Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, October 11, 1891, Image 5

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THE AMER1CPS DAILY TIMES-RECORDER; StJNDAT, OCTOBER IJ, 1891. 5 Fellow Citizens! AOianceien! iAnd Friends! Of Southwest Ga.: A Card From Hr. Kennj. Editob Tuces-Becobdkb: While mak ing a call tbl* evening at the offloe of Tan TiMEs-RncoBDEB, and while en gaged In dlMuuing railroad matter* with Capt Myrlclc, Mr. Speer of this city called. Capt. Myrick ■ Immediately arode, and not being aware that I had ever mqt the gentleman, started to introduce us, at the tame time remarking that I repre sented the street railroad. Mr. Speer had In hU hand a paper which he tossed, with' some emphasis, upon Capt. Myrlck’s desk, accompanying the sot with the words “Tea, and that represents the other side, and I want yon to publish it.” He then turned and started to walk out. Having in mlna that Hr. Speer had re fused to oontrlbnte toward helping stsit the road, I was naturally a little carious to know what his words were meantjto Imply; and I requested of him an ex planation. He informed me that his explanation was contained tn the paper which had just passed from his hands, I then asked him If he would allow me to read it. He thereupon turned* about, picked up the paper, sat down and read the same aloud. The people who own and control this railroad have something at stake here, and I saw at once that a great Injustice was being done them and also myself personally, and I Informed Mr. Speer that the statements he read were Incor rect, and that should they in any way militate against or work to the disad vantage or Injury of this property the owners thereof would hold him respon sible. I explained to him, in the first place, that his statement that I bad called meeting of citizens upon the railroad matter was incorrect ; a meeting The Next Attraction, Mixed Pickles. This Is not a show at the opera honse, but It's a big show at E. D.Amley’s Par lor Grocery; Just tbluk of a car load of Mixed Pickles! I used to buy only one barrel; now a car load. Of courts I am obliged to sell them very cheap to get rid of to many. Then, I expect another car December 1, so I am going to make tbe following prloes to sell this car at: Plain Cuonmbers, 40c. gal., lOo. qt. Soar Mixed, 60c. “ l5o. “ Sweet “ 75e. “ 20o. “ Gherkins, 75o. “ 20o. “ Pickle In glass at 60 per cent discount on former prices. Call and see the gnat show of Mixed Pickles' at tbe great re tail house of Georgia. E. D. ANSLEY, The Leading Grocer. W. D. BAILEY, The Leading and only Exclu sive dealer in (Including everything for Men) -IN- Southwest Georgia, Hbs just received and placed on sale the Handsomest line of PIANO * LAMP M Him Hi of on With'compliu.eots of Jthe 'season, I tome of the business men of Amerlcus we respectfully invite your attention to our IMMENSE |LINE; best Styles in Hi Giade, b TAILOR-FITTING-! FALL AND WiNf|R| iVi n We have outdone ourselves l.WiaT wl had been called, but that It was made through Mayor Felder and on his own responsibility. I, of coarse, was very glad to meet with the gentlemen, and did so. In the second place I stated Mr. Speer that hit statement that I bad made a proposition to that meeting operate tbe rood if they would guaran tee ttmsum of $2,000 a year for five years was absolutely, without 'founda tion. Now you only have to refer back ili§;<*luttu[8,of.yqur paper a few days ago to get a correct understanding letter, ,4a I hive already was present atknevoeiting, and ious suggestions of one kind snd an were made by the gentlemen pres t, ahd finally a motion woe made snd carried to appolnta committee. The meeting' then adjourned and Aortly after ft meeting of that commit tee was held atwbloh I was not present. I was sent for, however, by the com mittee, snd appeared before them, and then for tbe first time they made the proposition offering to guarantee the ■ale In tickets of |2,000 a year for five years. I suggested to them that we let the matter stand ovsr until 6 o’clock of that same day, When I would meet with them again and Inform them whether or not I would recommend their proposition, as it wap understood that that was ithority I ha Attheatatc anj l.thej said |o fhi, would submit tEelr pro] the understanding that I We are now pre pared to do first-class work in onr line short notioe- Especial attention given to fine watch to and jewelry repairing. We most earnestly request a trial. Respectfully, should season and excelled all previous *“ Veth# right *>*o to reoeivo other ^WSSStS^mSStt more attractions and exclusive took the field to raise funds by sub- Novelbes in Clothing and Haber- section lor annual tickets, dasheiy. We carry,beyond a donbt I There was no proposition nor any (and the most of you know it) the agreement made by me other than to LARGEST STOCK of submit wbat I had received, and that agreement I have kept, and the propo sitions are now on their way to Boston | for consideration. I nover promised to do anything more I than submit these propositions; and everybody who knew anything about I the matter, so understood