Newspaper Page Text
f«w-.; ‘ M * — $ J } ' i? ? ' { .! $ -■ r. I j-j r J.
Oi #!»• Brlda'* Arm.
Mr*. Gregg bad one of the pretHert
weddings that ever took plaoe tn tb.
Mawa'JhnMtti town in which «h» ] lv ® L
But there wiu one odd incident of the
tension which a few of her friend, who
are in the secret .-call with mac . amuse
ment. Although a lady of qniet taste,
Mrs Or tea wore something whien cer-
"”i y no bride over wore befom
Her wedding present from her old
friend Dr. Jameson was an axqmmte af
fair of lace, embroidery and white satin
ribbon, which he had brought from
Paris. It came just asthe wedding party
were starting for the church.
"What a lovely bagl" exclaimed the
bride: "I am going to wear it. That
will please dear Dr. Jameson:" and slip
ping the white satin atrings over her arm
•he thought no more of it until after the
"That fa a tMsntifnl bag, and ao odd."
“I never saw a bag like it The mate
rial ia beautiful.” commented some of her
"I suppose the style la new." replied
Mra Gregg. “Dr. Jameson brought it
to me from Paris I am delighted with
^"TJid you pnt anything in Itr asked
Dr. Jameson, who bad been listening to
this conversation with a smile that was
suspiciously near a laugh.
"No.” replied Mrs. Gregg: "I’ll pnt
my handkerchief in. What—why —
why. there’s no bottom in it. What is
it, Dr. Jameson?"
"Well," replied Dr. Jameson, “I
bought it for a lamp shade!"
And it was n lampshade, edged with
lace and drawn tip at the top with white
satin ribbon.—Youth’s Companion.
P. r. P. Save# Life.
A prominent Savannahiar. formerly
superintendent of a railroad says: “X
was orippled In my feet anJ arms ao
that I could not walk without crutches,
nor eat without having a servant to feed
me. I tried physicians everywhere, but
to no purpose, and finally went to Hew
York, where*my doctors, at one time,
decided to amputate my arm, but found
that course impracticable on aceount of
a wound I had received during the war.
I returned to Savannah a complete
wreok, and my case seemingly hopeless.
As a forlorn hope I began to take P. P.
P., and am rejoiced to say that after
using three bottle* my limbs began to
straighten out, my appetite and health
soon returned, and I now feel like a new
man; really, as If I had been made over
again, and as if I could live forever—so
long as I can get P, P. P."
Tala gentleman will not give his name
for publication, but authorizes ua to
refer anpbody to him for a verification
of these faou, who will apply to us.
Yours truly, Lippman Bros.,
Wholesale Druggists,
Proprietors of P. P. P.,
Savannah, Ga
The Courts.
The remaining courts of this term In
the Southwestern clreuit will be held as
Lee, first Monday In November.
Macon, second and third Mondays in
Men of science say that the chemist
will undoubtedly dominate coming in
A Story of GenerAl Logan.
"That ia a remarkable story about
Mrs. John A. Logan,” remarked a gen
tleman to a party of friends the other
evening. ’’A few months before lief
husband's death she had been with
him to New Mexico for his health, and
when they had returned to Chicago a
young girl of twenty, who had been a
favorite witli General Logan since her
childhood, came in to see them in the
evening, and he jokingly asked her what
she had learned since he saw her last.
She said she hast been studying palm
istry, and he held out his hand and
laughingly told her to read his 'fortune.'
Her fane became serious at the first
glance and she told liim that death
was marked in it, and that unless be
changed his method of living and
working and got rest he would be in his
grave speedily.
"Mrs. Logan, who stood by, observed
that this revelation hod a disturbing ef
fect on her husband, and with some re
assnring remark and a laugh held ont
her hand and told the yonng lady to
read her hand. The girl took it, looked
at the lines an instant, and hnrst ont
crying. ’Yon will be a widow within
eix months,’ sobbed the young palmist,
dropping the hand. And in less time
than that the nation was mourning the
loss of [Senator Logan and Mra. Logan
was a widow.”—New York Truth.
The Proof of the Pudding.
Have you humors causing blotches?
Does your blood run thick and sluggish?
Are you drowsy, dull and languid?
Isabel taste fn your mouth, and
Is your tongue all furred and coated?
In your sleep with bad dreams broken?
Do you feel downhearted, dismal.
Dreading something. what, you know not?
Then be ,ery sure you’re bilious—
That you have a torpid liver.
Two Quick for Rim.
