Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, October 11, 1891, Image 6

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e THE AMERICPS DAILY TIMES-KECORDER: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1891. THE RESULT, U REMARKABLE EXPERIENCE When it was recently annonnced that Thornton Wheatley’s usual pilgrimage had been made to. the Eastern markets, the publio waited to see in these columns, the report of what had been done for their benefit in the way of novelties in goods and revelations in low prices. AT tHngs being now Ready fob THE *'L»8T,the people of Amerious and the suriounding country are invited to come. Thpy are not ex pected to have on their Weddino Garments, for Wheatley’s is the Place where the people must go to be properly decked out for an appearance, either at a feast or at business; and nobody can have the trade mark that a Perfectly Dressed Man always bears, until after they have been to rimim Wasatley’s and havo been supplied with 1 tTiPCnc P\ TtVT no l't rr I vrc f I and the jury were against me.toaman UiTbKS J AltM IT ... thAM t it 0o tbe 24lh of AllK „ sf of (he ymr< 0 N THE night of April 3, 1887, the dead body of Willi* Thorpe, wealthy citizen of West Haven, wae found upon LI* own door-step with a bullet holo through hie heart. At day light on the following morning I was ar rested on suspicion of having committed the crime, and lodged In the town jail to await the action of the grand jury. The details of my trial are itlll fresh In tbe publio memory. The evidence, though wholly circumstantial, was overwhelm ingly againat me. I was known to have owed him a considerable sum of money; high words bad passed between us, for he had been crneily unjust to me; the bullet found in his body tilted nu empty and recently discharged chamber of my revolver; and, to crown sit, I had been seen by a dozen witnesses loitering in tbe vicinity of the murdered man’s dwelling less than an hour before his lifeless body had been discovered, tbe light of wbst followed, I need not say that I was the innocent victim of tbe darkest conspiracy of deceptive ap pearances that ever Involved a human life. e Ih an a legal d me guilty, | The trial was hardly ne, [ form. My council believ Bv that establishment I was sentenced to unde,go the extreme I penalty of the law, and at 10 o’clock on j the morning of February 3, 1888, I was The TlMES-RecORDEI! isn’t HALF hanged III the jail yard at .Springfield. BIO ENeUGH to hold even a eat- I Twenty minutes later I was pronounced nlogue of the Elegant Goods, and j dead by the attending physicians, and the Super-Elegantly Low Prices lng for some strange, unknown thing to happen. Suddenly there was a sharp tremor whloh seemed to ran through my whole body and a noise in my ears like the ex plosion of a thousand cannon, pealing off into far distance with fainter and fainter reverberations. For a moment there was a feeling of rending, banting suffocation and u mad agony of desire to breathe, to draw only one full, sweet breath. To and fro, over my whole frame, ran keen electric thrills and cold creeping* of the skin, like that which le felt la a benumbed limb when tbe circulation is and such suffering os I expetienced was ermost depth, In tbe sudden darkness and utter extinction. I was dead I How I regained, consciousness four hours after having been pronoanced dead—how renewed Interest and sym pathy In my case were awakened in the publio mind; and Anally, how I was granted a new trial and proven innocent of the crime for which I bad suffered, is too welt remembered to need reiteration here. Whatever opinion may be held by others of my remarkable experience. I hold that I underwent all of the physi cal and mental phenomenona of death by hanging. How far that experience may restored. Actual pain there was none, ( be valuable In the queitlon as to the jus tice and humanity of capital pnnlsh- almost purely mental, similar, though imentldonot know. It may at least in a less degree, to the perturbations of “serve to throw a little more light Into a delirium. Nor was I conscious of any palpable fear of death. My b ain was busy with a kind of anxious wonder at my own sensations and a bewildered yet persistent craving to understand them. The feeling of suffocatiou was of brief duration, sad after it passed away I ex perienced uu clearly deliuea physical sensibility. Up to this time all had been blackness before my sight, but now, slowly and by almost imperceptible de grees, a pale, white glow made itself manifest. It, was as if I were floating In space, auJ the universal sky above, around and below me, were being suf fused with such a dawn as never ruse to irtal eyes. Slowly it deepened from a phantasmal, colorless gleam to a rich, clear yellow, then to a ruddy orange, and finally to a lurid crimson, like the last of an Italiau sunset. This illumina tion seemed to remain steadfast for a that awful gulf whloh separates this world from the next, through whose Im penetrable gloom every