Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, October 08, 1891, Image 2

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THE AMERICAS DAILY T1MES-REC0EDER: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1S91. THE TIMES-RECORDER. Oully and Weekly. Tn AMuict'b Rzcordes EvrAgureaD 1I7». The Anxatcci n«u Xrr.cuiHxn in*. Coxsoudatso, April, 1*31. •OBDCRIPTIOX! our, on Tear, *»• Daily, Orb Hoorn, ffxaxLv, one Year, • • . . u Yinur, 8ix Months, I Mr advertising rates address Baooom Myridx, Editor and Manager, TOE TIMES PUBLISHING COMPANY, Americas, Oa. Amorious, Or., October 8, 1891. Auktria will participate World's fair, Chicago. la the Mil Flower weighs 200 pounds. Will this 200 pounds of Flower make Faasett'a cake dough ? It is said that Prince Albert Victor, eldest ton of the Prince of Walee, was the person for whom Lydia Miller, the chorus girl, killed henelf. Tub Mew York Presbytery, after a storaiy debate, decided to proceed with the 'trial of the Rev. Dr. Charles A. Briggs for heresy, tho indictment to be based on hie Inaugural address. Mr O'Feurall, of Virginia, does not think that Campbell, of Ohio, whether he It elected or not, oan secure the uom tuition. As for Governor Hill, the Con gtessman does not think he will stand a •hoar. Politics have come to a pretty pass In Mew Y«ik, when the Republican candi date for governor, Fussott, I* trying to beat Flower by charging that he drinka no wino at dinner, roads the Ulble and prays. Tins people look to the senate to re verse the action of the house on the railroad bill. The people did not want the Olive bill and they do not want Mr, Berner’s or Mr. Smith's.—Thomasrille Times. Hcou O. Pentecost, the former clergyman and alngle ta* agitator, more recently known as an anarchist end op ponent of all law whatever, ha* declared bis Intention to practice law as a pro fession. President IIabrison’s dilemma Is a painful one. II he is to turn out Raum the pension attorneys will not contrib ute to a Harrison campaign fund, Should be keep him, the pension office scandal will not down. MERcnANDieiNO and cotton growing have reached the limit of their capacity to support population. Let'* put In . something else. We need smokestsoks in place of counters and shelves.—Cuth- bert Liberal-Enterprise, It l* said that among the numerous telegrams of congratulation sent to the Cleveland manalon on the late happy event, one from baohelor David B. UIU doe* not appear. These old baobelore are to envious to be courteous. A correspondent writing from Cen tre, Ala., says: “The Alliance thinks of adopting‘the’possum tall grip' as the sign grip of the order, as showing the way they are going to hang on to their sub-treasury, land loan and other schemes." Altai: best in the preliminary hearing of the case of Bradford Dunham for kill ing Jos. Cunningham was concluded yesterday, end Justice Jackson rendered a decision remanding to Jail without the eight to ball. The grand Jury meets on Monday next. giving *4 The Cleveland papers are Grover a tremendous boost because he has become a papa. Mow If It had been twins, even the Alliance would have suc cumbed, and Larry Gantt in spite of IHMHfa heresy, would now be shouting J-“hurrali for Cleveland!" Geouoe Osdobn, the young man who was sentenced to the penitentiary for life in Fort Gaines last week and pend- - tag motion for a now trial, was lent to Dawson for safe keeping, la tho third one of that name who has been convict ed of murder in Georgia within the last eighteen months.' China expresses a willingness to pay an Indemnity for the property whlqU waa destroyed and the lives which were lost through the riotous folly of her subjects. That is wdU enough In It* way. But what la wanted Is a proper degree of protection for foreigners. Indemnities don't restore the dead. THE ONLY WAY TO CROW. So long as a cl:y coniines Its buslnes to selling dry goods, groceries, hard- ware, clothing, millinery, etc., the limit of its growth is rigidly defined by the business to be done In (applying just the exact number of people, who Uve In the city's tributary territory. Such a city oan only grow with the natural Increase of population. Years ago Atlanta recognised the feot that manufacturing was the only means of bnllding up that elty beyond thii nat ural limitation; and the wonderful growth of that city for fifteen years pest is attributable to no other couse. To the people of Amerlcue The Times Recorder would say that tho limit of growth of this city will soon bo reached, nnleis special efforts are made to pro mote msnufacturiog. Small Industries must be built up end encouraged, either by offering Inducements to outsiders