellings,” “Hip Joint Disease;" or tho tissues of tho lungs, causing Pulmonary Consumption. Whatever its manifestations may bo, “Golden Medical Discovery" cures It. There Is no such word as light in tho blind man’s dictionary. TIIK FIItST SYMPTOMS OF DEATH Tired feeling, dull headache, pains in various parts of tho body, sinking at tho pit of the stomach, loss of appotito, lOvoiishness, pimples or soros, aro all positivo ovidonco of poisoned blood. No matter how It bocamo poisoned it must bo purified to avoid doatb. Dr. Ackor’s English Blood Elixir has never failed to remove scrofulous or sypbllltle poison, Sold under positivo guarantee. For salo by Flootwood A- Russell, Atnoricus, Ga. 4 When tho world can’t understand a man It colls lilm a crank. For Ovor Fifty Year. Mrs, Winslow’s Soothing Syrup has boon used for children toothing. It sootlios tho child, softens ths gums, allays all pain, euros wind colic, and is the host remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents bottle. Sold bp all druggists through out tbo world. No man over lost his roligion by trust ing God too muoh. Love's Younx tlrcam. Love's young dream was a vory bright ono, and Its fulfillment will bo bright, too, If tho brido will remembor that she Is n woman, and liablo to all the Ills pe culiar to her sex. Wo remind those -who are suffering from any of these, that Dr. Pierce's Favorite Proscription will ro- new ths hue of youth in pale and sallow cheeks, correct Irritating uterine dis eases, arrest and cure ulceration and In- fiammation.and Infuse now vitality Into a wasting body. "Favorite Prescription” Is the only medicine for womon, sold by druggists, under a positivo guarantee from the manufacturers, that it will gtvs satisfaction In overy case, or money will bo rofundod. This guarantee lias been irinted on tho bottle-wrapper, and laith- ully carried out for many years. Theology alone is a poor thing to tako into tho pnlplt. People with impure blood may be said to exist, not live. Life Ir robbed of half ite joys when tho blood !e loaded with Impurities and disease. Correct this condition with DeWitt's Sarsapa rilla, it is reliable. For salo by tbo Davenport Drug Company. The devil never gets tired of watching the cradle. tutor!.;"sawells' ^; lehr'll v > IJ vmmrnd ItassupcVipFjkC' lyprescri^oa F4r»n tomo." II. / h SSOnis, M. D„ lit Bo. OxfoafiSt, Brooklyn, U. T. “The use of • Castoria• la so universal and Its merits so well known that It seems a work of snperenstation to endorse It. Few ore tho Intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within nosy roach." Culoo Nntm D.D., Hew York City. Late Paator Bloomlngrtalo Reformed Church. Kill* Worm*, fjycd sfcep, and pr /UdtM di- WltSouiteijuikms Dedication ** For several ream I have recommended S our * Castoria, • and shall always continue to o so as it has Invariably produced beneficial result*.” Edwin F. Parde*, tf. D., **Tho Wlnthrop,” ltfch Street and 7th Are., New York City. SCHOFIELD’S IRON WORKS, FOUNDItV AND ftfACIIlIVK MIIOI*. Tn Osstaub Ookpabt, 77 Mckray Stbxkt, New Yobs. CITY PROPERTY AND Farming Properly -AND- M. CALLAWAY. E. P. HA Kill 8, President and Miumgor. C. P.PAYNE, 8oc. nud Tioas. AMERICUS SUPPLY CO. PLUMBERS «GAS FITTERS MACHINERY AND MILL SUPPLIES. Stoves, Hardware, Etc. Repair Work a Specialty, T'elcplionc No. l£i. ARTESIAN