Newspaper Page Text
Director French, the * Boston
Banker, Locked Up.
In His Darkest Hour He Is
-rl,. Mint Htrennou. Kfl'iirf, to Socuro
u.ll Foiled—Former Social Friend.
L..,. the Honker to HI. Fete— M7S,-
OOO Required to Secure to Him Hie
Liberty, the Beepoo.lbltlty Too Great.
BOSTOS, Nor. 7.-Colonel Jonas H.
French, in default of $75,000 bail, has
been committed to Charles street jail,
since his arrest he has been in the cus
tody of the United States marshal.
From that time forth he has been mak
ing the most atrenaons efforts to secure
bail, bat the man who bnt a short time
since was surrounded by influential,
financial, political and social friends
found his closest associates so far out of
bis reach when disuster came that not
even the few thousand dollars needed
to keep him out of jail could be. found
by himself or his counsel.
But two men presented themselves to
sign the bond of $75,1)00 required to se
cure him his liberty, and neither was
nearly qualified to assmne the respon
sibility. Mr. John Stetson was applied
to by a friend of Mr. French, and he
said he would furnish bail providing
$75,000 in good securities were placed
in his bauds as un indemnity in case
French fori ted his bonds. The friends
of Colonel F.etich who were willing to
give an indemnity bond have been en
gaged in efforts to comply with Mr.
Stetson’s requirements, but were una
ble to make the necessary arrange
ments, and the commitment was made
early in the evening.
flic Suspension of Hirschfeld end TVolff
In Herlln.
Berlin. Nov. 7.—The snspensionof
the firm of Hirsclifeld & Wolff, the
bankers of this city, cansed a sensation
in financial circles, but it was as noth
ing to tile latest developments. It
was reported at the time the failure
was announced that the Empress of
Germany and Prince Henry of Prussia
were liable to lose a large amount by
the failure, nml that the minister of
public worship. Dr. Von Gossler, had
lost his entire ’fortune, and that nianv
members of the most aristocratic fam
ilies were involved in the firm’s trou
Under such circumstances a rigid in
vestigation into the affairs of Hirschfeld
and Wolff was only natural. This in
quiry into the bankers’ business meth
ods were commenced, and resulted in
the arrest of Herr Wolff, head of the
firm of Hirschfeld & Wolff, on a charge
of a most serious nature, the particu
lars of which have not as yet been made
public. This financial upheaval was
the only thing talked about in Berlin,
and further and more startling devel
opments are expected when the full
facts become known. The amount of
the firm's liabilities is not yet announced,
but it it understood that it is very high.
Wiuilfil HU Itluney,
Flock.nor, Ala., Nov. 7.—"Give me
my money, and give it to me quick, ”
was what an excited depositor said, as
he forced his way through the crowd
around the doors of the Bank of Flo
rence, and pointed a pistol at the vice
president. He was qnickiy led away
and the doors closed. The failure of
the Bunk of Florence makes the third
institution of its kind to go under in
this city in two years. The officers of
the bank refuse to make a statement,
bi t claim that the bank will resume iu
a tew days. Thu assets of the batik are
$50,000 and the liabilities are less than
half that amount. The failure was to
tally unexpected and is deplured by all.
About These Hatters, Hr. Mott Smith of
Hawaii Talks to Mr. lllalno.
Washington, Nov. 7.—Dr. Mott
Smith, minister of finance of Hawaii,
who is on a special mission to this gov
ernment, lias arrived in Washington
from New York, accompanied by Mr.
C. K. Bishop, of Honolulu, who is an
ex-member of the cabinet, and at the
present time president of the board of
education. The latter is on his way to
Dr. .Smith called on Secretary Blaine,
lu» special mission being to secure some
modifications of the reciprocity treaty
in force between this country and Ha
waii, the.operations of which, so far as
Hawaii is concerned, have been seri
ously affected by the operations of the
new United States tariff law. As this
law grants a bounty to producers of su
gar in this country, the benefits here
tofore reaped by the Hawaiian pro
ducers from the free admission of their
sugar into the United States under the
provisions of the treaty are negatived.
