Newspaper Page Text
Only a Farm Four Tenrs A*o, bat Now
» Thriving City—It* Butines* Mon and
HoniM—The Old Fnrtn la Still Under
going Cultivation.
DeSoto, Ga., August 31.—[Special.]—
Away back yonder in the old days this
was called the “Furlow place.”
In those days the song of the slave
was heard in the land, for when the
night was settling down the weird wild
songs that only “niggers” know how to
sing would come drifting over acres and
acres of cotton, as the slaves came home
ward. The long, sinuous lanes that
stretched their serpentine lengths
through the “Furlow place” were made
musical* in those days with the clanks
of the chains on the mules and the son
orous songs.of the slaves.
But all of that is past now.
When I stepped from the train to-day
the first man I mot was Mr. J. A. Wil
liams. As ho is an old time friend of
The Times-Recordkh there’s nothing
too good to say about him. If I started
in to tell what I think about him I’d bo
obliged to engage a couple of stenog
raphers and about live or six type
But coming down to business—
Mr. Williams introduced me to Mr.
Bagley, of the 11 rm of Bagley Sim
mons, and Mr. Bagley introduced me to
Mr. J. J. Cock.
Mr. Cock is the manager of the Ameri
cas Investment Company’s farm.
The farm is what originally gave this
place it’s name—“the Furlow place”—
and Mr. Cock now has under cultivation
000 acres in cotton and 300 acres in corn.
In some places—I know you’ll hard’y
believe it—the cotton is five feet ten
inches high. I know that for the truth
because I measured it.
I had a long talk with Mr. Cock, and
he told me that the company worked
twenty-two plows, seventy-five hands
and twenty-seven horses and mules. He
also told me that off of a “patch” of 110
acres he had already picked twenty
bales of cotton and expected t j get one
Just think of It!
One hundred bales of cotton off of
100 acres of land!
Then the corn—goodness! You just
ought to see it! From five to seven ears
on a stalk, and there’s one place down
on what’s called the “pond” that makes
more than that.
r woman of fashion can call for. To go
back to old “Pinafore” days she keeps
“Ribbonsand laces
To dress otf the faces
Of pretty young tore* theiirt* and wives."
Miss Cock deserves every line that can
be written about her, for by her own
efforts she has built herself up a busi
ness that many of her competitors, even
in far-off cities, would be glad to have.
Self-dependence will accomplish a
great deal, and Miss Cora has thorough
ly demonstrated that fact.
But to write about the town itself.
Just think of it—four years ago it was
nothing but an old farm, w hile to-day it
is a growing town!
The “Sam” road has developed De
Soto just as it has many another town
its route, and some of these days
DeSoto, with its magnificent farming in
terests and the pluck and courage of its
business men, will take its place beside
the foremost growing towns in the
grand old state of Georgia.
A Few Mure Suggr.tlon. For the Hoard
of Director, to Con.lder—The Sams
“Magnolia" Presented hf n Lar E e Notu-
hor of Citizen*.
The Times-Rkcokdeb:—Name the
new hotel “The Orescent, typlcttl of
the growing city it graces.
L. II. Rogers.
Domestic and Forulga and of General
At Berlin. Baron Stamm, one of tho
largest employes of labor in Germany,
has decided to pay higher wages to till
It would hardly be fair for me to close
this letter without returning thanks to
Station Agent W. I). .Mills, who, being a
Virginian, could not be anything else
than a gentleman. Ho believes in The
Tives-HecoKder, and so believing ho
aided me all lie could.
Frank Hamilton Conoi.kv.
The Times-Recohdrr:—How do yo u
think “The Vespucius," Americus, Ga..
would sound, in speaking of our new
hotel. L. A. B.
The Times-Rkcorher:—“Alabama’’
is the most suggestive name for tire new
hotel, though the name of “Americus”
or “Sumter” would be the most satis
factory name to the people of the town
aud country. J., H. B.