human being must journey utterly alone. Mr. C. B. Jones, of Spring Hill, Iowa, says: “I have used Chamberlain’s Pain Balm for severe and painful burns with better effect than anything else I have ever tried. It relieves the pain instantly and cures without leaving a scar.” Pain Balm is one of the most useful medioines that any family can be providod with, especially for rheumatism, lame back, sprains, bruises, tooth-ache, ear-ache and like ailments. One application will relieve the piiiu, and a fair lilii) insure a cure 50 cent bottles for sale by W. C. Russell. Attached. Only the general hsiids can here be outlined ; the true inwardness of the feast can’t be understood until the gnests go through the whole Bill of Fare in person at Wheatley’s. No su,ch complete and elegant stock nu Gentlemen's, Youths’ and Boy*’ CLOTHING! has ever been brought to Americas and the MOST ASTONISHING THING about them is the LOW PRICES! my body was cut down and conveyed to Breilt lungt i 1 uf tlinu . At lhu BUlgB ray HATS! Stiff and crushed, that CANNOT FAIL TO SUIT. A specialty in GENTLEMEN’S UNDERWEAR: Scriven’sPatent Elastic Seam Drawers, and the Cosmopolitan Shirts in suits or in separate garments, FROM THE VERT CHEAPEST TO THE VERT FINEST. A handsomer line of DRE8S SHIRTS, TIES, SCARFS AND HANDKERCHIEFS was never seen in Amerious. Fact Blk. Hose, ABSOLUTELY STAIN. LESS, ONLY 25a PER PAIR. KID GLOVES, Dressed and undreesod; all colors, grades and prices. ATTENTION MOTHERS! Boys’ Shirt Waists, 86c to 11.26. Boys’ Jeney Saits, 3 to 8 years. Boys’ Clothing in ail-styles and prices. UMBRELLAS enough to stand off a CLOUD-BURST! Satchels and Bags enough to hold all tbe elegant goods at Wheatley’s that yon will need when yon go abroad and want to present a finst-closs and stylish appearance Every Long, Lean, Fat, Short, Big, Little Man in a dozen coun ties can get JUST THE FIT in the odd Bizes and lengths stock that is earned at Us Wheatley’s. LIFE WILL BE A BURDEN to all who spend their money else where, and find when too late that they missed getting the choicest and best bargains in the neatest and most stylish goods ever brought to this market DON’T MAKE SUCH A MIS TAKE, but go to Wheatley’s and get yourself made Bolid. the warden’ From the fact that 1 am now alive and with tbe exception of a cortain rigidity of tile muscles of the neck and a partial paralysis of the vocal cords, in my nor mal physical condition, it will be inferred that I wns never really dead at a’l, but merely underwent a species of cataleptic coma, superinduced by suffocation, shall not discuss the point. Personally I am convinced that I was actually dead, The acrimonious warfare of scientific authorities which my case ban occasioned has proven that, of tbe great problems of life and death, the Tyndalls and Spen- cers of science know as little as tbe veriest naked savage. Of the events connected with my ar rest for tbe murder, the trial and the long period of Impriaonment wbleb fol lowed I retain, fortunately, only the vaguest recollection. My dreadfnl ex perience upon the scaffold has, in some mysterious way, softened tbe terrible realities of tbst time into a wild and In coherent dream, from whose shifting phantasmagoria my own figure emerges at Intervals as that of a stranger In whom | have a deep Interest, yet in no way can conneot with my own personality, It la as the memory of one who died In the mind of one who lives. I know that his name was Wilfrid Lyon; I know that my name la Wilfrid Lyon;, but I cannot feci that the WUfrid Lyon who suffered death on tbe scaffold la one with him whose band now writes these lines, dark gulf lies between us, and strive at I may, I cannot cross It and blend my Identity with ^lls. My mind goes back clearly only to the morning of the 3d of February, to tbe moment.when, snmmoned to meet my fate, I stepped out of my cell and oorted by the sheriff, proceeded to the Jail yard. Even now, sitting in my own Thomloo Wheatley's Comer, So-called because yon can get a "comer” for the knuulest cash con sideration, upon tbe largest, cheap est and finest goods ever shown in Americas. Tonrs for business, THORNTON WHEATLET. borne! exonerated In tbe eyes of the world, and with the shame and horror of crime effaoed from my name forever, mylbeart ceases beating and my blood turns to toe, as I recall my emotions dur ing that awful march to my doom. In. nocent, yet hopelessly branded with the blackest of crimes, condemned to be put to death in the prime of my youth and strength, and to bury love, hope and ambition in a dishonored grave, the for titude, which I am told I had maintain ed up to that hour, forsook me. My breast 'swelled with a single dry sob, and la my soul arose a mad hatred of mankind and a bitter despair of the jus. tice of heaven. But In another moment I had regained my solf-control, and went steadily on. ward. As the iron door of my cell clashed behind me, the deep voice of the prison bell swelled solemnly upon tbe chill air of the winter