The only man who ever was loo quick
for Joe Dye, the bad man of Ventura,
was Petroleum Scott, the olil Ventura
oil man, a tall, wiry, nervou* drop, who
would lie tlie terror of stenographers If
ho were a public speaker. Phillips
Brooks is a leisurely drawler compared
to Scott. Scott and Dye had a legal con
test over an oil claim on the Sespe. and.
while the case waa pending, Scott pru
dently avoided discussing it with Joe,
whose temper and trigger finger were
notoriously quick and apt to act in cou-
One day Scott and Dye met in Santa
Panla and, sitting down at a table to
gether. chatted about things In general.
Scott carefully abstained from talking
about oil claims, but Joe finally broached
the subject and made some statement
abont the records that was not correct
This is the way Scott tells the story:
“Without thinking, 1 said, ’Joe, you’re a
liar,’ and as soon as the words were ont
of my month he yanked his revolver and
stuck it under my nose. But 1 wu* too
quick for him. I took it all hack before
he could shoot"—San Francisco Argo
A Curious Palm of South America.
One of the most curious palms in the
world is called the "Ita," and is very
abundant on the banks of the Amazon,
Rio Negro and Orinoco rivers, in the
‘'vita of the latter it occupies swampy
tracks, which are at times completely
inundated and present the appearance of
forests rising out of the water. The
swamps are inhabited by a tribe of In
dians called Guanines, who sntwiat al
most entirely npon the produce of the
tree. During the annual floods they sus
pend their hotues from top* of the tall
stems of the palms The onter skin of
the yonng leaves is made into cords for
hammocks, rad the soft Inner bark yields
a nutritious farinaceous substance.—In
terview in Washington Star.
Piper Legends.
The Wends, who, we believe, are the
ancestors of the modern Prussians, are
the center of many legends. The Pied
Piper of Hamelin was a Wend: so alao
was the piper of the Hart* monntains,
who appeared so many days a year, and
played unearthly tunes, and whosoever
heard at once fell into a frenzy, from
which there wiu no escaping. All these
pied and weird pipers assembled once a
year a? the Brocken, where there wiu a
general carnival, the A*ch Fiend lead
ing the concert on a violin, witches roll
ing aronnd and fiddling on the skulls of
hortea, and the piper* adding the con
cert of their nnboiy instruments.—Cham
ber.- Journal
No Water on Polished PI04re.
The Cleanret and most perfectly pol-
uhed floors have no water used on them.
They are simply robbed off every morn
ing with a large flannel cloth Which is
soaked in kerosene once in two weeks.
Take the cloth and with scrubbing brush
or stubby broom go rapidly up and down,
not across, the boards. After a few rub-
Wngs the Boor will have a polished ap
pearance.-Chicago Herald.
and what you need is something to rouse
it and make it aotive enough to throw off
the impurities that clog it; something to
invigorate the debilitated system, and
help all the organs to perform the duties
expected of them, promptly and energet
ically. That “something” is Pierce’s
Golden Medical Discovery, the great
Blood Purifier, which its proprietors
have such faith in that they guarantee it
to cure. If it does not, your monoy will
be refunded. But it will. Buy it, try
it, and bo convinced of its wonderful
power. If the proof of the pudding is in
the eating, the proof of this remedy is in
the taking.
Capt. T. II. Johnson.
To all whom it may concern: I take
great pleasure in testifying to the effica
cious qualities of the popular remedy
for eruptions of the skin, known as P. P.
P. I suffered for several years with an
unsightly and disagreeable eruption on
my race, and tried various remedies to
remove it, none of which accomplished
the object until this valuable prepara
tion was resorted to. After taking three
bottles in accordance with directions I
am now entirely cured.
J. D. Johnston,
Of the firm of Johnson A Douglass,
oct.20,d2t,w2t Savannah, Ga.
The most certain means not to lose
what good one does is to at once forget
A Little FatherlyJAdvIce.
“If ever you marry,” said an old gen
tleman to bis son, “let It be a woman
who has judgment enough to superin
tend the getting of a meal, taste enough
to dress herself, pride enough to wash
her face, and sense enough to use Dr.
Pieroe’t Favorite Prescription whenever
the needs It” The experience of the
I hat shown the “Favorite Presciip-
" to be the best for the cure of all
female weaknesses and derangements,
Good sense It shown by getting the rem
edy from your druggist, and using it
whenevor yon feel weak and debilitated.
It will invigorate and cannot possibly do
To steadily persevere in one’s business
and be silent is the best answer to cal
Mirtle H, Tanner, Boonvllle, Ind.,
writes: “I had blood poison from birth.
Knots on my limbs were as large a* hen’s
eggs. Doctors said I would be a cripple,
hut B. B. B. baa oured me sound and
well. I shall ever praise the day the
men who Invented Blood Balm were
born.” oo20 lm
“The road to fortune is through print
ers’ Ink.—P. T. Barnum.
