Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, October 09, 1891, Image 3

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Nice Oak Suits at Parlor Suits at - - 35.00 Plush Rockers - • - •»J^ob Side-boards, - $15.00 to £250.00 China Dinner and Tea Sets, - - $7.50 to $75.00 Picture and Room Moulding, Picture Frames, Pictures, Easels, Cords and Hangings—all on a basis of 6c. Cotton. They have used our furniture, aridif/nfeVcr c^fcked,,. blistered or-fell dojwji/iuS^W'fcrock- and glassware, and found it as represented; lit btir lahips.and had good T light ; used our silvei'ware and sounded its praise; bought our clocks and never got left; >ought our. window-shades when they didh't need them ; T bought curtain poles for themselves and poor kin because they were MTOhttP: used our 1 1 - J-jI Coffins, Caskets, ______ BURIAL SLIPPERS AND GLOVES. Our stock of Koyal Worcester, Doulton and Dresden • - - _ 11 " * ^ ‘ 1 . * . rian, Faience and other holiday goods will repay.yofur iuspection. This branch of our business is replete with . all that is new and RELIABLE. Every improvement has pur pa tronage. Nothing escapes us. ji «] ,ffUi jY-OIwo'-mS-,' EMBALMING done by EXPERIENCED Embalnters. Mr. L. S. Tower will answer night calls. Residence in front of Methodist Church. . / . . CURES S1PHIUS p. p. f. „ utns, 1 m p p. p. Cross scr’ofulA. s£m, TjlJZttar SwdHnpt st*nm*tuin. Malaria. “4 CURES Mm hjrHssrfcsfrESfc isSnsgtec: 1 ■ ralyiAttter, 6cat4 IW.eU. ( eU. P. P. P. ; Cures’rheumatisM —A OrtllMl V Im ■cures bs i£ss a sTsL*a.i£« Cures dyspepsiA umm Drnggtita, Ltffmu't Block, BAVAJIBAHfQA. For sale by the DAVENPORT DRUG COMPANY, Amerioua, Ga. Health is Wealth! Da. E. c. fnrtUnn axd Bbaix Theat Kent, a RuarintccU ipcclflo for llyitena, Dial nest* Convulalon*, FIM, Nervous Neuralgia Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the nee or alcohol or toheeoo, Wakefulness, Mantel Depression, Softening of tbs Hraln, resultlnc In naanlty and leading to misery, decay and damn, Premature Old Age, Barrenness, Lose of Power In either sex, Involuntary Losses and Bparma- torrhcn, caused by over-exertion>of the brain, ■aU-abnae or orer-lndulgenoa. Each box can. tains one month's treatment. $1.00 per box, or •lx boxes for $8.00, sent by mall, prepaid, on ra- oelpt of price. i f WB GUARANTEE S|X BOSES Toeureanycaaa. With each order reoetvid by ns for six boxes, accompanied with *5.00, rwa will sand the purchaser oui written guarantee to refund the money If the treatment does not ef- JAPANESE guaranteed Cor. tor PUea of whatov, dor degree - ernal, Internal, Blind Blcoding, Iicbii Chronic, Ream! or -edltory; $10C i box; 6 boxc*, $£00. it by mail, prepaid, on reoeipt of prio*. gturantco to * in iny case of Filet. Iran toed and HU only by TRB DAVJX.’ORT DRUG CO Wholesale sad Retail Ample* free. issfe' SALE OF STOCK. Atraeable tv an order paaawl Of Blrec orsofthe Suin'er Rad Improvement Company at'll- v - ■ - meeting on the Mat Inat, I wl 1 sell atpohde outcry at the offlce of sold Humter Real Ro tate and Improvement t'omp*. jr in i Us JUS low Block, In till city on Monday. th* Mth dar of Oe.ober text .t * o’clunK if.jn». » ?. ,h » es ofstwhblui’by 0?'^“ Bro^andi •tpa'w^' 'Estate and Im. Co. An Inoldent of Ufa Encampment, to every large boarding or lodging honso there is the accommodating young man. He is always ready to do a service and will ran his feet off for another, however disinclined to exertion be may be on his own account. He gets np in the night to call the doctor or go to the drag storei he matches silk for ladies in the shops, and he is never so happy as when, at infinite cost to his time and parse, he has gratified the whim of some qne whom be Ukee—that some one being of the better sex. Sunday, in a rather fashionable honse of the kind in thia city, the landlady laid: "By the way, Mr. Stillaon, I have one nice room va cant, and if yon boar of any of the Grand Army people who would like it won't yon send them np? Try to get us somo one nice.' Of comae Stillaon promised. He set oat for his office and every man he met had a word to say to him, for every one liked Stillaon. At the windnp of each of these conversations the latter deliv ered the message of bis landlady.'and. being popular, it was not noon before ha had forty or fifty people UuRtling for tenants for that room. The result was that the vicinity of the honse, for a day or two, looked like the approach to Camp Sherman, and it was necessary to disconnect the hell.