Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, November 24, 1891, Image 2

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THE AMERICUS DAILY TIME8-REC0RDER: TDESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, I8B1, <^vSSS 55W if t'jn’f done by others—that’* why the guarantee of Dr. Fierce’s Favorite Prescription should command attention. It’s a antes that means something, be medicino doesn’t give satis* faction, in every case for which it’s recommended, the money is prompt ly refunded. Remarkable terms— but it’s a remarkable medicine. All the functional irregularities and weaknesses peculiar to womankind are cured by it. For leucorrhea, periodical pains, weak back, prolap* bus and other displacements, bearing* ■down sensations, and all “ female complaints,” it’s an unfailing rem edy. It is a powerful, restore- strength and vigor to tho whole system. I Try it, if you’re an ailing woman. If it doesn’t help you, you have your money back. As a regulator and promoter of functional action, at that critical period of cliango from girlhood to womanhood, “ Favorite Prescrip tion” is a perfectly safe remedial agent, and can produce only good results. l A Household Remedy BLOOD and SKIN • DISEASES B.B.B. > Botanic Blood Balm | U p, lr s e SCROFULA, ULCERS, SALT i It lures rheum. ECZEMA, mi) I farm of malignant SKIN ERUPTION, be- t ctyta Sains eOcaclout In tonlns up the , aystam and rtltorlng tha constitution, ’ «*>-n Impaired trow ini cauae. Its I almost aupernaturat healing properties > Justlty ua In guarantialng s curs, H I directions art followed. > 8ENT FREE > BLOOD BALM CO.. Atlanta. Ga. The Greatest Medicinal Discover; of the Age. No Disease of the Blood can -withstand Its powerful cleans ing qualities. WOOLDRIDGE WONDERFUL CURE CO, COLUMBUS, U A. FOB SALK THE FIRST ALWAYS Thos. B. Glover, THE VETERAN Grocer of Americus, Tbs oldest grocer merchant in Americus and the first to open In tho new hotel with s flnt-o’us line of GROCERIES, FRUITS, VEGETABLES, sud everything usually kept in s first- class grooery. Thanking tha people of Americus and ssrroundlng country for their very liber al patronage In the peat, I respectfully eollclt a continuance of the name, and will do all In my powor to please all who come my way. All goods delivered free of charge in corporate limit*. THOS. B. GLOVER, 2d door, Northeast comer New note), on 3m New Street, Americus, Ga. 1 r e S' Old Nick Whiskey is thejbestandia noted for its age and purity, having' been made on the same plantation over 133 years without a rival as we constantly keep four year old RYE AND CORN onjhand—ship any quantity, so write for price-list. Old Nick Wuisket Co, VadklaCo. FARTHER CBUK.M.O Reckoning by Her Time. "Bold the baby, pleise; I'll be bsck in just a minute," said «iie. Ten, twenty, thirty minutes passed. Baby awoke and yelled as if seven ghosts were after it. Taking the child, he went to find his wife. “She isn't here," said the neighbor. “She has gone to the dressmaker’s. But she left her parasol here and said she’d call for it inJust a minute. Have a chair.” Thanks.” Baby screaming, head thrown buck, face red, eyes shut, back stiff, kicked off one little red shoe and mode its month and bands go. Half an boar, no wife. He carried the baby to the dressmaker's, where he was told: Yonr wife isn’t here. She has gone COUNTY DIRECTORY. ... „„ to the milliner’s. Bnt she left a dress guarantee that means something. tt here d ^ shu . d ca]l for it in B the medicino doesn’t give satis- ] nst a uiinute . Be seated." “Thanks." He trotted the screaming child on his knee, laid it on its back, roiled it over on its stomach, tossed it in the air, stuffed a handkerchief in its mouth and bammed “We Won't Go Home Till Morning." He asked fora rattle box, bnt the dressmaker got mad and said she wasn't married. Half hour, no wife. He took the child to the milliner, Tao said: “Your wife isn’t here. She has just j eft for houie< 0 h, what a cote little tivo tonic ana nervine, imparting mouth; that child has been cryingl" “Hnin’t it."' He started for home and met his wife on the street. Tossing the child into her arms he strutted away, mattering: ‘Til be back in jnst a minnte.” “Chicago or New York time, dear?” “Yonr time!" he thundered. That wus two years ago and she hasn’t seen him since.