Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, October 07, 1891, Image 2

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THE AMERICDS DAILY TIMES-RECORDER: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7, l«91. THE TIMES-RECORDER. V»^(>ully and Weakly. nor* Recokuek Established lilt, irons Times K*TABLniisDl£». iTSo, AraiL, net. SUBSCRIPTION! AlLT.Oxs Yus. *0.0 Daily, On Mouth, « (rirati.OMTu*. • • <-o Wseklv, Six Mouth* i For advertising rata* addraw Basoox M thick. Editor and Manager, THE TIMES PUUH8HINO COMPANY, Americas, Os. Americus, Os., October 7, 1801. Frank Weldon, late managing editor of the Savannah Times, which has sus pended, I* now on the Atlanta Constitu tion staff. - A Kansas baby has an eye In the baolt of Its head. This is probably a Lcaso-Sjmpson ciipld, and ha* an eye for the Third party. A teleobam from Burke's station says that Gen. W. II. F. Lee Is lea most critical condition. Ilis sons and cx-Gov. Fitzhugl Leo hare been summoned to his bedside. Up to last Saturday night Candidate Bussell had kissed more Massachusetts babies than Candidate Allen. Tbf* in formation Is given out only as one of the straws in the campaign. If the French desire to check the alarming falling off - in the per cent, of Increase in population in that country, they must repeal the law which requires a man to support bis mother-in-law. Two hundred and sixty-two pairs of twins were born in Chicago during 188(1. No wonder Chicago had to take in 172 square miles In her corporate limit and expects to be bigger th in New York in 1900. TO INCREASE TOE STATE DEBT. Sei ator Joe Terrell introduced a bill In the senate Monday that is of much interest. It provides that the constitution be so amended that the bonded debt of the state may be Increased 9500,000 annually for ten years, commencing 1802, tbe money thus raised to be used exclusively In paying pensions to disabled soldiers end tor the support of the common schools His argument In favor of the bill Is as follows: “This generation has built and fur nished a capitol at an expense of over one million dollars which will serve future generations, and is paying pen sions to disabled soldiers and widows, and besides special taxes is now appro priating $500,000 annually from property tax to the support of common schools. The next generation will have very few, If any, pensions to pay, and will reap the benefit of tbe money appropriated to common ichools, hence it seems to me to be nothing but right to lift a portion of the burden on this generation and transfer it to tbe next. “The adoption of this amendment will reduce tbe rate of taxation for the next ten years at least $1 25 on $1,0U9, and if assets of said bank. BOIFKUILLET*S BARK BILL. The bill by Mr. Bolfeulllet of Bibb, regulating banks, is one of those await ing tbe governor’s signature. The bill Is a most important one. Among its provisions ere: All banks must make quarterly state ments under oath to etate bank exami ners, and publish the same in local pa pers. No bank shall loan to any officer of that bank without good collateral. No bank shall be allowed to reduce cub on hand, Including amounts doe by all banks and bankers, and tbe mar ket value of til stocks end bonds actual ly owned and held by the bank, below 25 per cent, of the demand deposits. No bank shall be allowed to loan to any one penon, unleu that loan la amply ucured by good collateral security, more than 10 per cent, of ita capital and surplus. Whenever, by reason of losses, a bank’s capital stock Is Impaired, tbe shrinkage In said capital stock, which is represent ed by said losses, shall be charged on tbe books of said banks to tbe accounc of profit and lou, so that the notes and bills discounted, shown as debts due the bank, shall be tbe lire and collectible • During his term of office a* premier x>t Great Britain Lord Salisbury has ere- -ated twenty-one peers. Tills is an amount of patronage that must make an American president envious of the effete Institutions of England. A seemingly miraculous euro of malig nant cancer has been mado at Cliatta- * nooga, the victim having been pointed in a dream to a certain herb which he gathered and ate and Is now well The .story is vouched for by men of veracity "Ex-Senator Norwood is entitled to the thanks of ail really sincere Alliance' men for doing what none of the oppo nents of the Hub treasury scheme have done so far—offering a substitute wblcb he honestly believes to be “something better.”