morning. It was tolling for my death, and to my tor- tured ears it was the voice of mourning and despair. With a firm step I mounted the steps of tbe scaffold and stood beneath the dangling cord. As I glanced about me I saw that the eyes of those present shrank from meeting mine, and that a sudden paleness overspread their faces. More or less of terror surrounds all forma of death, but there la something fearful and awe-inspiring In the delib erate slaying of a man In his full health and strength, at whleh tbe heart of tbe moat hardened quakes. And now I was calmer than those who were there to witness my death, a great quiet bad coiue upon me, and I awaited the end without dread, almost without interest. In this state I remained while the nec essary formalities were completed. I submitted to being pinioned, and to the drawing of tbe cap over my face with the passivity of an insensible man. I heard the deputies moving abontesn- tionsly to and fro, their subdued whis pers and the creaking of the ghastly machinery of death. I did not enffar; my whole nature seemed to be eooesa* tasted into one absorbing sense of wait- omiitlon was that of udmiration and pleasure, though with the undercurrent of doubt and anxiety which was present during the whole experience. Suddenly I became aware tbat a vbang, was taking place. Tne atmosphere thickened and darkened, until tbe red glow was like that of a great eonflagra tion upon tbe black clouds of a rainy night. And now I was conscious of some great disaster In the world, some wide-spread, general ruin in which all mankind bore a part. Funeral bells answered each other from every spire and tower, ringing out wild, tuneless warnings of something far worse to oome. Tbe streets were thronged with weep ing, despairing crowds, raising their white faces and clasped bands in inef fectual prayer. There was tbe sound of many feet echoing from tbe pavement, mounted messengers. galloped every where, the iparks flashing beneath their horses’ hoofs at they sped away. Ail was tnad effort to escape. Women clung to husbands and iovere; men clasped hands for the last time with faces avert ed, And atiU the funeral bells tolled and there was no hope in any heart— none. This state, Inexpressibly mournful to me, seemed prolonged to an eternity; but it, too, passed at length. The lurid glow slowly disintegrated Into countless flashing, many colored gleams, revolving before my eyes around points of Incon celvable brightness, receding backward into illimitable (pace, and growing faint er and fainter, until they became like pale atari; then they utterly disap peared. My sensation! at this stage are diffl cult, nay, Impossible to describe. I bad lost the Idea of personality. I was, If I may use the prase, an entity without Identity, a wandering, self-exlatent thought. Cognition was reduced to the merest dream-Uke self-knowledge, prob ably not more than tbat possessed by the lowest forma of existence. Reason, memory, hope or fear, I had none.,Some where In my brain a sentient fibre still vibrated feebly; nothing more. Suddenly, as if the glimmering spark of life were blown Into momentary blight ness before expiring finally, I be came conscious of sound and motion Some vast cavalcade was approaching, with thunder of innumerable feat,march- ing to the measure of some magnificent harmony. On It enmo, splendid, awe- inspiring, greater than all the armies of the earth and tbe combined hosts of heaven, victorious, irresistible, implaca ble, clad In tbe majesty of kings, armed with the power of gods. Invisible, yet omnipresent, awful In Its carelessness of human things, supreme above thought, it moved keeping time throughout Its endless length to tbe numbers of such muslo ss might overthrow tbe walls of city and stay tbe stars in their courses. I still remember and shall always re member that head-tbaklng music. Again and again I bear it In my dreams, glorious, menacing, triumphant, filling tbe wide space of earth and sky with one tremendous volume of sound. I can not describe It; were I Beethoven I could not write down one bar of it ade quately, for no mortal voices and no In struments made by man could reproduce it Its general effect upon me was that of jubilee and victory, but through it all ran a thread of indescribable melan choly. Amid the clamor of drums and clang of brass I could near a wall as of the grief of angels over the souls of tbe lost Slowly and majestically the marvelous procession passed on. The muslo died away by degrees and ail was silent again. Then earns a sensation of faffing down, down, forever down, through In finitudes of dream-like space and during eternities of emotional quiet, till at last of bar lag reached the low- \ Notw of Warning All those who .we indebted tv me are urged to coinu forward nt onco and pay up. I have bought a heavy stock of good*, paying ca*»h for »amo, and I cannot cany any more on account for those who owe oe until old bills are paid. Don’t a>dc to increase your