Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, October 21, 1891, Image 6
6 THE AMERICDS DAILY TIME8-REC0RDER: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1891. \h i The Roman Catholic Clergy I’ulilislips an Article Denouncing the Knights Labor. A Hnnl Hlnn I* Klrnrk Asninat lh» Knlghta of Labor in «ntiuilw — The Archbishop of the Catholic Church Threaten* to Tut Coticlemnutloii Apiln In Force. Montreal, Oct. 20.—A tiunl blow has been struck at the Knights of Labor in Canada by the Roman Catholic clergy. Archbishop Tascherenn baa is' sued in La Semaine Religieuse, tlie or gan of the church, a fierce article de nouncing the principles enunciated in their Montreal address by Grand Mas ter Workman Powderly and Mr. Wriglit as directly opposed to thelatest papal encyclical and asking the Catho lics to remain away from such leaders. The condemnation of the Knights of Labor, made by the chnrcli four years ago, was Responded. This caused n large number of the Catholics to join the knights. The archbishop threatens to put the condemnation again in force. A niMiiatroiis Failure. Trenton, N. J., Oct. 20.—Tlie most disastrous failure as a sequel to the Star Rubber company failure, which dis turbed business here three months ngo, has just taken place. Jonathan Steward has been considered one of the wealthi est citizens of this place, and he was interested in all the enterprises manip ulated by the missing Thomas A. Bell. He was an officer in tlie Star Rubber company, the Trenton China and several smaller concerns. He indorsed for all these concerns, and * now the First National bank, of Sonth Amlioy, which is carrying $20,000 of the Trenton China paper, bearing Mr. Steward's indorse ment, is about to bring suit. Papers of assignment have been filed. The appraisers have fixed the value of his possessions nt $185,000. The exact amount of his obligation is not known. Mr. Steward is now 82 years old. This assignment renders him penniless. He was a wholesale grocer for upwards of a half century. Wholesale Druggists Meat. Louisville, Oct. 20.—Over three hundred representatives from all parts of the United States and Canada ars here attending the convention of the National Wholesale Druggists associa tion and the association of the manufac turers and wholesale dealers in proprie tary articles. CONDENSED NEWS DISPATCHES. Spooner's Property Attached. Bridgeport, Conn., Oct. 20.—All the property in this city of Clapp Spooner, the ex-president of the Adams Express company, has been attached for $750,000 in a suit brought by the express com pany. There are fully half a hundred pieces under attachment. The suit is returnable to the superior court of this county Nov. 8. Set ou Fire by Tramp*. New Brunswick, N. J., Oct SO.—'The large brewery of Joseph Scneider, at Highland park, was set on fire by a gang of tramps. Six buildings, includ ing a dwelling bouse, were burned with their contents. Lou, $80,000; insur ance, $27,000. Her. Small Keep. Silent. Atlanta, Oct 2a—Farther than • statement that he has been guilty of no wrong, Rev. Sam- Small declines to en ter into the details of the transaction on which his strut in Boston wu based. It is believed here that the charge amounts to nothing. Aa Nx-Presldent Dies. New York, Oct 20.