Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, October 30, 1891, Image 5
THE AMEMoUS DAILY TIMES-RECOBDEH: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30. 1891. Alliancemen! Of Southwest Ga.: With’complin.ents of the season, we respectfully invite yonr attention to oar IMMENSE LINE Newest Styles in High Grade TAILOR-FITTING THE BREAKFAST TABLE ITEMS OF INTEREST SPECIALLY PRE PARED FOR HASTY READERS. Yesterday's Doing* In Pungent Para graph,—Some gnap Shota by the Itepor- torlal Camera—Whut Was Going on In Town Told In Briefest Manner. There', a character you meet Every day upon the atteet, At the very gate* or heaven anre to bicker, (Of courae, that la to aay, If he ever goea that way;) You know the mnn.he'a called the chronlo kicker. On the faec of tbla broad earth Of good thing, there'a n dearth. Let him tell It. all la under bad direction; Hut elfl down to the bed And you'll And whan nil I* aald That ha haa the least or no cause for objec tion. M. Brack. Quite s number of Americua people have been up to Macon this week In at- tendai.ce upon the fair. The dugt still continues to envelop ev erything lu its dingy mantle and rain seems to be further off than ever. Don’t fail to attend Dr. Lee’s lecture at the opera house to-nlghL If you do you will regret IL Admission only 25 cents. Preacher Wadsworth was putting things rather strong when he said that "the-othere might die and go to hell for all he cared,” or worda to that effect Miss Bell, who is the Izs In the “Clem- enceau Case” production, wears dresses, that are worthy of particular mention, Eeacb one is fitted to show her volup tuousness. 'Jennie Bearman, so favorably re membered as a member of the Corn-led Opera Company when they last visited us, is playiDg the Countess with Wm. A. Brady’s “Cletnenceau Case” company. Emma Bell, who haa made such a suc cess as Iza In the “Clomenoeau Case,” Is described as a tall, shapely and very graceful woman, and the possessor of a pair of eyes that accomplish, more than the dialogue rhe utters. On Ssturday night Richards and Prin gle’s Georgia Minstrels will be at the opera house, and judging from the press notices given this combination the an dience may expect a humorous treat of an unusually excellent character. A swarm of the light-fingered gentry have Infested Atlanta during the Pied mont Exposition, and depredations do oot seem to be confiped to aneak-thlev- ing and pocket-picking, many persons having been assaulted and badly injured by these birds of prey. Atlanta’s po lice courts have been rushed with bust- People call It backache and do noth ing for it until the doctor Is called and he pronounces it rheumatism. If they had used Salvation Oil in time the doc tor’s bill could have been saved. FALL AND WINTER. We have outdone ourselves this season and excelled all previous attempts in placing before you more attractions and exclusive Novelties in Clothing and Haber dashery. We carry,beyond a doubt (and the most of yon know it) the LA.RGE8T STOCK of MEN’S and YOUTHS’ SUITS In this part of the state, and are offering them at the very lowest prices. Call and examine these lines, os well as our assortment in Extra Sizes, Stouts and Slims, which, as Jto style and 'fit, cannot be surpassed. JOHN R. SHAW, “THE CHAMPION” Clothier and Furnisher, 117 Forsyth St., AMKRICU8, - GA. Hotlo*. I hare just flnlnlalied a teacher's course lu “The Lawrence School of Elo cution and Acting,” also one in “Dowd’i School of Physical Culture." I will teach a class in Amerlcus. Special at- tontlon paid to the voices of ministers and lawyers. AH persons interested in voice or body culture either for children or grown people would do well tocsll on me this week between 9:30 a. m. and 12:30 a. m., at the residence of Prof. J. E. Mathis, 520 Lee street. Miss Kate Weaver. • New Raisins, Currants and Prunes, at Avora's. Tax boiler. The books are now ready, and until further notice I will be In my office for the purpose of collecting the taxes from 0 o’clock a. m. to 3 o’clock p. m. every day, except.Sunday. J. B. Duke, octlO ? Tax Collector. A full'lino of library and pedesl lamps and fixtures sola at reasonable prices at Dr. Eldbidoe’b Drug Store. Nolle* to Advertiser*, for ohange of advertisement must be handed in at this office before 12 o'clock on day before publication. Tbla applies to all and will be enforced. Times Publishing Co. July 28,1801, tf. I you over expect to buy a watch, read our new advertisement James Frickeb & Bno. PERSONAL MENTION. MOVEMENTS IN THE