Newspaper Page Text
Some Beautiful New Styles Ju&t Added to
th<; Large Stock on Hand.
THE savannah people are clam*
You have heard a great deal about tho advance ou Carpets in
consequence of the McKinley bill, and the half has hardly been told ;
but nay opposition to a protective tariff leads me to do all that I can to
lessen the burdens it imposes, and I am determined to sell you
To enable me to do this I sell /or CASH, and at MUCH
SHORTER PROFITS than I could do on a CREDIT. I will take
great pleasure in showing’ my Carpets to everybody.
We|desire|to announce that we have
movedjto the corner store, 414 Jackson
street, under new hotel, next to D. B.
Hill’s, where we shall be pleased
to see|you.
It. L. McMATH.
j ***'
We •ollell e share of the patronage of the tradln, public, »uaranteeing ■satisfaction
low prloes, and good goods. Ws deliver goods anywhere In the city. Call and see us.
A New Supply J st Received,
Also handling Tennessee and Georgia Pork. All first-class.
No. 213. Telephone 115.
BY to Hsrring's Balls. Finder will be
liberally rewarded by leaving same at
offloe. novll-tf.
TTtOB SALE CHEAP.—A >oun*, gentle
JfoV»^ P ° ar ' X. O. SIMMONS.
( \NB copy each of Harper’s M.gaalneof
) December, limi, M»y~S». March. IWO,
Aprllj IMB.f Apply to Tlmee-Besorder olBee
A NICELY furnished 'root room. Apply
novIO-et IS Taylor street.
BOOM In the Thomee Building, snttable
. for gentlemen’s apartments. Appeal
Wednesday, November 18
Humor and Pathos, Laughter and Teart,
In tho New England Comedy,
Supported by a strong company, Including
Comedienne and Protean Artiste.
Everything new thla year. New songs,
new dances, new music. IUeerved seats now
on sale at Thompson A Anderson’s, at usual
Notice to Stockholders.
The ninth call of ten per cent, upon
the capital stock of the Amerious Manu
facturing and Improvement Company
has been made, and will be payable at
the office of the treasurer, at the People’*
National Bank December 1st, 1801.
John Windsor, Treasurer. 3
nov.7 td.
Now 1* tho; ' season to plant your
onion,. Call at Dr. Eldrldge’s and buy
your lets.
Tax hollos.
The book, are now ready, and until
further notice I will be In my office for
the purpose of collecting the taxes from
0 o’eloek a. m. to 8 o’clock p. m. every
day, exoept Sunday. J. B. Dunn,
octlO Tax Collector.
If you shave yourself 'twill pay you to
buy one of those Tower Razors sold at
Dn. Eldridgk's.
Of the Road to Savannah—r,elm It Will
stimulate Competition—Money Coaid be
Seised In Savannah to Extend the Road—
tel It be Done.
Tbe Sam railroad and the Savannah
and Western are at outa according to tbe
Savannah Morning News. In speaking
of the complications the News goes on
to say:
“ ‘Savannah ought to have tbe Savan
nah, Americus and Montgomery,' said a
well-known business man on the Bay.
‘Wo are practically at the mercy of one
corporation now and a new outlet is
j needed. I believe the money to bring
the Sam road in could be raised without
any troublo. The relations between tbe
Sam rood and tbe Louisville and Nash
ville are very close, and in buying inthr
Sam we might sccnre tbe Louisville and
Nashville. That Is just what Savannah
needs now and what we should all pull
“Assistant General Passenger Agent
Hardwick of the Central railroad said
last night that beginning next Sunday
the Central trains which have been run'
ning through between Savannah and
Americus will run to Lyons, the termi
nus of the Savannah and Western, and
passengers by this route to Americus
and points on the Sam will have to
change cars at Lyons,
“President Hawkins of the Sam did
not arrive in Savannah yesterday as ex
pected, but may arrive here to-day from
New York.”
The News Is authority for the Estate-
ment that it w«s the general opinion
among those who are In a position to
know that the breaking up of the freight
and passenger arrangement would injure
the Central far more than tho Sam road,
Savannah is very anxious to extend the
Sam within her borders, expressing tho
belief that It will prove a safety-valve
for her. In alluding to the variances
tbe News'eays:
“Tho trouble between the Sam rail
road and the Savannah & Western (con
trolled by the Central) was the theme of
discussion yesterday, and the general
opinion was that the breaking up of the
freight and passenger arrangement
would injure the Central more than it
would the Sam road. The latter It send
ing its freight by way of Helena and
Jestip over the East Tennessee, Virginia
and Georgia and the Savannah, Florida
and Western railways.”
