Newspaper Page Text
Fellow Gita!
And Friends!
Of Southwest Ga.s
Witli compliir.eDts of the season
we respectfully invite your
attention to our
MOVEMENTS in the social and
Wh.™ Society People arc (jolnf-Who the
Strangers .» Vleltlng-where Uu.lneM
Men are Bound and What The, Go for-
Pleaeant Notices.
Newest Styles ii
We have outdone ourselves this
season and excelled all previous
attempts in placing before you
more attractions)land exclusive
Novelties in Clothing and Haber
dashery. We carry,beyond a doubt
(and the most of you know it) the
In this part of the state, and arc
offering them at the very lowest
prices. CaU and examine these
lines, ns well as our complete
assortment in
Extra Sizes,
Stouts end Slims,
whioh, os ',to style and 'fit, cannot
be surpassed.
. ® r ’ W ’ P> Burt left yesterday for
’* iRRiDsville, ou business.
Mr. W. H. Glover of Andersonvllle
spent yesterday In the city.
Mayor Crawford Maxwell of Choltee
spent yesterday in the city.
Mr. A. J. Buchanan is very 111 at his
residence on Jackson street.
Dr. B. T. Wise of the Plains was in
town yesterday circulating among his
Mr. Zach House, a popular young trav
eling man from Macon, was on our
streets yesterday.
Mr. B. F. Nysewander and family re
turned yesterday from a protracted visit
to their old home in Ohio.
Mr. Lott Warren of Americus spent
yesterday in the city, visiting relatives
and friends.—Albany Xews.
Dr. J. M. R. Westbrook returned yes
terday from the Indian Spring, much
improved in health, although he is yet
very weak.
Mr. Wm. Hall, who has been superin
tending the work on the new hotel, will
leave with his family for Atlanta on
Monday next.
Mr. W. X. Marshall, the former popu
lar and efficient general superintendent
of the S. A. it M. railroad, arrived with
his family in the city Wednesday even,
Mr. W. P. Jowers, the cotton king,
spent yesterday in the city with his
friends. He says his cotton crop is only
moderate, that he will make somewhere
between three and four hundred baloa
this year.
One of onr most popular young men
has gone to the state of New York upon
a most pleasent and joyful errand, and
upon his return the number of fair
young married ladies in Americus will
be increased by one.
The gonial ex-superintendent of the
Savannah, Americus & Montgomery
railway, W. X. Marshall, is one of the
most remarkable fishermen on record,
ne has been spending some weeks fishing
in Canadian waters, and actually tells it
that for the first few days ho never got a
bite; but bought a string of fish to carry
home. Was ever such a flail story heard
of before.
The Savannah, Americua A Montgomery
Ztaltway In Montgomery.
The Montgomery Advertiser of yester
day contains tho following news of in-
tercst to the people of Americus:
“It is clearly evident that the S. A.
M. read wants to get into the city, and
that, too, as soon as possible.
“AH arrangements for building a track
from the main line at Cl I shy’a Park, Into
the property of the road on Jefferson
and Lawrence streets, have been com
summated and the work of construction
will commence right away. The track
will intersect the M. A- £. road near the
brewery. Near the intersection, another
track will connect both roads, and tho
S. A & M.’s passenger trains will enter
the union depot over the M. ii £. tracks,
until the former builds a line of its own,
‘Yesterday the L. A X. train brought
up from Pensacola about fifty negro con
struction hands, who will Immediately
commence the work of grading the S. A.
tS M. extension into the city."
Huy your winter suits at Thornton
Wheatley’s. Prices lower and and qual
ities better than anywhere else in the
Tuoiixtox Wiieati.ey.
“The Private Secretary.”
The performance of “The New Private
Secretary” at the Academy of Music last
night by the company under the manage,
ment of Mr. £dwin Travis, was a well
studied and satisfactory presentation
This work of Mr. Wm. Gillette author
of “Held by the Enemy,” "All the Com
forts of Home,” “Mr. Wilkinson's
Widows” and other equally successful
plays, is one of the most popular come
dies now upon the boards, as tbe excep
tionally long run it had in Xow York
and other cities demonstrates. Unllko
the unwholesome productions of French
writers, which have administered to a
morbid and unduly stimulated taste
which grows by what it feeds upon, the
witnessing of “The Private Secretary”
leaves no sting behind—no unpleasant
after-taste. Tho whole cast of charac-
tors is good and tho leading part, the
Rev. Robert Spaulding, as performed by
William Fairbanks, Harry Eytlnge as
Cattermole, Edwin Travers as Douglass,
Miss Bertha Livingston as Miss Ashford,
Violet Black as Edith, and Nelly Whit
ing as Miss Stead, was very ably done.
