Newspaper Page Text
Our two-weeks Slaughter Sale will close Tuesday,
September 1st, 1391.
You Had better See us MONDAY.
Very Respectfully,,
And Several Society Event. Were 1’oit-
poned Hecate of It—The Week He
Brought no It ay* of Suu.hlne—A Notable
"The day I. cold, and dark and dreary,
It rain., and the wind I. never weary;
The vine .tillcllnge to the moulding wall,
But at every guat the dead leave, fall
And the day le dark and dreary.”
The above familiar lines are very ex
pressive, and especially applicable to the
weather the past week. Many social
events were postponed, and there was
not a day of smiling sunshine.
Despite the rain, the week has fur
nished to society people several pleasant
gatherings,ard a notable wedding.
The german, given out to have been
danced by the lovers of the terpsicho-
rean art, at the Hawkins' House on
Tuesday night last, was postponed until
Tuesday night, September 1.
floral decorations, and a wedding feast
of royal appearance. The tables were
loaded with every imaginable delicacy-
salads, coffee, fragrant chocolate, and
the most tempting viands in the way of
meats, sweets of all kinds, ices, fruits
and cakes of marvelous beauty. Two
hours were spent in delightful converse
and the partaking of this elegant
Among the guests from a distance who
graced the occasion were Mr. and Mrs.
S. A. Reid, Mrs. T. I. Wilburn and Mr.
J. Q. Wilburn, relatives of the groom.
Friends in the city in attendance were
the neighbors, relatives and associates of
the bride and her family.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilburn left by the Cen
tral 2:30 p. m. train for an extended brl
dal tour north.
Many friends wished this lovely young
woman and her handsome husband God
speed through life's journey. This Is an
undoubted affair of love, and with this
Inspiring passion as their watchword,
their lives roust be one of uninterrupted
There is ever a ripple of pleasurable
excitement accompanying a wedding an
nouncement The marriage ceremony
never loses any of Its beautiful solemnity,
and there Is always attached that human
Interest strengthened and deepened by
the love and friendship of dear ones for
those whose lives are to be crowned with
happy wedloek.
The marriage of Miss Elizabeth Prince,
one of Amertcus' loveliest women, to
,Mr. Charles Wilburn of Macon, was an
occasion which all social Americus was
kindly Interested In.
The wedding occurred on Thursday,
August 27, at tho residence of the bride’s
father, Mr. Joseph K. Prince, on College
* The home is ono of the prettiest in the
city, and on this occasion skilled hands
had wreathed wedding garlands of rare
beauty and delicious fragrance in honor
of the much loved daughter, who had
been during her life the pride of this
happy household.
The parlora were darkened, and soft
shadows were cast over the exquisite
floral decorations, making a picture un
surpassed In beauty.
A rich profusion of handsome bridal
presents were displayed In the drawing
room. They were loving tokens of
friendship from Americas, Macon and
Savannah admirer*.
A unique hall decoration was a portlor
of Ivy and vinca. The effect was artistic
In the extreme and much admired.
The east parlor, where the ceremony
was performed, was garlanded with sml
lax, delicate ferns, and glorious August
roses were banked in every available
space. The guests gathered in this
room, and many exceptionally handsome
costumes were .noticeable. Radiant ex
pectancy was pictured on the counte
nance of friends and loved ones who
were present to witness the marriage of
i one of the most charming of Americus'
women to one of Macon's most worthy
and popular men. At the hour
of high noon Mrs. Lamar, with
skillful touch, sounded the notes of the
wedding march, and In the presence of
a distinguished company the nuptial
vows were plighted, the ceremony being
gracefully and solemnly performed by
the Rev. Robert Adams of the Presbyte
rian church.
The bride wore a stylish . blue plaid
traveling salt, trimmed with large pearl
buttons and fashioned with clinging
draperies, which displayed to perfection
her graceful and strikingly handsome
She held in her left hand an exquisite
bunch of bridal rotes, which were her
After the ceremony and congratula
tions, the bridal party took luncheon in
r '*-- •'sndsomaljr arranged dlplng halt
was a wealth of the moat beautiful
The weather reminds us of approach
ing autumn, and September will see the
opening doors of the theatre, and also
the wide, swinging gates of Hymen’s
temple. The season will be unprece
dented in both lines, and Americus
society may look out for unexpected
and brilliant spectacles.
