Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, November 19, 1891, Image 6

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THE AMER1CPB DAILY TIMES-RECORDER: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1891. THE RESULT, When it was recently announced SIGNED THE COMMISSION. The Greet £e:tl la Affixed to Governor Flouting'* Appointee. Tallahassee, Nov. 18.—The supreme cotfrt met at noon to tn|ce final action in the innnilamaa case against Secretary that "Thornton Wheatley's usual I of Crawford, with a small crowd "grimage had been made to the nf expectantsi* ctutora preawqt. Neither stern markets, the public waited j Secretary Crawford nor ois attorney was present, and the Session of conrt was of lut a few mil,tiles’ duration. Instead of the announcement by tho court of tho expected mittimus, as it was generally thought that the secre tary would hold out in his determina tion not to sign tins commission, the following p ip"r had been presented to the chief justice: Chief Justice t leorge P. Raney: Tim mandate of the conrt has been executed this Kill day of November, A. D., ISlil. Very respectfully, ' John L. Chaw ford. In obeying tho court, however, lie to see in these columns, the report of what had been done for their benefit in the way ot novelties in goods and revelations in low prices. AT things being now Heady von the r't-ST.the people of Americas and the surionuding country nro invited to come. They nro not ex pected to Lave on their Wedding Garments, for Wheatley's is the Place where the people must go to be properly decked out for an appearance, either at n feast or at business; and nobody can have Nolle* to Advertisers, Copy for change of advertliement mutt be handed In at this cffice before 12 o’clock on (lay before publication. Tbit applies to all and will be enforced. Times Poiii.ihhino tto. July 28,1891, tf. The newly adopted small bore rifle has been introduced into actual use in tho Italian army. LEMON KLIXIIt. the trade mark that a Perfectly ■ added ids protest, ns it were, signing it Dressed Man always bears, until > 'The opinion and deci after they liavo been to • - — • • Thornton Wnealley’s and have been supplied with Letters Patent op Elegante ! Dy that establishment. The Tuies-Becorder isn’t half big ' enough to hold even a cat alogue of the Elegant Goods, and the Edper-Elegantly Low Prices attached. Only the general heads con hefe bo outlined; the true inwardness of the feast can’t be understood until the gnests go through the whole Bill of Fare in person at Wheatley’s. No such complete and! elegant stock of Gentlemen's, Youths’ and Boys’ siou of the supreme conrt of Florida -id (he pe-emptory writ thereon to me issinsi tliis day in tho case of the state of Florida, ex-receiver Francis P. Flem ing, governor, plaintiff, vs. John I,. Crawford, secretary of state, defendant, 1 have nfflxed the great seal of the state at Tallahassee, the capital, this 17th day of November. A- H., 189 b Hereunto attest, John L. Crawford, • Secretary of State. This is the same form as he had here tofore agreed to sign. FATAL ACCIDENT. has ever been brought to Americas and the MOST- ASTONISHING THING aboat them is the LOW PBI0ES1 HATS! Stiff and crash FAIL that CANNOT led. TO SUIT. A L»<ly While fussing Struck by Falling Iron. Asheville. N. C., Nov. 18.