Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, September 13, 1891, Image 3

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THE AMER1CUS DAILY T1MES-REC0RDER: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1891. BAD BLOOD!! nmplei on the Paco i * Breaking Oat | i Skin Tronbleci 8 IAttlfiBore*| Hot STdnj Boilii * *' Holla i Blotches | s Gold Boren Bad Breath | 8 Sore Month or Lipi | • If Toa Buffer from »»r of • • these symptoms, tuke Z DOCTOR ACKER’S i ENGLISH • BLOOD ELIXIR! WHY? II»T0 yen erer n*«d mercury t If to, did yon ■ five ^ourself tho n-eded 'tt*ntIon at tlio time i! VVe^yod not tell you that yon require a blood, medicine, to ensure freedom from the after ef-I fecU Dr. Aeker’e Eegll.h: Bleed Ellartr 1* the 2 otriy known medicine that will thoroughly ersdi- * US! 1 ® J DJI | CURES SYPHILIS Cures scrofulA. SorM, UlasduUr Swelling*, RhttiBistlitn, Malaria, old ^bwj^kmdd^^NmM^tot^at^Cttanh, T.T. Srn *TT iST>i»«ir3*^3rna^TSrSicT?5ir^!S5pi5nn^n«i r'al Pollen, Tetter, 5cald H*ad, ate., ate. P. P. Mil powarful tonic and an gjdlgl i Cures rheumatism Ladiaa who** iriUm»^ar« poiwraad snd^whoa* blood la hi claaBileg properties u P. P. P. Prickly Aik, foka Root aad Baaaifaa. CURES ALARIA Cures dyspepsia imnr »sos, Druggist,, Llppmu’t Block, SAVASilAH, GA. For sale by tlie HAVEN PORT DRUG COMPANY, Americas, Ga. Health is Wealth! Dr. E. C. Wan", Nerve axd Bexii Txixt. [ret. r guaranteed .peclflc for Hysteria, Dlsxl* e.i, Convulsions, Flu, Nervous Neuralgia, leadxche, Nervou. Proatratlon canted b* the ae of alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulneaa, Mental lepreeilon, Softening of the Brain, reanltlng ln uanltv and leading to mliery, decay and death. Ye mature Old Age, Barrenness, Loee of Power i either eex. Involuntary Losses and Sperms- irrbrca, caused by over-exertion of the btmin, llf-abose or over-lndnlgtnce. Each tine one month's treatment. 1100 per boa, or lx hoxee for *A00, sent by mall, prepaid, on re- tlpt of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES o cure any case. With etch order received by • for tlx boxes, accompanied with ws 1U lend the purchaser om written guarantee to sfund the money If the treatment does not et set a cure. Guarantee* Issued only by THE DAVENPORT DRUG COjjSole Ag"^ AUGUST MYERS. Artistic Tailor H*uremoved hi* establishment to the basement under T. Wheatley’s, Forsyth street entrance, where he Is prepared to do FIRST-CLASS WORK always guaranteeing .a nice lit. Cleaning and repairing promptly attended to. SUITS TO ORDER From a handsome line of patterns. Give me a trial. JAPANESE trusteed Cur- for Pile, of whatever or degree—£ - emal. Internal, Blind ceding, Itche », Chronic, Beceat ° r litsry. $101 t box; 6 boxes, .5.00. by mail, prepaid, on receipt of price. —rantee to - tre any caao of Ptlea iotoed aad sol only by THE DAVE?l.*OKT DRUG CO., WheUsal. aad KetaU DrnjgwU^ pis, free. feba-dAwlyf *Wm KNOWN REMEDY Antiquity of th«* Domesticated Horse. Tin* horse vva* proltablv first doines- ticated oa the plains of Central Asia. This must have been at u very remote period, fur on the sculptured iuo:;mijents of ancient Assyria we find highbred, carefully caparisoned steed< given in ad mirable ontliiio. showing how familiar and how favorite mi object horse must haw been to the Assyrians. Tlie inane is long and flowing or curled or in tassels. Three horses abreast drew the chariot in which v.*m» three warriors Saddle horses fed l»> g:t«n:us or l»ennng horsemen ?,;v dwi:: -ateil. sometimes in the tidv’.J of.battle. The isorse. was doubtless introduced into Egypt a* late as tlie time <*f Hyksos. and sculptured representations of it me often conventi- »ual ty *es peculiar to later Egyptian art Instead of the life and energy displayed by the Assyrian horse, there is a rat hey weak attempt to repre sent life and ep^rgy and the effect pro duced is iuet*)Ufiical. Probably the horse of the Delta did not couijtare in beauty or sjieed witli the Assyriau horse. Ber- jeau says he was more like the Dutch horse of our day.