Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, October 11, 1891, Image 4

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THE AMERICAS DAILY TIMES-RECORDER: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11, lb91. IMES-RECORDER. ly and Weekly. The Amnion* Recordzb Establishsd 117*. The Amnuotrs Tim* Bstabusheb 1*30. OonOUDATBD, ABBIL, INI. ISUBSCRIPTIONi AILT.OS* YXAZ, OailTi Obb I (TIZKLT.OXKYEAB, - • . . IJ Wxzkl'y, Six Hosts*, I Tor advertising rate* Address Baaoox Hteiok. Editor and Manager, THE TIMES PUBLISHING COMPANY, Americas, O*. Americas, as., Ootober 11, 1891. GEORGIA ITEMS. After capturing several purses In the race at Eatonton last week, Ur. E. L. Dennard sold two horses, Uonna Belle and Sehlitx, for SJOO each. Both of these trotters were raised In Houston, and the latter is leu than two years old. This does not sound like horses can't be raised profitably In Houston —Houston Home Journal. WHO ARE THE "MOSSBACKS r Elsewhere appears a communication from Uajor Speer, In which The Times. Becobdeh Is taken to task for certain allusions made to "moesback” citizens, that appeared in these columns yester day in connection with the street rail way enterprise. In justice to all concerned, It Is only fair to say that The Times-Recobder does not take so narrow a view of the question as to oharge anybody with “mossbackism” because they do not see fit to adopt this special plan that lta* been offered. Wbat The Times-RecoH- deb wants above all considerations of method, Is to see the cars in motion, on almost any sort of basis; and the people bare been urged before, and are now urged again, to see that this Is done, and done at once. If the plan lately presented to our peo pie is not the best, then let some better one be brought forward, and the heart, lest support of this paper la pledged. The Times-Kecobpeb does not advo cate the scheme now pending as being the best; but it docs emphatically urge that something be done on this line, un less some better ono is proposed. The tallest stalk of cotton we hare seen this season was brought to this of fice Isst Saturday by Ur. J . O. Taylor. It miasurcd eight feat in length, and shout as much In breadth. The bolls on It were not In proportion to the else of the stalk. It same from the farm of Bob Freeman, ool.,—land belonging to Ur. E. L. Dennard.—Houston Home Journal. Jeffrey Hill, whose effort! to enlist In the United States army were commented on a day or two ago, wlabes a little addi tion made to the article. He wants the public to know that when asked by the officer If be could etand fire be promptly replied, “Yes sir, boss. Tse been blowed out of a well wid dynamite, and foil through de bottom of a well once and came out three miles below where I was workln' in Flint river,”—Albany News and Advertiser. BEflLL & OAKLEY, Offer this week the fullest and most complete* line Lace Curtains in Americas—Remember While rumaging around in tho garrett of the old Toomcr house, a workman chanced upon > one curious relics with the musty/>dor of ago hanging around them. An old sword of tho revolutionary pattern, corroded with rust and stain'd dark brown in several places, supposely by blood, and an assortment of dilapi dated books completed tie outfit. Theso old relics of a by-goae age will be treas ured by Mr. Tooraer, who prizes them It was Intended to call those men of, very highly.—Athens Ledger, means “mossbacks" who will not help Americus on any sort of basis whateror In the street railway matter; but a man ii not necessarily a mossbsck because he does not favor this particular pro gramme; for he may have another and a better method to propoee, and a check to back up bis judgment. The great desideratum Is to operate the railroad; and The Tiues-Recordeb has orged the acceptance of tbe pending proposition, not because It la tbe only feasible one; but because enough has al ready been done on it to virtually guar antee Its success, and because a majority of our people seem to favor it. The Times-Recobder repeats that by '“moss backs” were meant and are nneant only those who are able, bat will do nothing towards helping forward this or any other enterprise, on any baala where money has to be paid out The question of method Is wholly Imma terial with them; they oppoae progress, unless other people pay for it It la therefore a mlaapprehenilon on the part of Uajor Speer to regard the utterances of The Timer-Recorder as 'meaning that those citizens* are “moss backs” who do not accept the proposi tion now pending. Any man who will suggest a better plan and show his faith in It by potting up his cash Is no “moss back.” A HEALTHY