—An un fortunate accident occurred here dur ing the morning, by which Mrs. B. J. Alexander, a moat estimable lady, was fatally injured. Workmen engaged In repairing the tin roof of Cooper’s three- story grocery store, on the conrt square, had loosened a portion of the flashing. The high wind prevailing made it nec essary to weight the tin down. Two lfl-foot iron girders, which served to brace the wall across the flat top of the building, had been removed and these were need as weights. A sudden gust of wind raised the tin, notwithstanding weights, and rolling it over and over to the front parapet, the iron bar* were precipitated to the street below. The sidewalk was crowded with pedestri ans, some of whom saw the felling ban and ran; othen, ignorant of the im pending danger, walked confidently on, among the letter waa Mr*. Alexander, e lady about fifty yean old. She was struck on the head a»4 shoulders. From I'leatant, Elegant, Itellable. For biliousness and constipation, take Lemon Elixir. For fevers, chills aud malaria, t.*ke Lemon Elixir. For sleeplessness, nervousness and palpitation of the heart, tako I am on Elixir. For all sick %nd nervous headaches, take Lemon Elixir. Ladies, for natural aud thorough or ganic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. Dr. Mozley’s Lemon Elixir will not fail you in any of the above named dis eases, all of which arise from a torpid or diseased liver, stomach, kidneys or bowels. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, At lanta, Ga. 50c. and $1.00 per bottle at druggists. Chamberlain’s Eye finfl fiMn Ointment A certain euro for Chronic Sore Eye?, Tetter, Salt Bhonm, Scald Head, Old Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore Nipples and Flics. It Is cooling and soothing. Hundreds of cases have been cured by it after all other treatment had failed. It is put up in 23 and CO cent boxes. AMKRIOUS MARKETS. Whoie»iile firocppy Market. A m Kit m i s <j., Cokkke—Arbucklt't xmn I cum**. Green, ex huuak- Ur&nntat*-cJ, • Svkui*— New Orleans, Common, IkcokdekOkk icr >' rvembe 18. IiSIJ.i OAftei*. 2H$e. ior 100 _* choice, IKfflpSirt. Z Pow iered, 7V£. hole*. Prime, Mo!ante*, Genu- Lemon Hot Drape Cures all Cougbs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Hemorrhage and all throat and lung diseases. Ele gant, reliable. 2ft cents, at druggists. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. may2-sunthursAwkl-lyr An English locomotive has oompleted its millionth mile and is still In good condition. Fat's Great Wonder. We are surrounded by dangers all the way from tho cradle to the grave. “ I'ho great wonder la,” as Pat. says, “that after getting out of our cradle, we live long enough to reach onr grave.” Thou- 1s are out of health—morose, mor bid and miserable, became they do not avail themselves of the remedy within easy reach