Newspaper Page Text
Tb« Industrial l)e?elopment In tha Week
Ending Oct. 31.
Chattanoooa, Nov. 3.—The Trades
man, in its review for the week end
ing Oct 31. reports 50 new industries.
16 new buildings, 7 new railroads, one
dummy road, one trum road, and one
electrio street railway. Among the
most important new railways estab
lished are the following: Brick works
at Fort Smith, Ark., aud Indian Trail,
N. C., brick and tile works with $50,-
OO0 capital at Aiken, a C., a broom
factory at Savannah, Ga., canning fac
tories at Fernandina, Fla., and Honea
Path, S. C., a carriage factory at Bad-
ford, Vn., and a large cotton gin at
Hutto, Tex. A development ana im
provement company with $300,000 capi
tal has been established at Bridgeport,
Ala., one with $350,000 capital at Jack-
sonvtlle,. Flu., and one at Kuoxville,
Elevator works with $150,000 capital
at Jacksonville, Fla.; a fence factory at
Houston, Tex., and mineral fibre works
at Salem, Va. Flouring tphls are to be
built at Sango, Tenn., and Higgston,
Ga.; a gun factory with $1,000,000 capi
tal at Alexandria, Va.; a hat factory at
Atlanta. Ga., and an ice factory at St.
Petersburg, Fla. A blast furnace of
100 tons capacity will be erected at
Knoxville, Tenn.; foundries and ma
chine shops at Ivanhoe, Va., and Har
iri’s Ferry, W. Vu. Stove works at
Colesburg, Tonn., oil works at Dvers-
burg, Tenn., and an oil and natural gaa
company, capitalized at $1,000,000, at
Somerset, Ky. Phosphate mining com
panies arc reported at Anthony, Kend
rick and Ocala, Fla.; pump factories at
Birmingham, Ala., and Wharton, Tox.;
a shoe factory at Waynesville. N. C.,
and tannic acid works with $350,000
capital ut Knoxville, Tenn. Cotton
mills are to bo built at Talladega, Ala.,
Cartilage, N. C.. aud Cheraw, S. C.;
woolen mills at Laredo, Tex., and Ow-
ensboro, Ky.; a tobacco factory at Co
lumbus, Ga., and water works at Tulla-
liorna, Tenn., and Elgin, Tex.
A furniture factory will be built at
Shelby, N. C., lumber mills atLuNuna,
Tex., mid Waynesville, N. C t , planing
mills at Randolph and Boanoke, Va.,
saw mills ut Athens, Tenn., and At
lanta. Tex., and variety wood works at
Wilmington, N. C., and Huntington,
W. Va.
New railroads aro reported as organ
ized at Asheville, N. C., Athens und
Ducktown, Tenn., Laney, Ala.. Somer
set, Ky.. Hintou, W. Va., and Victoria,
Tex., u dummy is to be built at
Pensacola, Fla., a tram road at Austin-
ville, Va., and an electric street car line
at Montgomery, Ala.
Among the new bnildings reported
are: A school building to cost $30,000
at Galveston, Tex., and one costing
$75,000 at Jackson, Miss., churches at
Nashville and Sweetwater, Tenn , and
Pensacola, Fla., court houses at Bryan,
Tex., and Fayette, Ala., hotels at Nat
ural Bridge. Va., and Opelika, Ala.,
and business houses at San Antonio,
Tex., aud Merimeuton, La.
Arrive* lit lliehmond to Confer About
the Monunieut of Her Husband.
Richmond, Nov. 3.—Mrs. Jefferson
Davis and her daughter, Miss Winnie,
have arrived here from New York.
They were driven to the residence of
General J. R. Anderton, whose guests
they will be whilfe here. The object of
Mrs. Davis’ visit to Richmond is to
confer with the officers of the Jeff Da
vis Monument association with refer
ence to the design for and the location
of the monument to be erected over the
remains of her distinguished husband,
which she has consented shall have
their final resting place iu the capital
of the Confederacy.
Both the wife and daughter of tbs
late Confederate chieftain seem inclined
to yield to the wishes of the monnment
association in both of these matters,
and it is not unlikely that they will ask
the committee to reach an agreement
on these points among themselves, and
then submit the result of their delibera
tions to the widow and daughter for
approval. The sentiment here seems to
be in favor of a mausoleum in the yard
of the Davis mansion, which was the
white lionee of the Confederacy, and
which is soon to be converted into a
Confederate museum.