Adjoining the Furlow place is what is
known as the Williams place, where 300
acres are devoted to cotton and 150
acres grow only corn—a twelve-horse
It Is not as large a place by a good
deal, as the Furlow place, for there, not
only do they cultivate more land, but
they run a steam ginnery and steam
grist mill.
It’s thirteen and n bait miles from De
Soto to Americus, and In that scope of
country there’s only one saw mill, and
Luke & Hays own that.
To-day these enterprising gentlemen
are Just putting a new planer in their
mill, and the two membere of the firm
are working just as hard to get things
straightened out aa if they were only or
dinary day laborers. Ton may think as
you please, but If Luke & Hays don’t
get to the front, no one will.
They don’t only run the mill—'cause
they’ve one of the best general merchan
dise stores In this whole section of
country. A stock of about 97,500 makes
them a business amounting to about
940,000. These two men are a living ex
ample of aconjunction of the Old North
and the New South, for one Is a north
erner, the other a aoutherner—and you
can bet your bottom dollar that they do
the business!
I bad the pleasure of n personal Inter,
view with Hays, but Mr. Luke was so
busy with that new planer that I didn't
get to speak to him.
Tlto.e Who Come to noil yo From Ameri
ca.* Day by Dny.
Miss Crlssio Ilawklau of Atlanta is the
guest of the Misses McKinzie of this
Mrs. TLomas Gresham is very ill at
her home, near the water work'
Superintendent W. J. Matthews of the
S. A. M. road left for Savannah yester
day on business.
I’rof. L. D Lockhart and wife have
returned from Tybee, after a pleasant
visit of several days.
Mr. James C. Sbaw, who has been
traveling passenger agent of the Central
railroad for' twenty yeais, has been
“abolished” after October 1 by the new
Ex-State Alliance Lecturer Beck was
In the city yesterday, and In the coarse
of conversation stated that the mom
bersbip of the alllanco In Georgia had
decreased about 30,000 in the last twelve
months. This is denied, however, by
prominent alllancemen, who claim that
the order Is larger than at any previous
time In Its history in this state.
Letter List.
The following unclaimed letters will
he sent to the dead letter office If not
called for In ten days. Say “advertised
letters’’ when oalling for them at office
A H Aincourt, S M Bryant, Ley Benti
ery. Miss Lizzie Bethoers, Mrs Ardle
Brown, Mrs Aurelia Brown, R C Better,
C L Bell, Julia Schutop, W J Cordray,
Mrs Alice Crozler, Harrell Clay, F
Coggins, Mary Davis, Petter Gemes.
Miss Lula Harrill, Clayton Harden, G A
Ingram, John Ingram, Rev Peter Gems,
L R Lewii, Bob Myrko, col., A M Mo-
Mlkel, MW Jones, T H Mallory, Rev
Th Mabry, Mrs M Oliver, E C Pharr,
P Phillips, Addle Reese, col., Crum
Robinson, Cader Schley, Lennly Ste
vens, D'G Tedde, Mrs Mary Veal, Wm
Wlndoox, jr., Geo H Weston.
J. C. Roney, Postmaster.
Americus, Sept. 2,1891.
Cotton Report.
Americas, Ga., Sept. 2,1801.
Recoived yesterday 101
Received previously 05
Good middling 8
Middling 7j
Low middling. 7
Market Arm.
If you ever go to DeSoto and miss
meeting G. W. Bagley, of the Arm of
Simmons & Bagley, you have missed the
whole business!
Mr. Bagley has the reputation of be
ing the only “reconstructed yankee” iu
the world. His forefathers came from
New Hampshire long, lung ago; so, as
aside from all northern Ingenuity, Mr.
Bagley has all the hospitable and gener
ous traits of a southern gentleman,
mingled with the a>tutcncBs of the
northern business man.
The Arm does a large general mer
chandise business, carrying a stock of
about $8,000, and doing a business of
about $40,000 per annum.
Mr. Bagley Is one of those men who
always make a man feel at home, and
his only crime is being too generous and
hospitable—if you can call that a crime.
