Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, October 18, 1891, Image 4
THE AMERICUS DAILY T1MES-REC0K OER: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18/1891. THE TIMES-RECORDER. Dally and Weakly. Tn AHniCI'l Rkoobdkr EsTABUSkBD 1879. Tax Arauccs Turn Establisheu 1890. OonOUDATCD, Al-UIL, 1891. SUBSCRIPTION: AILT, OXB TEAK, «.< OAtLT, OXK HOXTB, STxeklt.OxeYear, • • I.C ffniLT, Six Months, « Tor advertising rates addrass Baaooh Mtrick, Editor and Manager, Tins TIMES rUULISlUNO COMPANY, Americus, Oa. Business Cilice, Telephone 00. Editorial Rooms, alter 7 o’clock p. m„ Telephone 90. Americus, Oa., October is, 1891. The Pustmasfcr-General Ins under consideration tho establishment of free delivery service in Araerivus and other points in the South. The Sea Island cotton planters of South Carolina, who were to hold a con vention last Thursday with s view to forming a combination to prevent the sale of Sea Island cottonseed, decided at that meeting that it would be unwise to attempt to do this, as it wss not deemed practicable. The ecumenical convention Is almost as lively aa a session of tlie house of rep resentatives with Tom Reed In theebsir. Mr. Atkinson’s statement that he desired to "knock a bishop down—from the cbalroronthe floor,” is an evidence that muscular Christianity la gaining ground with the brethren. Tux stars and stripes are to wave 1,120 feet above the ground—higher than a flag has ever waved before. Itia to be done daring the World’s Fair from an American tower that will outdo Eiffel, Paris. The builder Is to be Andrew Car negie of Plttsbnrg. Andrew thus pro poses to elevate the Amerloan flag as typical of tbs lofty tariff out of which he has made his millions. Mb. O. E. Lapiiam, of Staunton, Va , % gentleman of considerable wealth, formerly of. Chicago, has offered to the' Farmers’ Alliance of Augusts county, Va., to bntld a beot-sugar factory with a capacity of from 150 to 200 tons of beets s day, provided the farmers of that •county will plant not less than 1,500 •acres In beets. Mr. Lnpham also agrees to furnish the seed and the fertilizers re quired, and take his pay In beets. “Obskbveb” in the Atlanta Journal agrees with Tax Times-Becobdkb as to the folly of Dr. Candler’s attitude on the King Solomon show question. He "ob serves:” "Brother Candler has been so persistent in bis objections to ."King Solomons’’ show, without ever buying ever seen It, thst my neighbor asked me to-day, ‘Alnt Parson Csndler In the psy of the show, thst la to get people to go, ’cease he says it is bad. Every expos!' Hon held bars has bad to contend with Brer Candler and “bis objections,’’ sad •very year tbs crowd to see "bis objec tions'’ bss Increased.” r The Manufacturer's Record says “Tbs Berner bill, which recently passed the Georgia house of representatives, has been defeated in the senate, Geor gia is to be congratulated that her sena tors have thus shown their wisdom in defeating a • measure which would have proved of greet Injury to the whole State by seriously crippling all of its railroads. Instead of fighting railroads as some of the Southern States are con stantly doing, it would be the part of wisdom If they would give every posal ble enoouragement to railroad builders end operators. The South needs more railroads and more capital, and It oan only get them by fair and liberal treat ment” SOLID INDUSTRIAL GROWTH tN THE SOUTH. The Manufacturers' Record, of Balti more, October 17, in reviewing the in dustrial progress of the south, says: "The past week has been a very active one in southern development, and the Manufacturers’ Record has very rarely bad to report a wider range of indus trial advancement than for the last seven days, even though the financial world Is not yot looking for investments In new ventures to any great extent. Despite this, however, the south Is poshing ahead and rapidly organizing new man ufacturing and mining enterprises utilize Its vast resources. This growth Is not confined to any one state, nor to a few industries only, but takes In the whole south aud covers almost every lino of manufacturing, including fur naces, foundries, cotton mills, coal mines, iron-ore mines, ice factories, water works, electric-light works, wood working enterprises, tobacco factories, fertilizer factories, breweries, phosphate mines and works, etc. The leading event of the week is the announcement of the final closing of the salo of 150,000 acres of mineral and timber land, including coke ovens, lum ber mill, etc., in Eastern Kentucky to a Belgian syndicate tor (5,000,000, a part of which, It is understood, goes Into the opening of new coal mines, the building of coke ovens, furnaces, saw-mills, etc. A