Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, November 08, 1891, Image 2
THE aMERICUS DAILY TIMES-RECOKDER: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1891, Checked —the frightful inroads of Scrofula and all blood-taints. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery purifies and enriches the blood, cleanses the system of all impurities, and restores health and strength. It cures all diseases arising from impure blood. Consumption is ono of them. It’s simply lung-scrofula. In all its ear lier stages, tho “ Discovery ” effects a cure. It’s easy to see why. The medicine that masters scrofula in one part, is tho best remedy for it in another. It U tho best It’s war ranted. It’s the only blood and lung remedy that’s guaranteed to benefit or cure, or tho money will bo re funded. No other medicine of its class does it. How many would bo left if they did? It’s the cheapest blood-purifier, sold through druggists, (no matter how many doses aro offered for a dollar,) because you only pay for the good you got. Your monoy is returned if it doesn’t benefit or euro you. Can you ask more? This is the way with the Ball corset: if you want ease and shapeliness, you buy it—but you don’t keep it unless you like it. After two or three weeks’ wear, you can return it and have your money. Comfort isn’t all of It though. Soft Eyelets, and "bones” that can’t break or kink—Ball’s corsets havs both of these. For sale by GEO. D. WHEATLEY. 1 r 6 fmffnna Him ICftfe fn Fine CsrrUges. The Sioux nation is rapidly becoming a nation of aristocrats. Daring the past few « eeka many fine new carriages have crossed over here to the Sioux reserva tion, and all of them iielonged to mem bers of the Sionx nation who rame here at dilferent times and purchased '.hem, paying for tile same in good hard cash. Carriage dealers are now, in conse quence, doing a rushing business with the Indians, and the demund for the finest and most expensive carriages is in creasing, ail the prominent and wealth ier Indians appearing determined not to be outdone by any other member or members of the tribe. The purchase by one Indian of an ele gant carriage is sure to arouse the jeal ousy of some other Indian, and then some rustling is done. Cattle or any thing that will net them the money needed is harried to the nearest market and disposed of, and with the money thus obtained the fortunate Indian will hurry to a wagon and carriage dealer nod purchase the finest carriage that can lie procured. The Lower Brule and Crow Creek In dians are already the possessors of many fine turnouts, and should they keep on as they are now doing every Indian wil'. soon travel ulmiit in a carriage of his own. if the carriage manufacturers would paint their carriages a gsudiei ecdor it would result in largely increased sales, on the frontier at least, but at the rate the Indians are purchasing it is quite probable that they are satisfied with tlie plain colors.—South Dakota Cor. Minneapolis Journal. COt'NTV DIBKCTOUV. Si’PKMOB Coubt—Hon. W. H. Fish, judge; C. B. Hudson, solicitor-general J. II. Allen, clerk, L. B. Forrest, sheriff .1. B. Lamar, deputy sheriff. Regular terms, fourth Mondays in November and June. County Court—J. B. J’ilsbury, judge F. A. Hooper, solicitor. Monthly terms, first Wednesday. Quarterly terms, third Monday in March, June, September and December. County Commissioners—J. II. Black, chairman; C A. Huntington, J A.Cobb, G. W. Council, J. W. Wheatley. County Treasurer—J. E. Su'liven. Tax Receiver—J. W. Mine Tax Collector—J. B. Dunn. Coroner—J. B. Parker. Ordinary—A. C. Speer. Americus, 789th district, G. M.