—Hmes-Unlon. Jay Cooke, the Fhllsdelpbla banker, is about to take bis first trip over the Northern Faelflo railroad. Though he wu tbe moving spirit of the line in tho early days of Its career, he has never traveled over it nor seen the country through which It puses. The Constitution says: “If the free pats bill ever gets to a vote in tbe House it will pass, but as Col. Cutts of Ameri cas said yesterday, thl* legislature would prefer to have it apply to the next. Free passes are verv convenient things to legislators who like to go home on Sunday.” Tna report comes from Wuhlagton {that General Wade Hampton's health bu begun to fall. A correspondent who saw the old warrior lut week says his feeble and uncertain gait surprised him. Gontral Hampton Is now over 70 yean of age. He hu always possessed • ragged physique, but It Is now be ginning to give way under the burden of years. In obdeb not to disturb the aesthetic tympanuus of her yankeo sisters, Jack sonville proposes to inouleate musloal ideas in the minds of the howling gamins. Tbe Times-Union’s news-boys have been Instructed to shout In a mellifloua baritone—not In tbe ataocato which 1s so offensive to the discriminat ing and orltlcal portion of tbe mornlng- nsp public. When 'Lije Halford dropped quietly down Into New York lut Saturday he carried with him a check for $5,000— Bou Benjamin's personal contribution to the Fassett campaign fund. “The president thinks that It Is absolutely necessary for tbe republicans to carry New York state this fall,” remarked little Elijah, and then be vanished through a side door. In the New York Financial Chronicle of the 3rd Instant, la a report from Cecil Gabbett, late general manager of the Central railroad, upon the condition end business of the Monterey A Mexican Gulf railroad. Under instructions Mr. Gabbett .visited Mexico the latter part of July and made a thorough examination of this road which Isj303 miles long end his report bu jnst been published. The following explanation comet by grapevine telegraph from Atlanta: ‘ If any readers have received postal cards mailed at Atlanta, and written any time between 1888 and last week, they may hen read an explanation of the delay. Tbe postmaster the other day found over fifty postal cards that had fallen under a board of the letter box. Some of them were three years old. There wu nothing to do bnt to mall them ks it would be a violation of the' law stroy them. anything like the same ratio of increase in taxable property is had for the next ten years that we bare had for the past ten years, the bonds can be met without any perceptible Increaso in tbe tax rate. “Another argument in favor of the amendment Is the low rate at which the state can borrow money and the high rate which the taxpayer lias to pay. For Instance, the state can easily float these bonds for 4 per cent, and the citizen will have to pay from 8 to 12 per cent for the money to pay his taxes." SUMTER NOT REPRESENTED. One of the very best institutions In rile South Is tbe Girls' Industrial School at Milledgerille, Ga., of which Mr. J. Hurls Chappell, late of Columbus, Is president. The facilities here offered for the acquiring of technical education by gills are the very best, and every Georgia gl rl who needs to make her way iu the world, as many of them will have occasion to do, should avail herself of tlio opportunity. While the girls have gone to this school from various quarters so far Sumter county la not represented; and as there are no special provisions made until tbe quota Is full, some Sum ter county girls should apply for admis sion to this excellent institution. Write to Mr. J. Harris Chappell, the Presi dent The state bank examiner or bis clerk shall examine the books of each bank at least once a year. Hebe is how the Georgia twin—er— angels appear to a wild Western editor: “Sam Jones and Sam Small, the two al leged