Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, October 11, 1891, Image 8

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8 THE AMERIOUS DAILY T1MES-RECOE DER: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1 U 1891. A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY! RATHER POSSIBLE. MAY ARISE FROM A STRATA OF MAO NETIC ORE. A DUcorcpy at the Central Railroad Arte- elan trail Which It at Least Worthy of Investigation—The Water May Percolate Through Magnetic Ore. Ur. J. F. Harris, of tho S. A. & U. railroad, yesterday afternoon went to the drinking spout of the artesian well at the Central depot and in handling the block tin dipper attached for drinking purposes was surprised to And that it adhered to the pipe through which the water flowed. An Investigation proved that the pipe was highly magnetired, as after a slight friction with it the small knife o» Mr. Harris showed great ad- hesivo capacity, lifting almost any small metallic article will) which it was brought in contact. Mr. Harris deeming the matter worthy of research questioned the Central tail road attendant and learn ed that he had been noticing the fact for only a few weeks. There nre several deductions to be drawn. Either the pieco of iron pipe, when rolled was magnetic d, which to any the least of it is unusual, magnetic ore being almost alwaya recognized and devoted to higher uses (and furthermore, tho pipe having been long iu its present position, it would seem suro to have before display ed its peculiar properties), or the water in its upward eourso forces its way through a layer of magnetic mineral Water, magnetic in itaelf la probably unknown to science, but it may be readily seen that the minute particles of the magnetized mineral could be easily transferred and deposited by the liquid in its flow through the spont which in time would transmit to the iron its mineral properties. At least it la worthy of test as to whether it Is simply a ease of iron pipe magnetized through production or water impregnated by percolation through a stratum of magnetic mineral, and the teat suggested by Ur. Harris U a good and effective one: that the short length of iron pipe now in use be removed, and in its places be substituted a new length already proven non-magnetlo; that the new spout be left on fear a reasonable time, and then, If showing evidence of magnetlo impregnation It will prove un doubtedly that the water runs through a layer of this valuable ore, bow exten sive can be thereafter demonstrated by experiment A ROMANCE Of the Old Court Douse—An Old Vow la Fulfilled. C All that composed the old court house of Sumter county thst has stood for many years In the center of the public square, has atlsst been torn away, and nothing now remains but the rubbish thereof. Shortly after the eketch written by Judge Filsbury was published in Tag Times-Kioobdib, an old gentleman ar rived in the city, and at once proceeded to the site where the bniiding bad stood. For several moments bo stood silent and meditative, at length he spoke to a citizen, who was standing near by, as follows: •‘Thirty-five years ago, 1 was a citizen of tills county, and a well-to-do farmer, living In the now Fifteenth district. I loved and married one of my neighbor’s daughter*, and fora slior time life was worth livlus; f was supremely happy, and thanked our heavenly Father for the many blessings that be bestowed upon me and mine.” Here the old mail pulled Ids handker chief from his pocket and wiped away the tears that came trickling down his cheeks. WHERE WE WORSHIP. A Directory of Churches In Americas Pro* pared for Strangers. Calvary Protestant Episcopal CntmcB—Lee street. Sunday-school this morning at 0.45. O. A. Coleman, sup erintendent. Church service and holy communion at 11 o’clock a. m., Rev. W. R. Dye officiating. Strangers In the city are cordially invited to attend. Second Methodist Church — East Americus. Rev. R. F. Williamson, pas tor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. Sunday-school at 330 p. m., T. F. Logan, superintendent. Baptist