Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, November 08, 1891, Image 8
THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMES-RECOh DER: SUNDAY. NOVEMBER S, 1891. TREMENDOUS THE RUSH PRICES FOR ANOTHER DAY OR SO So great was the rash during last week we concluded to offer the same unexcelled opportunities for another day or two. Don't wait but come promptly while you can set what you want. . During the past few days a great many things have been closed out, but we received new goods on Friday and Saturday last and pri ces extremely low will be marked on them. 1000 yds. extra choice 10-4 sheet ing, our regular 30c. quality, at 2#c. Ladies' Onyx dye hose worth 40c, for 25c. pr. Ladies drop stich Lisle hose, Onyx dye, worth 75c, at 49c pr. 1000 yds 10c.' Ginghams at 7jc 1000 yds Caliooes, 4}c. Gents’ Balbriggan Hose at 15c pr, worth 25c. Gents’ Blk. Onyx dye hose at 25c pr, worth 40c. Extra large counterpanes at 89c; $1.25 quality. Extra large buck towels at 15c, worth 25c. Magnificent table damasks at 49c, Undressed kid gloves at 69c, worth $1.00. Undressed Mosquetaire kid cloves at 75c. worth $1.00. Foster’s lacing gloves $1.25 quality at $1.00. Lot mixed Tricots, 1£ yds. wide, 33|e. Wool Henriettas, 30 in.wide, 40c quality at 25c yd. 50 pcs. Wool Cashmere, splen did quality, 36 in. wide, at 25c. 40 in. all wool'black Henriettas, formerly 66c.. nt 49c. Silk finish black wool Henriettas worth $1, at 75e. Bedford Cords, magnificent quality, 98c. Camel’s Hair Serges, 4G in.wide, grand quality, 95c. C B Corsets, 1 f§l quality at 75c. Children’s Derby ribbed fast black hose, worth 25c, for 15c pr. DBESS GOODS. Day by day thejsuccess of our selections in dress goods is more pronounced. That we have the right things is evidenced by the way they are selling. High-class and exclusive diess materials; styles not to he Been elsewhere. Beinforced by recent arrivals, this department makes a most brilliant showing, Suits, $7.50 to $40. At 50o we*show a line of dress stuffs unquestionably the choicest ever placed onfthis market. Overshotjand illuminated effects in Scotch homespuns; Storm Serges, 54-inoh]Tricot8,eto. Aline worth your while to see. PROCEEDINGS OF THE SUNDAY-SCHOOL CONVEN TION AT LESLIE. An Enjoyable and Excellently Rendered Programme—An Elaborate Spread to the Delegate* by the Leslie School—Resol u Hone of Thank*. BLACK GOODS. Novelties in Black Goods. No need to^tire yourself wearing the Same fabrics from year to year. Our stock offers choice things. Chevrons. Bedfords, Camel’s Hair Serges, Storm Serges, eta Any thing you want at right prices. CHILDBFN’S KILT SUITS. We propose to make extremely iow prices on them to close out at once. They will range from $2.75 suit upwards. See these quick to get choioe of lob Ladies ribbed nndervests at 25c, worth 50c. Several eases blankets just opened, prices from the lowest to as fine as yon can ask for. The finest white flaunelsfat 25c in the country. Grand lot of embroidered flan nels from 98c to 1.50o yd. The best canton flannels at 10a in Americas. CLOAKS. Oar cloak stock is very complete Full range of sires and now is the time to get the pick. Splendid line of Cheviot reefer, jackets at $4.98. . New style long eapes and ulsters. Beautiful cheviots, beavers, clay worsteds and cloths, both plain and fur trimmed. children's cloths in obkat va riety. New Chiffon and Chantilly laces black and cream. New style shopping bags. New feather trimmings. New cords and gimps. The finest line of curtains ever showi* in_ Americas. WHEATLEY The fourth quarterly meeting or the Sumter County Sunday School Associa tion convened at Leslie last Thursday, Nov. 8. The meeting was called to order by the president; minutes and roil call of officers omitted. Ur. Kirby Jones was elected secretary pro tem. of the meet ing, the regular official holding that office being absent. The following was the programme of the day's exercises; Speech of welcome by Master Jimmie Bailey. Responsive Andress, by Uaj. M. Speer. Address—“Teaching the Lesson”—Bj Rev. Rnhort Adams of Americas. Essay—By Miss Aurelia Sims. Recitation—By Master Frank Janes. Recitation—By Miss Bessie Janes. Recess for dinner. AFTERNOON. Addross—“The Church and the Sun day-school,” by Judge J. A. Anslcy. Songs by visiting schools. Reports of delegates. Song—By Miss Ilessio Janes. Short addresses