Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, October 31, 1891, Image 7

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Tb .
to Now Quarter**
The America. Grocery Company are
removtog from gtock and offices, and in
:rr e «me"heir bnsines. from
he commodious warehouses occupied
hythemneartheA.P.^ r «“ g
TheAmericus Grocery Company la a
SJSm b«»» d
„[.,i transactions, they have
transmitted to the corporation which
hty have created their own personal
tU y ^ausine it to rank second to
nonfin Georgia as a thoroughly reliable
”nd in every way trustworthy house,
and their business lias grown to g.gantio
proportions, which, assisted by a thor
oughly efficient clerical force, they dis
pose of with system and despatch.
Mr. E. D. Ansley, the well-known
“Parlor Groccryman,” will probably oc
cupy the building vacated by the Gro
cery Company.
At the Opera House.
Manager Lewis lias made tlie hit of
year by securing Richards & Pringle’s
famous Georgia minstrels for a four
night's season at bis house. Last night
the house was packed from pit to dome,
and the “standing room only” card was
displayed early in the evening. There
woro three or four hundred people
turned away from the door for lack of
room. The big crowd were thoroughly
repaid for the tight for admittance.
Tho Richards & Pringle minstrel organi
zation is a good one, and won much and
earnest applause. The performance as
a whole was good, and the various spe
cialties were exceedingly well done.
The singing is extraordinarily good, and
the numerous imitations, especially the
facial comedian, were received with up-
roaring enthusiasm. The jokes were
fresh and took well. The company bavo
found that engagements compel them to
make their stay here of only four night’s
duration. There will be a grand mati
nee Wednesday and Thursday afternoon.
All who were not at the opera house last
night should see this real African min
strel company before they leave the city.
—Norfolk Landmark.
Pine lot of Mountain Apples, firm and
juicy, only 25c. per peck, for to-day.
PiiEXcn & Mato,
Tho Popular Grocers.
To Hid. Th-lr Own Disgust.
Mr. Istery—“I have just discovered
why the performers at minstrel shows
always blacken their faces."
Mr. Curio—“Well?"
Mr. Istery—“They are afraid to perpe
trate their jokes until disguised.”—Col
orado Sun.
A Stranger Present.
Struggling Minister—“There waa a
stranger in church today."
Wife—“What he lookelike ?”
“I did not see him."
“Then how do you know there was a
stranger among the congregation ?”
“I found a good quarter in the contri
bution box.”—New York Weekly.
AH In a Nutshell.
"You refuse me?" ho gasped.
“I do," replied Arminta.
“It Is because I am poor and un
known. You do not understand me,
"That Is just it, George. You are too
The Crushed Tragedian.
“His friends alt advised him to go on
tho stage,” said the unsuccessful trage
dian’s father,
“Yes, I soo, It was his friends begged
him on and the audience egged him off."
—Washington Star.
Asses' Ears.
DeWilkins—“No, Miss Tompkin's, I
am afraid you won’t see much of me, be
cause, you see, I am up to my ears in
Miss Tompkins—“Oh, I am sure we
can still see a great deal of you, then."—
Useless Information,
Younghusband—“If I were you, my
dear, 1 wouldn’t tell my friends I bad
trimmod that bat myself.”
Mrs. Younghusband—“Why love,
would it be conceited?” .
.Younghusband—“No; superfluous.”—
Expert anti. Doeet.
“I've got ten thousand dollars; I want
to build a house."
“You can’t do It.”
“Why not?”
“It takes twenty thousand dollars to
build a house for ten thousand dollars.”
“The Clemencema Case."
The Boston Globe says of the, “Clem-
encesn Case” production: “It is a very
clever play, capably and sensuously act
ed. The outadvertised studio scene Is
only one circumstance in a series. Miss
Bell is remarkably graceful and
shapely. Her carriage is the poetry of
motion and physical beauty, and she can
sit on a lonnge most eloquently. Her
face would be heavy were It not for ef
fective and heavy eyes. Her perform'
ance Is so finely studied that it In the
main gives the Illusion of reality. Her
Izais a creature bred of eelf-wonhlp;
loving her husband as suoh one could.
At the best she would make him only
her paramour, while using other men as
her purse bearers.