INDUSTRIAL GROWTH, The Manufacturers' Record of October 10 says: The steady improvement previously reported lb the South beoorao* more pronounced every week, and while there are some complaint* of inaetlvt.ty at special points, due to local causes, the general advancement of the whole South shows that this section Is fast recovering from the troubles brought on by tbe late financial stringency. New enterprises •ol great magnitude and of far-r*aching importance, as well as many smaller ones, are reported. Of vital Interest to Iron and steelmakers everywhere Is the signing of a contract by Hr. C. P. Hunt ington to build a railroad to the great - Bessemer ore district of Llano, Texas, wblcb will open np a district that Is pro nounced byexpertetobefar ahead of the Lake Superior region In abundance of ore and in ebeapnesa of mining. At Jef ferson, in the same state, ‘the owners of a tarn once now In operation will build steef works; at Ashland, Ky., Urge Bes semer steel works have just been com pleted; at Princlpio Furnace, Md., an old furnace property, ineluding 8,000 acres believing that each of these gentlemen of mineral land, baa been purchased by .desires to promote this end, The Times- a 81,000,000 company, which will build a rolling mill, pipe works, Ac.; bricks are being made for the steel and tinplate works to berirallt at Savernake, Va; and which are to cover about 15 acres of ground; ah offer baa been received to re move an entire tinplate plant from Wales to Savernake, and is now under consid eration; a 81,000,000 ore and coal mining company has been organised to operate | In East Tenni “This cover* some of the more Import-1 ant enterprises, showing bow general Is tbe Improvement extending from Mary land to Texae, and bow widely divetsi- ' fled la tbe development that Is now go ing on, Including almost every line of manufacturing and tbe utilization of southern timber* for woodworking en terprise* of all kinds, and of southern Iron ores for Uon and steel making and ol southern tin ores for tlnpUte manu facture. There is no speculation la spy of tills growth, but simply a steady, substantial development based on nat ural rcsourvu." , The Carrollton'Time* is aoliiority for the statement that a Ur. Tomlin set a ben with twelve eggs, and fonr kittens was the result of the batching. A case that lias been standing on the superior court docket for four years wa s settled ye*tor day morning and suit was withdrawn. It was the case of Agar, llatnln A Co., vs. Welsh and Agar, In which an Interest In Ur. L. E. Welch’s residence property was sued for. The plaintiffs were represented by Uessra. R. Hobbs and Wooten A'Wooten, while Messrs. W. R. Leakln of Savannah and- D. H. Pope of this city represented the defendants. The attorneys for the de fense have beeif unremitting in their ef-. forts to settle this litigation, and the many friends of Mr. L. E. Woloh will be delighted to know that the ease has at last been brought to a close.—Albany News and advertiser. something new at ALLEN’S I expeot at all times to oarry the latest things in The Early County News says: "Dar ing this morning’s session of coart Judge Oaerry fined Capt. Stuckey five dollars for tardiness as a talei juror. This gave the Captain offense and be avowed to his friends hi* intention to see tbe jndge later. True to word, he met the judge aa he was going Into the court house preparatory to having oourt called for tbe afternoon. After some Vrm nan 1U7H VSJ find little talk between them,Jn which both 08,11 always nnQ seemed cool, the judge started on np the steps. Before he ascended the first one, however, the captain told him he was a damned rascal, whereupon Hla Honor turned and knocked him down. At this juncture Sheriff Black and Marshal Chancy took charge of the captain and Judge Oaerry went on up to bis court. Both these gentlemen are very cour ageous and determined man Yet see no reason why any further trouble should follow. - J THK STREET RAILROAD AGAIN As the street railroad question it jnst now one o{ paramount Interest, a good deal of space la given np this morning to several communications on that subject from Major Speer, Mayor Felder and Mr. Kenny. Without taklnz tide* on tho issue* raised between these gentlemen, The TlUEs-RECoBDEn regrets that there should .be oeeasion for any oontro- versy whatever; and tracts that the out- oome of the whole matter may be so thorough a reconcilement of view* and plans that the street railway may be pnt Into operation at onoe. The more thoroughly the matter Is dis cussed, pro and con, the better the peo ple will appreciate tbe benefits to be derived from the speedy operation; and