—Chicago Herald. Lord Cuthriifh'a Ghost. In one of the standard British bio graphical works may be found the story of Lord Castlereagh and the ghost. It seems that when quite a young man Castlereagh commanded a militia regi ment in Ireland. One night he was sta tioned in a large, desolate country boose. The bed upon which my lord reposed was at the end of a long, dilapidated room, while at tho other extremity a great fire of wood and turf had been prepared, within a hnge, gaping, old fashioned fireplace. Waking in the mid dle of the night, Castlereagh lay watch ing from his pillow the gradual darkening of the embers on the hearth, when sad denly they blazed up and a naked child stepped from among them upon ue floor. The figure advanced slowly toward the dtpwsy but thoroughly puzzled gen eral, seeming to grow with surprising rapidity at every step, until, coming within two or three paces of his bed, it had assumed the proportions and ap pearance of h ghastly giant, pale as death, with bleeding wounds across the brow, eyes seeming to glow with, rage and de spair. Lord Castlereagh said that he lisped from the bed and confronted the figure in an attitude of defiance, where upon it retreated before him. diminish ing in size ns it withdrew, in the some manner that it had previously shot np and expanded. He followed it, pace by pace, until the original childlike form disappeared among the embers. This story Lord Castlereagh told and declared to he trne in every particular at a party in Paris in 181S when Scott was among the hearers. —8t. Lonis Republic. Tbs Sweetest Visits. There la a pleasure in little, “scrappy,' unexpected visi tings with friends, which is often wanting from the planned and rounded comings when the “fire is bright and the cake basket ready in the closet.' We are never conscious of a warmer, more liviug nearness to a friend than after we h^ve unexpectedly chanced upon him in the street and had a few minutes bf that flavorsome chat which glances at so much ntld grasps so little, or after he has dropped in, for an unanticipated half hour, at a .time when we had no reason to look for him. Why Is it that the longer, more ordered hours of meeting leave, on the the whole, an impression less vivid and less warm? Perhaps because we have lived he visit once, in anticipation, and the reality has soma faint fatal suspicion of staleness? Certain it is, the scrappy home are sweetest.—Boston Common wealth. Did Mot Know AVhst Was Golos On, There is a fact abont the French revo lution more wonderful in it# way than any which can be discovered In old news papers. It Is the fact, gathered from private letter* of the period, that in those stirring times, when all the' world was ringing with tha erents in Paris, there were actually people in that city living in absolute ignorance of the hor rors around them. Then was no Reign of Terror for them. They lived veritable recluses in tbeir quiet suburban houses, hearing nothing, reading nothing of the turmoil which startled and terrified the nations. One wonders mucli what man ner of people these ovsterlikc folks might he. Nothing sounds more incred ible today. Yet there are inauy things in history not half so well authenticated, though history is curiously silent on so strange a circumstance.—London News. What tha Present Was Used For. There was onoe a school teacher who received from her pupils a most elaborate jewel casket of glass and silver. Not long alter ward she announced in family conclave, “That thing is horrid, bnt ws really must use it." “We?” queried her mother. "Why, how many of us are ex pected to make use of it?" “As many at possible, 1 should say,” was the inno cent reply. “Isn’t it a pickle jar?"— Youth’s Companion. Knew How to Watt. Van Jorkins (to applicant for position of butler)— You are familiar with wait ing? John Tli iiti.'w—Oh, yes, sir. Van Jorki it—Where did you get your experience? John Thomas—I was a fashionable tailor, sir: and 1 gave long credits.