to bring their plsnts here, or by the organ ization of local companies by our own people. Every owner of real estate who wishes to sell or rent tile property, every dry goods or grocery merchant who wants to sell more goods, must Interest himself to see thst these Industries are built up, upon which the future growth and prosperity of Americas depends. The Tiues-Rkcordeii lias urged this fact before; and now reiterates It, and will continue to call attention to It, as tliirf it a matter of vital Importance to this community. Our neighbor Dawion fully appre ciates the truth of this proposition; and the “News” and “Journal" are doing some good work among their people. The “News” of till* week says: The hum ofinschlnrry tnu.t begin totske the p see of the clack oflhv yanl slick be fore Dawson can grow much more.” There It no mere sentiment In this matter; It Is a question of common sense sod business to the people of Ameriout; for unless moro people come here, more goods cannot be sold; and the new comers mutt do something else besides sell goods, as those lines are already filled for the present demand. But there is no limit to the growth of a city that manufactures. Apart from (arming, manufacturing alone creates wealth; the selling of goods manufac tured elsewhere being merely swapping dollars from one man’s pocket to an other*. and nothing is actually gained to the country at large. Let our peoplo reflect on this; and with the return of prosperity and easy money let them begin to devise ways and means to promote all those little manufacturing Industries, upon which future growth and prosperity will de pend. The fact remains that the women out live the men The masculine sex is gradually but surely becoming exter minated. We do net care to hazard a guess ss to when there will be no men left, but their numbers are growing fewer while the women are growing in number and in beanty. This is a plain fact Let the cranks explain it If they con. One of the ancient prophets fore tells a time when eeven women shell take hold of one man and declare their willingness to earn their own livelihood and his if only they may be called by bl* name. The world may bo coming to that bnt we are free tossy that the man of that period will not be worth the attention of the splendid women of that lime. They wlllbo a* goddesses and be will be a miserable dude.—New Orleans Picayune. Gen. Ai.rnr.L-8 Baker, just deceased, was a cltlxen of Alabama, lie was a good soldier, and drove the carpet-bag gers out of Ids State a* Toombs did from Georgia. Gen, Baker was born at Ab beville, S. C\, enlisted In the war aa a private, and rose to tho'.rankof briga dier-general. He was 87 yean old, and leaves a family. Thb French hairdressers are circulat ing a petition which they will submit to the minister of fine arts, when It has 800,000 signatures. The purport of the document If thst women be prohibited from appearing In their hats In the the- aters subsidized by tho government, and that coiffure of the ladies at anoh enter tainments be according to the fashion devised by the Hairdressers' Associa tion. WLIle this movement Is a coltish one on the part of the Frenoh hairdress ers; there li no doubt that the hat abom ination In theaters should be forced to go. Indeed so strong hat the protest become in many cities that some ladles hare let the fashion of appearing bare headed, much to the delight of those who occupy seats behind them. This now fashion ought to prevail every where. | ■ Gen. X. P. Alexamdeb and Mr. Cecil Gabbett, formor general manager of the Central railroad, arrived in Savannah yesterday from Maw York. Gen. Alex ander spent the summer In Mew York and the north. Mr. Gabbett said last night that after leaving Savannah he went to Mexico on a tonr of railroad In spection for some northern capitalists. Since bis return ha has divided his time between Lake George, where his family spent the summer, and Mew York City. He Is looking well and hearty, and in evident good spirits; He 1* stop,' with Geo. Alexander, and will spend remainder of the week in the city.