Mra. Davis and Miss Winnie only re
main here about a week. The former
goes to Memphis to keep an engagement
with some friends, and the latter to
their home at Beauvoir to arrange for
the winter. The health of Mrs. Davis
is much better than it has been for a
long time.
An Ex-Captain Suicides.
New York, Nov. 2.—At 9:80 o’clock
p. in., Algernon Horner, an English
man. was found dead in his bed at the
Victoria hotel, Twenty-seventh street
and Fifth avenne, with a bullet hole in
hiB head and a 33-caliber revolver in his
bund. Horner was an ex-captain of the
British army, who had been for some
time in this country on business for
Renter's Telegram company of London.
He arrived here some eight weeks ago.
This was Captain Horner's third visit to
this country.
No Divorce Law for Mexico.
City ok Mexico, Nov. 3.-Deputy
Jnan A. Mateos presented his national
divorce bill to the chamber of depnties
Friday night. His bill is very similar
to the one in force in New York. Not
a state in Mexico has a divorce law, and
it is donbtfnl whether the one pre
sented by Msteoe will ever leave the
chamber owing to the general Catholic
tendencies of the masses.
Itocton Bank Failure.
Boston, Nov. 3.—The Maverick Na
tional bonk has closed doors, ondsr or
ders of the comptroller of the currency,
brought about by the action of.
the clearing house committee. It is
the> biggest bonk in Boston, and the
embarrassment is due to the suicide of
"Nervy ” Evans and the subsequent
failure of his firm.
Senator Quay’s Libel Balt.
PrriBBUBo, Nov, 2.—Senator Qnay,
after a consultation with bis counsel,
Rufus Shapely, has instructed him to
commence anit in Philadelphia against
James Kerr, chairman of the Demo
cratic state committe, for $100,000 dam-
a 8*« for libel and conspiracy to libel,
and has also retained George S. Gresh
am, district attorney of Philadelphia,
With Mr. Shapely.
Heury Wattersou has been made a doc
tor of laws by the University of the Soath.
Governor Van Zandt, of Rhode Island, ia
described as a fecund and inimitable story
Governor Francis, of Missouri, is a mil
lionaire He ban made all bis money in the
last ten years.
Senator Edmunds is an enthusiastic
sportsman with rod and gun, and is said to
be a charming camp comrade.
J. Isonb Doty, United States consul at
Tahiti, is the youngest, consul In the serv
ice of the United States. He was only
twenty years old when appointed
The Marquis of Lome is said to cherish
a secret passion' for cock fighting. Ho is
never so happy as when a groom gets up a
rattling set-to for him ip a stable loft.
Sir Charles Dilka Is a broad shouldered,
square built man, with clear gray eyes and
full, grizzled beard.. His manner is serious
sod dignified and direct almost to abrupt-
The Marquis’ of Aylesbury has the be
stowal of eleven ecclesiastical "livings,” as
they are called, and the equally notorious
Lord Lonsdale has the bestowal of forty
Thomas Morris, a colored man of Stuart,
Va., claims to be 110 years of age. He ia
the father of forty-eight children and Ims
been married five times, but all his wives
are dead.
Dr. Thomas Dunn English, of Newark,
N. J„ who at the ripe age of seventy-three
will enter the next house us the successor of
Representative I-ehlbach, tsan enthusiastic
Mr. Frederick K. RJndge, of Cambridge,
Mass., lias within the last three years given
to charitable, religious and municipal in
stitutions mare than $3,000,000 He In
herited bis money.
Senor Salvador Mendonca, the Brasil
ian minister. Is the wenlthient mao iu the
diplomatic corps at Washington. A pot
tion of his fortune he made in Investments
In Brazil, and a very comfortable sum
came to him ns his wife’s dowry
Bishop Walker, of North Dakota, Is three
Inches above six feet in height, stout in pro
portion and has a strikingly handsome
face. His hair and beard are black. The
bishop is an eutertainlng talker ami a man
who shines as brightly in society ss in the
Spurgeon was only nineteen when be
preached his first sermon. Even then his
eloquence was remarkable, and within a
few years be had gathered about him a
large congregation. At that time he was
a pale and Blenderstripling with a notice
ably large head. ,
The youngest man to sit In the next con
gress will be a Texan named Bailey. He
is under thirty, wears long sweeping coat
tails and looks like -n before tile war
statesman. He Is an orator, aad it Is pre
dicted that he will make bis mark in the
hulls of legislation at Washington.