People witn Impure blood may be said
to exist, not live. Life ir robbed of
half its joys when the blood is loaded
with impurities and disease. Correct
this condition with DeWitt’s Sarsapa
rilla, it is reliable. For tale by the
Davenport Drug Company.
To live without working is to check in
one’s self the very fount and spring of
For Over Fifty Vein
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been
used for children teething. It soothes
the ohlld, softens the gums, allays all
pain, cures wind colie, and is the best
remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents
a bottle. Sold by all druggists through
out the world.
Sumter, fourth Monday In Novem
May Interest Yon.
I have accepted a managing position
at the home office of the New York Auc
tion Clothing Company and will remove
to New York as soon ss I can dispose of
my real estate here. I have several
houses and lots that I am anxious to sell
at prices satisfactory to the purchaser,
and on terms that cannot help but
I offer the houses at a nominal pay
ment down, tho balance $3.00 per week
mens down, tno balance $3.00 per week
until paid for, and the vacant lota at
one dollar per week with 8 per cent, in
terest. The property Is in one of the
best neighborhoods in the city, and this
offer should command the immediate
attention of intending purchasers.
27sep-lm S. M. Cohen.
Fresh arrival of pigs feet and sauer
kraut at
Wu. J. Kerb Commission Co.,
312 Lamar Street.
How About This.
Just in
Fresh Crisp Celery.
Cape Cod Cranberries, Grapes—Ma
lagas, Catawbas and Niagras.
New Florida Orangea.
Cocoanuts, London Layer Figs and new
Eastern Apples, Lemons.
Potatoes, Iiuta Bagas, Beets.
Eastern Cabbages.
Dodson & Hill's Famous Pickles,
sweet and sour mixed.
Mangos and German Dills.
Our regular Friday shipment of that
Pure Jersey Country Butter and Fresh
Country Eggs.
New Graham Flour aDd Fresh Grits
from new corn.
Derillea Crabs with Shells, Pigs Feet
and everything that is new and seasona
ble at living prices.
Jellies, Jams, Preserves and Jellies of
all kinds at French & Mayo ,
The Popular Grocers.
Chamberlain's Era and Bktn
A certain enro for Chronlo Sore Eyet,
letter. Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Old
Chronlo Song, Fever Sores, *«■*"»*,
Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore Nipples
and Piles. It ia ooolinjj and soothing.
Hundreds of oases have been cored by
it after all other treatment bad failed.
It is pnt up in S3 and 60 oent boxes.
Wholesale Grocery Market.
Notice to Stockholders.
The eighth call of ten per cent upon
the capital stuck of the Americus Manu
facturing A Improvement Co., has been
made, and will be payable at the office
of the treasurer, at the People's Nation
al Bank, November 1.
John Windsor, Treasurer,
THE GROCERY of Americas Is Avera's,
Call and get yonr supply of winter un
derwear. Odd garments or fall salts to
match. Prices and qualities to suit all.
ocl8*un tu fri Thornton Wheatley.
A full line of library and pedestal
sold at
lamp* and fixtures sold at reasonable
prices at Dn. Eldkidqe’s Drag Store.
Cotton Seed Hulls for tale at the
Amerious Oil Mill. octls-tf
In the museum of the dead letter office
at Washington there is a piece of parch
ment npon which Is penned aoopy of the
Lord’s Prayer, written in fifty-four dif
ferent languages.
DeWRt’s Sarsaparilla destroys such
poisons as scrofula, skin disease, ecze
ma, rheumatism. Its timely use saves
many lives. For sale by the Davenport
’ Company.
Winter foroing of tomatoes Is very
profitable, especlolly near large cities. A
high temperature, plenty of sunlight and
great care in the growing are all that is
required to produce good retQlts.
DeWitt’s Sarsaparilla cleanses the
blood, Increases tho appetite and tonea
up the eyitem. It ha* benefltted many
eople who have (offered from blood
laordert. It will help yon. For sale by
the Davenport Drug Company.
Chicago la about to add to Ita attrac
tions a steel chimney 230 feet high.
Investigate their merits. De Witt’s
Little Early Risers don't gripe, cause
nausea or pain, which accounts for their
popularity. The Davenport Drug Com
pany says they would not run a drug
■tore without these little pills.
An EDglish physician, Dr. Lennox
Wainwright, affirms that a mixture of
menthol and carbonate of ammonia has
proven to be the best remedy for hay
fever. It is used as smelling salts.
Amongst true friend* there is no fear
of losing anything.
Perfect action and perfect health re
sult from the nse of DeWItt'e Little
Early risen, a perfect little pill. For
sale by the Davenport Drug Company.
When Bshy waa sick, sr* fare bar Osstoria.