“Miss Bell was quite coy, or delayed,
In answering a prolonged call after the
fourth act. But the honers were plainly
most emphatic for Willard Newel, who
played Pierre Clemenceau, the duped
husband, with due reserve, and, on oc
casion, with needed force and fire."
She Wm Punished Enough.
Dick LRehead—So you've got back
from Europe, Jack.
Jack Sago—Yes. Ijsuppose a great
many changes have taken place since I
went away. Why there’s Ethel Fllrtie
over there. I owe her a grudge; she
jilted me before I left.
D. L.—Owe her a grudge? Ha! ha!
that’s good. Why, she’s my wife.
J . S.—Oh! she’s your wife, Is she?
Then I take it back. I can’t bear her
any grudgo now. We're more than
For Sale.
valuable piece of truck farming
property can be had by applying to
8ep23-tf The Bank of Sumter.
Cotton Report.
Ameihcus, Ga., Oct. 30,1891
Following is the cotton report in this
oity up to date:
Receivod by wagon 143
Received by railroad 115
Received previously 29,009
Total.,, 29,867
Corrected dally by L. G. Council, ware
Good middling 7|
Middling 71
Low middling 7$
Market, dull.
Spots, middling 7 11-10
Market, dull.
Spots, middling 8|
Market, firm.
Spots, upland middling 4 11-10
Market, dull.
Market barely steady. Sales, 99,100.
Op’g. Cl’g.
8.35 8.30
8.09 8.17
8.20 8.25
All styles of toilet and paint brushes
at Dr. Eldridge's drug store.
A New Reason.
Mr. De Club—"My dear, a great Ger
man physician says women require more
sleep than men.”
Mrs. De C —“Doe* he?”
Mr. De C.—"Yes, my dear—urn—or—
you’d better not wait up for me tonight.”
—New York Weekly.
Notice to Stockholders.
The eighth call of ten per cent upon
the capital Stock of the Amerlcus Manu
facturing y Improvement Co., has been
made, and will be payable at the office
of the treasurer, at the People’s Nation
al Bank, November 1.
John Windsor, Treasurer.
The Courts.
The remaining courts of this term in
the Southwestern circuit will bo held as
Lee, first Monday in November.
Macon, second and third Mondays in
Sumter, fourth Monday In Novem
Best Cream Cheese In town at Avera’e.
Fifty years ago a dress suit of black
broadcloth was the every day attire of
many gentlemen and most clergymen of
New York, and it was worn la the street
as well as at home.
We want every mother to know that
croup can be prevented. True croup
never appears without a warning. The
first symptom is hoarseness; theta the
ohlld appears to have taken cold or a
cold may have accompanied the hoarse
ness from the start, ' After that a pecu
liar rough cough Is developed, which Is
followed by the croup. The time to aot
Is when the child first becomes hoarse; a
few doses of Chamberlain’s Cough Rem
edy will prevent the attack. Even after
a rough cough has appeared, the disease
maybe prevented by using this remedy
as directed. For sale by W. C. Russell.
Now is the season to plant your
onions. Call at Dr. Eldridge's and buy
your sets.
A Portsmouth (X. H ) woman recent,
ly found a one-cent piece in an egg which
one of her liens bad laid, and later on the
same lien laid an egg with a ten-cent
piece in it.
ltoth Saint and Sinner.
It tronb es the sinner anil troubles the
I t’s a troublesome, trj Ins and nasty com'
Don't think it Incur, ble; I tell )oa ft ain't.
Excuse tho gratnmer; it's the truth
I'm after, whether grammatically or urn
grammatically told The truth is, that
catarrh can be cured. Tho proprietors
of Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy offer 8500
for an incurable case of Catarrh in tlie
The Symjtoms of Catarrii.—Head
ache, obstruction or nose, discharges
falling Into the throat, sometimes pro
fuse, watery and acrid, atothen, thick,
tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody,
lutrld and offensive; eyes, weak, ring-
ng iu the ears, dcafnesss; offensive
breath, smell and taste Impaired, and
general debility] Only a few of thesn
symptoms likely to be present at onoe.
Dr. Sage's Remedy oures the worst cas-
Only 50 cents. Sold by druggists,
Colognes, extracts, toilet waters and
all toilet articles at Dr. Eldridse's.
How About This.
Freah Crisp Celery.
Cape Cod Cranberries, Grapes—Ma
lagas, Catawbas and Nlagras.