of them. Dr. Pierce’s Gol den Medical Discovery would cure them. For all chronic or lingering coughs, weak lungs, spitting of blood, brochltls, shortness of breath, asthma and kindred ailments, it is a most potent remedy. It cleanses the blood, Invigorates the liver, Improves digestion, and builds up both flesh and strength. Dose small and pleasant to take. irar^ and pedestal physicians pronounce the usd gad net injury fatal ■slanting l: Scriven’s Patent Seam Drawers, and the oil tan Shirts in suits or in aents, FROM THE VERY CHEAPEST TO THE VERY FINEST. A handsomer line of D! Fart BHu H#m, ABSOLUTELY STAIN- LESS, ONLY 25e PER MIR. i and iihdrested; all < grades and prices. ATTENTION MOTHERS Beys’ Shirt Waists, 860 to $1.25. Beys’ Jersey Suite, 8 to 8 years. Boys’ Clothing' in all styles and -t.-.pi’teeB. MBRELLAS enoug] off a GLOUD-BUBST? Satchels and Bags am bold all tho elecr&nt tt Wheatley** that yoQwffl need when yon go abroad and want to present a-first-class and stylish appearance Every Long, Lean, Fat, Short, Big, Little Man in a dozen conn- ties can get JUST THE FIT in the odd sizes and lengths stock that is carried at LIFE WILL BE A BURDEN to all who spend their money else where, and find when too late that they missed getting the choicest and best bargains in the neatest and most stylish goods ever brought to this (market. DON’T HAKE SUCH A MIS TAKE, but go to Wheatley’s and get yourself made solid. Remember the place: Thornton leaUe/s Con oul'can gets ' cash con- So-called because "comer" for tho fdderation,n; eat and ~ Americus. Yours for business, THORNTON WHEATLEY. haivdtwkJyf-lO-lji »i gave up. wandering lam* Waa naaagalaa* aaC Arratad. Bristol, Ya., Nov. II.—David Mor- riaon, the defaulting elark of ScoM county, who swindled tho oouutyout fitaMU Used in the press, hee tweo arrested at Roger*villa, Tann.,aod k now hold thoro for two rotooa*. A requisition tho gorontor of Yifiute a»d the I juot rotanteg homo to TACTICS SHANSE*. TO* ■apebNasa* of tat* sAojp *• Igaaea F.Wir. Tor ax a, Kaa., Nov. il.-Tho lataat poliMsal novo in Kaaoaa i* tho adroeoof of a scheme by several leading Kepmb- uom far loaator Pldmb to took after Senator Pofier will ho pOworiaaate do aATthtagfarthe otato. Ikoihabto troat Palfor ■* • oooond, te Alow Un to *■ oat Mi term aad draw hi* salary, bat toooloat *1 tho aoat session of tho logiolotar* a prominent RopaUicaato goto Washiagtow aad wortrwttbtoM- ter Plumb fir tho tetortete of *• Koaooo people. Of eeane, ho would barn ao vote aad no ooat 1a tho oooelo, bat ho would ho a otato agea* In fact, to look aftor molten ia tk* ▼arioaodo- A Nagra llala by Magraae. Nov. IA—Vow* haabooa received bon of aaotbor'vtetito of nooa- nc*. Sinoa Atkin, i aogre living aoor Hally Springe, this eoanty, want to tk* mill tethoaf nooa. Ho rod* bun earl. AtS o'elook tb* «I ntaraad to tho farm witbSboonrt, aad mad* in way into (ho field. Tb* body of Atkina waa fMadlying ia tho onrt. Ha hairs- eoivod • mortal wound ia tho head, aad wo* obot in the ohoaldor. ' It wee art- dost bo bad bona trod npon from one- xuwjzss xjt'Sxz tka of two illicit dlettUerie*. Tkooo wtr* both seised, and tho depatin ako capturedthroonograoa •waiagandop- “ thorn. These an Goorg* Uttry, Jtlco aad Jak* McAllister. It Is said positivoly that those men com mitted or instigated tb* aeoaesmotion. Excitement is interne in all that part of the country. What Mia. Oaarga Oava Her llu.buL IrouNAFoua, In A, Nov. 18.