Frederick Douglass Is a powerfully built
man, possessing a tall and commanding
figure. He has the swarthy complexion of
a mulatto and an abundant crop of wavy
hair that is now white as snow. Ills eyes
have an expression of fire aud force, but
his habitual manner is gentle and digni
The Coasts.
Tho remaining courts of this term in
the Southwes’crn circuit will be held as
Macon, second and third Mondays in
Sumter, fourth Monday in Novem
A recent invention used in factories en
ables any person in any part of the factory
to atop the main engine by simply pushing
an electric button.
An electric drill In an Idaho mine re
cently performed the feat of boring a 3-
tnch bole through twenty feet of solid
granite In four hours.
A German has invented an incandescent
lamp with two filaments, an automntie
switch bringing the second filament Into
action on the failure of the first.
Edison Is now at work on an electric
motor to replace the ordinary locomotive.
It Is designed to take up electricity from a
central rail and to develop at least 1,000
horse power.
The electrio light which Sir K. Watkin
Intends to have fixed on the qjimmit of
Snowden Is to be so powerful as to light
up every crag and precipice of the great
mountain, even In misty weather.
Electricity has takea such a hold of the
Australians that It is proposed to hold a
large international electrical exhibition In
Melbourne about the end of the year,’
which will be the summer season In that
antipodean land.
It might be possible to speak ncross tbe
Atlantic over a cable as big as a hogshead,
but as the cost aud manipulation of such a
cable are prohibitive we shall have to be
content to await further developments in
telephoning work.
Many persons imagine that tbe electric
light gives out no beat. Tbis is a mistake.
So far as we have at present been able to
determine there can be no light without
heat: but In tbe case of tbe electric light
the heat is only one-twentieth part of that
evolved by gas.
M. Mnscart, one of tbe moat eminent
French electricians of the time, says that
the use of the magnet needle In tracing the
underground geology, or, in other words,'
tbe past geography of a country. Is oue of
those triumphsof science which are almost
tantamout to divioatlou.
We now hare electrio lighting and eleo-
trie power, and tbe next development of
tbis wonderful form of energy will be
electric beating. Already it is reported to
have been tried on steam and hone cars,
with invariable success, and it is said there
la a growing demand for It Iu houses.
Is it right to license a mao to sell that
which will make a man drunk and then
punish a man fur being drunk?
•‘Give Us a Lift!”
“Do send down something to help us!’
“Those little Pleasant Pellets you sent
before were just what we wanted!”
“They helped right where we were weak
eat!” “Don’t send anything else!”
Nature, abused and neglected, does
her best to overcome exhaustion and
ward off threatening disease, but some
times calls for help, and knows just
what she’s about. The system takes
kindly to the mild, wholesome influence
of Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, and often
their timely assistance corrects evils
which would soon lead to serious results.
With the first signal of distress, nature
will thank you for remembering her re
quest Therefore; if Pinguid, easily tir
ed, bad taste in mouth, bowels Irregular
or constipated, give nature a lift by tak
ing Dr, Pierce's Pellets. Best Liver Pill
Is it right to build churches to save
men and license shops that destroy
For Over Fifty.Year*
Mrs. Winslow’B Soothing Syrup has been
used for children teething. It soothes
the child, softens the gums, allays all
pain, cures wind colic, and is the best
remedy for diarrhmo. Twenty-five cents
a bottle. Sold by all druggists through-
out the world.
When Bsoy wo sick, we gave nee Osstorla.
When the was a Child, she cried for Outorta.
When she became Miss, she clung to Osstorla.
When she had Children, she gave theta Cattoria
Polioy No. 702,274 of the Greenwloh
Insurance Company having by some un
accountable means passed out of the
possession of tbe company, notice is
hereby given that if said policy has been
issued to, or ia held by, any one the
Greenwich Insurance Company has no
knowledge of that fact, received no con
sideration therefor and will not be liable
for any loss or risk thereunder.
T. F. Gatewood, Agent.
Paris, with a population of about
2,500,000, has- fewer than 100 colored
people within its limits. It is stated
that the colored population of ail
France is less than 550.
How About This.
Fresh Crisp Celery.
Cape Cod Cranberries, Grapes—Ma
lagas, Catawba# and Niagras.
New Florida Oranges
Cocoanuts, London Layer Figs and new
Eastern Apples, Lemons,
Potatoes, Ruta Bagas, Beets.