And now I must write about ono of
those noble women who, relying on her
own efforts, builds herself up a paying
Miss Cora Cock began business last
December on Railroad avenue, and it
would do any woman’s heart good just
to go Into that neat little store. Miss
Cock does a regular millinery business,
and she keeps everything that' the
A. E. Lockett has this day purchased
of C. D. Elam his undivided Interest in
tho livery stables of Lockett *& Elam, aud
the livery business will be conducted
In the futuro by U. S. Lockett *!t Son,
and we respectfully solicit the patronage
of the public. Respectfully,
U. 8. Lockett A Son.
d&w 8-1-lmo
Services To-night.
Dr. Campbell will hold religious ser
vices at the Baptist tent to night at 7:45.
All are cordially invited.
Syrup Ilarr.1*.
Sixty syrup barrels for sale at the
Alliance Store. sop4 w2t
Fine stall fed beef to-day. Send in
your orders early. Mavo A Winkler.
Notice to Advertisers,
Copy for change of advertisement
must be banded in at this * dice before
12 o’clock on day before publication.
This applies to all and will be enforced.
Times Pcumsiiing Co.
July 28,1801, It.
The women praise P. I*. P , for Scrof
ula, General Weakness anti Nervousness,
Indigestion, Rheumatism, ami Female
Complaints. Try the great anil power
ful P. P. P., and then recommended it
to your neighbors, and you will know
you have done a good deed.
If you can’t see qvrrE as well as you
once could, just cast your eye towards
our show window.
.James Fiuckek A Buo.
Get my prices beforo you start your
September account. E D. Anslev.
The Times-Recorder: As the day
lias come for natniug the new hotel, per
mit me, on behalf of hundreds of our
citizeus, to suggost what wo all think
would bo tho most appropriate naino in
tho language—“The Magnolia.”
This name is by all odds the most dis
tinctively .Southern of any namo hereto
fore suggested. “Tlie Magnolia” carries
with It the very air of a balmy cllmo
and sunuy skies. Besides, it is asso
ciated with delightful memories. We
all are familiar with “Magnolia Springs,”
“Magnolia Dell,” the llower itself, and
a host of other pleasant remembrances.
Then again “The Magnolia” would bo
an original name for the hotel, as there
is no hotel of that namo In the land.
And besides all these reasons, there is
one paramount to all—the namo “Mag
nolia” could not give the slightest of
fense to any one. There would bo no
heartburnings on tho ground of
individual favoritism, or toadyism,
or purchase, or any such silly
nonsense as would surely ariso were the
name of an individual selected. Gentle
men of the board of directors, the name
“Magnolia” stands pre-eminently for the
southland, and no southerner can make
a sensible objection to it. It would be
recognized by travelers even in Egypt as
a Southern institution; and that is the
chief aim in naming our splendid hotel.
“The Magnolia, Americus, Georgia," is
euphonious, appropriate, and sensible,
and will live long after our children’s
children lie sleeping their last sleep un
der the fragrant branches of some
"magnolia.” N. G. P.
Pleasant, Elegant, Reliable.
For biliousness and constipation, take
Lemon Elixir.
For fevers, chills and malaria, take
Lemon Elixir.
For sleeplessness, nervousness and
palpitation of the heart, take Lemon
For all sick and nervous headaches,
tako Lemon Elixir.
Ladies, for natural and thorough or-
ganlo regulation, take Lemon Elixir.
Dr. Mozley’s Lemon Elixir will not
fall you In any of the above named dis
eases, all of wbioh arise from a torpid
or diseased liver, stomach, kidneys or
Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, At
lanta, Ga.
50c. and 91.00 per bottle at druggists.
Lemon Hot Drop*
Cures all Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness,
Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Hemorrhage
and all throat and lung diseases. Ele
gant, reliable.
25 cents, at druggists. Prepared only
by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga.
