Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, November 11, 1891, Image 7

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THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMES-RECOBDEft: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1891. CC^FESSION OF FAITH. rhe Presbytery In 8e»*ton at Indianap olis In Favor of a Revision. Indianapolis, Nov. 10.—The Indian apolis presbytery has voted in favor of such revision of the Confession <>f Faith as shall "tend to free confession from misunderstanding." In our judgment, the committee, under instructions re ceived from the assembly and of the church as a whole, could with wisdom have gone farther, have modified still more or eliminated entirely paragraphs SO worded as to be questionable script ural authority, and evidently objection able to the church. We regret especially that the com mittee, in its alteration of chapter 8, failed to free confession from certain extra scriptural inferences having to do with the negative sides of God’s decree. We cannot agree with those who hold that the statement of the doctrine of predestination in the conference is nec essary to the integrity of our present system of faith. , The presbvtery is convinced that no revision of the old faith will meet that growing desire and need of the church for the more brief and simple expres sion of the svstein of dociriue contained in the word of God, and it is probable that the Confession of Faitii. as revised, will be fully as long and almost as Im practicable as before. Therefore, tire presbvtery overtures to the general as- sembfy to’ formulate a new creed, much more brief, hut less speculative and ex pressive and more nearly ill tiie exact words of the scripture, fundaments of our revised faith and the word o( God. THE BROKEN BANK. i ol' the statement Showing the Conditio! Maverick National Hunk. Boston. Nov. 10. —Receiver Beal has issued a statement of the condition of the Maverick National bank Ocr. 81, Resources, $9,037,846, including time loans $3,749,081; demnnd loans, $3,416,- 617; bond accounts, $722,047;. Liabili ties the same as the resources, inclu ding the capital of $100,000; surplus fund, $800,000; profit and loss. $110,708: deposits, $; banks and bank ers. $5,200,756. This statement is grat ifying. in that it shows less than $3,- (ItiO.OOO of individual deposits outside of deposits of banks and bankers at the time of the failure. The Maverick hud a very large busi ness. its onward mail averaging from 600 to 800 letters per day, but every thing is found thus tar to have been systematically conducted and all ac counts balance upon the books. The only difference thus far announced is the inadequate collateral behind loans to directors. There w;ts no blanket in dorsement on file, as lias been stated. All notes and indorsements were prop erly and regularly made within the let ter of the law. The comptroller prom ises a prompt and satisfactory divi dend. The receiver has authority tin der the banking luw to return all speciul deposits, which is presumed to include deposits of securities within the safe for safe keeping by parties not indebted to the institution.’ TO IBELANDI John Parnell Win Go Next track—He I, One of Charles Stewart ParneU’e Heirs. Atlanta, November 10.—John Par nell, the brother of Charlee Stewart Parnell, the dead Irish patriot, will leave Atlanta for Ireland next week. Mr. Parnell was seen by a Journal re porter this morning. “I will eall for Europe Saturday week,” said Parnell. “I have made all my arrangements to spend several months in Ireland, as I will hare to look into the property my brother left.” ‘‘How much is Mr. Charles Stewart Parnell’s estate worth?” •‘I do not know exactly, bnt he was not very wealthy.” “And who are tbo heirs?" “Myself and my younger brother, Henry, will Inherit the real estate. Mrs, Parnell will have the bulk of the other property." There were only three of the Parnells —Mr. John Parnell of Atlanta, who was the oldest; Mr. Charles Stewart Parnell the Irish leader, and Mr. Henry Parnell, who was the youngest. Mr. John Parnell was asked if he had any intention of entering politics. His reply was: I have not determined about that, may if the matter is pressed upon me.” Mr. Parnell leaves Atlanta the middle of next week and will sail from New .York on the Saturday following. Cotton Iteport. Amkmcitb, Ga., Nov. 10, 1801 Following is the cotton report in this oity up to date: Received by wagon 187 Received by railroad 20 Received previously 32,680 Total . ..32,002 SPECULATORS PU22LED. llBtM for Ocean Nteamors Take u Tum ble In San Francisco. San Francisco, Nov. 10.