Dr. Smith will alio call the attention
Of the secretary ot state to the matter of
laying a cable between the United
“fates and Honolulu. The government
Of Hawaii, he says, is ready to pay a
subsidy to any company establishing a
cable line between the two countries.
t'lmi Famine la Chicago.
t mcA'to, Nov. 7. —There is a coal fam
ine at the Chicago docks where steam-
«rs and tngs are supplied, cansed by
strikers iu the Pittsburg and Indiana
7* coal fields. Every available ton
?I. furf haa been exhausted at south
Chicago and stocks hare have become
m tow that steamers aransing anything
h.72£ ge *’ ° a Richardson ft Co,,
|WT* S00 cars at Cleveland, which they
intended to ahip immediately bytfaa
Sj {“ to relieve the famine
“*?• bnt the firm found that a railroad
«®peny had confiscated the entire
““Wltforitalocomotives. The trou-
iig,!?*®? . to 811 manufacturing estab-
Demesile end Foreign end of General
Major Haynes, a leading tobacco
grower of Decatur county, Ga., recently
6old his tobacco crop of nineteen acres
for $4,000.
The 8-year-old daughter of Joseph
Wyatt, living near Calhoun, Mo., ran
np stairs to get some hickory nuts. Re
turning she fell and broke her neck.
J. A. Vallance’s ginhouse. about three
miles from Social Circle, Ga., has been
totally destroyed by fire. It is sup
posed to be the work of an incendiary.
The large dry goods firm of Weiss
Bros, at Galveston, Ter., have assigned,
Gut Teevy being named as trustee. The
assets are between $500,000 and $800,000;
liabilities, $450,000.
T. J. Reynolds, colored, ex-state sena
tor from Beaufort county, S. C., has
been convicted of defrauding pensioners.
There are several other cases of similar
character pending against him.
Rony McNeil, a leading citizen ;of
Harnett, N. C„ is dead, aged 88. He
was long and closely identified with
cotton mill interests in Georgia, and
leaves a fortune of nearly $100,000.
Miners in West Newton, Pa., mines
are ont on a strike for the reinstate
ment of three leaders in the late strike.
The company refuses to take the leaders
buck. Three hundred men are out.
John B. Ewing, a well known young
man, who went to Naahville from Chat
tanooga some months ago, accidentally
shot himself behind the ear in a fash
ioi a ie boarding house. He will die.
The first legal banging in Washing
ton county, Ga., since 1881 occurred
Friday, when Tom Webb, colored, paid
tho death penalty for committing rape
on a 10-year-old white girl last March.
Daniel Ledbetter, a peddler in At
lanta. Ga., fell through an elevator on
Broad street, in that city, and was so
seriously injured that he died in half
an hoar. He leaves a wife and five
A fire destroyed most of the bnildings
and material of the Berkley Phosphate
company, at Ashley Junction, seven
miles from Charleston, 8. C. The acid
chamber building was saved, but most
of the other property was destroyed.
The Baker wire mill at Lockport,
[Us., has closed. The superintendent,
who is also mayor of Lockport, locked
put fifty employes because they refused
to leave the union which they have
lately formed with the amalgamated
iron and steel workers.
R. M. Tankeslsy, one of the oldest
Cbattauooga residents is apprised that
he is one of the heirs to an estate of
$90,000,000 left by the Tankesley heirs
atjYorkshire, England. There are others
of the heirs -iu Tennessee, Kentucky
and other sonthern states.
Not for years has the supply of drink
ing water in New York been so low,
nor has the danger of a genuine water
famine been greater than at present.
Commissioner Gilroy says that if there
is no. heuv.v rainfall soon the water
would only last fifteen or twenty-five
days more.
A special from Raleigh, N. C., re
ports a murder in Greene county, that
state. A white man named Wilson was
teasing another named Brown. The
latter suddenly became angry, and seiz
ing a plunk crashed Wilson’s skull.
Death resulted in a few hours. The
murderer has fled.
Advices received from Negropout, an
island belonging to Greece and lying
in tbs ASgenn sea, state that an un
known British steamer, laden with oil,
has been burned at sea. Six persons
were saved from the burning vessel.
All others on board, to luding the cap
tain’s wife, were drowned.
There is no more prospect of rain at
Columbus, Ind., than there was two
montlis ago. Hud everybody views the
situation with alarm. WeUs, streams
and ponds are completely dry in entire
sections, and since the fifties nothing
like it has been known. In many of the
inland towns water is being sold.
Cochrane, Fullerton ft Co., distillers
and wholesale liquor dealers at Louis
ville, K>\, have mode an assignment to
the Louisville Trust company. Liabil
ities and assets can not be learned with
in any satisfactory opproxitr ation, bnt
are supposed to be about equal, and to
reach nearly $500,000. The commercial
rating of the company is $500,000.