—Caroline K. Shernmu in Chicago Herald Gallant Itiifas Choa'e. Oh a pretty girl saying to Rufus Choate, “l am very sad-you-see,” he replied, “O, no; you belong to the old Jewish sect; you are very fair-I-see !” Nothing adds so much to the beauty of a fair girl, as a clear, bright, healthy complexion, and to secure this pure blood is indispensable. So many of the so-called blood purifiers sold to improve a rough, pimply, muddy skin, only drive the scrofulous humors from the surface to 9ome internal vital organ, and disease and death is tho inevitable result. On the contrary, Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medl- cel Discovery strikes directly at the root of the evil, by driving tho impurities entirely out of the system, and with a fresh stream of pure blood flowing througb the veins, nothing but the softest and fairest of complexion can result. Queen Victoria proposes to confer upon President Carnot the highest grade of the Order of the Datli. The confer ring of this order on the president of a republic Is said to be an unprecedented distinction. » CHILD BIRTH • • - MADE EASY! “ Morans’ Fuind " It a scientific ally prepared Liniment, every ingre dient of recognized value and In constant use by the medical pro fession. These ingredients are com bined in a manner hitherto unknown “MOTHERS’ • FRIEND” • WILL DO all that Is Maimed for HAND MORE. It Shortens Labor, Lessens Pa»n, Diminishes Danger to Life of Mother and Child. Book to “ Mothers ’’mailed FREE, con taining valuable information and voluntary testimonials. Sentby exprc»» on rrrripl nf price $1.60 per bottle BRAD FIELD REGULATOR CO.. Atlanta, fit. bold «' > > . itfumcusTa 'HagcggcoSdLw^.t, People with impure blood may be said to exist, not live. Life ir robbed of half its joys when the blood la loaded with Impurities and disease. Correct this condition with DeWitt’s Sarsapa rilla, It is reliable. For sale by the Davenport Drug Company. Herbert Spencer, considerably proved in health, is once more hard at work on bis philosophy in a little house in the edge of Savernake forest. Men That Jump at conclusions are generally “oft their base.” Because there are numberless patent medicines of questionable value, it doesn’t follow that all are worthless. Don’t class Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy with the usual run of such remedies. It is way above and beyond them'. It is doing what others fail to do? It labour ing the worst cases of Chronic Nasal Catarrh. If yon doubt If, try it. If you make a thorough trial, you'll be cured. *,>00 forfeit for an incurable case. Tids oiler, by the World’s Dispensary Medi cal Association, Buffalo, X. Y. At nil druggists; AO cents. Spurgeon grows steadily weaker, de spite the best of the medical skill and nursing, ami it is feared that ho will never again stand in tlie pulpit of his famous tabernacle in London. We cannot afford to deceive you. Con- dence is begotten by honesty. De Witt's Little Early Risers are pills that will cure constipation and sick headache. For salo by the Davenport Drug Com pany. Senator W. D. Washburn of Minne sota, who is said to be the biggest Hour producer in the world, is'a Maine man and worked on a farm in that state till be was 20 years old. For Over Fifty Veare Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup has been used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-live cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists through out the w..rld- Scldnzuach has been selected this year for the villeggiatnra of Queen Isabella of Spain From there she goes to Munich, where the ex-Queen of Naples is now staying. DeWitt’s Sarsapai . ooisons as scrofula, skin disease, ecze ma, Theumati-m. Its timely use aavee many lives. For sale by the