Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, September 17, 1891, Image 5
j™ AMERICUS DAILY TIMES-RECORDER: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 189i. personal mention. b-Cr movements in the social and business circles of americus. Where Society People »re Coin*-Who the Strmnjer. ere VUnin r -Where Bci.l n „, Men are Bound and What They Go for- Pleaeant Nolle,,. Fellow Citizens! Alliancemen! And Friends! Of Southwest Ga.: With compliments of the season, we respectfullyjinvite your attention to our IMMENSE LINE OF Newest Styles in High Grade TAILOR-FITTING FALL AND WINTER, ■ We have outdone ourselves this season and excelledjfnll previous attempts in placing before you more attractions and exclusive Novelties in Clothing and Haber dashery. We carry .beyond a doubt (and the most of you know it) the LARGEST STOCK of Mr. Plill a. Jackson of Ckokee spent yesterday In Atnerlcus. Mr. J. H. Peyser of Macon is in Ameri- cm for a few days stay. Miss Bertha Solomon Is visiting friends and relatives in Americus. Mr. Julius M, Bird of the 17th district spent yesterday in Americus. Mr. Drew Bird, one of Sumter county's prosperous planters, was in town yester day. Miss Maud Smith is ill,at her home on College street, mucli to the regret of her friends. Mrs. George Hill of Bronwood was in Americus yesterday on a shopping ex pedition. Mr. Dupre Peacock, a prominent Schley county Citizen, was in Americus yesterday. Messrs. M. L. Hudson and E. R. Stew art of Plains were in Americus yesterday on business. Miss Lilia Williams of Ellaville, who Is a charming young lady, was In the city yesterday. Mr. L. Lillies that, of the firm of A. Gibiao A Co. of Macon, was in Ameri- cus on business yesterday. Mr. C. P. Vaughan, reeresenting the A. B. Richards Medicine Company of Shermao, Tex., is in Americus. Mesdames R. S. Oliver and M. E. Har rell of Plains paid Americus a visit yes terday for the purpose of “shopping." Mr. Julius Daniels, one of Schley county’s prominent citizens, was shaking hands with Americus friends yesterday. Mrs. Jas. F. Ross of the 17th district, accompanied by her sister, Miss Mollie Rutherford, were in Americus yester day. Miss Cora Cock, a young lady of marked business ability, of whom De- Soto is very proud, was in Americus yes terday on business. Miss Carrie Deaton, a charming Columbus girl who has been visiting the [ family of Mr. P. B. Williford, turned to her home. The many friends of Mr. W. E. Staley, of Eldridge’s drug store, will be glad to learn that he is able to be up again after a troublesome illness. Rev. J. B. Johnstone, the popular pas tor oT the First Methodist church, re turned yesUrday from Decatur, where he has been for a day/ visit to his j family. I Miss Annie Claire An.)*, one ui Elia- I ville's society young ladles, accompanied | by Mr. Ed Clark of the Ellaville Bank, i came over Tuesday night to attend the | theatre. Montgomery M. Folsom, the tireiejs! land indefatigable “hustler” for the At- I lanta Journal, bobbed up serenely again yesterday and will spend a day or so with bis Americus fr.euds. Mr. John Foster, talc of The Tijies- Recordbi: staff, returned to Atlanta yesterday. Mr. Foster is a cultivated gentleman, and an ably and experienced newspaper man of great ability. Mr. Binion Weaver xf Alabama as in Americus and has decided to locate here. He wil! --jot. open a grocery busi ness in one of the handsome starve on the east side of the h Indsor bh*-k. Keep It Dark. The big show will arrive to-day from Macon, where “Keep It Dark" was per formed last evening. The fun will com mence at the opera house at 8 p. m. sharp. . “Keep It Dark" is the very fun niest play that will be seen in Americas this season, and the Atlanta Constitution says it is by all odds the best show ever seen in Atlanta. Such a recommenda tion coming from the Atlanta Constitu tion Is enough to pack the opera house with lovers of pure fun. Little Alice Hanson, the child wonder, in astonish ing dancing; Li2zie Richmond's famous telephone duet and W. T. Bryant’s funny burlesque dance will be prominent among the many specialties. Attention Young Democrats t A meeting of the