Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, October 30, 1891, Image 7
THE AMER1CPS DAILY TIME8-RBC0RDER: EBIBAY,-OCTOBER 3ft, 1891, belligerent negroes , nd uloe in a difficulty on cot- TON AVENUE. JM Daniel* HIU Tom "Shorty" on tho Hrad With » Bock and Badly Disables [IIm -1‘urcly a Cue of Self Denfense on Daniel'* Pact Yesterday afternoon about 330 o’clock ,e Daniel* and Tom “Shorty,” two ne- jrr.ies, engaged in a difficulty, which ro- aulted rather aerloualy for the latter. It seems that Daniels was walking down Cotton avenue when “Shorty” fol lowed him with an open knife, threaten ing to kill him, at the same time inter larding his discourse with a flow of pro fanity. Daniels, seeing that “Shorty" was under the Influence ot liquor, endcav. ored to ovade any difficulty, but was fol lowed with a continuation of the abuse aDd threats Seeing that something de risive would have to be done, he picked up a broom a stand In front of one of the stores and bit “Shorty’* once or twice with it in effort to keep him off. Gut even this had no effect upon him, and he still evincod a determination to make mincemeat of Daniels. Daniels, recognizing the fact that his person was fn danger, stooped to the pavement and picking up a rock weigh ing about two pounds and throwing it at "Shorty” from a distance of about fif teen feet, hit him squarely upon the right side of the forehead. This proved an effectual ending to tbe difficulty, as “Shorty” dropped like a log, and lay to all appearances dead. The stricken man richly deserved bis punishment, as every bystander can tes tify. He had been repeatedly warned ky Daniels to desist from Ills persecu tion, and in the face of these reiterated warnings continued to threaten the life of the other, at the same time holding in his hand an open knife. It is to be hoped that Daniels will be allowed to go free, as his action was one of pure self-defense. BARGAINS IN FULL DKKSS SIIIRTS. FOB TUB NEXT 30 DAYS WE WILL SELL OUR STOCK OF FULL DRESS SHIRTS AT THE FOLLOWING RE DUCED PRICES: •3 00 SHIRT AT S3.33. •S.S0 SHIRTS AT S1.M. •9.00 SHIRTS AT SI .SO. SI.75 SHIRT AT Sr.25. CALL EARLY BEFORE THE SIZES ARE BROKEN. THORNTON WHEATLEY. oct2Y-d£w.lw. Pretty Overcoat*. We have tbe prettiest line of light wright and light colored overcoats in the city. I’riccs very moderate. Thoiinton Wheatly. Avenue Theatre. Tiie Richards & Pringle's Georgia Minstrels, composed entirely of colored performers, opened a week’s engagement last night at the Avenue theatre. Before tiie performance opened every seat in the house was taken, and admission to the balcony had to be denied to a great many for want of standing room. Tiie large audience received with much laughter the fun making of tho min strels. The performance was funny and clean, tho music, both vocal and in strumental, being equal to that of tbo majority of minstrel companies. The usual first part was admirably ar ranged, and every number on the pro gramme waa honored with a recall. Hilly Kersands, as usual carried off the honors ol the ovening, and while he was on tho stago kept the audience in roars of laughter. Tom Brown gave a good imitation of a Chinaman, Irishman and a Hebrew, proving himself to be a drawing card Tho black Patti, “Gauze,” has a fair voice and very taking wardrobe. Ills impersonation of a female is as near per fect as could be wished. The minstrels will, no doubt, as in past years, do a largo business —New i irlcans Timos-Domocrat. Fin* Fish. Capt. E. Taylor yesterday brought to the city two fine specimens of German carp which ha caught in Klncbafoonco creek, just below Smithvllle. He pre sented the fish to Messrs. A. J. Buchan an and A. C. Bell, and they (the fish, not tho gentlemen,) weighed respectively 8 and 0 pounds. Several years ago ■ Capt. Taylor'B father-in-law stocked a pond with carp, and after having bred the fish to a state of perfection tho dam broke and they all escaped into the creek. Tho two that Capt, Taylor captured are evidently a part of the lot which were originally raised in tbe pond. Several have been