Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, October 18, 1891, Image 5
THE AMERICUS DAIEY TIMES-RECORDFR: SfljjTDAY, OCTOBER 1.8, 1891.... C Alliancemen! THE BREAKFAST TABLE ITEMS OF INTEREST SPECIALLY PRE PARED FOR HASTY READERS. lHUhlty‘1 Doing! in Fangant Para grapba—Some Snap Shota by the Ropor to riel Camera-Whet Wei Going on Town Told In Briefest Manner. Of Southwest Ga. With compliments of the season, we respectfully invite yonr attention to our IMMENSE LINE Newest Styles in High Grade TAILOR-FITTING CLOTHING! FALL AND WINTER. We have ontdone ourselves this season and excelled all previous attempts in placing before you more attractions "and. exclusive Novelties in Clothing and Haber dashery. We carry,beyond a doubt (and the most of you kuow|it) the LARGEST STOCK of MEN’S and YOUTHS’ SUITS In this part of the state, and‘ are offering them at the very lowest prices. Call and examine these lines, as well as] our complete assortment in Extra Sizes, Stouts and Slims, which, as .to style and 'fit, cannot be surpassed. "To the Pledmoa' Exposition" Soya the preacher!' coalition, "Cornea King Sol. and all hli ballet-dancing •how; Direct from black perdition With thelrilnfhl exhibition.” Bandy emllea and aoftly wblepera, "Let her go." M. Brace. Herrmann, the prince of deceiven, will make bit first and last appearance bore to-morrow night. k o Pbilbarmonlo Club will meet to bw night at the residence of Ur. U. Callaway on Jackson street All seats down stairs $1.00, so you had better secure good seats at Thomp son & Anderson's the first thing in the morning. Be sure and eheek your seats early Monday morning, aa this will be* the only chance in a lifetime to see the won derful Herrmann. The Klckspoo show last night was of the dime-ad mission description, and the crowd, peering through the eraoka of the surrounding board fence and abont the entrance, was larger than that In the enclosure. The pile of building material In front of the new post-offloe on Forsyth street, should be placed In more oompact form, as It now extends abont half the width of the roadway, to the great Inconve nience of passing vehicles. The first balloon sent up by the Klok apoo show last night came to grief by hanging to a tree In its upward flight, but the next attempt was more success ful, and for n full hour afterward It was watohed, having faded into a small red star In the far northwestern sky. The sacred pantomime "Nearer My God to Thee," to be rendered at the First Methodist Church to-night by Miss Florence Powell, is a most beautiful and Impressive service. It Is the expression in the touching sign language of the mutes, of all the deep, tender and sol emn thought and feeling of this beauti ful hymn. All who possibly can should attend and witness it * "W« Are In IT." We have jnst received an Invoice of the latest style neckwear, In all shades ' 'red," from Havana to bright Vermillion. Thobntom Wheatley. The Next Attraction, Mined Pickles Having bad inch a successful ran I feel that other attractions should bo first- olass and propose to offer the coming week: 1 car Apples at SSo. peek. $8.00 bbl. 1 oar I. Potatoea, 25o. “ $.25 “ 1 car Canned Goods nt the following low prices: 2 lb. Table Peaches 15o. can, $1.50 dox. 31b. “ “ 20o. “ 2 00 “ 3 lb. Pie “ 12)o. “ 1.25 " 3 lb. Tomatoes, 12)o. “ 1.20 " 21b. » 8)o. '• .90 « Corn, Beans, Peas, Squash, Okra and Tomatoes for soup, Cherries, red and white, Raspberries, Blackberries, Pine apples, Strawberries and a thousand other kinds at 50 percent, under regular prices. My fine Butter trade still downs any thing new. Mackerel, Pigs’ Feet and