Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, November 08, 1891, Image 6

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f*' 6 THE AMER1CUS DAILY TIMES-RECORDER: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1891. THE RESULT, When it was recently announced that Thornton Wheatley’s usual pilgrimage had been made to the Eastern markets, the public waited to see in these columns, the report- of what had been done for their benefit in the way of novelties in goods and revelations in low prices. AT things being now Ready w® the r'kJBT.the people of Amerinds and the surrounding country are invited to come. They are net ex- S jcted to have on their Wedding ABHENTS, for WHEATLEY’S IS THE Place where the people must go to be property decked out for an appearance, either at a feast or at business; and nobody can have the trade mark that a Perfectly Dressed Man always bears, until after they have been to iWob Wmllsy’s and have been supplied with Letters Patent of Elegance By that establishment. ALBANY WILL GET A DEPOT. The Times-Recorder isn’t half big EN0UGH to hold even a cat alogue of the Elegant Goods, and the Super-Elegantly Low Prices attached. Only the general heads can here be outlined; the true inwardness of the feast can’t be understood until the guests go through the whole Bill of Fare in person at Wheatley’s. No such complete nndj elegant stock of Qentlemen’s, Youths’ and Boys’ And Americas Should Force Her Claims to Similar Recognition. The railroad commission had the rep resentative officials of four or five lines up before it yesterday. Albany wants a union depot, and after an agitation of several years has finally got the move ment in such shape that the improve ment cannot be much longer delayed. Albany waa represented by ex-Repre- sentative Wooten and a number of citl- Thelr complaint was that the city has only one depot deserving of the name, and it is too small and inadequate for the business. The question of a union deiot was disousaed, and it was suggested that per haps the several roads would prefer each to build a separate depot for itself. The commission was asked by the city of Albany to make a ruling on this point After going over the ground thoroughly the commission intimated that a union depot will probably be ordered. But before definite action is taken the com missioners will visit Albany and look at the situation there. The visit will be made Tuesday, November 17. Ur. Wooten stated that Albany will make any reasonable concessions to the railroads if it can get a union depot. Captain McBee, of the Central: Cap tain R G. Fleming, of the Savannah, Florida and Western, and Ur. George Haines, of the Branswick and Western, intimated that their road 3 were disposed to unite with the other lines and build a union depot.—Atlanta Constitution. From the above it will be seen that Albany has by earnest and repeated efforts succeeded in compelling the rail roads within her limits to furnish proper depot facilities, and The Times-Recoh- der would urge upon the people of Amerlcus the strong advisability of tak ing similar action. The railroad authorities seem disposed to ignore the rights of the town and its citizens in regard to adequate accommo dations and they should bo notified that something must be done, and soon, to mitigate tho evil. The travel now to and from Amoricus over the Central is very heavy and it is no more nor less than an Imposition that passengers should be compelled to submit to such miserable facilities as tboso afforded at the depot of that line. has ever been brought to Americas and the MOST ASTONISHING THING about them is the LOW PRICES! HATS! Stiff and crushed, that CANNOT FAIL TO