caught from Kinch- afoonee weighing upwards of 20 pounds. For Bale. A valuable piece of truck farming property can be had by applying to scp23-tf Tub Bank of Si utek. To the Ladles. On Monday night next there will be a meeting of the Amorlcua Light Infantry at tbeir armory, and every lady Interest ed in this organization is cordially in vited to attend. The meeting will bo entirely devoted to preparations for the fair, which is to take place during tbe last week In No vember, and with the assistance of the ladies this can be made an entertain ment the like of which Americas has never seen. An; lady who desires to help this most worthy cause and who is unable to come out Monday night, has only to impart the fact of the Interest she takes in tbe enterprise to the committee and she will he visited by a member of that body and given an opportunity to contribute any thing she desires. Tbe boys are depending greatly upon the aid and assistance of the fair sex in this endeavor, and they will deeply ap preciate all aid rendered to them. Kid Gloves. Our stock of gents' gloves Is replete “tbe latest” styles in dress and un dressed kids of all shades and colors. Tsomitok Whbatlxy. Ilaas Fran Plaints. Plains, October 20.--On yesterday a tenant boose on tbe farm of 8. J. Wal ters was burned, together with one negro child. Alio on the same day a tenant boose on the farm ot John Oliver was burned, together with three small negro children. The parents are supposed to hare locked them In the house. Ur. F. W. Griffin, who has been quite sick for two weeks with kidney affec tion, is somewhatlmproved, bat not able to be out. Preparations are being made to build a new academy here, costing $1,500. TERRIBLE fatality. •Indc* Batts KIU*d by a Fall From Bis Bona. Judge Walker Batts of SmithviUe was killed Wednesday morning at bis borne a few miles from Smithvllle by a fall from a horse which he was riding. It seems that Judge Batts went on business to town early Wednesday morn ing, Intending to go from there into the country on business. His route led him by his own door, and just before reach- log home hit horse became frightened and threw him. He did not seem to be seriously Injured,and after being thrown, arose and walked home. His wife, knowing that he was to pass the house on bis way Into the country, was not alarmed when ho came in, and even when be told her that he bad sustained a fall from his horse, was not seriously uneasy. After washing from bis face the dirt with which It was covered from the fail, the judge told hia little children to hur ry off to sohool, that he was not hurt; but one hour afterwards he was dead He sustained from the shock severe internal injuries which his system was not able to withstand, and shortly tbero after bad ceased to breathe. In Judge Batts’ death tbe community In which be lived sustains an almost Ir reparable loss, as he was a man beloved by all and an upright and public-spirited citizen. Now Is tho season to plant your onions. Call at Dr. Eldridge's and buy your sets. Bad New*. Prof. L. D. Lockhart received a tele gram yesterday from Blackshear an nouncing the death of his brother, Mr. Willie E. Lockhart. The remains will bo laid to rest to-day. Prof. Lockhart’s many friends here sympathize with him in his sad bereavement. Elastic Beam*. Full line of Scrovens’ patent elastic seam canton flsnDel drawers in all sizes, Tuoknto.v Wheatley’s. Fleas* Report. Parties who fall to receive tlielr paper will please report the fact promptly to this office and not wait for several dayi before giving the information. Subscribers who are missed by the carriers oro particularly requested to notify the office of tbo fact. All styles of toilet and paint brushes at Dr. Eldridge’s drug store. Where Is She? Lee Mann want* to finil the wherea bouts of Miss Nancy Jane Mann, daugh ter of Augustus Mann of Sumter county, Ga. She left Americus In I860 for Sa lem, N. C., since then all trace of her has been lost. Will thank anyone to give such information that they have that will lead to her discovery.’ Papers throughout tbe United States are re quested to copy, as this lady may be In needy circumstances, while sbe has val uable real estate in this county which she baa recently fallen heir to. aug27 dfimlaw Nolle* to stockholder*. The eighth call of ten per cent upon tbe capital stock of the Americus Manu facturing Sr Improvement Co., has been made, and will be payable at the office of tbe treasurer, at the People’s Nation al Bank, November 1. John Windsor, Treasurer. oetStd The young man whose social tempera ment Is sensitive feels that be can’t be hired without being lowered. Mr. C. B. Jones, of Spring Hill, Iowa says: “I have need Chamberlain’s Pain Balm for severe and painful barns with better effect than anything else I have ever tried. It relieves the pain Instantly and cures without leaving a scar." Pain Balm is one of the moet useful medicines that any family can be provided with, especially tor rheumatism, lame back, sprains, bruises, to6th-ache, earache and like ailments. One application will relieve tbe pain, and a fair trial Insure a cure. 60 cent bottles for sale by W. C. Russell. The fact that a man has not cut his hair for ten or twelve years need not necessarily imply that he is eccentric. He may be bald. When a man gets In a towering pas sion there Is no .corresponding elevation in popular esteem. Tbe literature on dress dnring the last ten years, would form an Imposing col lection. Equally carious ana imposing also would be the collection of all the empty bottles used in ths last ten years for Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. The remaining courts of this term In the Southwestern circuit will be held as follows: Lee, first Monday In November. Maoon, second and third Mondays in November. Sumter, fourth Monday In Novem ber. Hay Interact You. ( I have accepted a managing position at tbe home office of the New Fork Auc tion Clothing Company and will remove to New York as soon as I can dispose of ray real estate hero. I have several houses and lots that I am auxions to sell at prices satisfactory to the purchaser, and on terms that cannot help but please. I offer the houses at a nominal pay. ment down, the balance $3.00 per week until paid for, and the vacant lots at one dollar per week with 8 per cent. In terest. Tbe property is in one of the best neighborhoods In the city, and this offer should command the immediate attention of intending purchasers Respectfully, 27sep-lm >■ S M. Cohen. Best Cream Cheese in town at Avera’s. “Doctor,” said a grateful patient, seizing tbe physician’s band, “I shall never forget that to you I owe my life.” “You exaggerate,” returned the physi cian mildly; “yon owe me for only fif teen visits. That ia tho point 1 hope you will not fail to remomher.” We want every mother to know that croup can be prevented. True croup never appears without a warning. The first symptom ia hoarseness; then the child appears to have taken cold or a cold may have accompanied the hoarse ness from tbe start, After that a pecu liar rough cough is developed, which is followed by the croup. The time to act Is when tho child first becomes hoarse; a few doses of Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy will prevent the attack. Even after a rough cough has appeared, the disease maybe prevented by using this remedy as directed. For sale by W. C. Russell. Highest market prices paid for sound cotton seed delivered to the sept23tf Auebicus Guano Company. Both Saint and Sinner. the sinner and troubles tbe It troub i saint, It’s a troublesome, trjlng and nasty com plaint. Don't think It incur <ble; I tell j ou it ain’t. Excuse the grammer; it’s the truth I'm after, whether grammatically or un grammatically told The truth Is, that catarrh can be cured. The proprietors of Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy offer $500 for an incurable case of Catarrh In the Head. The Symptoms of Catabbh.