Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, September 04, 1891, Image 3

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\\ THE AMER1CUS DAILY TIMES-KEOOKDEK: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. 1891. BAD BLOOD! Fimplii on the Face | Brjiklag Out | 8kln j rattle, i lllilo Boru | Hot Skin | Bolls i Blotoheii Gold Boren B.dBrwth| Boro Month or Lips | M ro« .utr.-r tf.m mnr if t*“*> tftko DOCTOR ACKER’S ! . ENCLISH i BLOOD ELIXIR j W H Y? BEOA 15?& 1 v p o 0 %1 LOOD S'*** ,>p ’ Acker** CnelUk It load Elixir tithe .only known medicine that will thoroughly er*di> • cMte tho poison from the system. Get It from! ?J'' , ! ,p dnwurl«t. or write to W. II. JU S<JO., 40 Writ llroiMlwey* New Yerk City. I SYPHILIS MRUS T51TT ^“T®Sr“f55uLTBo3?T!SSI?^S5p055r rial pekoe. Tatter, Scald Hoed, He., etc. V P. P. Mil powwfal tonlcand an netleil mm ~p p p * Cures’rheumatisM ■ whose iTilflM art Mleoeotf and who* blood k fa oto powdltke doo In m—itreol Irmrnlsritles ore nnn CURES c P.F.P.1 Malaria [ PHcUy Aah. fwka Root Cures dyspepsiA LIPPMAN BROS, Proprietors, Droggiitt, Llppu'a Block. 8AVAJBAH, GA. For sale by the DAVENPORT DRDO COMPANY, Americas, Os. _ ATaWRU 1-ukt.r. hw * aid ' "™ n yon S'' 0 mo five ■rents to get a cap of coffee with?" Ho was a Broadway beggar, with a cheerful face and a buoyant manner, rortnne had frowned upon him, bat be was not at all disturbed; he simply laughed in fortune’s face. The man to whom the beggar had spoken halted. "I don’t know that I mve got five cents," be said, but at the same time lm pu t his hand into his pock et Encouraged by this movement, the cheerful lieggar continued: “Make it teu cents, and i can get a sandwich to go witll the coffee.” "* umit do that." said the man. and he ndded. ns he handed over two cents, ’tins is the best I can do." "It’s all right," the tieggur said, "per fectly satisfactory; I ain’t fixing the price."-New York Sun Bow Carl Srtiurs Leamad KnglUh. Few foreigners—Indeed few English or Americans—speak anil writo tho Eng lish language with the grace and purity of Carl Soli ni x. and ho explains the fact as follows: "When I first came to America I found that I knew os little practical English as the Yale or Harvard student who has read ‘Faust’and •Ptccolouilni’ knows of Herman. I went to a Imokstore and naked for the classte of tho English lan guage. The ’Vicar of Wakefield* was given me. 1 made a careful translation of tho work into Herman, laid it aside for six weeks, retranslated it into Eng lish. critically compared the two versions, and knew tho English languages"— Youth's Companion. Pin Superstition, Superstition has sjiecial claims upon tho pin; it should, wo are told, “bo lent, not given." There is a by no moans small class of sensitive minded folks who re gard the exchange of a pin a sure and •harp prick to friendship, and there is another goodly number that put them selves to all manner of inconvenience to stoop and pick up every pin that lies in their pathway.