—A special cable despatch to The Herald, from Manana, Nicaragua, says that Don Fernanalno Guzman, the ex-president of the repnb- Uo, has died. His death is universally regretted. The Alabama State Pair. Birmingham, Oct 20.—The Alabama state fair hu opened here. Governor Jones making the opening address. Large crowds are in attendance and there is a splendid liue of exhibits. DAILY MARKET REPORTS. Niival Morns. Domestic and Foreign and of General Interest. George W. Steele has resigned the governorship of Oklahoma. Wilkinson Call will represent Florida in the United States senate. Snjieriiitendent Porter congratulates himself upon tlie perfectness of tlie Of eleventh census. Tlie City of Rome lias arrived in Liv erpooi. This is the vessel that was re- C urled sunk olf the Newfoundland anka. The Governor Campliell meeting at Cincinnati, held at the music hall was the largest political demonstration ever seen in that city. t A London dispatch says ttiat the wife of the late William Henry Smith, the leader in the house of commons, will he elevated to the peerage. The murder of 15-year old Annie Ko- datz near Milwaukee ten days ago has just lieen discovered. Her murderer, Albert Kohls, lias confessed. There is likely to be much debate and more or less trouble in the distribution at committees and their chairmanships when congress gets to work. A St. Paul siwial says: Mrs. James 3. Blaine, Jr., of Sioux Falls, S. !>., is In the city for a few days, under treat ment by a prominent oculist for partial paralysis of the eyelids. A New York company that manufac tures self-winding clocks, has offered to furnish free of cost all the time pieces that will he needed in the build ings during the World's fair. A Parkersburg, W. Va., spe-lal says: George R. Wallace, editor of Tlie King- wood Argils, and Miss Minnie Keif, daughter of John Roif, elojied to Iron- ton, O., and were married. The bride’s parents objected to ir country editor as son-in-law, John A. Celia, storekeeper of the Cook county, Ills., insane asylum, was arrested for malfeasance in ofHce in making false and fraudulent entries in the ofiieial records of tlie county. He is said to lie one of the thieves who has lieeil systematically robbing Cook county of unkuown sums of money. A New York special says: President Louis Contensiu of tlie Italian chamber of commerce, received a cablegram from the Italian cabinet ministry at Rome 3tating that it had unanimously decided to abolish the decree against American pork. A proclammution will be issued to that effect by the Italian govern ment. Tlie sudden death of Inspector Gen eral Accollas of the French home office hns caused a sensatlan at Paris. While visiting a woman with whom lie was improperly intimate he took an over dose of a drug as a stimulant and tho effect was fatal. M. Accollas was a married man and the revelation was a painful shock to his friends. The exposition directory has called upon the comptroller of the city of Chicago to sell $1,000,000 of the $5,000,- 000 of bonds which the city voted in aid of the exposition. The proceeds, which it is desired shall be realized within ninety days, is to he applied mainly to paying the enormous ex penses of the construction of the build ings. The Beecher Memorial Congrega tional church of Brooklyn has been ded icated. The Rev. 8. B. Halliday, pas tor in charge, preached the sermon. He was for many years Mr. Beecher’s as sistant at Plymouth church. The handsome oak pulpit