Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, September 20, 1891, Image 3
THE AMEflICUS DAILY TIMES-KECORDER: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1891. DOCTOR ACKER’S ii ENGLISH REMEDY S for Coughs, Coldi and Consumption, loboyond I’Mltit of all modarn ramadld. 11* «l 'stops Cough la sm night. II mill chock •aColdlnaday. II willprtrantCroup, rtllara jAalhma. tad CURE Cooaanplloa II taksa la lima. •• You caa't aford to ha allheal It." ? r rtf.* hottla nay aara you $100 la Doc- • i—nay cars your III, I UK TOUR HIT. Nth* IKtla eats hot CROUP ,, 4 MPINCC0U6H \L bound tTCrP-JJ MclYorVi,’^.?,' I IT TASTE8 COOD. RES SYPHILIS b |mt satisfaction hr Uw nnof with (ml <sp p p i Cures scrofulA. CuresdyspepsiA LIFTMAN Bi Druggists, Lippms&’sBloflfei BAVASHAH, QA* For sftle by the DAVENPORT DRUG COMPANY, Ameriqua, Ga. Health is Wealth! Dr. BiC. West’s Nerve ajto Baaix Treat- mekt, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dlzxi- ness. Convulsions, Fits, Nervous gla. Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the ose of alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental Depression, Softening of the Brain, resulting in nsanitjr and leading to misery, decay and death. Premature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss of Power In either sex, Involuntary Losses and Sperma torrhoea, caused by over-exertion of the brain, self-abuse or over-indulgence. ^Lsch box con tains one month’s treatment. $1.00 per box, or six boxes for 55.00, sent by mail, prepaid, on re- oeipt of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order reoelod by os for six boxes, accompanied with fo.oo, we will send the purchaser oui written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not ef fect a cure. Guarantees issued only by THE DAVENPORT DRUG CO.. Sole Agts^ Americas, Oa. AUGUST MYERS. Artistic Tailor Has removed 111* establishment to the basement under T. Wheatley’s, Forsyth street entrance, where be la prepared to do FIRST-CLASS WORK always guaranteeing a nice tit. Cleaning and repiiiring promptly attended to. SUITS TO ORDER From a handsome lino of patterns. Give mo a trial. aug2H2mo OUTSIDE OF THE WORLD. MAINE COAST DWELLERS WHO ARE BEHIND THE TIMES. The Flatter Meld of Il.ik.t I.l.nd and th. Discouraged Cltlsen of III* au Iluut. native. Who Never Saw a Hone, a Train, an Engine or a Brick Uou.c, The residents of Sooth Thomaston are, in common with other Maine coast dwellers, rattier behind in the march of progress, and it doesn't require much to startle them. The other day a steamer passing White Head blew very a long blast from her peculiar sounding chime whistle, whereat the villager* marveled greatly, but at night they were pose tively frightened. A steam yacht in the harbor displayed an electric reflecting light, illuminating the sea, sky and land, and not a few of the unsophisticated na tives, remembering the nnearthly shrieks of the strange steamer, coupled the two events and concinded that the nnlverse was about to collapse. The innocence of these people will not seem so very strange when it is remem bered that many .J the natives of Mon- hegan and other coast islands imve never seen a horse, a train of curs or a brick house, never liaviug set foot upon the mainland. There is a man on Monhe- gun island who knows the Boston and Banger, the New Vork and Bangor and nil the other steamers that pass the island by sight, but although