Wlil iTpen m ilrrw-ry.
Sioux City, Nov. 7.—As a re
sult of the Democratic victory in Iowa
the hope that the prohibition law will
be soon repealed, the Union stock yards
in this city announces that it will soon
begin the construction of a large brew
ery here. It is also asserted that two
breweries, which have been idle for
several years, will be started up.
Naval Store*.
Produce and Provision*.
Nbw York* Nov. 7.—Pork quiet and steady;
mess old $lu.00ff^li).75: new $11 Jin; extra prime
$l0.oa&10.50. Middles firm; snort clear
Lard quiet and firm; western steam tUi bid;
city steam 0.0); options, December 0.42.- Jan.
uary 0.01 bid.
■ Chicago Market.
Chicago. Nov. 7.
Wheat-Dec. WHi Way !«X.
Corn—Nov. 5t; Dec. 47H; Jan. «3& May
^Oats-Nor. SKW; Dec. &, May &&
Pork-May 11A0; Dec. Jan. 11.1'*.
Riba—Dec. 5.72; Jan. 5.75.
Lard-May Deo. 0.07; Jan. 02K.
New York Cotton Future*.
Nbw York. Nov. 7.
Opening. Close.
November ,,....7.» $.01
December 0.01 0.08
iiiary ...0.15 8.23
Tone firm.
V b.2t
gales Si,100. Spots dolt Mid-
Llr.rpool Cotton Fotom-
Liverpool, Nov. 7.
. Opening. Close.
November and December...or,
id January A.H
r aad June. 4.40
T0®a quiet am) steady. Bale# tjm.
To Young
Mikes Child Birth Eaij. <
Shortens Labor,
Lessens Pain,
Endorsed by the Leading Physician.
Booh to "VeOsrs” rnattod TREK,
HEALTH 13 WEALTH.-" The Nervous Ststeh is the IUs.-
12" AND
13 AOUARA!rn*D8P*OI?k
for liyutcria, Ailxsinesa, con
i'u:*ioiifc, nervous neuralgia,
headache, nervous prostra
t’d by alcohol
1 • >. it.iulgmne* or c*U-*bUM
r-ry.£>^ I’u UnSTOaB LOST MAN-
& \ HOOJ nud thUHhntidmi
- that
■Hon bo
red In
Cor. Cotton Ave. and Forsyth 8t.
I carry as fine and varied a stock of
Drugs, Chemicals,
Standard Patent Medicines,
and Imported Toilet Goods
at can be found. I am not under enormous expenses and can sell you goods and
fill your
at reasonable rates. Give me a call and eave money.
W. 0. RUSSELL, Proprietor.
if:> Y-wurhvo, W
\S / in itch ftdmlr
<1 cure the worst cases
id women. This In a
>vi» h murvejous RUccetM
by un eiuliietil phynirlut. mid It will not
dlnappoint >Mil. T'ru-.. ,.y mull, pre-pild.fl
per box, or tlx boxes r o- AS. With nix boxen
„ boxes
vFucen cTinrnnfe# to refund the
money If tn» ■'••ct noi eir«»ct u cure. It
build* uii find *n ike* MEN MANLY sad WOKEN
WOMANLY. Mrxeod ntnmp for circulars. Ac.
Bolt Aetata. JACOBS PHARMACY 00. Atlutft, 0*.
P.O.Box BBT. llr<rtu:r.sf'K»: Capita! City Bank,
Atlanta Commotion. Commercial Agencies.
■will (top a. Cough in one
■ check a Cold In a day, and
: Consumption if taken in time.
Da It Picajfly.
A SB cent
res. Ask
|l)r. Acker’s Enguijh Fills
S email, t>l,.-.nt. e f»v .rite with lk« 1.41m.
:w.H. nOOKEU*CO.,« WMt Eroedwej, N.Y.
A Household Remedy
ji ura BM
Botanic Blood Balm
U lures RHEUM. ECZEMA, ere nr
form ot malignant SKIN ERUPTION, be
tide* feeing tMcseloas In tuning a, the
system niul restoring the censtltutlen,
» K »n Impaired from any cense. Its
almost supernatural fettling propertlia
Juitifr ns In guaranteeing t cure, II
directions are followed.
BLOOD BALM 00.. Atlanta. Be.
The Greatest Medicinal Discovery
of thn An.
No Disease of the
Blood can withstand
its powerful cleans
ing- qualities.