The Leeton Whist Club held one of its
enjoyable meetings at the residence of
Mrs. Lane on Wednesday evening. Mrs.
Lane is a charming hostess, and the
meeting was one of the most pleasant of
the season.
It Is rumored that a prominent young
lawyer, one of the pillara of the Ameri
cas bar, will soon forsake his bachelor
quarters and address “May it please
your honor" in new and untried courts.
"The court," In this Instance, is
maiden fair, and her affirmative decision
proves that she is a wise and just judge
The many friends of the popular at
torney will offer congratulations when
ho shows the legal documents.
There is a disposition on the part of
some of the young men to engage tem
porary quarters for a club room this
This seems to be a good move, and will
doubtlesa meet with popular favor. The
new elub bouse will hardly be finished
in time for the coming fall gnyetios, and
the Social Athletics have ever been such
important factor* In social Americus, a
reorganization of this popular clan
would be heralded with delight
It Is with many regrets that social
Americus parts with Mr. Henry White.
He will leave soon to take a responsible
position In a western city. Mr. White
is a cultured gentleman of excellent
moral worth. His many friends wish
him success in his new home.
Sldewnlk Note*.
Mrs. West will take charge of the Haw
kins House on Tuesday of this week.
A new postolHce has been established
in Sumter county by the name of Savab.
Major Bryant of this place will soon
open up a first-class restaurant in Daw
Mr. H. D. Watts Is having a neat brick
pavement placed around the Watts
House block.
County court was in session again yes
terday. Several eases were disposed of
according to law.
Negro cotton pickers flocked to the
city yesterday and deposited their week's
earnings with our merchants.
The Singer Sewing Machine Company
has secured the store room that is to be
vacated on Lamar street by Allison &
Next Thursday is tho winding up of
the barbecue season of the Americus
barbecue club. The porkers wilt be fur
nished by the railroad boys. |Thls is the
original and only purely swine barbecue
club of the south.
To the Public.
For almost the entire month we have
been in New York purchasing our fail
and winter dress goods and general dry
goods stock. We are now bus'ly en
gaged opening up the same, and we say
most unhesitatingly we will show the
grandest stock this season ever offered
the people of Americus.
Our stock of dress goods you will find
larger than all others in Americus com
bined. You will find our styles are ex
tensive and the equal of any house in
this part of the country.
We will show tho greatest line of kid
gloves ever handled in this section.
We have secured the sole agency of the
celebrated Tre'ousse kid gloves, the
Mather lacing gloves, and the world-re
nowned Centemerl.
We are sole agents for Lord & Taylor’s
celebrated Onyx Dye Fast Black Ho
siery, which stand without a peer on the
American continent.
We are getting things in shape as rap
idly as possible, and in a short time will
give a more general account of our offer
ings. We cordially Invite all to call and
see us. Wheatley <fc Ansley.
A Street Entertainment.
Yesterday afternoon a couple of nc*
groes and a little cow furnished quite an
attraction on the lower end of Forsyth
street. The cow was being carried to
the butcher shop and seemed to under
stand the fate that awaitad her. When
she entered Forsyth street she refused
to go another step, and lay down on the
ground, blockading the street. All the
persuasive powers of the negroes could
not move her, and quite a crowd gath
ered to see the spoit. Some one thought
of the water, and soon bad a good stream
turned on the cow. She stood it for a
while, but finally concluded to move on,
and the last seen of the trio they were
moving up the street at a slow pace, one
pulling at the rope and the other twist
ing the tail of the obstreperous little
Grand Removal Sale
Let It Be “The Windsor."
The Times-Recorder: It la under
stood that in a few days our grand and
beantiful hotel will be named “The
Windsor." All the surroundings con
sidered, this would ho appropriate, but
the simpleness of the name, and at the
same time a handsome one, would meet
the wishes, we are sure, of the thinking
public. To get a name to please all Is
an impossibility; but what is wanted is
a name that the traveling public mny be
attracted to, and one that would com
bine comfort with elegance, and the
name of "Windsor" would, in our opin
ion, convey such. So let that be the
one adopted, and all will be satisfied.
To the Public.