nearly seventy years old, lie has never been on board of any kind of a steam craft, and bos not the slightest conception of an engine. It is not very long since a few seres of rocky soil in outer Casco bay, known as Basket island, was deserted by the only people who ever had the courage to live there—an old fisliermun, liis wife und danghter. These people lived in an old tumbledown rookery on the little wind swept isle, and were veritable hermits. A.V UNCULTURED SIAID. The man fished, while his wife and daughter carried on the farming opera tions, which consisted in harvesting what little coarso hay the island afford' ed and carrying it on poles to the cow shed. They hail no garden, not even a patch of potatoes, but were merely toil ers of the sea. The wifo had not visited the mainland for seventeen years, while the daughter had passed tiie entire six teen years of her life upon the lonely spot, although the city of Portland was almost in sight. The girl was bright, but untutored; pretty, hut miserably clad. She wore no stockings and knew nothing of liats. The only relative she knew of outside the family circle was a half sister, who sho had never seen. Her father said that this other daughter lived "out west” She lived, in Kennebunkport, York county. This daughter of the sea, much to the surprise of some yachtsmen who once landed on the island, was able to play several popular airs upon an old accordion. She had picked the mnsic out by ear after hearing it played by the bonds of passing excursion steamers. A party of picnickers who landed there found Bas ket island deserted. The' matted grues was alive with field mice, and gulls perched boldly upon the rotting window sills of the old bouse, while in one corner lay the dilapidated accordion which had long been the chief consolation of the lonely fisher inaideu. *" * There is, perhaps, no more lonely spot on .the vvliolo Atlantic! cons): of the United States than isle nil Haut. which lies far seaward off the entrance to Penobscot bay. The name given to this island by the enrly French voyager* Is most appro priate, for it looks like a mountain half submerged in the sea The people are a simple, primitive set. and few of them ever visit the mainland. The island, with its fish and sheep uud blueberries, is their world, and within its limited circle they are content. DISCONTENTED. Soldo queer specimens of humanity are to be found on Isle au Haut. Not long ngo a yachting party went down there on a fishing trip, and after catch ing enough cod for a chowder went ashore to procure some milk. The yachtsmen soon fell in with a weather beaten native who was looking along the shore, and he informed them that they could get plenty of milk, but that they would have to wait until his wife, who had gone blueberrying, returned and milked the cows." The native led the way over rocky pastures to a dilapi dated cottage, and ushered them into the kitchen to await the return of “Mu- SMALL CHANGE COMING. yorsaleby the DAVENPORT DRUG COMPANY Americas, Ga- H thf rfst. known remedy M prevents 8trl<e,ure. C«nt»Ui» Lii Sold in America* by Cook’* Pharmacy The floor was scrubbed as white us a inau-o’-war’s deck, the cookstove was brightly polished and a little plot before the window* was gay with marigold* and other homely flowers—all the re sult of Maria’* patient industry. The lord and master sat himself down njion the doorstep and thus ruminated while