Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, October 16, 1891, Image 5

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DIAMONDS THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMES-KECORDER: FRIDA*, OCTOBER 1«, 1891. Fellow Gita! Ailiancemen! And Friends! Of Southwest Ga.: With compliments of the season we respectfully invite your attention to our IMMENSE LINE PERSONAL MENTION. MOVEMENTS IN THE SOCIAL AND BUSINESS CIRCLES OF AMERICUS. Whir* Society People ore Going-Who the Stranger* are Vieltlng—Where Bntlaeae Men are Bound and What They Go for— Newest Styles in High Grade TAILOR-FITTING dnfl -fob- FALL AND WINTER. We have outdone ourselves this season and exoelled all previous attempts in plaoing before you more attractions and exclusive Novelties in Clothing and Haber dashery. We carry,beyond a doubt (and the most of you know it) the LARGEST STOCK of MEN’S and YOUTHS’ SUITS l In this part of the state, and are offering them at the very lowest prices. . Call and examine these lines, as well as] our complete assortment in Extra Sizes, Stouts and Slims, whiob, as .to style and 'fit, cannot be surpassed. JOHN R. SHAW, Tour attention Is invited to the line of table ware, (knives, fork* and apoona) carried by the Americus Jewelry Com pany. Guaranteed quality and pretty patterns will be tore to win your favora ble consideration. Tax Collector R. 8. Bell of Preston was in the city yesterday on business. Uiss Sadie McLeod of Savannah visiting Mrs. C. O. Walton, on Furiow street Mrs. John B. Cobb, Macon, Is visiting her nephew, Captain John A. Cobb, 415 Lee street Mr. Qeo. Cooper, ensign in the United States Navy, Is In the city visiting friends and relatives. Miss Sallle Stapleton of Preston is visiting ber brother, Mr. George Staple- ton, on Hampton street Misses Jennie Thornton and Alice Boon of Preston passed through tbe city en route to Gainesville, Fla. Mrs. W. T. Kagan and Miss Hand Lingo left yesterday fora visit to friends and relatives in Lake City, Fla. Mrs. E. C. Miller retu -nod yesterday from Mobile, Ala , and will visit Mr. D, T. Wilson, on Jackson street for several weeks. Mr. Henry McCIesky, of Birmingham, Ala., has been here for the past few days, to the pleasure of bis many friends. Col. and Mrs. J. G. Parks of Dawson, Ga., Mrs. M. E. Allen of Macon, Ga., Mrs. Mattie Tomlin of Outhbert, Ga., are stopping with Cspt. T. M. Allen. Bev. Dr. J. P. MeFerrtn will preach tbe annual sermon for the Ladles Mis sionary Society at the First Methodist Church this evening at the usual hour of service. Mr. J. A. Hodge, who has for some time been conneoted with Tux Times- Recoroer, left last night for Montgom ery. Mr. Hodge has made many friends during bis stay in Americus who regret to see him leave. Prof. J. C. Layfleld, mayor of Rich- land, spent yesterday In the elty. The Professor Is decidedly a happy man. It will occur on the 18th of next month. He will be married to one of tbe band' •omest, most accomplished and popular young ladles of tli&t place. Mr. C. B. Jones, of SpHng Hill, Iowa, saya: "I have used Chamberlain’s Pain Balm for severe and pAlnful burns with better effect than anything else I have eyer tried. It relieves the pain Instantly and'cures without leaving a scar." • Pain Balfi is one of the moet useful medicines that any family can be provided with, especially for rhenmatitm, lame back, sprains, bruises, tooth-ache, earache and like ailments. One application- will relieve -the paio, and a fair trial inacre a euro. 50 cent bottles for sale by W. C. Russell. Highest market prices are paid for mnd cotton seed delivered to the ' Americas Guano Compart. Tex notice. The books are now ready, and until further notice I wilt be In my office for the purpose of collecting the taxes from 9 o’clock a. m. to 8 o’clock p. m. every day, except Sunday. J. B. Dunn, octlO TAx Collector. The eighth eall of ten per bent upon the, capital stock of the Americus Manu facturing A Improvement Co., hae been made, and will be payable at the offloe of the treasurer, at the People’s Nation al Bank, November L John WTxdsob, Treasurer. octOtd , The Wonderful Herrmann. An unique entertainment oomes to the opera house on Monday night October 19tb, In the ahape of tbe eminent preatt- digitateur. Herrmann, aided by Mme. Herrmann. The prinoipa! part of Herr- mann’s entertainment consist* of rare and all-startling phenomena, to whleh hit own original and collective brain haa given existence! HU work seemingly seU at naught all natural laws. It Is piste with mysticUm and those