Davenport Drug Company. Mrs. Hannah Euatis and Mist Sarah Barr of Wakeflold, Mawachuaetta, who were born in Salem on March 21, 1800, are probably the oldrat living pair of twins. “Continual dropping wears away the stone. ’ _ The continual breaking of lamp-chimneys is expen sive in the course of a year- You can stop it. Get Macbeth’s “pearl top” or “pearl glass.” You wiB have no more trouble with breaking from heat. You will have clear glass instead of misty; fine instead of rough; right shape instead of wrong; and uniform, one the same as another. You will pay a nickel a chimney more; and your dealer will gain in good-will what he loses in trade; he will widen hi3 trade by bet ter service. AN ORDINANCE. An ordinance to repeal Section 402 of Ihe cotie of ordinances of the cl*y of Aniertcus. and In lieu thereon© dx tho time when nil city taxea Khali becom- due and payAble. and In provide Tor the o- llectlou thereof ami for other pur, okch. Hkcrios 1. he ,t ordained by the Mayor nnd City Council of Americas, and II !■ hereby ordatued and enacted by $he author ity of the same. Thiit Section 41)2 of the code or ordliiHoccH of the city of Amerlcus, which prescribe* that It ahall be th* duly of the Mayor and Cltv Counc 1 of Amerlcus. to fix by resolution the time when city tttxra shall become due, nnd for notice thereof by the cleifc and treasurer be, and the same ta hereby repealed, and In lieu thereof th fol lowing auction I* enacted, to-wlt; bxc. 2. he It further ordntmd by the au thority .aforeRnid. that fron» and after the panange of this ortlir.anee, all Llty faxen ahull become due and payable by the flrat day of October of each year, and any txxpat er who shall nevb’ctor refuse to pny aucb taxes b the'Mhday of i ec mber of each year, ahaL be entered upon the llxt of defuul' era. and th*-Clerk and Trepanrer shall forthwl* 1 * — early hh practicable. Issue execution ag _ _ such taxpayer for bis unpaid taaes, which execution shall bear ten. in the name of the Mayor and City Council ot Amerlcus and he directed to the Marshal, who shall, by levy ami sale, forthwith collect the same as pro vided by law. 8ec 8. Be It further ordained, thAt all ordinances and parts of ordinance In con flict with this ordinances,be and the somoare tealed. by City Connell Aug 24,1801. I>. K. BBINHoN, Cleric and Tr*a*urer. PROFESSIONAL CARD! . kRCHrrKTf ARB *ee«RIRT«NbERT, • , Amerlrus, cieorglR. Lsmzr etreet—Murphey Bonding. l-t-ly The Best Place In South-west Ga. J. WORSHAM OSIM over Peoplo’e^StlonxI Bsnk. W, P - B0BT ’ DENTIST, ' (Irsnherry’s Corner, Amerlrus, Oa., . Continues to serve Ills friends In ell branch,, of dentistry. JwD-tf |, M ' J • Office and residence, next house to 0. A Hunting ton, Chmrh street, ftbTtf f A, FORT if. D. * Office at hr. KldrldfaH •I* be round at night Tn e.ldrldae** thug store, Bartow Block. Ian (MU-tf D »7t. J. KKKNRDT.MeD, ^ , PHYSICIAN ANp BURGEON. Office st Dr. Kldridge** Drug 8tore. Can ini found at night in lit* office room over. Kid ridge's drug store, Barlow block, rebS-ly DWTOHSTirANDXT hinSI Here one of the beet hirnlehed and host equipped doctor's offices In tbe Booth, No. ,1, Jeckaon street, Atuerious, !)». General Bnrgeqr end treetaent of the Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose A Speolalty. TO BUY iieroby repei Adopted b AN ORDINANCE. An ordinance to repeal »ect?oi tt>9 of the code of ordinances of the city of Amerlcus, and In lieu ther* of to prescribe by ordinance the time when all tax returns sIbII be mode, and for other nurposes, Section 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the Mayor and City Council of Americtis, and It is bercbv ordained and enacted by the Authority of the same. That from and after the passage of this ordinance Hectlon 8W«*f the code of ordinal ces of the city of Ameri cas, which prescribes that the Mayor and City Council or Amerlcus sha I by resolution fix the