—Shipping men and wheat operators state that never in the history of San Francisco has there been such a large amount of tonnage in port under charter at any one time. The aggregate is sixty-nine vessels with a register tonnage of 150,- 000 tons, while nine other vessels, with a total of 15,000 tons, are disengaged and available for wheat carrying. The actual carrying capacity of all these vessels is 220,000 tons. Fifty-eight ves sels were chartered to arrive here, the charterers agreeing to pav as high as 4.5 shillings a ton to the Onited King dom, Havre or Antwerp, and very few engagements were made at less than 40 shillings, hut ns 85 to 37 shillings is the highest rate talked of at present, specu lators will have to forftAt charters, re charter vessels at a heavy loss, or loud them with wheat, which at the present rates in Liverpool would have to be sold at an equally heavy loss. It is ro- Iwrted that one prominent dealer stands to lose about $150,000 either way. Operators estimate the crop of Pacific const states, Idaho and Utah for the year will yield about 657,000 tons avail able for export. SENSATION IN CHARLOTTE. •Sam Junes Accuses the Whisky Men ol Trying to itrlbe n County Ofllrlnl. Charlotte, N. C., Nov. 10.~S.rn Jones generally succeeds in getting up a sensation wherever he goes, and though he was rather slow about it in his present engagement in Charlotte, he has got it up at last. It is in the charge that the whisky dealers of Char lotte offered a member of the board of county commissioners a bribe of $15,000 if he would vote to grant license for the liquor dealers next year. The charge was made bv Mr. Jones Sunday afternoon and again Monday morning. In refer- ring to it he said that some one had ac- cused Commissioner Hilton of being the man, but be wanted to state that it a* not Mr. Hilton. The commissioner, air. Jones, was a pions Proliibi- but he did not name him. „/V u " char Ke naturally created a etir, and the whisky dealers Teberaentlr deny it. Mr. Jonea said his informant Z “Puncher, and told him that the member of the board who was ap proached with the bribe had told him (the preacher). The whisky men are at present getting * np an affidavit any knowledge Whatever of the alleged bribe. It lea case for Q>- iual court* Br ° Wn ’ ,0 ! icit0r ot the «■>» China Prevents mating. Shanghai, Not. 10.—Several Chinese 7* v ® been beheaded at Wuchang by or- ?”.° f *b e viceroy for posting placards inciting to violence. Et« tbs Sffi ^“^^bgnnboat Aspic SSli&gqS forei’gnresideiiul jghS n *’?J t w °°“Shell his excellency's gda^i.comparatlvc order has b£a Corrected daily by L. G. Council, ware houseman. Good middling 7) Middling 7 Low middling 0j Market, steady. Receipts to-day at all United States ports 73,587 savannah. Spots, middling Market, weak. NEW YOI1K. Spots, middling 8j Market,’dull. LIVERPOOL. Spots, upland middling 4 0-10 Market, steady. NEW YORK—FUTURES. Market easy. Sales, 105.800. Op’g. Cl’g, January February March April, November December 8.20 8.10 8.35 8.24 7.95 8.05 788 7 00 The Uas. Mr. Haggerty, the superintendent, in forms a TlMES-llEComtEii representa tive that work on the new plant is about complete and that the retorts will be fixed up to-morrow. Tlds means that some time next week our eitizens ean throw away their smoky, dirty old kero sene lamps and again enjoy the blessings of a clean, decent light, Orders for connections should be placed with the superintendent imme diately. A Sail Heath. Little Callle Smith died last evening at 0 o’clock, aged about nine years. She was the only child of Dr. T. E. Smith, who practiced medicine here until his death about three years ago. Little Cal- lie was a sweet, winsome child, loved by all wbo knew her. Left an orphan al most before she had passed infancy, she was taken into the family of her aunt and was tenderly cared for until her death. She died of typhoid-malaria. Fresh, Pure, Sweet, Country Butter from 25 to 35 cents per pound. Fbknch A Mayo. There are too many