Wbea she was a Child, sha cried foe Osatoria.
s she became Miss, she clung to Csstorto.
When she bad ChOdiso, she garetl
Eye blinds and dark atablea are said to
be the greatest cause in the blindness of
We cannot afford to deceive yon. Con-
deuce is. begotten by honesty.
Witt’s Little Early Risers are pills that
will care constipation and sick headache.
For salo Ifr the Davenport Drug Com
Tax Notice.
Tho books are now ready, and until
further notice I will be in my office for
the purpose of collecting the taxes from
9 o'clock a. ro. to 3 o'clock p. m. every
day, except Sunday. J. B. Duxx,
octlO Tax Collector.
OWIFTB SPECIFIC l*a remedy which
^ is far in advance of medical science,
as it has been expelling MicroM from the
blood, and cuing the wont diseases for
60 yean, and it is only recently that the
medical world have concluded that
to cure disease is to force ont the beccilli
through the PORES OF THE SKIN.
Jever Fails to do this.
•sra that betas tasajMS^^^B
«I from sa abscess which formal In
him. Il« coaid not iwillow solid rood, sod wes to
• most palnta! condition. Hiaursttatta took only
this* bottle* sat tbat It effected a complete can.
Trestles oo Blood sad Skin Diseases msPed host
Drawer &
• Tutt’s Pills. •
Americuh, Oft., October 15,1801.1
Corrxx*~Arbuokle’a routed, aij^o. for 100
pounileuee. Green, extra ebolce, 18020c.
Rugae Granulated, 5o. Powdered, 7%.
Brmup— New Orleans, choice, Prime,
Common, Molasses, Gena*
lne Cuba, Country 8>rap,
T*A«-Black,35c.@55c. Green, 49o.0OOe.
N UTMKG8—7cC.08OO«
Cf NX AMO lOe.012^0.
Jamaica Gixobb—12o.
Singapore Pepper—18c.
Rice—Choice. 4^c.06c.
Salt—Dairy, fl.60. Virgin!*, 65c.
Cheers-Full cream, 12c. Skim, Oc.0lCc.
White Fisu-H»lf barrels, $3.250$3AO
Pails, 50c.
So a p—Te 1 low, 100 bars, 75 pounds, $8,000
|3.7o. Turpentine, 60 bars, 60pounds, $1,760
$2.25. Tallow, 63 bars, 60 pounds, $2.2501253.
Candles—IY.rafflne, 12V£e.014c. Star, 10c.
01 ic
Matches—Four Hundreds, $3.00093.75.
Three Hundreds,$2.25012 75. Two Hundred*,
$1.50092.03. Sixty*, 5 grow, $3 75.
Sjda—Kegs, bulk, G*. K«*g*, l pound pack
nge*, 5^c. Can*, assorted, pounds, 6c.06.l4c:
; pounds, 6c.0O^c.
CBAckEHH—X X X soda, 6c. XXX butter,
6?'£c. XXX pearl oyster, 6c. Siell and ex
celsior oyster, 7c. Lemon cream, 8J^c. XXX
ginger snaps, 8J£c. CornhMls, 11c.
Can dv—Assorted $tlck, 7c. French, Jmix-
ed, 12*c.
Canned Goods—Condensed milk, $6,000
$7.75. 8il f » on, $1 2)0$165. F. W. Oysters,
$100011.10. Corn, $2.OO0$2.75. Tomatoes,$1.75
012.50. Can Potash, $3,000*3.25.
Starch—Pearl, per case, 6feo. Lump, 5}$o,
Nickel package, $3.50. Celluloid, $5.00.
Pickles—Plain or mixed, pints, $1.50;
quarts* $1.50011.80.
Powder—Rifle, kegs, $5.50; M kegs, $8.00:
Kkegs, $1.65.
Shot—91.65 per sack.
Meat—Strips, 6^o. Bulk tides, 7^c. Ham,
Flour—Family, $4.76. Straight, $5.25. Pat*
ent, $5.65096.00.
Kerosene oil—Barrels, 12c.@16^c.
8nuff—List price.
Cigabs—$12^00935.00 per 1,000.
Cigarettes—$3 65 per 1,UC0.
Cheroots—$12.0)0$ 14.00 per 1,000.
Irish Potato xs-$2,i0@$2.50por barrel.
