Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, October 20, 1891, Image 5
tBDB bATLY ^IMES"REC0RDBR: TUESDA1, OCTOBER 20, 1891. THE BREAKFAST TABLE I ITEMS OF INTEREST SPECIALLY PRE PARED FOR HASTY READERS. | Yesterday's Doing* In Pangant Para graphs—Some Snap Shots by the Repor- torial Camera-What Was Goins on in Town Told In Briefest Manner. He bouf tat house* and lot*, And horses and yachts, Paid fabulous prices for pottery, f Bat bis race was soon run, And It ended his fun When he tangled the L. A. S. Lottery. Tbe racket bell dancers are a great hit | with “A Breezy Time.” “A Breezy Time” Is by long odds tbe I best musical comedy on tbe road this Feliov Citizens! Alliancemen! Of Southwest Ga.: E. B. Fltz and Kathryn Webster, the well-known musical artlits, hare promi nent parts In "A Breezy Time." Amerlous, with the resumption of her eleetrlo railway, and a free postal deliv ery system will take on new life, and the values of suburban real estate will reach tbelr real standard Tbe gentle zephyrs of “A Breezy Time” will waft themselves thitherward about Friday, and those who wish to In hale the exhilarating ozone should se cure their seats early, which will be on sale at the usual time. The work of paving our principal thoroughfares must soon come before tbe people as a vital question, and the relative merits of brick and granite as a durable and lasting material for that purpose are now being fully tested In other cities. The results might be. re corded for future referenee. A circus on tbe 28th I That means lots to the youog folks—and old ones, as well. Who ever tired of the clown’s With compliments of the season, stale jokes, tbe trained horses, the pink we respectfully invite your attention to oar IMMENSE I-IIVE News! Styles in High Me TAILOR-FITTING lemonade, or the beautiful equestrienne who leapB from the flying steed through blazing hoops? Verily, the sawdust ring brings baek to us all memories of sweet and happy childhood, and we still have In our hearts tender spots for the canvas-covered show of our early days, and “tickets for the concert” will catch many stray dimes. The cool wave has resurrected from their places of summer repose in the cel lar many a stove within the past few days, and has likewise added to the diary of the recording angel many cuss- words resulting from their erection. There are fpw|men Injthls world, who do not make It; a business, that cannot put up a stove better than anybody else, and viewed In anticipation, the occupation is novel and Interesting. Bat the reality brings forth only failure, profanity and an agonized summons to the stove-fitter for immediate assistance, TBE FREE DELIVERY. The Free Festal p.llvery for America, u Early Certainty. In a conversation with Postmaster J, C. Honey a Tuies-Rkcobdeb reporter learned that the free postal delivery system for our city Is au assured fact, and that It will go into effect within tbe next ninety days. Mr, Roney has been In correspondence upon the subject with the postoffice an thorities for Borne time, and feels justi fied in stating that everything regarding the matter will be settled by the first of tbe ensuing year. There are many towns In the state smaller In point of population, and greatly Inferior as regards postal distri bution, whleh possess the advantages of the free delivery system, and Amertcus should long ago have been recognized In this respect In population and com mercial Importance Americas Is tbe metropolis of Southwest Georgia, and the inauguration of this recognition of its title to tbst supremacy will only be giving to our city Its just snd long-mer ited deserts. “IV. Are In It" We have just received an invoice of the latest style neokwear. In all shades “red,” from Havana to bright vermtUion. Tuobnton Wheatley, PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. If you want a nice dress overcota for I very little money go to Thobnton Wheatley. Married. On Sunday afternoon, at the residence | of the bride’s parent, Mr. J. W. Cobb, in East Amertcus, Miss Kittle C. Cobb and Mr. B. L. Guerry, Rev. R. M. William- [ son officiating. Hr. Guerry is an attache of this office, well worthy of the treasure I he has secured. May kind Providence smile upon them and blesa them is the earnest wish of The Timks-Rbcordeb. FALL AND WINTER. i iu ion s _ We want every mother to know that 1 croup can be prevented. True croup We have outdone ourselves this neTW »PP«»w without a wanting. The season and excelled all