Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, October 16, 1891, Image 4

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THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMES-RECOKDER: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1091. IIR. MALLORY’S WONDERFUL WELL. r Glad the Waste (Waist) Place*. (TJuf* what I call making glad the M fla«M,*«aSd Smithian, as ha pat *Re around a lady’s waist Bui * wane aara much ter this show letien U Smlthso* doesn't gat that dliifraaabla oaUrjh at fik ' r tall him that S& SagA r will curs him. id ktaOnf • rb Remedy ourea the wont onto Catarrh la the Head, ana tastier. "Cold 1 I with a few appltea adaoha h relieved ' magic. faith, (ha maker* ol emedy—the Worii. i Assoclstioe, ad fin* 1 to pay $500 to aay ona Chreala Catorrh fit tha (hay eanaat cure. > conditions were reverted yea to pay $500 for a a might hesitate. Han tea, wtto year*at ht__, _ j $ thousand* at deHart and rarest asm* baek at tham •fhay hellers In fhemtalvea. Iiat into a (Hal f lint aay trial prefer* t to catarrh f This U the waff •with tha Ball conet: if yon w$nt ease and shapeliness, toy it—but you don’t i it unless you like it. After two or three weeks’ mar, you can return it and have your money. Comfort Isn’t all of ft though., Soft - Eyelets, and “bones” that can’t break or kink—Ball’s corsets hare both of these. for tale by GEO. D. WHEATLEY 1 r- a Old Nick Whiskey to tha beet and is noted for its ago Sad parity, having boon made on the aama plantation over 1J23 years without a rival aa we oonatsntly keep tmr year old mfe AND CORN <S h$ad • • ahip any quantity, eo write lor price-liat Old Nick Whiskey Co., WadthlOo. PANTHER CRUX, N. O. ftVoriale by the DAVENPORT DBDQ COMPANY, Amerlcut, Ga. BANK ditice 1 C :-.L \ IXTURE^ i E.R R V M F G CO. i rtri-j FIRE SHOW OASES, tew. iitgosS3lw.1i. 1600 Reward! ” ^rewardJfe^MTejJJMjmrjr • ws cannot nrt visa W*fi b«to th* dimUMs artftMr ragasriaa ■hb oavnroitr dxdo co, rirr I ■ trtiet 4a n. r.ach Switch Outdid I Loir When It Tsld the Diners to Die There. Mr. Austin Mallory Is a fanner living in the northern portion of this county. Soma time since be decided to have a well dug on his premises. The services at a water witch were callod into requi sition. and the tnrn of the Infallible peach tree switch located a spot where water would be struck. The well diggers set tb work, but had not gone more than six feet when they encountered a stratum of rock. They went down into the solid rock ten, twenty, thirty, forty feet, and yet no in dication that the rock waa giving ont Mr. Mallory instructed his men to blast away, as he waa bent on finding water if he bail to blast into the Chinese empire. They followed bis instructions and went ten feet farther down, with uo new de velopments. They were soon to be rewarded, how ever. AM the preparations foruu unusu ally heavy blast had been made, the fuse waa touvhed off, and the men were drawn eal to await results. After the smoke the explosion had cleared out they looked down and found that they had strnck cava Lights were let down to be sure there wae no damp, and three or four ventured. Some bystanders agreed Investigate the discovery. They were lowered with ropes through the openinf; down into a cavern whose darkness ha< never been pierced with the light of day, and whose infinite silence took np the sound of (heir vetoes and echoed and re- it tmlll It died away in some To Our Patrons. After this week we will collect all bills for job work weekly. This will make payments easier for you, anil help us materially, aa our expenses are payable weekly. Times Pl'BLIsmo Comi'axy. Their suspense is they descended into «i* darkness waa Intense, until tbelrfeet toothed the floor of the cavern. Strik ing a match they proceeded to look about Tha roof of the cave was covered with pendant stones, consisting of glit- tertng atnerali. that flashed the light and beautiful effects. At some potato toe stalagmite and stalactite for- almoet touched each other. At place* la the roof were quaint, regularly shaped arches that gave an bllpi (union as if they had been built by hands. Still other portions tot roof were smooth and studded with C Uar Incrustation, which glittered diamonds, and far surpass the star chamber In the taste oave. Wandering about the explorers came ten a small river of crystal clearness, tn whose waters strange looking fish dis united themselves, and whose merry rip- phi had furnished mntlo for centuries wHh no other audience than the eternal rodfe* A pod of water was also found wtWh, so far aa they could sound, waa bottom]esa On the banks of the stream found tb* wreckage of what bad undoubtedly been an Indian canoe, drifted there, doubtless, from some other watev course, and preserved so long by atmosphere of the cave. The vs explored the cave for a con- Mfltfhble distance in each direction, but found no limit or redaction of size.