everything to eat. Come at onee to Headquarters and save 20 per cent. E. D. ANSLEY, The Leading Grocer. w. D. bailey, “Biznes Is Bisr,es.” Thfl T ifiOfiimT an A nnltr I ' The Leading and only Exclu sive dealer in Mon’s Wear, (Including everything for Hen) -IN- Southwest Georgia, Look in at Artesian corner China Store and you will see a modern store—with a mod ern stook—with modern pri ces-all the result of modern ideas—every thing denotes a business way of doing busi ness. Has just received and A POPULAR PLACE FOR POPULAR PRICES! placed on sale the| Handsomest line of Full Dress Shirts EWERS A BABINS: I Pearl White, 70 A 80o. White Granite, $100 [ Decorated, 1.45 “ 2.00 If You Would c well, wear Diamond Spectacles FORSALE BY The Club. The meeting of The Club on Friday evening at the residence of Mr. H. T. Davenport, on College street, promises to be of unusual Interest In addition to the programme given below there will be introduced several unique fea tures. An election of offloers will take place, and every member la Invited to be preeent The following is the pro gramme: Violin Bolo .....Dr. Albert Hinkle Reeding Mr. Las Allen Raiding.. Mlu Gussla Mathews Bong Mrs. rf. B. Worthy Read lug. Col. W.T. Laos Muilc. Mlu Faonla Campbell Rsadlng Mr. Lott Warren Mlu Sadie Babcock Mr. Eugene Byrd Mlu Carrie Spear Reading Mr. W. E. Murphy Mus!a.._Mn. M. R. Lamar, Mlu H. Leamon If you want a nice dress overcota for iry little money go to THOBNT very horhtok Wheatley. A Talented Lady. Among the visitors to the legislative funeral this morning was Mrs. Basoom Myrickofthe Americas Times-Becor- deb. She li one of the brightest women in Georgia and does much to make the columns of thatattraetive paper as spark, ling as any In the state.—Atlanta Herald. CRANBERRIES at Avara'a. To My Friends. I am now with the well known firm of Wheatley <fc Ansley, whore I will be glad for all my friends and the pnbllo gener ally to eall and see me. All orders will receive speelsl attention. octlSddt w2t W. P. Hobmady, For Rant. Hr. Callaway la offering for rent a few choice rooms and offices, and a store. NBW ORLEANS SYRUP at Avaxa’a. Colognes, extracts, toilet waters and all toilet artieles at Dr. Eldridoe’s. -THE JOHN R. SHAW, “THE CHAMPION” 117 Forsyth St, AMlgfclouS, BA- kra Grocery Co. Retailers and Jobbers of niFiwtlnpgbiui i OPTICIANS. Under Hotel Windsor. A foil line of Staple Goods, also in onr stook. PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. Just received a large lot of Fresh Deviled Crabs with Shells. Tow Servants, ▲vent KnlaMba Womaa'i Missionary Conference. The business sessions of this ass binge dosed yesterday afternoon. All the offloers were reflected aa follows:! Mrs. R. D. Walker, Savannah, presi dent Mrs. J. O. A. Cook, Brunswick, vlee- presidents Mrs. W. B. Matthews, Fort Valley, re cording secretary. Mrs. J. B. Cobb, Maeon, correspond ing secretary. Mrs. W. D. Williams, Maoon, treas urer. The next meeting of the conference will be at Waynesboro. The meetings of the body have been largely attended and have been highly Interesting end Instructive. Much Infor mation oonoerning this greet branoh of Christian work bee been brought out, and a great deal ef Interest awaktned in it The meetings have been of much benefit to all Interacted, and cannot fall to do good to the ehnreh here and ad- vanoe the cause generally. The Times- Recorder will oontaln a full aooount of the proceeding* of the body In ite Issue of next Tuesday. An Informal reeeptlon to the delegatee aud their friend* waa held laat night at the residence of Mr. Lott Warren, and several hours were passed in delightful social pleasure. The programme of exeroises at the First Methodist church for to-day will be found below: 11 a. m.