Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, October 18, 1891, Image 3
OUR FOOTWEAR lcu«, Ga. 1 7 The Turkish mother loads her child with amulets as soon as It Is born and a small bit of mud well steeped in hot water, prepared by previous charms, Is stuck on its forehead. A swordfish that weighed 880 pounds was caught recently by George Wako- fleld, keener at the Cape Porpoise (Bfe.) CURES Daily papers, Magazines, etc. Subscriptions for any pa-. per or. publication. Lit, aocr/jO HU •In TiA To'i ajboc -in [i'rn d-h e\&b wl was really. mar mann'llvcd two These little pills are a vincors. For sale by t D yy w miaiiQ Rubber Stamps, any kind, size or price. Steel la now being used Itrthe con- i.'ffiaatSfS’Savr tore of thb saute conducting power, and l mhkh economy In space la secured. Ton never tried DeWItt’s Little Ear ly Kisers for constipation, bllllousneas, sick headache, or you would not have Pictures, Easles and Sheet Music. era* Ink.—P. T..Barhutn. THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMES-RECQRDER: SUNDAY, OCTOBER lb, 189r. COURT HOUSE SQUARE, 1891 AMERICUS, CA. WILL GIVE YOG GOOD GOODS AT THE Nice Oak Suits at - $ 25.00 Parlor Suits at - - 35.00 Plush Rockers - - . 4.00 Side-boards, - $15.00 to $250.00 China Dinner and Tea Sets., - - $7.50 to $75.00 Picture and Room Moulding, Picture Frames, Pictures, Easels, Corcfeand Hangings—all on a basis of 6cy Cotton. Why do »the people with one voice say that D. B. best goods ? BECAUSE They have used our furniture and it never cracked, blistered or fell down; used our crock ery, china and glassware, and found it as represented; lit our lamps and had good light; used our silverware and sounded its praise; bought our clocks and never got left; bought our window-shades when they didn’t need them; bought curtain poles for themselves and poor kin because they were so cheap; used our knives and forks and piaised the butcher; bought our pictures and got credit for lots of good taste; hung our wall paper and didn’t know the old house. Our stock of Royal Worcester, Doulton and Dresden China, Hunga rian, Faience and other holiday goods will repay your inspection. BURIAL SLIPPERS AND This branch of our business is replete with all that is new and RELIABLE. Every improvement has our pa tronage. Nothing escapes us. EMBALMING done by EXPERIENCED Embalmed. Mr. L. S. Tower will answer night calls, front of Methodist Church. Residence in CURES SYPHILIS KjSEES «15o!T?T^rsnr?fC5HT5R5II5r id preecritw n with pul (atltfaction for it* cm *t of PrtaMrr, fgwdorr tmi ' WM F.P. Cures scrofulA. S.w P r*, khwluUr Swelling*. R&eotnntlrtn. Malaria, old Chroni^Jljjyba^aTomljfoddMjtatinjo^^alarrb^ ERR Bln fckIn , IM!SI5^5IIm!rTEr«BloT!55r‘TSp!a!a»!^ curia! PoUon, Tetter. Scald Head, ala., AT THE THE ATEB. f P. P. F. :i Cures rheumatism m immmm mIMmI Mi who* blood I* In T-jyiSM xzsiZZ&VVr,/: r;. P ]P -9 x • JL. C Cures dyspepsia DrnnhtijUyymin'.BlMk, 84’ For sale by the DAVENPORT DRUG COMPANY, Americus, Ga. Health is M D». E. C. ffHT'l NKBVK ksst, i^urau teed "M of alcohol or toNfoWH Premature Old la either sex, Involnntary Loeiea and Sperm*. riJh?*. caused by over-exertion of the bnln, Je f-nboee or overdndttlienes. Etch ho* con- talas ons month’s treatment. *1.00 per box, or w for t&M, eeot by mall, prepaid, on re ceipt or price. AI «e. With etch order rocelrcd by tccomptnled with (AM, we l™,**nd the pnreheaerou written nannies to ■"fund the money If the treetment does not ef| i Americas, da. To cure JAPANESE SPILE CURE , unnranteed Curt for Pilee of whatever md or degree—Kx» emtl. Internal, Blind r Bleeding, Itohlrg, Chronic, Recent or hereditary. $1.00 i box; 8 boxee, $5.00. ent by mall, prepaid, on reoeipt of prioe. re guarantee to tire any cue of POM. wanteed and eolO-mly by T v£&IKi?!££i RCO SALE OF STOCK. rtfQUur 8S&! In thie tree of ■ took l^nS2e ta r“ lit 1 purpoee or paying intents on said atoek. order of the Hoard of Direr ( V ,C.,«. WHE ATLEt. ggg’ktamier Real keute and IuMkv Bemoan, the Great Mnclclan, Entertain, a Big Audience. It would take several oolnmni to give anything like an adequate deacription of all that Herrmann accomplishes In an evening. DeGlve's was filled last night with an audience composed of the elite and fashion of the city. Every seat and box was occupied. It was the largest audience of the season, both In quality and quantity. The programme was divided into four parts, the first part belngdevoted to leg. erdemain. It Is no exaggeration to say that no farce comedy evor caused the walls of DeGlve’s to resound with such hearty laughter as Herrmann created last night with his marvelous sloight-of- hand work and the comical and magical disappearance of animate and inanimate objects. His work in this act was su perb, and it uttorly baffles description. It concluded with the wonderful illusion of "The Vanishing Lady.” A copy of yesterday’s Constitution was laid on the stage to show that there could be no con nection with a trap. On top of thla was placed an ordinary chair. Ume. Herr mann was seated In the chair and covered with a plain siljt shawl. In exactly fifteen seconds the shawl was removed and the chair