Newspaper Page Text
M ffJfflOl^K* ,YA<UB/TAh » r $H^vlMiT YJl/Jl HUOlMUA ’--'i
Why do ithe people with one voice say that D. B. Hill keeps the
best goods ?
(HueoeMora to W. L. Mardrr.)
American Bibles at actnai cost.
Oxford Bibles, Teachers' edition.
Daily papers, Magazines, etc.
Subscriptions for any pa-
per-pjL publication.
Rubber Stamps, any kind, size
or price.
Pictures, Easles and Sh$et
Picture Frames to order and
to our picture-frame depart
ment we have just added new
machines, glass cutters* etc.,
also an experienced workman.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
In tfcf Old TaMmiut (hen nr* SB took*,
and in tbs New Testament them nr* 37—
total, 68.
In the Old TesUineut there an flat chap
ter*. and in the New Testament there are
300—total, 1.180.
In the Old Testament there nr* 33,314
venae, and In the Near Testament there an
7,950-total, 81,173. ~ ~ "
In the Old Testament there are 593,403
word*, and (n the New Testament there an
181,353-totnl, 773,748.
In the Old Testament there are 3,738,100
letten, and in the New Testament there
are 838,380-total, 8,508,480.
In the Apocrypha there are 14 books, with
183 chapters, 0,031 renes, containing 135,
185 words and a total of letters numbering
This statement is mainly taken from an
Kugiiah Bible, as given by the indefatiga
ble Dr. Horne In his Introduction to the
study of the Scriptures, and is said to bare
occupied more than three years of the com
pilcr’s life. ; ; / ' | —J ■
Top can uevar mako ajricnd by aakiug a
man to mourn wR* you.
it occasionally happens timt whan people
gossip they tell the truth.
The man who la always good ml— tot*
of opportnnitles for growing wiser.
119 Forsyth St,
Chinese immigration is being solicited
by Mexico. Qi, * 1
Great assortment, Latest 8tyles and No.
1 Qualities; for little, big, old and young.
No Better Stock found anywhere.
After having our mill thoroughly
hauled, we are now prepared to fi
Lumber and Shingles as chea
cheaper, than anybody. Address
Business Property,
Residence Property,
Vacant Property,
Suburban Property,
Small Farms,
Large Farms.
Wiggins & Herndon.
<11, or 4 1*1. ,A .A ■a*),..
• -OFi
Youthful Errors
Lost Manhood, Kariy Decay, etc.,
etc., can secure a home treatise free
by addressing a fellow sufferer C.
W. Leek, P. O. Box 314. Roanoke.
mam twenty year* younger than himself
has hit.
At they grow older a man's note groan
fatter and a woman's grows ahsrptr aad
thinner, a good tigs that it laths woman
The Union Central Life Iaearaaee Co.
of Ctneinnatt, Ohio, wiU lead mamnf ea
ehefee improved farm* aad city pceptity
at 8 per eenL Cal! aad examine oar,eye-
Ira, ;; ' • -**i*«d Lt a vj&sqB
J. S. CA2HMLBT, Oea'iAgL,
til) immuu,«iwaii.
, mm
Nice Oak Suits at - # 25.00
Parlor Suits at - - 35-oo
Plush Rockers - - - 4.00
Side-boards, - #15.00 to $25000
China Dinner and Tea
Sets. - - #7.50 to #75.00
Picture and Room Moulding,
Picture Frames, Pictures, Easels,
Cords and Hangings—all on a basis
of 6c. Cotton.
They have used our furniture and it never cracked, blistered or fell down; used our crock
ery, china and glassware, and found it as represented; lit our lamps and had good light;
used our silverware and sounded its praise; bought our clocks and never got left; bought
our window-shades when they didn’t need them ; bought curtain poles for themselves and
poor kin because they were so cheap; used our knives and forks and piaised the butcher;
bought our pictures and got credit for lots of good taste; hung our wall paper and didn’t
know the old house.
Our stock of Royal Worcester, Doulton and Dresden China, Hunga
rian, Faience and other holiday goods will repay your inspection.
Coffins, Caskets, Burial Robes t Suits,
This branch of our business is replete with all that is
new and RELIABLE. - Every improvement has our pa
tronage. Nothing escapes us.
Mr. L.'S. Tower will answer night calls. Residence in
front of Methodist Church.
There is a horsecar line in Mexico which
is seventy-two miles in length.
A trestle on the Northern Pacific rail
road is 300 feet above tl»e gorge which it
The new Argentine Pacific railroad has
one stretch of road 211 miles long without
a curve or bridge, and no cut or fill deeper
than three feet.
At the New York Central railroad sta
tion in Buffalo the average daily arrival cf
trains is ninety-two and the average daily
departures ninety-oue.
Instructions have been issued by the VV
bash Railroad company that brnkemen on
passenger trains must dress neatly, be po
lite, have a pleasant voice aud a distinct
The laws of New York make it an abso
lute duty of a railroad compatiy to fence its
truck, except where such fence is unneces
sary, to prevent stock from going on the
track from the adjoining land.