by Major Black, Mr. J. W. IVheatiey, ltov. Robert Adams and Major Speer. Every part of the program ra rendered and very greatly enjoyed. The speech of welcome by Master James Baily, the essay by Miss Aurelia Sims, and the recitation by Miss Bessie Janes and Master Frank Janes were especially enjoyed. The aongs by tile Leslie school were well sung, and the address of Rev. Robert Adams was one of the most pointed and practically useful ever made before the association. As for the dinner nothing need be said. It “spoke” for itself, and the way In which it disappeared told more pow erfully than words, of the abundance and excellence of the feast. The whole day was one of the most pleasant in the history of the association, and the meeting adjourned with a reso lution of most hearty thanks to the Leslie school and citizens for their hos pitality. A. I_ I. A CHEAT MACON HOUSE. Messrs. Eads Neel A Company Have Some thing of Interest to Say. One of the llvost and most enterpris ing houses In Georgia comes to the front In the advertising, columns of The Times-Recobdeb this morning, Messrs. Eads, Neel A Co. of Macon; and they propose to make it mighty interesting for their competitors in the clothing business In Southwest Georgia. They claim to be the largest retail olothlers in Georgia, carrying the largest stock in the largeet store in the State. Mr. John 0. Bade will oome down to Ameiiena in a few days; for in addition to meeting the people in these he wante to get acquainted with our live and progress! He, as well at bla loose, is in Georgia; and Mr. Eada is hli of the moet enterprising and prosperous merchants of the Central City. Read their advertisement carefully In another column. A Few Facts. The Fidelity is the strongest, safest, obeapeet and beat Insurance known. W. T, A, Dunn, Agent. Cannfed finite, vegetables, soups, fish and meats of all kinds at living prices. French A mayo. ANSLEY. Wholesalers and Retailers of high-elas* Dry Goods at popular prices. The Club. On Friday next the Clnb will meet at Mr. Lott Warren’s. In addition to a very attractive musical programme, Bhakeapcani’a “Taming of the Shrew” will be given by various members of the Club. The following is the programme: Muslo—Miss Fannie Campbell. Song—Mrs. W. B. Worthy. Music—Miss Gnssie Mathews. Song—Mrs. Ben Campbell Music—Mlsa Sadie Babcock. Taming of the Shrew: Baptists, Dr. Kldridge; Vlnccntio, Mr. W. E. Murphy Luccntio, Mr. H. T. Davenport; Petra- chlo, Mr. Lott Warren; Gremio, Mr. Charles Ansley; Uortensio, Col Lane Trarnlo, Mr. Will Dodson; BiondeUo, Mr. Harrold Boone; Gnunio, Mr. Lee Alien; Pedant, Mr. Will Allen; Kathe- rina, Mias Carrie Brannon; Blanca, Mrs. Charles Ansley; Widow, Mrs. Lott Warren. Ladle*’ Committee* Appointed at the; Pair Meeting TliursdaylAfternoon. | The following committees were ap pointed by the meeting held at the reel, dence of Dr. A. B. Campbell Thursday evening to manage the military fair of the Light Infantry. Each chairman la requested to have notice published in The Times Recoii- her of the time and place of meeting of her committee. Soliciting Committee—Miss Sarali Cobb, Chairman; Misses Jennie Hollis, Hattie Windsor, Eva Brinson, Amoret Gray, Fannie Campbell, Alice Wheatley, Nannie Lou Hawkins. Committee on Japaneso Tea Booth— Mrs. Charles Fricker, chairman; Mrs. Bloom Brown, Misses Carrie Brannon, Eva Brinson, Emma Dodson, Fannie Campbell. Committee on General Merchandise . Mrs. Richard Stewart, chairman; Mes- dames Ashley Thompson, K. L. May nard, George Wheatley, J. E. Bivins, Misses Nettie Allen, Mary Murphy, Gussle Matthews, Eula Lockett, Amoret Gray, Hattie Windsor, Willie McLendon, Nella Davis. Committee on Oysters—Mrs. Merrell Callaway, chairman; Mesdamcs Arthur Bivins, C. A. Huntington, John A. Cobb, George Stapleton, Charles F. McCormick, Misses Emma Council, Jennie Merritt, Ella Lou Harrold, Alice McLendon, Sadie Babcock, l'earl Adams, Annie McLaughlin, Genevieve Morgan. Committee on Refreshments—Mrs. C. C. Clay, chairman; Mesdamcs Ed Mathis, Joe Roney, George Miller, Sam Cooper, Will Hawkins, Ben Worthy, Lott War ren, Misses Nina Williams, Eula Coker, Willie Hodnett, Alice Wheatley, Susie Taylor, Frances Bell, Lily Brown, Hattie Foster. Committee on Fancy Work Booth— Mrs. John Shaw, Chairman; Mcsdames Lawson Stapleton, Emmett Murray, J. B. Hinkle, Morgan Eldridge, Misses