To the Saperlor Court of sold County; mg-Oy-
. The pe ltlon of E.H. Ferguson.J. J.CalTrey,
both of Louisville. Ky., Jobn M.Green of
Atlanta, Oa., H. C. iiagley and M. H. Har
per, respectlully, show. ihat Ihey and their
successors desire u> ue Incorporated under
the corporate name and style or "Americus
Oil Company," Thbt their pur-
•MMesare tar pecuniary gain for themselves,
their associate, and successors; and that the
business they propose .to carry on I. lh« buy
ing and selling of cotton seed and Its pro
ducts, sueb a., cotton seed oil, crude and re
fined, cotton reed meal and cake, cotton retd
hulls and sells*, crashing, pre-.lngand re
fining of same; further, th"t of purchasing
anduesling In seed cotton and cotton seed,
after the cotton has been ginned, or all kinda
and varieties; and the manufacture, prepa
ration aod sale or product, derived <rom
cottonseed; and the carrying on, manage
ment and control of such business or manu
facture connected therewith; and generally
to engage la all such employ menu and line.
Of business, whei e cotton seed or It. product.
ar< utilised who ly or iu part, lire, tha
leasing nod owning of tank car., mnnutac-
turmg of barrels and casks, and all oth.r
commodities In connection with said bn.t-
ne.«, Tho main b’l.lneaa of ’.he corporation
1. to bo the manufacture and sal. o: cotton
1 oil. and aa Incident thereto the utilising
and sale of all produotaor reedcotton^an5
cottonseed. .Petitioners further show unto
thaoonrtthattheir principal place of busi-
nere will be In the oounty oi Hu inter, State or
Georgia; but that they d-alre to carry on
buslneu, employ and send agents elsewhere
in said state, aod into other states and terri
tories of the United States, and establish
braneh offices therein, If they deem it ad
visable. -Ttal the amount of capital to be
emptayed by petitioners Is one hundred
thousand (flOOjnO) dollars, firey thousand
W. L. DOUOLAS. Brockton, tia
Amerloue, • • Georgia
(»0,000) dollar, of which is actually paid In
before beginning business, with tbs privilege
of Increasing their capital to any snin
not exceeding one bu
and (Ufaa»n dollars. PetlUoneradi
Incorporated for twenty, wilt
ltege of renewing their charter from time to
—- . .any sum.
rad and fifty thous-
desire to be
time as they see proper. Petitioners desire
the further right to purchase, lrsse, hold,
Retail Groovy Mark**,
Corrected Dally by E. D. Ansl.y, The
Parlor Grocer.
^ which fcofi:.
Pr. no. rim
V!i*7 «:*■* *Pt »r.i
f tl*«‘
. * il |»ur*-ljr
I J. : s ill* we? pills A
J. I ••lift *i/« of
v: w liver film
|» .lireV I. ,M th« bonier of this “ad/
• •••
Axxatous, Qa„ Oetober is, 1801.
Corrza—Declining, Green, fancy, 25o.
Choice, 23o, Prime, 20o. Good, 18c. Fair,
Roasted, ArbnckM’s, SSdiThurber’s Mo-
maja, 30o.
Buoab—Downward tendeuoy, market
weak. Powdered, 0c. Standard granulated,
Cot, very One at 8c. Extra O, white,So. Ex
tra O, yellow. Ho.
SYHUr—New crop Jnst In. Good demand
for high grades. New Orleans, fanoy golden,
New Orleans, bright. No. Nsw Orleans,
dark, COe, Country, *uo.@S0e.
Candt—Stick, pure, lSo; adulterated, lOe,
Freneh, a-sorted, S0odi78o. Orystallsed fruits,
assorted, 1 pound boxes, 78o| 8 pound boxes,
80c. per pound, T*nny'sFln*Oandlss,80o.
per pound. Beal brand candy,78a per pound,
Oodntst Pooducs—Chickens, frys, J8ej$
80o; beoi, 80o.@SSc. Eggs, 8Sc. per dos. Bat-
ter, 3SOJ98IIO. per pound.
Fb'UITS—Apples; New York Pippins, 40b,
per peck. Florida oranges, 85oJt40o. per dox-
i. Bananas: Bln. fields, 80s. per dossn.
VkoSTABLks-Cabbsge, 4e. per pound.
Onions: Ysllow Dsnver, GOe. per peek; Span
ish Onions, 75o. per peck. Irish potatoes, tio.
per peek; 11.00 per b- shel.
GAKNkD Goons—Standard Tomatoes,
pounds, 81 Ob per down. Standard tomatoes,
2 pounds, 80e. per doren. Standard Califor
nia peaches. Ss, 13.00 per doses. Standard
pie peaches, Ss, |!.80 per doxan. Standard pie
peaches, 2s, 81 AD per dosen. Maryland pack,
table, 81.80 per dosen.
Hat—No. 1 Timothy, 81.10 per hundred,
No. 2 Timothy, 81, 0 per hundred.