Gamma* tin the I
" Tntt’s Pills. #
li give* Dr. Tntt Firmware toan-M
w ..ounce Gut lie In new putting ape -W
which is ofMC*edliwIremalUtaa,,n* -
_ r_« at Ah. bIWNM nf ( IM IUVMP
Turn tint lives film
— Is shown In the border of this "ad." ~
• ••••••••••
Notice of Dissolution.
The firm or Joiner A Nicholson, doing a
The business will be continued bjr ThomM
E* JolDtr. at the old st*nd, who retains mil
mmu end AMames All liabilities of said
fl,m. TM.N 0 rrmbej ( . A . & l»l.o INKR
D. WATTS, * *
Wholesale and Retail Groceries
Has come to the front again, and can be found on the corner.
Watts Budding, With an elegant line of fresh
Groceries^ Confectioneries,
which he will sell at rook bottom prices. Country merchants
will find it to their interest- to call and see him when
needing anything in his line.
and plenty of Jugs in the rear, which will be shipped to any
part of the United States and Georgia.
T. M. Allen. £. Taylor. T. E. Allen.
Do you want a FARM of 100 acres, for $ 600,
200 acres, for $1000,
100 acres, for 91000,
130 acres, for $1800,
126 aores, for $ 900, or a nice cottage in the
city, or some large plantation to grow rich on 2 If so, call on
Allen, Taylor & Co.,
To the Superior Court of said County:
The petition of E.H. Ferguaoa J. J.Caffrey.
both of .Loui*vliie, Ky., John M. Green of
Atlanta, flm., H. C. liagleyand M. H. Her-
per, respectfully, Hhows that they und their
BucceiitiurA desire to be Incorporated under
tho corporate name and style 01 “amerlcu*
Oil Company.” Thut their objects and pur
poses are for pecuniary gain for themselves,
their associates and successors; and that the
business they propose to carry on is th« buy
ing and selling of cotton seed and its pro
ducts, such as, cotton seed oil, erude ana re
fined, cotton seed meal and cake, cotton setd
S ulls and arhes, crushing, pressing and re-
uing of same; further, th*-t of purchasing
and dealing in seed cotton and cotton seed,
after the cotton haa been ginned, of ail kinds
and varieties; and the manufaemre, prepa
ration and sale of products derived from
cottonseed; and the cairylng on, manage
ment and control of such business or m*nu-
faolureconnected therewith; and generally,
to engage in all such employments and lines
of business, where cottonseed or its products
are utilised wholly or la part. Also, the
leasing and owning of tank care, ronnnfac-
turing of barrels and casks, and all other
commodities in connection with said busi
ness. Tho main business of'.he corporation
is to be the manufacture and aal«oi cotton
seed oil. and fcs incident thereto the utilizing
‘ sale of All products of seed cotton and
—.-on seed. PetltiouerH further show unto
the court that their principal place or busi
ness will be In the counly of Hutu ter, Bute of
Osorgta; but that they d« slre to carry on
business, employ and send agents elsewhere
in said state, and into other sutes and terri
tories of the United Btates, and establish
branch offloes therein, if they deem It ad
visable. That the amount ot capital to be
employed Petitioners is one hundred
(fH»,000) dollars, fifty thousand
1150,000) dollars of whioh is actually paid in
*?P e nundred and fifty thous
and (fluo 000) dollars. Petitioners desire to be
— — ear*, with thepriv-
— 7-—-—m —lifter trout time to
own and contrul, sell, aialgn, transfer, or die*
poee of such real eatete, or intereit tu real
»tate, at roar he neoeasary and proper for
thro Inoltlmnla mm.I s5._'
We offer at this season Turnip Seed!
end to ehanxe the name at pleasure; to have
• rlihttosueand be sued, audio make all
necesuary contracts la the conduct of lie
business;to borrow money, audio secure the
same by giving notes, Indentures, bonds,
mortzatesand land, at the corporation may
►» proper «o do: and tortber tu be Inverted
with an the rights, powers, privilege. Im
munities and traoebleea Incident to corpora
tions of the kind,and necessary to carry on
and conduct the objects and purposes of tne
butlneae or pellt'nneri. Petitioners further
desire that they shall be Incorporated so that
no stockholder In the corporation than be
bound 1n any way fo- the debts or liabilities
of the corporation beyond the amount of his
unpaid subscription ot tho capital stock of
aald company*
Wbereiore petitioners pray that after this
petition eball have been tiled, recorded and
published, according to law, that the court
Will grant an order grantfog thlra^dlcai Ion.