Eastern Cabbages.
Dodson & Hill's Fkmous Pickles,
sweet and tour mixed.
Mangos and German Dills.
Our regular Friday shipment of that
Pure Jersey Country Butter and Fresh
Country Eggs.
New Graham Flour and.Fresh Grits
from new corn.
D'erillea Crabs with Shells, Plga Feet
and everything that is new ur 1 seasona
ble at living prices.
Jellies, Jams, Preserves and Jellies of
all kinds at French & Mayo.,
Tbe Popular Grocers,
Is it right to license a man to make
paupers and then tax sober men to take
care of them?
Savanna]), Americas & Montgomery R’y
Taking Effect Oot. 26,1861
Confirm our statement when we say that
Dr. Acker's English Remedy is in every
way superior to any and all other pre
parations for the Throat and Lungs, In
Whooping Cough and Croup, It Is magio
and relieves at once. We offeryou a
sample bottle free. Romember, this
remedy is sold on a positive guarantee.
For sale by Fleetwood A Russell, Ameri
cas, Ga. 3
New Raisins, Currants and Fruues, at
For Bale.
A valuable pleee of truck farming
property can be had by applying to
sep23-tf Tiie Bank of Sumter.
Notice to Advertisers,
Copy for change of advertisement
most be handed In at this office before
12 o'clock on day before publication.
This applies to all and will be enforoed.
Times Publishing Co.
J uly 28,1891, tf.
Imported Potatoes at Avera’s.
Is it right to license a drink shop to
teach vioe and then tax people for
schools to teach virtue?
Perfect action aud perfect health re
sult from the use of DeWitt’s Little
Early risers, a perfeot little pilL 'For
sale by the Davenport Drug Company,
A full line of library and pedestal
lamps and fixtures sold st reasonable
prices at Dr. Eldbidse’s Drug Store.
It Is said that watch wheels are being
made, as an experiment In Germany,
from paper pulp.
DeWitt’s Sarsaparilla destroys suoh
poisons as - scrofula, skin disease, ecze
ma, rheumatism. Its timely use saves
many lives. For sale by the Davenport
Drug Company.
The moccasins worn by mtny of the
Western tribes of Indians are now made
in Maine.
It is quite a fixed belief among the Rus
sian peasantry that throwing the dead
body of a drunkard into the river is sure
to bring rein
The “city article” of tbe London Times
informs Us readers that Chicago la des
tined to become one of the greatest grain
growing states in tha Union
Tbe sidewalki in Havana are usually
about one foot wide. Yon balance your
self on the curbstone and walk along aa
though walking on a pole fenoo
A resident of Antonia, Conn., declares
that It ntwaya rains thereon tbe 25th of
July. Ho saya that bis family baa kept a
record of the weather for 100 yean, and in
all that time there hasn’t been aJnlySSon
which it didn’t rain.
A Scdalla (Mo.) china store exhibits as a
sign 575 plates, it pitchers, S jars, 2 wash
bowls and a 15-gallon jug. The plates have
boles In the center and are screwed on
boards and framework extending to the top
of a three story building.
A cartons fact ia tha early history of
pins Is that when thev were Bret cold in
“open shop" there was such a great de
mand for them that a oode was passed per
mitting their sale only on two days In tbe
year—4be 1st aud 2d of January.
You never tried DeWitt’s Little Ear
ly Risen for constipation, biUlousness,
sick headache, or you would not have
thesese diseases. For sale by the Da
venport Drug Company.
4 Tax Notice.
books are now ready, and until
mrtner notice I will be In my office for
the purpose of collecting the taxes from
9 o’clock a. m. to 3- o’clock p. m. every
day, except Sunday. J. B. Dunn,
oot 10 Tax Collector.
Excellent Buckwheat Flour at Avera’s.
Probably the rarest stamp in exlsteuce
has been sold in London for 250 pounds
sterling.; It is an American five-cent
stamp, Issued at Brattleboro, VL, in
1840. 1
DeWitt’s Sarsaparilla olesnses the
blood, Increases tho appetite and tones
up the system. It has benefltted many
people who have suffered from blood
disorders. It will help you. For sale by
the Davenport Drug Company.
A complete assortment of toilet soaps
st Db. Eldridoe's.
People in Japan sre called by the
family name first, (be individual, or
what we should call Christian, name
next, and then the honorle—thus,
“Smith Peter, Mr.”