On Tuesday next, September 1,1 will
assume the management of the Hawkins
House in this city, and will endeavor to
make for It a name second to that of no
well kept hotel in Georgia. The rooms
arc large and comfortable, the tables
will be supplied with the best the market
affords, and I respectfully ask the
patronage of the traveling public. My
rates wilt be $13 per month for table
board; $20 for board and lodging. Re
spectfully, . Mbs. J. N. West.
Americus loses three of her most at
tractive social favorites this week.
Misses Em Prince, Flora and Charley
Wheatley wlU leave on Tuesday for
Staunton, Va., where they will enter
school. There will be a vacuum In more
than one yonng man’s heart.
A prominent young business man of
Americus will leave soon to consummate
a happy event In a distant city. He will
be accompanied on this pleasant mission
by hia best man, and a joyous wedding
party will return.
Misses Mary Pfohl and Annie Land-
quiet, two pleasant young ladles of
Columbus, left for their homes yester
day after a pleasant visit to the Misses
Uarrold. M. L. M.
A New Grocery Firm.
On Tuesday morning Messrs. French
■fc Mayo will open a now grocery store in-
■the room now occupied by Mr. W. D.
Bailey, corner of Forsyth street and Cot
ton avenue. Mr. John E. French has
been in the grocery business for several
years in the firm of Brown <k French,
and Mr. W. B. Mayo has served the pub-
lie at Mr. E. D. Ansley’*. Both gentle
men are well known and popular, and
will no doubt do a good business.
Yon never tried DeWitt’a Little Ear
ly Risers for constipation, bllliousness,
■lek headache, or yon wonld not have
theses* diseases. For sale by the Da
venport Drug Company.
Take a look, at oar show windows
when passing. We think they will ia-
t yon. James Frickkb Jt Bko.
. .. t@,7® - - -
Robbery st DcSoto.
On Friday night the safe of E. S. Fer
guson of DeSoto was hauled off half a
mile, broken open, and its contents car
ried off. Some very valuable paper*
and $225 in money are missing. No
clew to the thieves.
A number of other robberies are re
ported as having taken place recently in
Our patrons are most kindly and
earnestly requested to move all freight
from depot early to-morrow morning.
Warehouse is blocked, and it will be
greatly to your interest to act promptly.
This la urgent and important
Central Railroad.
Greeting from the New
On Tuesday, September 1, wo expect
to open our new stock of Fine Groceries
in the store room now occupied by Mr.
W. D. Bailey. Wo bought for the cash,
und will he in a position to meet the
prices of any Grocer in town, and start
out with the determination not to be un
dersold by anybody. Mr. B H. Mayo
will mako his first round, taking orders,
Wednesday morning, and would ask you
to kindly hold your orders for him. We
promise prompt and strict attention to
all orders given u«. Respectfully,
J. E. French,
B. H. Mayo.
Who They Are.
The following gentlemen have tiled
their application with the police com
mission for the position of policeman to
fill the unexpired term of W. D. Smith,
resigned: J. H. Chambliss, Raymond
Rees, J. T. Fletcher, W. M. Martin,
Amoa F. Wiggins, P. L. Chambliss and
Noal R. Hawkins. They are worthy
men, and any one of them will no doubt
fill the place acceptably to the people of
this peace-loving community.
New Store..
The new store rooms on the Jackson
street front of the new hotel, will bo oc
cupied this week,' and by Saturday night
next everything will be in ship abape for
business. The rooms are handsomely
finished and when the new goods ore
moved into them, will make a most at
tractive appearance. When the new
walk* are laid that will be one of the
most popular throughfares in the city.
We shall, on September 1st, remove to our elegant new store
under the new hotel, on Jackson street, and recognizing the greater
ease with which money can be moved, offer our ENTIRE STOCK of
Boots, Shoes and Hats
At One-third off for Cost till that date.
Please bear in mind our goods are NEW, clean and FRESH,
and while the times are dull, and the state of trade complained of on
all sides, you must have SHOES AND HATS, on which money can
be saved ny giving us your trade. ’
We have added to our business
under the management of
Mr. John H. Starbuck,
and a graduate of the
Chicago Opthalmic College,
and have made complete arrangements
diagnosing and correcting all visual errors
Firm of French a mos t approved and scientific method.
We aim to make this a special feature of
our business, and our facilities are the best
Oculists prescriptions carefully and correct
ly filled.
Artesian Drug Store.
Prescriptions a specialty, and filled with accuracy and dispatch.
JuIy2S-lm /
Police Item..