Recorder hopes that upon tbe ques tions of detail that now seem to divide them a basis of harmony may be speedily reached that will redound to tbe com mon good. THE METRIC BYBTEN. Dr. B. A. Could, president of tbe American Metrologtca^ Society, writes from Germany that at the session of the Geographical International Congress held Id Berne, there Swere about 880 delegates and representatives from all countries. At this congress wo* passed tho following rt notation:' The Geographical Congreu sntreale Eng lishmen r fa to desist In future from tbe tire of tb Ir ancient units of' ur- Ight and measure la scientific and technical publica tions. and to empoy that* of tbe metric sys tem only. ' Tbit resolution was pasted with Im mense enthusiasm; the applause and cheering lasted for nearly five minutes, and the vote was nnanimons. ~ ~ x ...... b connection with this, the American Of Same, X EUH Metetologleal Society has prepared a petition asking ooogrtu to pa** 1 the toj- l : 1 5Ston and after July 1,1881, the metric system of weight* and measures authorized by tbs aet of congrats approved July to UN, shall bt ussd exclusively In the customs envies la tbs United States," My sister, Miss Net tie Allen will have charge of this depart ment, and will take great pleasure in wait ing upon her fhends and the publio gener ally. My stock is not yet complete The reason is that I have bought out Mr. Will R. Allen’s interest, and in mak ing a slight change in the business, necessi tated a delay in get ting my goods. I wish to say to the young men that I will add to my business a special line of fine gents’ furnishings as soon as possible. Wait a little while and I will suit you in PRICE, STYLE AND QUALITY. Thanking the ladies for past favors and so liciting a continuance LACE CURTAINS! HEADQUARTERS TEXAS RLUE GRASS. In an article contributed to a Western paper, Mr. Geo. H. Hogan of Lamar Co., Texas, says of this grass: It was Hist discovered by Dr. Jnha Torry, la 1888. wbo went with Gen. Mercy up Red River ae United States Botanist. He found It on the headwater, of Trinity River lo our Ktate and named It “Poa Ariohnlfera.'' Then was nothing more beard oflt until It was sgsln discovered by my father, who found It near this place in 1ST*. I sent It up to tbe department la 1878, and they gave me the above history, and wrote m* that “It was each a close relative to tbe -poa pratensls,” - I nustt to call it “wooly or web flowered b'uegreis," so I Just wrote them that I Should claim the right to put tbe name Texas to It. and accordingly callsd It “Texas blue gras,** lu contradistinction to the Ken tucky bin* grass. Mr. Hogan also gives following direc tions for planting seed: In early turnip planting some sow In drills as sha-low as possible? Role tbs seed In old osbee or damp sand to aaparata them ard sow a, thin as possible lb Ibe row. Cut live'. by keeping down tha weeds and other for everything new in Dress Goods, Trimmings, Notions, Etc., Etc, little set or root every 12 Inches apart. Pultl vate first year; aft r this It will take care of Itself. Piaot on any good ground—the richer the Iwtier Tbe following wo condense from several articles published by those ex perlenccd with tbe grass and whose opinions hare the right to be respected as authority. The grass Is Kentucky blue grass In all points except tbe plant Is of broader leaves and of more luxuri ant growth and will thrive tolerably well on any rich soil not too wot—limestone soil not being absolutely essential to success, at least tbe land need not be SEiL'rC; Z'SJSJZ Capes with Muffs to match. bluo grass. The favorito method of propagation is to dfvldo and plant tbe sets, insuring a quicker growth and more vigorous plants. The roots ran deep and stand cold and beat splendidly. It makes a tough, solid turf. Can be grazed from October to June. Fall Is tbe best tl mo to sow seed and pnt out sets, Feb- ruary and Maroh also very good time to put out sets. It Is claimed the grass will produce from three to fonr times as much grazing as Kentucky blue grass. The capabilities of this grass are n yet generally proven bat the grass la a tracting wide spread interest among en terprising farmers and stockmen in the south and the demand for both seed and seta Is always good- This gnu promises mnoh, and the Indications are that It will eventually stand among our most reliable and desirable winter grasses for this section of oountry. Mr, Geo. H. Hogan of Ennle, Texas, deserves the credit of first Introducing and making pnbUc tbe merits of Texae bine grass. If people would take the advice of W. C. Russell, the druggist, they never weald start on a journey without a bot tle af Chamberlain’s Colie, Cholera and Dlrrhooa Remedy. It can always be de pended upon and Is pleuant to take, oetl lm The most select lot of LATE STYLE WRAPS in the city. To arrive next week—-A beautiful line Fur Best line Fast Black Hosiery in Americus PROFESSIONAL aunc T As.iurm, Akchxtsct and 8 rpr* inten d err Lamar strat-Ainrphly'imudfng. 