Don't storm the system as you would
sfort If held by the enemy, consti
pation, gently persuade it to surrender
with DeWitt’s Little Early Risers.
These little pills are wonderful con
vince rs. For sale by the .Dfirenport
Drug Company.
In the Philippine .Islands canary seed
Is ground and made into a most palata
ble bread which is In common use among
the people there.
We cannot afford to deceive you. Con-
dence is begotten by honesty. De
Witt’s Little Early Risers are pills that
will cure constipation and sick headache.
For sale by the Davenport Drug Com
Colognes, extracts, toilet waters and
all toilet articles st De. Eldbidse’s.
Others sell paint, but I tell paints. I
will give a personal guarantee to look
better and hut longer than any other
paint. That’s wbat you want I handle
leads, oils, putty, etc.
J. Henbt Fbiimah,
Cotton avenue.
Advice to Women
If you would protect yourself
from Painful, Profuse, Scanty,
Suppressed or Irregular Men
struation you must use
OATtTERSViLLK, April 28,1880.
t two member mr
10 00
10 27
2 13 pm
8 60
6 54
0 to
• 40
• 27
11 00
430 Am
6 00
813 pm
1 vo.... Chi ..
Bylacaug* Ire
lva • Opel Ik* Ire
arr Colombo* arr
Ire Columbus Ire
arr Eilavilie. at?
Ire ....*KUavlUe.......Ire
•rr Americas err
Ire .... Americas...... Ire
Ire Cordele Ire
Ire Helena........Ire
ire.... ... Lyons ..
arr...... Savannah _
arr Charleston arr
...Arr luupui
■Ire 5 06
Ire 4 40
H 45 a m
• 60
8 20
8 00
6 20
8 66
7 40pm
Betw’nlCoattomerj And Americas, via Opelika
•TO a rnllre Montgomery ....Arr 0 86 p m
2 15 pmjlvt .OpeUkA . arr 1 06
‘Montgomery And Amdricus, via Union
Springs and Columbus.
ire Montgomery jut
. Columbus arr 11 20
.Amnricos. Ire
7 20 pm
Betw*n Montgomery andTAmericus.Tla teofaola
2 66 pm
RHP 412
Ire Albany arr 2 56
arr America* ire *
Between America* and Jacksonville, vuTlelena
8 is) am
8 66 am
6io (arr...... Brunswick...,
8 80 |arr..... Jacksonville Ire
Close connection mads at Montgomery
points in tbe 8ootbwest, and at Amcrfcua tor
Birmingham and all points In the Northwest.
• Med Buttons.
Passengers from Charleston destined to points
west of Sorannab, change cars at C. 68 B. Junc
E. B. GOODMAN, Gen. Pass. Agent,
Americas, Ga.
Barannah, Ga. Birmingham, Ala.
Columbus, Ga. Americas, Ga.
C. H. SMITH, G. K. A.,
New York, N.y.
East Tennessee,
Virginia and
Georgia R’y
Tuesday, Nov. 3, 1891.
I 1
j< jffi .
!io EM
■eg -S-^^ I i
Short and Direct Line to the Horth, East or
ThU Une I. conceded to be the best equipped
and run. the Seest Pullman Bleeping Can In
the South.
Elegant Pullman Sleeping Cars, between
Jacksonville and Cincinnati,
Titusville and Cincinnati,
Brunswick and Louisville,
Chattanooga and Washington
Memphis and New York,
Philadelphia and New Orleans,
Chattanooga and Hobllo,
Atlanta and Chattanooga,
Without Change.
For any Information address
B. W. WRENN, Gen. Pass, and Ticket Aft
Knoxville. Tenn
O. W. RIGHT, Au't Gen. Pass. Aft.
Atlanta. Georgia.