Ma mie Callaway, Jcnnio Hollis, Sarah Cobb, Mervin Callaway, Belle Sliaw, Nannie Lou Hawkins. The soliciting committee will please meet on Tuesday afternoon, November 10th, at three o’clock, at the residence of Captain Cobb. By order of chair man. Master Cliff Clay at Atlanta. Everybody who knows little Cliff Clay the matchless orator of Southwest Geor gia knew that ho would get the prize offered by the Piedmont Exposition for oratory, so nobody was surprised to see the news In yesterday’s Timeh-Rkcord- F.jt that be had captured it. Speaking of the little orators, to the fourteen year old closa of whom Cliff be longed, the Constitution says: “The second medal went to Master C. C. Clay, of Amerious, without s word. If It had been left to the andience every person in it would have voted the medal to young Clay. He waa bnt ten ye-'ra old, bnt his young face beamed with intelligence and he spoke his piece in a way that completely captivated the audlenoe. During the day be received a congrat ulatory message from Mayor Felder, of Americus. The Piedmont orator’s contest waa one of the moat interesting events of the exposition. The boys are enthualastlo in their thanks to Mr. Graves for getting it np.” THE BREAKFAST TABLE ITEMS OF INTEREST SPECIALLY PRE PARED FOR HASTY REAOER8- Yetterd.j’s Doing* in Pangea* Para graphs—Some Snap Shots by tha Itepor- torial Camera—What Waa Going on In Town Told In Briefest Manner. Ailown the street the boy doth hie. And gleefully doth sing: He bath the wherewithal to boy Materials for a sling. And from the *tullonery store He buyeth the rubber band. 'll* done, and now the neighbors' fowls Fatllifeless by his hand. —M. Brack. Hard to Keep Confined. One L W. Cable, who waa confined Friday night in the city guaid-house, •fleeted his escape three different times. Just after daylight yesterday morning the officer of the best discovered tint the prisoner was missing and that he had secured his freedom by wrenching off one of the planks and crawling through the whole thus made. He was soon recaptured and tried at the mayor’s court at 9 o’clock, when he received a sentence fining him $64 or committing him to seventy days' labor on the streets. The guard-house Is unsafe, and the only wonder it that the same thing did not occur long before. Now la the season to plant your onions. Call at Dr. Eldridge's and buy your sets. Dove hams and dove brand breakfast baoon, buckwheat, yeast cakes, gluten graham flour, rolled oats, cracked wheat and wbeatina. French A Mato. AU DUfenaeas Ad] at ted. For the past day or two there have been rumors to the offset of there hav ing arisen some differences between the 8. A. A M. and Central railroads in re gard to freight interchange at their junetion at Lyons. While some alight difficulties may have come up; they are now all adjusted, and TnnTuuta-Bs- cobdeb learns from authentic sources that everything is running smooth and evenly. Pine Horse* and Mules. Messrs. Coneh A McFarland, the cele brated stock dealers of Danville, UL, have shipped to Americus a ear-load of selected horses and mules, to arrive at the stables of Messrs. Prince Bros., on Cotton avenne, November 10. Stock to anlt buyers and priees to suit tbe times. Any one wishing to buy a good bone or mule will do well to call and examine. nov8-d4t-wlt If you shave yourself 'twill pay yon to buy one of those Tower Razors sold at Da. Eldbidob’s. An Opportunity. Dn. J, B. A A. B. Hinkle offer for ■ale their pair of fine black driving mares, sound, kind and gentle; good roadsters, easily oovering twelve miles an hour. A rare opportunity for anyone wishing to secure a good carriage team. Notice to Stockholders. The ninth call of ten per cent, upon the capital stock of the Ameriona Manu facturing and Improvement Company has been made, and will be payable at the office of the treasurer, at tha People’s National Bank December 1st, 1891. John Windsor, Treasurer. nov.7 td. Rheumatism and Syphilis yitid readily to P. P, P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium. Better buy your seals in the morning for “Poor Jonathan” to-morrow night; they are going with a rush. Amerious Is blessed with a police force whose trustworthiness and efficiency are excelled by that of no other city. Everything very quiet in court circles just now; speaking well, at this time of the year, for tbe