pious evangelists, reeently visited the town of Rome, Ga., and according to tbe programme that they have fol lowed with more or leu succeu in every place In whloh they have preached, they proceeded to attack the morals of Rome and declare that it wu the very hotbed of crime and corruption. To the great suiprise of the two preachers they were summoned on the following day to ap pear before the grand jnry and give In formation of tbe crlmo and corruption of which they had complained and ao furiously attacked. The uni course should be followed by every town whloh these men see fit to abuse In order to create a unsatlon and Una tbetr pockets with the money of people foolish enough to throw It away upon charlatans If Jones and Small wore made to appear before grand juries and compelled to swear to what they charge, the shame less career of theso two frauds would soon be brought to an end.’’ The following from the New Orleans States will accord fully with the views of all right thinking people whose dis gust fa supreme at the style of much of tho stuff that is sent out as news: “We do not approve of tbe action of the As sociated Press In sending brosdeut over tbe country certain details regarding the birth of the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland, because It wu not in good tute, but we fully agree with tho statement that Baby Clevolaml Is going to knoek out of joint tbe nose of one Baby McKee. The whole country is deeply interested in the future welfare of little Miss Cleveland, and as her beautiful mother Is regarded by all true Americans and especially those of Dorn- ocratic faith, u the first lady In the land, her little daughter Is sure to be awarded the position of second lady.” Mr. Gladstone made a speech at New Castle a few days ago lu support of the free trade policy of Great Britain, which he said wu not only a triumph for the capitalists but also for the work men, whose wages had advanced 50 per cent by It, and the grand old man then expressed tbe opinion that the United States would not long permit England to enjoy her presont commercial suprema cy, but would throw down the bars of protection and compete with her for the trade of the world. It will now bo in order for the Republican organs to dl reel a torrent of abuse against Mr. Glad- stone and to charge that he made hls speech with the intention of helping to elect Campbell governor of Ohio. The Berner bill wu a much discussed matter In tbe corridors of tho capitol yesterday. A large number of letters of protest agaiost the bill have been re ceived by senators and representatives from all over the state. The letters came chiefly from holders ‘ of Central, Georgia and Southwestern stock who are all over the state. It is said $12,000, 000 of railroad securities are held in Georgia that are affected by this legisla tion antagonistic to the railroads.—Con stitution. And Grand Display of Fine Dress Goods, Notions, Etc. -A.T- Beall & Oakley’ EVERY DAY. s Rev. W. W. Wadsworth, pastor of St John’s Msthodlst church in Augusta, hu created a lively sensation by a severe arraignment, on Snnday last, of Augusta society. Tbe congregation were astound- ed to find themselves exposed as such wretched sinners. The reverend gentle man did not mince words, but scored society, in the severest manner. He wu specially severe on young ladles drink ing with gentlemen, and on euchre parties, dress, moonlight picnics, ete. The poMs boiling fast lu tho Third Alabama district. The lut report now is that Hon. Jere N. Williams, ex-con gressman, will be pitted against Oates In the coming race. Rumor hu It that the Alliance will take him, without ref erence to the Ocala demands, so deter mined Is It to thrash Oates. Is this an evidence that tbe Alliance Is going to quit politics, and come down to tbe old' fuhloned agricultural occupation of thrashing oats ? Room For Rent. Nice front room In Artesian block, with three large windows, gas, bath room and all modern improvements. Will rent either furnished or unfur nished. Auericus Supply Co. octl-lw When Deny wu tick, we gave ber Css torts. When she wu a Child. she cried for Castoria. When aha became Miss, she clan* to Csstorls. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria Hon. Harvey M. Watterson, who died lut week, wu the father of Hon. Hebry Watterson, of the Courier-Jour nal, and wu the sole survivor of the Twenty-sixth congreu, and, with tbe Hon. R. W. Thomson, of Indiana, late secretary of the navy, the lut two sur vivors of tbo Twcnty-sevcnt b congress, ne wu born at Beech Grove, the family homestead, In Bedford county, Tennes see, Novembft 23,1811. He wu one of the most prominent and Influential men of hls day, and wutbe iqtimato friend of Andrew Jackson, and later of An drew Johnson. Reports from tbe cotton crop received at the agricultural department yeaterj day show that then to bnt 75 per oent of a fall wop. Soathewt Georgia shown 77 per cent, eut Georgia 74 per cent, middle Georgia 71 per cent, southwest Georgia 78 per cent, north Georgia 77 percent. This report shows a decrease of 7 per cent below the October report U. totw* Ms .-if,it ndi i , ii f « ipeum «d itfw | -f t'/i * ’ "• idfj. • Attention Builders. Wo soil Longman A Martinez prepared paints, and are authorized by the msnu- faeturers to repaint any house at their expense on which their paints do not prove satisfactory. E. J. Elduidok, Druggist “You Americans seem to have no well deflned upper clawses, don't you know.” “Oh, I suppose It’s about tbe tamo here at elsewhere. The man with tho money It on top.” Our goods are all new, no accumulation of old goods of seasons past and gone, but pret ty and stylish. IN' OYELTIE8’ Bedford Cords, Serges, Henriettas, Loyely Plaids, etc. Dress Silks in Black, Dark col ors and beautiful shades for evening wear. Lovely goods for evening in wool and silk fab rics, we have the new things in dress trim mings, graduated sizes in pearl and other dress buttons, new goods JUST IN. New line guaranteed fast black hosiery, the best in town—25c. Hose, guaranteed stain less. our Ladies’ Cloth, 46 in. wide, price $1 per yd. §Jilk warp flan' nels and many other new goods just in. Newest Styles, Lowest Prices and Courteous attention guaranteed. PROFESSIONAL CARD? T a. kluttz, Architect axd SuFEanmimzxT, •i Americas, Georgia. Lamar street—Morphey Banding. M-II | ’pHYHIoFaN AND BURGEON. * .1' Ones and residence, next hones to C. A Huntington, Cbnrcb street. feb T11 T A. FORT ,M. D. ! ones at Dr.Bldrldge's drugstore. Can J'ba found at night Id bis room, over Kldridxe’. drag store. Barlow Blook. lanMl-tf D B. T. J. KENNEDY. H. D, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ones at Dr. Eldrldgr's Drug tstoie. Can be round at night In bis office roomorer Eldrldge'a drag etore, Barlow block. feb5-ly DOCTORS J. 8. AND A. B. HKHB Ear, Throat and Nose A Specialty. I (Graduate ol Brilevas Hospital Medical v College. N. Y„ twice graduate of N. Y. Poet Graduete Medical School,Chlef Surgeon 8 A.M. R R.etc.) Offitrsbisproresalonafser- vices as a geueral practltorer to tbs citizens of AtnerlcusHnd surroundlngronntry. Bps- rial attention given to operative surgery. Including the treatment of hemorrhoids, He- tula, stricture, catarrh, and all diseases of Anue, Rectum, Genltourlna.y system and nose and tbrost. Office In Murphey building Lamer 8t. Connected by speaking tubs with Eldrldge’a Drug Store. Calls eboald be left or telephoned there during tbe day. At night call at residence on Lee Bt. or tele phone No. 77. apr29tf I* A. HAWKINS, , ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office up stairs on Uranberry corner. SF.E BE0LL & OAKLEY, 313 LAMAR STREET, CHILD BIRTH • • • MADE EASY! “ Mothers’ Friend ’’ is a scientific ally prepared Liniment, every ingre dient of recognized value and in constant use by the medical pro fusion. These ingredients are com* toned in a manner hitherto unknown “MOTHERS’ • FRIEND” ♦ WILL DO all that is claimed for it AND MORE it Shortens Libor, Lessens Pd, Diminishes Danger to Ufa of Mother and Chad. Book to " Mothirs ” mailed FREE, con taining valuable btfarmatta and gglmtay imfimoalato. Sestbyesprew oa raeeipt of pnee IMS gar botUe : BOLD BY ALL DHCOOIBJto; ,. ' ■ I f ■ ’.it) . < .