people who think they can edit a newspaper better than the editor, but who have been complete failures in managing their own business. When Baby was sick, we gave Mr Castorte. When she w*»» Child, she cried for OtstocU. When she became HIM, she clung to Castorte. Whan ahi had CMIdran, aha gave t Small, bnt not 8am Small. Without leave or license, but with a broad smile and a clean shirt he walked In the Tue Tiues-Recobder office last night. He was Erank A. Small, the rep resentative of “The Fat Men's Club,” and his company will present their most laughable play at the opera house Thurs day night Mr. Small is an ex-newspaper man, having served many years in the harness with his brother, the Rev. Sam Small, In various enterprises, also on the several papers of Atlanta and New York, but, as he expesses it, “has dropped a peg and gone into the show bualneii.” He is a Georgian of thirty years standing, sitting and “lying”—mostlythelatter; butfrom all reports that we ean gather from the press of the country he does not Ue when he says that “The Fat Men’s Club" is the best and brightest of all the farce comedies, with a guarantee that it !b funnier, has more melodious and catchy songs, more graceful dancing, better occrabatio performances, more wit, more pathos, and more general laughter to the square inch than can be found elsewhere on earth. For three solid hours, Mr. Small says, the beautiful Georgia Llug- ard, the graceful Lillie Aliya, the excru- tiating Garnoila Bros , the jointless Al bion Bros, and the melodious and nimble Acme 4 assist the ponderous and jolly mountain of flesh, John C. S. Stewart, in making the Fat Men’s Club the jol- llest entertainment of the season. Thursday night will be the only ap pearance in Americus this season, and if our people want a real good laugh they had better see Mr. Stewart and his com pany. Notice to Advertisers. >y for ohange of advertisement must be handed in at this i ffice before 12 o’clock on day before publication, This applies to all and will be enforced. Times Publishing Co. July 28,1891, tf. Woman is a greedy creature. She robbed man of a rib at the outset of her career, and she has boon after his heart ever since. ‘It is not madness that I utter, bring me to the test." I have said and I am >repared to stick to it, that this suffer- ng world need no longer sigh with pain, since it is so well known that Salvation Oil kills it without any trouble. The telephone between Paris and Lon don having been so successful it is pro posed to connect Brussels and London. For that purpose a cable wilt bo lnld between Ostend and Dover. To Our Patrons. After this week we will collect all bills for job work weekly. Tbis will make payments easier for you, and help us materially, aa our expenses are payable weekly. Times Publishio Company. peach grown at Hylvania, Ga., weighed 18 ounces and measured 13 Inches in circumference.' Mr. William T. Price, a Justice of the Peace, at Riohland, Nebraska, was con fined to his bed last winter with a se vere attack of lumbago; but a thorough application of Chamberlain's Pain Balm enabled him to get up and go to work. Mr. Price says: “The Remedy cannot be recommonded too highly.” Let any one troubled with rheumatism, neural gia or lame back give it a trial and they will be of the same opinion. 60 oent bottles for sale by W. C. Russell, Amerl eus, Ga. novl-lm, A tree near Manistee, Michigan, thir- ty-six feet in circumference, twelve ' feet in diameter and one hundred and seven, ty-flve feet high, will be blasted with dy namite, as there is no saw that will cut ft, and no saw mill that can cut it into boards. CHILD BIRTH • • • MADE EASY! “ Mothers' Friend " is a scientific ally prepared Liniment, every ingre dient of recognized value and in constant use by the medical pro fession. These ingredients are com- binedin a manner hitherto unknown “MOTHERS’ • FRIEND” • WILL DO an that is claimed for it AND MORE. It Shortens Labor, Lessens Pi,n, Diminishes Danger to Life of Mother and Child. Book to 11 Mothers ” mailed FREE, con taining valuable information and voluntary, testimonials. Sent by exprt*«H* on receipt of pnet 91.60 per bottle BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO.. Atlanta. 