BLOCK, AMERICUS, GA Cotton Exchange, 410 COTTON AVE. W. W. O’QUINN, Proprietor. PURE WHISKIES. BRANDIES and WINES. AU kinds of Ftnoy Drinks at tho Bar and polite attontion to customers. " OLD CHARTER WHISKEY A SPECIALTY. Drop in whou you want a cool and refreshing drink. Prompt atten tion givon to orders from a distaneo. Saw Mill Men, Attention Our apoolal builneu la heavy machinery such as BOILERS, SAW MILLS, AND WOOD-WOHIING MACHINERY, and for flrat-claaa machinery, we defy competition. We are general ogonta for H. B. SMITH MACHINE CO.’S colebratod Wood-working machines, and can dis count factory prices. Write for circular of “Farmora’ Favorite” saw mill; It la tho beet on the market Second-hand machinery conatantly on hand. Wrlto for prices; we can aavo you monoy. Perkins Machinery Company, 6] SOUTH BROAD STREET, Mcntlo, ran Ttnaa-Itronaoxu When You Write. ATLANTA, GA auRl3d&wly T. M. ALLEN. T. E. ALLEN. ALLEN, TAYLOR & CO. Boat Estato, Firo and Idto (500 Reward! pay tlMalwv* rsvwd fWr aay mm of Uv«r II—iHcfcfl.lMIff—rtnn.Oow or pnUTMMM «• rMinot mm wttu W«at’» iUMrnik.wlMa Um 41mcUom arartrlcti) tt*. Vhw in eMj VifMkto, u4 Mfir mUateeUam. ■aparOMtM Larfsbona li HU*. • Mil. B«WAM of raoatrrffllU •M. Tbo IIMbfl SMMMCMMMd Ml/ If a «■; ouh/aitt. chkuuo. ill THE D4VXXPOBT DRUG CO. Don’t “Monkey” with your Blood. f Tmlay I* damrerom In tick- r ut ltlAMpccUUJy baunlnca dhMM of the bloo.t. Or>r- ruDUoa breed* enmiptlon; atul ptflil mem. If nefierUil, !• *p il ln«-r j-nl.t. mo** *eu» it l v. • ty e* I-h» . A#«Ti}|nAi1 ini WMb DUe^M UMeiaxl rana oi. ui-i** ration. Orsggitu Sell It. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga- INSURANCE AGENTS. COTTON AVENUE, aUflMly Harrold Bank Building, AMERICUS, OA. O. C. HAWKINS. U. O. l.OYING J. 8. SCnOFIKI.D’S KONS & CO., I’rop’re, .Manufacturers of Steam Engines Boilers Cotton Presses and General Macliinerv, Cotton Gins Cane Mills and Saw Mills. Dealers in Mill and Machinists’ Supplies. Special Attention to Repair Work dAw+Mmo. MACON, GEORGIA. Americus Iron Works, BU1I.DKUS OF Engines, Boilers, Cotton Gins, Presses, Feeders and Condensers, Saw and Grist Mills, Shingle Machines, Pipe and Pipe Fittings, Boiler Feeders, Valves, Jets, Etc. “ “ _, Hangers, Boxes and Pulleys Jtsg^Special attention given to repairing all kinds of Machinery. Telephone 79. *' ,Mm K. T. BYBD, FIRE ANR LIFE INSURANCE. REPRESENTING THE SAFESTAND STRONGEST COMPANIES IN.THEJWORLD. Insuranoo placed on City and Country Property. Office on Jackson dadS-dly. 1 Street, next door below Mayor’e Office. DUNLAP HATS. THE LATEST STYLES AND SHAPES. ARTHUR RYLANDER, altf Corner Lamar and Jackson St Ask ny agents for W. L. Donglna f Ml far Ml* la your place n«k your , 2-5® nd . ft r Mtalogue, necu re the agency, and get them f*r yen# rTAKE NO HITB8T1T17TB, ¥ _ WHY W. L. DOUGLAS S'&yrJxvsiS? 5* “• S/ik grade than any other atyn-iii HUP «///if* “ n, ‘- ' jgjSgiJ. "1“!*— $4.