-Mrs. Edgar Qeorga of Banker Hill, lad., | ave^birth to four tally dovrlopad girls A full line of llbr: lamps and fixtures sold at reasonable prices at Da. Eldridoe’s Drug Store. Bow’s Toor Wife. Does she feel poorly all the time, suf fer from lack of energy, and a “general no-account" listless convorsationf She needs a tonlo. Something ia wrong with with her blood. Bun for a doctor? Not at all, my ear sir. - Get horn bottle of P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Po- taslum), the very best Woman Regulator and Tonlo extant It reaches the source fate that brought P. P. P. to her notloel and relief. Onr boat physician* Indorse and reoommend It, ana no well-oond act ed household, where pure blood end it* concomitant happiness Is appreciated, should he without-It For sale by repu table medicine dealers everywhere.H The pabllo schools ia the United! States have 12,600,000 pupils. An Introduction te tka Queen Is an honor conferred upon only a- fa-1 voted few. Bat every lady of the land ms/ hare ready acoess to tha Queen of Kemedlea—Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Pre scription. Once known, always a valued I friend. It promises to positively core every form of weakness peculiar to wo-1 written gnmniee 01 Mtiiiactioii to every caee, or money returned. This Royal Bentady Is carefolly prepared for women only, and Ita efficiency la vouched for te| countleaa happy homes aud count]: thousand* of taatlmpnlala, A trial oonvlno* yoa that it Is Invaluable ia cqfr- ractlng all Irregularities and weaknesses ■fat la deslgMtai^H^ta for which it la designed. If yon are rroubled with dyspepsia, 8tomach Dlaorder, or Iprar and Kidney Complaint, try F, P. P., and yon will re joice at the magical working. Female* ‘ ■ sell ted byP. P. P. It gives baalthy acton to dl2-w2L Russia baa prohibited tb* exportation of all caraala excaptlng wheat For Over nttriTaais Mrs. Wluslow’a Soothing Syrup ha* bean need for children teething. It soothe* theebild, softens th* gums, allay* all pain, cure* wind oollo, and Is th* beat remedy for dlarrbcsa. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by all druggist* out the worlA 1 through- Radial k framing a bill to raduoe the number of holidnya In Italy. Hr. William T. Price, a Justice of tb* Peace, at Richland, Nebraska, waa con fined to hit bed last winter with a se vere attack of lumbago; but a thorough application of Chamberlain's Pain Balm enabled him to get np and goto work. Mr. Prioe says: "The Remedy cannot be reoommended too highly.’’ Let any one troubled with rheumatism, neural gia or lame back give It a trial and they will be ot the same opinion. 