SUIT. "Down on your knees, and thank Heaven fasting,” not for a good man's love this time, but because you have cured your cold so easily with I)r. Bull's Cough Syrup. Fresh, Pure, Sweet, Country Butter from 25 to .'15 cents per pound. French A Mayo. A specialty in GENTLEMEN’S UNDERWEAR: Scriven’s Patent Elastic Seam Drawers, and the Cosmopolitan Shirts in suite or in separate garments, FROM THE VERY CHEAPEST TO THE VERY FINEST. A handsomer line of DRESS SHIRTS, TIES. SCARFS AND HANDKERCHIEFS was£never seen in Americas. Fast Blk. Nose, ABSOLUTELY STAIN LESS, ONLY 25o PER PAIR. KID GLOVES, Dressed and undressed; all colors, grades and prices. ATTENTION MOTHERS Boys’ Shirt Waists, 36o to $1.36. Boys' Jersey Saits, 3 to 8 years. Boys’ Clothing in all styles and prices. UMBRELLAS enough to stand off a CLOUD-BURST? ' Satchels and f Bags enough to hold all the elegant goods at Wheatley’s that yon will need when yon go abroad and want to present a first-class and stylish appearance Every Long, Lean, Fat, Short, Big, Little Man In a dozen conn- ties can get JUST THE FIT in the odd sizes and lengths stock that is carriedjat Mu Wheatley’s. LIFE WILL BE A BURDEN to all who spend their money else where, and find when too late that they missed getting the choicest ana best bargains in the neatest and most stylish goods ever brought to this [market DON’T MAKE SUCH A MIS TAKE, but go to Wheatley’s and get yonrself made solid. Remember the place: In Fire I Flnll A few barrels Turpentine Chips for kindling at one dollar barrel, delivered to your house. f s nov5-3t A. J. Buchanan. A fall liie. of library and pedestal lamps and fixtures sold At reasonable prioes at Dr. Eldridge’b Drug Store. Judge Bender, a celebrated Texas Jurist, has a son of whom the -judge is very proud. He thinks the boy has a judicial mind, and will grow up to be s greet jurist. The boy Is, however, very lazy. A few days ago tins judge said "My dear boy, why don’t you atudy a little more Industriously? I want you to beeome a famous jurist. Ton have not touohed your books to-day.'* "I am not going to atudy any to-day I am going fishing," responded the In dolent boy. "I don’t see that It makes any difference, pa, whether I become a famous jurist a few days sooner or a few daye later.’’—Texas Siftings. "Give Us a Lift!'* "Do sand down somethlngtobelpus!" ‘Those little Pleasant Pallets you sent before were just what we wanted?’ “They helped right where we were weak est!” "Don’t lend anything else I" Nature, abased and neglected, does her best to overcome exhaustion and ward off threatening disease, but some times calls for help, and knows juat wbst she’s about The system takes kindly to the mild, wholesome Influence of Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, and often tbelr timely assistance corrects evils which would soon lead to serious results. With the first signal of distress, nature will thank you for remembering her re quest Therefore, if languid, easily till ed, bad taste In mouth, bowels irregular or constipated, give nature a lift by tak ing Dr. Pierce's Pellets. Best Liver Pill made. At the Play. Harriot Hiss Rita Selby. Mellie Miss Fannie D. Hall. Tobias Quickly... .Mr. Geo. H. Herbert Rubygold Mr. J. Aldrich Libby. Count Nowalsky Mr. E. J. Weigle. Johnathan Trip..Mr. A. W. F. McColliu. Carl Milloeckcr's sprightly and tune- comio opera—Poor Johnathan—which was auug with so much success last win ter Id New Tork by Lillian Russell was presented by the Conrlqd company at DeGive’s last evening. It was a highly fashionable audience that greeted the production. The house was well filled and nearly all of the boxes were occupied. It was an appre ciative audiedee, and every