6a* SOLD HV a 1*1# DRUGGISTS. Good Mothora—tho Lift of tho Ration* [El THE OEM OF ALL FEMALE REMEDIES" LUXOHSI-A nafe, simple end harmless remedy tor all irregularities of women. It baa been extensively used by Dr. A. L. Barry, a prominent physician of Atlanta. Ga., of fiOyears' experience, with unvarying success. It make* child-birth easy, diminishes dancer to mother and child, and la a sure cure Jfu^acaaaix^ painf ul, nennty or «ii|i tiou. leurorrlur* or w 1............ pliimuent «r the woiuh. urns male urinary trouble*, nn.fflir... aymptome Incident to a ebangeJHHP It entirely and permanently relieves ail paint incident to female dlHaiM,hMll«eeUoa,defc. headache, constipation, general laaal. tode and depression or spirits, it builds up from the Ant dose. It makes women REGULAR, HEALTHY AND HAPPY. For the cure of hysteria, neuralgia, ovarian pains, restlessness, nervousness, etc., it is with* out a rival or a peer In the whole range of ma* terta medlca. It la not a so-called patent medl* cine, but It la prepared by the direction, of an eminent specialist, who has made female dla* eases a llfa study. It never falls, and Is A PANACEA FOR 8UFFERING WOMEN, Thousands of whom attest its virtue and soond Its praise. By the use of Luxomnl the whole system la strengthened and Invigorated, and lovely woman la made more lovable. For young girls Just budding Into womanhood ft is the best of friends. Sent by mall, securely packed and free from observation, for tl. We guarantee satisfaction or the money will he refunded. Bend stamp for Circulars. Address Luxomnl Casa- atltutlon. Commercial Agencies. S. A. M. ROUTE. TIME TABLE TakingjEffeot Oct, 26,1861 lve Birmingham arr 7 oo pm gbam, 10 00 lve.... Childersburg 10 27 lve Sylacauga lve 2 IS p m lve *Opelika lve 3 25 arr Columbus arr 3 50 lve Columbus Ire 5 5* arr Kllaville... 6 lo lve ....•Eltaville 6 40 arr Americus arr 7 00 lve ....Amerlcua .lve 8 27 lve Cordelo Ive 11 00 lve Helena........lve 4 30 a m lve Lyons lve _ 600 arr Savannah .♦«. arr 7 40 pm 5 15 p m arr Charleston arr 2 15 Petw’n Montgomery and Americus, via OpeflB [810 a m 11 re.... .Montgomery 2 15 pm lve Opelika., e....arr * ]arr Amerlcua lve 0 35 pm DOS ■ 890 am Between Montgomery and Amdrictxs, via Union Springs and Columbus. 6 65 amilve M 3 50 lve...... < 6 40 jarr A Jetw'n Montgomer Montgomery arr] 7 20 p m Columbus arr It 20 Amnricnj ......|ye| 8 20 Betw'n Montgomery and Amerlcua, via Eufaula ‘7 40 a mi lve 7.,., Montgomery arr 7 2* pm 10 01 lve Eufaula lve 4 )2 ....Albany........arr 2 55 .. Americus.......Ive l 03 Between Amerlcua and Jacksonville, vu Htleni AN ORDINANCE. An ordinance to repeal Kcctlon *02 or I he code of ordinance, of the oity of Amerlon., and in llen thereofte fix the time wb.n all elt ? •***• shall become due and payable, and to provide for the collection thereof and ter other purposes. S.cTtoa l. He it ordained by the Mayor and City Connell of Americus, and.LI. hereby ordained and enaoted by the author- liy of the uune. That Section 402 of the code of ordinances of the city of Americus, which prescribes that It .hall be the duty of the Mayor and Cltr Council of Amerlcui, to fix ty resolution the time when city taxe, .hail hepome due, and for nodes thereof by th. cleik and treasurer be, and the same 1. hereby repealed, and In lien thereof tb. fol- lowing section I. enacted, to-wlti Fro. 2. Belt further ordalntd by the au thority aforesaid, that from and after the passagForthls ordinance, all City taxeeehall become due and payable by the first day of October ofrub year, and any taxpayer who f£;Sw1 ei, i leot SW ■“ch taxe. by. the90th day of Oearmber of etch year, theft be entered npon the Hat of defsulers. and th. Clerk and Treasurer thell forthwith, a. early a. practicable. Issue execution acainat ,uoh taxpayer tor hi, unpaid taiesTwblch execution than bear test loth, name of the Mayor and city Connell ol Americus and be directed to the Marehal, who thall, by levy and sale, forthwith collect the tame as pro vided by law. Sac i. Be It further ordained, that ordinance, and parte of ordinance lu con- filet with Ihls ordinances,be and the tome are hereby repealed, AdopteJby City Coanell^HJjM,,. Clark and Treasurer. AN ORDINANCE. An ordinance to repeat reetloi ipe of the code of ordinance, of the city of Atnerlant, and In lien thereof to pretorlbe by ordlnr- — the time when all tax returns shall be m and for other