—Head ache, obstruction or nose, discharges falling into the throat, sometime* pro fuse, watery and acrid, atothen, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody, putrid and offensive; eyes weak, ring ing in the ears, deafness*; offensive breath, smell and taste impaired, and general debilityj Only a few of these symptoms likely to bo present at once. Dr, Sage’s liemody cures the worst cas es. Only 50 cents. Sold by druggists, everywhere. Jagson says that some of his friends are such wretched correspondents that they wouldn’t drop him a line if be were drowning. Cotton Seed Hulls for sale at the Americus Oil Mill. oct!5-tf Colognes, extracts, toilet waters and all toilet articles at Du. Elduiiior’b, Mrs. Longwedde—Such a charming husband Mrs. Von Pickle has! So ten der after ten years of marriage I Mr. Lougweddo—Quite natural. It would make rhinoceros tender to be kept in hot water for ten years. P. F, P. Save* Lite. SAYS WILL LIVE FOBEVKB. A prominent Savaonahiar, formerly superintendent of a railroad says: “I was crippled In my foot anI arms so that I eould not walk without crutches, nor eat without having a servant to feed me. I tried physicians everywhere, bat to no purpose, and finally went to New York, where my doctors, at one time, decided to amputate my arm, but found that coarse impracticable on account of a wound I bad received during the war. I returned to Savannah a complete wreck, and my case seemingly hopeless. As a forlorn hope I began to take 1*. P. P„ and am rejoiced to say that after using three bottles ray limbs began to straighten out, my appetite and health soon returned, and I now feel like a new man; really, aa if I had been made over again, and as if I could live forever—so long as I can get P. P. P." This gentleman will not give hla name for publication, bnt authorizes us to refer anpbody to him for ft verification these facts, who will apply to ns. Yours truly, Lippman Bbo»., Wholesale Druggists, Proprietors of P. P. P., Savannah, Ga. Fall has come and with It tba time to settle “that little bill” at Dr. Eldbidob'b. It is stated that In many of the seaside hotels the chief «nd of tbe waiter’s ex lstenee Is beoomtng the tip end. When the robins nest again,” aha said, “I suppose my cold will get well" So he felt very sad, bnt anddenly be thought him of Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrnp. Tbe cough was cared and those two were happy. Capt. T. D. Johnson. To all whom it may concern; I take great pleasure In testifying to the effica cious qualities of the popular remedy for eruptions of the ikin, known as P. P. P. I suffered for several year* with an unsightly and disagreeable eruption on my face, and tried various remedies to remove it, nore of which accomplished the object until this valuable prepara tion was resorted to. After taking three bottles In accordance with directions I am now entirely cured. J. D. Johnston, Of tbe firm of Johnson A Douglass, oet.20,«12t,w2t Savannah, Ga. Hew About This. Justin Fresh Crisp Celery. Cape Cod Cranberries, Grspes—-Ma laga*, Catawba* And Niagras. New Florida Oranges. Cocoanuts, London Layer Figs and new Dates. Eastern Apples, Lemons. Potatoes, Rats Bsgss, Beets. Eastern Cabbages. Dodson A Hill’s Famous Pickles, sweet and sour mixed. Mungos and German Dills. Our regular Friday shipment of that Pure Jersey Country Butter and Fresh Country Egg*. New Graham Flour and Fresh Grits from new corn. Derlilca Crabs with Shells, Pigs Foet and everything that Is new and seasona ble at living prices. Jellies, Jams, .Preserves and Jellies of all kinds at French A Mayo., The Popular Grocers. S. A. M. ROUTE. Strumlt, Americas ft Montgomery R’y TIME TABLE Taking Effect Oct. 36,1891. S is pairs.. Canned Goods, world withont end at Avera’s. Pure wines, brandies and whiskies for medicinal .use, sold at Db. Elduidoe’s Drug Store. Imported Potatoes at Avera’s. Maud—It's strange, Isn’t it, how the beach can resist the roaring billows of ocean? Algernon—Oh, well, you know, I suppose It's becauso It baa so much sand. We cannot afford to deceive you. Con- donco is begotten by honesty. Do Witt's Little Early Risers are pills that will cure constipation and sick headaobe. For sale by the Davonport Drug Com pany, Amy—I guess Cousin Hezeklah waa afraid our food would get away at din ner. Alice—Why? Amy—Didn’t you notice bow he bolted it! For Over Fifty Yean Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and Is the best remedy for diarrheas. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by all druggist! through out the world. Others sell paint, but I sell paints. I will give a personal guarartee to look better and last longer than any other taint. That’s what yon want. I handle cads, oils, putty, etc. J. IIenby Freeman, Cotton avenue. When Baby was sick, wagavs bar Caxtorte. When she waaaChUd, she cried for Castorla. When Misbecame Miss, she dung to Cestoria Wbsa she had Children, she (*vo them Csstoria Dazzle—Why do they say that truth is stranger than Action? Razzle—Because some people see so little of it that it seems strange. CHILD BIRTH • • • MADE EASY! *' Mothers’ Friend ” is a scientific- ' ally prepared Liniment, every ingre dient of recognized value and in constant use by the medical pro fession. These ingredients are com bined in a manner hitherto unknown (( MOTHERS’ FRIEND *» WILL DO all that Is claimed for It AND MORE. It Shortens Labor, Lessens Pain, Diminishes Danger t* Life of Mother and Child. Book to “ Mothers ’’ mailed FREE, con taining valuable information and voluntary testimonials. Sent by express on receipt nf price ll.fio per bottle BRADFIEID REGULATOR'CO.. Atlanta. 0*. BOLD HV ALL DBUOOtBITR 3T The Tax Rate. The C< mim lit loner* of Roads and Kcvenao of Huinter County have thin day levied a Ux of forty-nine an4 two-tenths cents upon one hundred dollars of taxable property in tbe county for the current year, toe same being one hundred and slxtv-one andoqe being one hundred and sixtv*oDe auu oqe- third per cent, upon tbentate asuessm* nt. Klxty-ono and one-third per cent, being for botldlng a new Jail* and one hundred per cent, b nou for current expenses of ths ooun- irtloned as follows: /und^?o. l, general indebtedness 80 Fund No, 2, c urt house,Jail and bridge*.33.0 Fund No. 3, omcere’ fees •*» Fund No. 4, coroner's fsee *y Fund" No. 5. stationery, etc !*• undNo 6. Jury fees.. ft4> Fund No. 7, support of poor 4.0 Fund No. 8, county court M Total... J. if. Black, S '. A. HUNTINGTON, oust A. Cobb. a bo. W. Council, J. W. Whbatlst, County Commissioners. THE LITTLE 8EWIN8 MACHINE MAN orrcBs rox sals SEWING MACHINES & MOTORS For all Machine, on easy terms, and e supply ths best needles, Oils, iaclnneets, Etc. rOI ALL MACHINES. Special attention Riven to repairing i small Machinery. Orders^ by inall will t eive promot attention. To Peddlers. Evety person before peddling must register wltn the Ordinary and pay tbe Tax Collector |S0 for the county, and $25 for the state. License for tbe county are for the term of one year; for the state, only for the fiscal year. If any person, except a disabled soldier of this state, (and be must register every year) peddles without first obtaining such license, he shall forfeit to the county one hundred dollars. Any officer or tax payer of this county may require a peddler to exhibit b‘s license, and con failure or refusal so to exhibit, tbe pod gier forfeits $5tK>-one-half to tbe informer, tbe other to the county. By order of Commissioners. oc21 if J. B. DUNN, Tax Collector. 640 7 00 • 27 11 00 4 so am 6 oo .. Birmingham arr . Chllderaburg Ire ....Bvlacanga Ire .. ..•Opelika lve ...Columbus arr ...Columbus lve .... Kllsrllle.......arr ...•Ellaville lve ... Americus arr ... Americus. Ive ‘ e...i* ..lve Ccrdele.. ..Its TOO pm 5 05* 440 li 45 ft m 11 20 005 • 60 620 000 620 560 165 Beta's M ontfiomery and Americas, via Opelika 8 10 a ml lve Montgomery arr .8 15 pm lve Opelika arr 9 85 pm 1 05 S SO larr Americus lve • 80am Between Montgomery and Amdrtcus, via Union Springs and Columbus. • 65 am 860 6 40 Ire Montgomery arr lve....dc Colnmbuf arr arr Amnricus lve 7 20 pm ‘iS Uetw'n Montgomery and Americus, via Kufaula 7 40 am 10 Ot a 65 pm 103 Ire Montgomery arr Ire Eufauta Ire Ire Albany arr arr Americas lve 7 2ipm 4 12 r 260 108 Between Americas and Jacksonville, via Helena 7 00 pmllve.......Amerluao....'