SOCIAL AND BUSINESS CIRCLE8 OF AMERICUS. Where Society People are Going—Who the Strangers are VltUlng—Where Dodoes* Men nre Bound and What They Go for Pfea«ant Notices. Finest Stock of pore Candies ever shown in Americas. — Sole Agent for “Bines is Bisnes." Look in at Artesian corner • China Store and you will see a modern store--with a mod ern stock—with modern pri ces-all the result of modern ideas—everything denotes a business way of doing busi ness. I POPULAR PLAGE FOR POPULAR PRIGESI Railroad men will find just the watch for their business at the store of the Amerlcus Jewelry Company. As to pri ces and terms you can always be “ac commodated.” Mrs. W. F. Clarke ejient yesterday lu Macon. Hon. William Hawkes is at home from Stewart court. Mr. G. W. Bacot left yeaterday for trip to Atlanta. Mr. Homer Reed, the popular Atlanta Journal man, spent yesterday in the city. Judge Walter K. Wheatley Is at home after a pleasant visit to Atlanta and Macon. Messrs. John Daniel, Dorsey Butler and John Shiver returned from Eufaula yeaterday. Mr. J. A. Floyd, a prominent young broker of Columbus, is In Amerions on a business visit Mr. Fred A. Green, advsnee sgent for the celebrated “Clomanceau Caso” com pany, was In the city yesterday. Mr. Lester Windsor, of the People’s Nationsl Bank, went up to Mscon yes terday morning on a pleasure trip of several days. Col. and Mrs Robert Burton from El- lavllle came over yeaterday to attend their grandson, Mr. Walter Crisp, who is dangerously 111. Mr. Emmet Murray returned with his bride from Thomaaton on Wednesday night Mr. and Mrs. Murray are receiv ing the congratulations of their many friends. A HORROR. Carelessness By Which Four Lives Wars Elsewhere In these oolumns will be found mention of the burning of four colored children, which from all ac counts seems to have resulted from care lessness on the part of parents who left them locked Into the house and entirely at tbo mercy of the flames. There Is a horror connected with death by fire wbleh no other way of leaving this world holds, and the bare recital of such end to a human life Is listened to with a shuddering fear in spired by no other. There were three little helpless babes literally roasted alive In a burning ten ant house in the country, and again on the same day the same awful fatality oc cur! in the neighborhood. The mothers of these unfortunate in fante probably loved tholr offspring with deep and absorbing devotion, and to keep them safe from barm the doors are locked upon them that they may not wander out sad come to grief white the parent is at work. Tue fire was s con tingency of wbleh they had not thought, and this laok of caution, through a mys terious rieltation of Providence, leaves them childless. Poor, helpless babes, Imprisoned In their burning cage and no help to rescue them from a horrible death. If you shave yourself 'twill pay you to buy one of those Tower Razors sold St Db. Eldbidoe’s. Copy aust be CALL. AT A VERA’S AND GET THEIR PRICES, | And yon will be sure to Leave an Order with Them. Cotton Report. Amebicus, Ga., Oot 20,1891, Following is the cotton report In thle city up to date: Received by wagon 137 Received by railroad 08 Received previously 20,370 Total 20,000 MARKETS. Corrected dally by L. G. Council, ware houseman. Good middling. 7| Middling 71 Low middling 71 Market, dull. SAVANNAH, Spots, middling 7| Market, dull. NEW TOBN. Spots, middling 8| Market, quiet LIVERPOOL. Spots, upland middling 4 11-10 Market, easy. NEW TORE—rUTUBES. Market firm. Sslee, 88,900. _ Op’g. Cl’g. January 8.41 8.40 October 817 November 8.15 8.19 Deoember 8.25 8.87 NewYork. Ausley’s Seal brand, Lowney’s Chocolates, Goussett’s Chocolates All kinds fine hand made Creams, at c.». mm SPOONS! Ameiucus Souvenir Spoons, Hotel Windsor Souvenir Spoons, Battle of Gettysburg “ Seven days Battle “ G. A. B. Battle of the Sea, “ Monitor and Merrimack 11 Fort Sumter “ Independence (July 4, 1776.) Spoon! Spooney !! Spooneat! 