spirit of law and order among tbe people. The crowd in town yesterday waa not aa large as usual; probably waiting until to-morrow, when they will come in a multitude to take in the big circus. The street cars and a new depot should demand the most earnest consideration of our citizens, and by a determined effort both results may bo accomplished. Tlie coming week bids fair to be a gay one socially. The principal event probably being a complimentary german to be given nt the rooms of the Americus Club. Mr. W. II. Tatum of Huntington comes to tbe front as the champion po tato raiser of Sumter. His crop is a very largo one and the samples present ed to The Times-Recorder weighed five pounds each, and measured eighteen inches in circumference. Mr. Tatum understands potato raising. Chief of Police Lingo yesterday re ceived a telegram from Rochelle direct ing the arrest of Charles Colin, whose personal description was given. He was found and arrested by Lieut. W. ,W. Wheeler of the force about two hours after the dispatch was received, Colin’s statement is slightly incoherent, owing to tho effects of too frequent absorbtlons of the ardent, yet he claims that he was given money by parties in llochello to expend in effecting the arrest of a negro, and that be can yet make it all right. We'desire to announce that we have niovedjto'the coiner store, 414 Jackson street, underjjnew hotel, next to D. B. Hill’s, where we shall be pleased to see|you. WILLIFORD, MATTHEWS & CO. WATCHES. Last April we accepted the agency of the PATEK. PHILIPPE & CO. Watches, and haye just received our first installment direct from the factory, which is located at GENEVA, SWITZERLAND. Messrs. Patek, Philippe & Co. Are manufacturers of the finest grade watches in the world, surpassing in merit the well known Jules Jurgensen, and there are only a few cities in Georgia, where these watches are sold. We will take great pleas ure in showing them to any one who wou'd like to see a very fine watch. We aie also headquarters for all styles and grades of American Watches, from the long wind Waterbury to tne finest grade Howard. JAMES FRICKER & BRO. R.U McMATH. E. J. MCMATH. U. H. McMATH PHOTOGRAPHS. Haler A Phillip*' New Gallery Doing » Huablna Bnllueu. A call at the new photograph gallery of Messrs. Haley A Phillips, on Lamar street, next to Davenport's drug store, will convince the visitor that these gen tiomen not only thoroughly know their profession, bnt are prepared to perform first-class work. The Instruments used by them are of the finest make and latest Improved pattern, especially adapted to the mak ing of high-art pictures. And the prices, too, are very enticing —oabinet-size pictures being only $2 and $2.80 per dozen. They have arranged their studio with special regard to se curing a good light, and ao careful have they been In this respect that tbe weather has very little effect upon the result of the photograph. They make a specialty of small breast pin and locket plotnrea, which they handsomely flnlib In water colors or India ink. Another specialty la the oopyingand enlarging of old pioturea, and In this line they are peculiarly ex- pelt. Their gallery ia filled with many hand some samples of their work, both in portraiture and outdoor work. McMATH BROTHERS. -DEALERSIN- Cotton Report. Americus, Ga., Not. 7,1891. Following ia the cotton report In this city up to date: Received by wagon . 406 Received by railroad 33 Received previously 31,037 Total 32.436 Receipts to-day at all Unitel States porta: . MARKETS. . 4 * Corrected dally by L. G. Council ware - houseman. Good middling. V-‘ 7| Middling 7* Low middling *1 6; Market, easy. H 1 SAVANNAH. Spots, middling 7 7-10 Market, quiet. * ■ NEW YORK. Spots, middling ••• *i Market, dull. LIVERPOOL. : f ' Spots, upland middling . ■ >4 0-16 Market, dull. M NEW YORK—FUTURES. Market firm. Sales, 68,709. ¥ Op’g. Cl’g. January .. 8.15 rt 8.22 February .. 8.28 835 March .. ■ &47 April. .. '8 68 November......... .. 7.92 j December .. 8.01 | Mullein Bettor Than Cod liver Olf. Dr. Quintan, the leading authority of Great Britain on tong troubles, gives his opinion baaed noun experiment, that mullein ie better in consumption than Cod Liver Oil. Taylor’s Cherokee Rem edy of Sweet Gam and Mullein will euro coughs, eolda and consumption. Groceries, Provisions, Country Produce. BOOTS. SHOES, ETC., ETC., WHISKEY, TOBACCO & CIGARS. SPECIALTIES. 