—Detroit Free Press. A Sun Spot Maximum. A spectator, viewing the snn from a distant point in space, would perceive that its brillinncy was slightly increased once in about every eleven years. These accessions of light should correspond, not with the periods of fewest spots, bat with those of most spots, because the energy of the snn’s radiation is greatest daring the spot tuuxima. At present a son spot maximum is approaching, and since last winter the face of the snn has frequently exhibited startling indica tions of the tremendous disturbances now affecting the solar globe. Onr imaginary observer in spnee would prob ably behold at the present time a very slight increase in the sun's brilliancy, and this increase may go on for three or fonr. years to come. While we, dwelling upon a globe that is bathed in the ann's rays, may be un able to perceive these variations directly, yet their, effects have long been recog nised by the changes that they produce in terrestrial magnetism. It la olio highly probable that a perceptible in fluence upon the weather is exercised by variations in solar radiation ing with the presence or absoi •pots.—G. P. Berrios in Popi' Monthly. md- >f sdn Fall Into Lina. Join the great procession 1 It marches to victory! It knows no defeatl In scribed on Its banners Is the Inspiring battle cry "Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery." Its line of ma?ch extends across the continent and aronnd the en tire world. A happy Illustration of the jopulsrity and success of this world- ,'sroed remedy. 'Tls everywhere reliev ing pein, Inspiring hope, caring disetse. For all blood disorders Itta acknowledged the safest, the most thorough, the best The liver and kidneys respond at once to the invigorating touch; through them tho whole system is cleansed and bnllt to anew. ' , . ,i ■ . . If you are sick. Indisposed,debilitated, weak, suffering from malarious or other poisons, yon'll find the Golden. Medical Discovery the remedy per excellence to restore yon. IS LIFE WORTH LIVING? Not If you go through the world a dye- of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, ’Flgtnltou and Constipation. Guaranteed Odd sol by Fleetwood Sc Russell,Amerioua,- Ga. The more the gtrle pine 'for some' young men the more spruce they be come. Axaa,8acaa and Wages. If you have a wife and a half dozen daughters, you can keep them all well by very simple means. Let them use Dr. Pierces' Favorite Prescription. It is good for women of ell ages. You will not need to spend all your wages for It. Those ancient sages, the M. D.s of a quarter of a century since, did nothing but dose and bleed their patients. We do better to-day: We use Dr. Pierce's remedies. For womankind Dr. Pleroe’s Kavorite Prescription is simply indis pensable. The young girl needs Its strengthening help at that critical period when she is blossoming Into woman hood. The matron and mother find in it Invigoratlon and relief from the nu merous ills which beset their existence. And ladles well advanced In years uni versally acknowledge the reviving and restorative effects of this favorite sad standard remedy. The scholar who takes the first prize In arithmetic Is only a figure-head. We cannot afford to deceive yon. Con- dence Is begotten by honesty. De Witt's Little Early Risers are pills that will cure constipation and alok headache. For salo hy the Davenport Drug Com pany. Charity is not the only tailor whoso garments cover a multitude of sins. Don’t storm the system as yon would a fort. If he'd by the enemy, consti pation, gently persuade it to surrender with Dewitt's Little Early Risen. These little pllla are wonderful eon- vincors. For sale by the Davenport Drug Company. When a man la put out ho la fired, bnt it la not ao with a candle. People with Impure blood may be said to exist, not live. Life ir robbed of half its joys when the blood la loaded with Impurities and disease. Correct this condition with DeWitt’a Sana] rilkv, it la reliable. For sale by Davenport Drug Company. X Pope, flat of Madison, FU.,ea^» (Deo. 3,1889) io regards P. P. P. (Prickly Ash,' Poke Root and Potaaalnm) as the beat alter ative on the market, end that be has seen more beneficial remits from the use of it than any other blood medlelne. oct6d!2w2 A sponge bath—one taken on credit and never paid for. DeWitt’a Sarsaparilla destroys such poisons as scrofula, skin- disease, ecze