previous ho * r80DC “i ‘ h ®“ attempts in placing before y(ra °»>Hd appear, to have takcncold ora .. , e . , f. cold may have accompanied tbs ,hoarse- more attractions .and exclusive ne „ from ^ ttllrti After that a peon- Novelties in Clothing and Haber- liar rough cough Is developed, which Is dashory. We carry,beyond a doubt followed by the eroup. The time to not (and the most of you knowjit) the w *'en the ohild first becomes hoarse; a LARGEST STOCK of " few doeee of Chamberlain’s Cough Rem- “ edywlU prevent thaattaok. Even after a rough cough has appeared, the disease ybe prevented by uslngjhls remedy Movement. In tb. Social and BuiineM Circle, of America., Watches, diamonds, silverware, clocks and jewelry of all kinds are to be found in the cases of the Amerlous Jewelry Company, « « » Mr. E. A. Torbert of Columbus is in the city for a few days. - Hon. Max Everett o£ Lumpkin was In the city yesterday on business. Mr. C. H. Rouse of Macon was regis tered at the Allen House yesterday. Mr. DuPont Guerry, a prominent law yer of Macon, waa on our streets yester day. Miss Minnie Lowe of Columbus is vis. itlng Miss Lena Haynes at her home in this city. Miss Lollie Fort, one of Lumpkin’s charming belles, is visiting friends and relatives in the city. , Judge W. K. Wheatley and Mr. E. A. Hawkins, Jr,, rdtnrned yesterday from a flying visit to Macon. Mr. R. K. Ragland, formerly ticket agent at the union depot in Birmingham, has come to Amerlous and will hold down the tloket department at the Cen tral. The Next Attraction, Mixed Pickles Having bad such a successful run I feel that other attractions should be firat- olass and propose to offer tbe coming week: 1 car Apples at A5o. peek. 83.00 bbl, 1 ear I. Potatoes, 25o. “ 2.26 tear Canned Goods at tbe following low prices: 2 lb. Table Peaebes 16c. can,* 81.60 do*. 81b. “ “ 20c. “ 2.00 3 lb. Pie « 12)c. “ 1.26 3 lb. Tomatoes, 12)0." 1.20 21b. “ 8)o. .00 « Corn, Beans, Peas, Squash, Okra and Tomatoes for soup, Cherries, red and white, Raspberries, Blackberries, Pine apples, Strawberries and a thousand other kinds at 60 percent, under regular prices. My fine Butter trade still downs any thing new. Haokerel, Pigs’ Feet and everything to eat, Come atj’once to Headqaarters and save 20 per cent. E. D. ANSLEY, The Leading Grocer. If You Would Mr. C. B. Jones, of Spring Hill, Iowa, says: “I have used Chamberlain's Pain Balm for severe and painful barns with better effect than anything else I have ever tried. It relieves the palnlnstantly and cures without leaving a soar.” Pain Balm Is one of the most useful medleines that any family can be provided with, especially for rheumatism, lame back, sprains, braises, tooth-aohe, ear-aohe and like ailments. One application will relieve the pain, and a fair trial Insure a cure. 60 cent bottles for sale by W. C. Russell. ' i . - c well,"wear Diamond FOR SALE BY Thompson & Anderson OPTICIANS, Under Hotel Windsor. Pas Fall baa come and with It.thr .time to settle "that little bill’’ at Dtt. ElDiudqe’s. MEN’S and YOUTHS’! ™ SUITS ireoted. For sale by W. C. GRANDER HIES nt Avers'*. The Latest. Red neckties from 76c. to 81.25 at - Thornton Wheatley’s. EVERYTHING TO BAT at A Vera’s. In this part of the state, and are offering them at the very lowest ''Apn’ldridge’^bu 0 ; prices. Call and examine these) your sets, lines, as well as] our complete assortment in Extra Sizes, Stouts and Slims, which, as Ito style and 'fit, .cannot be surpassed. JOHN R. SHAW, ‘THE CHAMPION” Mr. Callaway Is offering for rent a few | choice rooms and offices, and a store. NEW ORLEANS SYRUP at Aveta’e. -THE Avera Grocery Co, Retailers and Jobbers of 117 Forsyth s£| AMKRIOUS, - O-A. RUTABAGA TPBNIP8 «t Avere’s. • Road Commissioners’ Convention. A call for a convention of the road commissioners of the state has been issued to meet in Atlanta on tbe 27th of thla month. So far, no steps have been taken to send delegates from this eoOB-’ ty. This is an Important movement and Sumter should be represented, therefore a meeting of the road commission of this county hat been oalled to meet the court house In Amerlous at 10 o'eloek, Satur day, October 24. Let all attend, as no time can be lost in this matter. Little, bat Lively. “Little drove or water, Little (rains of sand. Make the rolfhty ocean And thfl DieiaiDt Und." And dropping into proto, we would tay, that Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pallets are mild, bat prompt In relieving const! pttlon, slok headache, billons attacks, pain In region of kidneys, torpid liver, and In restoring a healthy, natural ac tion to the stomeeh and bowelf. 