well render ed song recelveo an encore. Poor Jonathan Is a distinctly Ameri can play and pleases the American idea. It abounds in pretty, catching airs, ail neatly worded and well arranged. And the cast was unusually well selected. Miss Selby sings the part of Harriet beautifully. Added to her strong, sweet-toned soprano voice is a graceful stage presence and a very pretty face Her singing was a real treat The part of Rubygold, the millionaire, was interpreted by a singer well known and very popular in Atlanta—Mr. J. A1 dricb Libby. Mr. Libby was a great favorite when he sang aa Alvin Barry in the Little Tyooon, but in Poor Jonathan he even appears to better advantage. He by all odds does more credit to the role than did Mr. McDonald, who sang it in the Casino production. Mr. Libby is a southerner, being from Virginia. He studied music in Paris, London and Boston, and has a highly cultivated and strong tenor robusto Mr. A. W. F. McCollin, so happily re membered ns the amusing general in the Beggar Student, still does admirable comedy work. Under the guise of Jona than he hid his years successfully and made a model “unfortunate.” Miss Hall was very good Indeed as Molly and gave Mr. McCollin excellent support i Mr. Herbert could do better as the Impressario, but did fairly well. Poor Jonathan will bo sung at the matinee and to-night the Gypsy Baron will bo given,—Atlanta Constitution. WHERE WE WORSHIP. Don’t storm the system as you would a fort. If he'd by the enemy, consti pation, gently persuade it to surrender with DoWitt’s Little Early Kisers. These little pills are wonderful con- vincora.. For sale by the Davenport Drug Company. We have the exclusive control of Chase and Sanborn’s famous coffees. If you lovo a cup of fine coffee try a can. French A Mayo. Fulton Market Boneless Beef, only 10c per pound. Pig’s Feet, Pickled Tripe and Extra Fine Mackerel. French A Mayo. For Sale. A valuable piece of truck farming property can be had by applying to sep23-tf.:— Tiik Bank of Sumter. Colognes, extracts, toilet waters and all toilet articles at Dr. Eldridoe’s. Prof. Whackcm—Who helped you to do these sums? Johnny Fizzletop—Nobody, sir. “What! Nobody? Now don’t lie! Didn’t your bro.tber help you?” “No, he didn't help me. He did them all by himself.”—Texas Siftings. A Directory of Cburcbee In Amerlcus Pre pared for Strangers. Catholic Chuhch—Lee street. There will be no services to-day. First Methodist Church—Corner Church and Lee streeta. Rev. B. Johnstone, pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. by the Rev. P. S. Twltty, president Andrew Female Col lege. Prayer-meeting Wednesday night at 7:00 o’clock. Sunday school at 030 o'clock a. m ; Lott Warren, superintend ent. All strangers are cordially wel comed. Second Methodist Cuubch — East Americas. Rev. R. F. Williamson, pas tor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:15 p. m. by the pastor. Pastor requests a full attendance of the membership. Sunday- school at 3:30 p. m., T. F. Logan, super intendent. Calvarv Protestant Episcopal Church—Lee street. Sunday-school this morning at 0.45. O. A Coleman, sup erintendent. Church service at 11 o'clock a. m. Strangers in the city are ccrdlally Invited to attend. Pbesbyterian Church — Jackson street, between Lamar and Chureb. Rev. Robert Adams, pastor. Sunday-school 030 a. m. H. S. Davis, superintendent Preaching by tbe pastor at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Prayer-meeting, Thursday, 7.30 p. m. Visitors cordially welcomed. Baptist Church—Corner Lee and Taylor streets. A. B. Campbell, pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 730 p. m. Sunday-school at 030a. m., M. Callaway superintendent Prayer-meeting Thurs day 730 p. m. Strangers lu the city are cordially Invited to attend. SAM itOTJTE. Mr. William T. Price, a Justice of the Peace, at. Richland, Nebraska, was con fined to his bed last winter with a se vere attack of lumbago; but a thorough application of Chamberlain's Pain Balm enabled him to get up and go to work. Mr. Price says: “Tbe Remedy cannot be recommondcd too highly.” Let any one troublod with rheumatism, neural gia or lame back give it a trial and they will be of tho samr. opinion. 