It Is hoped that the legislature will
not get into deep water any more. They
should, at the same time, avoid shoaly
By Laylng-an at Iland.
Woman restored to perfect health!
Just faith and conAdence enough re
quired to lay hold of Dr. Pierce's Favor
ite Prescription, admluter it with a little
patience aud a III He perseverance, and
complete restoration to health and vital
ity Is insured. Not far, indeed, from
tho miraculous, are many of the wonder
ful oures of lost womanhood it lias ef
fected. There are few cases, indeed,
within the requirements of sick nml suf
fering woman, outside or beyond its
helpful influence. So confident are tiie
makers of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription of its power to heal all female
diseases, that they warrant satisfaction
in every lustance, or refund money
Large bottlos $1; six for $5; at druggists.
To my Friends.
I can he found at my old stand in tho
namll Block, Cotton nvenuo, in the
wholesale and retail whisky business
with Mr. Max Aultman. I can furnish
you good whisky from $1 50 to $4 00
per gqllon. All I want you to do is to
come anil see me. W. S. Brown.
For your toilet soaps, toilet powders
id all toilet articles, go to
Du. Eldridge.
his employes while the dearness of f.*-l
continues and to increase the pensions
allowed to widows of employes and
The superintendent of immigration at
Washington has directed the return of
four Canadians arrested at Pe i.bin. X.
D., for alleged violation of the alien
labor contract law. They said they
were farm hands, and had co ne to
work for David Myers of Pittsburg, X. D.
Austrian and German new .papers
continue i in-ir excited discussion of the
Dardanelles question. While * hev pro
fess not to believe the report that Turkey
lias yielded to Russia, they declare that
if tin- report is true it might induce
most terrible complications for ail Eu
A 18-year-ohl son of Henry Dickerson,
five miles northeast of Lebanon. Ind.,
was shot in both eyes by some unknown
person while lie was engaged with com
panions in playing "tick-tack" at the
resilience of a neighbor, Irwin Huckle
berry. His eyesight is prubahiy de
Tlie Texas Fat Men's association with
thirty memliers present, held their an
nual convention at Galveston. Apart
from the humorous resolutions amt the
amendments, the meeting wits decidedly
a jolly one. It was agreed that no per
son weighing less than 2U0 pounds
could join the order. After a banquet
the convention adjourned to meet iu
Galveston Aug. 1 next year.
Charles Boss, a tmtener einpioyeu in
Shea Bros.' meat market, 728 Second
avenue. New York, was on a la ider try
ing to hang up n side of beef on it hook,
when lie slipped ami fell off tlie ladder
and was impaled on a ladder hook,
which pierced his heart. Before his
fellow workmen could release him he
was dead. Ross leaves a widow, to
whom lie was only married a month,
and six children by ills first wife.
The French government has received
a dispatch announcing that Fonrnea's
expedition to explore tlie valley of
Saiiglui Haven. Central Soudan,' and
the French Congo was attacked by
natives, with the result that sixteen
were killed and thirty-one. including
Fonrnea himself, were wounded. All
of tlie merchandise and rnanv rifles be
longing to the party were lost. Tlie
exjiedition was obliged to slowly retreat,
being harassed by the natives.
A London dispatch says: Mrs. Besant,
in a remarkable farewell address to the
memliers of the Secular society, winch
had decided that she should ho longer
be admit ted to sgieak at its meetings,
claimed that she had received since
Mine. Blnvatsky's death the same mes
sages from unseen teachers that Mine.
Blavatskv formerly received. Mrs.
Besant will go to India to propagate
theosophy with Colonel Olcott. Site
forfeits an income of £200 yearly by
the suppression of her Malthusiau pam
Last week J. L. Bailey, a farm hand
living fourteen miles southeast of Ne
vada, Mo., paid for a gold watch aud
chain which he bought from a local
jeweler with a forged check on the
Thornton bank of that place. He gave
his purchase to his sweetheart, whose
brother, suspecting that the young man
did not come by the time-piece honestly
bronght it to town and returned it to
the jeweler. Bailey is onlv about 16
years of age and the yonng lady but 14.