|fl| -Jfa orky; one trial will renvlore thm Mve given them a trial will wmt no other make. “° BOVS’ ■ct»?»l •boo# are .Ladies Imported «hoeflcoatlnarfrom $tXO to ifUJU. W. U UOUULAS, Itrocktoo, Kara THORNTON WHEATLEY Americus, . . Oeorgla JAPANESE S. A. M. ROUTE. Savannali, Americas & Montgomery BY TIME TA.llT.I-3 Taking Effoot July I a, 1891. * on am Iva Hlrmlnxham am 7 00 pm 10 oo lve....ChUUer»bttrK lye] B OB 27 Ivo Hjlacauga Ive 4 40 2 IB pm Ive *Opellka Ive 1 29 3 29 arr Columbus arr|l! 49 am 3 00 ive Columbus Ive 11 20 8 64 arr EMavlIlo arr 9 09 2 10 Ive • Kllavllle Ive 8 BO * 40 arr Americus arr I 20 7 oo lvo Amerlous Ive • 00 8 27 Ive Cordele Ive 6 90 11 oo lvo Helena Ive SOB 4 SO a m Ive i Lyon* Ive 1 BB J 39 arr Savannah arr 7 40 p tn 9 20 pm art. faetw’n Montfomery and Amertona, ^ 8 10 a m 2 19 pm tve Montgomery ive Opelika '"isais* 1 ......Ive] BfOat Itetweon Montgomery and Amdiicns, via Union Springs and Columbus. 7 40 atu|lvd Afontgomery arrl 7 09 pm 3 so ive Columbus art U 20 9 40 |arr Amnrlcus Ive| 8 90 fetw’n Montgomery and Americus, via Kufaaia 7 40 am Ive.....Monti 11 09 12 20 pm 2 30 1 09 pm gomory... raula Ive 4 07 ’ Alluuiy arr 9 80 arr Americus lve| I 10 * Between Americus and Jacksonville, via Heietii 17 oo pmilve.... < ..AmerIuie......arv( !*ttn 1 18 a ui Ive Helona Iv» lum « *0 arr Itrunswlok Ive 1 n m 7 90 [arr..... Jacksonville. ....Ive i ■ “Close connection made at JMnntjrntnery for all points In the Southwest, and at Americas for Ihrmtnghsm and sll (H.lnts in the Northweet, • Meal SUtions. Sleeping cars tietween Columlitts and 8avan* Passengers from Charleston destined to points west of Hovannsh, change cars at C. A 8. June* ^.MARSHALL. *. B. GOODMAN, Gen. 8u|>erlntcndent. Gen. Pass. Ann! . Americns.Ga Americus. Qk, J. M. CAROLAh, 8. E. FaM. Agt. ’ Bavannah, Oa. i. A. SMITH, Weatnrn Paaa. Act-. St. Loull, Mo. * T. 1*. A, .merlons, Ga. JNO. T. ARGO, O. a A., CURE HAWKINS & LOVING, Wo are prepared to do EMBALMING on short notice. SATISFAC TION GUARANTEED. Also keep a fino line of Metnllic and Cloth Covored Casos, Caskets and Coffins. HEADQUARTERS FOR FURNITURE. Night calls for coffins Telephone No. 48, or call on U. O. Loving, Brown street. ORA A »«rrs of the beet farming lands In Southwest Georgia, known as the Geo. W. Council OdUU lMimtntlons. Best Improved lands In county. Five settlements, well watered, w Will sell In payments. For further particulars, call on or write W. D 310% LAM Alt STItKET, HAYNES & SON, AMBBICUS, OA. gnarantaed Cot. for Pile, of whalarer riad or dagrea—K* wrnal, Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching, Chronic, Reoenl or Horediury. $14)0 > box; 6 boxes, $5.00. Sent by mall, prepaid, on rooolpt of prioe. We gnarantoe to , are any ones of PUea. Ouarantood and eok- only by TI ' E k daven.-ort DHUO CO., Wh.leulaaad Ketail Urnnuta. _ America., Oa. rre ®’ fel>21«dAwlyr SUFFERERS OF, Youthful Errors Loat Manhood, Early Decay, oto., etc., can secure a home treatise free by addreaalng a fellow aultarer C. W. Leek, P. O. Box SIS, Roanoke. Vl-glnla. LOANS. Loans negotiated at LOWEST RATES. Easy payments, on city or farm lands, J. J. HANKSLKY, net B ly Ameriona, OeorgU. East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia R’y System. -IB TlOt ONLY— Short and DlrectLinato tbo North, But or WesL and runs the finest Pullman Sleej.lnxc tboHeuth. Klcgant Pullman Sleeping Cara, between Jackaonville and Cincinnati, UtnaTille and Cincinnati, Branawlck and Lonlarllle, Chattanooga and Washington Memphis and New York, Philadelphia and New Orleans, Chattanooga and Mobile, Atlanta and Chattanooga, Without Change. For any information addreea II. W. WREXM, Geo. Pina, and TlekatAft O. W. KKlin^Aart <2mV»ia. A*». Atlanta, Georgia.