Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, November 24, 1891, Image 3

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THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMEB-RECQftDER; TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, l89i. COURT HOUSE SQUARE, AMERICUS, CA. 1891 Nice Oak Suits at - $ 25.00 Parlor Suits at - - 35.00 Plush Rockers - - - 4.00 Side-boards, - $15.00 to $250.00 China Dinner and Tea » Sets, - • $7-5° t0 #75*oo Picture and Room Moulding, Picture Frames, Pictures, Easels, Cords and Hangings—all on a basis of 6c. Cotton. 1891 D. B. HILL WILL GIVE YOU GOOD GOODS AT THE PRICE OF Why do .the people with one voice say that D. B. Hill keeps the best good? ? BECAUSE They have used our furniture and it never cracked, blistered or fell down; used our crock ery, /china and glassware, and found it as represented; lit our lamps and had good light; ised our silverware and sounded its praise; bought our clocks and never got left; bought Coffins, Caskets, Burial Robes * Suits, BURIAL SLIPPERS AND GLOVES. This branch of our business is repletejwith all thatjis new and RELIABLE. Every improvement has our r pa- tronage. Nothing escapes us. Our stock of Royal Worcester, Doulton and Dresden China* Hunga- EMBALMING done by EXPERIENCED Embalmers. rian, Faience and other holiday goods will repay your inspection. know the old house. Mr. L. S. Tower will answer night calls, front of Methodist Church. Residence in CURES SffllltS ■RrBSTi « p P. Cures scrofolA, SSA - p. p. p. Cures rheumatism ■CURES IxtmalariaI Eg . p. p. p. Cures dyspepsia For tale by the DAVENPORT DRUG COMPANY, Americas, Ga. Health is Wealth! Du. *. 0. mn*i Nnvs Am BsAta Tbmat wot, a guaranteed ipeolflo for Hysteria, Dial I nettj OonTuUtoM^H^igyou^taurMgW torrhcea, canted by orer-excl-tlon ol the bnln, gWwi or orer-lndnlxeno*. Each box ooo- tains one month** treatment. (1.00 par box, or ^bexmtorWJO, wot by man,prepaid, o^» WK GUARANTEE ItX BOXES H To cure any aue. With eacb order received by utoreix boxes, noeompanlad with (MO, we will eand the purchaser on, written guarantee to refund the money U the treatment Joes not ef- JAPANESE CURE ' guaranteed Curt tor Pile* of whatever xlnd or degree—Bz- eraal, Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itehir r, Chronic, Recent or Hereditary. $1.00 t box, 0 boxes, $5.00. Sent by mail, prepaid, an reoeipt of prioe. We guarantee to t ere any case of Plies. Guaranteed end soL inly by THE DAVEN.*OHT DRUG ■WPWftee. PATENTS vests, snd Trade-Mark* obtstned, and all Fat* t business conducted for Moderate Feet. .Our Office Is Opposite U. S. Patent Oflct. ■ we can eernre patent In less time than those •odoto from Washington. 8«nd model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We advise. If patentable or not, free of charge. Oar fee not due till patent ta secured. Jl raaakJat, "How to Obtain Patents,” with names of actual clients in your State, county, or town, sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. UppetK* Patent Me*. WasMo«iea, D. C. Where Steel Is Made. The general aspect of the interior of a converting house at night is at once startling and grandly impressive. Hen heat, flame and liquid metal are ever present: locomotives whistle and puff, dragging with clatter and clang huge ladles of molten iron; the lurid light, flashing and flaming, that illuminates the scene, throws shadows so intensely black that they suggest the “black fire* of Hilton, for in snch a place it la im possible for a shader to be cool; half naked, muscular men, begrimed with sweat and dost, flit about; clohds of steam arise from attempts to cool in some degree the. roasting earth of the floor; converters roar, vibrate and vomit flames mingled with splashes of metal from their white hot throats; at inter vals the scorching air la tilled with a rain of coruscating burning iron. Ingot molds lift months parched with a thirst that can only be appeased for a short time by streams of liquid steel that run gargling into them; the stalwart cranes rise, awing and fall, loading scores of tons of red hot steel upon cars of iron; all these conditions and circumstances combine to make an igneous total more suggestive of the realms of Plato than any other in the whole range of metal- Inrgic arts.—W. F. Durfee in Popular Science Monthly. When Anlmnte Are “Charmed.“ Halm mentions having seen a rattle snake “lying at the bottom of a tree on whichasqalrrel was seated, fixing its eyea on the little animal, whioh from that moment cannot move or escape, bat begins a doleful outcry, comes toward tbo snake, runs a little bit away, cornea nearer, and finally is (wallowed.” Bat, as if to show that this result of bewil derment is not all to be pnt down to the eye alone, Dr. Andrew Smith says: “I, have beard of cases in which ante lopes and other quadrupeds have been so bewildered by the sadden appearance of crocodiles, by the grimaces and con tortions they practiced, at to be nnnble to fly or move from the spot toward which the crocodiles were approaching to seize them.” This power is in the hnmon animal often developed to a very great extent, and the part that the eye plays in fasci nating a fellow creature by mesmerism —thus opening the way to almost in finite psychical results and unveiling un known depths of possibility—is decidedly great in proportion tothemagnetio force of the system, or rather the mind, for which it acts.