Th, Work of Man Is Wonderful.
Whon they can take wax figures and
make them exactly like the man they
represent; making them breathe, open
and shut their eyes, is copying nature so
closely that it Is acknowledged by press
and public that It is one of the finest
pieces of mechanism workmanship In
the country. We have right here In this
city the historical figures of Gen. Custer
ana Sitting Bull as natural as life, breath
ing and moving. Call at the 10 cent
Musee and see them.
Don’t miss tbe opportunity of buying
your fruits st Ansley’s Grocery.
For Sale.
Contemplating early removal from the
elty, will sell cheap for cash kitchen and
household furniture, carpets, Ac. Call
at residence of J. L. Mack.
Oranges at 15o to 30o dor. Large lot
E. D. Ansi.ev.
A good laugh la what every one should
have occasionally. It can be procured
next Wednesday night at the opera
Tho First, Tfco Lastaud tbs Only Genuine
The only one found In America and
mumlfled. Physicians are Invited to
call and see tble specimen of mummifi
cation free. It le a study for aoientista,
a puzzle for all. Bee and be convinced.
It will be in our city for one week,
Unele Hiram will give a street parade
next Wednesday at 11 o’clock.
An alarm of fire was sounded last
night and the reels answered promptly.
It all "went off in amoke,” however,
since there was not even a suspicion of
City Tax Notice.
Tbs city taxes an now desgaad^ayable at
the office in New CltyUall.
D. K. Bkixson,
. Cl.rk and Treasurer.
November 4,1ML lm.
A valuable piece of truck farming
property can be had by applying to
sep2S-tf Tax Bake or Sumteb.
Da. Eldbidoe’s.
For your toilet powders, toilet
ami in fact all toilet pre]
More goods than two stores can hold
at Ansley’s Parlor Grocery.
All styles of toilet and paint brushes
at Dr. Aldridge’s dreg store.
Absolutely Purs*
Clark and Stapleton.
At the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Sta
pleton, In Webster county, there was an
interesting wedding on Thursday. Their
lovely and accomplished daughter, Miss
Ssllle, was married to Mr. H. Clark,
prominent planter of the same county.
Miss Stapleton Is tbe sister of Messrs,
George and Lawson Stapleton, of Amer
Mr. Clark Is also well known, having
once been s member of the firm of Tullis
A Clark, of this city.
After the ceremony which made two
loving hearts one, an elegant dinner was
served to the enjoyment of a large party
of relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs.
Clark were the recipients of many hand-
aomu presents.
The many friends of the happy people
extend congratulations and wish them a
long and prosperous life.
Tbe lloyal
Which has just arrived In our city is a
palace of wonders and attractive sights.
Those pretty South American Birds and
Monkeys are there to please the little
one; also Happy Joe, the funny elown,
who will make you laugh as you never
laughed before. An entertainment free
for all In front of the Musee every even
lug. A fifty cents musee reduced In
price to 10 cents to be In reach of ail.
Call and see these wonders.
Dr. J. H. Hinkle.
The Timks-Recobdkr, together with
tbe numerous friends of Dr. J. B. Hin
kle, regrets to learn that he Is confined
to his home suffering from nervous pros-
tration. This collapse has been feared
by his friends who have at various times
cautioned him that he was overtaxing
himself, but bis devotion
his profession was such os would
never admit of any fsvor to himself, tbe
consequences of which are now show
ing up.
The Tiues-Recokheh extends its
earnest solicitude to the Doctor and hla
family for hit speedy convalescence and
return to duty.
Tbe fine
apple* to-day, $1 per
E, D. Ansley.
Mr. F. H. Conoloy Is not In the employ
of the America* Times Publishing Co.,
his connection having been terminated
on October Slat
Bascou Myiiick,
Business Manager.
Rheumatism and Syphilis yield readily
to P. F. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root and
Meat, at A bbcvllla— Quito a Number of Dl»-
tlnxuleh«d Gentlem-n PreMut*
Aiiiibville, Oa., Nov. 12.—The South
Georgia General Baptist Association
convened hare last night This is tbe
second meeting, or this body, it having
been organized last year at McRae. At
present it includes about thirteen dis
trict associations, of which there are
about sixty In Georgia.