— (few York Epoch. tr —r » —■ Supbhior Coubt—Hon. W. H. Fish, judge; C. B. Hudson, solicitor-general J. H. Allen, clerk, L. B. Forrest, sheriff; J. B. Lamar, deputy sheriff. Regular terms, fourth Mondays in November and June. County Couht—J. B. Pilsbury, judge; F. A. Hooper, solicitor. Monthly tepms, first Wednesday. Quarterly terms, third Monday in March, June, September and December. County Commissioners—J. H. Blaok, chairman; C. A. Huntington, J A. Cobb, G. W. Council, J. W. Wheatley. County Treasurer—J. E. Su'lirsn. Tax Receiver -J. W. Mize Tax Collector—J. B. Dunn. Coroner—J. B. Parker. Ordinary—A. C. Speer. Americus, 780th district, G, M.—W. B. F. Oliver, J. P, W. K. Wheatley, N. P. Court, second Tuesday, City of Americus—Mayor—Jno. B. Felder. Mayor Pro Tern—W. K. Wheatley. Aldermen—P. H. Williams, J, J. Wil liford, T. F. Logan, J. E. Bivins, J. A. Davenport, W. K. Wheatley. Clerk and Treasurer—D. K. Brinson. City Engineer and Superintendent Water Work*—G. M. Eldridge. Chief of Police—A. P. Lingo, The man that will vote twice for you at the same election, will, like as not vote three times for the other fellow. Fov Over Fifty Years Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup has been used for children teething. It soothes the ohild, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and la the beat remedy for diarrheas. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists through out the world. It Is hard to find people in misfortune who will not tall you that somebody else was to blame for It. BMKHLLIJf BLOOD. Recent experiments is read before the last Congress of Surgeons at Berlin, leave no doubt that the true wav to UERAll TUB SYSTEM OF MICUOIU b through the pores of the akin. It has been found that a remedy which kills the 111- crobi will alro destroy the life of the S ilent: but it has also been found thst the crobi can bo forced out through lh - skin, and it 1s In this way that QC Q relieves the system of poison. P* 8 ” 1 UAVIHO SUFFERED much from Coma- f! gioui Blood Poison, after u,iog half a dozen bottles of IJKffJhl was restor ed TO PERFECT ESCB health, and all eruptive sores disappeared. You are at liberty to make any use of my statement that you wish.—J. Orosbt Byron, £08 Third Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. Treatise on mood and Skin diseases nuUfld free. 8WIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer 1. Atlanta, Ga. Are you going to use Gas or Electric Light Fixtures? If so we can save you money. We have $10,000 worth of Gas and Com bination fixtures in Brass, Copper, Gilt, Bronze, Old Iron, Or molu, Silver, &c., in stock. Our prices are 10 per cent, cheaper than you can buy from the factory. We carry a full line of Hard Wood and Mar- bieized Iron MantelSi Tile Hearths, Grates, &c. Heating and Cook ing Stoves, Ranges, Fire Sets. Coal Vases, Hods, Fenders, &c., in Brass and Japanned. Send for prices. We arefurnishin? the New Hotel with gas fixtures. Hannicutt & Bellingratb Co, ATLANTA, GA. lastoria */, „ vH\\vvv\x\W\v\vx\S for InfdfitaP knd Children* “C ttorlfc chtlf XSw, ,f»o8>nmsnd lisa superior to any paasuripttah AncamtonV H. A. Ascaza, 1L D., II j8& Oxford et, BrookUn, V. f. “The use of‘Castori*’to so universal and Its merits so wall known that it seems a work to endorse It. Fewnretha within i late patter pL—"IT** 1 " Befcrmod Church. Worm*, | WltEontta}* •For several .years I hare recommended Edww F. Paaon, K. Dn »TbsWlnthrop," lath Street and Tth Am, New York City. H, GkRim Compazt, 77 Kdzoat Stbsst, New Toll. I. H. HAWKINS Pres’L H.C-8A6LEY. Vice Prat’* W. E. MUIPhEY. Cashier. ORGANIZED 1870. •H0The Bank of Americus.gfr- **«b«^v.SXftb^ u - §SS®. *. *. *. gioCMKto -: DIRECTORS:— H. C. Bagley. Pro- America, Investment Co. P. C. Clef*. Pros. Ocmnlge* Brick Co. Ju. Dodson, of Ju. Dodson ft Son, Attorneys. O. W. Glover, rree't Americus Grooery Co. 8. It Hawkins, Fro’t 8. A. ft a. Railroad. B. Montgomery, Pree't Peoples National Bank. J- W. Sheffield, of Sheffield ft Co., Hardware. THE BANK OF SUMTER T. N. HAWKES, President , O. A. COLEMAN, Vice-Presldmt W. C. FURLOW, Cashier, DIRECTORS- O. A. Coleman, C. C. Hawkins, B. H. Jossey, T. N. Hawkes, W. C. Furlow, W. H. C. WheaJey, R, S. Oliver, H. M. Brown, W. M. Hawkes, Dr. E. T. Mathis, Arthur Rylander. Liberal to Its customer,, accommoda