— Franklin rtCy.) Cor. Louisville Courier- Journal. What Shakespeare Might Have 9ald. Tn take or rot to take; that is the question- Whether ’tit better fora man tn suffer ! Phs pangs and torments nl Indigestion, "r something take, and, In Us taking, ci tham. 8hakeepeare didn’t say that, but very likely he would bare said something similar, if be were living in this 10th century, when so many suffer untold agonies from Indigestion. Of course he would have gone on to say that a man must be a fool not to take the "some thing" which wonld put an end to the “pangs and torments” spoken of, if he eoulagetlb Now it It a feet that weak ened, impoverished blood brings on in digestion, wbloh It the cans* of dyspep sia, constipation—a poisoned condition of the whole system—and ft Is a fact, alto, that Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery wjll to purify the blood and enrleh It that all the weakened organs are revitalized and strengthened. It it guaranteed to do this. If it doetn your money will be returned to you. P.' P. P. cures scrofula, salt rheum and all humors, dyspepsia, ilok head ache, biliousness. It cures that tired feeling, creates an appetite, atrengthens the nervea and builds np the whole sys- tern. P. P. P. ft unrivalled, and einee Its Introduction has cored more eases of blood diseaaa than all the other blood pmrUwa pot together. The greatest manicures In the world appear to be tbe8akams of the Congo region In Africa. Among their tribal cos to ms Is the paring of the nails down to the qnlok with an Instrument de signed for that purpose. For Over Fifty Tears Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup has been used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colie, and It the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents bottle. Sold by all druggists through out the worii P. P. P. stimulates the appetite and aids the process of assimilation, cures nervous troubles and invigorates and strengthens every organ of the body. Nervous prostration la alto cared by the great and powerful P. P. P. Its effects are permanent and lasting. Ever elnco Rebecca went to the well waterlng-placea have been great reaorta for ladles with matrimonial aspirations. —Chicago News. CAN’T SLEEP NIGHTS tho complaint of thousands suffering >m Asthma, Consumption, Coni' etc. Did you ever try Dr Acker’s Eng lish Remedy? It It the best preparation known for all Long troubles. Sold on a positive guarantee at 25c and SOo. For sale by Fleetwood A Russell, Americas, Ga. 8 There is no affliction without Its com- pentaMag baa silt -Tha deaf mute la a stranger to the trials of the telephone.— Boston Transcript. ■DeWitt’s Sarsaparilla eloanaes the blood, Increases tho appetite and tones Mthe system. It has benefitted many mtowho hare suffered from blood Orders. It willhelpyou. Foraaleby Davenport Ding Company. Despite the phenomenal growth of London it Is asserted that whereas fifty years ago there were church accommo dations for but seventeen in every 100 of the population, now there are accommo dations for thirty-four. A Sian Thermometer. Lean men make tho best thermome ters. Fahrenheit never invented better ones. If the weather is warm and sun ny they are cheerful. If cold and frosty they are Irritable and snappy. If damp id cloudy they are downcast and gloomy. But if either lean or fat men are suffering from biliousness, head ache, constipation or indigestion, the weather will always be damp and cloudy In their locality, unless they use Dr. Pierces’ Pleasant Pellets. These pellets are small, sugar coated granules, calcu lated to start the liver aud digestive or gans into healthy activity, and thereby ralBO low spirits, and dispel gloom. for Infants and Children. A streak of lightning at Grand Rapids, Mich., is said to have followed an elec tric wire into the children’s department of St Mark’s hospital, turned on the gas, lighted it and left for parts unknown. People with impure blood may he said to exist, not live. Life ir robbed of Vv-vr -fViea half its joys when the