Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, November 01, 1891, Image 2
THE aMERXCUS DAILY T1MES-REC0RDER: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1893. AFTER THE PRESS- At the head of all blood-purifiers is Dr. Pierce’s Golden JVfedical Discovery. But it’s different from all of them. What ever is claimed for this, it’s guaran teed to do. The money is refunded in every case where it fails to bene fit or cure. It’s because it is differ ent that it can be sold so. All diseases originating from a torpid liver or impure blood yield to it. It cleanses‘and purifies the system, freeing it from all manner of blood- poisons, no matter from what cause they have arisen. For Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Scrofula, Salt-rheum, Tetter, Erysipelas, or any blood- taint or disorder, it is an unequaled remedy. Nothing else can take its place. 11 Golden Medical Discovery" contains no alcohol to inebriate, and no syrup or sugar to derange digestion. It’s a concentrated vegetable ex tract ; put up in largo bottles j pleasant to tho taste, and equally good for adults or children; works equally Wi ll all the year round. This is the wap with the Ball corset: if you want ease and shapeliness, you buy it—but you don’t keep it unless you like it. After two or three weeks’ wear, you can return it and have your money. Comfort isn’t all of it though. Soft Eyelets, and "bones” that can’t break or kink—Ball’s corsets have both of these. For sale by GEO. D. WHEATLEY. Old Nick Whiskey is the Irast and is noted for its age and purity, having been made on the same plantation over 123 year® without a rival as we constantly keep four year old RYE AND CORN on hand—ship any quantity, so writo for price-list. Old Nick Whiskey Co., Yadkin Co. PANTHER CREEK, N. C. UPPIUN MOV. Proprietors, OraffbU, Upfwua’f Rock. SAVANNAH, GA. r For sale by the DAVENPORT DRUG COMPANY, Americas, Ga. 8am Small Clou. HU Prohibition Cam- paten In Boston, Oct. ill.—Trite and true is the saying that a prophet Is not without honor save within hia own country, and Sain Small hua been meeting with the warmest reception ever given one of his cloth in New England. If ever a man has created a row he has, and he capped the climax of his ambition by assailing the press, who, until now, haa stood by him and who even to this hour, with one exception, have not criticised him, but thrown upon his shoulders a mantle of charity. Such is the feeling freely expressed by Bostonians and particu larly by prominent newspaper men, who have the rod in pickle for Sam. One of Small's speeches in Boston was an attack on the perfidifcy of the women and men of Boms, Ga.. and he followed this with an exteuded inter view with a reporter of The Globe, in which tie assailed everylxidy from the sheriff down to tho buniblost citizen of that town, only on its appearance to deny ils authenticity. Tho reporter— one id' tlie ablest anil most reputable young men. Charles C. Lynch—has. at the solicitation of the officers of Floyd county in Georgia, made sworn affida vits to the words Small said, and not only this, lent forced Small, face to faoe, to acknowledge he said it. ami compell ed him to withdraw the letters he sont to the press denying the truth of tho interview. Small has closed the Prohibitionists’ campaign in Boston, in a speech at Boxbury, before 2,000 people, largely Republican. In his address he said: “I am not afraid of the jeera and sneers of ray laditical opponents. The Ameri can continent has got to be purified, and are the party that will purify it. There is not a city in this country where a man oan get more magnani mous treatment, whether Democrat or Repnblioan, tjian in Batten, and where he can get meaner treatment from the partisan press. Why, in the far west, on some local paper there, an editor could teach many of thefe Boston edit ors what manners, decency and conrtesy really mean." " Get that down," shout ed the multitude of voioea, and Mr. Small, addressing the reporters, said: "Yes, pnt it down.” ”1 was onoe an editor, but I am no Vinger one, ” with s' tragio wave of his hand. "I am,no longer a Democrat, thank God, and I was never a Repub lican, but I am a Prohibiti<- list, and will be at the tank when ail ie aver. What do I care for what they say? I am going south and will s&ut up all the liquor shop there before Christmas. The Republican party has lied whon men say I abused them. I have simply held up to the public gaze their acts, and, in return, the Republican party organ, the Boston Journal criticises me. This is my last speech bore, and I go back to reform the south. ” COUNTY DIRECTORY. Tlie Trolley System In Knflanil. London, Oct. 81.