time within uhlch all tax retuna shall be made, and cause the clerk and treas urer to give thirty days public notice thereof, be, snd the same Is hereby repealed, and In lieu thereof t» e following section t>e enacted: 8ec. 2. Be tt further enacted and ordained by the authority aforesaid, That from and after the passage of this ordinance ad tax re turns shall l>e made between ’he first d y of April Hud the first day of July of each year. That upon the first day of J-ily of each year it ahsll be the duty «f the clerk and treasurer to cl .sell's divest sml to proceed to asses- and tax all u*Te urned property ms provided in -ec ton 400 of the code of ordinances o tho lty. -KC. A Be *t further enacted and ordained Th*t nil ordinances and parts of ordin*n‘ es nnd resolutions, contrary to this ordinanc In?, nnd Ihe same are hereby repealed. Adopted by t'lty Council, Aug. 24,1«91 Ir. K. BR1NHON, Clerk and Treasurer. University of Georgia. NINETIETH YEAR. Session begins Wednesday, September 17. Tuition Free in all depart ments at Athens, excepting Law. A. L. HULL, augl3-lm Secretary. and we run srenre patent Id lass time thsa those remote from Washington. bend model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of charge. Oar fee not dne till patent is secured. A Psstehlet, “How to Obtain Patents,” with names oractual clients in your flute, county, or town, sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Opposite Pxtent OMu. Wsihinplcn, 0. C. THE LITTLE SEWING MACHINE MAN OVVERA rOKSALE SEWING MACHINES & MOTORS For all Machines on easy terms, and can supply the beet Needles, Oils, Attachments, Etc., rOR ALL MACHINES. Rpeclal attention given to repairing i ii,all will i GOOD SHOES AT FAIR PRICES IS AT JOHN R. SHAW’S “EAGLE” SHOE STORE, UAT " A?a 119 Forsyth St. AMERICUS, GA. Great assortment, Latest Styles and No. 1 Qualities; for little, big, old and young. No Better Stock to be found anywhere. PASSENGER SCHEDULE Georgia Saiitfiem&Flwida Ry. SUWANEE R1VEK ROUTE TO FLORIDA, TakingKffeef Jana 14* 1M1, Standard Time, 01th Meridian* IhJINo noUftf. 4 10 p ml 7 lo a rn 8 06 pm 10 46 am 8 30 p mill 00 am 10 fiO p m 2 08 p m 13 86 p m It 66 p m 8 00 am 6 14 pm 6 17 ami 7 18 pm Lv A tin: u*..., Ar Macon Lv Macon Ar Cordele.... Ar TIfton..... Ar Valdosta... Ar. .Lake City., Jacksonville.. Ar l»30pi Lv 6/Op i U'Uhu xokflir m 6 10 6 (41 j 8 17 | .1« .Lv> f <0 a ml lo I6amiluuu pm Ar Wlatka... Lvi J to a ra| 6 80 pm 1 lAr 8t, Angnstl e Lvl*. | Connection nertb bonnd and south bound Is mods In Macon with trains of Central. Macon and Northern and K. T. V. A O. railroads. A. C. KNaPP, Traffic Manoaer L. J. HARR IB, Ticket Agent, Union Depot. HENRY BURNH,T. P. A. Macon On. JAMEH MENZIERpBoutbexstem Agent. M Weet Bay ML, Jacksonville, Fla. W. J. SLAPPEY, Formerly on Artealan Corner, has removed to store.Iately occupied by W. H. Hcarboroagb UNDER OPERA HOUSE, Where he will be glad to see his friends. The Finest Stock of Whiskies, Tobacco and Groceries in the city. Sole Agent for Schuylkill Whiskey, Which Is offered at ike low price of 6V 0. J. B. BROWN'S PRIVRTE STOCK, Ten years old, at «<M4 par gallon. Sole Agent for FINE OLD CRESOENT OLUB WHISKEY. W. J. SLAPPEY. JanWAwtr UNDER OPEHA HOUSE. £ (( ul It.-llevtie tln.plt.1 Medici Z Cnllese. N. Y.. twice «r.<lu»te of N. Y. Poet Orailu.teMedlo.l Foil mil,chl.r Mur,eon s a.M. R R.eto.) otter.hiepmftvwloti»r»r. vice, ee a general pmctltoner loltieclt'"*-* of Aoi.rleo.Hnil ■iirrouucllnxeountrr. Ineludios the treatment of hemorrhoid., fiV* t'il.iitrleture, catarrh, aud all dlaeaew of Anue, ttevtum, Gpnltotirlnn.y eyetem and no.