Filed onto. Sente^rSf. 1 ^*’
J. H. ALLRN, Clerk B.C.
I certify the above and foregoing to be a
true extract from the Record of Charters In
Mumter Superior Court this September 23rd
1W1. J. H. ALLEN, Clerk B. C.
Thos. B. Glover,
' Grocer of Americus,
The oldest grocer merchant in Amoricns
and the first to open in the new hotel
with a first-class line of
add everything usually kept In a first-
class grocery.
Thanking the people of Americus and
sarroundinROonntry for their very liber
al patronage in tho put, I respectfully
■olloit a continuance of the same, and
will do all In my power to pleueall who
come my way.
All goods delivered free of charge In
corporate limits.
2d door, Northeast corner New Hotel, on
3m New Street, Americus, Ga.
orrbbs roR salb
For all Machines on euy terms, and can
supply lbs beet
| UII0|
ill, lie,,
Bpeelal attention given to npalilna all
■mall Machinery. Orders; by mall win re-
clve prompt attention.
Desires to Inform the public that he be.
oloaed out bis grocery business and h,
put In a eplcndtdjlne of spot ting
Guns, Cartridges, Shells,
and tneb other goods aa belong to tbit line.
Oivn Mb a Call.
Wattg Building, AMERICUS, GA.
To Peddlers.
Every person before peddling raiut register
with the Ordinary and pay the Tax Collector
$50 for the county, and <25 for the state.
License for the county are for the term of one
year; for the state, only for the fiscal year.
If any person, except a disabled soldier of
this state, (and be most register every year)
peddles without first obtaining such license,
be shall forfeit to the county on* hundred
Any officer or t ax payer of this county may
.jqulre a peddler to exhibit his license, and
upon failure or rttoaal so to exhibit, the ped
dler forfeits <900—one-half to the Informer,
the other to the county.
By order ef Commissioners.
oc21 tf J. B. DUNN, Tax Collector.
Savannab, Americas 4 Montgomery R’y
Taking Xffeot Oot. 26,1891
’Colombo.!^!"!! ?v r e r ' 1
KUsvllle arr
.•EUavllleB lve
Americas ut 1
,’:::«S*.!!:".:i T 4
Wu.i .Helema Ire
... ... Lyons, ..lve
.Charleston an
2 15 pm Ire.!!!....OpeUka.......»rr l os
8 40 arr America. .lve 8 201
S 65 am lve".... Montgomery.... .»rr 7 30pm
S 60 Its Columbtu...... arr II 20
SM arr......Amnr!ctu lve 6 20
fietw’n Montgomery end Amort cue, TtafetfkqU
7 40 a m lve.
10 01 tv*.
2 65 p m Ire
sn Amerlcui lve
7 2. pi
Between America, end JkeXionTflls, r ut Helimi
. .,tr-
... Jacksonville.
ft no am
S 66 am
1100 pm
6» •
GIom connection made at Montgomery tor all
points In the Soathweet, and nt America, tor
Binnfnglui, and all points la the Northwest.
Pueengers from Charleston destined to points
^reet of Sorannab, change ears at 0. At A June-
fe. B, GOODMAN, Geo. Pul. Agent.
Americus, Gs.
fiarannah. Ga. Birmingham, Ala.
C.H. r ’
Grand Show Opened
In front of Allen House
where you can call at all times
and find fresh fish of fill kinds,
oysters received daily, fruit of
all kinds on hand; candies,
crackers and cheese, fresh and
fine. Call and see us.
Notice of Dissolution.
Notice Is hereby given that the Arm of
Martin* Lewie he. this day t een dtMolved
by mutual eooeeat, R. tf. Lewie withdrew.
from the firm. The bn.In... will be continu
ed by tf. M. Martin, wno retains all the as
set* and assume* *11 the liabilities of .aid
XblaOeidberOth. 1801.
W. 61. Mariik,
octSt-lawlw K. U. Lkwik.
City Tax Notice.
D. iCbrimiiow,
% Clerk and Treasurer.
November 4,18*1. 1m.
