Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, October 31, 1891, Image 3
M|DB.|ACKEB'S ENGLISH PILLS Are active, effective and pure. For sick headache, disordered stomach, loss of appetite, bad complexion and bilious ness, they have ■ never been equaled, either in America or abroad. For sale by Fleetwood & Russell, Americus, Ga. OUR footwear - ■ ' THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMESrRECORDER: SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 189i. COURT HOUSE SQUARE, AMERICUS, oa. Nice Oak Suits at - $ 25.00 Parlor Suits at - - 35 <0 ° Plush Rockers - - - 4-°o Side-boards, - $15-00 to $250.00 China Dinner and Tea Sets. - - $7-5° to $75-oo Picture and Room Moulding, Picture Frames, Pictures, Easels, Cords and Hangings—all on a basis of 6c. Cotton. 1891 33. B. HILL 1891 WILL GIVE VOL GOOD GOODS AT THE PRICE OF Why do the people with one voice say that D. B. Hill keeps the best good? ? BECAUSE They have used our furniture and it never cracked, blistered or fell down; used our crock- ery, china and glassware, and found it as represented; lit our lamps and had good light; used our silverware and sounded its praise; bought our clocks and never got left; bought our window-shades when they didn't need them; bought curtain poles for themselves and poor kin because they were so cheap; used our knives and forks and piaised the butcher; bought our pictures and got credit for lots of good taste; hung our wall paper and didn’t know the old house. Coffins, Caskets, Burial Robes ft Suits, BURIAL SLIPPERS AND GLOVES. This branch of our business is replete with all that is new and RELIABLE. Every improvement has our pa tronage. Nothing escapes us. Our stock of Royal Worcester, Doulton and Dresden China, Buoga- EMBALMING done hy EXPERIENCED Emhalmers. rian, Faience and other holiday goods will repay your inspection. Mr. L. S. Tower will answer night calls, front of Methodist Church. Residence in CURES SYPHILIS all >om« sad okfoo a# **" - old Chronic Ulrara that hnvo misted alfJwatnwiiU_^Ugg^ RP.PJSh fCI^RSMMT'ErMnv^EroDla^cInSR^SmpSlBU^ curtxl Poleoo, Tetter, Scold Head, etc., etc. « p p p, ; Cures’rhe'umatisM Ladle# whose (ritcm are polamed and who* blood la la » Import condition dee to men it real IrrxrolarltU P.P.P.M CURES ALARIA T3!Tw!!^SeEI3T7jSrTES5r«!n5^5^looT clwtMtec properties of f. P. P. Prickly Ath. Poke Root CuresdyspepsiA LIFTMAN , 8AVAHSAH, GA, For sale by the DAVENPORT DRUG COMPANY, Americus, Ga. Health is Wealth! Sluut Da. e. 0. War's Nxavr axd Baua tbut uh of aloohol or toMooo, Wakefulness, ifental Depression, Softening of the Brain, resulting in jeenlty end loading to misery, decs, end death, SlStlEE? old . **?■ B««upo«. Lost of Power turolnnurj Losses end Sperms- torrhoe, caused by over>exertlon of thx brxln, solf-abuse or over-indulgence, v- -h box con tains one month'! treatment. (1.00 per box, or JUpt^fJ^* 9 ' 09 ' "°‘ b7 mmU * P"qSd, m re- WK GUARANTEE SIX BOXES *JJ“»W<Me. With each order reoelvsd by « oom P*“J»? With (AM, we wuieendthe purchaser oai written suxranteeto ““"I B the treatment toSwt ef- -o^t * Cura- Guarantees limed only by THKDJLVENPORT DRUG CO., Sole Agts^ Drawing Oars Up Rill. The track of the Rainier Avenue Elec- trio railway has been completed down Washington street as far as Third, and cars are now regularly running to Eighth. The compensation weights for taking the cars up the steep incline be tween Fifth and Eighth streets are in place. Upon trial the contrivance has worked successfully, and cars will he running up and down in a few days. The arrangement is a very ingenious one. The regular track is standard gauge; inside of it and two or three feet below the street level is a second track of two feet gunge. On this rnns a track loaded with lead eo as to weigh between five and six tons. This lower track is covered over and nothing of it is seen from the street. When the track is at the