busily whittling a shingle and sending np clouds of smoke from a short clay 1 "Time." ain't as they used to be in He er Holt (the native pronunciation). Time was when a man might getalivinghere abouts. Fishin was g-sjJ 'u fennin consid'able good, but that s all gone now. Used ter he a good wharf in this here cove 'n a good fleet er vessiis outer here, but that's all gone now. My father used ter bo in trade here—had a store down there 'n sold nigh n'most every thing, hut that's alJ gone now.” He said tliut he had been trying to sell ilis place —house, bam, land, cows and all, for he wanted to emigrate to Washington state. lie wanted #hpo for the whole outfit, aud he stopped smoking long enough to swear a great oath that he wonldu't take a cent less. This man bad loafed so long tliut he had forgotten how to work. He seemed to feel that somehow lie had been cheated—that the world owed him a living, but that the Isle an Hant was a poor place in which to collect the debL—Cor. New York Sun. There ere 800,000 more widow* than Widower* in England. In France fox every UK) widower* there are 104 widow*. An Abundance of Fraction*! Currency Will Arrive This Week. The shortness of small change, which has annoyed merchants and the publio generally for the past few weeks, i* to be a thing of the past, so far as Ameri CU8 is concerned, after this week. Messrs Johnson & Harrold alone have placed an order for 45,000 in silver change, which will arrive in the next day or two, and it I* said that the banks are also looking for the early arrival of a lot of sliver. By reference to the Washington letter in another column, it will be seen that the treasury department- is ready to furnlah silver change in almost any amount free of express charges, so It stand* to reason that the present short ness can’t stand very much longer. Musical Notice, Mrs. Madden suggests to those per sons desirous of instruction in instru mental and vocal music to make ar rangements with her promptly, as the opportunity for the same will not be kept open very much loDger, sep20sun,tues SAM ItOTJTE. Local and Through Schedule in Effect July 1891 No. 18. MailAKx. Dully. Juat Opened Wo have just opened the nicest lot of soft, stilt and crush hats in the city. Thornton Wiieatlet. sep20sun wed fri PRINTERS’ INK. The road to fortune is through print ers’ ink.—P. T. Barnura. “My success is owing to liberality in advertising.”—Robert Bonner. 'Frequent and constant advertising brought me all I own.”—A. T. Stewart. My son, deni with men who adver tise. You will never loose by it.”—Ben jamin Franklin. “How can the world known man lias a good thing unless ho advertises the possession of it.”—Vanderbilt Mr. Upstart (who has married his typewriter)—You must not go to those Joneses any more. Mrs. Upstart—See here, sir! I want you to understand that you cannot dictate to me now that I am your wife. Your days of dictation are over.—Once a Week. J. Henry Freeman will sell you best coal for h ast money. seplOdtf St. Peter (at the gate)—Name please. Newly arrived Spirit—David Dukkats. St. Peter (after an inspection of the books)—You were a bank cashier on earth ? Spirit—Yes. St. Peter—You may be all right, but you’ll have to be identified, sir.—Judge. Jellyby—My dear, how do you spell the word “controller”—c-o-m-p-t-r-o-1-1- e-r, or without the “m” and “p” and with an “n?” Mrs. Jellyby—I don’t use either way. I spell It, “U-r-s-u 1-a-J-e-M-y-b-y.”