The objects and purposes of this gen-
oral association are the organization and
development of chutchee and missions
throughout Southwest Georgia, and tbe
perfecting of a system which will work
in conformity with tbe plans of tbe State
Baptist Canvention in such territory not
efficiently reached as yet by that body
Considerable Interest has been awak
ened throughout the wire grass region,
and from the present outlook the pres
ent meeting promises not only to be a
very large one, but one out of wbleh
much good will come. Besides many
visiting messengers from other associa
tions, several correspondents from tbe
State Baptist Convention are here.
Prominent among these are Gov.
Northen, Rev. Harvey Hatcher, of tbe
American Baptist Publishing Company,
Dr. J. J. Hyman, Rehobeth Association,
Rev. J. G. Gibson, of Profit Association
and Rev. A. B. Campbell, of Americus.
The Introductory sermon was preached
by Rev. J. B. Jessup, of Cochran, who,
taking for bis text St. Paul’s remarks
“Let us go and visit the churches,” im
pressed upon Ills hearers tbe importance
and value of tbe methods proposed by
these general associations. This Asso
ciation will continue through Sunday.
Where Society People are Oolns—Who the
Strsaxere are Vlsltlax—Where Business
Men are Hound and What They Go for—
Pleasant Notices.
For the Ladles.
When you hear anyone talking of how
hard to get up something to eat you may
be sure they have not visited the store of
the pew and popular grocers French A
Mayo, for here you will find everything
to tempt the appetite. For breakfast
dishes: Flue mess roackarel, boneless
codfish, breakfast bacon, dove brand
liama, pickled tripe, pigs feet, fat chick
ens, fresh eggs, oat flakes, cracked
wheat, Graham flour, new grits, buck
wheat, maple syrup, and |our ambrosia,
flour, breakfast cocoa and Chase Sam-
bor's coffee. To select your dinner from,
wo have soups, all kinds, ready pre
pared; asparagus tips, parsnip, carrots,
beets, ruta bagas, cabbage, potatoes,
canned corn, !succotask, peas,
string beans, lima beans, okra
and tomatoes, stewed tomatoes,
baked beans, pickles of all kinds, bono-
less pickled beef, canned meats of every
kind, cream cheese, maccaroni, mince
meat, dried cherries, apricots, peaches,
evaporated apples, and canned pears,
apricots, cherries, peaches, strawberries
and in fact every description of canned
fruits; sauces, catsups and relishes;
mushrooms, French peas. Our coffees are
tho flnest and all kinds. In jellies, jams
and preserves wo are full up. Now for
fruits: We have to select from, apples of
all kinds, oranges (the finest Indian river
fruit), bananas, peaches, pears, grapes—
Malagas,Catawbas,Conoords, pineapples,
lemons, limes end cocoanuts. Fresh lot
of aew nuts just in, and new raisins,
dates, layer figs,, and large variety of
cookies and cakes, fruit cakes and plum
pudding; Saratoga chips, Edam cheese,
pine apple eheese. And for tea—teas of
all kinds, tea flakes, snow flakes, wafers,
canned chicken, palmer steak, tongue,
shrimps, lobsters.
Our pure Jersey country butter and
everything that can bo had to tempt the
appellto and In reach of all. Gall and
see our show case of edibles to-day.
novl4-2t. French A Mayo.
Wonders Will Nsver Cesse.
The celebrated Tilton Twins. These
twins wore born inTifton, Indiana, June
24tb, 1880, as will be seen In tbe cut.
There is but one body from armpit to
armpit of the other. The union of these
two children being formed In center.
Tbe limbs being located on tbe side of
the body. The organs of each are sepa-
rate and distinct. They can be seen at
tbe lOe. musee now in the city.
Bob Hunter Demit with.
The Early County News contains the
“About two months ago, a big, burly,
brutal looking black nigger, calling him
self Bob Hunter, came to this place from
Amerious. He rolled cotton, cut wood
and did other work for some of tbe white
citizens, preached a little and grew un
popular with the blacks. Three weeks
ago he was taken from hie place of lodg
ing here in the corporation, by a mob at
night, carried out Id an old field, severe
ly beaten and ehot It waa feared for a
while that the negro waa killed, bat he
is not dead.”