50 cent bottles for sale by W. C. Russell, Ameri cas, Go. novl-lm. 1 bavo tried Salvation Oil in my own case for neuralgia and experienced much benefit from its use. It’s veiy penetrat ing and always gives relief. J. S. Lewis, Manufacturer Boots and Shoes, 84 Fayette 8fc, Baltimore, Md. Tax bodea. The booka are now ready, and until further notice I will be in my offloe for tbe purpose of collecting the taxes from 0 o'clock a. m. to 8 o’clock p. m. every day, except Sunday. J. B. Dunn, octlO Tax Collector. Pine Apples, Mtlaga Grapes, Duohets Pears, Oranges, from 20 to 85 cents per dozen. Chestnuts just from the mountains, $1.00 per week. Another tot of thoee fine North Geor gia Apples, only 25o per peck. Bananas, Grspe Fruit and Cranberries. French A Mayo. Msny of tbe fools think they esn beat the lawyen in expounding tbe law; one- half think they can beat the doctor in healing tbe tick; two-tldrds-of them think they can beat the minister preach ing tbe gospel, and all of them know they can beat the editor lu making a newspaper. We cannot afford to deceive you. Con- dence is begotten by honesty. De Witt’s Little Early Kisers are pllla that will core constipation and siek headache. For salo hy tbe Davenport Drug Com pany. A complete assortment of toilet soaps at Dr. Eldbidoe'h. So-called because youj’can get a “corner” for the con sideration, upon the largest, cheap est and finest goods ever shown in 'Amoricus. Yours for business, THORNTON WHEATLEY. eun-tuee-thunAwklyf-U-lyg A citizen of Macomb, Hi., has import ed three partridgesjrom India for breed- tng purposes. They are email and very gamey birds, black and brown in color, and are very productive. "Why so pale and wan, fond love, Prithee I why so pale?" "Well, if tbe truth must be told, I have the moetvil- lanout oold a man ever had.” Sha only ■miled a confident and happy smile—and brought down her bottle of Dr. Bnll’i Cough Syrup. Chickens, eggs, fresh country and pore Jersey butter always on band. Faxncu A Mato. I bare for sale 400 bushels of these oata thrt psrtiea will do well to get for the next planting. Call on me at my borne. Price 70c.- per bushel. nov4-dlt-w2mos. J. M. Bird. Others sell paint, but I sell paints. I will give a personal guarartee to look better and last longer than any other l-alnt That’s what you want. I handle leads, oils, putty, etc. J. Hhniiy Freeman, Cotton avenue. The canal which is to connect Man chester, England, with the sea Is one of the greatest undertakings of modern times. Its total length will be thirty- two and one-lmlf miles. It will be twen ty-six feet deep, 120 feet wide at the bot tom, and 230 feet on top. It Is about three-fourths completed, and will cost about $45,000,000. Investigate their merits. De Witt’s Little Early Risers don’t gripe, cause nausoa or pain, which accounts for their popularity. The Davenport Drug Com pany says they would not run a drug store without these little pills. New Edam Cheese, Pine Apple Cheese and fresh crisp Saratoga Chips, Snow flake Crackers and Tea Wafers, Frenoh Peas, Mushrooms, and everything that Is fine and new. French A Mayo. It was a bright young lady who said the would like to be elected to tbe legis