bottom of the hill a cable to which it is attached runs on pulleys to the top, and there tuniB over a big concealed wheel out to the side of the track. A car coming down the hill takes the end of the cable, und the weight of the descending car, together with the elec tric power, draws the heavy truck un derneath np the 16t per cent, grade tc the top of the hill. When the car re turns the truck is at the top of the hill. As soon as the car is attached to the end of the cable, then at the bottom, the truck is released, and its weight as it runs down draws the car up. The cable pulled out at the top of the hill as the car comes down runs in a narrow slot just inside of the track on the north side of the street.—Seattle Post Intelligencer. Atu.tke'i Literary Remains. The quantity of the writings of the lata Marshal von Moltke is unexpected ly large. A portion of the papers is of purely military interest. It consists of reports and strategical observations on the campaigns in which Moltke com manded. These are to be issued by Messrs. Mittler & Son, of Berlin, and English editions will be published by Messrs. Osgood, of London. Bnt the late marshal also left a sort of autobiog raphy, comprising twenty-nine diaries, which cover almost the whole of hie military career, and are replete with notes on all the events in which the great soldier was In a way mixed up. These diaries give a vivid illustration of Moltke’s character, and were orginally in tended for the perusal of his family only. But it has been decided to publish them, and they are to appear first as serials in • German periodical and in an English illustrated journal. Afterward they will be issned in book form.—London Timex JAPANESE CURE 'Mlteed On Sind or degme—Br mai, Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itohirg, Chronic, Recent or Hereditary. $1.00 s box; 6 boxes, $AOO. «nt by man, prepaid, on raoeipt of price, we guarantee to t are any eaee of Piles. Guaranteed and solo only by THE DAVMf.URT DRUG CO. Wholesale aid Retail *»mplea free. febM-dAwiyr keq t£aa&oM ESS? SaBMBBg. c <^sH A Strange Birthmark. ( A. curious story comes from Salt Lake City which it attracting mneb comment from friende and acquaintances of Policeman Charles F. Wanless, shot and killed by Joseph A. Barnes, Sept 18, 1880, and may fnrniah medical men another enbjeot for discussion. Barnet was having a quarrel with his wife, which Um officer attempted to stop Barnes fired, and the bullet passed through Wanlem' heart, leaving a jag- god bnllet bole in the breast. A married sister of the dead office! was telegraphed and came to the funer al from her home in Salt Lake. She was much affected by the tragedy, and took the loos of her brother to heart. In a short time she returned home. About three months ago, as the report Is heard here by friends of the dead officer, hi* sitter gave btrth to a boy perfectly formed, bnt with a rad birthmark over the heart of the exact shape and appear ance of the wound made in Wanless’ breast by the bnllet from Barnes' pistol. -Denver Newa Caller—Has your mistress gone out? New Servant—No, but she Is not at home. - lYomnn-s Suf far-age. was what a witty woman called that period of life which all middle-aged pass through, and during which so many seem to tbink they must suffer—that nature intended it so. The same lady added; “If you don’t believe in ‘wo man’s sufferage,’ there is one ballot which will effectually defeat it—Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription-” This is true, not only at the period of middle life, but at all ages when women suffer from uterine diseases, painful irregu larities, Inflammation, ulceration or pro lapsus, the “Favorite Prescription” so strengthens the weak or diseased organs and enriches the blood, that years of health and enjoymeut are added to life. A person who sits down on a took is likely to rise on the spur of the mo ment. Investigate their merits. De Witt’s Little Early Risers don’t gripe, cause nausea or pain, which accounts for their popularity. The Davenport Drug Com- pany says they would not run a drag store without these little pills. Earth has no greater joy than the dis covery of a quarter in a cast-off vest pocket. It is with infinite satisfaction that I state ihe fact that'Dr. Bull’g Cough Syrup has boon long used in my faml and always with marked success.