occult deeds ordinarily ascribed to tbe redoubt* able Prinoe of Darkness. Tet everything U simply done, and Herrmann frankly dlsolalms any supernatural agencies. The remainder of the combination is composed of slot of unexcepttonally clever people. Tbe feats of legerdemain performed by Herrmann, the prince of oonjurors, are none of tbe ordinary affairs to which the old line of theatre goers are accustomed. Herrmann stands alone and supreme In the art diaboliqne, and no word description can do full jus tice to the mysteries of tbit remarkable personage. He charms yon by a grace of manner that Is bewitching, he entrances by the subtle power which he so greatly possesses, and mystifies and bewilders yon by tbe deftness and dex terity with which he executes his re markable feats. He is simply a marvel beyond the comprehension of the ordi nary mortal, and is one of those instan ces of where it Is necessary to see in order to believe. His performance Is a succession of surprises, each succeeding one being more bewildering than Its predecessor. He doesn't stoop to aDy of tbe old tricks that have for years been tbe stock In trade of tbe peripatetic ma gician, but entertains and amuses you with phenomena which baffle the most skillful and scientific to explain. “Strobelka,” hit Utest Illusion, U the same that set New York city In wild trar sports of joy over the discovery that there was really something new under the snn. Tbe poetio and allegorical illusion, “A Slave Girl's Dream," “Flo rins, Child of the Air,” Abdul Khan oriental fakir, “New Blaok Art,” and other mystic novelties. The Next Attraction, Mixed Pickles. GT This U not a show at the opera bouse, bnt it’s a big abow at E. D. Analey’a Par* lor Grocery. Just think of a ear load of Mixed Pickleal I used to buy orly or* barrel; now a car load. Of course I am obliged to sell them very obeap to gat rid of so many. Then, I expect another oar Deoember 1, so I am going to make tbe following pricec to tell tbit oar at: Plain Cueambsra, 40c. gal., 10c. qt, Sour Mixed, 00c. “ X5o. “ Sweet “ 75o. “ 20c. “ Gherkins, 75o. “ 20c. “ Pickle In glass at 50 peroenb discount on former prices. Call and tee the great tbow of Mixed Pickles at tbe great re tail bouse of Georgia. Centre Draft. E. D. ANSLEY, Round Wick. The Loading’ Grocer, j Extends from 4 feet to 8 feet PIANO * LAMP Has either red, blue or pink linen shade with silk lace top fringe. We want every mother to know that croup can be' prevented. True croup never appears without a warning. Tbe first symptom U hoarseness; then the child appears to have taken cold or cold may have accompanied the hoarse ness from the start, After that a peon- liar rough cough U developed, which U followed by tbe oroup. The time to act when the child first becomes hoarse; few dotes of Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy will prevent the attack. Even after a rough cough bat appeared, the disease maybe prevented by using this remedy as directed. For tale by W. C. Russell. GAXBBINUS HAIAE. If yon want your house painted with paint that la guaranteed to be more durable and more economical than other paints, buy Liii. paints, sold by Dr Eldriuoe. -THE im Grocery Go. Retailers and Jobbers of AifMlaptiiiriM i “THE CHAMPION”. Clothier aod Furnisher, 117 Forsyth St., AMERICUS, - GA. A foil line of Staple Goods, also in our stock. Apple Coooanut. Pare and core aa many of our Ben Davis Applet as will cover the bottom of a large porcelain preserving kettle; fill the center* with eugar, flavor each with vanilla; overall deelcated cocoanut liberally: add water »uf» dent to cover bottom of kettle; cover cloeely and cook elowly till eofl* Remove them to a glaee dlah without breaking them. Pile In py ramid form. When cold cover with froet • lag made of tb re« egge and powdered • tiger* Over all eprlakle fhaved lemon peel or co- eoaaut and dot with colored jelly, Yoer Servant#) X9W Avera Grocery N*. M law. Si A New Building and Loan Association. Mr. D. F. Hart is arranging a local board of the People’s Building and Sav ings Association In om^city. ThU asso- elation’s home offloe U In Geneva, N.T, and has the honor of belng'the pioneer of tdl building and loan associations In the whole oonotry. It baa gained a reputation second to ndbe' m to falrnwtf and ears which characterises all Ita transactions. Vor has this record been attained without.aaaidnons .efforts and thoughtful consideration. The various plans presented by tbe as sociation attest to the care and thought required in preparation. They embody all the