ma, rheumatism. Its timely use saves many Uvea. For isle by the Davenport Drug Company. i The tollow who lives on his wits must frequently put up with poor “wlttlee," THAT TERRIBLE COUGH In the morning, hurried or difficult breathing, raising phlegm, tightness In tho chest, quickened pulse chiUness In tho evening or sweats at night, all or any ot theso things are the first stages of consumption. Dr, Acker’s English Cough Remedy will cure theso fearful symptoms, and la sold under a positive [tee by Feetwood & Russell, guarantee Americas, Gel A great many deaf and dumb people are given to making off-hand remarks. Perfect action and parfrot health re sult from the uao of De Witt’s Little Early risen, e perfect Uttle pilL For ids by theDavenport Drug Company. P, P, P, cures acrofuls, salt rheum w • * - and nil burner*, dyapetsla, sick faiMtf ache, biliousness. It cures that tired feeling, creates an appetite, strengthens tho nerves and build* up tbe whole sys tem P. P. P. is unrivalled, and since its introduction baa cured more caws of blood disease than all tbo other blood purifiers put together, P. P. P. stimulates tbe appetite and aids tbe proeeas of assimilation, cures nervous troubles and Invigorates and strengthens every organ of tbe body, Nervous prostration la also oared by the great and powerful P. P. P. Its effecti ere permanent and lasting. The assessors tax a man and then tbe eollector “nails” him. DOCTOR ACKER’S for Coaghi. Coldl Md Coniaisptlen, Is katas* qaattlea tho anatoit el all aoCars raaiaslei. It sill ttopa Cough Isas* night. It wtllchach * 'w. It a Cold Is a dap It wilt pratast Craop, rallora . Aithma, »C CURE Cannuagtlaa II lakes Is 'Hat. "Yoa caa’t iltrl to hsalthast It” S * S nr' bottle mij cart gas t>»0 to Dae- • —■Mf sava gear Ilia I AIK YOUR ■ fur IT. If tin little ease taw -\ CROUP JHOOPliiC COUGH .. 'i s lift IT MMBPTLY. IT IR IV A SOUND TO CURR. SaM la i kr rBMLMWC IT TASTKS OOOD. Local and TKrdUgli Selledule in Effect 8ept .6, 189L IS IS pm 8 51 9 051 11 00 pm 11 SO 1110 is Oordofe. ....Lr Albany AT*... ..Warwick 1... 5=gSL =t23SsaflB*=== lTM.m iiWm F—Flag Station. E. S. GOODMAN, ' Gen’l nee. Agt, Richmond & Danville Railroad Co. OPERATING THE CENTRAL RAILROAD OF GEORGIA. SOUTHWESTERN DIVISION. Correot Sohedule, Wo. 1, in Bffeot Sept t, 1891 SAVANNAH fit WESTERN DIVISION Hcbadala No. RL taking: effect JolySKb, IMI. BHwom.^njnandBfrm.nxnmn ££ leave. ,..;K*vann»n........Arrive ROOam Lyon* sou am No. I, ■tally. TJ"P“ iMim T» * m K4iaui 1010 at ..Leave It tSuV. i P»«-e-«L |Phu Mall BAST BOUND. m, xuRa u 5I» “ •g: SiOpm i enipm m 8 Item «!*’ *• "1 (Atlanta " ■ - i!2SS'. : loai •• 710 i* ZV 8*10 pmT* if? 8 25 •* 4 10 *• Ruosm 64o " No. T lielly Pi,-«,iir.-r No. ». (•ally. Km. .<*.( WKHT POUNII . Feat 'kln.t Nft.8 Dnlly FSMUMnfGl 11*.. ... II.0 ?»?m 1 UH |» IU tan •• no * 7*> •• Lv, Auierl«*UN Ar. Ar. HmUbvilto. .t “ t Ra foals '* ** Mnnl»nmtn l.v. 1 mi i. ru MU •• II <4 s iii 065 w n* :i 37 u m iJ5k» •• io 35 n m 7 to p m No. 7 Psllv 11 2U |i iu ■ 1141 im 6 m m 7 W n m So. i> Bully 'iMpm 1 »l « 155 M 540 * . TO Lv. Aaifrtcua Ar. M Hmltbvllle • Ar Albany Lv. “ TbombMvnir Lv •• WajreroM •• Hranswtek " No. 8 (Hilly s luelunt 1MH p m 11 10 s ui » SOS IT *^>d lioTlP No. 8 qLtstly SS7« m *06 M 216 •• * m * »m ™ Fur rartbrr lo*»nn»Uou raistlvo u> uch,u, x-heUaloo, bast roalaa its. I A. T. MAXWBLL, A font, Ymorfoso, (la SOL HAAS, Tradio Manager. JAH.L TAYLOft-Haa. Fa~ Art, K H HARDWICK. Aaa’I Qaa'I Peas. Agt. AtUnta, Us 1 W. H URKKN, Oon’l Manager. B. V. McBF.B, Ua^i HupL (Huecoaooro to W.L. Mantra.) fortoy^mnty in the 4 SU*e. Blaik BofekS' - American Blpfes w Oxford' idkloB. f atnrfj m owl wilA ■ tru FINE StATIDffERY Daily papers, Magazine?, itc. Subscriptions for any pas per or pnblica^onr g*'+x Rubber Stamps, any lnid,Mce" or price. Pictures, Easles and Music. '| mI Sh eet Picture Frames to ordethand to our. picture-frame depart* ment we have just a^dedj new * machines, glass cutters^ 'etc., also an experienced work (91^ Satisfaction guarante 105 FORSYTH ST \\ TELEPHONE,. 10«. v LUMB SHIN’S; After having our mill theroughly over- hauled, we are now prepared to furnish Lumber end. Shingles *p oheaa, or oheaper, than anybody, AddraM^ua at Amerious. .'uuyi | Wiggins 8c B For aalaby Dr. S 1. KMrid^^yaarl- MONEY TO Co. The Union Central Life 1 of Ciaelauati, Ohio, will I . .. ehotoe Improved tarme aad elw paabarty at 8 percent. Call aad tern. , J. 3. HANKS LET, Hl| '*•» m