Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, October 21, 1891, Image 5
; THE AMERICUS DAILY T1MES-REC0RDER: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1891. Fellow Citizens! Alliancemen! Of Southwest Ga.: Witli"complin,ents of the season, we respectfully invite yonr attention to'our IMMENSE LINE Newest Styles in High Grade TAILOR-FITTING US IDS IDS FALL AND WINTER. THE BREAKFAST TABLE ITEMS OF INTEREST SPECIALLY PRE PARED FOR HASTY READERS- Yesterday*, Dolose lit Ponijent Para graphs—Some Soap Shota by the Itepor- torlal Camera—What Was Going on In Town Told In Briefest Manner. He majestically walks down the aisle, And sma’sle* a benevolent smaisle. But his paper he owes, as the mailing book shows. And therefore he borrows hlsstalelc. M. Brace. 1 ickete on sale for Breezy Time this morning at 0 o’clock. The United States district court con venes In Macon at 9 o’clock on the morn ing of November 2. Frost, while not severe enough to de stroy vegetation, was distinctly visible yesterday morning in low moist places. Breezy Timo is a regular mirth- making show, with lots of pretty girls and good dancing. The delegates to the conference of the Woman's Missionary Society left our city with grateful feelings to the people of Americas for the open-hearted hospital ity and -attention shown them during their brief stay with us. There is just enough of plot in Breezy Time to hold the Interest of the auditor without wearying him. It is just about timo for the usual fall matrimonial epidemio, superinduced by the bachelors’ weariness with this mo notonous existence of single cusseducss, and the chief object in the near future will be the suitable selection of a ring to bind the engagement he has just con tracted with the dear little girl. The Kickapoo free show still draws large crowds nightly, and the swell ho tel waiter rushes the guest through sup per that he may keep timely tryst with the dusky Venus who hangs so lovingly upon his arm as they stroll homeward across the Central railroad, through the silver-bathed radiance of the moonlit night. The Americus Club will probably give an complimentary German at their hand some rooms on Forsyth street to-morrow night. These small impromptus of the club are becoming vastly popular with the young people and the institution proposes inaugurating for the winter a series of similar entertainments which will add greatly to tlio social enjoyment of the season. The Next Attraction, Mixed Pickles Having bad such a successful run I feel that other attractions should be first- class and propose to olfor the coming week : 1 car Apples at 35o. peck, *3,00 bbl. 1 car I. Potatoes, 25o. “ 2,25 “ 1 car Canned Goods at the following low prices: 2 lb. Table Peaches 15c. can, $1.50 doz. 31b. “ 11 20c, “ 2.00 “ 3 lb. Pie “ • 12Jo. “ 1.25 •• 3 lb. Tomatoes, 12Je. “ 1.20 “ 2 1b. “ 8jc. •* .90 “ Corn, Beans, Peas, Squash, Okra and Tomatoes for soup, Cherries, red and white, Raspberries, Blackberries, Pine apples, Strawberries and a thousand other kinds at 50 per cent, under regular prices. My fine Butter trade still downs any thing new. Mackerel, Pigs’ Feet and everything to eat. Come at£once to Headquarters aud save 20 per cent. E. D. ANSLEY, The Leading Grocer. W. D. BAILEY, The Leading and fanly Exclu sive dealer in Men’s Wear, (Including everytliingrfor Men) -iN— Southwest Georgia, Has just received and placed on sale the Handsomest line of If You Would We want evory mother to know that croup can be prevented. True croup never appears without a warning. The first symptom is hoarseness; then the child appears to have taken cold or a cold may have accompanied the hoarse ness from the start, After that a pecu liar rough cough is developed, which is followed by the croup. The time to act when the child first becomes hoarso; a few doses of Chamberlain’s Cough Rem edy will prevent the attack. Even after a rough cough has appeared, the disease maybe prevented by using this remedy as directed. For sale by W. C. Russell. CHAMBER) IBS at Aver#,. C well, wear Diamond. Spectacles. FOR SALE BY Thompson & Anderson, OPTICIANS. Under Hotel Windsor. to be seen anywhere, at prices most reason able. It will interest yoi to call and inspect them. “Biznes is Blsnes.' Look in at Artesian corner China Store and you will see a modern store—with a mod ern stock—with modern pri ces- all the result of modern ideas—every thing denotes a business way of doing busi ness. A POPULAR PLAGE FOR POPULAR PRICES! BWK88 A BASINS: Pearl White, 70 A 80c. White Granite, $1.00 Decorated, 1.45 “ 2 00 MY LINE OP Full Dress Bows, are conceded *o be the lovliest ever seen. LAUGH AND GROW FAT. Fall lias come and with it Iho time to settle “that little bill” at Dn. Kldiuihje’s. We have outdone ourselves this season and excelled all previous attempts in placing before you more attractions and exclusive Novelties in Clothing and Haber dashery. We carry,beyond a doubt (and the most of yon know it) the LARGEST STOCK of MEN’S and YOUTHS’ SUITS In this part of the state, and are offering them at the very lowest prices. Oall and examine these lines, as well as our complete assortment in Extra Sizes, Stouts and Slims, which, os ,to style and 'fit, cannot be Qiirpaesed. ; JOHN S. SHAW, Th, "Spider and Fly.” The pantomimic burlesque, “Spider and Fly,” was produced for the first time last evening. It is a big success. It Is easy to see that no expense has been spared in placing it upon the stage In a fitting manner. M. B. Leavitt, the proprietor and manager, has neglected' nothing that would enhance its value as a gorgeous speotacular production. The scenery, costumes and stage accessories are simply magnificent The company Is a largo and competent one; the ladies young, pretty and graceful; the gentle men especially selected for their peon- liar roles In an extravaganza of this character. No end of funny things in the “Spider and Fly.”