purpose,. Section l. Be It ordained and enacted by the Mayor and City Connoil of Amerlon., and It Is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, That from and after the pottage of thU ordinane, Section MB of the code of ordln,i.ert ot the city of Amerl- lleu thereof the following section be enacted: sic, 3. Be It further enacted and ordained by the authority aforesaid, That from and after the passage of thl, ordinance all tax re turn, shall be made between • be firet day of April and the first day of July of each year. That upon the first day of July of each year It shall be the dl’ty of the clerk and treasurer to cl;so his digest and to proceed to a andtaxall unreiurned proi In Beoiion 400 of the code cliy. eikc.8. Bo lt further enaoted and ordained, That nil ordinances and parts of ordlnan'es and resolutions, contrary to this ordinance, be, and the tame are hereby repealed. Adopted by City CkHtnctl^jmj^Mg MSI. Clark and Treasurer. S HERIFF’S SALE. GEORGIA—Sumter Countv. Will be .old, before the coort house door in the oity of Americus, Sumter county, Ga_ botween the legal hour, of sale, on the firet Tuesday In December, 1801, the following -'escribed property, to-wlt: Seventy-five (75) acres of land, more or less, ofTorlotof land number two hundred and fifty-one (261) In the twenty-ninth (23th) dtsti let of Sumter coonty, bound as follows: On the east by the o'd stage road, op the south by lands of M, P. Sober, on the west by lands of W K. Essterlln and George Sober, on the north by SUasEmlth. Levied on as the property of W. H. Glover to satisfy one 11 fa issued from the County Court or Sumter onnnty In favor of Cba*. O. onn vs. the said W. H. Glover. Proper! j K dated out by W. H. Glover. This Msreh tb, 1801. Levy msue by L. B. Forrest, dep uty sheriff. L, B. FORREST, Bherlff. 1 17 am 6 10 8 no lve.... a ..Amertuso ....Helena.. ..Bnuuwiok arr ....Jacksonville. a—I 8 «l l iv 8 65 a : lve 11 60 f e. s ...lvel 8 ue Chamberlain’s Eye and Skin Ointment A certain cur© lor Chronic Soto Eye*, Tetter, Salt Bbernn, Scald Head, Old Chronlo Sores, Fever Sores, Eczenia, Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore Hippies and Piles. It is oooling and soothing. Hundred, of cases have boon eared by It after all other treatment had failed. It is put up in 25 and 00 oent boxes. For Bent. The Rtoro now occupied bjr E. D. Ana ley will be to rent. Poeseuion given at once. Apply early early to E. D. Axbley, The Grocer, We have the exclusive control of Cbaw and Sanborn's famous coffees. If you love a cup of fine coffee try a can. Fnkxcn A Mayo. If you want your hone* painted with paint that is guaranteed to be more durable and more economical than other palnte, buy L. A M. paints, sold by Db. Eldnidoc. New Edam Cheese, Pine Apple Cheese and fresh crisp Saratoga Chips, Snow flake Crackers and Tea Wafers, French Peas, Mushrooms, and everything that Is fine and new, French A Mayo. A resident of Evart, Mich., has in vented a device whereby brakes applied to a locomotive will operate, every brake on th* train. AUGUST MYERS, Artistic Tailor Under T. Wheatley’s Store, FORSYTH ST.. AMERICUS, GA. Having been in the tailoring busioess for twenty seven yean, I have given perfect satisfaction to my customers, and have made no misfits. I deal with a first-class house in New York city, and can ahow many excellent samples; also good English, Frenoh sad Indian dye goods, and customers will find my goods are all first-class. A large number of samples of imported suitings. I can make np suits for $22 to $35. Call and see me. A. MYEBS, Cor. Forsyth and Jackson Sts. THE LITTLE SEWIN8 MACHINE MAN oFrzRS'rok sals SEWING MACHINES & MOTORS For all Machines on easy terms, and ean supply the best Mies, Oils, iWidvEiC’i rOI All MACHINES. Special attention given to repair :as aU email Machinery. Ord,r< by mall wul re* eive nremet atteatloa. Close connection made at Mont] oints in the Southwest, and at Amerl cos it irmtngham and all point* in the Northwest. • Meal Stations. Passengers from Charleston destined to points west of Sorsnnah, change cert *t C. & 8. Junc tion. B. 8. GOODMAN, Geo. Pass. Agent, Americus, Ga, ((COMMERCIAL ACEHTS. J. M. CABOLAN, E. A. SMITH, Rwannah, Ga. Birmingham, Ala. LIE HcLENDUN, JNO. T. ARGO, Columbus, Ga. Americus, Ga. C. H. SMITH, O. K.A., New