Soap—Laundry, good,8o.per pound; Toi
let, Brown Windsor, B3c, por dosen; Turkish
bouquet, 80c. per dosen; Glycerine, small,
80c. per dosen; Glycerluo, large, 81 AlO per
dosen; Cape May boquet, 82.80 per dosen.
Meats—Hams,'tancy brands, 13e; sundry
brands, I2tic. Breakfast bacon: small strips,
18c; large stripe, 10e.; white ribsjgjse.
Laud—Leaf, 10c.; refined,8c.
Salt—Hlggtn’s Eureka, 2 and 8 pounds So.
<gi0e. per sack; Cooking, 114 pounds, 7je.
BCTTkk—Jersey, home-made, 40c; Jersey,
Kentucky, 35c; Tennessee, 20c.@30c.
murv—Loril'ard’s Maccoboy, 80c. per
pound; 1 pound Jars. 66c; 4 ounce Jars, 20c;
2 ounce tins, 10c; 1 ounce tins, to.
FhouB—Seal brand patent |8 80 per barrel;
King or patents, 8888 par barrel; Patent
straight, 88JD per barrel; Fancy, HM per
bairel; Choice family,;|M0 per barrel; Fam
ily, 81.75 per barrel.
Bean—81*10 per hundred.
M ■ At—OUc. per bushel.
Gxire—80 pounds to 8M10.
Cone-Choice white 90c. ptr bushel, Yel
low mixed, 83c. per bushel.
CUAuKkas—Sodas, XXX Sc; Boss biscuits,
1714c; XXX lemon creams; Me; XXX ginger
snaps, Me; Jumbles, 18c; Assorted cakes, 20c.
Tobacco—Finest Natural Leaf, gLOOi
Gravely’s 81.28; Navy 50c; Long Cut, 60c 9
8MW per pound.
Cioak*—8100 to 825.00 per ICO as to quality.
NATCHka-eOs, lOe. per doren; 200s, 28c. per
dosen; 40Cs, 60c. por doren.
Rick—Advancing and very much higher.
Imported, full been, 10c; Carolina, fancy. So;
Choice Carolina, 8c.
Pickles—Plain in barreU.'llc. per sailon;
mixed. COe; aweet mixed plcklct.fac. per gal
lon; 20c. per quart. Domestics, plots. Me;
quarts,25c; 1 gallon, !M)0; 14 gallon 80c; Im
perial domestics, gallon, 81.00; Imperial
pickles, C. A It,, pints, e/c., quarts70c.
Starch—Lump Gloss, 10c.
Soda—Be,tquallty,i*c, 1 v-
cheese—Pull cream, 18c; Good, 12140;
Young Americas, tli; ,i\
East Tennessee,
own and contrul, sell* assign, transfer* or dis
pose of such real estate, or interest la reel
estate, hb may be neo*«ary and proper for
the legitimate and convenient transaction
of their buslnes-. Petitioners desire' the
ri ht and power to make all aucih by-laws,
and niter the sam* at pleasure, as they may
* **— and use a common seal,
Virginia and
Georgia R’y
j proper; to have a. ^
end to change the same at pleasure; to have
a right to sue and be sued, and to make all
u ii|ua vvsuu auu uc aiicu. uuu tu lllBJitt Rll
B ecesaary contracts in tho conduct of Its
uslnere; to borrow money, and to secure the
same by giving notes, iodentures, bonds,
mortgages and land, as the corporation may
Short and Dlnctllneto the North, Bast or
and runs the finest Pullman Bleep!
the Booth.
Elegant Pullman Bleeping Care, between
Jacksonville end Cincinnati,
Titusville and Cincinnati,
Brunswick and Louisville,
Chattanooga at ‘
Memphis and New York,
aphis and New York,
Philadelphia and New Orleans,
Chattanooga and Mobile,
Atlanta and Chattanooga,
Without Change.
Por any information address
B.W.WBENN, Oen. Pass, and Ticket Aft
Knoxville. Tran.
O. W. KIOHT, Are’S Oen. Pass, Agt.
Caveat*, and Trade-Marks obtained, sod all Pat
ent business conducted for M< - - -
Our 0«c« It 0
tnd we can secure
remote from WrehL
Bend model, drawing or photo., with di
tlon. We advise. If pttesttblt or not, free
kae-eiarai o warned, ana mu Ml
ducted for Ms4«rett Fret,
optl'n' In'leiftlmothantfio**
charge. Our fee not due till patent Is secured.