— Detroit Free Press. WESTERN DIVISION. HTATIONB. Lv...Omaha Arr Unto* ... . Lautmtt . ..... . Lonvsle Junction.. Irvin.... ... ... Lumpkin . ... HioiUll Richland ........Ponder........ Preston. ..Wiec Jennings Msirkett,...- Plains......** Salter New Point Littlejohn Ar.... Americas... Lv. No. 1. Mail. Daily. • IT F TH 7 45 F 7 84 TM F 7 10 6 68 F 6 64 P 0 48F 4 41 C 35 P 6 28 P 6 26 P 616pm Pue’ng’r Sunday only uurrr Mixed. Dally Ex 10 tr 10 J4 y 47 987 929 9 17 11 80 am 11 15 10 50 10 88 10 04 944 B 29 59 945 896 • 08 803 764 T 47 7 88 7 25 7 93 7 07 am 8 28 P 8 39 8 46 F 8 62 8 66 9 08 9 13 P 12 12 p u 12 32 12 42 12 65 1 02 1 16 1 20 1 37 1 46 1 51 F 200 pa 8 00 NoeT Fass’ng’r Daily. 7 00 pt 7 12 F 7 22 7 2D P 7 86 7 89 7 62 7 67 P 8 11 8 27 1 15 pr 2 06 263 3 07 3 10 pr 9 23 0 34 9 48 10 01 10 07 10 18 10 32 10 47 11 00 1 17 at e io 7 60 11 30 11 43 11 60 <12 05 a m 112 10 |12 31 jl2 43 12 49 F i: 1 00 am 1 0 00 EASTERN DIVISION. STATIONS, ... Americas.., ..Gatewood.... -.Huntington., ..DeSoto... ...Cobb. .Johnson.. ..Conor., , Cordele. ..Lr Albany Philemma. .Oakfleid.... Warwick.... .Taylors.. Pent*. Williford Seville Pitts Rochelle Goodman Abbeville ....Copeland line.. .Horton.. ....Lv Helen* Ar.. .... Ar Brans wick Lv,. .... Ar Jacksonville Lv.. ....Lv Helen*.. Verben* .... Glenwood .... ..Mount Vernon.. .. l’etcrson. Jtnpleton. . Lyons... .Ar Savannah Lv. No. 5 Pass’ng'r Daily. 7 32 P 7 28 t7 22 11 64a m 11 (H 10 62 10 36 3 65 am 11 oo pm 8 00 p- 3 08 3 00 2 45 2 40 2 21 2 10 2 04 am 1 65am 7 40 pm No. 17. MailAEx. Daily, 6 10 p: 6 00 F 6 49 5 42 F 5 37 5 33 5 22 5 16 F 5 03 4 47 7 04pm 6 14 6 02 5 46 5 26 6 12 5 00 pm 4 34 1 45 1 38 1 25 1 20 1 04 12 64 12 48 P 12 40 pm E. 8. GOODMAN, Gen’l Pass. Agt. rnrm-» '•ondmu* skill .'err Kuiiini> 1 — h> vl • • r, tftHiids i (xiund «>f in hn d* ” word, Vo spalr** n in n, jrlttrtr»'<gtepr wo* Of nr. P‘*••«*# «!-£». wn- •*' Who-e*W> D o»iv r\-*> VHnq iImHo’I * Win f One' ciih but stiehk in praise of n remedy su effectual and unfailing as Dr. lUerce’s“ Golden Medical Discovery. Acting promptly and thoroughly, it pr*»- duces permanent cures, Consumption, in its early stages, *ci*»fula, liver and kid ney disorders, and all biood diseases, are within the field of it* unbounded suc cess. One oi the n«»ble figures of Florentine life is the once beautiful and fascinating prima donna, Maria Piccolomlni, now the Marchesa di Gaeteni. Theater-goen of a generation ago will remember her in her favorite r« le of La Traviata. Her husband Is wealthy and a member of one of the oldest families of the Italian nobility. She lias one son end four daughters. DeWItt’s Sarsaparilla cleanses the blood, increases tho appetite and tones up the system. It has benetltted many people who have suffered from blood disorders. Ir will help you. For sale by the Davenport Drug Company,) An editor works day ami night for his town and county, and gets more abuse to the square inch than all the profes sions put together.—Curnming Clarion. You never tried DeWitt’s Little Ear ly Risers for constipation, billiousness, tick headache, or you would not have thesese diseases. For sale by the Da venport Urns Company. Mamie—Isn’t Mr. Turtell a strange man ? He seems to live wholly within himself. Gladys—Well, it’* no wonder, he is troubled with indigestion.