8-I-ty J.^^hy^ioPanan'dhu^igeon. f. Office at Ur. Eldridge’a drag stole. Can Y.^S.^vuJ at nlrht lS his room, over ten mR? < * r0 * ••ore, Barlow Bloek. 3 SURGEON. • Crux More. Can a office room over rbloek. fsbt-ly DOCTORS J. B. AND A. B. HINKLE Hera one of the bast furnished and bast 8ooth ’ ,,o?a Ososnl Surgery sad trsatmant of th* Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose .... A Specialty. r H AJt. A. BROOKS. 8C. D. vices ass central prmctltoner to the citizens or Amerieuennd .arronndlng country. Sue- cl* attention elven to operative surgery. Including tbe treatment of hemorrhoids, fl»I tu!«,«trloture, oeterrh. and all diseases of Anus, Rectum, Genitourinary system and nose and throat. Office In Murpheybulldlnx Lamar HI. connected by spent tag tube with Eldrldfs'a Drug Store. Colls should be 1 eft or telephoned there during the day. At night call at residence on Le* Bt. or tele phone No. 77s aptatf A. HAWKINS, W P. WALLIS, , ATTORNEY AT LAW, National 1 " 0 -"' ,n *" °° un ’offlea *over Rente. W T. LANE, . ATTORNEY AT LAW, Americas, o&, Prompt attention fires to oil baeioeeu pieced in idt hand*. Offloe in B*rIow blocs, room 8. Feb. 0, tf Samples Dress Goods sent on application charges prepaid on goods sent out of the city by express to the amount of $5 and upwards Beall & Oaklev 313 LAMAR STREET, The Best Place In South-west Ga. TO BUY GOOD SHOES AT FAIR PRICES IS AT JOHN H SHAW’S J A. HIXON, , ATTORNEY AT LAW. America*, Oft, in Pftfler building, ‘opposite the court House. Prompt attention given to all bnelnes*. lunB-tl. M aynard a smith, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Amerlcui, Oft. _ Prompt end oereful attention given to all bn.ln.ea entrusted to n*. Lamer street over P. L. Holt's. sepl9-dAw3m* T L. HOLTON, , A1TO Will jmetles In all tha emfnttee o? tbe State. Prompt attention given to ell col lections entrusted to my care. tl leivn, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Abbeville. Oft. of t I. WUl practice lnrdfthe Court* jindlnuJe Coun ty Court gw the next twelve month*. WZZ.LBOBN F. Clack a. frank A. Hooraa. CLARKE ft HOOFER, ttorneys at Law AMERICUS, GEORGIA mavlS-d-w-lv Waltz* k. Wbbatlzt, j. b. Yitzozxald Wheatley & Fitzgorald, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office! 80S Jackson 8L, Up Stairs, AMERICUS, i OEOROIi J*U7-tf H udson * blalock, LM 1 praotloe In all ooorts.. P»na temar stress. In Artnden Blo3L <> d*c81-d-wly E. Q. SIMMONS, W. & KIMBROUGH SIMMONS to KIMBB0U9H, ATTORNEYS At LAW Barlow Block, Room d. . •WUl practice In both Bute sod Federal Court*. Strict attention paid to all business entrusted to them. Telephone No. 108. 18-lMOtf C L. NOBBMAN, , architect. • offices Pe.chtrcn street Atlanta. usfioes (noon, j BarlowBl'k, Amsrtona and apeclflcatlona furnished for buildings of all ascription. — public build- In*, e.peelaily. Communications by mall to either office will met with prompt at tention. Wm, Hall, Superintendent Ameri cas office. W ILLIAMSON * KARL. CIVIL AMD SAM1TABV EBOIXBBBA. Plans and mtlmatea for Water .apply, Mwerege and general engineering work. Construction superintended, sewerage a enecleity. Office over Johnson A Hamid’s ■tore on Cotton arenas, Americas Ga. spr21-Sm Very respectfully Piop’r. 402Jackson St. under Hotel Windsor. “EAGLE’ 119 Forsyth St. SHOE STORE, ifl U .YjhkOH I« * • Mr, Vft -»i t americus, Ga. L Lateet Styles and No. 1 Qualities; for little, big, old: and young. No Better Stock found anywhere. >i AMERICUS, GA- To begin the 2d Monday in October 1891. This school Is intended for the benefit of thoee pupils who may have finished in the publio schools of tbe city, or oth ers of the city and county, who may wish to avail tnemseliee of this oppor tunity of acquiring a more extensive ed ucation than le afforded st present in our midst A short course of theology for tbe young men wishing to enter the ministry. Thoso from abroad can obtain board among our best families at from M 00 to 87 00 per month. Teachers: 8. A. McNEAL, Prin. A. 8. STALEY, Ass’t. T. S. GLOVER Dtslras to Inform tbe pnblle that he has cloaed out bis grocery business and has pnt In a .plsnold lins of spoiling Guns, Cartridges, Shells, and snch other goodf ai.bclocg to thlejhi*- Giri ME a Call.' 1 ;j’ v T. S. GLOVER, WattaBulldlpg, AMEBICUS, GA-