To the Superior Court of *aid County:
The petition of E.H. Ferguson J. J.Caffrey,
both of Louifeville, Ky., John M.Gre«n of
Atlanta, Gn. t II. C. Bagley unit M. H. Har
per, respectfully, whows that they and their
successor* desire lo be lucorp«>r.ited under
the corporate name and style of “ Aiimrlcus
Oil Company/* That their objects n'.ti pur
poses are for pecuniary gain lor llu-imeives,
their associates and successors; and that the
bu*lne*s they propose to carry on Is th- buy-
ltlg and selling of cotton seed and Its pro
ducts, Such nr, cotton seed oil, crude and re
fined, cotton seed meal and cake, cotton seed
hull* and aches, crusbins, pressing and re
fining of tame; furtbar, th»*tof purchasing
und dealing in seed cotton and cotton seed,
after tbe cotton has been ginned, of nil kind*
and varieties and the inanufaourc, prepa
ration and sale ol products derived from
cottonseed; and the carrying on, manage
ment and control of such business or m-nu-
factare connected therewith; and generally
to engage In ail snob employments and lines
of business, where cotton Beed or its products'
arr utilized wlio iy or in part. Also, the
leasing and owning of tank cars, manufac
turing of barrels and cusks, and all other
commodities In connection with said busi
ness. Tho main b usiness of 'he enrpontion
la to bo ihe manufacture and sal** 02 cotton
seed oil. and c* incident theretf the utilizing
aud sale of aU products of seed cotton and
cottonseed. Petitioners further show unto
thn court that their principal place of busi
ness will be in the county of Sumter, Stnte of
Georgia; but that they d sire to carry on
business,employ ami mmi.i Hgcnt* «*i*evi here
ia said state, anu into other states and terri
tories of the Pntted Btutes, and establish
branch offices therein, If they deem it ad
visable. Inat the amounted capital to be
employed by petitioner* I* one hundred
thousand (fI00,000j dollars, fifty thousand
Of Increasing their capital to tiny him
not exceeding one hundred and fifty thous
and (|J6d (TO) dollar*. Petitioners desire to be
Incorporated for twenty years, with the priv
ilege of renewing their charter from time to
time aa they aee proper. Petitioners, desire
the further right to purchase, le*se f hold,
own and control, sell, assign, transfer, or dis
pose of such real estate, or interest in real
estate, as mar he necessary and proper for
the legitimate and convenient transaction
of their bustnes*. Petitioners desire tbe
rt ^ht and power to make all snch by-laws,
and alter the same at pleasure, ns they may
»r; to have and use a common seal,
isnge tbe same at pleasure; to have
a right tosue and be sued, and to make all
necessary contracts in the conduct of it*
business; to borrow money, And to secure the
same by giving cotes, Indentures, bonds,
mortgages and land,as tbe corporation may
see proper to do; and further to be invented
With all the rights, powers, privileges, Im
munities and franchises Incident to corpora-
Hons of the kind, and necessary to carry on
and conduct, the objeots and purposes or the
business of petitioners. Petitioners further
desire that they shall be Incorporated so t hat
£ 0 stockholder In the corporation shall be
Dund In any way fo» tho debts or liabilities
of the corporation beyond the amount of his
unp»M subscription of the capital stock of
said Company.
Whereiorepetitioners pray that after this
petition shall have been filed, recorded and
published, according to law, that the court
will grant an ordergranthig HilsagifitcmIon.
Petl tlon er's Attorney s.
Filed in office September 23d 1861.
J. H. ALLKN, Clerk 8.C.
I certify the above and foregoing to be a
true extract from the Hecord of Charters in
Humter Superior Court this September i£lrd
mi. J. H. ALLEN. Clerk tf. C.
association may see proper.
I. H. Danish G.W.Morgan and others have The petitioners pray that they be
made application for a second-class road de- together with their associates aud si
scribed In said petition, as brjlnnlDg at tbe
Charles H'.nren Dl*ee, leading thence east
between tbelandi of R. E. Merrill and W.
14. Hatenon, then between Is ads of Mrs.
Jones and B. E. between lends
of Mrs. Masbharn and Mrs. Jones, tben be
tween lands of A. J. Loren and Mrs. Mash-
burn, then acrosi Dr. Loren’s land and be
tween the lands of I. W. Dozier and J. J. Du
pree, Intenectlnf tbe merleus and Friend-
■hip road; bo-n marked out by
the commlulouer. and a report tber.of
made <>n oath by them.
Allpenonaarenollfledihat .aidnew road
will, on and after tbefiret Monday In Novem
ber next, by tbe Comml’iloners of roads and
revenue of said county, b» II nalljrgrantedlfno
new cauie be shown to tbe contrary. Tills
5th day of Octob.r, h#l. d l .
oct9 w4t Clerk County Commissioners.
GEORGIA—Sumter County.
To the Superior Court of said County:
Th« petition c{ C. \V. Lamar, K. T. John
son, W. M. Illtt and Marshall Martin togeth
er with their associates shows that they have
entered into an association under the name
and style of ‘‘The Hhlppers Compress Asso
ciation”. That theobjoot of said *s*oclatlon
is pecuniary gain to tue Individual members
cotton packed In bales lor more convenient
and readier transportation.