60 cent bottles for tala by W. C. Russell, Araet eus, Ga. novl-lm. Fiji baa 123,000 souls. ineCaaa Country K,rii|i 'I'ka—Black, a>c @,3c. (Ire n, ttlc.otiiOc. N irrM «(.s—T-'c-^SOc, Clovks—25c (tptOc. Ctsstso«—tUc.«tL>!^c. A I.I.M’ICK— He. Jamaica Gixokk— 12c. Mack- t.'c SlNUA COKE PEI-I-Kr. —lAc. Rice -Ctiolce, f ic, &tic, 8am -Dairy,|1.«0. Virginia. Cueeee—Full cream, 12c. skim, lic.@irc. White'ruii-Hair bnrrt-ls, »3.2',@|L5.0 PaltR, 60c. 8oai-—Tallow, 100 barsj 7.1 pounds, ftjM@ M.T.L Turpeutln-, 00 bare, lllpounds, tl.75@ 12.25. Tallow, 00 bars, ltd pounds, I2.25@t2.ftd. Candi.ks—I’arafflne, I2t^c.@llc. Star, 10c. «Ho. Matches—Four Humlrede, |3Aio@pi.75. Three;Hundre-tfl,9423@!2.7A. Two lluodreds, tl.50@t2.0l. Sixty*, 5 gross, 13.7ft. Soda—Kegs, bulk, fto. Keg,, l pound pack ages, ftftjc. Cans, assorted, pound,, 6c.@S!,'c: 11 pounds, 6c.@ii] ,c. CBAckEas— X X X soda, flc. XXX butter, Olio, XXX peurl oyster, (tc. Sboll and ex celsior oyster, 7c. Lemon cream, 8]{e. XXX ginger snaps, 8J^e. Cornh'lls, lie. Candy—Assorted stick, 7e. French,[mix ed, 12«c. Canned Go ids—Condensed milk, t6-00@ t7.7S. Salmon, tl.21@tl.Sft. F. W. Oysters, tl 00@tl.10. Corn, $2.00@t2.7ft. Tomntocs, tl.75 @42.50. Can Potash, gl.00@t3.25. Btarcu—Pearl, per case, SHc. Lump, ft^e. Nickel package, t : >/s). Celluloid, 45.00. PICKLES—Plain or mixed, plats, HA); quarts, fl.ft0@tl.80. Powder—ItlDe, kegs, gft.50; \i kegs, 'f3.00; M kegs, ft AS. Shot—11.85 per saok. COEN—S0c.@85c. Meat—Strips, 6Xc. Bulk aides, 7^e. Ham Utfc. Flour—Family, ft.75. IStfsIght, 45.25. Pat. ent, tft.6S@te.00. I.ARD—8Mc.@8J*c. Kerosene Oh—Barrels, I2c.@i6^e. Tobacco—22cA$lfto. SNurr—List price. CIO sns—tl2AO@t3ft.00 per IJI00. Cta AKETTES—43 6ft per WK0. CHEROOTS—412.tO@4H.00 per 1,000. Irish Potatoes—t2AJ0®f2ft0 por barrel. Retail Grocery Market. Corrected Hally by K. D. Anslay, Th* Parlor Groear. Americus, Oa., November 11,1801 CorrRE—Dekllnlng. Greon, fancy, 25c. Choice, 20c. Prime, 27e. Good, lftc. Fair, 14c. Roasted, Arbuckls’s, SftoiThurber’s Mo- maja,Me. Bcsab—Flrm| and strong, market weak. Powdered, te. Btaodgrd granulated. Cut, loaf at 6e, Extra C, white, 5c. Extra C, yellow, Be. Braur—New orop Just In. Good demand tor high grade*. New.Orleana, fancy golden, 75c. Naw Orleans, bright. 60b. New Orleans, dark, 60e. Country, 4Qo,@50o. Candt—Buck, purajnsej adulterated, 10c, Frsneh, assorted, ZOeAgTSe. Cryetallmd fruits, assorted, 1 pound boxss, TSe; t pound boxes, SOe. par pound. Tanny’a Fine Candles, SOe. par pound. Baal brand candy,TSe per pound. Country PRonncu-Chlokens, frys, KeA> SOe; bens.a0e.935c. Eggs,3*e. per doe. Bat- ttr(i0B*ffOs p#r pound* Fruit*—Apples; INsw York Plpplps. tie per pack. Florida oraugm,2Se^40c. pardon o, Bananaai Blue flalda. «0o. par doaon. VuoiTABUm-Cabbag*, So. par pound, Onions: Tallow Danvsr.ftOo. per peek; Bpaa lah Oslons^ie, per peek. -■ Irish Pot*toee,26e. per peek i f 1A0 per baebel. UI • C*1 “ ----- Investigate Little Early B their merits. Da Witt’* . Risers don’t gripe, cause pain, which aooounta for their popularity. The Davenport Drug Com pany saye they would not ran a drag store without these little pills. Wholesale to tho trade—my prices will make you bay. E. D. Axslbt, Corea is bankrupt. Yoa never tried DeWltt’s Little Ear- r Risers for ooostlpMon, billletuneee, rich headache, er yon would not have theseae diseases. For sals by the Da venport Drag Company. 