Young Men's Demo cratic Club, of Sumter county, is called for Saturday the 19th at 10 o’clock a. m. in the county court room at the court house. Business of importance will come up, and every democratic voter of Sumter county is urged to be present. If you are not a member come and have your name enrolled. Wxllborx F. Clarks, W. K. Wheatley, Presidant Secretary. LEMON ELIXIR. WHOLESALE TO CONSUMERS Think of It! Families can buy at Wholesale Prices. PlMMant, Elegant, Reliable. Fur biliousness and constipation, take Lemon Elixir. For fevers, chills and malaria, take Lemon EUxir. For sleeplessness, nervousness and palpitation of the heart, take Lemon For all aick and nervoua headaches, take Lemon Elixir. Ladles, for natural and thorough or ganic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. Dr. Mozlejr’a Lemon EUxir will not fall you In an? of the above named die- eases, all of which arite from a torpid or diseased liver, stomach, kidneys or bowels. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, At lanta, Ga. 50c. and (1.00 per bottle at druggists. Lemon Hot Drop. Cures all Cough*, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Hemorrhage and all throat and lung diseases. Ele gant, reliable. 25 cents, at druggists. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. may2-sunthurs*wkl-lyr Come in and buy wliat you need for a month, at one time, rnd save 20 per cent. This I guarantee to do. Now try ii. Largest Stock! Finest Goods I Lwest Prices! INQUSITiVE QUESTIONS. ' s , ;- y ?j.:;y, “Do You Eat to Live ? or, Do You Live to<ESt ?’’ andd ‘ - ” Ji ?r. Cr "How Will You Cook It ?" E. D. ANSLEY, The Leading Grocer. Bring upholstering to H. E. Pratt, 010 Cotton avenue. aept!7-dtf has re- Cnstl ! vite J. Attention, Knights of I’jrthl**. Attend regular meeting to-nfgbt at Ill'll. All visiting Knight* in* Bv order of C. C. 11. U. Mayo, K. of R~.<fc S. tug 1'd-tburs-tf Goods Arriving Daily. WAIT FOR US! Will be ready in a Jfew days with all the la test styles in JEWELRT. Three little questions, and yet they concern us all—concern yon personally—especially the “cook ing of it”—concerns you whether yon are hearty or delicate-of ep icurean or of careless tastes— healthy or dyspeptic—you eat— that is, you ought to eat, and you want to know “How will they cook it ?" Cook it on a store, of course, bnt there are other questions— Hare you a store ? and “Hare you a Good Store ?—ask yourself this question, ask your neighbor this question, and let this tell you both that Butler & Berry hare stores— hare good stores too—that's the only kind they hare, or are going to hare. you appreciate convenient rank£*, shelres, grates, etc.? Do you.know) w much about a store ? Hare you ‘caught on’ to the lat est store conrenienoies ? Hare yon seen the latest warming orens and hot water reserroirs ? Do Yon know there are e tores.,am£d stores and stores—some are mere-f ly stores, some others are reallyV good stores and then again,' some,? are the best stores made Letr- usis ask you two more questions:< WilLll you want a store? Won’t yqua want the best stoye made? Now w we let the subject hang righ) there: a and You are cordially invited to’-calLi at the Artesian Corner, to.see* ourir line of stores, which are strictlypn n their merits—open to comparison,n, both as to desirability and. price-*-- with every other store -on ithme market. Yon are not only inrited d to call and see, bnt' we think-dfa * your turn now and we inrite you 1 to coll and ask ‘’questions."—In- -.- quisitire Store Questions of Mutual Ihtllding and Loan Amoclntlati. Installment Xo. 38, series 1, and Xo. *27. series 2, will be due and pay able at my office on Thursday, 17th instant. All who do not pay by 0 p. in. ou that day will be subject to a fine of ten cents ou each and every dollar thus 'Flu* f unds of both dories will be offered j .J-ACICSO^ST ST. for sal? at lay o hee Thursday night at I , ; m 7:20 s!>«?