Church—Corner Lee and Taylor streets. Services. Sunday-school 0210 a. m., U. Callaway superintendent Preaching Sunday 11 a. m. and 7510 p. Prayer-meeting Thursday 72)0 p. m. A. 1). Campbell, pastor. Presbyterian Church — Jackson street, between Lamarand Church. Rev. Robert Adams, pastor. Sunday-school 0210 a. m. It. S. Davis, superintendent. Preaching, by thn pastor, 11 n. in. and 7210 p. in. Prayer-meeting, Thursday, 7:-10p. m. Vinitora cordially w*elcomed First M.tuohikt Church—Coiner Church ami Lee streets. Kev. , r l). Johnstone, pastor. Preaching at 11 u. WHEATLEY We have positively concluded to close out by Dec. 1st, or sooner if possible, and in order to accomplish this successfully and to the satisfaction of everybody, we have added some $5000 worth of fresh new poods to our already well selected stock, all of which we will offer, commencing # ANSLEY. Retailers of high-class Dry Goods at popular prices. DRESS GOODS. , , m. and 7:30 p. m. Prayer-meeting •‘Soon ray happiness came to an end, W e dne ,«la y rri-ht atT:43oVlock. Sunday- and an unprincipled zcoun.irricam. be- Mhool nt 9i30 „. oIock ^ m ; Lott Warren i i — Weeks passed . , , „ J r superintendent. All strangers are cor dially welcomed. Work For the Street Committer. ' The Times Recorder would respect fully call the attention of tboee in ziv thority to the almoit impassable condi tion of the sidewalk in front of the new Hotel Windsor on Jackson street, es pecially about the Lamar street corner. There hae been much complaint of late concerning the great piles of slate and other bniiding material stacked at this point, and ladles wishing to visit the new stores jtut opened in the Windsor are often compelled to cross the street from the middle of the Barlow Block. This obstructing material, If there Is no storage place off the street for It, might easily be moved to the sooth tide of the bniiding on Lamor, thereby clear ing the more crowded thoroughfare and doing justice to the merchants whose business Is Injured by Ite present posi tion. Another matter to whleb the street committee might with great advantage to the publlo give Ite attention. Is the dilapidated condition of the sidewalk on Lamar street In (root of Schmidt’s Read ing Room and the People’s National Bank. It Is onsafe upon a dark night, and uncomfortable walking at any time. tweeu my love and me. after this came to my knowledge, before I spoke to my wife of iny intention*, which were to suo for a divorce nnd leave the country. Court was in session. A Our,I Frnui Mayor Fcldey. Through The Tilles-Recorder, to I come to Americus and employed Ad. j Whom it May Concern: I desire to cor- Brown, who duly tiled my complaint. [ rect a certuin erroneous Impression But the court could not see things ns t ; latiug to a call of a few citizens at my did, and would not grant me a divorce. 1 left tho court house, vowing that I would neverimarry until the courthouse was either burned down or torn away. That vow I have kept; though it was hard to do. 1 left my wifo, plantation and all, wandered over the west; fought through the war and courted death Af’er tiie war was oves I settled in Ter rell county and have lived there ever lines. At this time the old man's face bright ened np, end a smile took the place of tears ae the citizen asks him what he was going to do. Said he: . “I have kept my vow, and as the old honse has been torn away, I will be married next Sunday afternoon. I came.bere to see If It was really gone. Yes, sir, I will marry next Sunday afternoon.” Office county commissioners of Sumter county, Ootober 5,1881. Tho commissioners of roads and revenue of Sumter ooonty have this day J levied e tax of forty-nine and two tenths cents upon one hundred dollars of tax able property of the eonnty for the cur rent year. The earns being one hundred and sixty-one and one-third per cent upon the state assessment. Sixty-one end one-tblrd per cent being for btjilditlg a new jail, and one hundred per cent being for current expenses of the county, apportioned as follows: Fnsd No. 1,s»ue*.e! Indebtedness SO