—W. B. F. Oliver, J. P. W. K. Wheatley, X. P. Cofirt, second Tuesday, City ok Ameiiicus—Mayor—Jno. B. Felder. Mayor Pro Tern—W. K. Wheatley. Aldermen—P. II. Williams, J. J. Wil liford, T. F. Logan, J. E. Bivins, J. A. Davenport, W. K. Wheatley. Clerk and Treasurer—D. K. Brinson. City Engineer and Superintendent Water Works—G. M. Eldridge. Chief of Police—A. P. Lingo. Old Nick Whiskey is the best and is noted for its t and parity, having been made on i same plantation over 133 years without a rival as we constantly keep four year old RYE AND COHN on hand—ship any quantity, so write for price-list. Old Nick Whiskey Co., PANTHCB CHEEK, N. C. UPPIUN am. Proprietors, Ompgbts, Uppass't Mock. SAVANNAH, BA. For sale by the DAVEXPORT DRUG COMPANY, Americas, Ga. ^Alk Jot *GRY M’PG CO.. Nashville, Tenr $500 Reward ! WEwHI pay tea •bars mrird tor is? susef Ursr MphEgejrrMsmiSWMMjHMfl TiSSaM Ltnr ril 1., w U. mrtttrUtijr ^sMsssswnsSi rnx “oax c*wi» ; oostant. owieoiat 7 To Have New KyclIiU. Harvey Chaffee, of East Valley, a well known oil contractor, who was badly burn -il by a natural gas explosion ou the 7th of May, is in the city for tile purpose of having the skin grafting process tried on him. Mr. Chaffee was very severely roasted. The skin was burned off his face and neck, and ten holes were left in his head. The most serious Bcorching was that upon the eyelids. They were completely burned off both eyes, and in their stead at present is tho raw, in flamed and swollen flesh. The sight is most repulsive, but Mr. Chaffee bears his misfortnne with great fortitude. When asked if his injuries were pain ful, he replied: “Yes, sir, they hurt me right smart at times, but it takes agreat deal to make me grunt. I can Btand a heap. You ought to have seen me when I was burned. My ears wero ns big as your fist nnd my head as big as a half bushel measure. I was a regular sight. You can ask my wife there," and he re ferred the reporter to a pleasant woman near. Tlie work of putting new eyelids upon the unfortunate contructer is to be doue by Dr. F. D. Edsnll, who said that he would cut the material for Mr. Chaffee’s eyelids out of the patient's arm. Except for his burns Mr. Chaffee was in a healthy condition, and his own cuticle wonld perhaps knit more rapidly than' that from another (lenson. The new eyelids will be bereft of eyelashes, bat utility nnd a cure is what is sought after rather than beauty in. this ease.—Pitts burg Post. sx Twenty Found Snlinon for » Cent Apiece. The present wonderful run of sulmon has so glutted the market that for some time these silver sided beauties have been selling at fire cents apiece, but the price took a tumble yesterday and sev eral fishermen sold a boat load of fine salmon, weighing abont twenty pounds each, at the pitifnl price of one cent apiece. Oue cent for a twenty pound silver salmon, the finest quality of that excelleut fish, is the lowest price perhaps that a food fish ever sold for in this or any other country, but salmon are so plentiful that people do not know what to do with them, , It is estimated that enough fish could betoken there in one day to fill 1,000 barrels. Fishermen say they can make big money by selling salmon at a cent apiece to the canneries if they will only bny all they -can catch. One man caught fourteen with a gilt hook attached to • hoe handle yesterday, and another man claims to have fonnd them in such num bers in shallow water in the Dnngeness that he threw them out with a pitchfork and'soon got fish enough to last for a month.—Fort Townsend Leader. Sharks In Long Islnnil Sound. An unnsnal number of largo sharks was reported daring September in Long applied. As a matter of fact, however, the true man eating shark (Carcharodou carehariuH) is rarely seen on oar coast. This species grows to a length of twen ty-five feet and to the weight of one ton, being snr)>ussed in size only by tlie busk ing shark. It is a relative of the enor mous shark whose teeth occur fossil in the phosphate beds of Sooth Carolina. Any sburk measuring nine or ten feet in length is liable to be called a man eater, .uid not without warrant, for all of them will attack man witli slight provocation or when suffering from hanger.—Forest aud Stream. A Happy Combination of the most potent and active properties of the whole vegetable kingdom, Is that which makes Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Pre scription so pre-eminently above every other so-called woman’s restorative in tlio market. Don’t stop short of the best! Don't cxocriment with worthless Imitations, when tho world acknowledg es no superior to the nrigiual, reliable, and only guaranteed remedy for the hap py restoration of suffering and debilitat ed woman, Costs nothing if it don’tdo just as recommended. See guarantee on bottle wrapper.’ In Montana a grea t many miners re csive $4 50 a day. HARMLESS. TO ASSIST NATPBB ” JSS the body is the great mission of SWIFT’S SPECIFIC. Htcrobl cannot exist In tho blood whenKnRBis properly taken, os it promptly8**3lforcea them out, and cures the patient. It has relieved thousands in a few days who had suffered for years. Mr. F. Z. Nelson, a prominent and wealthy citizen of Fremont, Nebraska, suffered for years with SCROFULA, and It continued to grow worse in spite of all treatment. Finally, Four Bottles of RKBeured him. He writes: “Words ECSare Inadequate to exp*4sa my gratitude and favorable opinion of SWIFT’S SPECIFIC. Tresttos on Blood and Skin Diseases Bulled free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Drivers. Atlanta, Os. “Castor!), 'so veHedap,'. Jtoehllf , recommend Its* superior to any prescription known tana” H. A. Aacsxa, X. D„ Uj Bo. Oxford Bt, Brooklyn, IT. t’. •The oas of 'Castoria' is so univatsa! and Its morits to well known that It seems a work within e-yr-ch^ Matmi. D.D, New York City. Lato Pastor Blooxnlogdtlo Reformed Church. Edwin 7. Pasun. M. D.. “The Wlnthrop," UOth Street and 7th Aro, New York City. Tax Oman Conran, 77 Kuxbay Stout, Maw To Going west or east, north or south, who goes by the ‘’Racket Store” without drooping in and examining our goods and prices is BADLY FITTED financial. *. H; H.^AgT^w; W-l-i'URPhEY.cX ’’’ organized mo. "!®Jhe Bank of Amencus.sJ Surplus, . ’ . ’ gl;•<>.< •<>.) I • QlIXMUb, I -1 DIRECTORS’ 1 H.C. V— P.C.C ™ E 3J K °. F SUMTER T. N. HAWKES, President o-A.COLEMAN, . »-e. W. C. Furlow, W.ELC WhL? a " ke »-| Oliver, H. M. Brown, W m feit S | Dr. E. T. Mathis, Arthur kvUmW “'I Hylander. _ Liberal to its customer ic Pnm „ nA I ting to the public and prSX?n^Sj management, this bank soficiu den™ £| and other business in Its line. eD0,1 “ , MONTGOHERY, Pro*.kcloNETvkipT^I NO. 2838. to support a family. He needs a kind but firm hand to knock some sense into him. Ours is the only stock in town wnich is calculated TO SUPPORT extravagant claims, but we won’t make ’em. We prefer to have a man and his family come in and look us over; in fact, ours is A FAMILY store, and each member of your family will find something to interest and instruct them. ROGERS WILDER, 104 Lee Street. SeptHMAw ALLISON & AYCOCZ The Booksellers and Stationers Peoples’ National Band Of Americus. Capital, 900,000. ttarplna, • 23,0001 ORGANIZED 1883. H. C. Baoley, Pret. .. w . , T. F. Gatkwood, 8eo. &Tr. Investment Securities, faid up Capital, $1,000,000, Surplus, 8250,000.'j DIRECTORS; H U Bagley, W E Hawkine, S W Coney,I W S Gillis, J W Sheffield, P C Clegg,I WMHawkea, BF Mathews, G H ByneJ W E Murphoy, S Montgomery, J H Pharr l B. P. Hollis. E. Burr, Jr., Pres. H. M. Knapp, Y. P.| O. A. Coleman, Sec, a Treas, Georgia Loan&TnistCo. Negotiates Loans on improved Farm and City Property. Are you going to use Gas or Electric Light Fixtures? If so we can save you money. We have $ 10,000 worth of Gas and Com bination fixtures in Brass, Copper, Gilt, Bronze, Old Iron, Or molu, Silver, &c., in stock. Our prices are 10 per cent, cheaper than you can buy from the factory. We carry a full line of Hard Wood and Mar- bleized Iron Mantels, Tile Hearths, Grates, &c. Heating and Cook ing Stoves, Ranges, Fire Sets. Coal Vases, Hods, Fenders, &c., ABE NOW IN THEIR New quarters in the New Hotel Build ing “The Windsor” and are Ready for Business. ALLISON & AYCOCK, 406 Jackson Street. AMTORICOS. GA. -BUILDERS OF Inland and Fisher’s Island sounds. To in Rrace flnrl lAmnnPfl these the name of man eater i* generally ctllU JctjJcuii leu. III. liiKtliietiUhlng Cbarmet.rl.ile. Fangio (to Crinkle, Yalevard, D3)— By tlie way, 1 -atw a man from your col lege ut a summer resort. He was carry ing ever} thing before him. Crinkle (proudly)—Yes, sir. That is a distinguishing idniracteiisticof our men. Wlmt was lie doing? Fangle—Acting as waiter in tlie din ing room.