Newspaper Page Text
Jack and Joe.
I have to get an overcoat
Says Jack to his friend Joe,
And, with but little cash to spare,
Where had I better go? -
This buying clothes just bothers me,
The smartest man can’t tell
From looking at a coat, just if
The goods will wear real well.
And lots of these here clothing men
Are that keen on a trade,
They'll lie like sixty anyhow
About how clothes are made.
And some they slick the dollars on
And then you. have to Jew
’Till they take off what they put on,
Whisperin: “Just for you.”
Now l don’ that kind of way
And blame me if I know
With just the little cash I’ve got
Where It is best to go.
Says Joe to Jack, I know your flx.
For I’ve been that way, too;
But you’ll get over that right quick
If you trade where I do.
Try John B. Shaw, and you can tie
To every word he says,
And lay your money out, dead sure
That your investment pays.
His prices are ’way down below
The pricesohters ask;
Tbe folks that try to sell with him
I tell you have a task.
Low prices—quality the best—
Large stock—and goods all new—
I’ts plain that John B. Shaw’s tbe man
To sell to me and you!
Let the Executive Board Sleet and Appoint
Bate of Democratic Primary.
In a very short time an election of al
dermen will be held, and it Is eminently
lit and proper that the Executive Com'
mlttee of tbe democratic party meet and
appoint a date for primary. Three alder
men are to be elected and the necessity
of a conservative choice is too obvious
to need enlarging on. Let them meet
and adopt measures looking forward to
a primary election at an early date. A
quiet election is In prospect and there is
no reason to suppose that the political
cauldron will boll unless something sen
sational develops.
Things Not Generally Known.
It is the large proportion of heated
rays which causes the unpleasant sensa
tion to delicate eyes, experienced after
reading, writing or sewing for a consid
erable period by the light of a kerosene
The evil la always much greater in any
kind of artificial light than la the com
paratively cool light of day.
Bobbed, as this often is, of the greater
portion of its seventy per cent, of heated
rays by moist atmosphere and repeated
If, therefore, we wish to protect' tbe
eye against tbe heated rays, we must
pass the light through a substance which
outs off thejrays to the greatest possible
extent. It is of this substance that the
Diamond Spectacles” are composed.
The superiority of the diamond may be
summed up as follows:
1. They are ground with the most pre
cise scientific acouracy.
2. Tbe temperature of the diamond
fusion being lower than the atmosphere
and the materials preventing the concen
tration of tbe heated rays are kept
cool, and weakness and disease are pre
How vital, therefore, it is that in pre
paring to use spectacles only the best
and those approved by scientific author
ity should be selected.
The perfect fitting article may be pro
cured by application at
Thompson & Anderson's,
Hotel Windsor Jewelers.
For the next few days,
I offer very best
apples at 25c
Oranges at 15c to 30c
AT LAST Anniversary Week,
M. It. C. A.
Several letters have been received in
Americus by gentlemen, who always pay
their bills, from the Merchants Betail
Commercial Agency of Atlanta, stating
that unless they pay up certain mer
chants in Americus their credit will be
forever and ever X. G. The organizers
of this agency are reaping a harvest In
this manner, while the merchant Is for
ever boycotted by the purchaser. Such
modes of collecting will certainly not
redound to their good.
Tbe Funnj Pickpocket.
The Old Time Shoemaker, That Man
That bad a Good Time ope Might, all to
be seen at the Musee for 10 cents.
These are as fine goods as you ever
saw. Call and get wbat you want before
all are gone
Having had two cars turned over to
me to force upon the market, I desire to
give consumers a chance.
The Grocer.
I have just received a fresh lot
Black Buckwheat Flour, New crop
Maple Syrup, Apples, Malaga
Grapes, tiocoanuts, Evaporated
Peaches, Evaporated Apricots,
Cheese, Macaroni, Olives, Pickles
of all kinds.
Cabbage, Onions, Butabaga Turnips,
Irish Potatoes and Old]/ Fashioned Cod
A new lot of California Honey just in.
Pigs Feet, Mackerel, Breakfast Bacon,
Hams, Shoulders, etc.
Can Goods, wor!d]witbout end, cheap
er than ever.
If yon will once try our McFerrin’s
Lard and Alcanro Coffee you will use
no other.