..a”‘ 1 17 am lve .Helena lv 0 10 arr Brunswick lve 8 30 [arr Jacksonville lve 8 U) am 8 55am 11 00 pm 080 • Med Stations. Passengers from Charleston destined to points rest of Sorannah, change can at 0. & B. Juno* f COMMERCIAL AGENTS. J. M. CABOLAN, E. A. SMITH. Bavannah, Ga. Birmingham,!Ala. LEE McLENDON, JXO. T. ARGO, Columbus, Ga. Americus, Ga. O. H. SMITH, O. ft. A., New York, N.Y. East Tennessee, Virginia and : Georgia R’y System. —IB THE ONLY— Short and Direct Lina to the North, East or West. Thl* line is oonoedsd to be th* best equipped and root tbs finest Pullman Bleeping Can In tbe South. Elegant Pullman Bleeping Cars, between Jacksonville and Cincinnati, Titusville and Cincinnati, Brunswick and Louisville, Chattanooga and Washington Memphis and Hew York, aphis and New yomc, Philadelphia and New Orleans, Chattanooga and Mobile, Atlanta and Chattanooga, Without Change. For say information address B. W. WBENN, Gen. Pan. and Ticket Aft Rflt «RU. raw# auu Knoxville, Terns 0. W. KIGHT, Ass’tGon. Pass. Aft. Atlanta. Georgia. A DMINISTRATOR’S SALK. GftOHGiA—Sumter County: I Agreeable to an order granted by the Hon orable Court of Ordlnarvofeald county, will *- ..-..L- *-^)oceof 8. 8. *lo*n. atlas north eaet of ctober 80th 1801. ba le and 4 p.m.,allthe aging to mud, estate, i, three li*»r es. two irne«s.oueone-hotM old pk-nloo. one no , one Millar orga i oii<* . -arrow, I* .it press. Jsel’nw*. ul«. t *40 plow st eke i, on** icnnt mill and ot or rock*, one e«w le old engine, boiler, ou. fifty saw treea rrlr land, 00 gallons labels corn, more or r, more or lens, 4)0 oor lots, and ft fe~ •hand gin at Berio 1 scales, one steam ca ress at Barlow mill ,ne Court of Ordln* the property of H. y tbe debts and for Terms cash, t. M. PERSONS, 8. Sloan, deceased. 17,1801. I PUBLIC ROAD. —Sumter County. ran and others have Boot\d-class road rfe- HMerilll and W. seen lands of Mrs, then between lands • IIBU UCRWBW1I if r*. Jones, th.n be in snd Mr*. Maab- ksu’s land end bs- Doslarsnd J. J. Da- terlcu* end Friend- en marked oat by d ■ report thereof , that uld mw n : Monday In Nor* slonor* of toad* • ifinallygrantcdirno lb. contrary. Thl. . WHEATLEY, ty Commissioners. Bunns County. r granted by M nary of said eoantr, mart (ton*, door In hmuft door county, on the first * "i lawful to-wlt: •ee more or Kws;ij|ft ee more or d number d number sixty (00) more or tern; also tSTMnmt^Ogfty '’Administrator. ^MRNUTBAWKW BALM^ copIIITi Aa**.bt. to an order from tb* Honorable Ordln nary of*atd county, will be sold the court houMdoqr m Jbotownof^RjeUm, Webster county, on the Amt Tue~Url> November next, subject lo the widow’* dower, th* following dworthed property: Lot of land numberone liund’ed and forty- four (111) and all of lot of land numberone hundred and forly-tbree (IIS) lying we*t of Klnchafoonee ertez, lying uud being In the l&thdialrlctof Wcbutercounty. Ga. Bold** tbe property or W. A. Cbrl.llnn, deceased, for the benefit of heir, and creditor!. Sept o, lull, P. L CHKIHIIAN, Administrator. A DMINIBI’HATOK'S BALE. U EOKUIW.-W SHIITSB CocOTT. Agreeable to an order from tbe Honorable Ordinary of Welmter county will be wild be- Cor. the Courthouse door In Pre.u>u,Webeler oounty. Uwrgls. ou the first Tueeday in No- ram bar next, the following devrtbed prop erty: Lot of land number two hundred and fourteen (21(1 in the nineteenth (19th) district of originally Lee now Webster county, sold a. the property of H. T. Deon.rd, deoeMCd. for tbe beoedt of the heir* and creditor, of •alddeeewed. Jacob Dennasd. Oct. 6,1*91. Administrator. bound In any way fo> tbe debteor liabilities of tbe corporation beyond tbe amount of bis unpaid .ubacriplton of tbe capital stock of said company. Wberoiore petitioners pray that after this petition shall have been filed, recorded and published, according to law, that tbe court will grant an order grantTOg rtilsa^dlcmlon. Petitioner*. Attorneys. Filed Iq oflloe September Sid 1891. f. H. ALLKN, Clerk B.C. I certify tb. abov. and foregoing to be a true extract front tbe Record of Charter. In