Fend No. 2, court boose,fall and bilge*. .EM) Fond No. sjeffleetm, fees 3* Fund No.4,coroner’* fee*... ,T Fond No. 6, stalk nary, etc . und No S. Jury fees Fond No. 7, support of poor Fund No. I, county court 10 Total J. H. Black, C. A. Huntinoton, John A. Cobu, Geo. W. Council, J. W. Wheatley, Connty Commissioners. May Interest Ton. I have accepted a managing position at the home office of the New York Auc tion Clothing Company end will remove to New York as soon as I can dispose of ray real estate here. I have several houses and lots that I am anxious to sell at prices satisfactoiy to the purchaser, and on terms that cannot help bnt please. I offer the honses at n nominal pay- meat down, the balance $3.00 per week until paid for, and the vacant lots at one dollar per week with 8 per cent In terest. The property la in one of the beet neighborhoods in the city, snd this offer should command the immediate attention of Intending purchasers. Respectfully, 27sep-lm 8. M. Cohen. , A “t he Mo-s Back." Mb. Editor: It Is np oasy matter to call names, more especially hard ones. It Is essy to charge citizens at being alggerdly, who will not throw awsy their hard earned money at thebeok and call of a few speculators. Some three yean ago the citizens of Amerious subscribed 85,000 dollon to the street railway. This past summer they were sold out, end when some com plained of the the railroad track being In tbewsy, the "retort, not courteous," was given. "You no longer have any Interest in the matter." But now they come with fair speech; for they want more money. Bnt the proposition Is like an Ill-roasted egg, "ell on one side." All for the bond-holden, end nothing for the people, whom they propose to dnpe by bach meretricious allurements, for they do not even so mnch ss make any promises or pledget how long they will run the ears, but forthwith say that they will give the money book for the time they do not ran the care. Some days ago Mr. Kenney called a meeting, or bad It called, of a few of the citizens of Americas; snd suggested that If they would pledge $3,000 a year for fi le years that he thongbt ’the bond holders might pnt the ears In motion again. He would not promise anything; bnt would suggest only. The money was enbeoribed and he went his way. A few day* ago he returns and says he wants $6,000 for the first year end $2,000 each for the other four years. History tells us when the enemy of Rome had her prostrate, the general commanding said to the citizens of Rome: "Pay ns so mnch ransom or I will sack the city." The citizens brought the gold snd laid It at hla feet. He commanded it weighed and threw his sword In the scalss thst the snm might be the more and the run- tom the greater. N. Speer. NOTICE TO TEACHERS. Examination at Applicant* for Teachers' Place* la the City’s Public School*. To teachers who wish to apply for either of the vacancies in the Jackson- street school, examination question* will be submitted Wednesday, the 14th instant at the school bouse. Examina tion hours from 8210 o’clock a. m. to 4 o’clock p. m. By order of the Board of Publle Edu cation. A. J. M. Bizien, Secretary. Assault. A negro by the name of Dan Thweatt struck Mr. J. A. Loney, of Warrior dis trict, Bibb county, with a piece of scant ling on Monday last. Mr. Lansy la the father of W. L. Lansy, of the 8 A. A M. road, who returned from a visit to bis father yesterday. He says that hie father is very low and not expected to live- The negro has been traced to Americus; there Is a reward of $50 for office to confer about, a matter that was thought to be of great publlo Interest to the city. It has been asserted that Mr. Kenny called, or had called, that meet ing above referred to. That assertion is untrue. Mr. Kenny camo to Americus In the Interest of the bondholders of ths Americus street railroad, they having become the owners after forecloture of mortgage and purchase at rtceiver’s sale. After a conference with Mr. Kennny soon after his arrival, I thought that It wae possible that terms^night be agreed upon whioh Would again pnt the