New Florida Oranges.
Cocoa'nuti, London Layer Figs and new
Eastern Apples, Lemons.
Potatoes, Ruta Bags*, Beets.
Eastern Cabbages.
Dodson & Hill's Famous Pickles,
sweet and sour mixed.
Mangos and German Dills.
Our regular Friday shipment of that
Pure Jersey Country Butter and Fresh
Country Eggs.
New Graham Flour and Fresh Grits
from new corn.
Derillea Crabs with Shells, Pigs Feat
and everything that Is new ar.d seasons-
ble at living prices.
Jellies, Jams, Preserves aud Jellies of
all kinds at French A Mato.,
The Popular Grocers.
Canned Goods, world without end at
Saiannab, Americas & Montgomery R’y
Taking Effect Oct. 26,18B1.
10 00
10 *T
I is p m in
New York has a Hebrew pavement
workers' union.
Wo oannot afford to deceive you. Con-
dence is begotten by honesty. De
Witt’s Little Early Risers are pills that
will oure constipation and alok headache.
Forsalobythe Davenport Drug Com
Imported Potatoes at Avera’s.
The Brotherhood of Railway Conduc
tors and the Order of Railway Conduc
tors recently voted for federation.
• • • MADE EASY!
*' Mothers’ Friend ” is a scientific
ally prepared Liniment, eveiy ingre
dient of recognized value and in
constant use by the medical pro
fession. These ingredients are com
bined in a manner hitherto unknown
WILL DO all that Is claimed for
it AND MORE. It Shortens Labor,
Lessens Pain, Diminishes Danger to
Life of Mother and Child. Book
to “ Mothers ” mailed FREE, con-
- taining valuable information and
voluntary testimonials.
Scatby,xpres.on receipt of pncsttAO per bottlt
3 B0
0 10
0 40
T 00
» 18 pm
I 7 00pm
I 8 Oft r
err......Coluinbu,.......arr'll 45 am
Columbus.,..., are 11 *0
.. BUavtDe arr 9 05
. .•EUsvWe.......lvo 850
sir Americas ......arr| S 20
, Amerlcus.,'.. ,
... Cordele .Ire 8 30
... .Helens Sts 9 65
. ... Lyons lve 1 85
... Savannah arr T 40 pm
..Charleston......arr) 3 15
S 10 s mitre Montgomery arrl 0 35 pm
3 16 p m lve Opelika arr 1 05
0 40 |mt Ameriena......lre| 190 am
Between Montgomery and Amdrlcos, via Union
Springs and Oolnmbna.
lve.. ■. .Montgomery arr 7 30pm
Ivo Columbus art 11 90
Betw'n Montgomery and Amerlcus, via tnfanla
..arr 9 SB
Ire! 103
Between Americas and Jacksonville, via Helena
7 00 pmllvo AmerlnsO'
117 am In Helena..
0 10 art Brnnawtok
8 30 (arr Jacksonville lve
8 no a m
8 55 am
II 00 pm
The bone of contention is the jaw
Bums or wounds should be Attended
to carefully, especially In cold weather.
We would recommend Salvation Oil for
tneh cnees. AH druggist* sell it for 25
cents a bottle.
Compulsory life Insurance Is the order
of a New York heating company tolls
The National Order of Railway Tele
graphers and the Brotherhood of Tele
graphers of Chicago havo applied for
admiaaion to the Federation of Railway
Mr. C. B. Jones, of Spring Hill, Iowa
says: “I have used Chamberlain’s Pain
Balm for severe and painful burns with
better effect than anything else I havo
ever tried. It relieves the pain Instantly
and cures without leaving a scar.” Pain
Balm is ono of tho most useful medicines
that any family can bo provided with,
especially for rheumatism, lame back,
sprains, bruises, tooth-ache, ear-ache
and like ailments. One application will
relieve the pain, and a fair trial insure a
euro. 50 cent bottles for sale by W. C.
Fort Valley has a freak In the shape of
a calf with six legs and two distinct
heads separate from each other at the
neck, each with eyes, ears and teeth.
You never tried DeWltt’s ^Little Ear
ly Risers for constipation, MUlousnoss,
tick headache, or you would not have
tbesese diseases. For sale by the Da
venport Drug Company.
Four dramatic companies In New York
are composed of labor union talent.