A Pamphlet, “llow to Obtain Patents," with
names of actual clients In your State, county,or
town, rent free. Address,
Opposite Pallet OBet. WsiMsflss. 0. C.
tween the boon of
two-hone wagons end baroere,oneone-bore*
wagon and harases, one old pheaton, ooe no
top buggy and harna-s, one Millar organ
nearly nsw, nine quilts, on* wheel-harrow,
os*ayrupk*ttl*,on* cotton press, hallows,
via* and blackimlth's tools, two plow Blocks
—^Bwlantation ImI—jBlliaiigBM
gear aod plantation tools, on* grist mill and
attachments and rood set of rock., one saw
mill and attachments, one old engine, boiler,
shafting* and attachments, fifty raw trees
more or Isas on Mra. Morris' land, 80 gallons
•yrup, more or less, 200 bushels corn, more or
leas, 4,000 bundles fodder, more or leas, 450
buaheie cotton seed, more or, lees, and a few
ropes. Alao on* ssoond.haud gin at Barlow
milt place, and one pair scales,one steam en
gine, boiler and cotton ureas at Barlow mill
place. Hold by order of the Court of Ordin
ary of Sumter county ea the property of H.
Aatoar, deceased, to pay the debts and tar
purpore of dtatri u uUon. 8 Term. E 0«b. NSj
Administrator of B. 8. Sloan, deceased.
Americus, Ge„ October 17,1801.
Agreeable to an order granted by the
Honorable Court of Ordinary of eaU oounty,
win be sold before the court house doorfnl
Amerloi-s, Georgia, said county, on the first
Tuesday In November, between the lawful
bouse of rale, the following property, to- wit:,
The south Lair, lot of land number slaty-one
1(81) containing ClulJi) acres more or less; alio
the north halt. lot or land number alxiyllO)
containing (101)4) acres more or lera; jtise
itwenty-alx (28) shares of the Sumter Cqwrata
Alliance Co-operation aaeoclatlon sloe
Alliance ui*uiwnuion mncwiiwu mwvm, we*-
longing to the ectate of Jobn B. Ktnsrd, late
of laid oounty, deceased. Bold tor the benaOt
of the Sells aod creditors of said deceased.
IWniueasb. Tble'Mb^dayoM)<g*«jt»L'
Agreeable to an order from the .Honorable
Ordinary of wld oounty, will he sol"
the court house door in the town of
Webster county, on the first To
November next, subject to the
dower, tM following described property:
Lot of land number ona hund'td and tor.y-
..iur (HI) and all of lot of land number one
hundred and forty-three (148) lylogwector
Klnehafoonee creek, lying end being In tbs
25ib district or Webster county. Oa. Bold as
the property or W. A. Christian, deeeassd,
for the h-nefilorbelre and creditors. __
dept 0,1881, P. L.CHRI8HAN,
E xxumm’a bale.
- OKOltoiA—'Webster County.
If you want yonr bouse painted with
paint that is guaranteed to bo mure
durable and more eoonu
paints, buy L. A M. paints, sold by
Du. Elihiiook.
oran e uruinary or wcu ier county, win ue
•old on the first Tu—day to November, last,
before the court h-nreduor In Prestun, said
county, the rollMWlnsde.crlkcil oroperty:
Gil- hundrednnd fifty (15)) Acres urlanil
number rorty-ntue (40); -ixtyscres oft ofi'ot
mber eighty (Aland fifty acres olT of lot
number two hundred ana lour (201). All of
m Iu lurid lying nnd being IntheV.i h dl.tricl
of We. .Ier county, Georgia, re,Id u. the
property nf 1) tniel Majors, deceuiu-a, for the
I of d-.tributlou uni-ms tlie heir, of
Mdil dceeUMed. I, 1’. MAJoitH, Kxeculor.
Octobers, 18*1.
I to corpora-
iloiikof the kind,and necessary to carry on
and conduct the objects and purposes or tno
business of petitioners. Petition— ’
desire thattL..
no stockholder tn the con __
bound In any way fo- tho debts or liabilities
of the corporation beyond tho amount of Ills
of the corporation beyond the amount or Ills
unpaid subscription of tlie capital stock of
raid company.
Whereiore petitioners pray that after this
petition shall have been filed, recorded and
publielied, according to law, that the court
will grant an order granting this application.
Fll«llno«o.B.pti^l , i 0 St t ^ , •
. . J.H. ALLEN, Clerk S.C.