1 pounSa, 60c. par doean. standard Califor nia peaches. Ss, MAW par dqaan. Standard pi* peaches, A3 par doxen. Standard pi* Hat—Eo. H Timothy, gl.10 par huadrad. ■a 1 Timothy, |l,uo per handrad. BoAr-X^undry, good. Sc. per pound; Tot 1st, Blown Windsor. lOe. per down; Turkish bouquet. Me. pair dosap; Glycarlne, small, too. per doaaa; Glycerin*, large, RAD par doean; Cape May boqusi, tXBO per doeeo. Mbats—Hams, Ikney brands, Ike; sundry brands, I2XO. »re*a tost bacon: amaUatiHia, Us; large strips, Us.; whit* ribs, IX*- Labo—Leaf, lie.: refined. 8><c. Balt—Hlggln’a Eureka, 2 and a pounds 6o. 4*Me. per sack; Cooking, 110 pound*, too. Buttur—Jersey, home-made, 60e; Jersey, Kentucky, Me; Tennessee, aocAgMc. HNorr—Lorillard’c Maceoboy, Me. per pound; I pound jars. 6Se; 4 ounce jar*. 20c; loo nee tins. Mo; 1 ounce tin*, te. Flour—Beal brand patent MAO par barrel; King of patents, MJt par barret; Patent straight, MAO par barrel; Fancy, MAO per barrel; Chotae tomll/JMAi par barrel; Fam ily, M 7ft per barrel. Bbaw—«L20 per hundred. ■ *Atr-Mc. per buaheL Obits—28 pound* to I1AD. Coma-Cbote* whlU Me. par bush*l»Y«h low mixed, Mo. par busbal. CBAcaaue Bodes, XXX 8e; Bom biscuits, 1754c; XXX lemon creams; lfto; XXX ginger MiftjMg 15c; JnmbliSp 15c; ^ BtaYitcwl ctkft, 30c. Tobacco—Finest natural Leah 11.00: Grartly’s |LM; Navy 60b; Long Cnt,gOe^ tlAD par pound. CioARa—fl.OO to 42600 per 100 as to quality. Matches-60s, ioc. par down; 200s, Me. per doean; 40C*,ftOo. perdocen. Hicu-8teady, Imported, toll head, lOe; OareUna,lhney.2e;C!iotaaAt*ioUB*,»o. PlUELtes—Plain In barrels, 40b. per gallon; mixed. OOe; sweet mixed pickles, 7Se.p*rgal- low; OOe. par quart. Dora Saties, plats, Me; quarts,Me; 1 gallon, I1AD; >4 gallon 50c; Im perial domestics, gallon, flAD; Imperial pleklaa, C. * B.,pints, 4*e^ quarts Me. ■taros—Lump Glum, as., Boda—Beat quality, 8e. Cnana—Full cream. Me; Good, 1964c; Young Americas, 1644°. y IfACAXONI-lmportad, Me. Domaatle, HMs, Vemlellll, 200, Alphabets,Mo. SAM IiOlJTE. Local and Through Schedule - - -ItHAD DOWN.-— No. 8. Mix. (I. Daily Ex, Sunday. 3 10 3 50 4 25 A4 45 05 00 5 2t> 5 50 6 12 6 17 6 32 6 41 0 02 No. 4 Passen pr Sunday Ro. 2. Mail. Dally. 5 15 a ic 5 40 5 54 6 (»5 F 6 31 6 48 F 7 31 F 7 35 F 7 41 F WESTERN DIVISiO I. STATIONS. Air' Lv.... Omaha .....Union . Loutthi* . Louvain .function ... ..Irvin.... ... Lumpkin . itjndail .. Richland... Ponder... Prceton... ill Effect Oct 15, 1891. No. 18. MallnEx Daily. No. 6. Fasm’ng*r Daily. 