York, N.Y. East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia R’y System. -IB THE ONLY— Shortand DirectLineto the North, East oi This line Is conceded to be thebeet _ad runs " “ ‘ the South. and runs the finest Pullman IS beet equipped Sleeping Cars In Elegant Pullman Sleeping Can, between Jacksonville and Cincinnati, Tituaville and Cincinnati, Brunswick and Lonlsviile, Chattanooga and Washington Memphis and New York, Philadelphia and New Oilcans, Chattanooga and Mobile, Atlanta and Chattanooga, Without Change. For any Information address B. W. WRENN, Gen. Fate, and Ticket Apt Knoxville. Tenn O. W. KIGllT, Ass'tGon. Put. Aft. Atlanta, Georgia. DOMESTIC - COAL! For Salt this Season. I shall be prepaired to furnish • high grade Lump Coal for Grate purpose*, in any quantity thlsjfall and winter. b. R. SIMS. Sept. 8, tf Arrival and Departure of Malle. CENTRAL B. B. Arrive From. Ia*v« For. 6:40pm Columbus 7:80am Luo pm 11:20 pm Macon 1:08pm 8:38 am 1:03 p m3:35am Albany 1:30pm 11:20pm s. A. Ak. B. B. (:10pm ..........Savannah *®tm 7:16 a in Omaha e:15pm KAIL CLOOKS. Going tat (S. A. A M.) £»• «• Going North and Went (ft. AW1 Mu m. Going North and Jet (CeuJ.Vi? pmBjjepm. Going South and went “ 1J:» p m ».«p ■ S HERIFF’S BALE. GEORGIA—SUXTER Countv. Will be sold before the court house door In the city of Amerlcui, Sumter county, on the first Tuesday In Deo., MSG, between the legal hour* of sale, the following deierlbed property, to-wlt: A tract of land lying In the 118'th district, G. M„ of Sumter county, containing one hundred (109) acres, mors or leu, adjoining the lands of O. A. Morrell, on the north, JamaMcGar'ab.onthesonth,Joha Mash- burn on the eaat, and W. B. Hargrove on the west Levied on aa the property of Julia E. Jones to satisfy one Juitlce Courts la Issued from the 1185th dl»inct,G. M„ of said coun tv, in favor of 8, T. Crawford vs, nld Julia E. Jonea Tenant In ponetslon notified in termsofthelaw. Levy mado and returned tome by i. A.Covington, L,t). This Decern' her 4th, I860. J " —~ APPLICATION FOR C11A1ITEK. STATE OF GEORGIA—SuxTxtt Countv. To the Superior Court of Mid County : Tho po’ltion of E.H. Fergueon J. J.Cafl’rey. both of I,out,vine. Ky., John M. Green of Atlanta, Ga., H. C. liaglcy vi-dM. s. Har per, respectfully, shows ihaliiiey and their successor* desire lo be incorporated under the corporate name and *tyle ol “Americus Oil Company.’’ Tlmtlhelr objecteand pur poses are for pecuniary gain ter themnelves, their associate* and successors; and that the butlneu they propose to curry on Is the buy ing and telling or cotton seed and lla pro ducts, such as, cotton seed oil, crudeand re fined, cotton seed meat and cske, cotton setd nulla and aches, crushing, preasmg and re fining of same; further, thstof purchasing and ueahng In seed cotton and cotton seed, after tho cotton has been ginned, of all kind* and varieties; and tho manufac'ure, prepa ration and sale or products derived from cottonseed; and the carrying on, manage ment and control of autsb business or manu facture connscted therewith; and generully tq engngo In all such employments and line* of business, where cotton need or Its products ar. utilized wholly or In part. Also, the leasing and owning of tank cars, manufac turing of barrels and casks, and all other commqdtlte* In connection with said bust- ness. The main b tslness of '.he corporation I* to t» the manufacture and sals or cotton seed oil. and tt* incident thereto the utilizing and sale ol aU product* ot seed cotton and cottonseed. Petitioners farther show unto tho court that their principal place of buil- In the county of Butnler, State of Georgia, but that thoy d-slro to carry' on business, employ and send agents elsewhere n said state, and Into other states and terrl- niI le "„ ot n ', he VJ 1 ’ 1 *! 1 8l * te "> ond establish branch office* therein, If they deem It ad- vlsable. that the amount of capital to bo tJSRLlSa 18 on ® hundred IboUtend (1100,000) dollar*, fifty thousand (*50,00i)[ dollars of which is actually paid in Incorporated for twenty years, with the priv ilege of renewing their charter from time to }*“»“‘hf/see proper. Petitioners desire the further right to purchase, lease, hold, own and control, sell, assign, transfer, or dtiF poso ofeuch real estate, or Interest In real estate, as mav ho necessary and proper for urer to give thirty days public notice thereof, th« legitimate and convenient transaction be, and the tame I* hereby repeated, and in of their business. Petitioners desire the ligate*- •*— —■—-i.