He says lie did it all for love. He will
not l* prosecuted.
Senator Ferrer's Challenge.
Indianapolis, Sept. 2. — The local
central committee of the People's party
has challenged the Republicans to name
a champion to meet Senator Peffer of
Kansas, in discussing the financial policy
of the past and present administrations
and similar issues in this city on Labor
Day. Senator Peffer makes it a condi
tion that the debates be published.
Grand Removal sale
We shall, on September 1st, remove to our elegant new store
under the new hotel, on Jackson street, and recognizing the greater
ease with which money can be moved, offer our ENTIRE STOCK of
Boots, Shoes and Hats
At One-third off for Cost till that date.
Please bear in mind ottr goods are NEW, clean and FRESH,
and while the times are dull, and the state of trade complaiued of on
all sides, you must have SHOES AND HATS, on which money can
be saved by giving us your trade.
We have added to our business
under the management of
Mr. John H. Starbuck,
and a graduate of the
Chicago Opthalmic College,
and have made complete arrangements for
diagnosing and correcting all visual errors by
the most approved and scientific method.
We aim to make this a special feature of
our business, and our facilities are the best
Oculists prescriptions carefully and correct
ly filled.
Arraigning the 01.1 Fartlea.
Sidney. O., Sept 2.—The twelve sub-
Alliances of Shelby county held' a mass
meeting here, being the first party to
open the campagin. They came from
remote parts of the county, and to tlie
number of about 500 occupied the court
ard, while W. K. Wilkins of Winfield,
Can., and Chaz. Jenkins of Crawford
county, O., addressed them. The speech
of the former was a severe arraignment
of both old parties.
Ruta baga, red top and all other va
rieties of turnip seed for fall and sum
mer planting at
Dr. Eldridge’s.
Indiana’s natural gas is failing. It is
bubbling up In several other states,
Georgia’s kind, however, doesn't lllu-
"''ertrtln hard word., made Into pills,
Htmply to swell the doctor bills,"
are not what constitute Dr. Pierce’s Pur-
pativo Pellets. They are tiny, sugar-
coated, purely vegetable pills, as pleas
ant as confectionery to the taste, and
acting upon the stomach and liver gent-
ly, but effectually, and as naturally as
nature herself. For sick headache, In
digestion, biillousncss, constipation and
all tlie resulting diseases, no laxative
equal to them has ever been discovered.
E. D. Ansley at same old stand, with
full, new stock at lower prices than
No Belief for Me.
You may feel this when under tho
treatment of so many, aud you do not get
any relief for diarrlirva and dysentery.
Why not try Dr. Riggers’ Huckelberry
Cordial, you will tbeu have relief.
When Baby was aide, wa gave her Caster!*
When aha waa a Child, aha cried for Caatoria.
When aha became Mlaa, aha clung to Caatoria
Wbeo aha had Children, aha gave them Caatoria
et waters, Ac., at Dr. Eldridge
Attention llutlderr.
We sell Longman *k Martinez prepared
paints, and are authorized by the manu
facturers to repaint any house at their
expense on which their paint* do not
prove satisfactory.
E. J. Eldridge, Druggist.
For Itent.
Mr. Callaway is offering for rent a few
etioleo rooms and offices, and a store.
For a pleasant shave go to Dr. El
drldge's anil buy one of those celebrated
Tower Razors wbicb are guaranteed to
Take a look at our show windows
when passing. We think tliev will In
terest you. James Pricker a Uro.
Ilawkes' Crystailzed Lenses in all
styles, specs and eye-glasses sold with
a guarantee to please or money refunded
b y E. J. Eldridge.
More fine goods to eat at "The Gro
cery" store of E. D. Ansley’s than to be
found in the state. sept:-6t
Americus Iron Works,
Engines, Boilers, Cotton Gins,
Presses, Feeders and Condensers, Saw and Grist Mills,
Shingle Machines, Pipe and Pipe Fittings, Boiler
Feeders. Valves, Jets, Etc.