Mr. Fairbanks was immensely funny an!
the rounds of laughter and enthusiasm
he provoked, proved his superior ability
as an accor, and wo aro free to say a
better has seldom appeared on the stage.
—Daily Xews, Hagerstown.
Condition of the Cotton.
The general weather summary for tho
cotton belt for last week, issued from
the New Orleans office, says: The
weather conditions in the cotton belt
show a considerable deficiency through
out, in precipitation, except over a few
scattered points in North Carolina,
northwestern Georgia, western Alabama
and along the Texas coast. Tho drongbt
in Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas and
western Tennessee and tho greater por
tion of Texas still continues. The tem
peratures wore generally below the nor
mal, except in northern Louisiana,
southwestern Arkansas and northern
and central Texas, where an excess of
from 2 to -4 degrees occurred.
Bo sure to get ono of those feather
weight crush lists, at $1.50, at
Thountox Wheatley’s.
To Lover, of Fine Hosdww.
We aro prepared to show the korrect
stylos of the celebrated Youmap Derby,
finest and best hat in tho world.
WilliFonn, Matthews & Co.
For a pleasant shave go to Dr. El
dridge's and buy one of those celebrrted
Tower Razors which aro guaranteed to
Hosiery for gentlemen of every de
scription in black, unbleached and
colors. Tuorntox Wheatley.
tea Grocery Co.
Retailers and Jobbers of
Ii! Fail ImpoHed ini Bcbkuc
A full line of Staple Goods, also
in our stock.
Clothier and Furnisher,
117 Forsyth St.,
It will pay you to cut our re
ceipts out aud save them.
,/e have just received a large
shipment of Pie Peaches.
Those peaches are peeled and
* n large three pound cans.
They are going at 15c. per can.
^kout for onr receipt to-mor-
will be for aS u nday disK
Sd will make your thoughts re
Truly yours,
Avera Grocery Co.
Letter List.
Tho following unclaimed letters will
ho sent to tho dead letter office If not
called for in ten days. Say “advertised
letters” when calling for them at office:
John Adams, Mrs S. J Allen, J W Byrd,
Mrs Adlay Brown, W B Brown, J B
Bradshaw (3), Mrs Fannie Congreu,
Cauier A Thompson, Miu Annie Dow,
den, Mr* M E Davis, Miss Mary Ed
wards, Mrs Sallie Edward*, Geo S Fobea,
Miss Mamie Harrison, Mrs Sallie Harris,
Shock Harison, Thos H Hewlett, Miss
Lizzie Jones, J H Jossey, J A Heal,
John W Law, John Law, Mrs Lee Hal-
tin, Robe Lee Moek, Marchunty Morrlae,
Mrs Rhody Moore, Miss Ona Bell Moore,
James Xarrls, H R Russell, G F Rankin,
Abraham Wooten, J M Williams, War
ren Wheatley, Wesley Whitehead, Jr.
Fourth class—Mrs Geo Johnson.
J. C. Roney, Postmaster.
Americus, Oa., Sept. 23, 1801.
To ray Friends.
I can lie found at my old stand in the
Hamil Block, Cotton avenue, in tho
wholesale and retail whisky business
with Mr. Max Aultman. I can furnish
you good whisky from $1.50 U> $4.00
per gallon. All I want you to do is to
come and see me. W. S. Bicow.v.
Great bargains In second-hand Furni
ture at 010 Cotton avenue.
Attention Builder.,
We sell Langman Jr Martinez prepared
paints, and are authorized by tho manu
facturers to repaint any bouse at their
expense on which their palnta do sot
prove satisfactory.
E. J. Eldiiidoe, Druggist.
Taking the Day
They have all ‘caught
on” Mostofthem ‘are
in it.” The balance say
they will—
To save further words and
20 per cent on all of your
Come to
and buy your month’s supply
at wholesale prices.
I sell the best goods to be
had and my stock is full at all
The Leading Grocer.