—At Leeds there has been thrown open to the public the first electric tramway to be operated in England by ths overhead wire system. The system is that of the Thompson- Houa’.ea Electric company of Boston, Maas. . W-Ask few catalogue. ««RY M’FG CO.. Nmhvilu. TCIM $500 Reward ! WE will py tM«bow rmrt for ur cmi cf Liver IT rennet enrn^witfc Wrrt’i Yer*t*bI«LlwPf!l*.wh«a dlrwtlone aractrlotljr tod with. TfcsT purely V«rrt*ble. and never itnHtMKika hfirCMUd Urnboui, B JOB* a WW5 • OOMVAMjT, CHICAGO. ILL \ 4*d THB04TSVFOBT CONDENSED NEWS DISPATCHES. Domestic ami Foreign and of Oonaral Intoroat. Work on the Mataguu oanal has been abandoned. Estimated oust to Guate mala, $ 100,00J. A Cork dispatch says that the whole force of mounted police in that city has been placed at the disposal of Dillon, and will accompany him everywhere. Thu damage from the recent earth quake in Sau Salvador was not very great. Tho government is vigorously prosecuting the work of interior im provements. The employes of the June manufac turing company, at Belvidier, Ills., have gone out ou a strike because of the discharge of five men who had been agitating a strike. Tho Unitod States steamer Fern was ill collision witii the English steamship lago near Norfolk, Vs. Considerable damage was sustained by both vessels. Tlie fern will be docked for repairs. A Nassau, N. P., dispatch says: It has lieeu arranged that the steamer Westmeath will sail from London Dec. 1, to bring out a naw cable sad lay it from Nassau to Jupiter inlet, Fla. The work is to lie completed by January 10, 1802. Jackson Fletcher, a Choctaw who was to have been shot at Caddo, I T., made good iris escape and has not been heard from since. F’lutchor is the first Indian who ever run away to eeoaps punish ment, it traing contrary to their tradi tions. A Raleigh special says: It is ascer- toined from Secretary Stronach, of tho Confederate soldiers, that E. T. Burton, of Kentucky, who this wook promised to give the home $1,500, is a fraud, nud that tlie homo will never get a cent from him. He claimed to be a colonel ou the staff of the governor of Kentucky. At Chicago the chief at construction it tlie World’s Fair has ordered the contractors to double the force of men now employed ou the buildings. The chief or construction made the order imperative, and said they would bare to work two shifts of men eight hours each day, or make sixteen hours consti tute a day’s work. At New Orleans, La., President Noel of the Olympic clot), has telegraphed Sullivan's agents in New York, offering $25,0()o for a Slavin-Siillivan contest for March. Also a solid gold pitcher, em blematic of the world's supremacy. Sul livan, in San Frsadisoo, has tuusd a ten-tliousand-dotlar site challenge to Sluvio, Superior Court—Hon. W. H. Fish, judge; C. B. Hudson, solicitor-genera); J. H. Allen, clerk, L. B. Forrest, sheriff; J. B. Lamar, deputy sheriff. Regular terms, fourth Mondays in November and June. County Court—J. B. Pilsbury, judge; F. A. Hooper, solicitor. Monthly terms, first Wednesday. Quarterly terms, third Monday in March, June, September and December. Connty Commissioners—J. H. Black, chairman; C. A. Huntington, J. A. Cobb, G. W. Council, J. W. Wheatley. County Treasurer—J. E. Sullivan. Tax Receiver—J. W. Mixe. Tax Collector—J. B. Dunn. Coroner—J. B. Parker. Ordinary—A. C. Spoor. Americus, 789th district, G. M.