Sumter Superior Court tbls September 33rd 1891. J. H. ALLEN, Clerk 8. C. APPLICATION FOR CHARTER. APPLICATION FOR CHARTER. STATE OF GEORGIA—Buhtxx Cotmr. To tbe Superior Court of said County; Tbe petition of E.H. Ferguson.J. J.Caflrrey, both of Louisville. K,v., John M.Green of Atlanta, Ga., H. C. Bagley and M. S. Har per, respectfully, show, that iliey and tbeir succosnori desiro to be Incorporated under tbo corporate name and style of “Americus Oil Company.” That their object, nod pur poses are tor pecuniary gain lorthemMive., their associate, uud .uccessors; and that the business they propose to carry on is th- buy ing and selling of cotton seed and II. pro ducts, such as, cotton seed 911, crude and re fined,cotton Med me.1 and eke, cotton ►<■, d after tbe cotton has been ginned, of all kinds and varteile.; and tb. mannfac'nre, prepa ration and sal. or product* derived iron cotton eeed; and the oarrytog on, managr- ment and control of such bnslmasor mum- lecture connected therewith; and generally to engage la all snob employment, and llnec of business, cottonseed or Its products art utilised wholy or In part. Also, th* leasing snd owning of tank can, manufac turing of barrels and casks, and ah „m„t commodities in connection with said busi- nsss. Tbe main biainsas or'.lie corporation le to be the manufacture and sal. 01 cotton seed oil, and es Incident thereto tbe utilizing 14 - and sale of all products of seed cotton and cotton teed. Petitioners farther show unto the ooart that their principal place of busi ness will be tn the county ofSamter, State or Georgia; but that they d sir. to carry on business, employ and send egenta elsewhere In said state, and Into other (tales and terri tories of the United State., branch offlnrs therein, If they deem It ad visable. t hat tbe amount of csplial to be employed Inr petitioner* Is on* hondred thousand (1100,00m dollar., fifty thousand (M0,0001 dollar, of which Is actually paid in before beginning business, with th* prlvtlsg* of Increasing their captut to any sum not szcecln* one hundred and fifty thou*- and (tlSuOOO) dollar.. Petitioner.dealr* to be Incorporated for twenty years, with the priv ilege ot renewing their charter from time to time as they ee* proper. Petitioners desire the further right to purebme, Issue, hold, own and control, sell, acelfn, transfer, or dis pose of iucb real estate, or Interest In real estate,.. may he necetmry and proper for the legitimate and convenient transaction of their business Pci it loner, desire th* and power to make all such by-lawe, and alter the earns at pleasure, as they may tee proper; to have and as* a common seal, and toehauge the earnest pleaeure; to have a right tone and baeued, snd to make all necessary contracts In the conduct ofiu business; to borrow money, and to secure the same by giving notes, Indentures, bonds, mortgages snd land, as the corpora: Ion may w proper to do; and farther to be Invested with aft the right*, powers, privileges, im munities and franchises Incident to corpora- iloneoftheklnd.and accessary to carry on and conduei tbe otfieoU and purposes of the bnslnee* of petlt'oners. PetlUonsn further desire that they shall be incorporated so that no stockholder In tbe corporation shall he ‘ debts GEORGIA—Suarna Countv. To the Superior Court of said County 1 The petition of o. W. Lamar, R. T. John- on, w. M. HIU and Marshall Martin togeth er with tbeir assoelataa ehowe that they have entered Into an association under the name am* stylo ol “The Shippers O unprees Asso ciation". That tbeobject of said association Is pecuniary gain to the lodlridual members and the corporation In this, to-wlt: By the running, owning and controlling a compress, using said compress in Americus, Sumter county, Ua., for tbe pmpoee ot compressing cotton packed to hales lor more c.,nrenter:t and readier transportation. The principal offie* of the slid association I. to be In Americus, Georgia, with prlrllege of doing bualnesa of both owning, cootroi- logand leasing comp'Cs-ea tn said county snd la any section of tb* United States