-ht and power to make all such by-laws. id alter the aamt at pleasure, as they may j proper; to have and use a common seal, anil to change the same at pleasure; to have a right to sue and be sued, audio make all necessary contracts in tho conduct of Its lortgages nud, land, as the corporation msy anii conduoitlieob/oot* and purposes or tne business of nctltionere. I’cUlioners further desire that they shall be Incorporated so that no stockholder In the corporation shall be bound In any way to-the ifcbteor liabilities of the corporation beyond the amount of his unpaid subscription of tho capital stock of said company. , Wherein™ petitioner* prey that after thl* petitionshalfhayo been filed, recorded and published, according to law, that the conrt will grunt an order grunting thteeptfllce’ton. „ payne Stye, Filed in offlcc I certify the nbove'nnd^teregoln^totoa true extract Trocii the Record of Charters in Hnmtcr Superior Conrt this September 23rd J. H. ALLEN, Clerk 8. C. tda (Us U< \Jt A 111* UW L. B. FORREST, Sheriff. SHERIFF'S BALE. 5 GEORGIA—Bomtb* County. Will be eo'd before llie ounrt house door. In the ct>y nt Americus, Burner county, on the first Tuesday In I eo-mber, 18BI, be tween the legal hour* or *ate, the following d seiihed property, to-wlt: An undivided Interest la tot of land lying In tho 1186th district, G M., of .»ld county, containing twonty-flveacics.moreor less.nd- Jotntng the lande of Mary 81m* an the north, on the south by James Green, 8r„ on the east byW- W. Doster and James Oreen.Br., on the wmt by prop*rty of defendant. Levied on a* the property or Jans Wilkinson, for merly Jane Hollis, In favor of B. A. Harris to Mtl-ry a Justice conrt II. IB., tented rrom the Justice court of the 1185th dte'rht, G. M , of said county, vs. said Jan* Wilkinson. Ten ant In poiMMlon notified in term* ofihe law. Levy mad* and returned to me by J. / Covington, L.O. This Oct. 8,1801. tds. L. B. FORREST, Sheriff. S HERIFF’S BALE. GEORGIA, Sdktsu Coonty. Will be sold hater* the court house door In the city of Amarions, Bumter county, Ua„ on th* flreiTneaday In December,18*1,beismo the legal hour* of tale, th* fo lowing de scribed property, to wit: On* house and lot in the ally of Amertaus. bounded west by Birlfe *orcet, snath by Mr*. Buoy and John Jelfer.on, east by lot of Wil liam Jsfibreon and north by lotofuressw*li A Turner, known as 10S Ht rife street, and It 1* lh* place where Campbell Washington now live*. levied on and sold a* the property or Campbell Washington, to satisfy aoountv court execution Issued from the county conrt ofsafd county. In favor of 8. B. Hawkins. Levy made by J. W. Cobb, coanty court bailiff. TbteOei(l,t8M. . APPLICATION FOR CHARTER. GEORGIA—Suntsb County, To the Superior Court of said County: The petition of O. W. Lamar. It, T. John son, W. M. Hitt and Marsbsll Martin togeth er with their associates thows that they have entered Into an association under the name aud sty IS of “The Bhlppsrs Compress Asso ciation”. That theobjeot of stld association Is pecuniary gain to the Individual members and tue corporation In this, to-wlt; Bv tho running, owning and contrail Inga compress, using said compress In Americus, Bumtcr county, Ga., for the purpose ot compressing cotton packed In bales lor more convenient and readier transportation. The principal omoe of tho said nssortullon Is to be In Americus, Georgia, with privilege of doing business of both owning, eoutroi- Ingnnd leasing comp'es-e* In suld county snd la any section ortho United Stales tho asmetetion may see proper. Th* petitioner* pray that they be Invested, together with their associates aud successors with the power to carry on tho aforemen tioned objects together with the power to ourchaseand hold property, reel and person al: to rent and lease pr >perty, both real and personal; losn*and b*sued: to use scom mon seal, if the association should so desire, aud to sxerelM atl power usually conlerreoi upon corporations of similar character, us may be const-tent with Die laws of Georgia, of any «tat* in which old n—nclathm may do business and not