salient features In building loans, and draw the Um sharply between the legitimate and ipnriona. Their loans are written for a definite time, hence a borrower can tell what his loan will oost him. Thla association guarantees loans Just aa soon aa enough stock is sub scribed to organise, and money every month on loans. This association ongbt to be enoonraged by our people. We have examined their prospectus and consider the features the very best Call on Mr. Hart and have him explain it to yon. OAMBBU1US HALLS. Rota Bags Turnips, Tellow Denver Onions, Beets and Saner Kraut, at Wm. J. Kerb Commission Co., 812 Lamar Street. Seeond-band Furniture bought and ■old at 810 Cotton avenue. All seat* down stairs for Herman are •1. So yon had just aa well them and seonre good one*. THE GROCERY of Americas Is Aram's. A valuable plsoe of truck farming property can be had by applying to aep23-tf The Bake or Sumter. If yon rhara yourself ’twill pay yon to buy one of those Tower Razors told at Db. Elobidge’s. J. Henry Freeman will tell yon beet coal for least money. seplSdtf Highest market priee* paid fa and cotton seed delivered to the sept25tf Amsbicus Guano Company. EVERYTHING TO E^T at Aram’S. H. E. Pratt has removed from 505 Jackson to 810 Cotton avenue, opposite Harrold A Johnson’s, where he It better prepared than ever to do all kinds of re pairing of furniture. sept!7-dtf GAMBBINUS HALLE. high. $8.00 ALUMINUM THIMBLES Light, Durable and will not Tarnish. In appearance similar to silver (only they will not turn yellow or tarnish like silver) and are sold at half the price. Come and bay an Aluminum Thimble for 25 CENTS. Hotel Windsor Jewelers, $5.00 Butler & Berry ARTESIAN CORNER. LEE & LAMAR STREETS Cettm Report. Americus, Ga., Oct. 14,1891. Following is tbe ootton report In tbla elty up to date: Received by wagon 405 Received by railroad 241 Received previously.,. 23,802 Total «,598 MARKET. Good middling.....' -7J-8 Middling 71 Low middling. 7f Market eteady. BEST APPLE* la town at Aram’s. May Interact Yea. I have aocepted a managing position at tbe home offloe of the New York Auc tion Clothing Company and will remove to New Tork aa soon as I can ditpora of my real estate here. 1 haVb several houses and lota that I-am anxious to sell at prices satisfactory to tbe purchaser, ana on termi that eannot help bnt please. I offer the houses at a nominal pay* I ment down, the balance $3.00 per week nntll paid for, and tbe vacant lota at | one dollar per week with 8 per oenL in- Tbe property is In one of the We never Jini it necessary to "Blow ~our own horn" The quality of our goods and the low prices do lhat. Freeman & Crankshaw. KTum,o\. . WATCHES. TOHN EX SCHMIDT attention of Intending pnrebsaera. Respectfully, 27tep-lm 8. M. Cohen. Look In our ehow window* thla morn ing and yon will sm the moet elegant line of cloaks ever displayed in this elty. James Fbiceeb A Boo. Takes this opportunity of informing the people of Americas and the adjoining country that he is now fitting up in the best of style, and will shortly open one of the Finest If yon want to be healthy and happy, I call on J. Henry Freeman and get him to paint, paper and alabastine^onr I When Daby was rick, w* (art aw Gutoria. Wbmahe wisaCfcQd, she cried for Outorla. He will spare no expense or pains to make it worthy of the patronage of tbe very best people, and Americas can then boast of a place where everything good will be served in a style as never before seen in this city. | Remember the place-Schmidt's Reading Room, Lamar St. 8-1 dawly Bespectfnlly, JOHN E. SCHMIDT. — IHLDEXTER STEEL WIRE FENCE Far BtnL Mr. Callaway is offering for rent a few ce rooms and offices, and a store. OMJtAM* SYRUP U Aram’S. Par* wines, brandies and whiskies for medicinal ns*, sold at Da. MlomumUi OAMBlilNUS HALLE. Colognes, extracts, toilet waters and all toilet artiqjes at JJn. Eldbidoe's. Hot Bread at Martin A Lewi*', Clark's old stand, 320 Lama* street. octl5-3t | Cotton Seed Hull* for sale at the Americtn Oil Mill. octl Call on J. Henry Freeman and let him explain to yon the merits of Feriaite and Alabastine, the wonder of •cirntifl, preparations for wood, plaster, or old papered wells. seplSdtf. A fall line of library ai Imp pi led fixtures eota il imoeibli priest at Da. Xu«ii>e»*i Dnig Stem. Ncntest and moat durable for yards, lawns and cen ter lev j Will be In Americas Nor. jet. Oct.i*-2mo-d*«un-w#d-fri. Leave orders and get information of A. T. Oliver. STALL FED BEEF. Georgia Beef, finer than any Western beef you ever saw, at MAYO A WINKLER