blood is loaded '■'J "lit} with impurities and disease. Correct this condition with DeWltt's Sarsapa rilla, it is reliable. For sale by the Davenport Drug Company. Exhausted vitality, nervousness, lost manhood, weakness caused by overtaxa tion of the system, will be cured by the powerful P. P. P., which gives health and strength to the wreck of the sys tem. Fall has come and with it the tlineto settle "that little bill" at Du. Elmudok's. The enforcement of the tax on watches in Cincinnati, Ohio, brings to light the fact that there are 244 people In the city who value their time-pieces at $100, and whojvaluo them above that sum. HARMLESS. TO ASSIST HATOBB IN REMOVING Poisons from the body Is the great mission of SWIFT’S SPECIFIC. Hlcrobi cannot exist In the blood whc.rnsu properly taken, as it promptly^tHP^forces them out, and cures the patient It has relieved thousands in a few days who had suffered for years. Mr. F. Z. Nelson, a prominent and wealthy citizen of Fremont, Nebraska, suffered for years with SCROFULA, and It continued to grow worse In spite of all treatment Finally, Four Bottles of cured him. He writes: “Words tre Inadequate to express my gratitude and favorable opinion of SWIFT’S SPECIFIC. Tnstistoo Blood tad Skla Masses nulled flea SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. DrtmrSi /Hunts, Ga. “Csstorlt, vto siell adapted to chflS KH , recommend ltas superior to any prescription known tour’’ H. A. Abchxs, K. D., UJEo. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. T.’. “Tho me of ’Csstoris'Is to universal and Its merits so well known that It seems a work Trfit* Paitrr ***""««* Church. WItfout Injurious fdlc, Constipation, .JUThoea. Eructation, Ives sleep, and proawl » a •Tor several years I have recommended results." Edwin F. Fshdxb, M. D„ “The WInthrop,” lSSth Street and Tth Avet, New York City. Tex Csxrsna CosrurT, 77 Hussar Stsxxt, Nsw Toes. Going west or east, north or south, who goes by the‘‘Racket Store” without drooping in and examining our goods and prices is BADLY FITTED to support a family. He needs a kind but firm hand to knock some sense into him. Ours is the only stock in town wnich is calculated TO SUPPORT extravagant claims, but we won’t make ’em. We prefer to have a man and his family come in and look us over; in fact, ours is A FAMILY store, and each member of your family will find something to interest and instruct them. ROOEPfcS afc WILDER, 104 Lee Street, GHOST ST0RIE8 . When you hear a man say “We’ve got a PIANO here just as good as the IVERS & POND for a great deal less money,” remember that all the gnost stories have not been told yet. When you hear a man say that “So-and-so” keeps a better line of musical goods than we do, just add one more to your list of ghost stories. When you want an IVERS & POND PIANO with all its patented improvements, see that you get it. Allow no solicitation or specious mis representation to switch you off onto something inferior. Ghost stories frighten chil dren, but not mature and sensible people. Call on us and try the IVERS & POND SOFT- STOP, even though you do not wish to buy anything. PHILLIPS i CREW, 79 Peachtree St„ Atlanta, Ga. AN ORDINANCE. An ordinance to repent Hection 402 of 1 he code of ordinance* of the city of Amerlc or. end in lien thereof to fix the time when nil \y taxes shall become duo end payable, d to provide for the collection thereof end for other purpose*. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Me:^ and City Council of Amt-iicus, and l 1 * la hereby ordained and enacted by the author* “7 of the same, That Section 402 of the code ordinances of the city of Amerlcna, which reecrlbes that It ehall he the duty of the fayor and City Council of Americui. to fix >y resolution the time when city taxei ahall becomo due, and for notice thereof by the clerk and treasurer be, and the name Ir hereby repealed, and In lien thereof the fol< lowing section is enacted, to*wlt: Ssc. 2. Be It farther ordained by the au thority, aforesaid, that from and a/ter the B » of this ordinance, all City tax ew Ahall 9 dua and payable by the first day of r of each year, and any taxpayer who •ball necleet or refuse to pay sach taxes by the Both day of December of each yea r, ahall be entered upon the Hat of defaulters, and the Clerk and Treasurer Ahall forthwith, mb aarly aa practicable. Issue execution against •ach taxpayer for his unpaid taxes, which execution ahall bear test in the nameofthn Mayor and City Connell of