Inquiry faila to spot this man Bob
Hunter as having lived in Americas, and
It looks as If our Blakely friend is trying
to saddle on thla community a desperado
who has never resided here.
Wholesale to the trade—my pricea
will make you buy.
, E. D. Ansi.ev.
Catholic Meeting.
All Catholics, especially those of for
eign nativity, are cordially Invited to
meet next S(hday morning at 10 o'clock,
at the Catholle church on Lee street.
The Committee.
Unele Hiram next Wednesday night
carries one of the finest orchestras on
the road.
Polloe circle* were very quiet yester
day. No ansataof consequence ware
Indebted to those of its patrons who will
advise the office as to personal move-
ment* of nelves and friends. Any mes
sage over the telephone to No. 00 during
the day or No. 20 after 7 p. m. will re
ceive prompt attention.
If you want a pair of diamond ear
rings or ring, call at the Americus Jew
elry Company', store and join their dia
mond and watch club. Good, are sold
ten per cent cheaper in clubs thauregu*
Ur stock. Call and make your deposit
with them.
Mr. E. H. CutU returned last night
from a business trip to Abbeville.
Mr. W. K. Wheatley returned Thurs
day from a business trip to Eastman.
Mr. Nat WInship, a prominent gentle
man of Macon, spent yesterday in the
Mr. Jeff McClesky wjll return to-day
from a trip off in the interests of his
Mr. and Mrs. T. It. R. Cobb of Athens
will visit Capt. and Mrs. John Cobb this
Sir. Howell Cobb bas accepted a posi
tion in Athens ns yard master on the M
A N. road.
Capt. John A. Cobb returns to-day
from Athens where he was called on a
business mission.
Mrs. Larramore, of Carteraville, Ga.,
is visiting at the home of Mrs. C. C.
Clay on Felder street.
Miss Ella Pope of Albany, now tbe
guest of Miss Jennie Hollis, will visit
New Orleans this winter.
Mr. John R. King a prominent planter
of Webster county, spent yesterday
among his Americus friends.
Mr. Emmet Murray and wife of Ameri
cus, visited Mrs. L. W. Gardener, on
Literary Hitl Sunday.—Macon County
Mr. W. M. Kerah, ex-editor of the Fort
Valley Enterprise, but now in the adver
tising department of the Atlanta Con
stitution returned homo to-day.
Mr. Claude Cutts, an old Amorlcus
boy, was being greeted on the streets
yesterday by his numerous friends. Mr.
Cutts Is now a prosperous business man
of Marshallville.
Miss Wyolene Lowo will give an ele
gant german the first of December at the
Leyden home. Miss Ida Mangham of
Macon and Miss Hollis of Americus will
visit Miss Lowe at that time.—Atlanta
Mr. T. A. Simmons of tho standard
Oil Company feels larger than the
wealthiest stockholder. There was a
new arrival at his home last night, a ten
pound boy. Success to the young man
from The Timeb-Recoiiheb.
Miss Alice Wheatly returned home
yesterday after spending several weeks
most delightfully visiting Macon and
other places. Miss May Stafford, one
of the belles of Barnesrille, returned
with Miss Wheatley, and will be her
guest for some time.
Ensign Geo. F. Cooper, of the U. S.
Navy, bas received official notice from
Secretary of tbe Navy, B. F. Tracy, that
be is required to report for duty on the
10th Inst., at tho navy yard. Mr. Cooper
will leave this morning for New York In
responso to the summons.
Mr. D. D Curran, Superintendent of
Southwestern division, Mr. W. J. Craig,
division Freight Agent, Mr. Ford, Road-
master, and Mr. Molso, General Traffic
Manager, all of the Riobmond Terminal
system were in Americus yesterday
They are on a general inspecting tour
and express themselves as thoroughly
pleased with tbe condition of tbe road.
DeWltt’s Sarsaparilla destroys suoh
poisons as scrofula, skin disease, ecze
ma, rheumatism. Its timely use saves
many lives. For sale by the Davenport
Drug Company.
Death of Un. Marlsb Byrd.
This announcement will carry sorrow
to many who had known and loved this
noble, kind, Christian woman. She died
at 5 o’clock yesterday evening at tbe
idence of her son, Mr. Robert T. Byrd,
In Lee ton. Grandma Byrd, a name by
which she was familiarly and lovingly
known, had lived to the ripe age of 80
years, and as yesterday’s sun went down,
this soul of purity took its flight to the
unknown shore, and Is now dwelling In
the home not made with hands.