—Puck. FORCE THEH OUT. QWIFT’S SPECIFIC Is a remedy which is fir in advance of medical science, as it has been expelling Microbi from the blood, and curing the worst diseases for 60 years, and it is only recently that the medical world have concluded that THE ONLY WA X’ to cure disease is to force out the baccilli through the PORES OF THE SKIN. fefcfgj Never Fails to do this. AN Ms- W. C. (Tiro, Editor of the EDITOR him. B.*o*ldaot .wallow solid rood, sad wss In a most miafal condition. He mye theta* took only three bottles, and that it effected * complete core. t Discuss msUsdftae, 8CTC1 ?£Sfrm. Richmond & Danville Railroad Co. (DERATING THE CENTRAL RAILROAD OF GEORGIA. SOUTHWESTERN DIVISION. Correct Sohedtxle, No. l, in Effect Sept. 0 f 1891 SAVANNAH Sc WESTERN DIVISION Schedule No. 22, taking effect July 25th, 1891* No. 5, Between Savannah *nd Birmingham No. 6, Daily. via Americas, Dallv. 7 40pm Leave Savannah Arrive 6<X>*n» 166am Lyon SoOam 7 00 p m 525 p m '"1* >o. 8 1 No.»l Dallv. 1 Dally. hng*ei>gt .Past Mall EAHT Hi ifJND. No. 5 , Dally Fast M*J! No. 7 Dally PsMenrti H:h7* in 515 “ 6 8(1 •* 10 50 “• 5«Op ra 6 2lipm 1 03p ra 945 “ 4 • A •• 7 85 •* 6 13a in ‘fi 8* “ Lv. Amerlcus Ar Ar. Fort Valley Lv. *• Macon •* *• At anta *• •• Anhusta .*• ’• ‘•HV-nnat' •• 1(8 p m M K3 a ro l« k» " 7l» •* 8 l»» f» 1120pm 9 41 “ 8 25 “ 4 10 •* 000 a Ip 8* “ No. 7 Dally Passenger No. 5 Dully. Fast Mail WEHT HOUND No. ft Dally Fast Mail No. 8 . Dally Paa«engr> 112* rn iliO 4 42 am 785 * m 1(4 pm 180 *• 4 10 7 20 » Lv. Ahttriruv A». Ar. Hmltbvlllr “ " EniRUlH •• -*• Moatgornvrv Lv. 1 1 3 p iu 121) ” 111<5 a ru 6 55 a m 3 87a it. I2»* ss. lo 25 p rn 780 n m StTf ■ Dally 194) am 5 20 a m 7 :W a no 8Sir m ^ *40. 5 T Dally 1 04 p m 190 •• 251 *• 540 • TO FL HVDA. Lv. America** aF. “ Brut thrill* *• Ar - Albany Lv. " Thoranevlll* Lv " Way cr«»RR " “ BrunKwich *• ” laraa'*nvU|^ •• I os p ro 12 01 p ra II 10 a m 8 60 a ro fliJ 887 a m L 806 »• 215 ” 95jp m 0 80 f or further information relative to ticket*,schedules, best route* »tc. vie, apply to A. T. MAXWELL, Agent, Americas. (4* SDL HAAS, Tram * Manager. JAB. L TAYLOR. Oan. Pew. Aft , 8. H. HARDWICK. Aaa’i Gen’l Pass. Agt. Atl»nta, Ga. W. H GBEFN. Oen'l Manager. E. V McBEB. Gen’l Stint. PASSENGER SCHEDULE Beorgia Southern ^Florida Ry. ' SUWANEE RIVER ROUTE TO FLORIDA, Taking Effect June 14,1801. S’andard Time, 91th Meridian. O HM* ■>oKthT GOING M)UTir 8 20 pm 1U 60 p m 12 85 p lo 15 c 7 lo a m 10 45 a m 11 00 am 2 06 p m y 35 p n» 5 14 pm 7 18 p TP .... Alia: la.... Macon Mecon .... Cordele.... Tlfton..,.. .. ..Vaido«ta... . .Lake City... .Jacksonville.. 10 2i> p in fl 10 pm «io p in 3 17 pm 1 46 pro 11 H pro 9 45 a m 10 60 am 7 00 am 685 am 4 07 am 2 45 am 12 66 a m to So p m tow proiAr.. Ur . |706am|«90pm Trains arrive and depart from union depots in Macon and Palatka end P. C. A P. depot in Jackaonvtlle. Connection nerth bound and aou'h bound Is made in Macon with trains of Centra), Macon and Northern and E.T.V.4G. railroads A. O. KNAPP. Traffic Manager L. J. HARRIS,Ticket Agent, Union Depot. HENRY BURNM.T. P. a. Macon Ga. JAMES MENZIEH, Bonthe-stcrn Agent.98 Weat I ay Ht., Jacksonville. Fla. E. T. BYED, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. REPRESENTING THE SAFESTAND STRONGEST COMPANIES IN THEJWOBLD. e placed on Uty . , Office on Jackson Street, next door below Mayor’s Office. dw»-dlr. Where do you buy your Meats? We are now prepared to supply you with Sweet Pickled Toncue, Coined Beef, Dried Tongue and Fine Sausages. Call and