Tho principal office of the said association
U to be In Amerlcus, Georgia, with privilege
of doing business of both owning, control-
lug aud b asing compies'e* lo said county
arid la any section or the United tf tales the
Agrereb’e to an ord.r created by tbe
Honorable Court of Ordinary of Mid county,
will be uld before tb. court bouse door in
Tueld.y'in^NoremlSrflwtween' the^awful
house of Mile, tbe followlnf properly, to-wll:
The»outh Lntf,lotoftaod numberslsiy-one
containing (101)0 acres more or lew; also
twemy-Mx (ail) shares of the Numter County
Alliance Co-operation association atoek, be-
—mg to the eataieof John B. Kinard, lata
1J county, deceased. Bold Ibr the benefit
oftbebelreand creditors of aald deceased.
Terms eaab. ThU 6tb dsy^of^lewber^wi.
Will bo told, bsfore the court bouse dpor
At nnblle sale, before the eenrt bouse door
In tbe etiy of Amerteas, Ga* on tbe first
Tuesday In November, 1801, for tbe benefit of
unconcerned In theBoutbwert Georgia Al
liance Manufacturing Company (Biui '
Factory), lot.of land No*, f, w, Mind 17.
the 8. A. M. railroad, arid lo contain ton—
l«-n acres, more or leu: the land subjeol to
a mortgage for twelve hundred dollars, due
October 4,1891, and for taxes and otber legal
liy order of tbe Board of Directors.
O. B. RKIG, Secretary,
America.. Us, Oct. 8,1*1. dltwtt
Webster eoaaty, on the first Tuesday lo
November next, subject to the widow’s
dower, tbs following drecrlbed property:
Lotof land number one tmnd-ed and foriy-
roar (1G) and aU of lotef land number one
hundred and forty-three (HI) lying west of
Klnchafoonee creek, lying aud being In tho
25tbdUtrictof Webster county. Oa. Holds,
tho property of W. A. Christian, deceaMd,
fortbe benefit of heirs and creditors.
Wept 5,1891. J*.L.CHItX8lTAN,
greeable to an order from tbe Honorable
w . Jlnary of Webster county will be .old be
fore the Courthouse door Iu PrMtou, Webster
county. Georgia, on the first Tuesday la No
vember next. tb. following deseribra prop
erty: Lotof land number two hundred and
fourteen (31411a tb. nlaete«nth(19th} district
of originally Lee now Webster county, sold
aatbe p.operty of B. T. Deonard, d* .
tor tbe benefit of the heir, and creditor, of
deceased. Jacob DaawABs,
Oct. 6,1891. Administrator.
described property, to-wll:
— ‘ ‘“-fiVO (75) acres O, in,,,*, ,nun, or
lotof land number two hundred
and (lrty-one (851) In tho tweuty-nlnth until
dlati let of Bumter county, bound a. folio*.:
On tbe real by the old stage road, on tha
south by landa of M.F. Bulier
loads of W F. Eaitcrlln and
on the north by BIla.Hmlth,
Levied on as the properly of W. H. Glover
to satisfy ono 11 fa issued from tho County
Court of numter county In favor of Cbas. G.
conn vs. tbe aald W. H. Properly
pointed oat by W. H. Glover. Tbl« March
28th, 189L Levy made by L.B. Forrest, dep
uty ibert . &. B. FORREST, Sheriff,
WU1 bo sold befbre the court boas# door
tho lreal boors of tale, tbs following de
scribedproperty, to wit:
One bouse and lot In tbe city of Amerions,
bounded treat by Strife aoreat, south by Mrs.
Buoy and Joba JsBbr-on, east by lot of Wil
liam Jefibrson and north by loiofureaeweti
A Tamar, knowo aa lot Htrife street, aad It la
the place where Campbell Washington now
lives. Levied on and sold as the property or
Campbell Waihlngton, to Mitllfy a county
court execution Isened from theeounly coarl
orsald county. In favor of H. 11. llawkln..
^ Levy^by ^1. ^w. Cobb, county court
’ J. B. LAM aK,
Deputy Sheriff.
To Peddlers.
Every person before peddling must register
with the Ordinary and pay th* Tax Collector
$50 for the county, anl $25 for the state.