•*. f»TT Wauskx, j ihu; r» r-ee’y and Treat, « If you want to be healthy and happy, j call on J. Henry Freeiaan and get him to paint, paper and yourj house. sepl^afl Linder “The Windsor,’ THE BIG SHOW. BEST OF THE SEASON. BUTLER BERRY, ARTESIAN CORNER. LEE A LAMAR STREETS.: Hawke*’ Crystalizad Lenses in *i styles, specs and eye-glasses sold with a guarantee to p' or money refunded b>, E. J. Er.nBTOou. When Bttif >u lick, w» gtn nor Certorla. When the van » ChEJ, dw cried for CuPirla. When .he bccarnr Mize, .he dun* to CMtoin. When ih* tnd Chfldm, eho f»ve them Cutorla iL. Investigate ti -n Little Early Kiser: nausea or pain, popularity. The - V. itt : t iteonnts f-r their rr.-r j-jr* D-qg Orn- OPERA HOU JC»r ONE NIGHT, Thursday, Sept 17, FUN FAST JL2TI3 FUBIOUS. MEN’S and YOUTHS’ SUITS In this part of the state, and are t offering them at the very lowest ) prices. Call and examine these! lines,, as well as our complete assortment in pan; .tor without -U Attention TluiMer*,. We Mil; Longman «fc Martin** prepared paints, and are authorized by the rr.anu- faetnrers to repaint any house at their j expense on which their paints do not j prove satisfactory. £. J. Ex4>lxzh*£, Druggist. ; W. T. BRYANT & LIZZIE RICHMOND, In Hoiv* Laughing whirlwind, KEEP II Improved Residence Lots.-all prices. Improved Business Property. Vacant Lots for Stores or Residence Rooms and Offices for Rent WANTED: Three desirable Homes for Tenants. II. E. P.a’.t ha- ■ jack-i n to 410 lotto Harroi l i- Johnson s. nrepared than ever U For Itetit. Hr. Callaway Is offering for rent a few - Ii-i r i t vuT’3 and offices, arid a st* re. Under the management of Will 1*. Webber and Jot. F. V'ior«. asast shave go tc Dr. El t buy one of those celebrated POSITIVELY the best Farce Comedy Attraction traveling. ^•mraatesd *o LLSVAL PRICES. Reserved seat* on ~ . ’ ! .^Ifc at Allison Avcock a Bo«kJ;tore. (i.NE (ENT j W-jHii OAI MN. THE VERY TBINCJfOfi WANT. be pi Extra Sizes, Stouts and Slims, which, as to style and fit, cannot be surpassed. JOHN It. SHAW, “THE CHAMPION" Clothier and Furnisher, 117 Forsyth St, AMERICUS, - CA. f the i tho will public m While north neciid with - ? ^ booses in the c’ua*ry. .listed Mr. Coto*'f ,R * cew Stock, COCairtM.^ j usually kept in 3 t ,y r ' 2 ’ [store. I re*pectf*-L 4 | ask a call when in_ ~-;e0 I the jewelry line. Very t With Americas Jewelry Jackson street, b-:- wiU ise in set* r-Z Ofx# Omt per Wcci for t iTfiTuvstient taisa fL»r iem r store as4 opera bouse, >si« of $0*4 riJitaied 4je- it h-i by ref aru- “7 store. . FOR BEXT GB SALE. (r . band piano In .rood o'- Hnu. a oCiixetr>»ta- f—- 1 Mosey to Lend or, Firm r>d City Property. 1 Lr* Inferes! and Lcr.g Time. i ; MUTUAL AID, LOAX AXD LW2ST- UEST COJIPA.Vr OF ATLANTA. r>o you w!*h a nice bonse for J<t*Srtrif* *r.d I a plan. If death intervene* before oo fay loryour boroo, we j? to joa. Tne rrry tfclor f*»r men working 4 or cr waz^s. Cali on W. A. SMITH, At W.T. Law Barlow Block. Septa-1 mo MERREL CALLAWAY, Real Estate Agent. Tu my FrftS'ii- I css fce f.' icti st isy old in the Oandl Mock. Cotton avesee. ts toe mhoUatl* and retail whaler rfuMM, with Mr. Max Animism. I <*a fnraic i yon rorjd whisky from *1-50 to HW: per cOhm. AU £ «nt yon to do a come ac i we me. S. B&. wy, %Bg2G-d& wl mo * ,.*a mrt'RES. Mrs. XUY MADDEN JOHN EX SCHMIDT Takes thie opportunity pf i-.foming the people of Amoricua and the adjoining country that ho is now fitting up in the bast of stylo, and will shortly open one of the Finest and Most Complete Restaurants to be Found in the Sontbj Ho will spare no expense or pains to make it worthy of the ' patronage of the venr best peoplo, and Americus can then boost of a place whero everything good will be served in , a style as never before seen in this city. D HIGH I NOW sATil TIME ab-iauchalr 4atys CT/k* r Tb* sftajwr; Concert Pianist and Teacher of Music. WiB fee !k tfa? eltf et*-rr Monday to receive pe- ’tit Is phacrt, fitpe or>ra*i m rMet culture, h" V!_ * | mod* reemred at ifce Alien II-see «4 a* «iX£Efte*i pot i& i rnrikeri.catiH*sto4I^U arn*«4. CitcuLm wsk So oe* k jg Frtcker *. , u* A raw? lew rtapply i formed is wAfi r^$3 tad to- l *trsi»?stsl lunalc fat gantem** mho «« m- I dktria - the * ^’.Remember the place-Schmidt's ReadingSRoom, Lamar St, : . 8-1 cLwly Respectfully, JOHN E. SCHMIDT. = Taocm l Hm Urrtf>*kr. —L-i-iii suit fro® she ^ a, •*;•. Cwsp*»y.