Due notice of the funeral will be given
Sunday’s Tihes-Kecoroee.
A Pleasant Occasion.
Mr. W. C. Gray entertained n select
party of gentlemen at an oyster supper
last nlfiht at his residence. Tbe even
ing was enlivened by many unique and
deUghtfnl features and will be long re
membered by those present. ,
Ansley offers for a day or two, very
fine apples for $1 per busheL
Others sell paint, bet I sell paints. I
will give n personal guarantee to look
better and last longer than any other
Mint. That's what yon want I handle
bads, oils, putty, etc.
1. Henry Freeman,
Cotton avenue.
Colognes, extracts, toilet inters and
all toilet articles st Ds. Eldbidoe’s.
80 great was the rush during
last week we concluded to offerthe
same unexcelled opportunities for
another day or two. Don’t wait
bat come promptly while you can
set what you wont.
Daring the past few days a
great many things have been closed
out, but we received new goods on
Friday and Saturday last and pri
ces extremely low will be marked
on them.
10C0 yds. extra choice 10-4 sheet
ing, our regular 30c. quality, at
Ladies’ Onyx] dye hose worth
40c, for 25c. pr.
Ladies drop stich Lisle hose,
Onyx dye, worth 76o, at 49o pr.
1000 yds 10c. Ginghams at 7ft,.
1000 yds Calicoes, 4Jc.
Gents’ Balbriggon Hose at 15c
pr, worth 25c.
Gents’ Blk. Onyx dye hose at
25c pr, worth 40c.
Extra large counterpanes at 89o;
$1.25 quality.
Extra large hnck[towels at 15c,
worth 25c.
Magnificent table damasks at
Undressed kid gloves at 69c,
worth $1.00.
Undressed Mosquetaire kid
cloves at 76c. worth $1.00.
Foster’s lacing gloves $1.25
quality at $1.00.
Lot mixed Tricots, 1$ yds. wide,
Wool Henriettas, 36 in.wide,40c
quality at 25c yd.
60 pcs. Wool Cashmere, splen
did quality, 30 in.^wide, at 25c,
40 in. all wool black Henriettas,
formerly 65c.. at 49c.
Silk finish block wool Henriettas
worth $1, at 75c.
Bedford Cords, magnificent
quality, 98c.
Camel's Hair Serges, 46 in.wide,
grand quality, 95c.
G B Corsets,($1 quality at 75c.
Children's Derby ribbed fast
blaok hose, worth 25c, for 15c pr.
Day by day the success of Our
selections in dress goods is more
pronounced. That we have the
right things is evidenced by tbe
way they are '.selling.
High-class and exclusive dres s
materials; styles not to be seen
Reinforced by recent arrivals,
this department mokes a most
brilliant showing, Suits, $7.60 to
At 50c wo*show a line of dress
stufis unquestionably the choicest
ever placed on this market.
Overshot and illuminated effects
in Scotch homespnns; Storm
Serges, 54-inchJTricoterete. A line
worth your while to see.
Novelties in Black Goods. No
need to]tire yourself wearing the
same fabrics from year to year.
Onr stock offers choice things.
Chevrons, Bedfords, Camel’s Hair
Serges, Storm Serges, etc. Any
thing you want at right prices.
We propose to make extremely
tow prices on them to close ont at
once. They will range from $2.75
suit upwards. See these quick to
get choice of lot.
Ladies ribbed undervests at]25c,
worth 50c.
Several coses blankets jnst
opened, prices from the lowest to
as fine os you can ask for.
The finest white flannels at 26o
in the country.
Grand lot of embroidered flan
nels from 98c to 1.50c yd.
The best canton flannels at 10c.
in Americns.
Onr cloak stock is very complete
Full range of sizes and now is the
time to get the pick.
Splendid line of cheviot reefer,
jackets at $4.98.
New style long capes and nlsters.
Beautiful cheviots, beavers, clay
worsteds and cloths, both plain
and for trimmed.
children’s cloaks in great va
New Chiffon and Chantilly laces
black and cream.
New style shopping bogs.
New feather trimmings.
New cords and gimps.
The finest line of curtains ever
shown. inJAmericoa.
Wholesalers sad Retailers of hlgk-clss*
Dry Goods at popular prtoe*.