is the gift of the newspaper men of Brooklyn nnd New York. ii MOTHERS’ FRIEND Makes Child Birth Easy. '* Shortens Labor, t Lessens Pain, Endorsed by the Leading Physicians. • Hook to €t Mother •"mailed FREE. J BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. t ATLANTA, OA. * SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. • KING & FRANKLIN’S NEW COLOSSAL SHOWS GREAT ROMAN HIPPODROME, The Moat Klrtgant, Kotincd, Attractive and Pop ular Amusement Organization liefore the ttreat American Public, WILL EXHIBIT AT AMERIOUS, London dispatches from Holyhead states that 200 vessels, many of them much damaged, sought refuge at that port from the storm. A gale has been raging with nnnsnal fierceness about Queenstown. About thirty crafts, large and •mall, mostly fishing smacks and small coasters, were driven ashore in that vicinity. A Nashville special says that the su preme council of the Knights of Wise Men, an insurance order for negroes, is •aid to be on its last legs. The grand treasurer, J. R. Walker, of Nashville, skipped from there some time ago, leav ing bis family and a shortage in his ac counts. His family believe him dead. The order has recently paid only a small part of Its death claims. At Pittsburg, Phillips' glassware house, on the South Side, was damaged by fire to the extent of ^10,000. During the of the During ire a temporary Produce nnd Provisions. Naw You*. Oct. aW.—Pork fairly active and ■tcady: mess old $ianr»Sfc 10.75; newSll.Oo; extra prime ULfiO^lLOD. Middled weak: short clear 7.1214. Lard opened lower and closed steadier; western ateara 6.62V4 bid; city steam &2S; op tions, November (MU; December 6.«7; January •eft. - Chicago Market. chicaoo. Oct. ax Wheat—Dec. May 102ft. Corn-May 41& Oats—May soil. Perk-Dec. S.WiJen. IIM. ‘ Riba-Jan. WU. Lard - Jan. til New York Cotton Fitnm. New Tore. Oct. at Opening. Clow. • t.Te S.Ut ..S.J4 s.*l MS $.4* 6.87 "JO ».» .! 8.83 t.St 8.88 8.84 ... . _ Bpot. doll. Middling 86-18. Liverpool Cot tow Vatina UvxaroouOot. A Opening. s progres: bridge fell ten feet, carrying with’ it score or more of men, women and chil dren. Several persons were injured, but none seriously. Fireman Martin was also painfully injured by falling glass. At Seymour, Ind., Addison Arnold, aged 25 years, and his young wife, re cently married, have constantly disa greed. During a bitter quarrel ho ex claimed: "Rather than to be alwas in hell, I’ll end this now,” drew a revolver, placed it in his mouth and blew tlie top of liia head off. Jealousy was the cause. Hit wife is insane over the tragedy. A Pottsville, Pa., special says: A mountain engine on the Philadelphia and Reading railroad was. drawing a long truin of empty cars lip a grade a short distance below Claire when the boiler exploded, wrecking everything in a radius of several hundred yards. Three train men were killed outright and another fatally injured. No cause is known, the engine being just ont of the shop. A Providence. R. I., special says: A new organization is to be formed bore at once, the primary object of which is to put a stop to fraudulent aud ques tionable pensions and to expose those that hare already been granted. The 8 roniotera of the new order will style tiemselvee the Old Guard. They are prominently identified with the grand jury, tnd some are high officials in the grand encampment of the state. All are