see us. MAYO & WINKLER. TILBPHOXE 11* Close connection made at Montgomery i olnts in the Southwest, and at Aroerfcus for irmtngham and all points in the Northwest. * Meal Stations. Bleeping cars between Coltnebas and Savon- Passengers from Charleston destined to points west of Bovanoah, change cars at C. & 8. Junc tion. W. N. MARSH ALL. E. B. GOODMAN, Gen. Superintendent. Gen. Pass. Agent Americos.Ga. Americas, Ga* J. M. CAROLAN, 8. E. Pass. Agt. _ Savannah, Ga. K. A. SMITH, Western Pass. Agt., 8t. Louis, Mo* M. D ROVER, T. P. A, Ameri cus, Ga. JNO. T. ARGO, O. B. A., Americas, Ga O. H. SMITH, G. E.A., New York, N.Y. S. A. M. ROUTE. Sayanuth, Americas 1’IME TABLE Taking Effect July 12,1801* 10 00 10 27 S 15 pm 525 5 60 664 6 10 940 700 997 11 00 4 80 a hi lit ... arr ..;.. Americas arr I .Americas. lve 8 00 . Cordele lve 6 20 lve Lyons... arr Savannah.. ...Charleston. 6 20paiarr. t 15 Betw’n Montgomery and Americas, via Opelika 8 10 a m lve.....Montgomery.....arr 7 15 pm .Montgomery ....arr 7 ....Opelika arr 1 .. Americas ......Ivej 8 and Amdricoa, via Union Between Mont Springe and Colombo*. 7 40 am [lv.. It* Coiambus 7 oo p m ive....Childersburg. *..We 5 05' lve Sylacaaga lve 4 40 lve •Opelika lve 125 ar/ .... Columbus arr 11 45 am Colombos lve ll 20 arr . pm • 30 am itgomery __lumbua.. arr,.....Amoricns- lve rarpm 1190 890 Bctw'n Montgomery and Americas, via Knfanla 7 40 amdveT....Montgomery arrl 7 96 pm 11 05 lve Eufaula Ive 4 07 12 20 pm lve...« 9 50 2 80 |arr Americas Ivej 1 10 between Americas and Jackeonvflle, pToo pmjH Helena ..Amerloso ***ri ...Helena... arr......Brans wick.. Jacksonville.. « »**ri warn lv* ft am It lve 1 u m lie Ivej I " Montgomery lor ail fast Tennessee, Virginia and < Georgia R’y' System. -IB TUB ONLY- Sbortand DirectLlueto the North, East or This line is conoed»d to b, the Mst equipped ad rani tha finest Pullman Blsepln* Cars In the Booth, Elegant Pnllmtn Bleeping Can, between Jackionville and Cincinnati, Titu.vill. and Cincinnati, - Brunswick and Louisville, Chattanooga and Washington Memphis and Now York, - Philadelphia and New Oilcan., Chattanooga and Mobile, Atlanta end Chattanooga. Without Chang*. For nr Information address B. W. WBEWN, Gen. Pa... end Ticket Ap-t Knoxville. Twin O. w. K1GHT, AM-1 Hen. Pus. &,t. Atlanta. Georgia. I A.k my agents for W. h. De.sla. fihoee. f OSS for sal.,la roar pfaca rone eater la Mad far catalogae, secure th. lIlfNSi I 1PITUTE. JtM W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE pE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE ifl \ It I* a wainlfM shoe, with no tack- or mmd o hurt thefwtt niiulo of th« t*cit lino j !»::/! ami btrnvae ire male in»r* * ;rade than any other vuinv/iu lurer. It cqul iS2. s s.s*AK! r ^ a u .r.*ir^mg. who want a shoe foryomrortantftaMBHM^H^H TEE LITTLE SEWING MACHINE HAN % OFFERS FOR SAI.R SEWING MACHINES & MOTORS For all Macblnea on easy term*, and can •apply the beat Needles, Oils, Unis, Elc„ rOR All MACHINES. Bpeclal attention given to repairing all ■mall Machinery. Order, by mall wlure- eelre nr-.mnt .tunlfen DOMESTIC - COAL! For Sale this Season. t a hall be prepaired tofurniah • high grade Lump .Coal for Grate pnrpotei, in any quantity this fall and winter, S. R. SIMS. Sept 3, tf SUFFERERS .OF, Youthful Errors Lost Manhood, Kan> P-t-ay, etc., etc., can secure a home treatise free by addressing a fellow nun.-.-r C. W. I^ek, P. O. Box SIB Iiosn-.-e, y;-pinia