—Usual sermon by Rev. J. B. Johnston. 3:30 p. m.—Missionary "Experience Meeting.” 730 p. m.—Children’s Mluionary Ex ercise by the Juvenile Society of the First Methodist Church, as follows: 1. Marching Bong b/ the Society. 2. Flag Exeroises by the Society. 3. Recitation by Beesle Harris. 4. Pert Song, “Little Lamb* of God Are We”—Mallie Davit, Eugene Pur- viaace, Lewis Maxwell. Chorus by. the Society. 5. Climbing Exercise by the Society. 6. Recitation—Lon Lee Salter and Maud Lester. 7. Duett—Jessie Morgan and Lewis MaxwelL Sacred Pantomime, "Nearer My God ■to Thee," by Miss Florence Powell. Cloelng—Address by Mrs. W. C. Dow dell. to be seen anywhere, at prices most reason-1 able. interest youi and inspect It will to eall them. LAMPS: MY LINE OP Brsss Swinging, Mammoth Store, Student, $2.40 4.50 Full Dress Bows. are conceded to be the| lovliest ever seen. WASHSTAND BETS: Pearl White, $2.00* White Granite, 2.75 Decorated, 3.00 “ to $23.50 TINWARE: Small Milk Pans, $ .03 Dish Pans, ,ig Wash Basins, ,05 Japanned Cuspidors, .10 JOB LOTB VASES. 1st Lot, Cboloe, $.25 2nd “ “ 50 8rd “ “ .75 4th " " 1.00 LAMPS (Borneo wick): Little Jewel, $1.25 Niokol “Banner" 2.00 Banquet (30 Inches), 4.50 Plano (8 feet) 8.00 Enos - STOVES: I Ornamental Iron, $12.50 [ Gasoline Improved, 0 00 joil, .05 Spirit, .45 continue lead and to take the the young man who fails to wear one is not considered “correct” They ight, flexible and styl- TOTS A GAMES: Dolls, All Prices. RnbberToys, •• “ ' All Games, “ ", Banks * Safes, “ SPECIA.L INVTTA.TIOISr. Last season onr friends seemed to appreciate “the” Musio Box. Every one had their fa vorite tone and the Masio Box was everyone’s favorite. This wear we have gotten a large $160.00 Box—with 12 tunes, drams and bells. Some evening after tea, get a friend or two and drop around and listen to it play—we’ll begladtosee yon. ssrrHBuTLER & Berry Everybody compli ments my line of NECKWEAR combines beauty, | taste and elegance. DIAMONDS. co c o Night Robes, Underwear and Hosiery are leading features of my business and de serve special attention. 43," We never find it necessary to u Blow our > own horn!' c N-* The quality of our goods and the low ft) prices do that. G Freeman & T5 Crankshaw. WATCHES. This department con* sists of Men’s Fine I Shoes exclusively, andl . _ TT ^ m never rails to suit the| JOHN E/. SCH NilDT purchaser. On Umbrellas and Takes this opportunity of informing the people, of Americas and the adjoining country that he is now fitting up]m the best of style, and wilfshortly open one of the Walking Canes eadquarters. I ami Finest and Most Complete Restaurants to be Found in the South! Bed neckties from 75c. to $1.25 at Tborktoe Wheatley's. EVERYTHING TO NAT at Avara’a. Now Is the season to pleat your onions. CallntDr. Xldridge’e sod bay yonr sets. r> Pare wines, brandies sad whiakise for OO. medMrndMtioUat a'e Drag Store. Order doing My Suit to Department is a rushing business. Paices from $15 and upwards and satis faction guaranteed. G-ive me a call. I take pleasure in show- mu goods. W. D. BAILEY, 4lfc Jaskaoa at, seder New Hotel He will spare no expense or pains to make it worthy of the patronage of the very best people, and Americus can then boast of a place where everything good will be served in a stylo as never before seen in this city. Remember thelplace-Schmidt's Reading Room, Lamar St, 8-ldawly Bespectfhlly, JOHN E. SCHMIDT. STALL FED BEEF. Georgia Beef, finer than any Westernlbeefjyoujever saw, at MAYO & WINKLER*