- if asali Mew*. Larry 'Gantt has a knack of saying nice complimentary things of hla brother editors, that must make the bones of Parson Browplow wiggle with delight In their coffin. Says he: “IVo learn that the Macon Telegraph will soon change hands. It wore Its cir culation out righting the Alliance." “If Savannah would only remove the old bunion that has grown on her—in the shape of the Morning Mews—it would bo one of the finest cities In the south.” “The Atlanta Journal uses Sam Small —the toll-end and trick mnle of Sam Jones' traveling hippodrome, as a sawer through which to carry its filthy abuse of tbs editor of this paper." Ton people of Columbus bar* sub scribed ffiOO tor tbs purpose of having a grand Jubilee when the legislature ad journs. They propose to make it an oo- caslon for general rejoicing, and will celebrate It with booming cannon and • grand pyrotechnlo display. But aren’t our Columbus friends a little previous ! It Is not certain that the legislature will HEBE ABE THE FIGURES. Here's the way the New York Sun fig- urea up Flower's Democratic majority lo that state: TUe account of the state of Nov York with Ur.Tbomua O. Platt (Political Jobs whole- ami* anil Retail, Jacob 8. Fatrett, Agent) la something like this: Tb# Sta'e of New York to T. C. Platt. Dr, To ont World's Fair at Cbtesge 20,000 To preventing Constitutional Conven tion 8/00 To services m defeating It sptd Iran sit.. 6.000 To preventing Reapportlonment 10,0)0 To services to the Porter Huneo Census I0JT0 Democratic majority 60,000 Mr. Platt (J. H. Faasett, A'gL) may dstend upon getting his pay. The services have bee rendered and they ought to be paid for; and it would be false economy to out down the bill. New York ihoruu.bty appreciates whs t M r. Platt hex done for her, and 1s will Ing lo be'p along a deserving yonng man like bis agent. The fresh, young, Innocent Atlanta Herald thus discourses on the subject of legislature free passes: “The practice of members of the legislature accepting free posses from railroads, and their mlleago allowance at the same time, It one that cannot be defended by any cod* of morals or equity. There It none other than an Improper motive that would cause a railroad to issuo a pats to a legislator and refuse It to the private citizen, and we fall utterly to under stand bow members can get their con sent to accept It—and, haring accepted it, how dare they, la the face of the people they are supposed to represent, and the state they ere pledged to sup port, demand mileage fees that do not and cannot exist The praotice la Iniquitous, and those guilty of it perpe trate an outrage on the people to whom they owetbelr positions.” Mrs. Laura Hart, Beaufort, S C., writes: “A loathsome form of blood poison was killing me. M; appetite woe lost my bones ached, and parts of my flesh see mod ss if It would come off my bones. A friend brought me a bottle of B. B. B. The sores began healing at once, and when I had taken two bottles I surprised my friends at mv rapid -re covery" »eptl8-ood-lm A Campaign Ditty. The Now York campaign's lively, It’swsklng up 'lie state; We know that Flower’s blooming— Where's Jones who pays the fr Ight? Hecouldn'twln It. lie Isn't In It, But he's worth six million dollars and can wait. CHILD BIRTH • • • MADE EASY! “ Mothers’ Friihd ” is a scientific ally prepared Liniment, every ingre dient of recognized value and In constant use by the medical pro fession. These ingredients are com bined in a manner hitherto unknown “MOTHERS* FRIEND 99 WILL DO all that Is claimed for HAND MORE. It Shortens Labor, Lessens Pain, Diminishes Danger to Life of Mother and Child. Book to “ Mothers " mailed FREE, con taining valuable information and voluntary testimonials 5«ntbye»prp«8on r*rrlpt of price $1.60 per bottl! BRAD FI ELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta. 0t* BOLD BY ALL DKUUOIBT& ! And G-rand Display of- Fine Dress G-oods, Motions, Etc. -A.T- Beall & Oakley’s EYEEY DAY. Our goods are all new, no accumulation of ,rLth * ldrtdJ old goods of seasons past and gone, but pret ty and stylish. NOVELTIES’ Bedford Cords, Serges, Henriettas, Lovely Plaids, etc. Dress Silks in Black, Dark col ors and beautiful shades for evening wear. Lovely goods for evening in wool and silk fab rics, we have the new things in dress trim mings, graduated sizes in pearl and other dress buttons, new goods just in. New line guaranteed past black hosiery, the best in town—25c. Hose, guaranteed stain less. our Ladies’ Cloth, 46 in. wide, price $1 per yd. Silk warp flan' nels and many other new goods just in. Newest Styles, Lowest Prices and Courteous attention guaranteed. Sf.E BEflLL & OAKLEY, 313 LAMAR STREET, Xs the strongest Home-indorsed Medicine in the world. Ey wife bu been afflicted for Ox wart iritha must™? aUSUFACTVKCU BY WOOLDRIDGE W0K0ERFUL CURE CO., Ce'voiss*. Oa. FOB SALS hi ALL DRUGGISTS I. n. ATHT.r, o pvoralnan or Molly Hr - * — ■nils or. do! Iff, o prominent druggist nrlnga, JIlMl.oayni - Your lug wonders lu this state. The sale of Tutt’s Pills exceed those of all others combined. scribe tii cm-’* uaa TUTT’S HA1S DYE, It can’t bo <lcl*etcd._l > rlcc,CI-00 prf box. Office. St dt 42 Park Place, S. X. J A Household Remedy FOR ALL / | BLOOD and SKIN PROFESSIONAL CARDS T. Lamar itreet—Murphey irleua, Georgia, rpbey Building. M-ly ■HY??0?