“The tree of tbs deepest root Is found
least willing still to leave the ground,”
and this could once have been moot
truly said of chronic pain of any sort.
Bnt after the lapse of so many ages, a
sovereign remedy has been found In Sal
vation Oil, every provident householder
should keep it.
A Pee* Paymaster.
Jasper—“Brown is very prompt in his
payments, is he not T”
Sumpuppe—“I should say he It. He
it so prompt that his friend* do not dare
to toll him that he owea a debt to nature
for fear ha will eommlt suicide."
P. P. P. Saves Life.
A prominent Savannahiar, formerly
superintendent of a railroad says: “I
was crippled in my feet and arms so
that I could not walk without crutches,
nor eat without having a sorvant to feed
me. I tried physicians everywhere, but
to no purpose, and finally went to New
York, where my doctors, at one time,
decided to amputate my arm, but found
that course Impracticable on account of
a wound I had received during the war.
I returned to Savannah a oomplete
wreck, and my case seemingly hopeless.
As a forlorn hope I began to take P. P.
P„ and am rejoiced to say that after
using three bottles my limbs began to
atralghten but, my appetite and health
soon returned, and I now feel like a new
man; really, as If I bad been made over
again, and as if I could live forever—so
long ss I can get P. P. P."
This gentleman will not give bis name
for publication, but authorizes us to
refer anpbody to him for a verification
these faots, who will apply to ns.
Yoprs truly, Lippman Bros.,
Wholesale Druggists,
i of P. P. P.,
Savannah, Ga.
Proprietors i
Tuesday, Nov. 3, 1891.
r a5'
There is a famous garden In China that
la large aa New York state and Pennsyl
vania combined, which Is a place of rare
beauty and filled with lakes, ponds and
When the robins nest again,” she
said, “Lsupposo my oold wilt get well "
So he felt very sad, but suddenly be
thought him of Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup.
The cough was cured and those two were
Capt. T. D.-Johnson.
To all whom It may concern: I take
great pleasure In testifying to tho effica
cious qualities of the popular remedy
for eruptions of the ikin, known as P. P.
I’. I suffered for several years with an
unsightly and disagreeable eruption on
my face, aud tiled various remedies to
remove It, nono of which accomplished
the object until this valuable prepara
tion was resorted to. After taking three
bottles in accordance with directions I
am now entirely cured.
Of the film of Johnson A Douglas*,
oct.20,d2t,w2t ; Savannah, Ga.
Labor organizations in Paris, France,
need pay no ball rent. Tbe city baa
built halls for the bolding of meetings
in tbe different districts.
For Over Fifty Tear*
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been
used for children teething. It soothes
the child, softens the gums, allay* all
pain, cures wind colic, and Is the best
remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-five cent*
a bottle. Sold by all druggists through
out toe world.
Wtaea Brtr was tok, we (tn Mr Guteria.
WhtetoewteaCMd, toe cried tor autorit.
Sftate she bed CM<»san Item Oteftnrls.
points in tbe Southwest, anil at Amerlona U
Birmingham and all points In the Northweat.
• Meal Stations. _
Passengers from Charleston destined to point!
west of Horannah, change cars at C. & 8. Junc
B. B. GOODMAN, Gen. Pass. Agent,
Americas, Ga.
Rivanii.ih, Ga. Blrmingham.’Ala.
Coiambus, Ga. America!, G».
C. H. SMITH, G. K.A.,
New York, N.Y.
East Tennessee,
Virginia and
georgia R’y
Shortand Direct Line to tie North, East or
This line Is coneeded to be the best equipped
and rant tbs finest Pullman Sleeping Oars In
the South.
Elegant Pullman Bleeping Cars, between
Jacksonville and Cincinnati,
Titusville and Cincinnati,
Brunswick and Louisville,
Chattanooga and Washington
Memphis and New York,
Philadelphia and New Orleans,
Chattanooga and Mobile,
Atlanta and Chattanooga,
Without Change.
For any Information address
B. W. WRENN, flea. Pate, aud Ticket Ayt
Knoxville, Toon
O. W. KIOKX, Asst Ocn. Pass. Apt.
Atlanta, Georgia.
STATE OF GEORGlA-^StranitB County.