ihe association may sea proper. Th. petitioners pray that they be In rested together with theirassoolates and successors with tlis power to oarry on the aforemen tioned object* together with the power to nurchaseand hold property, real and person al: to >ent and lease property, boih real and persona,; tore, and be sued: to use scorn* 111011 seal. If the aaeoeiatlou should so desire, and to exercise' all power usually conferred upon corpora:Ions of simitar eharacier, as may bo const-ten’ with the laws of Georgia, nr nny -tale lu win, li s.f.f aasoelstion nmy do business a ,d o*>t tuuiu.lsleot with the Usrsol the United Brat-s. Petlllonen further show that the capital ttnekofsaldaasoclrilon l« thirty thousind uolsrs, more than 10 per cental which lisa been actually paid lo. Your pent! -ner. :ur- therebow that they deal re the passing of an order allowing them to increase at any rime - they may sea fit tho cuphal stock to any amount not to exceed flfiy thousand dollar*. Wherefore,co rlderlniethe premises,your and their suooMeo •* be Incorporated for and during the tarm or twenty years, with the prlvltegeofrenewalatihc expiration of Ihe said term. And es n duty bound your pell- will * Uonera v 1 ever P^JjlNTON A OUTTS, Attorns. S lor Petitioner*. I certify the above tn be a true extract from the ke.ord of Charters thlaOrf.'.’I.!«»(. “ 1aw4w J* H» / .ALLEN, Clerk 8.C. Wlllbeenld, byvlrtueofsdecreeof Sum ter Superior Court, held in February. 1891. before th* Court Hone* door tn tba ulty or, Americus, Ga., between Ihe legal boon of sale, on the first Tuesday tu November next. of mod, to-wlt: Lotaof laud numbera twenty-six, thirty- fir* and thlrty-alx (39,85 uud :W), to the Z7th District of Sumter county, Gx.. rncti con- Uiniicbtil niuiuci uuuiuyi uit.t ' in 11 *un- tatnlns two hundrej and two and one-halt (a 2&tSS"i.To7t 0 oS‘??’..nd number on. hundredand twenty-six (tail), bounded „n tha west by public r ad running north ironi Americus towards tba late Uaruey Parker's place until said road Intersects the Travel er's Rest road, then due south to the south line or said lot, containing one hunoren (ICO) acres, more or I,— — rigniu NfiVlIJ IHPfl, Tf # IWIlIUfill/, 9HIU IfiUU In tbe 37th District of Humler county, Oa. Also a strip or land on the not: h side of rest half of lot 111 In 27th olstrict of Humler County, being S37 feet wide ant' ' north by tbe south line or the e I3!ln said district; contatnlsi more c rallro* install and bounded ou . be east half of lot 138tn ealddlatrlct; contnlnlcg seven scree more or leas, the right ot way of the 8. w. Ilrosd excepted. These two parcels of land ust above described containing in tbe aggre gate, ocs hundred and seventeen acres more or leas. MMHSHMMfii virtue of said BBWHrBHbB estate or IF, R. Stewart, late of Bumler County, deceased. SOld tO P< thepui > pay Ura debts of said eitiate. and for rponen ofdi*tributfon union* the heirs R. It. SrKITART, Executor of W. K. Stewart, deceased. fl A DMINISTRATOR'S BALE. GEORGIA—Scute a Count r. By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Humier county, will be sold to the hishust bidder More the court house door in theolty of Americus. Sumter county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday In November, between the legal hours of sale, tbe following property belonging to estate c! A. R. Coulter, deceased, to wit: Five heavy wagons (new) two with bodies, one road eari, four sets strong double bar ness, two sets for large moles, one set black-smith tools and forge, five tents with flys, twelve or fifteen matresses with covers, blankets, etc., one oedstead snd spring, three wire oofs, two box-stoves and pipes, one No. 8 cooking 4tove and utensils, one box eroekery.klteben furniture sad camp outdt,four cbes's of oom- plate tools for bridge and trestle building. Un log chains, lot oc la-ge rope and tackle snd pile bends, tbree pits driver hammers. two pile driver engines, also two building lots in Brooklyn Heldbu survey, known as ‘its two and tbres In block seven. Terms ish. W. E. MUBPIIEY. dit-tnee Administrator. • j —*