—R. Jarvis, Chief Eng. Fire Dep Petersburg, Va. The first cotton gin made by Eli Whit ney will be exhibited at tbe Chicago World's Fair. A Police Station Pharma*/. Whle 1 was in tbe EM ridge street po lice station the other afternoon a man came in with his hands on hit stomach and a pained expression In hit face. “Give me come cholera medicine.” be said to the sergeant in despairing tongs. The sergeant took a bottle from the looker behind the desk and called the doorman, who administered a deea of the-stuff to tbe patient He went out apparently relieved. “1 didn't know yon ran a pharmacy,* I said to the sergeant, who explained that in the summer the police in aoms of the station houses keep on band chol era mixture furnished by the cotnmia- sioners of charities and correction for thenifeC a drag store.—New York People with impure blood may be said to exist, not live. Life Ir robbed of half lta joys when the blood is loaded with impurities and disease. Correct this condition with DeWitt's Sarsapa rilla, it Is reliable. For sale by the Davenport Drag Company. “I’m not In It,” sorrowfully sang tbe mosquito, as be butted on the outside of tbe netting. Perfect action and perfect health re sult from the use of DeWitt’s Little Early risers, a perfect little pill. For sale by tbe Davenport Drag Company, Pure wines, brandies and whiskies for medicinal use, sold at Dr. Eldridoe’s Drug Store. When a man grows bald It is safe to ■ay that bis wife's influence it gone. She baa lost her pull. Fall haa^omeaod with it the fUue to settle “that little Mil” at Dr. Eldridoe’s “doctor ACKER’S INGUSH wlD atop a Cough la one night, check a Cold In a day, and CPU Consumption If taken in time. IF THE LITTLE ONES HATE WHOOPING COUGH OR CROUP nHttanor- ABS5 Ask PMP It* Tutei flood. Df.31? W. 1L HOOKER & Fills CO, U Bro*dw*y, M.r. MtMM#M#llligl | The Best Place In South-west Ga. TO BUY GOOD SHOES AT FAIR PRICES FINE STATIONERY Daily papers, Magazines, etc. Subscriptions for any pa per or publication. % jRgbber Stamps, any kind, size or price. IS AT JOHN R. SHAW'S ‘EAGLE” SHOE STORE, 119 Forsyth St. AMERICUS, Ga. ' ABBUTT S- EAS T<n^N oRN • CM 0,J! V — C PA ,r v r.ORki^S MHSP^Pr.,, s/t BUNIONS *N0 WART'S For sal* by the DAVENPORT DRUG COMPANY Americas, 0*. Great assortment, Latest Styles and No. 1 Qualities; for little, big, old and young. No Better Stook tolbe found anywhere. REAL ESTATE Business Property,. Residence Property, Vacant Property, Suburban Property, Small Farms, Large Farms. t; APPLY QUICK. MERREL CALLAWAY, (Huoeeuon to W. L. Msrdrv.) Blank Books, American Bibles at actual cost. Oxford Bibles, Teachers’ edition. Pictures, Easles and Sheet Music. Picture Frames to order and to our picture-frame depart ment we have just added new machines, glass cutters, etc., also an experienced workman.. Satisfaction guaranteed. 105 FORSYTH STREET. TELEPHONE, 106. LUMBER SHINGLES. After having our mill thoroughly over hauled, we are now prepared to furnish Lumber and Shingles at cheap, or cheaper, than anybody. Address ua at Americus. Wiggins Sc Herndon. au£B-dAw2m SUFFERERS -OFi Youthful Errors Lost Manhood, Eariy Decay, eto., etc., can secure a borne iraeUiafrea by addressing a fellow sufferer C. P- O. Box S)«. Roen.&a, Vi-ginU. MONEY TO LOAN. ■Ths Union Central Life Insurance Caw of Cincinnati, Ohio, will land money oa choice improved farms and city property tam *** r C * 0t C* 11 and examine oatjrye- J. J. flANKSLET, Gen'lAgL, t ( ly * -V’