—N. T. Commer cial Advertiser. Topical Song at the Opera Home Pat Into Effect Last Night. A Breezy Time kept the audience laughing at the New Opera House last night, and Fitz's topical song, “Laugh and Grow Fat,” was put Into execution. Remarkable versatility was shown by each member of the largo company, and the entertainment was one of mucli ex cellence. Every vocal number and in strumental production was encored once and twice again. The voices of the members of the company showed they had ability in that line. Besides the fact that “A Breezy Time” is amusing, it is doubly entertaining because of Its refinement Fitz and Webster are a team themselves.—Chattanooga News, September 2. BULK OLIVES at Avan’s. continue to take the lead and the young man who fails to wear one is not considered “correct.” They i light, flexible and styl ish, Try them and you will have no other. LAMPS: Brass Swinging,. Mammoth Store, Student, $2.40 4 50 WASHSTAND BETS: Pearl White, $2.00 White Granite, 2.7* Decorated, 3.00 " to $23.50 TINWARE: Small Milk Pans, $ Dish Pans, Wash Basins, ,05 Japanned Cuspidors, .10 .18 JOB LOTS VASES. 1st Lot, Cholcs, $ .25 2nd “ “ 3rd 50 .75 1.00 STOVES: Ornamental Iron, $12.50 Gasollae Improved, 0 00 Oil, ‘ .95 Spirit, .45 LAMPS (boded wice): Little Jewel, $1.2$ Nickel “Banner” 2.00 Banquet (80 inches), 4.50 Plano (8 feet) 8.00 TOYS & GAMES: Dolls, All Prices. Rubber Toys, “ “ All Games, “ » Banks * Safes, “ EVERYTHING TO EAT st Avera’a. Now Is the season to plant your onions. Call at Dr. Eldridge's and bay your sets. Clocks to all styles, sizes, shapes and 1 see thi prices. Call and see them. James Fricker A Bno. NEW ORLEANS BYBPP at Avsva’s. Colognes, extracts, toilet waters and all toilet articles at Dr. Kldkidgk's. -THE “TH iMPION" 117 Forsyth St, Aiij&idfo, -“a* km Grocery Co. Retailers and Jobbers of TkilMlipM ill Bowie A foil line of‘Staple Goods, also in our stock. Jost received a large lot of Fresh Deviled Crabs with Shells. You-Servants, t* »s : Aif:"' 1 ' *•*»*«» Ua Pure wines, brandies and whiskies for medicinal use, sold at Dn. Bldiudoe’s Drug Store. "Cotton Movement 1886-91." The little book bearing the above title Is Issued by Messrs. Latham, Alexander A Co., the Wall street bankers of New York city, and to those Interested In the important subject with which it deals, contains muoh of valuable Information concerning the movements and fluctua tions of the south’s great staple during the past five years. The work displays evldenoe of conscientious care In its compilation, and the high standing of the firm who send it out is a sufficient guarantee of Its reltablUty. Mr. C. B. Jones, of Spring Hill, Iowa, says: “I have need Chamberlain’s Pain Balm for severe and painful bums with better effect than anything else I have ever tried. It relieves the pain instantly and cures without leaving a scar." Pain Balm Is one of the most useful medicines that any family can be provided with, especially for rheumatism, lame back, sprains, braises, tooth-ache, ear-ache and like ailments. One application will relieve the pain, and a fair trial ipenro a cure. 50 cent bottles for sale bjr W. C. Other* sell paint, but 1 sell paints. I will give a personal guaraete* to look better and last longer than any other paint That's what you want I handle leads, oils, putty, etc. t. Henry Freeman, Cotton avenue. RUTABAGA TURNIPS at Avals’*. For your toilet powders, toilet creams, and in f*et all - toilet preptratlone, sail • — Dr. JClobii vm E’e. rmtf Freeh arrive! of Louisiana and Florida a In boxes and barrel* at fM. J. Kerb Commission Ob.', • * 812 ' Fast epeaeo, a Has *f very ksslnw eeka. James Ran. Everybody compli ments my line of NECKWEAR It combines beauty, taste and elegance. Night Robes, Underwear and Hosiery are leading features of my business and de serve special attention. This department con sists of Men’s Fine Shoes exclusively, and never tails to suit the purchaser. On Umbrellas Walking Canes I Headquarters. and am My Suit to Order Department is doing rushing business. Prices from $15 and upwards and satis* faction guaranteed. Qiye me a oall. I take pleasure in show ing goods. W. D. BAILEY, 491 jimka$E ah, mader New-BokM SPECIAL IlSTVITATIOISr. Lost season our friends seemed to appreciate “the” Music Box. Every one had their fa vorite tune and the Music Box was everyone’s favorite. This year we have gotten a large $160.00 Box—with 12 tunes, drums and bells. Some evening after tea, get a friend or two and drop around and listen to it play—we’U be glad to see yon. Butler & Berry DIAMONDS. co c o 2 > c IVe never find it necessary to "•Blow our own horn'' The quality of our goods and the low prices do that. Freeman & Crankshaw. HTLW»,Ol WATCHES. TOHN EX SCHMIDT Takes this opportunity of informing the and the adjoi of style, and „ country that, he is now shortly open one of the >ple of Americus upjn the best Finest He will spare no expense or pains to moke it worthy' of the patronage of the very best people, and Americus can then boost of a. place where everything good will be served in a style as never before seen in this city. Remember the place—Schmidt's Reading Room, Lair % 8-1 diwly Respectfully, JOH aCHMIDT. I STALL FED FIEF. Georgia.Beef, finer than any Western beet you ever saw, at MAYO T-TT.Tt.