dispatch from London says that the directors of the Mlddlosborough Town Company have voted $1,250,000 to be ex pended in pushing the enterprises under Please Report. Parties who fall to receive their paper will please report the fact promptly to this office and not wait for several days before giving the Information. Subscribers who are missed by the carriers are particularly requested to notify the office of the fact. A light and compact form of rolled steel or Iron eolumns has been placed on the market. They consist of two I beams bent longitudinally at right an gles and bolted together with a small I beam between them. Notice to Advertisers, Copy for change of advertisement must be banded in at this office before 12p’clock on day before publication. This applies to all and will be enforced. Times Publisuixo Co. July 28, 1801, tf. BEflLL & OAKLEY, PROFESSIONAL CARDS HT.^TTK, ' # Ahchitect a nt> SppEsnrrpeDES?, M-l F Offer this week the fullest and most complete line Lace Curtains in Americus—Remember LACE CURTAINS! ' Accobdibg to tbe Washington (Ga) Gazette tbe first two cotton factories lo Georgia were built In 1811, and one was In that county. It was called Bolton's factory, though that wss not tbe charter name. It wss on Rocky creek, within a few yards of what is now Simpson’s mills. It was of stone, and Mr. Simpson has under his mill-house a part of the atone arch over the door. A part of tbe name Boltpn is easily read, and the fig ures 1811 plainly remain. Mr. Bolton, a Savannah man of that noted rich and aristocratio family, was chief stock- bolder. The financial trouble caused by the war of 1812 caused tbe failure of this factory. In the old file of the Ga zette of 1810 the factory property is ad vertlsed for sale. The prohibition business has got the tobacco worms on the run; and now tea and coffee are to be laid out. Here Is the latest development of science on tbe the bill of tbe snpposed harmless bever. ages thst we drink: "The case of Dr. Fowne* of New Yosk, a prominent phy sician who died from the effects of strong coffee, taken in immense quantities, is attracting general attention. It Is prob ably the first ease on record in which this beverage has caused death, and tbe Interest of physicians Is correspondingly awakened. The effects of tea and cof fee, unlike those of alcohol, are not in stantaneous, sad their results are not easily traoesbls to the proper cause. People who use those beverages to an excessive extent, are poisoned without realizing the fact. They are aware thst eomething Is ailing them, but the appa rently innocent drinks in which they so finely 'world trouble.' construction at Mlddlosborough to com pletion. “Amoag other enterprises are the pur chase of extensive property in and around Ocala, FIs., the price being re ported at $500,000 tor development work the investment at Dunncllon, In tbe same State, of about $200,000 for im provements; a $200,000 improvement company at Alabama City, Ala.; six phosphate mining and manufacturing companies In Florida; an ice factory at Lakeland, Fla.; $15,000saw mill in the same State; a $100,000 brewery company and a cooperage factory at Augusta, Ga; a 150 ton fee factory at New Orleans, La; a $50,000 engine works at Baltimore, Md.; a $100,000 brewery at Bristol, Tenn.; a $500,000 oil and gas company, $730,000 mining company, two $100,000 and one $50,000 coal mining companies, all In West Virginia; a $300,000 packing and refrigerating company at New Or leans; a $1,500,000 harbor and dock com pany at Aransas Psss, Texas; $50,000 tobacco warehouse company In Florida; a $70,000 bedge-fenoe company In Louis iana; a $300,000 lumber company alNor- folk, Va.; a $25,000 wagon manufactur ing company at Richmond, Va.; the pur chase by western people of 42,000 acres of timber laud near Greenwood, Miss., and a $40,000 cooperage plant at that place; wagon factory at Columbus, Ga.; two tobacco factories, inmbar mill and canning factory at Mt Airy, N. C ; fer tiliser works at Banbarg and Charleston, S, C.; oompresa company at Columbia; water works at Deoberd, Tenn., and Bar tow, Fla.; flour mill, EstlU Springs, Tenn.; tobacco factory, Danville. Nego tiations are pending for best-sugar fac tories, a new Industry for the South, at Staunton, Va., and Hartlnsburg, W. Va. "Snoh is the rooord for one week. It doee not inolude all that has been done jin that time, nor does It take aooount of tbe progreea of enterprises previously mentioned. It Is simply a bnaf summa ry of tbe more important concerns re ported in this week’s issue of the Manu facturers’ Record, and of whiob fall de tails are given, showing that these are not limply enterprises that are talked of