Republicans. ~ A Chicago special says: The brothers of young Wm. V. Heisen, who was found dead in bis room at the Welling ton hotel last Monday, are now satisfied that the young man was either hypnot- into committing suicide or mur dered bv a Mexican, who has been liv- thls city under the name of Wm. and with whasnyonngHeisen woe, to be associated with ineev- bnsiness enterprises. . Ellis was i’e constant coiqgankin disappearedT REMOVAL! We desire to announce that we have moved to the corner store, 414 Jackson street, under new hotel, next to D. B. Hill’s, where we shall be pleased to see you. WILliFORD MATTHEWS & CO SAM liGITTE. Local and Through Schedule iu Effect Oct 15, 1891. -Read Dow*. No. 8. Mixrd. Dully Ex. AN OVERWHELMING ASSEMBLAGE Of Phenomenal Hlppodromatlc Artiste and Brilliant Star King Performer*. Presenting an Unlimited Programme of btrictly Selected Acte, Feats and Features, Presenting among Ita Rare and Multitudinous Attraction* a Giving a Btrictly Facsimile Reproduction of the Contests, Sport* and Pastime* of Rome in Imperial Oear'* Day* Thrilling and Temfl* 2 & 4 Horse Chariot Races With Male and Female Charioteers. Exciting and Electrifying ROMAN 8TANDINQ RACES, Daring Good Mother*—the Life of the Nation* THE GEM OF ALL FEMALE REMEDIES, LUXOIRI - A safe, simple and harmless remedy tor all Irregularities of women. It baa keen extensively used by Dr. A. L. Barry, a prominent physician of Atlanta. Ga. t of aoyears’ •jperifnp®. with unvarying success. It makes child-birth easy, diminish *• danger to mother and child, ana Is a sure cure for excessive, placement of the womb, travel, all fe male urinary troubles, and! lie annoying symptoms laeidenl to a ehaago In life. It entirely and permanently relieve* all pains I ncident to female disrates. Indigestion, aleh* headache, constipation, general lasal- todo and depress Lao or spirit*. It build* up from the first dose. -It makes women REGULAR, HEALTHY AND HAPPY. For tbs core of hysteria, neuralgta, ovarian pain*, restlessness, hervoosnea*. etc., ft (a with- ont a rival or • peer In the whole range of ma teria medics. It Is not a so-called patent medl* ^TpAEACEA Toe* SUFrMINo'wOMtll.' Thousand* of whom attest Us virtue and sound 2 48 A3 07 D3 37 3 62 4 12 4 28 4 34 4 44 4 61 6 01 6 12 6 16 6 30 p I Paaneugr Sunday Only SWp- 4 or 4 30 4 47 6 25 5 30 No. 2. Mail. Dally. 5 35 a tn 5 63 6 00 G 45 F 6 56 7 06 F 7 *9 7 31 F 7 a r > F 7 41 F 7 47 7 M F 8 02 F 8 04 F 8 15 a in WESTERN DIVISION. STATIONS. ,v... Omaha An Union ... . ....LdUValJ Louvain Junction . Irvin ... Lumpkin . .. ..Kiiidall . .Richland.. ... Ponder.. ...Preston.. . Wise . ... .Jennings .... Market!...." ....Plains • Salter .New Point Noll. Mail. Daily. No 3 Paas’ng'i Sunday 8 6ft pi 8 35 8 26 8 17 F 7 68 7 45 F 7 34 7 24 F 7 10 6 58 F 6 64 F 6 35 F 6 28 F 6 26 F 615pm 11 B!) a in 11 18 10 59 10 87 10 00 y 47 9 29 9 17 9 07 9 03 8 67 8 52 8 45 8 37 8 35 8 25 a m No. 7. Mixed. Daily Ex. Sunday. 11 30 a in 11 15 10 55 10 38 10 04 9 44 09 29 A8 59 8 45 8 25 No. 18. MailftEx Daily. 