To the Superior Coart of said County:
The petition of E.H. Ferguson. J. J.Caffrey,
both of Louisville.-K.v., John M. Green of
Atlanta, Ga., H. C. Bagley and M. 8. Har
per, respectfully, allows that they and their
HucccttHors desire to be Incorporated under
the corporate name and style of “ Amerlcus
Oil Company.” That their objects and pur
poses are for pecuniary gain for themselves,
their associates and successors; And that the
business they propose to carry on is th* buy
ing and selling of cotton seed and Its pro
ducts, such as, cotton seed oil, crude ana re
fined, cotton seed meal and cake, cotton ret d
hulls and aches, crushing, pre*«lngand re
fining of same; further, th*-tof purchasing
and dealing in seed cotton and cotton seed,
after tho cotton hum been ginned, of all kinds
and varieties; and the manufacture, prepa
ration and sale or product! derived »rom
cottonseed; and the carrying on, manage
ment and control of such bustnessor manu
facture connected therewith; and generally
to engage in all such employments and lines
Of business, where cotton seed or Its products
are utilised wholly cr Is pan. Also, the
leasing and owning of tank cars, manufac
turing of barrels and casks, and all other
commodities tn connection with said busi-
ne««. The main business of the corporation
is to be the manufacture ami satocr cotton
seed oil. and t* Incident thereto the utilizing
aud sale of all products or Heed cotton and
cottonseed. Petitioners farther show auto
the court that their prloclpal place of busi
ness will be in the count y of Hu inter, State of
Georgia; but that they d-slro to carry on
business, employ ami send agents elsewhere
in said state, and !n to other etHten and terri
tories of tbe United States, and establish
branch offices therein, Jf they deem Jtad-
vliable. That the amount of capital to be
employed by petitioners Is ono hundred
thousand (8100,000) dollars, fifty thousand
(150,000) dollar* of which is actually paid in
before beginning business, with the privilege
of Increasing their capital to any sum
not exceeding one hundred and fifty thous
and (f ISo OOO) dollars. Petitioners desire to he
purchase, lease, hold,
WCTWreBHfWiyWHV assign, transfer, or dls- ■
pose of sueb real estate, or Interest In real
estate, ss may be necessary and proper for
the legitimate and convenient transaction
~~ .their buNlnes". Petitioners desire the
and to change the same at pleasure; to have
a right to sue and be sued, and to make all
necessary contract! In the conduct of Its
business; to borrow money, and to secure the
same by giving notea, iudenturee, bonds,
mortgages and land, as tbe corpora-, ion may
>ee proper to do; and further to be Invented
with aft the rights, power*, privilege*, im
munities and franchises incident to corpora
tions Of tbe kind, and necessary to carry on
“ — J 1 “Tenor fi
no stockholder}!) the corporation shall be
bound in any way fo tbe debts or llabllll lea
of the corporation beyond tbe amount ofblR
unpaid subscription of tbe capital stock of
said company.
Wherefore petitioners pray that after this
petition shall have been filed, recorded and
published, according to law, that tho court
Wilt grant an order granthi g nil a* pp nlea* Ion.
.. ^ „Petitioner 1 *Attorneys.
Filed In office September 2kl l»Jl.
w -Aaial . J.H; ALLKN, Clerk 8.C.
. I certify tbe above and foregoing to be a
true extract from tho Record of Gbartcrs In
Sumter Superior Court tbie September 23rd >
1881. J.K. ALLEN, Clerk S,c.
GEORGIA—Sumter County.
To toe Suporlor Court of suld County:
Th*petition of C. W. Lamar, R. T. John
son, w. M. Illtt and Marshall Marlin toxetli-
«r with their associates shows that they have
entered Into an association under the namo
am'style ol "The Shippers Compress Asso
ciation”. That theubject of said association '
Ispaaunlary sain to me Individual mi-mliera
and toe corporation In this, to-wlt: By tho
A—sumter County:
■ tgreoablo to an order (ranted by tbe Hop.
uraEl.OoartofOrdlnaryofsald county, will
b*sold at th. laterMldenoeof 8. 8. rtloan,
deceased, about seven miles north oait of
Amir,cas,on Friday,October 80th 1801, be-
tween til. hoars of Ilia. m. and 4 p, m , all tbe
personal property belonging to Mid estate,
consisting of roar mules, three two
two-horse wagons sad harne«e.oneoo«.hor.e
wagon and harness, one old plmatmi, one no
lop buggy and hsrnpl*. one Millar orgai
nearly new, nine qnlu>, onu » lioal.',arrow,
one syrup kettle, on. call n press, helms s,
vise and claeksmUta's tol-, t»o ptowst eks
gear and plantation tools, on# grist mill and
attachments and sood rot of rock-, one a *w
mid and attachments, one old engine, boiler,
shaftings and attachments fifty raw' trees
pees. Also one second-hand gin at Barlow
place. Bold by order of tM Court of Ordin
ary of Sumter county aa tbe property of B.