“Do You Eat to Live ? or, Do You Liye to Eat ?” and
“How Will You Cook It?”
L S. £ Geo.
(Successors to W. L. Mnrdre.)
for any County in the State.
Blank Books,
American Bibles at actual cut
Oxford Bibles, Teachers’ edition.
Rhea User was sick, we *»T. nor Caatorla.
When sha wss a Child, aha cried for Cutoffs.
When she became Mb* •hediu* to Gastorla.
When lb* had Children, she **Y* fh««n Caatoris.
Daily papers, Magazines, etc.
Subscriptions for any pa
per or publication.
Rubber Stamps, any kind, size
or price.
Easles and
Picture Frames to order and
to our picture-frame depart
ment we have just added new
machines, glass cutters, etc,
also an experienced workman,
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Three little questions, and yet
tbay concern us aU—concern you
personally—especially the “cook
ing of it"—concerns you whether
you are hearty or delicate—of ep
icurean or of careless tastes—
healthy or dyspeptic—you eat—
that is, you ought to eat, and you
want to know “How will they cook
it ?’*
Cook it on a stove, of course,
bat there are other questions—
Have you a stove ? aud “Have you
a Good Stove ?—ask yourself this
question, ask your neighbor this
question, and let this tell you both
that Butler & Berry have stoves—
hove good stoves too—that’s the
only kind they have, or are going
to have.
Have you ‘caught on’ to the'lat
est stove conveniencies ? Have
you seen the latest wnrmingjovens
and hot water reservoirs ? Do
you appreciate convenient racks,
shelves, grates, etc.? Do you know
much about a stove ?
You know there are ttoves and
stoves and stoves—some are mere
ly stoves, some others are really
good stoves and then again, some
are the best stoves made. Let us
ask you two more questions: Will
you want a stove ? Won’t you
want the best stove made ? Now
we let the subject hang right there
You ore cordially invited to call
at the Artesian Corner, to see onr
line of stoves, whioh are strictly on
their merits—open to comparison,
both as to desirability and price—
with every other stove on tho
market. You are not only invited
to coll and see, bat we think it’s
your turn now and we invite you
to call and ask ‘ questions.”—In
quisitive Stove Questions of
Improved Residence Lots.-all prices.
Improved Business Property.
Vacant Lots for Stores or Residence
Rooms and Offices for Root
Three desirable Homes for Tenants.
than FIFTEEN <
to-night at 7:30
, . . M. M. degre
fraternally invited.
J. B. DU**, Sec.
EQULAH communication
.americus Lodge No. IS. F. A. M.,
' ht at 7d0 o'clock. Work In tb.
degreo. Sojourning brethren
J.L. Mack, W. m.
Call on J. Henry Freeman and let him
explain to you the merite of Ferinite
and Alabastlne, the wonder of acientific
preparation* for wood, plaster, or old
papered walls. aeplGdtf,
list. I list.!
We are solo agent* for the genuine
Yotimau* Derby. The fincat and beat
styles. WiLLiFoiio, Matthews4 Co.
For Bale.
A valuable piece of truck farming
property can be bad by applying to
F gepiy-tf The Bank of Sumter.
Full DtM Shirts.
Remember »• c*rry the largest and
most complete Une in the city.
Thobstok WnkATLir.
Second-hand Furniture bought and
wild at 010 Cotton avenue.
A nice line of extracts, colognes, toil
et watera, Ac., at Dr. Eldrtdge Drag
Kuta baga, red top and all other va
rieties of turnip seed for fall and sum
mer planting at
O NE copy each of Harper's M.g.ilneof
December, WSS, March. ISM,
April, INO. Apply to Tlmes-Becorderoffice.
at In
km«rleu* Supply
B Y hsvli g your gas fixtures put In now.
Cull ou the Americus Sup- ly Company.
ipply Company.
Real Estate Agent.
Takes this opportunity of informing the people of Americas
and the adjoining country that he is now fitting upjin the beet
of style, and wilTwortly open one of the
He will spore no expense or pains to make it worthy of the
patronage of the very best people, and Americas can then
boast of a place where everything good will be served in
a style as never before seen in this city.
Remember the place—Schmidt’s ReadingSRoom, Lamar St.
8-1 d&wly Respectfully, ’ JOHN E. SCHMIDT.
ider the Windsor Hotel.