lature, as there was such an excellent opportunity for members to be paired. Travelers may learn a lesson from Mr C. D. Cone, a prominent attorney pf Parker. Dakota, who says: "I never leave home without taking a bottle of Chamberlain's Collo, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy w|th me, and on many oc casions have ran with it to the relief of some sufferer and have never known it to fail. For tale by W. C. Rowell, America!, Ga. VO, tuat Tbo store now occupied by E. D.'Ana- ley will be to rent. Possession given-at orce. Apply early early to 3JiAa*£#iift.. For your toilet powders, toilet creams, and in fact all toilet preparations, call at - Dm. Eldridoe’s. ' Mirtie M. Tanner, Boonville, Ind., writes: "I bad blood poison from birth. Knots on my limbs were as large as ben’s eggs. Doctors said I wonld be $ cripple, but B. B. B. baa cured me epund and well. I shall ever praise tbe day the men who invented Blood Balm were born.” odSO lm Labor can change five pounds of pig Iron worth five cento into 110,200 eteel watoh springs worth $1.75 per dozen— $16,070 83. Ton never tried DeWItt’s Little Ear ly Risers for constipation, blllionsness, sick headache, or you would not have thesese diseases. For sale by tbe Da venport Drug Company. TO CORA LEE. My love for you Is ever true, Cora Lee. The vow I spoke Ne’er will be broke, Cora Lee. My heart fbndly clings, • To you, only you. My voice ever sings Of you, only you. Through the night I dream Of yon, only you. And with dayUght’e beam Cornea you, only you. The leaTa bright hue Hpeeks love for you, Cora Lee. Thy dark brown tress My life wilt bless. Cora Lee. Love Uvea, God gives. Walt! Macon, Nov. 6,1891. CHUM. DoWitt’s Sarsaparilla destroys such poisons as scrofula, akin disease, ecze ma, rheumatism. Its timely use eaves many Uvea. For sale by the Davenport Drag Company. ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. Advertisements will be insertedijk column at the rate of One Cent per Word for ' I Insertion. No advertisement takes for lees FIFTEEN CENTS. FOB SALE. A NICE LOT of office furniture that has A never been usea; a greet bargain. Ap- P ^ t vA-lt i H. M. BROWN. 1 :OB BALE CHEAP.—A young, gentle Larajpqn,. E. J SIMMONS. Local and Through Schedule in Effect Oct 15,1891. Dally Ex, flnnday. 7 20 pm ■No.el Pauengr 6 40 6 00 6 18 6 24 6 64 6 41 6 48 6 66 6 68 7 lOpi No. IT fnllAlCn Dally. 8 20 am 828 F 8 39 8 46 F 8 62 8 68 9 08 9 13 F 7 00a m 7 60 8 02 8 18 8 38 8 64 9 04 ft m 9 63 10 03 10 08 10 17 10 30 10 39 10 63 11 03 11 09 11 19 11 32 11 46 11 67 • 12 39 p m 12 12 pi 12 32 12 42 12 65 1 02 1 16 1 20 1 37 1 46 1 61 F 2 00 pm 8 00 NoTST Paea’ng'r Dully, 7 00 DE 7 12 F 7 22 7 29 F 7 35 7 39 7 62 7 67 F 8 11 8 27 7 00pm 7 49 8 03 8 20 837 8 81 9 05 p m 8 42 8 63 8 68 9 09 9 23 9 34 9 48 10 01 10 07 10 18 10 32 10 47 11 00 NO. 2. Mall. Daily. 615 am 640 564 6 06 F 6 81 6 48 F 7 07 F 7 20 731 F 7 86 F 7 41 F 7 47 7 64 F 8 02 F 8 04 F 8 16am WESTERN DIVISION. STATIONS. Ait Lt....Omaha Union ... . . ....Louvaip . Louvale Junction.. Inrin ... Laxnpkin . ... Randall Richland Ponder Preston... Wise ...Jennlnj|i .*.*.'*.*. nSSt!;. Salter New Point Littlejohn At.... Americu*.. .Lt. No. 1. Mail. Daily. 8 25 F 8 00 74*F 7 32 7 24 r 7 10 6 68 F 6 64 F 6 46 F 6 41 6 35 F 6 28 F 626F 6 16 pm Patt’ng'r Sunday 12 06pm 11 43 II 26 \U 18 18 46 10 27 10 12 10 06 No. 7. Sunday, 12 30 pm 11 06 10 26 960 EASTERN DIVISION. STATIONS. • •••Lt Amerlcus Ar Gatewood Huntington..