Get one of my Boobs and see how much
money you can save by trading with me.
30S Lamar St. Telephone!
I have at last gut my
Show Windows
Attention, Committee.
The mombors of the Japanese Tree
Committee are requested to meet at Mrs.
C, A. Frlcker’s residence this afternoon
at three o'clock, without fall. Their
presence Is earnestly requested. Follow,
lug Is the committee: Mrs. Bloom Brown,
Misses Fannie Campbell, Harden,
Emma Dodson, Carrie Brannon, Minnie
Basbury, Alberta Skelton and Eva Brin
Clothier and Furnisher,
117 Forsyth St.;
I have used Salvation Oil for ebilblains
in my family, and a few applications
procured not only entire relief, but
permanent oure. J. Townshenu,
102 S. Charles St,, Baltimore, Md.
Fine Horses end Hales.
Messrs. Couch A McFarland, the cele
brated stock dealers of Danville, HI.,
have shipped to Amerious a car-load of
selected horses and mules, to arrive at
the stables of Messrs. Prince Broe., on
Cotton avenue, November 10. Stock to
suit buyers and prices to suit the times.
Any one wishing to buy a good hone or
mole will do well to call and examine.
Everything fine to eat and at very low
prices at Ansley’s.
A full line of library and pedestal
lamps and fixtures sold at reasonable
prices at Dr. Eldbidoe’s Drug Store.
Why yon should trade at
You save money.
You got tbe freshest groceries in
the market
They do np the neatest packages
you ever saw. #
They keep the best of everything
at the lowest prices.
They guarantee perfect satisfac
They will do anything to oblige
their customers, and you will never
regret ithe day you gave us your
“The Hustlers.”
!■ Ratlin Slaw Work Now Because
j tho Animals Are So Cautious.
Bear nnnting. as a rule, I do not think
would appeal to most sportsmen. It Is
rather slow work, and one ts often very
inadequately rewarded for the amount
of time and tronble spent in hunting up
bruin There is hardly a portion of the
mountains where there are not evidences
of bear, bnt I do not believe that in any
locality they are especially abundant
They have been bunted and trapped so
long that those who survive are extreme
ly cautious In my experience there is
no animal gifted with a greater amount
of intelligence, and. in this region, the
banter’s chief vtrtne. patience to wait
and stay in one spot, is sore to be re
warded sooner nr later with a good shot
Let me say now that the danger and
ferocity of the bear Is, 1 think, very much
overstated, yet there is jnst enough ele
ment of danger to make the pursuit of
this animal exciting Naturalists do not
now apparently recognize more than two
varieties of liear m the Rocky moon tains
That is. they class the cinnamon, silver-
tip and grizzly, as grizzly bear. The
other variety, or coarse, is tbe black
bear I am by no means snre that the
grizzly bear will not be further subdi
vided after carefnl comparisons of col
lections of skulls
Mach has been said and written about
the size and weight of the grizzly bear,
and in most tnataucea this has been mere
guess work. Lewis and Clark made fre
quent mention of this animal and yet
their estimate of tbe. weight falls far
below that or other writers Only s few
Immii-M have come to my knowledge
Where tbe weight baa been ascertained
> A good sized grizzly killed In Yellow
stone park by Wilson, the government
scout, weighed 600 pounds Colonel
Pickett, who has a neighboring ranch to
mine and who has killed more bear than
any mao I know of, weighed bis largest,
which, if I remember rightly, weighed
800 ponmla— Archibald Rogers In Scrib
Two Poralso UngnifH Sioiliiry.
A professional man ought to know at
least two foreign languages If be hae
a decided penchant for lingual stndies-
and a strong hunt or mind usually Indi
cates special capacity—it may be worth
while for him to eztend bis list to Italian
and Spanish, even to go outside of these;
bnt French and German he ought to
possms as part of the very means of bis
contact with modem life. Them lan
guages will admit him to everything that
is valuable in tbe newest thongbt of the
time, since It may be truly said that a
production which does not speedily am
the light, either originally or by trans
lation. in English. French or German is
either not wurtWspecial attention or can
be calmly waited for.—Interview in Bos
ton Herald. ■
Italnj Boy Continue* lor Boston Woman.