*NAN , D , 8URaKON. • and reudanes, next burns to i { A 6fflc?at Dr.Eidridga'a < J*be found at night Ta 1 i dragster*. Can . bis mom. over tldridgo*. drug More, Barlow Block. anMI-tf rjiflR AN AND SURGEON. DOCTORS J. B. AND A. B. HINKLE Hare on* of tb* best fumlahed and beet equipped doctor** ode** in tbs South, No. Mt Jackson street, America*, 9*. G.-neral Surgery and treatment of tbs Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose A Specialty. C HAR. A. BROOKS. I (Graduate ui Belle College. N. Y„ twit 8. A.M. B R.etc.) Offer* hla; vice* os a gen-rsl praclltoeer to the cltlaen, of AnierlcnsHnd nurroundlngcountry. 8pe rl.I attention riven to operative sorcery, Including the treatment or hemorrhoid*, fu- t-ils,atvletnre, catarrh, and all dlaeaoea of Anus, Rectum, Grnltourinaiy system and no** and throat. Office In Marphey bnllding Lamar HL Connected by sprailhg tab* with Eldrldge'e Drag Store. Call* should be left or telephoned there during the day. at night call at residence on Lee St. or tel*, phone No. 77. *pr29tf P A-HAWKIN8j NE y ATLAW _ u> Office ap stair* on Gran berry corner. W *’ WA att5bney AT LAW, "• America*, Go, Will practice in all courts. Office over National Bank. T. LANK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, America!, Oa* Prompt Attention given to All bail mm placed mv hjtnds. v A. HfXON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 1 America*, Go, Office In Baaley bnllding. opposite tb* Coart House. Prompt aitantlon given to Iun5-tt. all hnalo* ATNARD * SMITH, Pron-ptandearctat attention given to all ual'.M* entreated to a*. Lamar street ver P. L. Rolf*. sepIS-dAwtm* T. 1 L. HOLTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Abbrvllla, Go. _ wetlce In t>l the counties of the State. Prompt attention given to nil col lection! antrnstedlo my eare. tl ANSLEYft ANSLEY, A TTORNEYS AT LAW, Americas, G* Will practle* In tb* nonntles of Sum ter. Schley, Macon. Dooly, Webeltr, Stew art, In the Supreme Court, and tb* United State* Coen. J O. MATHEWS, . _ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, * fUttForevth street, Americas, Go. Will practice In mil theCourt*,ond In the Coun ty Coart for the next twelve month*. 12-21 d&wly. WaiLBoax F. Clarks. Frank A.Hoorxa. CLARKE ft HOOPEB, ttomeys at Law AMERICUS, GEORGIA msvlVd-w-lv Waltkr k. Wboatlkt, j. b. FmoxxAU Wheatley ft Fitzgerald, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Offloei 406 Jackson St, UpBtaln, AMEBICUH, • GEORGLf JanT-tf . ^ county. IUD80N ft BLALOCK, uuivsse, AKXKIcri, GXOBOIA- Win practice la ell courts. Partnership limited to civil eases. Offlca up *talre, comer-Lee so* Lamer street, In Artesian Block, deoU-d-wly The Best Plkce In South-west Ga. TO BUY GOOD SHOES AT FAIR PRICES IS AT JOHN R. SHAW’S “EAGLE” SHOE STORE, 119 Forsyth St. Americus, Ga. Great assortment, Latest Styles and No. 1 Qualities; for little, big, old and yonng. No Better Stook to be found anywhere. X. Q. SIMMONS, W. H- KIMBBOUQB SIMMONS ft KJMBBOV9H, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Harlow Illook, Boom ft. Will, _J practice In both State sod Federal Court*. Strict attention paid to all business antrntudte them. Telephone No. 106. in MOW G. Lo NOIUlMANm ARCHITECT. OFFICE. KT^M^A^ Plan* and epeclOcatlon* tarnished lor building! of all descriptions— public build* J n I» •■pe<*lAily, ConmunlcAtV»a« by m»il lo either offlee will meet with prompt !t* tent ion. \| iu. Hall, Superintendent A*n®ri* cm nmcA. w ILLIABISON * EABLg CIVIL ANU HAKITAfcY EWQIKKKR*. Plans and e-tlmatea fbr water auppl/i or** sewerage and general engineering nor*. Construction !upertutended, sewerage • •pcclelty. Hendquune**, Mnntgnmety, Ala Amerlcti! ffllc® over Jobuion d Herrold’ ftore on Cotton avenue. apr21-3m AMERICUS, GA- To begin the 2d Monday in October 1891. Thl* school Is Intended for the benefit of those pupils who may have finished In the public school* of the city,'or oth ers of the city and county, who may wish to avail them wives of this oppor tunity of acquiring a more extensive **• ucatlun than Is afforded at present lo our midst A short course of theology for the young men wishing to enter the ministry. Those from abroad can obtain bor’d among our beat families at from W-ft 07 00 per month. Teachers; Rave. 8. A. McNEAL, Prfn. A. 8. STALEY, Ass’L T. S. GLOVER P—inform tb* nablle that tab** closed out hi* gronry builntsa and ha* putln aiptaDdid line of spatting Guns, Cartridges, Shells, aad neb other good* aa belong to ttlslio* aim Ms A CALL. T. S. GLOVER* Watte Bunding, AMKBICUB, OA