8 20am 8 28 F 8 38 8 46 F 8 62 8 66 9 08 9 13 F 9 25 9 42 "7 bo a m 7 50 8 02 8 18 8 38 8 64 9 04a m 7 00 pm 7 12 F 7 22 f 7 29 F 7 35 7 33 7 62 7 67 F 8 11 8 27 7 00 p m 7 40 8 U3 8 20 837 8 51 9 03 p in 953 10 03 10 08 10 17 10 39 10 39 10 53 11 03 11 09 11 19 11 32 11 45 11 67 • 8 42 8 63 8 68 9 09 9 23 934 9 48 10 01 10 07 10 18 10 32 10 47 11 00 12 39 pm 6 30 pm 7 26 pm 1 17 ft m 0 10 8 30 ..ronnlnn.... Markett... k Plains... Salter... New Point. Littlejohn Ar.... Amcrkuf. ..Lv 12 12 pm 12 33 12 42 12 65 101 1 16 1 20 1 87 1 46 1 51 F 2 00 pm • 00 EASTERN DIVISION. STATIONS. It 20 11 ao 11 43 11 60 12 06 am 12 10 12 21 ...Lv Americus Gatewood Huntington Parkers Leslie Ita&oto Cobb Coney Cordele ...Albany....... ..Phileniina. .. ...Oakfleld ..Warwick . .Taylors No. I.. Mail. 4 Daily. Head Up*— No 3 No. 7." PAM’ng*r Sunday only 8 23 F 8 00 7 43 F •7 32 7 24 F 7 10 6 68 F 6 64 F 6 40 F 6 41 6 35 F 6 28 F 6 26 F 6 lap 11 06 10 26 9 60 0930 A0 00 8 45 8 26 8 10 8 05 7 64 7 47 rente. Williford Seville Pitta Rochelle. Goodman ■ Abbeville “ * id Horton Milan Oswald Ar Helena I ....Lv ....Ar Brunswick Lv..... .... Ar Jacksonville Lv Verbena ....Glenwood ..Mount Vernon. ■Ar 8nvnnnnh tvannah Lv..... No. 6. Pftsi’ng’r Daily. No. 17. MailftEx. Dally. 8 00 am 7 60F 7 38 7 32F 728 t7 22 6 M 6 48 F 637 620 6 10 pm 6 00 F 549 5 42 F 5 37 583 5 22 ' 5 16 F 603 4 47 11 64a m 11 04 10 62 10 36 10 16 10 02 960 am 12 00 p m 11 14 11 02 10 46 10 28 10 12 10 00 pm • 07 666 660 640 627 5 17 6 02 4 61 4 45 484 , 422 4 06 366 4 34 4 23 4 18 4 08 3 64 344 330 3 19 3 13 4 3 02 2 49 2 37 224 IHIB tl 00 pm 6 30 pm 365 334 322 306 300 246 240 if. SOI am 1 65am 740pm 2 24 pm 207 1 67 1 46 1 31 1 26 1 20 1 04 12 64 12 46 F 12 40 pm 600am F—Flag Station. E. & GOODMAN, Gen’l Pass. Agt Richmond & Danville Railroad Co. OPERATING THE CENTRAL RAILROAD OF GEORGIA. SOUTHWESTERN DIVISION. OorrectJSohednle, Wo. 1, in Sffeot Sept e, 1801 8AVANNAH St WESTERN DIVISION Seksdula No. 22, taking effect JulyMth, 1861. go. A Between Baw^n.h.nd Birmingham NOjA >pm Lear. Bavannah... Arrive 8 00ara SIS iSfS Fur further InkjrmaUon relative to tlok*ta,mbsdulea, ben rootea ate. #t#» apply m A. T. MAXWELL, Agent, Amarlsa*. Oa. SOL H A AB, Traffle Manager. JAB. L. TAYLOta Gan. Pass. Agt., V. H. HARDWICK. Ass’! Oats’]Pass. Agt. AUffW^, on, I URBJBHg Qenl Mannctr. *. V. McBEE, Gen’l Sept PASSEN6ER SCHEDULE SUWANEE B1VERIROUTE TO FLORIDA, TahlEgBf fact Rapt. ll,lg*l. raa4u« Tires,esthllarMlaa. •agfEtf BOOTH." — jS\msB==s ssls ISigSiJ:::::::::::::::::::::: -flilihu hCkTHT 25?£ 407a ISISJS: ajm; i m i mno «* p» ..itvlluaml 7 49 pm . 1 . , g *1 pTu Ik) pm I ,~AT Jaakaonvllla Lrigwami WWI.. a -a j a * . |f aMn mrerl Palitks and F Trains arrive and depart from anion "depots la Mason aad Palilka andF. C.AP. I ciin«uS" n Scrtb bound and ooblh bbend ia mad* In Macon with train, of Central, A. C, KNAPP, Traffle Man agar. JAMES MENZIES,BobtbeartarnAgen f BL, JwkaoovlUe, Fla. If ran vrunt your house painted with paint that ia guaranteed to be man durable and more economical than other paint*, buy Ldk. paints, sold by Db. Eldbisok Wood Yard. I have opened a wood yard near Follow lawn, on tb* B. A. and M. Railroad, and will be prepared to furnish store aud Ore wood In aayquaatlty. Give me a trlaL Enterorders 00* day ahead to Insure fulimment. oeAM-dgm A. J. TEOMAMXij Lime, Cement, Brick, Piaster Paris. Hair, Laths. Far eale for cash by A. J. H A M I L , fi'ssfmjjfgt nim