but that they have all been organized. It Is an encouraging exhibit of the week’s work, and indicates how solidly tbe South Is growing, and how great will be the activity when the full benefit of this year’s enormous crops is felt next spring after tbe wheat and corn and cotton which have been produced .ban. been marketed and business of all kinds has received the Impulse thst must inevita bly come then.” How About This. Just in Fresh Crisp Celery. Capo Cod Cranberries, Grapes—Ma lagas, Cstawbas and Niagras. New Florida Oranges. Cocosnuts, London Layer Figs and new Dates. Eastern Apples, Lemons. Potatoes, Ruta Bagas, Beets. Eastern Cabbages. Dodson A Hill’s Famous Pickles, sweet and sour mixed. Mangos and German Dills. Our regular Friday shipment of that Pure Jereey Country Butter and Fresh Country Eggs. New Graham Flour and Fresh Grits from new corn. Derillea Crabs with Shells, Pigs Feet HEADQUARTERS for everything new in Dress Goods, Trimmings, Notions, Etc., Etc. and everything that is new and seasona ble at living prices. Jellies, Jams, Preserves and Jellies of all kinds at French A Mato., The Popular Grocers. A physician In Cracow, Poland, has made some remarkable cures of canoer with a new medicine called cancroin. Its Ingredients have not been made pub lic. JUST RECEIVED AT ALLEN’S A full line of Zephyr in all colors, Stamped Linens and Hair Or naments, I will close out next week, Regardless of Cost, a fine line of Jackets, Capes and Plush G-oods. I am making room for my line of Fancy Notions Novelties and all kind of goods for Art Work, which will ar rive in a tew days Examine my line of Ladies’ Vests in Jer sey ribbed, ootton, cashmere and black silk, also Ladies’ Swiss ribbed Combination Suits, and Infants 1 Vests. Prices on all these goods in my line to suit the times. The most select lot of LATE STYLE WRAPS in the city. To arrive next week—A beautiful line Furl Capes with Muffs to match. M* B. WESTBROOK, M. D. . „ PHYttICl AN AND BURGEON. ” Office and residence, next house to c a tantinfton, Church street. fob 7 tf T A. FORT M. D. ‘ Ion rJcKt drug .tort, Barlow Block. P B '.-feySurAN ANp sbBOKOir. I Eldridge’s drug store, Barlow bldck, febs-ly DOCTORS J. B. AND A. B. HDiEB I Hava one of the beet famished and best equipped doctor’s offices In the South, No?!ia Jackson street, Americas, 3a. ™ General Surgery and treatment of the | Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose ,»tf A Specialt y’ —v —. C HAB. A. BROOKS, M. D. - (Graduate ol Bellevue lies,dial Medical College. N. Y„ twlee graduSTof N. Y Poet Graduate Medical School,chief Surgeon 8. A.M. R. R.etc.) Offer*his professionalBer> vlcea ae a general practltoner to I he cltlsene or Amerionaand surrounding country. Sue. attention given to operative .surgery! Including the treatment of hemorrhoid., (C tula, stricture, catarrn. and all diseases of Anne, Rectum, Genitourinary system and ?»S« ld M t . hro f. t Office In Murpbw building Jjmar St. Connected by epeakiit! tube with Bldrldn’eDrua Store. Calls shmuld he left or telephoned there during the dAy. *• night call at reeidenee on Lee 8L/hr tele phone No. 77. \ipr29tf E A. HAWKINS, T ATTORNEY AT LAW, I Offloe upetalrs on Gtmnborry oorabr. f P. WALLIS, , ATTORNEY AT LAW, wffiilLViKogf *° •“ • our «* ! 0®w*ove* l ATTORNEY AT LAW, Americas, Oa. Best line Fast Black Hosiery in Americus. W. T - |i A. HIXON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Gffloe In Baxley building* opposite So Court Houee. Prompt attention given to -'I bnilneat. |un5-ti. M aynard a smith, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. charges prepaid on goods sent out of the city I bu^Sf'^rS^'S," u n .‘ ,0 lZ v / r “ over P. L. Holt’*. sepi9-ddw3m* Samples Dress Goods sent on application, PA VINO OUR STREETS. At no diatant day the question of pav. ing the streets of Americus will come up, and preparatory to that event the city fathers might investigate the merits of vitrified briek as a paving material. Lexington, Ky., which claims to have been the first town in the country to test bricks on a roadway, la now laying vitri fied brick on about two miles of streets It Is claimed by Lexington people that twenty-five or thirty years ago an old resident there endeavored to secure tbe use of bricks for street-making by tbe local authorities, but, failing In this, he put down at his own expense a small amount of brick paving on one of tbe busiest streets in town, and that these bricks are etlll lu a good state of preeer- vatlon. In Galveston there is considera ble discussion as to what Is the best ma terial for paving, and Mr. Walter Gres ham, in reply to inquiries addressed to prominent men in cities where brick roadways