The Woman s Dress Reform club in
prising teachers, doctors, writers and
other professional worker*. The first
rainy day nil tbe members are pledged
to appear in a stormy weather costume,
consisting of a kilted skirt In waterproof
doth reaching a little way below the
knees and revealing gaiters of water
proof clotb or riding boots A reefer
coat will cover the upper part of tbe
figure and a tarpaulin bat complete the
costun —New York Ban.
Get a bushel of apples at Ansley’s.
OkLT $1.
ready for inspection and
my new store in com
parative order, having
just received a lot of
fine, polished plate-
glass show cases. You
will find on entering
the store that the inside
appearance is as pleas
ing to the eye as the
front show windows,
and my slow cases pre
sent a display of lovely
Neckwear, late .designs
Silk and Linen Hand
kerchiefs, beautifully
embroidered Night
Robes from 50c, to $5.
Hosiery,Underwear and
Full Dress Shirts i
The best laundried Shirt
on earth, Manhattan, for
$1. Silk Umbrellas at
$1.50 Walking Canes
to suit everybody from
25c to $10. The cele
brated, world-renowned
A.rtezen Korner.
Knox Hat
continues to prevail,
and you ought to wear
one, if you have not.
My stock of Tourist,
Club* and Cabin Bags
and Yalises is large and
complete, and range in
price from $1 to $20.
Men’s Fine Shoes of
every description can
be found here.
Hanan & Sons French
Patent Leather Shoes
at $5 per pair. Think
of it. It is worth your
If you don’t call and
see me you will be the
Yours to command,
The Only Exclusive Dealer In
Men’s Wear
In Southwest Georgia,
m thes days of oomeroial aktivity, when each stor shud sho aa
attempt 2 keepin up 2 the methods and posibilites of the times, let
firm bav the nowledge of how 2 by—let them hav the pluk 2 plan im-
provments—let them hav the energy to kary them out and u wil do
wel 2 let them havyor trade.
A yer ago ther wer the remains of an engin hous on the korner of
Lee and Lamar streets. 2 da n bav forgoten the engin hous—you
rarely cal the plas othr than the Rtezen Korner. Wat has changed
it? Nothin’ but pink an' energy.
Pink and energy hav changed it from barenes 2 buty, fild it with
a stok which snrprisd u for komprehensivnes. 2 da it is 3 times as
large as then—it is stil growin. A yer ago fa had herd of Butler Sc
Berry. 2da ther are few among the readin phblio 2 whom ther names
hav not a familer jingle, and ther r fu among the tradin public who do
not oonsider the names Bntler & Berry Synonimns with 'ekonomy and
800 yen ago Shaksper said, “All men hav ther prices;’’ but had he
lived in Americus 2da he wud hav also told u who had the cheapest
prices. Then it takes no Shaksper to realies that if a firm, insted o
bying smal quantites at larg prices, will by larg quantites 2 get smal
prices, tha can esily lower your expenses. Pink and energy an yor
own ideas of economy hav made tbe Btezen Korner hedquarters for
everything from a tea enp to dinner set—from a tin pan 2 a stov. A
yer ago this week the front dors of oar stor wer thron open, an we
WAted 4 the strangers 2 cum in, Since then we hav wated on u. We
feel that we r no longer strangers—that u no us Btezen Korner folks—
that we no u, and no yor wants, and jnst as we invited u a yer ago we
invito u to cum and C ns daring our “anaversary week.”
If yonr tastes r esthetic earn, we’ll sho a the. butiful. If u apre-
eiate the mechanical cum, we’ll sho u improvments. If yor notions r
ekonomical enm, we’ll toll prices. If u r sociable earn, we’ll b glad 2 0
a often, an any.time from now till onr next anaversary week, and then
we’ll invito n again.
Nov. 6, 1891.1
Butler & Berry
Last April we aoeepted the agency of the
Watches, and haye just received our first
installment direct from the faotory.
which is located at
Messrs. Patek, Philippe & Co.
Are manufacturers of the finest grade
watches in the world, surpassing in merit
the well known Jules Jurgensen, and there
are only a few cities in Georgia, where these
watches are sold. We will take great pleas
ure in showing them to any one who would
like to see a very fine watch.
We aie also headquarters for all styles
and grades of American Watches, from
the long wind Waterbury to tne finest grade