8. Bloa., deceased, to pay the debts and for
purpo«ofdtitri u nt.on. 8 i a ™.«.b. N8>
Administrator of 8.8. Blqau, deceased.
Americas, Os„ October 17,1861.
Saturday, October 31.
Georgia Minstrels,
Headed by too Emperor of the
Minstrel World,
A pplication for public road.
I, H. Daniel, a.W.Morgannnd other, have
made application for a aeoond-cIaM rood *>e-
scribedln Mid petition, u beginning etthe
Charles M .rzan placs, leading thence east
between thelands of K. E. ■ Merrill and ’W.
H. Hageraon, then betaeen land.of Mr*.
Jones and R. E. Merrell. then between lands
orMrs. Msshburn and Mrs. JqOM, then be
tween laud, of A. J. Loess and Mrs. Mash-
barn, then across Dr. LoMu's land and be
tween the lands of I. W, Duster andl J. J. Dn-
pree, Intersecting the Amerlcus and Friend
ship rood; whlcu has been marked pat by
tbe commissioners and a report tberior
made -m oath by them. .
All perron, are notified that said new road
will, on and after tbe first Monday In Novem
ber next, by the Commt-sloners of roads sod
revenue of said county,be finsllygrantedlr no
new cause re shown to tbe contrary. This
5th day of October, IW^ WHEATLEy ,
acts w4t Clerk County Commissioners.
Wonderful Contralto,
All supported by a Coterie of Colored
Star Artists,
By toe Georgia Sliver Cornet Band.
The Tax Rate.
Tho Commissioners of Uotdsand Revenue
if Sumter County have this day levied a
,nx or forty-nine and two-tenths cents upon
ono hundred dollars of taxable property In
tho county for the current josr, toe same
being ono hundred and slxtvone sndonc
building a new JaJL upd one• hundred per
Fond No. 2! c rart 1: - ..
Fund No. 3, officers’ fees.,
rood No.4, coroner’s fee*..
Fund No. 5, stationery, ate..
. und No. 8. Jury fees
Fond No.7, support of poor- „
Others tell paint, but 1 sell paint*. X Fund »»•«. «»“»W <*»« : “if
will give a personal guarantee to look
better and last longer than any other
paint That's what you want I handle
leads, oils, putty, etc.
J. Hbhbt Fbezman,
Cotton arena*.
J. H. Black,
John A. Corns,
. —JAtlon — w — .... ...
Th* petitioners pray that they be Invested
together with their associate* and
with the power to esrry on the aforemen
tioned objects together with the power to
mirchasennd hold property* real and peraon-
alt toreatandteaae property, both real and
personal; ionn«and be sued; to use a com
mon seal. If the association should so desire*
and to exercise all power usual ly confer re i
upon corporations of similar character, us
may beeonaUten* with the laws of Georgia*
fitny »tato in who li sitil nHROcUtlmt may
o buzlnemt nud imt into i»l»tent with tho
iws of the Called SulIcm.
Petitioners further snow that the capltnl
•took of sold tuMOclHt Ion Is thirty thous.iud
ao'ltrs, more than 10 per cent of which has
been actually paid in. Your petitioner* fur
ther show that they d*>8lro the passing of an
order allowing them to lHcreane at any *1111*
they may see fie the capital «toek to any
amount not to exceed fifty thounaud dollar*.
Wherefore*co frlderlna the premises* your,
--“tlonere pray tho pauHlug of an oruer
itlng thin thelrapp icaUo-t with the aev-
E rovlslons therein stat/d* an 1 that they
letr encccMore be Incorporated for and
during the term or. twenty years, with the
privllegeofrenewalatthe expiration of the
Bald term. Aud mu d duty bound your peti
tioners will over pray.