have been tested, has received several letters very strongly commend ing them. Mr. William G. Whipple, of Little Rook, after describing the manner of putting down the brick, says: “We expect the pavement to last Ilk* granite. It Is now aa smooth and noiseless and as easy for animal and vehicle as asphalt." If people would take the advice of W. Rnsaell, the druggist, they never weald start on a Journey without a bot- «* tftpft ■tifHIfe Oalle, Otmbra end irthaNtBenidy. R ftajlways be d* ndld Ji nUMarakfA $aVa eett Im ' Call and see me and we will take great pleasure in showing you through. Very respectfully Yours, etc., TIM ALLEN, Prop’r. 402 Jackson St. under Hotel Windsor. School for Girls. MRS. E. A. CRAWFORD'S English and French home school for gtrle will re-open on tbe flrst Monday In October. The acbolar- ahfp U of the highest order, exactness and thorouglmssa being repaired In every detail from the primary through the seoloi ourse. Circulars sent on application. Addrtsa 818 BUI street, Athena, Georgia. Retan by permission to Hon. J. C. C. Black, Augusta; Bon. Pope Barrow, Athens; Dr. L. K. Cbarbonnler, Athens: Dr. B. C. White, Athens, Ga. oclsutfit DR. F. A. THOMAS, Physician and Surgeon. Will do a general practioe in the city bad vicinity. Ho found at his offio* whan nob professionally en- WU1 keep s!$te. qn'-pOpe door. by express to the amount of $5 and upwards. Beall & Oaklev, 313 LAMAR STREET, T L. HOLTON, , ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will practice In all the oountles of' the state. Prompt attention alveu to all col. | lections entrustedto my care. t| ANSLEY & ANSLEY, A TTORNEYS AT LAW, Americus, Ga. Will practice In the counties of Sum- I ter, Schley, Macon, Dooly, Webster, Stew art, In the Supreme Court, and the United 1 States Court. Jt The PHARMACY, Cor. Ootton Avo. and Forayth at. I carry as fine and varied a stock of Drugs, Chemicals, Standard Patent Medicines, and Imported Toilet Goods I _ * IWUI practice in all eomta. Partnership llmlttd aa oan bo found. I am not under enormous expenses and can sell yon goods and fill your * 7 PRESCRIPTIONS at reasonable rates. Give me a call and save money. W. C. RUSSELL, Proprietor.! , -AT-LAW, WU1 practiMto2fthe , (Srairaiand tatoe Soo ty Court for the next twelve months. lMt ddhrly. I Wnuoia r. Cuxia Fxakk A.Hoorxx. CLARKE A HOOPER, ttorneys at Law I AMERICUS, - - - . . GEORGIA mavlS-d-w-ly t Waltbb K. WxxATLxr, gjjunMu WhMttty * Fitxgemld, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OOeet toe Jacktoo BL, UpStain, AMEB1CU8, t GSOBGD janT-tf C.B,HUDSON, j L. J. BLALOCK of Schley eounty. | , of Americas. HUDSON It BLALOCK, ® utncvMs, H. D WATTS, * Has come to the front Watts Building, > Ootton avtnno, Americus Ga apr-lKa I and plenty of Jugs in tbe rear, which will be shipped to any part of the United States and Georgia. BeptltdAw SEND HIM YOUR ORDERS. * 0. SIMMONS, W. H. KDWOUOB SIMMONS Si KIMBROUGH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Harlow Block, Room 4. WB1 practlos la both Stats sad Fsdsrsl Coortx Strict attention paid to all bnslnssi sntnmsdw them. Telephone No. log. 19-lMOti 1 G L NORRMAN, , ARCHITECT, Wholesale and Retail Groceries I o ". I „ 0 ." , .i^SS£n I buildings of all descriptions —ptbllo bu»Id* I •ain, and con be found on the comer, !S?itb7r , ®\rff * * '* - - * 'tention. Wm. Hall, Superintendent a inert* I cue office. f Groceries Confectioneries, I I ff wcra *° and general engineering wort* I which he will sell at rock bottom prices. Country merchants ■pecia'ty. °offlee U over 1 Jobu*on STurSn | will find it to their interest to call and see him when 1 *“ > " on needing anything in his line. ■whiskies ^ bra-Isteies I Normal and Theological ScMI AMERICUS, GA. ' I To begin the 2d Monday October 1891. , This school Is intended for the beorfll T. E. Allen. J* t * ,0,e p«pll» Who may have flnlw**l in the public schools of the city, ot ott I era of tbe city and county, who w wlih to avail themselves of this <>PP?I tunlty of acquiring a more extensive <* I ucation than la afforded at preeenj “ I our midst A short oourae of tbeolfCI for tbe young men wishing to enter »l ministry. I Those from abroad can obtain bowa among our best families'at from |5 $7 00 per month. Teachers: R«va. 8. A. KcWEAL, A. a. STALEY, tTsTglovebJ Desiree to Inform the publle closed out bis grocery business eDd** | put In a splendid jlne of spot 0*4 goods: Gods, Cartridges, Sbe and such other goods as belong to tbi** Oitb Mb a call, T. S. GLOVER. T. M. Alien. E. Taylor. BEAL ESTATE. To Quick Purchasers, Two C3--A.I3ST© In small farms Part Cash. Good terms. Several Cottages to rent. Aixest, Taylor & Co.. •anew ly 4-11-St Mt wiffi, c A