207 FORSYTH STREET, AMERICUS.; GEORGIA. We solicit a share of the patronage of the trading public, guaranteeing eatlsfacth a low prices, and good good*. We dell ver good* anywhere In the city. Call and see u*. mcmath brothers. H. Must Dl«. Atlanta, November 8.—Sam Walker, a prisoner in tbe Cobb county jail has been given fifteen days to go home to die. It la certain that he will accomplish this feat and thereby avoid serving a sentence for violating the Internal reve nue laws. • Walker waa arrested some time ago for illieitly distilling bug juice, and sentenced by Judge Newman to four months’ Imprisonment. He waa sent to the Marietta jail to serve bis time. Walker waa very alck when sentenced, and since going to jail he has been at' tended by a physician. Thursday the phytloian wrote to District Attorney Darnell stating that Walker would prob ably die In a few days and advised that he be pardoned ao bia friends could take him to hli home. Yesterday Col. W. T. Day presented a petition to Judgo Newman, stating that Walker waa about to die, and asked that hit sentence be suspended so as to per mit him to go to his home and die sur rounded by bla friends and relatives. Judge Newnan suggested that an ap plication for pardon be filed and he would approve it. This Mr. Day objected to aa Walker would die before the pardon would be granted. Judge Newman finally instructed Col onel Darnell to draw up an order sus pending Walker’s sentence for fifteen days, and alio advised the prisoner's attorney to apply for a prisoner. Col Day says the man ia very ill and it ia pretty certain he will die In leu than fifteen days. Judge Newman signed tbe order and notified tbe Cobb county jailer that be could releau Walker. Walker will be moved by his friends to-day to hit home near Juper. Perfect action and perfect health re sult from the use of DeWItt’s Little Early risers, a perfect little pllL For by the Davenport Drag Company. ON TO THE SEA t By Water and Rail Macon 1. Now Con nected With the Atlantic Ocean. Macon, Ga., November 7.—For the first time in the last thirty years Macon la connected with the seaboard by both river and rail. The John C. Stewart, a freight boat, arrived in Macon this morning. At 1:20 o’clock the first boom of a cannon shook the city and aroused tha residents to the faotthat'a 'new era in their commercial history had com- The people flocked to the Wharves at the foot of Sixth street where the boat waa to be tied np. Aa abe came up the hut reach the whittles kept up a continuous shriek, and every ipinute the cannon aroused the sleeping echoes In the wooded banka along tbe reaches left behind and sonnd- ed the glad tidings of the opening of the Ocmulgee to tbe ocean through tbe streets of the olty that since the last boat blew foriMacon landing, baa grown and prospered, keeping pace with the phenomenal prosperity of the empire state. Macon is very jubilant over the open. Ing of transportation by water to tha ocean, and It may safely be predicted that within the next few months tha river wharf of the Ocmulgee will be a busy place. The woman who cannot keep a secret manage* to bold her age all right OUK VERY BEST PEOPLE Confirm our statement when we aay that Dr. Acker’s English Remedy la in every way superior to any and all other pre parations for the Throat and Langs. In Whooping Cough and Croup, it ia magie and relieves at once. We offeryon a ■ample bottle free. Remember, this remedy la aold on a positive guarantee. For sale by Fleetwood A Russell, Ameri ona, Ga. 8 Fail haa come and with It the time to rattle “that little bill” at • Dil Eldbidob’s. To Our Patroa*. After this week we will collect aU bills for job work weekly. This will make payments easier for yon, and help us materially, as our expenses are payable weekly. Times Publishto Company. m POWDER Absolutely Pure* Itetes GovenunentTood Report. . auglS wlyr k"WSm, DISMISSION. nKjgraUKiMra onto. •Mate of David Major*, dtcraud. bavin* filed hi* petition In raj office for Letter* or Dluniarton from uld exeentonUp, . Theme *r* therefore to cite andadmonlah all. aodalhsolar tbe kindred and credlton, . and all peraone concerned, to file tbelrotjix:- J.nnaiyMrmof^theOrdinAry'.’courttc* b* ssiSpssts^S esawii P G?ven f ondermyband and official *t*na* tors. toUMd.rorNov.^terl-L^^