Jack Nathans, colored, was arrested
yesterday on the charge of stealing a
pair of pants from the store of George
D Wheatley.
Robert Burton, colored, is now in the
lockup, accused of cheating and swind
Both cases will come up for a hearing
to-morrow morning.
Fort Worth, Texas, April 10, 1880
Prescriptions accurately compounded
of pure drop, at all hour* at
" * Drug fltere.
Mr. A. K. Hawkea—My Dear Sir: On
account of Injury to my eyes while a
student, I hare bod to use glasses for
many years, and while I cannot explain
the excellence or defect,, of any make,
yours suit my eyes best.'
sun-wed-wlm Alex Hogo.
Snpt City Schools.
If yon can’t see quite as well as yon
once could, jnst cast yonrtye towards
onr show window.
Jamks Friceer A Bro.
It Will Be Appreciated.
Buying Spectacles as you would gro
ceries, by selecting from a ready-made
stock, those which seem to be the near
est right, It a method that belongs to the
past. Each eye should be tested sepa
rately, carefully and intelligeiUly by one
who la educated to recognize the pres
ence of diseases of the eye by the Op-
thaimoscope, and competent to advise
whether glasses should be worn or not,
as in many cases Spectacles work a posi
tive and permanent Injury to the sight.
James Pricker A Bro. have added to
their business an optical department,
under the management of Mr. John H.
Starbuck, a graduate optician, thorough
ly competent to correct all visual errors.
As this department Is the only one In
the state south of Atlanta, It will be ap
preciated by all who have defective vis
Ruta baga, red top and all other va
rieties of turnip seed for fall and sum
mer planting at
Dr. Eldridoe’s.
Clark Huum.
I am now running my house, with tho
... £ Q ,
assistance uf Mrs. Love In the eating de
partment. She is the best In town.
Everybody made to feol at h >me. I have
the best furnished house in the city. It
is well fitted up with good Beds, electric
bells, gas, and connected with the sani
tary sewerage system. Everything con-
Satisfaction guaranteed.
J. C. Clark,
Corner Lamar and Prince streets.
Hawkes’ Crystailzed Lenses in oil
styles, specs and eye-glasses sold with
a guarantee to please or money refunded
by E. J. Eldridoe.
A. E. Lockett ha« this day purch:
of C. D. Elam bla undivided Interest In
the livery stables of Lockett A Elam, and
the livery bustnesa will be conducted,
in the future by U. S. Lockett A Son,
and we respectfully solicit the patronage
of the public. Respectfully,
U. S. Lockett * Son.
dAw 8-1-lmo
Attention Builder.,
We sell Langman A Martinez prepared
paints, and arc authorized by the manu
facturers to repaint any house at their
expense on which their paints do not
prove satisfactory.
E. J. Eldridoe, Druggist.
For Kent.
Mr. Callaway is offering for rent a tew
choice rooms and offices, and a store.
Fora pleasant shave go to Dr.El
dridge’a and buy one of those celebrated
Tower Razors which are guaranteed to
. To my Friend.-
I can be found at my, old stand in the
Hamll Block, Cotton avenue, in the
wholesale and retail whisky business
with Mr. Max Aultman. I can furnish
you good whisky from $1.50 to $4 00
per gallon. All I want you to' do la to
come and see me. W. S. Brown.
Syphilis, Rheumatism, Old Sores and
Ulcers, Scrofula and Catarrh are exactly
the diseases that are enred by that
powerful medicine, P. P. P.
The devil never asks anybody to go all
the way home with him.
Investigate their merit*. De Witt’s
Little Early Risers don't gripe, cause
nausea or pain, which account* for their
popularity. The Davenport Drag Com
pany says they would not run a drug
withe ‘ “
store without these little pills.
Gleet In 1 toSDajs, without Pain.
Prevents Stricture. Contains no
acrid or poisonous substances, and
is guaranteed abrelutely b.rmlcM. I
prescribed by physicians. Mast Sy
ria r» free with each bottle. Price}t
Bold by dreniista. Bowareof So£
•tltntcSjAcmeOhcn^OoAAdjjNdXy I
Sold In Americas by Cook's Pharmacy
E. J. Eldrldge, Fleetwood 4 Russell, J.
E. Hall sad Davenport Drug Company.
• • -7LUZ a ziioc. S