•qjr.tir -rc., q:i rrt I ; Don’t Be in A Hurry To buy ) our new Fall Dress. Our new Dress Goods, consisting of the Novelties of the sea son and including the now so very fashionable BEDFORD CORDS will be in within the next few days and you want to be on the lookout for our next Sun day’s “ad”, it will contain some startling,hut pleading news. We will also have lots of oth er new goods for you and will save you mon ey on your purchase.,. We now have a full line of C. B. Corsets in stock, all sizes from 18 to 30 and will save you 25c. on every Corset you buy of us. Our 75c. Corsets are sold at $1 and for $1. we will vive your their $1.25 number. Try One, you’ll never want to wear any other. We continue our attractive offerings in Fast Black Hose at 15c; Checks at 4 l*2c; Prints at 5o.; good yard wide Bleaching at 8o; Sea Islands at 6c., etc., etc. Specially attractive offerings in SHOES. Do your trading at the * * W P. WALLIS, , ATTORNEY AT LAW, ..... Amencua, Ga. NationsBank* ** courti * offlc ® over W T. LANK, , ATTORNEY AT LAW, Americas, Gs. Prompt attention given to all business placed in my hands. Office in Barlow bloc*, room 6. Feb. 6, tf J A. niXON, . ATiORNEY AT LAW. • _ Americas, Ga. office »n Bader building, opposite the Court House. Prompt u tention given to all bnslnesfc. innd-tf. M aynard a smith, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. _ Americas, Ga. Prompt and careful attention given to ail business entrusted to us. Lamar street over P. L. Holt's. seplfr-dAwSm* T. L. HOLTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Abbeville. Ga. Will practice in all the counties of the State. Prompt attention gtven to all col lections entrusted to my care. , tj ANSLEY & ANSLEY, A ttorneys at law, Americug, Ga. Will practice tntbs counties of Sum ter, Hchley, Macon,' Dooly, Webster, Stow- art. In the Supreme Court, and tbe United 8tatee Conn. C. MATHEWS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Willbosm F. Clabkx. Fbawx A. Hoopzb. CLABKE A HOOPEE, ttomeys at Irftw AMERICUH. - - - - . GEORGIA ma»l5-d-w-lv WALTEB K. WBSATLKT, J. B. FXTZOUULD Wheatlsy.ft Fitzgerald, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Offloei 4K Jackson Bt., Up Stairs, AMERICUH, i GEORGIA JaaT-tf HUDSON A BLALOCK, 1 LXklVBRS, Axnouona, Gzoboia. Will practice lusll courts. Partnership limited to civil cases. Office up attire, corner Lee and Lamer street, in Artesian Blook. dscxt-d-wly E. G. SIMMONS, W. H. KIMBROUGH SIMMONS ft KIMBB0U3H, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Barlow Blook, Boom 4. Will practice In both State and Federal Courts. Strict attention paid to all basinets entrusted to them. Telephone No. toe. 13-lMOtf g7 OFFICES i 2 J 1 ^ P® "chtrcc Street Atlanta. I Boom 7 Barlow M»k, America* IJJftiw an i ! ■P®®lflcallon« furnished for buildings of all descriptions —public bu’ld- J n I® ®*P®e|aily. Comn unlcatiooB by mall to either office will meet with prompt at- tentinn. Wm.Hall, Superintendent a raerl- W 1LLIAMSOX * EARL, CIVJI. ANX> MANITA* Y E»<3 rXKKR*. Plane and estimates for water supply, ■ewerage and general engineering wort. Construction superintended, sewerage ft specialty. Headquarter, Moolgnmury, Ala. Amerlcua office over JohueonA Harrold* npr21-3tn etore on Cotton avenue. ' r i a j itrti« * Witynao tA j -«»£oq Los Jwhitp _ 1 eftfazaht f fd , j. Normal and Theological School, AMERICUS, GA. To begin the 2d Monday in October 1891. This school is intended for the benefit of those pupils who may have finished in the publio schools of tbo city, or oth ers of the city and county, who may with to avail tnemseh es of this oppor tunity of acquiring a more extensive ed ucation than to afforded at present In our midst. A short course of theology for the young men wishing to enter the ministry. Thobe from abroad can obtain board among our best families at from $0 00 to $7 00 per month. Teachcre: Ilxvs. S. A. McNEAL, Prin. A. S. STALEY, Aee’L T. S. GLOVER Desires to Inform the public that be bis ctoeed'Out hls grocery buslneee sod has put In a splendid line of spotting good*:_ Guns, Cartridges, Shells, and sock ether goods ns belong to tbla line. Giva Ms a Call. T. S. GLOVER, Watto BuMdlng, AMKBICUS, OA. . .v-.riaO .Mr.&i.'flfBtnh-v. • ' • . ..... •lie- io best l mn-nol.. , VlfG- o»boZiI dt!) siiil ' :hr tipt-M [Mll-rfH