Incontinent with tho laws or the United States. Petitioners further slmw that tho capital stock of said association Is thirty thousand doilers, more than 10 per cent of which lias been actually paid in. Your petitioner- fur ther show that they desire US passing of an order allowing them to increase at any Hme thoy may see fit the capital stock to any amount not toexcaed filly thousand dollars. Wherefore,CO slderiagthe premises, your . * - u orasr S the sev- ,JOT that they - .sir successors be Incorporated for and during tb* term of twenty years, with the prlvllcgoof renewal at lh* expiration of the lpn llhi sold term. And asm duty bound your peti tioners will ever prey. T IIINTON A CUTT8, Atfornei* for Petitioners, Filed In ofilce October 21, I8M, J. H. Ai.LEN, Clerk 8. C. I certify the ab ,v* to be a true extrsot ^ of charters. tbtoOjfc 21,1821. J,H. ALLEN,Clark8.(5. IA—Suxtxb County* In pursuanMof anorder granted from tne Honoreb.e Ordinary of Bamler county, nn the Octobei term, lAn, will besold before th* court house door In Americas, sold county, oath* first Tuesday In December next, the following property,to-wlt: All that part of lot or land number on* hundred and elghty-one (I8I> situated in the - - fl.,of““ !: ^ sat district, G. f Bumtec county and ly- by said railroad, on th* north ey branch run ol u. W, Kennedy; containing nlnsty (Ik’) sore* more or tee*. 8-id land b’longing to the estate ot Barney Parker, d* -cased, -old fordlttribiitlon among the heir* or said es tate. MALIBHA PARKER, Executrix, _ . J.C. PARKER, Rx-cutor. Nor 21,1801, APPLICATION lbavetohbi ^ all parties concerned creditors, to show ci December term of the Swi count Qa, '•*v vui **t»i These are therefore to clte and- admonish ‘ —- id, whether kindred or .. canoe on or before the _ term of th* Conn of Ordinary of said coanty, to be held on f be firet Monday In December next, why wild petition should not be granted as preyed tor. Witness my band and olficlsl signature, this Snd day of November, 1881. A. C. HPEER, Ordinary- ADMINISTRATOR'S SALK. IB A OKOUGIA—WsnsrzB County: Agreeable to an order from the Honorable Ordlaary of said county, will be sold before tbe conrt house door lu the town of Preston, Webster county, on the first Tuesday In De- oembern-xt, the following described prop- -rtv: The undivided one-half Internet in tbe •oath half of lot of tend number seventy (TB), also iheentlre Interest In fifty*five (66) acres ofToftbs northeast tornerof said lot of land number seventy (7«), in the 18th district < ‘ Webster county. Oa Bold forth* parpoeei paying tb* debt* of Robert Terry, deceased. JOHN TERRY, Administrator. T. S. GLOVER Desires to Inform (be public that he ha* closed out Ills grocery business and has put in a splendid line otsporting goods: Guns, Cartridges, Shells, and such other goods n* belong to this line. G1VB Mk A CALL. T. S. GLOVER, Watts Building, AMERICUS, OA. aug22dtmo* To Peddlers. pcddllm I pay th. n I (26 Eveiy person before peddling must register wnh the Ordinary aud pay th-Tux Collector (50for the county, uni (26 for th* state. this state, (and he must register every vear) peddles Srtthootfirst obtal 111ng -Ill'll license, he-hall forfeit lo the county on: hundred dollar*. Any officer or tax payer of thin county way require a peddler to exhibit hi* license, and upon failure or refusal no to exhibit, the p«a- dler forfeit* |M0-one-h*if to tho informer, the other to the coanty. By order of CommiMkmen. oc21 tf . DUNN', Tax Collector. A PP LETrElS 1 OF D18.Ml 881 ON. GKORGIA—Weirstkr Couktv. Whereas, L. P. Majors, Executor on the estate of David Majors, ileceased, havinjr hN petition In m> offico f >r Letters of Dismission from Mid executorship, These ate therefore toclte ana admonish fall, ami singular the kindred and creditors, anil all persons concerned, to file their objec tions, ir any they have* on or before the January term or tbe Ordinary’s Court to bo neld on the first Monday in January INI. why mH petition should not be granted as prayed for. * —1*r m il*v —..—— » „ W. H.C08BY, Ordinary. Registration Notice. Tbe books for registration of city voters tor 18U1 opened Monday. November ted, and will be kept open as the law requires until Sat urday, Itaoember Ufth, 15*1, when they will o’elock to 5 p. m. D. K. Isisaov, narks Nov 4,1891. till dee tX