ting to the publio and prudent in Its management, this bank solicit* deposits and other business in its line. Going west or east, north o? south, who goes by the ‘‘Racket Store” without drooping in and examining our goods and prices is BADLY FITTED to support a family. He needs a kind bnt firm hand to knock some sense into him. Ours is the only stock in town wnich is calculated TO SUPPORT extravagant claims, bnt we won’t make ’em, We prefer to have a man and his family come in and look ns over; in fact, ours is A FAMILY store, and each member of yonr family will find something to interest and instruct them. ROGERS & WILDER, 104 Lee Street, Good JfofAere — (A. Lift of tkt Nation. ■ , BKQULAR, HEALTHV AMO HAPPV. , Fo» th. car. ot hjritert., neuralgia. ovarian palna, nMMseeee, nrrvoninro. etc., it la with out a rival» a poor la the whole mne-ofm*- 8S arwSsatrsi'siiSifss A PANACEA kOR gUFFERINO WOMEN, . Thoaread, of whom attret ila vlrta* and sound iwsw’ to vlv wonum tomtlfi—y—fcm-— sent mirnd iff into womanhood i* monoy will bo r*f ■Ump torClrrntor*. AMwoUmwalCmr t ChfdtAl (itjrRM?, AtUntoCtoo* «Uotlnn.f*Mnin»rrt«l Aqrorlm. The PHARMACY, Cor. Ootton Ave. and Forsyth Bt. I carry as fine and varied a stock of Drugs, Chemicals, Standard Patent Medicines, and Imported Toilet Goods as can be found. I am not under enormous expenses and can sell yon goods and fill your PBBSCBIPTION8 at reasonable rate*. Give me a call and save money. W. C. RUSSELL, Proprietor. S.MONTGOMERY, Pratt, j. C. RONEY, Vk* Pratt. JNO. WIN080R. C'r. LESTER WINDSOR Ant. Cr, £. A HAWKINS, Rttcnray NO. 2830. THE Peoples’ National Bank Of Americas. „ ■ Uq TnoxyrierlT Capital, asegwo. Surplus, M35,000 ORGANIZED 1883. , H. 0. Baolk v, Pte«. P.C.Cleoo, Vies Pres T. P. GATEWOOD, Bn. ft It. Americas Investment Co. Investment Securities. Bald up Capital, $1,000,000. Surplus, $260,000. dibeotobs: H C Bagley, W E Hawkins, S W Coney, W 8 GilUs, J W Sheffield, F C Clegg, WM Hawkes, BF Mathews, G M Byne, W E Murphey^S Montgomery, J H Pharr. K. BUXX, Jb., Pres. H. M. Knapp, V. P. 0. A. Coleman, Sec, a Treaa, • Negotiates Loans on improved Farm and City Property. B P Holub, Attorney, JBBzviNa. T^twi UtmilfffF, East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia R’y System. -IS THE ONLY- ALLISON & AYCOCK The Booksellers and Stationers ABE NOW IN THEIB C32X New quarters in the New Hotel Build ing “The Windsor” and] areW Ready for Business.jjfi^!!! ILLISON & AYCOCK, g 406JJacksoni8treet. AMIBRICUS. GA. Saw Mill Men, Attention 1 Our special burinea* 1* heavy machinery «uch as Boom SAW MELS. AND WOOD-WORI1NG MACHINERY, and for flnfeclass machinery, we defy oompsUUon. Ws are general agents for H. B. SMITH MACHINE CO.’S celebrated Wood-working machines, and can dis count factory prices. Write for circular of “Farmers’ Favorite” saw mill; It 1* the beet on the market. Second-hand machinery constantly on hand. Writs for prices; ws oaa save yon money. 67 SOUTH BROAD STREET. Meattoa teMUmmeWI Perkins Machinery Company, Whaa Yes Writ*. ATLANTA. GA aoglMftwtj SEND TO & WINKLER’S MAYO STALL FED BEEF. A Now Supply Just IRacaiyad, Also handling Tennessee 'and Georgia Pork. All first-class. No. 213. Telephone 115. ShorUnd Direct Line to the North, East oi ■This tine la conceded to he the heat equipped and run* tha Onset Pullman Bleeping Car. la theBooth. tElegant Pullman Sleeping Can, between Jaekeonvllle and Cincinnati, Titusville and Cincinnati, Brunswick and Louisville, Chattanooga and Washington Memphis and New York, Iphia and New Orleans, ittanooga and Mobile, Chat „ Atlanta and Chattanooga, Without Change. For any information address B. W. WRJ5NN, Gen. Put. and Ticket Apt Knoxville. Term 0. W. KIOHT, Aae’t Gen. Pass. Apt, Atlanta, Georgia. UPPMRN BROS,, Proprietor!, ' ~ ’ SAVANNAH, GA. For sale by the DAVENPORT DRUG COMPANY, Americne, Ga. $500 Bffrtrd l WE win »».v cu»*r unr Waudalat fWanet^a fUotf llfAiln-tit, If.dbt't'RI.COK* ttSKonbrSSSvSSww rar.n -t w.ti W'ft’* VewtUbt* Ltnr PM*,'when the *:ipcmrmairictl? BEahBMggarsgg Msuiaiac a ruu, is nata rt nMtrltH* at hatlatiwH. The swiataa awdutnri wlf by rnx job* a wcz coniuirr. chiojuo. iu. Add THE DAVXNFOHT DRUG 0<L. .ehtl "Awlrr .. . ■