Americas and be* directed to the Marshal, who shall, by levy and aale, forthwith collect the same as pro* Tided by law. Sac. t. Be it further ordained, that aU ordinances and parte of ordinance in co ilict with this ordinances, be and i ha some a hereby repealed. Adopted by City Council, Aug. Si. lfltl. D. K. BIIINBON, Clerk and Tr» asurvr. ALLISON & AYCOCE The Booksellers and Stationers ARE NOW IN THEIR New quarters in the New Hotel Build ing “The Windsor” and are Ready for Business. ALLISON & AYCOCK, 406 Jackson Street. AM7RRICQ8. OA. Americus Ironworks, -BUILDERS OP Engines, Boilers, Cotton Gins, Presses, Feeders and Condensers, Saw and Grist Mills, Shingle Machines, Pipe and Pipe Fittings, Boiler Feeders, Valves, Jets, Etc. Shaftings, Hangers, Boxes and Pulleys t©“Special attention given to repairing all kinds of Machinery. Telephone 79. FINANCIAL. tH. HAWKINSPiw’t H.C-BAGLEY. VlcPrati* W. E. MURPnEY. Cutler. ORGANIZED 1870. Designated Depositor, Bute of Georgia., liable. * Capital. Surplus. -»0The Bank of Americu».9»- tisass -: DIRECTORS H.C. Bsgle,, Pres. Americas Os. P-0. Clegg, Pres. Ocmolgee Brick Co. Ja*. Dodson, of jss. Dodson « Boa, Attorn «jt. «’ y-OIorer. Pres’, Americas Grocer, Co. B. R. Hawkins, Prea't RaUrood. 8. Montgomenr, Prat’s Feoplos National Bank. J- W. Sheffleld, of Sheffield A Co., Hardware. 7. Wheatley, wholesale dr, goods. W. E. Morphe,, Cashier. $100,000. THE BANK OF SUMTER T. N. HAWKES, O. A. COLEMAN, President. Vice-President W. C. FURLOW, Cashier. DIRECTORS— O. A. Coleman, 0. 0. Hawkins, B. H. Jossey, T. N. Hswkta, W. C. Furlow, W. H. C. WhekJey, R. I. Oliver, H. M. Brown, W. 11. Hawkts, Dr. E. T. Mathis, Arthur Rylander. Liberal to Its custoneia, accommoda ting to the publio and prudent la Its management, this bank solicit* deposits and other business In its line. t. MONTGOMERY, Prtst. i. C. RONEY, Vkt Pratt JNO. WINOSOR. Cr. LESTER WINDSOR Hut, Cr. E. A. HAWKINS, Attest, NO. 3830. THE Peoples’ National Bank Of Americas. Capital. *80.000. Sergios, 888.888 ORGANIZED 1883. H. O. Baolsv, Pres. P. 0. Ct xoo, Vie* T. F. Gatbwood, Beo. ATr, Investment Securities. Paid np Capital, $1,000,000. Surplus, $350,000, DIRECTORS : H 0 Bagiev, W E Hawkins, S W Coney, W S GiUls, J W Sheffield, P 0 Cleft, WMHawkea,BFMatbewe, G V Byrne, W E Hurphey, S Montgomery, J H Pharr, B. P. Hollis. E. Burr, Jr., Pres. H. M. Knapp, T. f. O. A. Coleman, Sec. a Treat. Georgia Loan S: Trust Col Negotiates Loans on improved Farm and City Property. B P Hollis, Attorney, J B Bivins. LandBxsalaffi* ais.'xifefgig ■grTAU MO BPBBTlTCWt^to Saw Mill Men, Attention 1 Our special business Is heavy machinery such as; ENGINES, BOILERS, SAW MILLS, AND WOOD-WOHIING MACHINERY, and for first-clan machinery, we defy competition. We are general agent* for H. B. SMITH MACHINE CO.’S celebrated Wood-working machines, and can dia- count factory price*. Write for circular of “Farmeri’ Favorite’’ aaw mill; It la the beet on the market Second-hand machinery constantly on hand, price*; we can save yon money. nr: i, is sue Write for 67 SOOTH Menrto . rni Perkins Machinery Company, BROAD STREET. MTmxt-RaooaoBB When You Write ATLANTA, Gi •uglMAwly T? / *T TTV'T? Tl FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE IW. L. DOUGLAS yHfUIMSIarSi him snd cMjr, and btcause tee make more to jratSe than ony of * ' si'SM lunKirio-fii THORNTON Amerlcna,« WHEATLBY - GeorRi» PATENTS Caveats, and Tradt-Marka c cat boalHta conducted tor MlSwtls rate "^SSd ra „ w ^ h *uhote. ,n» Ss-te tlon. Wa advise. IT pstenubl* or ate »■» V charn. Our tin not Sns till paint Is sssaw* A Piushlet. -How to Obuia Psuets," wlffi nunc of actual dints tavoarSUM, town, sent free. Addict, C.A.SNOW&O0. OmsiRs PstoU Offite WsthlsiHs. $•*• .. Insurance placed on City and Country Property. Jackson Street, next door below Mayor’s Office. Office on deato-dly. 0. C. HAWKINS. U.O. LOVING. HAWKINS & LOVING We -ttre prepared to do EMBALMING' on short notice. SATISFAC TION GUARANTEED. Also keep a fine line of Metallio and Cloth Covered Cases, Caskets and Coffins. HEADQUARTERS FOR FURNITURE. Night calls for oofflm T.l.pbont No. to, or call on G. O. Loving, Brown stmt 'ABBOTTS / EASTMAN1 0 f?N j? pem 01/ iNKr—C u p/y|i CORK'S bunions tJb*" • ' VO WARTS ** ~ ' PA.|< For sale by the DAVENPORT DB03 COMPANY Americas, O*. DOMESTIC • COALI For Sale tbis Season. I shall be prepaired to furnish * grsd. Lump Coal for Grate purpo***i * I any quantity thla fall and winter. S. R. SIMS. a«|*»,tf