—W. B. F. Oliver, J. P. W. K. Wheatley, N. P. Court, second Tuesday. City of Ameiiicus—Mayor—Jno. B. Felder. Mayor Pro Tent—W. K. Wheatley. Aldermen — P. If. Williams, J. J. Wil liford, T. F. Logan, J. E. Bivins, J. A. Davenport, W. K. Wheatley. Clerk and Treasurer—D. K. Brins:: City Engineer and Superintendent Water Works—G. M. Eldrldge. Chief of Police—A. P. Lingo. The Chinese minister at Washington wears a hat in which tliero is one of the finest opals, us large ns a pigeon’s egg, and surrounded by diamonds. Tho value of the hat is stated to be $5,060. A Hail Awakening! “When in flie ilark, on tliy soft hand hung. And hoard the tempting syren 3[ thy tongue— What flames—what darts—what anguish 1 endured. But when the caudle entered—I was cured!" Such complexions as so many of our young ladies possess—dull, pimply, and covered with sores and blackheads, Is enough to cool the ardor of tho warmest lover. To such young ladies wo would say, that you can never have a soft, fair, smooth; attractive, kissable complexion, unless your blood is healthy and pare, for the condition of the blood decides tho complexion Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery will purify your blood, tone up your system, and drive away tboso distressing headaches and backache, from which you suffer period- ally, and give you a complexion a lily or rose-leaf might envy. -V ** • *%\V>.%\V\>V\.vv\>v\>>SN>v. vNN. . * w*' v o CASTOR IA for Infants and Children* ■'Cuter!t, hsoaeUad*^ Itochflf \Ow, .recommend ttu superior to any prescript** knows tons.” H. A. Axchxx, H. !>„ 1]2 Sa Oxford SI, Brooklyn, N. 17. “Tho use of‘Csstorla'ls so universal and It* merit* «o well known that It seema a work of supererogation to endorse lt Yew are tbo intelligent families who do not keep Cantoris within e-yresch/^ D . D New Vork City. r ... p—Bloomlngdalo tw-iru-d church. * For several yean I have reoommeoded your ‘ Castnrta,' and shall alwsyi continue to O0 so as It ha* Invariably produced bonrfletsi Edwin F. Plan is. M. D., “The Wlnthrop," 125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. Tun Cxnaua Company, 77 Uraaax Stout, Nkv You. I* H. HAWKINS Prts't, FINANCIAL. -*0The Bank of*- H. C- 6AGLEY. Vic. Prss'i W. E. MURPhEY. Cashier. ORGANIZED 1870. Capital, surplus. A remarkable paper was read in Wash ington tlie other day by Professor Foote of Philadelphia describing a meteoric oro which had bccu discovered in Ari zona containing diamonds. DeWitt's Sarsaparilla destroys such poisons as scrofula, skin disease, ecze ma, rheumatism. Its timely use saves many lives. For sale by tho Davenport Drug Company. I.nctite is a substitute for ivory. “All alone, unheard, unknown—be makes bis moan”—In a fifth-story bed room. The reason is obvious, bo is suf fering everything with a cold, and hasn’t got a soul to step across the street for one small bottle of Bull’s Cough Syrup. New York K. of L. protest against Italian labor. The True Way TO BIB TEE EUHAE BODY OF The Poison of Disease IS TO FOBCB IT OUT THROUOn TJIE SHIN. SWIFTSSPECIFIC always docs this effectually. It treats tho disease instead of the symptoms, and re* moves tho cause, thereby makirg a cure. Vrt. B. J. Rowxxx, No. 11 Qalncjr St., Medford, Vais., sajs that her mother hn boon cored of Stttfola, by the nse of four bottles of 0. c. a. p after having had mock other treatment, and being reduced to quite alow condition of health, as it was thought ihe could not live. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diacaaca mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer 3. Atlanta, Go. 1891. NOVEMBER. 1891. Su. Mo. Tu. We. Th. Fr. Sa. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7' 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30| Are you going to use Gas or Electric Light Fixtures? If so we can save you money. We have $10,000 worth of Gas and Com bination fixtures in Brass, Copper, Gilt, Bronze, Old Iron, Or molu, Silver, &c., in stock. Our prices are 10 per cent, cheaper than you can buy from the factory. We carry a full line of Hard Wood and Mar- bleized Iron Mantels, Tile Hearths, Grates, &c. Heating and Cook ing Stoves, Ranges, Fire Sets. Coal Vases, Hods, Fenders, &c. p in Brass and Japanned. Send for prices. We arefurnishin?the New Hotel with gas fixtures. Hannicntt & Bellingrath Go., ATLANTA, GA. Jk. W£Jk.m Going west or east, north or south, who goes by the ‘‘Racket Store” without drooping In and examining our goods and prices is BADLY FITTED to support a family. He needs a kind but firm hand to knock some sense into him. Ours is the only stock in town wnieh is calculated TO SUPPORT extravagant claims, but we won’t make ’em. We prefer to have a man and his family come in and look us over; in fact, ours is A FAMILY store, and each member of your family will find something to interest and instruct them. ROGERS & WILDER, 104 Lee Street. Bent 1M Aw ivldoaUjr liable. •1158:883 „ -: DIRECTORS:- a. h. ttErtS&MKtfSJS'S* tissss&p* Fafflopcbpiui • w,ooo. THE BANK OF SUMTER T ' N PreriK 8 ’ °‘ A - c °LEMAN, President Vice-President. W. C. FURLOW, Cashier. HawTinffi 0 ^, 0 ' A ’ S'*—. C. C. Dr. E. T. s.rbl., Liberal to its customem, accommoda ting to the public and prudenMn management, this bank solicits depus U and other businws in Its line. H S. MONTGOMERY, Prejt, J. C. RONEY. VicTp^t JNO. WIND80R. C’r. lESTERWINDS0R c'r £. A- HAWKINS, Attorney NO. 2839. Peoples’Yational Bank Of Americus. Capital, 000,000. Hnrplu., 025.000 ORGANIZED 1883. H.O. Baolsv, Pres. T. F. Uatkwuoi,, geo. & Tr. P. C. Cleoo, Vic. Pres ALLISON & AYCOCK The Booksellers and Stationers ARE NOW IN THEIR New quarters in the New Hotel Build ing “The Windsor” and are Ready for Business. ALLISON & AYCOCK,' 406 Jackson Street. A-ZVOITr;jFtxc:: CJ^. C3-.Z3L, Americus Ironworks, ' BUILDERS OF Engines, Boilers, Cotton Gins, Presses, Feeders and Condensers, Saw and Grist Mills, Shingle Machines, Pipe and Pipe Fittings, Boiler Feeders, Valves, Jets, Etc. Shaftings, Hangers, Boxes and Pulleys ^©“Special attention given to repairing all kinds of Machinery. Telephone 79. S1 *' 4 “ Saw Mill Men, Attention ENGINES, Our special business Is heavy machinery such ns BOILERS, SAW MILLS, AND WOOD-WORIING MACHINERY, and for first-class machinery, wo defy competition. We aro general agents for H. B. SMITH MACHINE CO.’S celebrated Wood-working machines, and can dis count factory prices. Write for circular of "Farmers’ Favorite” saw mill; It is the best on the market. Second-hand machinery constantly on hand. Write for prices; we can save you money. Perkins Machinery Company, 67 SOUTH BROAD STREET, Mention rax Tms-RcooiDn Wb Americus Investment Co. Investment Securities. Paid uf Capital, 81,000,000. Surplus, 8260,000. ' directors: H C Bagley, W E Hawkins, S W Coney. W S Gillis, J W Sheffield, P C Clegg WMHawkes, B F Mathews, G M Rvne W E Hurphey, S Montgomery. J H Pharr! B. P. Hollis. E. Burr, Jr., Pres. H. M. Knapp, V, P. O. A. Coleman, Sec, a Treas, Negotiates Loans on improved Farm and City Property. B P Hollis, Attorney. J B Bivins. Land Examiner. GHOST ST0RIE8 When you hear a man say “ We’ve got a PIANO here just as good as the IVERS & POND for a great deal less money," remember that all the ghost stories have not been told yet. When you hear a man say that “So-aod-so” keeps a better line of musical goods than we do, just add one more to your list of ghost stories. When you want an IVERS & POND PIANO with all its patented improvements, see that you get it. Allow no solicitation or specious mis representation to switch you off onto something inferior. Ghost stories frighten chil dren, but not mature and I sensible people. I Call on us and try the I IVERS & POND SOFT-1 STOP, even though you do j not wish to buy anything. PHILLIPS 4 CREW, 79 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga. 1 When Yon Writ.. ATLANTA, GA aagl3d&wly t? or ryp t~) FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. REPRESENTING THE SAFESTANB STRONGEST.COMPANIES^NJTHEJWORLD. Insurance placed on City and Country Property. Office on Jsckson Street, next door below Mayor’s Office, deea-flly. 0. C. HAWKINS. 0.0. LOVING. HAWKINS & LOVING We are prepared to do^EMBALMING onjshort notice. SATI8FAG TION GUARANTEED. ■ Also keep a fine line of Metallic and Cloth Covered Oases, Caskets and Coffins. HEADQUARTERS FOR FURNITURE. Night oal<l for oofllns Tslspbons ISO. 48, *r nail on GgO. Lovtac, Brown strest. ^ AUGUST MYERS, Artistic Tailoi Under T. Wheatley's Store, FORSYTH ST., AMERICUS. GA Having been in tho taiiorlng ^H for twenty seven years, 1 * J perfect satisfaction to my c"*®**^ have made no misfits, l 1 first-claas house in A* moles’ al3 sttdsrrsrUr,, •ssmsm-iST Call and see me. A. MYERS, Cor. Forsyth and Jackson - DOMESTIC • COAL| For Sale this Season. I shill be prepaired grade Lump Coal tor Grate pnrpo* - any quantity this fall and w “ ’ y. R. SIMS- Sept 8, tf