street .railroad in opersfou, and with the interest of in view, Lbastlly called togethera few of our best citi sens to oonfer with him on that Rue. This Is sll that was done, and any asser tion or insinuation that any other in centive prompted the call is without foundation,and maliciously false. . J. B. Felder. “The Good 8hepheid*knowetli'his sheep and they heed his call.” The mossbock flinches from the pro gressive lash hence he yelps. Cotton Report. Americus, Ga., Oct. 8,1801 Following Is the ootton feport In this city up to date: Received by wagon 000 Received 6y railroad 313 Received previously 20,735 Total 21,057 MSRKET. Good middling, 8-8 J Middling 7J-7| Low middling 71 Market firm. GAMBR1NC9 HALLE. Indians are coming Tuesday, Ootober 13th. P. P, F. cures scrofula, salt rheum and all hnmors, dyspepsia, sick head ache, biliousness. It cures that tired feeling, creates an appetite, strengthens the nerves snd builds up the whole sys* tom. F. P. P. Is unrivalled, and since Its Introduction has cured more cases of blood disease than all the other blood purifiers put together. Highest market prices sre paid for sound cotton seed delivered to tue Americus Guano Company. Masonic. The Masonie fraternities of the Plains and Preston hnd interesting meetings yesterday afternoon and evening. Quite a number from Americus visited both lodges, and report excellent times at both places Schley court will convene on Monday. The Americus bar will bn well represent ed at this court. &ak(P POWDER Tuesday, October 13th, and continue until the last item is disposed ot. which will not present itself to you again while you Jive. We quote: 10000 yds. choice Dress Prints 4} and 5c 5000 yd* genuine Indigo Blue, 5c 5000 l>e*t Dress Gingham*, 8 and 8Jc 5000 11 bent Checks 4Je 20 pcs. Canton Flannel 5c 20 “ better “ 8o 20 “ extra heavy “ 10c Our stock of DRESS GOODS is replete iu nil departments, most of these goods were bought before the increased import duties went into effect und add to this the reduction made by us on their actual value, you will realize a saving of 50 per cent, by buying your Dress Goods from ns. Dress Goods worth 1) cents selling at 23 ceuts. “ “ '* 50 ceuts “ 32 ceuts " “ “ 65 ceuts “ 41 cents " “ “ 75 cents “ 53 ceuts and so on through tho lino. Choice line of Clack Goods and Silks at correspondingly low prices. In housefnrnishings we offer: 100 doz. Pure Linen Towels 24x42 at 10 cents 100 doz. “ “ 30x45 at 15 /' 60 doz. “ " 36x54 at 21 “ 25 pcs. Table Linens from 25 cents up. White and Bed Flannels, Sheetings, Napkins, Etc, must be closed out. Full line of Hosiery. Fast black hose from 10c up. $2000 worth of Shoes at 50c on the dollar. Most be closed out. This is Not Idle Talk; 'Ve Mean Business I and the sooner we can sell out, the better we like it Special Plums for Tuesday: i,, . 12J yds. 4-4 Fruit Bleaching for $1.00 10 yds. Lonsdale Cambric for $1.00 Only $1.00 worth to a customer. J. R. FREID & Co., A.T THE R L McMATH. E J. McMATH. B. H. MoMATH McMATH BROTHERS. DEALERS IN -j— Groceries, Provisions, Country Produce BOOTS. SHOES, ETC.. ETC., WHISKEY, TOBACCO & CIGARS. SPECIALTIES. 207IFORSYTH STREET, AMERICUS, GEORGIA. Ws solicit a .hare of the patronage of the treating public, gunran teeing utUfactlos low price*, and good goode. We deliver gonde enywherr In the city. Ceil and ae* a*. McMATH BOTHERS. GEORGE STANFIELD, FLORIST. Green House and Bedding Plants a Specialty, FINN STREET. AMERICUS. QA. Hyacinths, 10c. each. 75c. per doz. Tulips, 5c. each. 40o per doz. Easter Lilies, 25o. each. . Palms. 26c. to $16.00. Japomcas four feet high and full of buds, $1.50 each. dttawk.