found empty,while a voice from the midst of the andience was Heard shout ing ‘‘here I am," and the face am of Hme. Herrmann was . down the centre Isle bf (ha/dieadKi It O, to keep them with lie still, laivtnv hearts >e»U up the cry. Wife ana mother, O. how ilenr, Failing like a mist away. Fatbe-. let * s k.ep them here, Tearfully to Goa we pray. Many a wife and mother, who seems doomed to die because she suffers from diseases peculiar to women, which saps her life away like a vampire and baffles the skill of the family physician, can be saved by employing the proper remedy. This remedy is Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription, the greatest boon ever con ferred by man on weak, suffering, de spairing women. It Is 'a sped lie for all phases of female weakness, no matter what their name. aide of the atage, while the undred yean ago, be would have been "witch craft. The second part was a reproduction of incarnatory taliimanto sorcery, entitled "Black Art.” In the act a lady was be headed and tal on one ffiSSSSSa. capitation, and finally the head was re placed on the body and the curtain fell on a pretty tableau,, with Mephlsto crushed to the earth, and Faust and Mar guerite enfolded In the American flag. The third part was a Russian mystery, Strobleka. A prisoner Is securely chained and padlocked to a board; the curtain la drawn, and, in an Inereditably abort apace of time, the curtain la with drawn, and a lady has taken the piece of the prisoner. It 1, a wonderful piece of work. The last act was devoted to magic, and when the final ourtsln descended the audience was loath to leave. Herrmann’s engagement dose* with the final performance to-night It la nine years since Herrmann last visited Atlanta.—Constitution. CAN’T SLEEP NIGHTS la the complaint of thousands suffering from Asthma, Consumption, Cot etc. Did you ever try Dr Acker 1 ! liah Remedy? It la the best prepay known for all Lung troubles. Sold positive guarantee at 25c and 50o. For sale by Fleetwood A Russell, Americas, Ga. 8 Tbe old-fashioned Russian wagon driver who carried freight and passes' gers long distances In hla rude, self-con trived vehicle, la still competing suooeaa- tully with the steam horse In the land of the white czar. Perfect action and perfect health re sult from the use of DeWItt's Little Early risers,! perfect Uttle pill. For ■ale by the Davenport Drag Company. A hotel In Hamburg has been bnllt entirely of compressed wood, which, by tbe pressure to which It la subjected, It la rendered ae hard aa iron, as well as absolutely proof against the attache of fin. Fall baa come and with It the time to settle "that little bill” at Dat Eldiudqe’s, ftr Coughs. OeMs aa* Cessna,tics. Is beyond quastloa tbs jreatest of all nadir* rooiodloi. ItalllltopsCoughlnooo night. It kill chock acoldtsadijr. It will ,rarestCron, rollon 'Sstbrna, sad CD It Consumption If tahoala ’ tlmo. “ Too coo’t odord It bo oltbool II." -----’bottle Rif 00*0*00 8I00IOD0O; -is* sere goer lltot UK YOU* 1 it. Mtbomtloosoolwre CROUP OR CIE ft*IfeA jlMI.,1 UI TA8TE8 GOOD. Cbamberiain’B Tre and 8Ua Ointment. A certain cure foe Chronic Bore Syce, Setter, Salt Bbemn, Scald Bead, Old Borea, rarer Boroe, Eczema, . __*!»!• BtSfata* Boro Hippie* and Pilee. It la cooling and eoothing. ofoeafoUrebeen mind hJ op is : AUGUST MYERS, Artistic Tailor Under T. 'Wheatley’s Store, FORSYTH 8T„ AMERICUS, G<t Having been in tbe tailoring buslnesa for twenty seven yean, I have given perfect satisfaction to my customers, and nave made no misfits. I deal with a first-class bouse in New York city, and can show many exeellent camples; also good English, French and Indian dye goods, ana customers will find my goods are all flrst-cl**s. A large number of samples of Imported suitings. 1 can make up molts tor *22 to H*. :! » 1 ■■ Cor. Forsyth and Jackson Sts. The Best Piace In South-west Ga i S. 2 Qeo. on (Hnoceosora to W. L. Mardre.) SCHOOL BOOKS lor any County in the State. Blank Books, Mean Bibles at acloal cost Oxford Bibles, Teachers’ edition, “EAGLE” SHOE STORE, 119 Forsyth St. Great assortment, Latest Styles and No. 1 Qualities; for little, big, old and young. No Better Stook found anywhere. REAL ESTATE Business Property, Residence Property, Vacant Property, Suburban Property, Small Farms, Large Farms. A1 J 1»LY- QUICK. MERREL CALLAWAY, Picture Frames to order and to our picture-frame depart ment we have just added new machines, glass cutters, oto*, also an experienced workman Satisfaction guaranteed. 105 FORSYTH STREET. TELEPHONE, 106. LUMBER SHUsraLJES. After having our mill thoroughly over hauled, we are now prepared to furnish Lumber and Shingles as cheap, or cheaper, than anybody. Address us at Americus. Wiggins & Herndon. •autrSJ d*w2m SUFFERERS | lj- ■ Youthful Errors Lost Manhood, Eariy .Decay, etc., etc., can secure a home treatise free ’ addressing a fellow euBarer O. .Leek, P.O. Box Sl«. Roenmbe, Vl-einia. MONEY TO LOAN. The Union Central Life Insurance (b. of Cincinnati, Ohio, will lend money ea choice improved farms sod city piepubr a* 8 per cent Call and examine eaiWyu tea. J. J. HANK8LIY, GenlAgk, Illy Ireerlnni, Qiuipa. • •- : .