Attorn*?• n for Petitioners.
Filed In office October 21. ikwi*
J. H AtwLKN* Clerk 8. C.
I certify tho above tn bo a true extract
..■om tbe »*evordof I’liurterH UiIhO-.t.2l, !HM.
oe221aw4w J. H. ALLEN,Clerk H. C.
A 1
Agreeable to an order granted- by- th.
[oiin rable Court of Ordinary of raid county,
Will re told before tbs court boos* door to
containing (101)4) oeres more or less; alio
tweniy-etx (98) .hares of tb* mjmter Co only
Alliance Co-operation OMOcIstlon slrek, be
longing to to* retatelM John B.KInntjl, Into
-*- ■**—-*——“*'• 'or me
... _ _ _ ...kid ■
TbUSthdayyif October, m.
toasw door in the town ot rraeion.
Maty, on tha first Taradwr in
next, snbjtet to th* widow’s
following dswribed property:
WebMsr aonnty,
Lot of land number on* hundred and
h >ar dred > 1
fortns’£»n&t of heirs andcredSore.
r _tM|S t
cotton packed in bales for more convenient
and readier transDortatlon.
The principal office of tbe said association
J!j UKOtlUlA—8dmtk« CotJNTV
Will be sold, by virtue of adccreeof Bum-
ter Superior Court, h«ld m February, ltm,
bi’f.M’.’ til- I*..Ill ’ I!«Mi-• ill tin- rlty of
AmerlcuH, G*, between 1 he legal hours of
salt*, on tne find Tu**4fiy iu November next,
the follow! ng docrlbed loti and parts of lots
ot mod, to-wlt:
Lots of laud numbers twepty-filx, thirty-
five and thlHy*»lx (29,85and 89}* In tbe 27tb
District of Bumtcr county, Ga.* each con
taining two hundred and two and one-hall
acres, more or lets.
Also ea*t half of lot «f land iiunit«cr ono
hundred and t*«*nty-six (UN), boui’dt d on
the west by public r ad running north from
America* towards th* late Harney Darker'*
place until said road Intersects the Travel
er's West road, then duo south to tbe south
line of said lot, containing one huncs-m (ICO)
res, more or Ices (except one-half 0£) ht.
re deeded to W, W. Barlow In the north
east half or lot !45 In 27tb chdrlct of Sumter
County, being 2C7 feet wide and bounded on
north by tho wutbjlne or the ea*l half of lot
128 In said districti containing w?vea »er* n
more or lew, the right ol way of the 8. W.
railroad excepted. These two parcels of land
<u*t above described contain!n< in the aggre
gate, oce hundred and sev<sutccn acres more
All of said property sold by virtue ot said
decree as ths property of the addle of W, It.
Stewart, late of Sumter Countyr deceased.
This October 1* itJDl. Stewart,
Executor 8tc war (.deceased.
Agreeable to an order from the Honorable
Ordinary of Webeter county will be sold be
fore the Courthouse door in Preston, Webeter
oounty. Georgia, on the first Tuesday in No
vember next, tbe following described prop
erty: Lot of land number two hundred and
fourteen,(214)In tbe nineteenth(IPth) SMlht
of originally Lee now Webeter ■**“
aa the property of 8. T. Desnard*
lor the boaefltof the heirs aad et
'' Seoeeeed. Jacob pm
Oct. 5,1*1.
Hy virtue ot an order from the Court of
Ordinary of Hu mi er county* will be sold to
the highest bidder before the court house
door In the city of Amerlcus, Sumter county,
Georgia, on the first Tuesday in November*
between the legal bourn of sale* the
following property belonging to estate ol A.
K. Coulter, deceased, to wit: Five heavy
wagons (new) two with bodies, one road cart*
four eete strong doable harness* two sets for
large mnlee, one set black-smith tools and
forge* five tents with flye. twelve or fifteen
matresses with covers, blankets, ete., one
bedstead and spring* three wire sots* two
box-stoves and pipes, one No. 8 cooking
stove and utensils, one box eroofc&ry»klt*h#a
furniture and camp oatfit*fkmr cbeelsof com
plete tools for bridge and trestle bonding,
ten km chains, lot or large rope and taefcle
and pile bands* three pile driver hammers,
two pile driver engine*, aleo two building
lots in Brooklyn Heights survey, known ee