- trod. K. T. BYBD, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. REPRESENTING THE SAFESTAND STRONGESTCDMPANIES.IN JHB^ORLD. Insurance planed on City and Conntry Property. Office on Jackson Street, next door hri»w Mayor’s Office, rtrdr-dlv. C. C. II»WHINS. li. O. I-OVINO Come and see my stock and get my * price*. E. D. Amur, The Grocer. ofal at auglSwlyr Absolutely Pure. of tartar Taken Up.. from Americas, on the Hmithvtlie road, owner can get earn* by proving property octlldAwlw HAWKINS <fc LOVING We are prepared to do EMBALMING on short notice. SATISFAC TION GUARANTEED. Also keep a fine line of Metallio and Goth Covered Coses, Caskets and Coffins. HEADQUARTERS FOR FURNITURE. Nlgbt call* tor oodles Telephone No. 18, or call on O. O. Loving, Brown .treat. School for Girls. HRS. 8. A. CRAWFORD’S English nnd trench home school for girl, will re-open on tho first Monday in October. The sebola • •hip is of the htgheet order, exactne.. and tboronghaes* being required in _ every detail Com lb* primary through the mo lor ooree. omalire —t on-epytleetton Address HZ Hill street, Athene, Georgia. Refers by perm lesion to Hon. J. C. C. Black, Angosta; Bon. Pope Barrow, Athena; Dr. L.H. Charbonnler, Athena: Dr. B.C. White, Athene, Oa. — DB.F. A. THOMAS, Physician and Surgeon. Will do a general practice la the city, end vicinity. He will be found at hi* office when not professionally en gaged. Will keep slate on office door. Office: Seocmd floor, Altaian Block. snnAwly 4-U-81 J. Henry Freeman will sell you best coal for least money. seplOdtf SPECIALS FOB TO-MORBOW. Day by day the success of our j selections is more pronounced. That we have the right things is evidenced by the way they are selling. NOUVEAUTE8. High-class and exclusive dress materials; styles uot to be seen elsewhere. Reinforced by recent arrivals, this department makes a most brilliant showing, Saits, $7.50 to $40. > At 60c we show a line of dress stuffs unquestionably the choicest ever placed on this market. Overshot and illuminated effects in Scotch homespuns; Storm Serges, 54-incli Tricots, etc. A line worth your while to see. BLACK GOODS. Novelties iu Black Goods. No need to tire yo rself wearing the same-fabrics from year to year. \ Our stock offers choice things. Chevrons, Bodfords, Camel’s TT«tV Serges, Storm Serges, etc. Any thing you want at right pricos. BIGGEST BARGAINS OF ? THE SEASON. i Lot all wool doth finished Tri cots; beautiful line of shades, 25o. Lot mixed Tricots, l£ yds: wide, 88£o. Wool Henriettas, 36 in.wide, 40e quality at 25c yd. i 60 pcs. Wool Cashmere, splen did quality, 36 in. wide, at 25c, 40 in. all wool black Henriettas, formerly 65c.. at 49e. Silk finish black wool Henriettas . worth $1, at 75o. Bedford Cords, magnificent quality, 98c. Camel's Hair Serges, 46 in.wide, .. grand quality, 95c. O B Corsets, $1 quality at 75c. Children’s Derby ribbed fast black hose, worth 25c, for 15c pr. Ladies' Onyx dye hose worth 40o, for 25c. pr. Ladies drop Btich Lisle hose, Onyx dye, worth 75o, at 49o pr. 1000 yds 10c. Ginghams at 7Jo. 1000 yds Calicoes, 4fc. Gents’ Balbriggan Hose at lEo ' pr, worth 25c. Gents’ Blk. Onyx dye .hose at ' 25o pr, worth 40c. Extra large counterpanes, 89c. quality $1.25. Extra large hnek towels at 15c, worth 26c. Magnificent table damasks at 49o. Undressed kid gloves at 69o, worth $1.00. Undressed Mosquetaire kid gloves at 75a worth $1.00. Foster’s lacing gloves $1.25 quality at $1.00. SOMETHING NEW. children’s kilt sens. We opened yesterday the only line of kilt suits ever offered the trade here. They are perfect beauties. They range in sizes' from 2^ to 5 years. We propose to make extremely low prices on them to close ont at once. Thev will range froin $2.75 suit upwards. Bee these quick to get choice of lot Ladies ribbed undervests at 25o, worth 60c. Several cases blankets just opened, prices from the lowest to os fine as you can ask for. The finest white flannels at 25c in the country. Grand lot of embroidered flan nels from 98c to 1.60c yd. The best donton flannels at lOo. in Americas. . CLOAKS. Oar cloak stock is very complete Full range of sizes and now is the time to get the pick. Splendid line of cheviot reefer, jackets at $4.98. Beautiful cheviots, beavers, day worsteds and cloths, both plain and fur.trimmed. children’s cloaks in obeat va- SIXTY. New Chiffon and Chantilly laces black and cream., New style shopping bags. New feather trimmings. New cords and gimps. The finest line of curtains shown in Americas. WHEATLEY _ ‘ansley.