—Table Talk. Skewered and Cured. “First I was skewered and then I was cured,” says Jones, and ho laughs heart ily over his little joke. Well, let him laugh. Let bimjaugh who wins. Hewaa ough and through by dys- i attendant train of ills. Hi Dr. Pierce's Holden Mcdl cal Discovery. Do you feel doll, lan guid, low-spirited; experience a sense of ullncss or bloating after eating, tongue —‘Dd, bitter or bad tasto in the month, pilar appetite, dixxinoss, frequent laches, nervous prostration or ex haustion, hot flushes alternating with Advice to Women If you would protect yourself from Painful, Profuse, Scanty, Suppressed or Irregular Men struation you must use BRADFIELD’SJ FEMALE^ REGULATOR Cartbtuttllb, April 88,1888. This will certify that, two members of my Immediate family, after haring suffered for cs tSSd were at length completely cured by out bott of Bradfleld’a Female Iteirulator. II affect Is truly wonderful. J. W. SraAMQB. Book to « WOMAN - mailed FREE, which contains valuable Information on all female diseases. BRADFICLD REGULATOR CO.. ATLANTA, OA. tKU BALM MX ALL DBUOQIMXM. ohiliy pains here tnrbcd and unrefresbing and indiscri liable feeling of Impendlr * * ' biting transient ESSs?-'’* drowsi- 'sleep, con A»k mj aerate for W. L Dsatluflhm If not far mI« Is yonr place ask year dealer to wend far ratalesne, eecare tka iiurncy, and pet them far yaa. CF-TAHB NO HUIISTITUTE.«4T ¥ WHY IS THE W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE CEN^MEN THE BEST 8HOE HI THE NNU FOB THE BMP? Ill* * seamless shoe, with no tacks or wax thread to hurt tho feet* made of the best fine calf, stylish t of this Jehamt- l easy, and becaum »r* make . ide than any other manufacturer. It equals «wks ffifi 00(Pennine Ham 99* shoe ever offered Imported shoes which cost $4. 0 S>M« o ’SSi^ , dSiS& W.SS shoe ever offered at this price; same credo as cua- tnm-ma<le shoes costing front 8&0) to snamlese, smooth Inside, heavy three soles, exten sion edge. One pair will wear a year. SB SB 30 One ralft no better shoe ever offered at 9As thlx prices one trial will convince tho— who want a ahoe for comfort and service. M as and sa-os w.jk I » naWa •£ a are very strong and durable. Those w have given them a trial will wear no other make. DaVoI 99.09 and 91.73 school ««• a □oys worn by the boys everywhere; they sell on their merits, * k - * * *“ Ladies mare the beet Mllsa.-flM ^ ‘DOUULAAUrocktoo, THORNTON WHEATLEY lerlcus, - - Georgia *, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, W»l* ww. Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, ileailache, Nervous Prostration caused by the ee of alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental Depression, Hoftenlnx of the Brain, resulting in nsanlty ami leading to mlaery, decay and death, ,*remature Old Age, llairennese, Loss of P° wer 1 either sex, Involuntary Lnatea and Bpenna- i boxes for 85.00, sent by mall, prepaid, on re- Ipt of price. WE GUARANTEE BIX BOXES i money if the treatment does not el K THE BEST KNOWN REMEDY G Gleet In t toff Days, without Fata* 0 or: 41*- eonatant or of are symptom. of Bilious Dy*- >epsla, or Torpid Lirer, uao-iated with Dyspepsia, or Indigestion. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will subdue the cause, if taken according to direc tions, lor a reasonable length of Urns, or money pain for it will be cheerfully re funded. “Did yon attend the obeeqnlea of Snip, yonr tailor f “Tea, and I never saw Snip more obsequious.” By Lsylnx-on of Buds Woman restored to perfect health Just faith and confidence enough re quired to lay hold of Dr. Pierce's Favor ite Prescription, adminter It with a little patience and a'Uttlo perseverai complete restoration to