8 28 F 8 39 8 46 F 8 52 8 66 9 08 9 13 F 9 25 9 42 9 63 10 03 10 06 10 17 10 30 10 39 10 53 11 03 11 09 11 19 11 32 11 45 11 57 « 12 39 pm 5 30 pm 7 25 p m No. 6. Paas’ng’r Dally, 7 00 pi 7 12 F 7 22 7 29 F 7 35 7 67 F 8 11 8 27 7 49 8 03 8 20 837 8 51 9 05 p r 8 42 853 8 58 909 9 23 934 948 10 01 10 07 10 18 10 32 10 47 1 17 am 6 10 8 30 12 32 12 42 12 55 1 02 1 16 1 20 11 20 11 30 11 43 ill 50 12 05 a m i 12 10 12 31 12 43 12 49 F 1 00 am 6 00 EASTERN DIVISION. STATIONS. ..Lv Amerlnu*. Gatewood.. Huntington... .. Leslie . .DeSoto.. ..Cobb.. .Johnson.. Coney Cordelo ..Albany. ..Fhllemma. ...Oakfleld... ..Warwick... ..Taylor*.. l'cnia. Williford Seville Pitt* Rochelle Goodman .Abbeville. .Copeland. ...Rhine.... ...Horton... ..Lv Helena Ar.. .. Ar Bran* wick Lv.. •Ar Jacksonville.. Lv.. Helena Erick Alamo .... Verbena ... Glen wood .... .Mount Vernon.. Peterson . ... .Appleton .Ar Lyon* Lv ...Ar Savannah 7 32 F 7 26 t7 22 6 54 6 48 F 6 37 6 20 11 54 a l 11 CV4 10 62 10 36 10 16 10 02 9 50 ai 607 565 5 60 540 527 5 17 502 4 51 4 45 434 4 22 4 08 355 3 55 am 11 oo pm 6 30 pm 6 10 pi 6 00 F 5 49 5 42 F 5 37 5 33 5 22 5 16 F 5 03 4 47 l2 00 p m 11 14 11 02 10 48 10 26 10 12 10 oo pm F—Flag Station. 2 45 2 40 2 21 2 10 2 01 am 1 55am I 7 40 pm 1 48 1 38 1 25 1 20 1 04 12 54 12 48 F 12 40 pm B. S. GOODMAN, Gen’l Pass. Agt Richmond & Danville Railroad Co. 0°ERATIN6 THE CENTRAL RAILROAD OF GEORGIA. SOUTHWESTERN DIVI8ION- Correot Schedule, No. 1, In Effeot Sept, fl, 1801 SAVANNAH St WESTERN DIVISION (Schedule No. 22, taking effect July 26th, 1891, Betw No. 6, Between Savannah and Birmingham No. 6, Dally. via Americas, Dally. 740pm Leave Savannah Arrive 6 00am Lyon 3 (X) a ni ....... America*, 7 00pm 625 p m 166 » m 7 30 • m ■ 8 40 ft in Ruena VlMtn, lo 10 ft m Arrive Columbus Leave 3 66 700p tn Wlrmfnrh*»m 8 Qua m No. 8 Dally. Paa«ctigi. No. 6 Daily. Fast Mall I BAST HOUND. No. 6 Dally Fast Mill No. 7 Daily Pameugar A:M7a in 516 •• 6 30 •* 10 60 “ 6 40p m rtii'pm 1 iGp m 245 “ 41 6 •* 7 86 " 8 16a m 6 3u •• Lv. Arnerlcu* Ar. Ar. Fort Valley Lv. “ Macon " '• Atlanta *• •* Auguafn *• •* Hevannii* •• 10(1 P m ll 33 a m l(»2o “ 7 10 “ 8 in p m 1120 p m 9 41 “ 8 25 •• 4 10 •* 900am 8 Si “ No. 7 Dally Passenger 112u p m 11 JO 4 42 u in 7 35 »• m No. 5 1 >ally. Fast Mall ~108 p m ’ l 30 •• 4 10 *• 7 20 " NoT6 Dally WK8T HOUND. No. 6 Daily Fast Mull No. 8 Dally Paaaengei "3 37 a ni 1230 « 10 25 p m 7 30 p tn Lv. AnterlrtiR Ar. Ar. Hniithvtlle “ “ Kufmila ** ** Montgomery Lv. 1 <>3 p m 12 10 “ 11 u5 a ra 8 66 a tn No. 7 Dull v TO FLORIDA.' No. 6 Daily No..H tally 11 20 p m I1N) •• 12 49 am 5 20 a in’ 7 38am 889am 1 ot P ni 180 “ 251 “ 640 * Lv. Arnerlcu* Ar. “ Biultbvllle •* Ar Albany Lv. ** Thomasvllle Lv ** Way cross •* M Brunswick •* •• Jacksonville ** luipm 12 01 p m ll 10 a m 8 80am 1 t*j i $87 a m 306 " 216 •• ?g9 m 8 80 For further Information relative to tickets, schedule*, beht route* etc. etc., apply to A.T.XAXWSLL,A(fnl, A9siieaa,Sa. SOL HASS, Train. Manager. JAB. L. TAYLOR. Gen. P»««. Act., B. H. HARDWICK. Ass'l Ccn'l Pom. AgL Atlanta, Ga. W. H GREEN, Gen'l Manager. K. V. MeBEB, Gen’l Bupt MDEXTER STEEL WIRE FENCE MUUW I I /. EAST^r pemo^IN 1 CORES'- - SUnioN? WARTS WlTMOU' *** PAWL For sale by the DAVENDOBT DRUG COMPANY Americas, Os. > MMeMeet and most durable Car parts, lawns antttfilfc- tones. WIU be Is Americas So*. tMg- , ,, { .y f ; team orders and get information of A. T. Oliver, OPERA HOUSE. Saturday, October 24. A Millionaire 1 M. Feast of Merriment. B. LEAVITT'S “SPIDER AND FLY.” Organized in Europe, coning over 120,000. 46 EUROPEAN CELEBRITIES. 