Shaftings, Hangers, Boxes and Pulleys
^©“Special attention given to repairing all kinds of
Machinery. Telephone 79. ' WWm
insurance placed on City and Country Property.
Office on Jackson Street, next door below Mayor's Office
Artesian Drug Store.
Prescriptions a specialty, and filled with accuracy and dispatch.
July 25*1(0
PfcCDlty of Twraty-Avt. A liberal. Vine, and Practical Arts.
IMbMrd.11 from Quad*, t*n StaMa, Cub*. I.T., and Inlto.
ItMllHI.1, bom.llkV Earlr application nwmanr. Opens
Sep. N. Bend tor IllaatraMd ficnv«alr,f[lctory_and Calalosn*
Mr*. 1. F. COX, President, f " “ “ ~
CH’S, C. COX, Principal, ]
Something About Thlnga to Eat.
A« this is a thin subject that striked
most people iu a tender spot, wo will
give you a few pointers of how and
where to get them. Located iu our city
we have one of the most complete gro
cery stores to be found north or south.
A store that would do credit to any city.
We refer to the well-known establish
ment of Mr. E. D, Ausloy, iu Barlow
Block, whore he has been for the past
seven years. Mr. Ansley lias just re
turned from the markets east, where lie
ha* bought the most complete stock lie
has ever before offered to the trado. His
stock Is large and complete in every
line. He proposes to do a wholesale
and retail trade in his line aud supplv
housekeepers at wholesale prices when
they buy in quantities. IBs trade is al
ready tlie largest of any retail grocery iu
this section, and he proposes to increase
It by selling better goods and more of
them for tlie monev than you have over
before bought. Think of it. Ho pro-
poses to sell at wholesale prices to co 1*
sumers in quantities. Mr. Ansloy buys
for cash, and is iu a positiou to sell you
goods very low Also, lie will accom
modate you in many other ways.
Henceforth everything to rat will be
cheaper. Thin will ho good news to
housekeepers ami husbands.
Messrs Hinton Cutts havo removed
their law offices from tlie Hart buildinir
to the Brown building on Lamar street,
nearly opposite the main entrance of the
new hotel. Sept 2-dAwlwk
Groceries at wholesale to the retail
trado. Get my prices.
E. D. Anslev, the Grocer.
Prescriptions accurately compounded
of pure drugs, at all hours at
uk. Eldridge Drug Store.
A Card.
On and after this date I will be with
Bressrn. James Frleker & Dro. % where I
will be pleased to see all my friends and
former customers, and as many new
ones as will favor mo with their trade.
Respectfully, G. T. Sullivax,
Americus, Ga„ Sept. 1, 1801.
Lumber Wanted.
Want to purchase 21)0,000 feet rift
grain, clear heart flooring—50,000 feet
lx:l, 50,060 feet 1 jx3, 50,000 feet 1x4,
50,000 feet 1 jx4. Will Inspect at mills
in lots of 30,000 feet or over. Address
Caro Morning News office, Savannah,
Ga. sepl-5t
Families, boardlng-hopses and hotels
can buy from wholesale department at
wholesale prices. Try it.
E. D. Ansley, tlie Grocer.
When you arc willing to have all the
world put out of your heart, God will
come In.
II. B. Randolph, Brunswick, Ga.,
writes: “I was under the care of nine
different doctors, but not one did me the
good that Botanic Blood Balm-lias done
mo.” augl8-d-eod-w4t.
Ail persons indebted to the Americus
Publishing Company, on book account,
must sottlo the samo by cash or note be
fore September 13tb, or they will bo
placed in the hands of an attorney for
collection. H. C. Storey,
sept2-6t Secy, and Treaa.
Recollect! My stock U the largest; my
S lices the lowest, and goods the finest
> be had in the city,
E. D. Ansley, The Grocer.