26 eents a vial. One Pellet a dose. Little, bat lively. The use of the old etyle, drastic pills Is an outrage on the human •yatom. BUT APPLES la tewe at Avets's. Clocks in all atylaa. sizes, shapes and prtoes. Call and see them. James Fbickeb 4 Bno. For your toilet powders, toilet creams, snd In fact all toilet preparations, call at Da. Eldbidoe's. Fresh arrival of Louisiana and Ftorida oranges In boxes and barrels at Wm. J. Kebh Commission Co., 812 Lamar Street. Are you going to use or Electric Light Fixtures? If so we can save you money. We have $ 10,000 worth of Gas and Com bination fixtures in Brass, Copper, Gilt, Bronze, Old Iron, Or molu, Silver, &c., in stock. Our prices are 10 per cent, cheaper than you can buy from the factory. We carry afull line of tfard Wood and Mar- bieized Iron Mantels, Tile Hearths, Grates, &c. Heating and Cook ing Stoves, Ranges, Fire Sets. Coal Vases, Hods, Fenders, &c in Brass and Japanned. Send for prices. We are furnishing the New Hotel with gas fixtures. Hannicntt Oellingrath Go, ATLANTA, GA m LITTLE SEWM MACHINE KAI Deviled Crabs with Shells. , , vl I i /L /, T°P r Servant*, -^ ”• " Averb Grocery Co. Hew He. 380 Lamar St, The Intestines of an ox have an aver age length of about 150 feet, and those of a sheepp *p^S>fabosrt i 0O7<*t.^B Colognes, extracts, toilet waters and] all.toilct articles, at Pi I’SNs . Copy fot* change'oT advertisement must bo handod in at this office before 12 o'clock on ijav before publication. This applies to all and will be enforced. - •{^fJ'TiiiEB Publishing Co. July 28.18HI, tf.77^«7imwn BULK OLIVES at Avera'*. Pure wines, braodtee and whiskies for medicinal use, told at THATMOa Da. Eldbii>«s's Drag Store. SEWING MACKS & MOTORS For all Machine* on eeey terms, and ean supply tb* beet Wins, Oils, ittadinenls, Etc., rOt AU MACHINES. Bpeelal attention siren to repetiioE all •mall Machinery. Orders by mall win re els* prompt attention. “Blznes is Bisnes.” Look in at Artesian corner China Store and you will see a modern store—with a mod ern stock—with modern pri ces-all the result of modem, ideas—every thing denotes a business way of doing busi- ness. • ; . ; A POPULAR PLACE FOR POPULAR PRICES! EWERS A BABIES: Pearl White, 70 A 80c. White Granite, 81.00 Decorated, 1,46 « 2.00 LAMPS: Brass Swinging, Mammoth Store, Student, 82.40 4.50 8.00 WASH8TAMD SETS: I’earl White, White Granite, Decorated, “ to 82.00 2.75 3.00 823.60 TINWABB: Small Milk Pans, 8 Dish Pans, Wash Basins, Japanned Cuspidors, .10 JOB LOTS VASES. 1st Lot, Choice, .8 .25 2nd “ “ 80' 8rd ,75 4th ” “ 1,00 STOVES: Ornamental Iron, 812 50 Gasoline Improved, 0 00 Oil, .05 Spirit, .45 LAMPS (bound wifcx): Little Jewel, 81-25 Hlckel “Banner" ~, 2.00 Banquet (30 Inches), 4.50 8.00 TOTS A GAMES: Dolls, All Prices. Rubbor Toys, “ “ AU Games, ", “| Banks A Safest " “ SPEOLAX, INVTTATIOlSr. Last season our friends seemed to appreciate "the” Music Box. Every one had their fa vorite- tune and the Mosio Box was everyone’s favorite. u This year we have gotten a large 1150.00 Box—with 12 tunes, drams and bells. Some evening after tea, get a friend or two and drop around and listen to it play—we’lT be glad to see you. i • , ; , , , , - Butler & Berry DIAMONDS. £ > c We never find it necessary to “ Blow our own horn," The quality of our goods and the low prices do that. Freeman & Crankshaw. ATLA/UM.OH. WATCHES. ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. eeeh Intertlom No edvenlsemeat taken tat lees th«n fifteen cents, WJUrtrtcB. B^hb*^ , «'rn3’ re L u 7. , % h r l « Ktcorder office. “ O NK cop* (MU Of »I*rper« m Ritzineof December, 1888, Mey, 18ay, March. l&O. AgtiLWWy Apply lo Timelt-Recorder office " ssJ _ 1. P, HaHT, Drmm 14 In OHN EX SCHMIDT Takes this opportunity of informing the people of Ameriens and the adjoining country that he is now fitting upjin the best of style, and wilTshortly open one of the inest and Most Complete Restaurants to lie Found in tbe South. He will spare no expense or pains to make it worthy of the patronage of the very best people, and Atnericua can then boast of a place whore everything gooi will be served in a style as never before seen in this city. i . Remember the place-Schmidt’s, Reading Room, Lamar St, 8-1 dAwly T Respectfully, JOHN E- SCHMIDT. |f BEEF. Georgia Beef, finer than any Western beef you ever saw, at MAYO a&r* CAX.L TO-DA'