License for the count v are for the term of one
year; for the state, only for the fiscal vear.
It any person, except a disabled soldier ol
this state, (and he must register ever» veer)
peddles without first obtaining such license,
be shall forfeit lo the county our hundred
Any officer or lax payer of this county may
require a peddler to exhibit bis license, and
upon failure or refusal so to exhibit, ihe ped
dler forfeits $500—one- half to the informer,
the other to tbe county.
By order of C
rith tneir associates and successors
_ h tho power to carry on the aforemen
tioned objects together with the power to
nurchaseand hold property, real and person
al: to rent and lease property, both real and
personal; lo su- and be sued; to use scorn*
inofi sea). If the association should so desire,
and to exorcise all power usually conferred
upon corporations of similar character, as
may bo consl«ten» with thn laws of Georgia,
of any Mato In which s ild association may
do business and not liicom Uteiit with the
laws of the United States.
Petitioners further show that the canffal
stock of said association is thirty thousand
oo'Urs, more than 10 p«r cent of which has
been actually paid in. Your petitioner* fur
ther show that they desire the passing of an
order allowing (hem to increase at anv *lme
they may see fit tho capital stock to any
amount not to exceed filly thousand dollars.
Wherefore, co MderloRth« premises, your
petitioners pray the paislng of an order
granting this theirappitcatlo i with *-he sev
eral provisions therein slat d, an l that they
and their successor* be Incorporated for and
during the t*rm of twenty years, with the
prlvllegeofrcncw tlat the expiration of the
»aldter*Jj. And as >n duty bound yojr peti
tioners will ever pray.
Attorne* s for Petitioners.
Filed In office October 21. ihmi,
J. H ALLEN, Clerk R.C.
I certify the ab*ve to lx * true extract
from the Me.ordofrimrtcrs thlsOd.2l,JHDl.
oc22 lawlw J, H. A LLKaV, Clerk H. C.
E xecutory hale.
UEuiuJi.v-SUMTKK County
Will bo sold, by virtue of a decree of Hum*
ter Huporior Court, held in February. 1821,
hefort-tli-t.'oun House door In the Hty of
Amerlcus, Ga., between ihe legal hours of
sal**, on the first Tuesday lu November next,
the following described lots and parts of lot*
of isnd, to-wit:
Lots of laud numbers twenty-six, thirty-
five and thirty-six <26,35 and &T), lu the 27t*
District of tf uniter county. Ga., each con
taining two huudred arid two and one-halt
(202k) acres, more or s.
Also ea»t half of lot tf land number one
hundred and twenty-six (126), bounded on
the west by pnbllcr nd running north from
Americus towards tin* late Harney Parker's
place until said road intersects the Travel
er's Rest road, then duo south to the south
Une of said lot, containing one hundred (1(0)
acres, more or less (except one-half (%) ar.
acre deeded to W. W. Harlow in the north-
vr*** corner of said lot, an«f also excent the
right cf wav of the B. W. Railroad), said laud
In the27th District or tfumter county, Ga.
Also • snip of Und on the notth side of
east half of lot 145 in 27tn District of Sumter
County, being 257 feet wide and bounded on
north by the south line of the east half of lot
133 In said district: containing seven acres
more or less, the right of way of the 8. W.
railroad excepted. These two parcels of land
lust above described containing in the aggre
gate, one hundred an J seventeen acres more
ufofjwld property sold by virtue of said
decree as Ihe property of the estate of W, R.
tftewart, late of Sumter County, deceased,
sold to pay the debts of said estate, aud for
the purposes of distribution among the heirs
according to the terms of said decree.
This October 1,1801.
R. R. SrswART,
Executor of W. K. Stewart, deceased.
ft. GEORGIA—tfuMTBR County.
By virtue ot an order from the Court of
rdinary of tf uniter county, will be sold to
the highest bidder before the court house
door fn the city of Amerlcus.Sumter county.
Georgia, on the first Tuesday In November,
between the legal hours of sale, the
following propsrty belonging to estate ot A.
R. Coulter, deceased, to wit: Five heavy
wogoat (new) two wt eh bodies, one rued cart,
four sets strong double harness, two sets fo'
large malea, oue set black-smith too*
forge, five tent* with fiys, twelve or
matresses with covers, blankets, eh
bedstead and spring, t* —
box-stoves and pipes,
stove and utensils, one box crockery .kite heu
furniture and camp outfiMbur cheats of com-