It. I publicly stated In the paper that I I had no authority to do anything tn fact. In this part of the state, and are 1 80110,8 •*“ rtlon >■ m « 1# b * Mr-Spoor offering them at the varv lowest that 1 * coepted * P r °P° lltlon “*>eby n ii j 5^ lowest committee and this reiterated and prices. Call and examine these wilfully pnbllsbed by Mr. Speer after he lines, os well asj our complete assortment in I THE MEN’S and YOUTHS’I SUITS Extra Sizes, tea Stouts and Slims, kerf Go. Retailer* and Jobber* of which, as .to stylo and ’fit, cannot | he surpassed. JOHN R. SHAW, “THE CHAMPION”* : 117 FprsjthSt^X AMERICUS, - GA. A fall line of Staple Goods, also in our stock. PRICES AS LOW ASM LOWEST. We will soil yr.u from vow until further notice r"*l Arbuokles Coffee at 25c per. pound. 'Oar receipts "Will be published regularly, commencing this week. Look out for - them. Yours truly, to be seen anywhere, I Centre Draft, at prices most reason- Round Wick, able. Extends from It will interest vou 14 feet to 8 feet to call and inspect them. Hotel Windsor Jewelers! it- had been Informed by me that auch was not the fact. I put Mr. Speer on notice before Capt Myrick, ‘and before hla statement was published’ that I should hold him re sponsible on behalf of the owner*. Mr. Speer nlao states that the guaran tee was subscribed and I went my way Intimating by this- that I had raised tbe necessary amopnt. Doea not Mr. Speer know that before going I published Id your paper a notice that I had left my subscription paper at tbe mayor’s offloe, and called for a sufficient amount to : jus tify my parties to begin operations. Everybody who read the ,paper knpw that I did ao, and that the mayor baa has been stnoe engaged in trying to raise Is this a fair statement to" publish? I returned here from Macon, where bad been on Important business, to get the result of Mayor Felder 1 * work, and this fact cannot be disputed even by Mr. Speer. He, as I have already said, has not subscribed a dollar to put the road in operation. He talks about our guar antee. Well, for starting the railroad itarting of the |cars will be onr guar anty when the proper amount is raised. We are not asking for stock subscrip tions, but a guarantee of patronage in writing. The cost of running this road Is going be very large the first year, and Mayor Felder wishing to make it an assured sneeess, and wishing also to be able to wlr* the owner that more money had been raised In order to make the accep tanco of the proposition more probable, undertook, and la now endeavoring to raise $1,500 additional. Thomas J. Kk.v.vy. I would Uke to add to my statement above made that In the conversation re ferred to between Major Speer and my self In presence of Capt. Myrick at yonr office this evening, Major Speer stated that he wanted the railroad taken out, and wanted to forget that it was evsr in. In justice, however, to Major Speer, when I told him I should publish his statement, he said that he wished It un derstood only in the sense that he want- it taken out and wanted to forget thntit'was ever in, In the event of Its being run as outlined and described In recent publications. Tnos. J. Kk.vxv. OAKBBimm HALLE. Avera Grocery New N». 309 r.vnir W. ist Call on J. Henry Freeman and let him explain to you the merits of Ferinite and AUbastfne, the wonder of scientific preparations for Wood, plaster, or old papered walla. eeplGdtf. MY LINE OF Full Dress Bows. are conceded *o be the I lovliest ever seen. $8.00 Has either red, blue or pink linen shade with silk lace top fringe. $8.00 Enos - Oats continue lead and to take the man who fails to wear one is not considered “correct.” They are light, flexible and styl ish! Try them and you will have no other. $5.00 .-»>« Butler & Berry ARTESIAN CORNER. ?IBB4 LAMAR STREETS Everybody compli ments my line of NECKWEAR combines beauty, It taste and elegance. Night Holies, Underwear and Hosiery are leading features of my business and de- DIAMONDS. 1 We never find it necessary to “ Blow our owni horn," The quality of our goods and the low prices do that. Freeman & Crankshaw. fill WATCHES. serve special attention. JO H N EX SC H JVIIDT This department con sists of Men’s Finej Shoes exclusively, and never tails to suit the I purchaser. Takes this opportunity of and the adjoining country that he is now I of'stylo, and will shortly open one of the of Americas ittin'g up in the best He will spare no expense or pains to make ijt worthy of the patronage of the very best people, and Americus can then boast of a place where everything good' will be served in a style os nover before seen in this city. On Umbrellas Canes I headquarters. Walking and Remember the place-Schmidt’s Reading Room, Lamar St. am I 8-1 diwly Bespectfally, JOHN E. SCHMIDT. My Suit to Order Department is doing rushing business. Prices from $15 and upwaves and satis faction guaranteed. Give me a call. I take pleasure in show ing goods. ■ GUrU/UAiUA-, We offer at this season Tor KSai No hotter time thin Amerimi. nr -ill in ' j r*> t , "v l—. 1_ l“ C- Ui Georgia Beel', finer til t:i any Western -MATO.#, OAXJL. TO DA