* .Parkers. .... Leslie DeSoto Cobb ...Johnson ..Coney ....coney .. Cordell ....Albany Philemma. Oakfleld... Warwick... .Taylors.. ..Ar.., 1 17 am 6 10 8 30 11 43 11 60 12 05 a m 12 10 12 31 12 43 12 49 F 1 00 am 6 00 Penia... Williford... Seville.... Pitts Rochelle.... Goodman.... Abbeville... Copeland.... bine.. Horton ....Lv Helena Ar.. ... .At Brunswick Lv,. • • • • Ar . .Jacksonville Lv.. • •••Lv Helena Ar.. Erick .....Alamo Verbena Glenwood Mount Vernon Peterson Appleton ....Ar Lyons Lv.. ...Ar Savannah Lv.. No. 6. Pass’ng’r Pally. 8 00 ai 7 60 F 7 38 7 62 F 7 26 t7 22 6 64 6 48 F 6 37 11 64 a m 11 <H 10 62 10 96 10 16 10 02 9 60 am No. 17. tfaiUkEj Daily. 12 00 pm 11 14 11 02 10 46 10 26 10 12 10 00 p m 3 65 am 11 oo pm 6 30 pm 3 65 3 34 3 22 3 08 3 00 2 45 2 40 2 21 2 10 2 04 am 1 55 am 7 40 p m 4 34 4 23 4 18 4 08 3 54 3 44 3 30 3 19 3 13 3 02 2 49 2 37 2 24 12 54 12 48 F 12 40 pn F—Flag Station. E. S. GOODMAN, Gen’l Pass. Agt. Richmond & Danville Railroad Co. OPERATING THE CENTRAL RAILROAD OF GEORGIA. SOUTHWESTERN DIVISION. CorreotJSehednle, No. 1, in Effect Sopt. 0, 1801 SAVANNAH As WESTERN DIVISION Schedule No. 22, taking effect July 26th, 1W1. No. 6, Between Savannah and Birmingham No. 6, Dally. via Amerlcua, Dally. 740pm Leave Savannah Arrive ( 00a to 155am Lyon, 300am 730am America,, 700pm 3 40am Buena Vleta, 525pm 1010 am Arrive Columbus, Leave 855 700 pm 3 non m No. ( Dally, f-aaoeugui No. 6 rait*l?al EAST BOUND. No. 6 Dally Fact Mill No. 7 Passenger i :17am logo “ 540pm (20pm 103pm • 45 “ 415 ** 716 “ 615am 680 “ Lv. Amerlcua Ar Ar. Fort Valley Lv. " Macon “ “ Atlanta “ " Augusta “ “ Savannah “ 108pm 11 Mam 1020 •» 710 •• 810pm U»p u m 825 •* 410 •• 900am 84l> “ No. 7 Dally Passenger No. S F»l. WEST BOUND. No, 0 Faxt* l iJail No. 8 Dally Passenger lldipm 11 to 4 42 am 785 am 106 p m 180 •• 410 *• 720 M Lv. America. Ar. Ar. SmltbvIUe “ “ Enfanla “ " Montgomery Lv. 1106 a m 666 a m 887 a m 1280 “ 10 25 p m 7 80pm No. 7 Dally 1120 pm 1160 •• 1240 am 520am 7 Mam 8 30am Sole Dally jJP» 285 « (40 TO FLORIDA. Lv. America. Ar. “ Smltbvllle “ Ar Albany Lv. " Thomaevtlle Lv •• Wayeroe. •• “ Brunswick “ “ Jacksonville “ No. 8 Dally TO’pm ‘ 12 01 p m 1110 a m 8 80am No. 8 Daily WiriT 805 “ 216 •• 960 p m 7 M 680 for farther Information relative to tieketa, echedulee, beet route, etc. ete., apply to A. T. MAXWELL, Agent, Americas, Ga. SOL HAAS, Traffic Manager. JAS. L. TAYLOR. Oen. Pens. Act, 8. H. HARDWICK. Aee’f Oen’l Tew. Agt. Atlanta, Ga. W. H. UREEN, Oen’l Manager. E. V. McREE, Gen’l Supt PASSENGER SCHEDULE GsarglaSQatheni dFloridaRy. SUWANEE R1VFRIROUTE TO FLORIDA, Taking Effect Sept 11,1SD1. Standard Time, 00th Meridian. UoiSo NUWT'gr TrTin'g hOIITH. 4 lu pm 8 06 p m 8 20 p m 10 60 pm lt 36 p m 267 am 648 am 1 20 pm | 7 lu am 10 46 am 11 00 am 111 pm Lv Atlar ta Ar Macou. Lv ....llacon Ar Cordelc Ar Hfton Ar ...Valdosta.. ..Ar ..Ar ...Ar .'.Lake City................'I.Ilv 7 86 am lylPi LV| « mi $>iH Jacksonvtixw ■«..! » —- — r - - - » 46 a mjio uo p m|Ar FaUtka lvi 4 A a ml • ■> P ® 1 .....|Ar Bt. Augustine Lvl f — 10 6U « 7 00am 8 86 am 4 07 am 246am IS 66am 10 60 pm Htt'am) 7 46 pjg Trains arrive and depart from onion depots la Macon end Palatka end F. C. d P» I OoineiSlon 0n ncrth bound and eouih bound !• made In Macon with trains of Central# Macon and Northern and E. T. V. * O. railroad*. A. C. KNAPP, Traffic Ma JAMES MEN7.IES, lflM ^YBUBNfe , T.^rM , ^*&^^ ,> * POt I, Southeastern Agent •» Weet Hay St, Jaekeonvllle, Fla, O s 54@UPlE13 i M- gnslur of ««, March. 13N, »-Recorder office Wood Yard. I have opined a wood yard Mar Furlow lawn, on theB. A. and M. Railroad, and will he prepared to furnish stove and Are wood In aay quantity. Give me e trial. EuUrordera one day ahead to Inaare fBlttUment t A. J. YEOMANS. Lime, Cement, Uriel, Plaster Paris. Hair, Laths. Fol sale for canb by A. J. H A M I L , B1 Cotton avenue, New Ham BaUdlaf. erpffitlUJanl