health and vital ity ia insured. Not far, indeed, from the miraculous, are many of the wonder ful cures of lost womanhood It has ef fected. There are few cases, within the reqniscmcntso«sich and suf fering woman, ontslde or beyond its helpful influence. So confident are the makers of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Pre scription of its power to heal all female diseases, that they warrant satisfaction in every instance, or refund money. Large bottles $1; six for IS; at druggists. Mrs. K.—But yon are lore that parrot will talk? The Dealer—Certainly, ma’am. It’s a female. Little Early Riser* don’t gripe, cause nausea nr palm which accounts for their popularity. The Davenport Drag Com pany says they would not ran a drag store without these little pills. He—(peetfcaHy)—Ah, who can ex press the power of love? She—(practi cal}—U’s two donkay power. par Over Fifty Trere Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup 1 used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens tho gums, allays all pain, cure* wind colic, and ia tho best remedy for diarrhaa. Twenty-live canto abode. Sold by all druggists through out the world. When a young man says that ho never love another, he moans, of course, not for two or three weeks. Perfect action and P* rf “ t l * oal * suit from the use of D«Wltt« Little Early risers, a perfect little pill. **• sale by the ftwenpert Drug Company. It is the unloaded guns that always go nil st unexpected momenta and wreck tliingi. It la different with men. Yon never tried DeWltFa Little inkora (HucccMora to W. L. Mardre.) SCHOOL BOOKS Blank Books, FINE STATIONERY SHEET MUSIC, Daily PaporH, Magazinca, Fashion Plates, etc., etc., Base Ball Goods, Art Materials, PICTURES I PICTURES! Pletin Fruits lade to Order. Any kind, size or price, and to our picture frame department we have just added ten thousand feet Moulding of the very latest design, and an experienced workman, and we will be pleased to have yon call and look through our stock at anytime. 106 FORSYTH STREET. iioiih sub kkS Bold in Amorlcns by Cook’s Pharmacy Z. J. Bldridgo, Flootwood A Russel!, J. E. Hall and Davenport Drug Company. seaport Drag Company. It Is, perhaps, a trifle superfluous to M y that recent fr’lorea in the shoe trade were because of Inability to foot the bills. _ nun wobtw affisSgggS gtggggsa.. by Fleetwood * Russell,Americas, Ga. 8 Syphilis, Rhenmstism, Old Some and ffKrasfS’si £ # werfKle»M. p ' RR AUGUST MYERS, Artistic Tailor Has removed his establishment to the basement under T. Wheatley's, Forsyth street entrance, where he Is prepared do FUtST-CLASS WORK always guaranteeing a nice tit. Cleaning and repairing promptly attended to. SUITS TO ORDER From x handsome line of patterns. OH me a trial. oaicSdSmo Yonr Choice. White and Colored Puff Shirts. Gentlemen's Madras Summer Shirts. Gentlemen’s Summer Underwear. Stylish Summer Neck-wear. Light Summer Coats and Vests. Gentlemen’s Fancy Dress Pants. Boys’ Blouse Suits. Boys’ Knee Pants. The remnan|s^of these lines oh hand will be sacrificed in order to CLEAN OUT the above lots, that we may have room for the fresh new goods %ha£ Mr. John R. Shaw, the proprietor, is now in the Eastern markets buying. Men’s, Boys* aftljbhilclxeE’s Straw Hats at your own price. G il CENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS HOUSE, Amerlcus, Oa, 1 17 Forsyth PASSENGER SCHEDULE SUVVAN T.