46 MAGNIFICENT COSTUMES! GORGEOUS SCENERY I Marvelous Electrical and Mechanical Effects. SUPERB BALLET! SPARKLING MUSIC 1 Open Spectacle Pantomime, nnd Mpecialty brilliantly blended. GLOVER’S OPERA HOUSE Friday, Octcber 23, ’91. The latest and most successful Musicsl FARCE COMEDY IN THE UNIVERSE, “A BREEZY TIME” Under the management of Dakl. Suelbt4B INTERPRETED BY v: b. uFitz and;ikathryh: WEBSTER, Assisted b; an efficient Company of VOCALISTS, ACTOES. UNIVERSALLY ENDORSED BYIPRESS^PUBLIC ALL LAUGHTER AND MU8ICAL HARMONY. EFFECTS,— 1 The Newest. COSTUMES,—The Latest. GIRLS,—The Prettiest. MUSIC,—The Latest and Sweetest. DANCERS,—World-Renowned and Greatest. COMEDIANS,—Brightest and Wittiest. AN ORDINANCE. mw ordinance to repeal Section 402 of the code of ordlnancee of the city of Amerteos. and in lieu thereof te fix the time when all city taxes ahftll becom*» due and payable, and to provide for the collection thereof and for other purpose*. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Americas, and Die hereby ordained and enacted by the author- tv of the earns. That Section 402 of the oode /ordinances of the city of Americas, which prescribes that It ehall oe the doty of the Mayor and City Council of America*, to 0z >y resolution the time when city taxes shall beoome due, and for notioe thereof by the cletk and treanurer be, and the *amo le hereby repealed, and In lieu thereof th« fol lowing section I* enacted, to-wlt: Bxc. 2. He It further ordalmd by the au thority aforesaid, that from and after the passage of thl* ordinance, all City taxe*shall become due and payable by the first day of October of each year, and any taxpayer who ■hall neelect or refuse to pay such taxes by the 20th day of L ee* mber of each year, shall be entered upon tho Mat of defauber*. and the Clerk and Treoaurer "ball forthwith, a* early a* practicable, issue execution against such taxpayer for his unraUl taxes, which execution ahall bear test in the name or the Mayor and City Council ot Americua and be directed to the Maruhnl, who ahall, by levy and aale, forthwith collect the same aa pro vided by law. . . * Hkc £ Bo it further ordained, that all ordlnancee ano parta of in roa- fllct with and »he some are hereby repealed. Ailoptodby City Cg.a.Ua-1«. ««■ Clerk and Treasurer. AN ORDINANCE. An ordinance to repeal *ect!oa W9 of the oode of ordinance* of the city of America*, and In lieu thereof to prescribe by ordinance the time when all tax return* shell be made, tb. Mayo, ami City Coanell of Anwricu". and U Is hereby ordalnedand enactod by the authority of tfie earn.. That GjBl ind after tbepeiMge of thl. ordinance Btetlonmot the code of ordln.i>cee of the elty of Ameri cas, whtob preecrlbre that the Mayor and City Coanell of America, .bail by resolution flx the time within »Mch all lex returM ■hall be made, and cause *t>e elerb, and trree- orer to give thirty day.public notioe thereof, be, and the mom la hereby repealed, an Jin Ilea thereof the following section by enacted. BBC,3. Belt farther enaetodaodordained by the authority aforesaid, That front and after the Damage of Ifelaortloaoeai all toz r-t tocleea hie digeat and to proeert toMmaj and tax all nnret anted property aa provided In Oecl lon «0 of the oode of ordinance, ol the Cl bac. ». Be It mrtber ebktted and ordained. That all ordinance and part, of orttoamea and reaointlons, contrary to Ihla ordinance, be, and the same are hereby repealed. Adopted by City