I certify the above and foregoing to be a
true extract from the Record of Charters In
parlor Court, held in February, 1891,
i th> Court House door In the city of
lcue,Oa., between the legal hours of
sale, on the first Tuesday tn November next,
the tallowing described loti and parts of lots
of land, to-wlti
five and thlrty.elx (20,88 and 86), In the l
Dl.trlet of Humter county, Oa., each con
taining two hundred and two and one-half
east half of lot <f land number one
hnndredand twenty-six (126), bounded on
the west by public road running north from
Americus towards the late Barney Parker’s
ptaoe until said road lntereeote the Travel
er's Rest road, then due south to the south
Hue of Mid lot, containing one hundred (100)
aores. more or lees (except one-half (J4) an
acre deeded to W. W. Barlow In tho north
west oomer of raid lot, and also except the
rightcfwavoftbeH. W. Railroad), -aidlaud
In the 27tb District of Hu inter county, Oa,
Also a atrip of ltnd on the notih side of
..Ait half of lot 145 In 27th district of Sumter
County, being 287 feet wide and bounded on
north r by the south line of the east half of lot
128 In said district: containing seven acres
more or lees, the right ol way of the B. W.
raliro.d excepted. These two parcels of land
luat above described containing In the aggre-
cate, oce hundred and seventeen acres more
or leas.
All orsnlil property sold by virtue or ssld
eerae ss tb- prunei iy of the estate of W, It,
Btewavt, late of Bumter County, deceased,
sold to pay the debts of raid estate, and for
the purposes of distribution among the heirs
according to the terms of raid decree.
This October 1,1891.
R. R. SrxwART,
Executor of W. M. Stewart, deceased.
the highest bidder before lire court house
door In the city ol Americus, Bumter county,
Georgia, on the first Tuesday In November,
between the legal hours of sale, the
rollowleg property belonging to elate of A.
It. Coulter, deceased, to wit: Five heavy
wagons (new) two with bodies,one road cart,
four selsstroog double harness, two sets for
largo mules, one set hlaok-smltli t.,ol« and
I live tents with flys, twelve or fifteen
lie* with covers, blanket*, etc., one
■td ami spring, Ihreo wire coir, two
loves and pipes, one No. 8 cooking
stove and ntenslls, on* box crockery .kitchen
furniture and ramp outfit,four cbes's of com-
E leto tools for bridge and trestle building,
in log chains, lot of large rope and tnckle
and pile hands, three pile driver hammers,
two pile driver enslnov, also two building
ots In Brooklyn Heights survey, known ns
otstwoand three Id block seven. Terms
d4t*tncs Admlnlttralor.
_ GEORGIA—Suxtxb County.
I. H. Daniel, O.W.Morgan and others have
made application for a second-clAas road e -
scribed to said petition, as beginntng’stt
H. Hngervou, then between lands of Mrs.
Jones and R. E. Merrell. then between lands
of Mrs. Miudilmrn and Mrs. Jones, then be
tween lands or A. J. Logan and Mrs. Mssli-
burn, then across l)r. Logan’s land and be
tween tho lands or 1. W, Dozlerand J. J. Du
pree, Intersecting the Americus and Friend
ship rood; whlcu has been marked out by
the commiMioueiK and a report ther of
made on oath by them.
All persona are notified that raid new road
will, on and after the first Monday In Novem
ber next, by the Comml.elonera or i oads and
revenue of said finallygranted If no
new cause he shown to the contrary. This
6th day of October, D91.
„ „ _ J.W. WHEATLEY,
oct9 w4t Clerk County Commissioners.
Agreeable to an order granted by the
Honorable Court of Ordinary of Bumter
county, will be sold before the court house
door In the city of Americus, r-umter count v,
Georgia,on the first Tuesday In bovejuber
next, b tween the lean! hours of
following lots or land, to-wlt: lots t
hundred nnd eighty (.so), three Uunored
tlllr’een fll3), a. d tiirte hundred und fort -
lour (3ti) In Ihe Vklli district of Huinter
eonnty, Genrgti. Kech lot e< ntnlnlng two
hundred two and a Dalf(2’2t4) acre, iroreor
e, i-ntd prop, rtv sold e. the prop rly o;
H. II I lark, tale of HuintiT
d lor the purpose of
legacies of nalri elide
.Iona of teatato’.
lay .ale._Jl hi*
Look in our sbuw windows this ruoru-
morulcal than other lag anti you will see the roost eletraot
line of clocks ever displayed In thla city.
Jamks Fhickeu A Uho.
county, deceased. Bold
pnylngth- rbbt. nn
and carrying out the
will. Tern-s roadek
Octal, r5,1891. B. G. CLARK.
Adtul-l rotor de Imnl. noil cum lt-.tatl.enln
annexe nf M. H, Clink.
Agreeohle loan order from the Honorable
Ordinary of M - l-t- r eonnty will b* .old be
fore the Courthouve doorlu Pr.stoo.Web.ler
county. Georgfu, ou the first Tuesday In No-
vcmtver next the following deocrlbed pmp-
erty: led of l-m! number two hundred and
fourteen -2141 in ihe nineteenth(>9tIt) district
low Webster county, sold
B. T. Deunard, deceased,
he hetra and creditor.of
for the benefit
Jacob bs.SAie,