*kl TJolfid mthTff. ROUTE TO FLORIDA, fi* andard Tima, 01th Meridian. ; - <min<i Millie, FINANCIAL. 1. H, HAWK INS Pre.'l. II, C- BAGLEY. Vie. Fin" W.t, BURPHEY, Cuhlwi OROAIMZBD IStO. -80Tha Bank of Amefioug.ei-- ga?« iiawss • I WMOIWRai- dvpot In J*cL - Connection Macon xnd Norths A. C. KNAPP, Traffle Manncer I-J, HA RRIB, Ticket i JAMBS IfKNZ1B8, (miMuton’Ax*nl?W Wret'SiJ^t, Jael In Macon and Palalka and F. 0. * P. ind ia mad. In Maeon with tratna of Central, Ticket Atent, Union Depot, aekaonvllle, Fla. SCHOFIELD’S^IRON WORKS emmv A WO M A CHJNK W K»t*. ■ /. Ht, SCHOFIELD’S SONS "A CO., Prerp'n, Manufacturer* of Steam Engines, Boilers, Cotton Tresses and General ery, Cotton Gins, Cone Mills and Saw Mills. Dealers in Mill i Machinists* Supplies. Special Attention to Repair Wort «. MACON, GEORGIA. •: M wn8 - Cxvrxtx. and Trxde-Mxrk* obtained, tad all Pat- hmaitovEagni, rjii. )ppeslt« U. S. Patent Office, - J patent in lest time than those rriaote from Waahington. UM. WWBBVM charge. Omrfb Saa&t" _ or not, flee of j till patent teaenired. How to Obtain Patent*,” with dlenta In yonr State, county, or C.A.SNOW&CO. SUFFERERS OF: Mouthful Errors Sfauhond, Karij Dnnay, nto., ate:, nan soeiirw a hnmo trust inn frto by addressing a fellow C. W. Leek, P. O. Bee 1IH Keen- ,V>gMta. W. J. SLAPPBY, rormuvlyon Artailsn Ovruer, hs« removnd 10 irt/vre.lately nrcnpliHl by W. FI. Hrarhorongh UNDER OPERA HOUSE, Where he will be glad to see hfs frtanda. Tlie Finest Stock of Whiskies, Tobacco and Groceries in the city. Sole Agent for SchuyfkifI Whiskey, Which l« offered at tbs low price of VU 0. J. B. BROS/tf N-S PRIMWTB STOCK, Ten year* OtVf, At |8.fl0 per 'gallon. Sole Agent for VINE OLD ORESCENT CLUB WHI8KEV. SLAPPEY. UNDRIt OPRRA H0TT8B. 1 op Capital THE BANK OF SUMTER o.a.colXman, Vlee-Presldnat. w. a rmt/m, cashier, DlBXOTORS-O. A, Coleman, 0, 0. H»»Wn«, B. U.Jomej, T. N. Hawked, W. C. FurlOTj, W. a. O. Wheadey, B. S. 'Tver, H.M, Brown, W. M. Hawken, r, X, T. Mathis, A rtbur Hylander. Liberal to Its customers, accommoda ting to the pnbllo and prudent la Its management, thin bank solicits deponltd and other bnalness fa Its line. T/ir.HAWiifca, Preeldent, l. MONTGOMERY, F(«l, J. C. NONEY, Vk« ft**. m., iesten WINDSOR Ant. Vt. LA HAWKINS,Attwrey HO. 2889. Peoples’^tM Bui Of Americns. Capital, eso^oo. ORGANIZED 1883. w. jr. SL. tawvr J | k — - .U 'f t W V f ft. k. r *<rw iTH. B. H Me*MATH McMATHBROTHERS. Mrs, Mods, Comrtry Proflnce BOOK’S. SHOES, ETC. ETC. WHISKEY, TOBACCO & CIGARS SPECIAITIES. 907 FORSYTE STREET, AMERICUS, GEORGIA. WcmllcILa share or the patrenag* of the intdlog pnbllo, guaranteeing mtlsfaetlon low prlooa,and good goods. Wsdeliver good.anywhere Inthe elty. Call and seeea McMATH B OTHERS. BTJ o- GIES I will mil you tho brat buggy in OoriU, price and quality eonitdered. RepalrteB all kinds mliclled anil exeriuml profbptlv ar.d neatly. T. 9. Cotton Avwtu e. ■““raausfa tvrtr Americns Investment Co. Investment Securities, Paul up Capital, $1,000,000. ISurpIut, $280j000. directors: • Baal of SonMen GNrgh.* “■•5525W w. w. yryKATT.BT, aSSSE;, X Bmta, Ja.,Pret. H.M. KWaPp.V.P, O. A. Cor.gifA*, Soo, a Tress. Georgia Loan SrTr ast Co. Negotiates Loans on improved Farm and City Property. BPHofctni, Attorney, w. o. Humwr. pseukrt. Planters’ Btnk i « -j