—Harper’s Bazar. Gotta p-rcl-u is the gum of the pereba tree, which grows in the Malayan is lands and that locality. The price of this article has more than doubled with in two years, chiefly because of the waste fulness of the natives in collecting the gum by telling the trees and the in creased demand for it in iusnlating eleo- tric wires. The (teach crop of Maryland was so great that a fine crop has been left on the trees, as it would not pay to pick them. Thousands of trees will be dug up on account of the rapid spread of tho yellows. aro as profitable a crop In Call- Send for prices. We arefumishinithe New Hotel with gas fixtures. Hnnnicatt & Bellingratb Go., ATLANTA, GA. In Its Worst Fane. Bsirtox, laf. Co., Wit., Deo., W Bsv. J. 0, Bergen vouchee tor U» following: James Rooney, who was loffering bom Vilas Dance In Its wont form lor sbootlg years, was treated by sovoml physicians without effeot, • ■m KaMUa ef lie .to. Ifnonla'a Meows Tnnla Tipton, Mo., March 2, ML My daughter was taken with catalepsy when about I or 4 year, old; we tried different medi- eiaee bat wllbost effect. It Is now abont i wars ■ince she bec.n taking Pastor Koenig's Nerve Toole sadtbobse not had an attack ortho dis ease sine* that tlma. Q. DUEBER. Hr. Mist i. Ky„ Oct. 7. VO. I hereby testify tbst Pastor Koenig’s Na Tonto cured a gbl of my congregation of Vitos Dance, and a married lady of steepl BKV. POL. FKBMOl •Isenteae- U10NT. Valuable I loo* an leaM. cent free to u |KOKNIOMKO.OO..Ohio«gO,IIL| Engines, Boilers, Cotton Gins, Presses, Feeders and Condensers, Saw and Grist Neills, Shingle Machines, Pipe and Pipe Fittings, Boiler Feeders, Valves, Jets Etc. Shaftings, Hangers, Boxes and Pulleys IV-Special attention given to repairing all kinds of Machinery. Telephone 79. a ‘ ,Mm B P Hollis, Attorney, J E Bivins. Land Examiner.! tiHOST STORIES Saw Mill Men, Attention! Our speoial business is heavy machinery such as ’ BOILERS, SAW MILLS, AND WOOD-WORIING MACHINERY, and for first-class machinery, wo defy competition. _We are general iry, we defy competition. We are general agents for H. B. SMITH MACHINE CO.’S celebrated Wood-working maehines, and can dis count factory prices. Write for circular of “Farmers* Favorite” saw mill: it is the best on the market. Second-hand machinery constantly on hand. Write for prices; we can save yon money. Perkins Machinery-Company, 67 SOUTH BROAD STREET, - Mentloa Th*Tmzs-Rxooaosa When Ton Writs. ATLANTA. GA suglSdAwly E. T. BYED, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE ■ REPRESENTING THE SAPESTAND STROXGESr,COMPANlBS;iNjTHB*WORLD. Insurance placed on City and Country Property. Offloe on Jackson Street, next door below Mayor’s Office, lisnto My. C. O. HAWKINS. U.O. LOVING. HAWKINS & LOVING We ore prepared to do*EMBALMING on|short notice. SATISFAC TION GUARANTEEDJBAlso keep a fine line of Metallic and Cloth Covered Cases, Caskets and Coffins. HEADQUARTERS FOR FURNITURE. Mlgkt eslhCfer ooffiaa Tolopbooo No. 4S, orooll on OJOJLovlsg, Srowa stiest. rM-U.l When you hear a man say “ We’ve got a PIANO here just a$ good as the IVERS & POND for a great deal less mopey," remember that all the ghost stories have j not been told yet. When you hear a man say I that “ So-and-so ’’ keeps a tter line of musical goods -siifruJiifgffl stories. [ When you want an IVERS & POND PIANO with all | its patented improvements, see that you get it Mow no I solicitation or specious mis representation to switch you on onto something, inferior. Ghost stories frighten chil-l dren, but not mature and I sensible people. I Call on us and try the I IVERS & POND SOFT-1 STOP, even though you do j not wish to buy anything. PHILLIPS t CREW, 79 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga. AUGUST M Artistic Tailoi Under T. Wheatley’s Store, FORSYTH ST.. AMERICUS, G* number < DOMESTIC - COAL! For Sale this Sew. I ihaH bo prepaired tofornUh a bltf grade Lump Coal for Grate purpoeee, any quantity thla|faU end winter. tf. R. SIMS- Sept.#,* Having been in the taiioting builne* MrfJdt C i‘£S C wi“ can show many excellent aaiDpiei, gSfifcsStfUM areali firet-claw. A lari’* samples of Imported eu make np enlte for $2S to #S5. Call and see me. A. MYEKS, Cor. Forsyth and Jackeon 8