Notice has been given by the Canadian
government of a resolution to cancel a
million dollar’s worth of North Shore
bonds, providing the Canadian Pacific
road will spend an equal amount in im
proving that portion of the road.
The most recent rumor concerning the
Lehigh Valley company is that it has an
ambition to run its tracks into Canada,
and lias commenced negotiations with the
St.. Catharines and Niagara Ceotral com
pany for the use of its tracks for that pur
Druggists, Lippxnxn's Block,
For sale by the DAVENPORT DRUG
COMPANY, A meric us, Ga.
Dr. e. g. West's Nerve axd Bsaix Treat
mkxt, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria* DUod
cess. Convulsions, Flu, Nervous Neuralgia
Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the
«*e of alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulneea, Mental
Depression, Softening of the Brain, neattlng in
»nd leadlfigto misery, decay aad death.
Premature Old Age, Barrenness; Lose of Power
u* either sex, involuntary Losses and Hperma-
toffhaja, caused by over-exertion of the brain,
self-abase or over-indulgence. Kucb box con-
teins one month's traatm*Qt. $1.00 per box, or
*5tor fMO, seat by null, prepaid, on re*
c«ipt of price.
To cure any case. With each order reoeivad by
accompanied with 35.36, we
That benzoin is an excellent poli-li Tor
the finger nails.
That vaseline, taken half a teaspoonful
a time, cmes a cold.
That the superfluous hairs may be made
less plainly visible by bleaching tliem.
That an excellent beuutlfier for the com
plexion is a hot water hath followed up by
ilabu of eau do cologne upon the face.
That a mixture of tincture of benzoin
and rosewater is an excellent remedy for
tightening the skin when it U inclined to
form wrinkles
That people who are unable to sleep after
drinking tea or coffee find that they can
enjoy the sweetest kind of repose after
That a change in the weather will often
cause disagreeable spots upon the com
plexion in the summer. The remedy may
often be found in simple, cooling drinks.
That the hands may be kept from per
spiring by powdering them with finely pul
verised starch perfumed with orris root or
sandalwood powder or anything alee Chat
may be preferred.—Chicago Tribune.
Another child killed by the use of
opiates given in the form of sootlhing
syrup. Whv mothers give their chil
dren such aendly poison is surprising
when they can relieve the child of its
peculiar troubles by using Dr. Acker’s
Baby Soother It contains no opium or
morphine Sold by * Fleetwood & Rus
sell, Araoricufi, Ga. 10
It is Raid that escaping illuminating
gas is destroying many of the beautiful
old elms which are the pride of New
The Proof of the Pudding.
Ha ve you humors canning blotches?
Hoes your oloou run thick and sluggish'?
Are vou drowsy, dull and languid?
Is a ha" taste in your mouth, and
Is yo t tongue alt ruried and coated?
Is your sha'p with had dream* broken?
Do you fe »I downh-arti d, dismal.
Drending sonethiii', wl»at, you know not?
Then he .cry sure you’re bilious—
That you have a torpid liver,
and wlmt you need is something to rouse
it and make it active enough to throw off
the impurities that clog it; something to
invigorate the debilitated system, and
help all the organs to perform the duties
expected of them, promptly and energet
ically. That ^something” is Pierce’s
Golden Medical Discovery, the great
Blood Purifier, which its proprietors
have such faith in that they guarantee it
to cure. If it does not, your money will
bo refunded, lint it will. Buy It, try
it, and be sonviooed of its wonderful
power. If the proof of the pudding is in
the eating, the proof of this remedy is ia
the taking.
Capt. T. 21. Johnson.
To all whom it may concern; 1 bake
great pleasure in testifying to the effica
cious qualities of the popular remedy
for eruptions of the skin, known as I*. P.
P. 1 suffered for several years with an
unsightly and disagreeable eruption on
my face, and tiled various remedies to
remove it, none of which accomplished
the object until this valuable prepara
tion was resorted to. After tuking three
bottles in accordance with directions I
am now entirely cured.
J. D. Johnston,
Of the film of Johnson & Douglas
oct.20,d2t,w2t Savannah, Ga.
Fort Worth has an artesian well that
flows 804,000 gallons of pure water dal
!y, the largest In the world.
Little, but Lively.
“Little drops of water.
Little grains of sumJ.
Make the mighty ocean
And the pleasant rind.”
And dropping Into prose, we would
say, that Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets
are mild, but prompt In relieving consti
pation, sick headache, bilious attacks,
pain in region of kidneys, torpid liver,
and in restoring a healthy, natural ac
tion to the stomach and bowels. 26
cents a vial. One Pellet a dose. Little,
but lively. The use of the old style t
drastic pills is an outrage on the human
The Best Place
In South-west Ga.
Kiarantecd Con (or Fils* of whaterer
.md or degree—K/ srnal, Internal, Blind
or Bleeding, Itchir g, Chroma, Recent or
Hereditary. $1.00 * box; 6 boxes, $5.00.
Sent by mail, prepaid, on reoefpt of nrioi
Boaranteo to r tra any oaw of Pile
Guaranteed and sob only by '
Whslesat* aad Retail Drureuts.
8*»fr». . - ISKgffi