indebtedne8R, as I can not do it. Mu*. M. T. Elam. . WAKTDDI 999 Gentlemen. Ladies, Boys, Girls and Babies of all ages. bl To call at our elegant new store, 414 Jackson street, corner under new Hotel, and take advantage of. tbe low prices we offer on reliable Footwear for the next thirty days We extend a cordial welcome to all whether yon buy or not. Remember the Place: 414 JACKSON STREET, WILliFORJ), MATTHEWS & CO Our new goods are being opened up as rapidly as ponsioie. Call and see the new styles. Jamks Frickeu A lino. lmllnn. Are Coining to Americas. Mr. Howard Curtis, agont for the Kirkapoo Indian Medicine Company, is in the city making arrangements to bring the Indian Village to Amerious. "'ho company is now in Columbus and is visited by the best people in the eity. They give free entertainments every night. We cannot afford to deceive you. Con- dunce Is begotten by honesty. De Witt’s Little Early Risers are pills that will cure constipation and sick headaohe. For salo by the Davenport Drug Com pany. Notice to Stockholders. The eighth call of ten per oent upon the ca.dul stock of the Amoricus Manu facturing A Improvement Co., has been made, and will be payable at the office of the treasurer, at the People's Nation al Bank, November 1. John Windsor, Treasurer. octOtd I have just returned from New York and other northern and east ern points, where I purchased the largest and most varied stock in our line ever!brought to Sonthwest Georgia, consisting in part of Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Bronzes, Japanese G-oods, Jewelry of all kinds. Solid silver and plated ware. Latent style canes, and Novelties, which we have not space to mention. These goods are arriving daily, and are being opened as fast as we can arrange space to display them. We cordially invite every one to call and inspect our beuntifnl stock, and be sure to keep watch of our show windows. Remember too that we carry the largest stock of Pianos and Organs to be found in this part of the state. C. A. PRICKER, PRESIDENT OF JAMES FRICKER & BRO. 409 Jackson St- amerious. ga. OtMMUNUS HALLE. The largest stock, the lowest prices, the flrnst goods. E. D. Aksley, The Leading Grocer Second-hand Furniture bought and sold at 010 Cotton avenue. Highest market prices paid fo sound cotton seed delivered to the sept25tf Amkkiccs Guano Company. E. D. Ansley sella a dandy chocolate drop for 25 cents a pound. Indiana are coming Tuesday, Oetober 13th. OAMBRINU8 HALLE. For a pleasant shave go to Dr. El dridge'i and buy one of those celebrrted Tower Razors whloh are guaranteed to please. ' If you want to be healthy and happy, call on J. Henry Freeman and get him to paint, paper and alabastihe yonr bouse. seplOdtf For Kent Mr. Callaway Is uffering for rent a few choice rooms and offices, and a store. REAL ESTATE Business Property, Residence Property, Vacant Property, Suburban Property, Small Farms, Large Farms. APPLY QUICK. MERREL CALLAWAY, On canned goods I am prepared to discount any prices you may get. E. D. Ansley, tne Grocei Hawkes’ Crystaltzed Lenses in all styles, specs and eye-glasses sold with a guarantee to please or money refunded by E. J. Eldbidoe. GAHHIUNUS HALLE. For Solo. A valuable piece of truck farming property can be had by applying to sep23-tf The Bank of Sumter. Latest designs in Watches. Large stock, all kinds. James Fiiickeu A Bno. Indians are coming Tuesday, October 13th. GAMBB1NU8 HALLE. Highest market prices paid for sound cotton teed delivered to the tep25tf Americus Guano Company. H. E. Pratt has removed from 505 Jaokson to 610 Cotton avenue, opposite Harrold A Johnson’s, where he is better prepared than ever to do all kinds of re pairing of furniture. septl7-dtf A nice line of extract, colognes, toil et waters Ac., at Dr. Eldridge’t Drug Store. The pharmacy, Cor. Cotton Ave. and Forsyth St. I carry as fine and varied a stock of Drugs, Chemicals, Standard Patent Medicines, and Imported Toilet Goods aa can be found. I am not under enormous expenses and can sell you goodi and fill your PRESCRIPTIONS at reasonable rates. Give me a call and save money. W. C. RUSSELL, Proprietor. H d. watts, * ■ Wholesale and Retail Groceries Hus come to the front a Watts Building,' rain, and can be found on the corner, Pith an elegant line of fresh Groceries Confectioneries, which he will sell at rock bottom prices. Country merchants will find it to their interest to call and see him when needing anything in his line. WHISKIES BEANDIES and plenty of Jngs in tbe rear, which will be shipped to any part of the United States and Georgia. SEND HIM YOUR ORDERS. J. Henry Freeman will sell you best coal for least money. seplddtl Don’t stop, until you seejny stock and prices. OAMVUmjS HALLE. . D. Ansley, The Grocer. - —~ '-»ir Our line of fine esadiee are a specialty id a pet department. I D. AxiLxr, The Confectioner. T. M. Allen. K Taylor. T. E. Allei BEAL ESTATE. To Quick Purchasers, Two In small farms Part Qa?h.* Good terms. Several Cottagesto rent. Allbk, Taylor & Co