* and throat. Office In M urntiey bnildlns Lamar Ml. Connected by ineaaln, tnha with Kidridie’a Urn, Store. Call, elmuld bo 1 tert or telephoned there durln* the day. At night ra'I at realdence on Lee St. or tei*. phone No. Tt. aprXtf E A. HAWKINS, , AiTOKNEY AT LAW. • Office up stain on Uranberry eoruer. W. r - WA m /RNKY AT LAW, . Will practice In all eourta. National Bank. Americtu, Oa. ,. office over W T. LANE, , ATTORNEY AT LAW, Prompt attention given to all bu»!Swe C pVaoetl lo ’yOtsnd, offico In ltarlow lilooa, room e. J A. IIIXON, . . ATiORNEY AT LAW. ; Amerieue, Oa. Office tn Baglay building, oppoatte the Court Houae. Prompt attention given to M AWA 2?AS?f| ! T Yl’ATLAW. Amerleua, Oa Prompt and earefttl attention given to at] "'""’rL.M'.r 10 “■w' T. L. HOLTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW^^,^ .Will practice In all tba eonntles Si life Hiata. Prompt attention given to all col lections entrusted to my care. if ANSLBY St ANSLEY, I C ’ *' AT ArnunS'Ev J' 821*4 Yoreyth street, Amerl Will practice In alt Ihe Conrts,and Ir tjr Court (or the next twelve months. ATLAW, ‘ Ametlout, Oa. In the Conn. 12-24 dAwly. Wrudioat, F. 1'i.aagg. P**st A.Hoopnn. CLARKE A HOOFER, ttornoys st Law AMERICUS, GKOIKJ1A mayU-d-w-ly WAtm K. wssansr, J. B. rmoxiAu, Whestloy * Yltigorsld, ATTORNEY8 AT LAW, Offieai 4M JsekMn St., Up Stairs, AMBIIICUH, , OEOltGlJ) JsnlAI 0. B. HUDSON, I US. BLALOCK, of Soklay county, | of Americas, IUDSON * BLALOCK, ' tkMvaai. AVIBlOCi, QUOSOM, Will practice Ip all eourta. K. J vtoMvril. B. H MoMATH Pffi»5 MAunrmmna mat isuTUitarM RRAiifES GOLDEN SPECIFIC. Itcon bjglren lseo4fe*,t«» l or la arttclce of food, wltboat tba knowlad/re of patiant if n«c««sry* IS ta xbaotateiy barmtase aad will • fiscs a pvrma- aval and spctMy car*, wb«hsr she patlens is s Boderatcdrtskevorao oleoboUc wreck. IT XEV BR FAILh. It operate* ••> qoistly «/»d with sack certainty that tba patient undergo** aa !aeo» vsataaee, aad soon hi# complete reformatio# „ efiseted. 48 page book free. To be bad of For axle ov Dr. E. J. Kldrldge Amerieue, Oa. SUFF3 MUD! IS Youthful Errors Lost Manhood, Ban, G-cay, et*., ate., tn saeor* s hom.grastfa.frea bfiddMcint Mh* nBr»f C. W. Leek, P.O. Bmt W Rotn„k«, v;-Ffi>is McMATH BROTHERS. BKALKBH Ilf Groceries, Provisions, Coitry Produce BOOTS, SHOES, ETC.. ETO-, WHISKEY, TOBACCO & CIGARS SPECIALTIES. 207 FORSYTH STREET, AMERICUS, GEORGIA. We wllelt a <bar. of the patronage of the tradlogpabllc, guaranteeing .all,faction low prleemand good good,. W* deliver good, anywhere In the city. Call and mom. mcmath brothers. BUGGIES L will ecu yon lb. beet boggy in Georgia, prlee nnd quality con.idered. Repairing nil kind, aollclted and executed promptly and neatly. All work warranted. T. S, GREENE. Cotton Avsnu*,, - Americas, Georgia. E.O.SIMMONS, W. tt.KIMBROUGH SIMMONS a KIMBBOU9H, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Barlow Block, Room 4, Will practloe In taRh State end federal Ooattt, Strict attnthm paid to all buriMMantruitedta tbem. T.lepbone No. 100. lt-IPWtf W. B. OtfBBST. Do Pout OoxnaV Amerlona, Ga. Mason, OS, QUERBY * BOH, T A WYEtW, America., On. Office In Pea Ji pie's National Bank Building. Lama •treat. *(111 practice In Huinter Auperlo and Connty Court., and In the Huprem Court. Our junior will regularly attani tba saaekma of the Superior Court. Th Arm will lake epeclal euee InanySuperlo Court on Soathweetern Railroad. C L. NOHRMAN, j AltCflllECY, nvrifiaa Fd«chlfaa Btfeat Atlanta. OFFIORB iHoon, 7 Barlow Bi’k* Atnarteof Plan* anti spvfllflcatlon* famished f< build tugs of all (levcrtpitona —public balk Ings eepoHatiy. Uommanieatlnas by ms to either office will meet with prompt a fentlon. Wm,Hall< Snperlutvndent a mar cus office. JILLUMS08 * KAttLp W li ^ CIVIL An;» HA^ITADT BkOlltlSMi Plans and a-timates for water supply, rage and gtneritl engineering work* ■*—"un —- - n ^nvlnecrlni Construction superintended, new eadquartera, Montg^rntz, office over JuhusonA Kai LUMBER SUIN' G-ILtES. After hhviDg our txslll thoroughly hauled, we are now prepared to fi tiled, we nro now Lumber and Siting! cheaper, titan anybody. Americtis. prepared to furnish ?le« as cheap, nr Addreaa ua at