11 Your name etohed on spoon .while yon wait, FBEE of charge. Hotel Windsor Jewelers. SOMETHING NEW AND GOOD TO EAT. I have just received a fresh lot Block Buckwheat Flour, New crop Maple Syrup, Apples, Malaga Grapes, Cocoanuts, Evaporated Peaches, Evaporated Apricots, Cheese, Macaroni, Olives, Pickles of all kinds. Cabbage, Onions, Rutabaga Turnips, Irish Potatoes and Old Fashioned Cod Fish. A new lot of California Honey just In. Pigs Feet, Mackerel, Breakfast Bacon, Hams, Shoulders, etc. Can Goods, world without end, cheap er than ever. If you will onqe (try our McFerrin'a Lard and Aloanro Coffee you will use no other. Get one of my Booke and see how much money you can save by trading with me. H. A. HARRIS, SOS Lamar St. Telephone 87, BWBBS A BASINS: Pearl White, 70 A 80c. White Granite, $1.00 Decorated, 1.45 " 2 00 LAMPS: Bras, Swinging, $2.40 Mammoth Store, 4.50 Student, 8.00 WA8H8TAND SETS: Pearl White, White Granite, Decorated, " to $2.00 2.75 3.0* $23.50 TIM WARS i Small Milk Pans, $ Dish Pans, Wash Basins, Japanned Ctupldori, .10 STOVES: Ornamental Iron, $12 50 Gasoil ne;improved, 6 00 Oil, .05 Spirit, .45 JOB LOTS VASES. 1st Lot Choice, $ .25 2nd “ “ 50 3rd •• « .75 4th •• “ . 1.00 LAMPS (BOUND WICX)I Little Jewel, $1.25 Nickel “Banner” 2.00 Banquet (30 loehet), 4.50 Plano (8 feet) 8.00 TOYS A GAMES: Dolls, All Prices. Rubber Toys, " “ All GamoB, ” “ Banks a Safes, “ Wood Yard. We respectfully esll the attention of the citizens of Amerious to our wood yard located at Mitchell's old mill stand near the Central depot. Cord wood of all kind aawed any length desired. Sat- i«faction guaranteed. All orders left at Davie Furniture House promptly filled. Patronage collet ted. 0023-1W ClIAMDLISS BROS. SPECIA.L INVITJLTION. Last season our friends seemed to appreciate “the” Music Box. Every one hod their fa vorite tune and the Mosio Box was everyone’s favorite. This year we have gotten a large S150.00 Box—with 12 tnnes, drams and bells. Some evening after tea, get a friend or two and drop around and listen to it play—wo’U be glad to see yon. Butler & Berry When In need of a good eatohel or to Tuobnton Wheatley. traveling beg go to 00.25-su tu fri Ti Excellent Buokwheat Flour at A vera's. If you are Interested In fine watches, or would like to become so, read our new .advertisement James Frickeb * Duo. Arrival and Dapariare of Mail*. Arrive From. Leave For. 6:40 pm Columbus TittSL. 1:00pm 11 :W pm Macon IHMpm S:35am IdSpmSJSam Albany 1 JOpm 11:90pm iA.tx.aa 6:10pm ...Savannah i 8 JO am 7:15 a in Omaha i:ISp TOHN B. SCHMIDT Takes thisjoppurtunity of informing the peonfe of Amerions and the adjoining.ooontry that he has fitted up in the best of style, and will run one of the Finest and Host Complete Restaurants to be Found in the Sontb ; He will spare no expense or pains to make it worthy of tbo patronage of the very best people, and Amerions can thon boost of a place where everything good will be served in a style as never before seen in this city. Remember the place-Schmidt’s Reading Room, Lamar St. 8-1 dswly Respectfully, JOHN E. SCHMIDT. B.L. MoHATH. E.J. HcMATB. B.H. McMATH MAIL CLOSES# « Sj& (8 r *I{8* 2* Going North and West Qk Ad¥.)!.'Il!7:U> a £ Going Nor:h and Rut (Ccn) BdB pm 8:00pm. Going Booth and Wm* “ 12:33 pm 8:00pm ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. Among the many nice houses In At lanta where a visitor can have all tha desirable features of hotel and home life combined none present more attrac tions r-h»n the Grant House, which it growing more popular as the days go by. During the Piedmont Exposition At lanta will of course bo thronged with visltore, end the Grant Home will be prepared to folly sustain the reputation of the Gate City with lta elegant onlsine, nicely furnished rooms sod popular man agement. Dried Peaches and Apples at Avera’e. “The read to fortune Is through print ers’ ink.—P. T. Barnum. be Inserted la colusa at tha rat. of Oae Cent par Wort *8? each Insertion. No advsrtlaft taXao foclaaa thin FIFTEEN CENTS. A GOODJSaamstrcas to help-at my tailor A«op. y.aoHNKIDEB, O NK copy each of Harper’* Mtgaxlneof December, 1888, May, 18», March. USD, Agrll, Apply to Ttmee-KeoorderolDee McMATH BROTHERS. DEALERS IN Groceries, Provisions, Country Mice. BOOTS* SHOES. ETC.. ETO., WHISKEY, TOBACCO & CIGARS. SPECIALTIES. 207 FORSYTH STREET. AMERICUSJ GEORGIA. WasoUeltaihareoflhspatroaifoorthatradlnfpublle,guaranteeing saturaciba low prises, and good goods. W* deliver goods any where In tba city. Call and *ve u*. // O JtjC. McMATH BROTHERS. MDEXTER SiTEEL WIRE FENCE FOR RENT. BOOM lit the Thome* Building, suitable l for gentlemen's apartment*. Apply at >i office. oetSB-tf FOB MIA IFKNTT Share* in the America* Build ing aad Lone* Aeeoclatloa for ca*b. Ap- tf r*. Belle Brown, on Jackeon street. cct»-«t. ^.ew J Neatest and mod durable for yard*, 1* wm and ceme teries. Will be In Amerlcue Nov, lit. OcU5*2mo*d*iun«wcd-fri. Leave orders and get Information of A. T. Oliver. STALL FED IBEEF.k «* i Georgia Beef, finer than’anyjWestern beei you ever saw, at mayo & winkler; ■ OAL.L TO