To the Superior Court of aald County:
The petition of o. W. Lamar, R. T. John
son. W. M. Hitt and Uarehell Martin togeth
er with their Moolateeehow* that they have
entered Into an association under the name
and aty to of “Tlie Shipper* Cnmprea* Asso
ciation”. That the object of said association
la pecuniary gain to Uife Individual members
and tue corporation In this, to-wltt By the
running, owning and controlling a compress,
using said compreia In AmerTcua, Sumter
county, Os., for the purpose ot compressing
cotton packed In bales for more ounvenlent
and readier transportation.
The principal office of the said aaeodatlon
Is to be In Americus, Georgia, with privilege
of doing buslneua of both owning, control-
lngand leasing comptestc. la said county
and In any section or the United States tlie
as-ochUion may see proper.
Th« petitioner, pray that they be Invested
together with their a wool ate. and successors
with the power to oarry on tho aforemen
tioned objects together with the power to
nurchaseand hold property, real and person
al: to rent and tease propert y, both real and
personal; tosntandbesuod; to use a com
mon seal. If the assoc'stlO ' should no desire,
aud to exercise all power usually conferred
upon corporkllont of almllsr character, as
may be consistent with the laws of Ueorghi,
of any'tats In which s i I iissoclatlnn may
do business and not Incoiulitent with Hie
laws of the United 6tate«. • '
Petitioners further allow that the capital
stock of said association Is thirty thousand
do'l*ra, more than 10 per cent of which has
been actually paid in. Yu nr petitioner- tar-
thorshowthattheyd-slro thepaselng of an
order allowing them to Inoruaaeatany >lme
they may see tit tho .capital stock to any
amount not to exc-ed fill y thousand dollars.
Wherefore,co rlderlnathe premise!,your
p-tltloners prav me passing or an order
granting this thelrappltoallo i with 'he sev
eral provisions therein slat'd, nn I that they
and fhelridceeaeoce be Incorporated for amt
during tho lermOf twenty years, with the
Attorue. a for Petitioners.
Filed in office OetoborSl. 1*1. , „
J. II. AI.I.EN, Clerk H.C.
I certify the above to he a true extract
from the He.ord of (’, Ml.
qc2! Inwlw ■ J. H. ALLEN, Clerk 8. C. •
An ordinancelo repent icctoi M0 of the
code of ordinances of tlie city of Americus,
and In lieu ther of to prescribe by ordinance
the time when all tax returns (ball be made,
and for other ourposce. . . ..
HKi'riuN J, no It ordained and enacted by
the Mayor and City Council of Americus,
and ft is hereby ordained and enacted by the
authority of the asms, That from and after
the passage or this ordinance section 31*1 of
the code of ortilns* ct-s Ilf tbeelty of Amerl-
eus, which preenrlb-s that the Mayor and
city Council or AmeOcua sba I by resolution
fix the time whhln which nil Lax retur.K
•ball be made, aim eau» the clerk and treas
urer to give thirty dej-apubllc notice thereof,
be, end the same fe hereby repealed, and In
lieu thereof t’-e roilowlngacctlon boeiincted:
sac.X Bell further enacted undo dalned
by the authority aforesaid, That from aid
after tho pas-age of this ordinance ml tax re
turns shnll he mode between ’he first d-yof
April and tho firutday of July or each year.
That upon the first day of July of each year
|i shall be the duty ef tho clerk and treusnrer Ills digest and to proceed to assess
and tax all unroi urned property aa provided
In election Ain) of the code of ordinances ot the
nxc. A Be It further enacted and ordained,
That ell ordinance* and parte of ordinances
and resolution!, contrary to this ordinance,
be, and the same are hereby repea ea.
Adopted by City CouncIljAu^. 21. mi.
Clerk and Treasurer.
Registration Notice.
imy, * —
sn a* tlie law required until Hat-
orday, December mil, l«»i. when ilu?y will
be finally cloN-d. Hour* for registration are
from 0 o'clock a. in. to 12 iu. and from 2
O’clock tO 6p. ID. D. K. BKIWhON,
Clerk and Treasurer
Nov 4 f 1801. till dec Vi.
Arrival and Departure of Mall*.
Arrive From. Leave For.
6:40 pm Columbus 7:90am
l:U0pmll:3) pm Macon 1:09 pm 9:35 a iu
1:08 p m 8:'Uiam Albany 1:90pm 11:20pm
a. A. A M. R. B.
6:10pm Havannah 0:20am
7:15am Omaha e:15p m
Going Houth and West “ 13:» pm 0:00pm
Pure wioM, brand!m and wUiUm for
medicinal noe^toldat
Dm. KLDaiDea’e Drag Stor*.