—Chambers’ Journal. Why a Mniquito Bite Hurte. Humboldt, who was n firm believer in the poisonous nature of the moequito bite, considered the sucking out of the poison to be the explanation of the pain lessness of some wounds. He affirmed that if the insect were allowed to suck to satiety no swelling took place, and no pain was left behind, and considered that when pain was produced it resulted from the hasty interruption of the proc ess of sacking, since then the last in fused poison would not be able to be withdrawn. He experimented with one of the most virulent species, allowing it gently to settle on the bock of his band, and reports of it: “I observed that the pain, though vio lent in tne beginning, diminishes in pro portion at the insset continues to stick, and ceases altogether when it volunta rily flies away.”—Knowledge. A DUTY TO YOUBSIU. It Is surprising that people will use a common ordinary pill when they can se cure a- valuable English one for the same money. Dr. Acker’s English pills an a positive core for slek head ache and all liver troubles. They are email, sweet, easily taken, and do not gripe. For sale by [Fleetwood A Rus sell, Americas, Ga. Conventions is what makes a its man’s fame solid. A CHILD KILLED. Another child killed by the use of opiates riven in the form of soothing syrap. Why mothers give their chif- dren such deadly poison is surprising when they can relieve the child of its peculiar troubles by using Dr.- Acker’s Baby Soother. It contains no opium or morphine Sold by Fleetwood A Rus sell, Americas, Go. 10 Prohibition Is a theory and not a con dition. Perfect motion and perfect health re sult from the nse of DeWitt’s Little Early risers, a perfect little pill. For sale by the Davenport Drug Company. People don’t want to bo any thing but congressmen. DeWitt’s Sarsaparilla oieanses the blood, increases tbo appetite and tones, np the system. It has benefitted many pie who have suffered from blood irders. It will help you. For sale by the Davenport Drug Company. A prominent New York theatrical man, who is quite homely but very con ceited, went into a photograph gallery to get some photographs bo had had taken. The photographer produced them, and the man declared them elegant Said he; “It is an excellent picture. It is me all over. It is life itaeif.” “That is so,” responded the candid artist, with a dismal expression of coun tenance, “they are so Ufeliko that 1 can’t afford to pnt one of them in the show window, as I intended to. I can’t afford to shock the pnhlio that way."— TmtaafllfUnffK Hie Bax* laved Bl* Life. A story is related of the celebrated grammarian, Urbaln Domergue, who had an abscess on his throat, which broke in a St of passion with which he fell on his physician for committing a solecism in grammar.—American Nptes and Queries. At tha Cemetery. She—Dear, what do yon think of all the stuff that is carved on tombstones! He—I think it is all cpitaffy.—Pitt*- burg Bulletin. Nothing Is too good for a candidates friends before election. We cannot afford to deceive yon. Con- dence is begotten by honesty. Do Witt’s Little Early Risers are pills that will cure constipation and sick headache. For sale by the Davenport Drug Com pany- Political parties are not put together with apron strings. People with impure blood may be arid to exist, not live. Life ir robbed of half its joys when the blood ia loaded with imparities and disease. Cor this condition with DeWitt’s San rills, it is reliable. For sale by Davenport Drag Company. _ A candidate on the stamp wants his party to get the net of the tree. Don’t storm the eyatem at yon would a fort. If held by the enemy, consti pation, gently persnade it to surrender with DeWitt’s Littlo Early Risen. Those little pills are wonderful con- vincera. For sale by the .Davenport Drng Company. - If yon are troubled with dyspepsia, Stomaoh Disorder, or liver snd Klaney Complaint, try P. P. P., and yon will re joice at the magical working. Females are peonliarly benefited by r. P. P. It expels disealeand gives healthy acton to every organ. dl2-w2t. Americus Supply Company. “Let there be light; and there was light.” Gas, Electric and Combination Fitxures, Fixtures Finished. Polished Brass,* Oxidized Silver, Oxidized Copper. Gilt, Bronze, Etc., Etc. Most seleot, prettiest and cheapest Fixtures ever in Americas. Gas is turned on the middle of next week. Call early before the rash. ^ AMERICUS SUPPLY COMPANY, 420 Artesian Block. Telephone 12. “The road to fortune is through print era’ Ink.—P. T. Baronm. DeWitt’s Sarsaparilla destroys such poisons as scrofula, akin disease, ecze ma, rheumatism. Its timely use saves many lives. For sale by the Davenport Drag Company. Party platforms is blit mostly ont of wind. win atop m Cough In on* night, check a Cold In a day, and CTJU ununptlon If taJcen In time. TP tub LITTLE ONES HATE WHOOPING COUGH OR CROUP Ust It ProBlQr. ASS cent bottle may aave their drag* tor 1L la Boot yoar SUM WnU Will. '” *, Acker a English Pills CORK COIWTIPATTON. Dr. W. B. HOOXEtt * OO . T. For sale by W. 0. RUSSELL. REAL ESTATE Business Properly, Residence Property, Vacant Property, Suburban Property, Small IFarms, Large Farms. APPLY QUICK. MERREL CALLAWAY, H. D * WATTS, Wholesale and Retail Groceries Has come to the front Watts Building, i, and found on the corner, r ith an elegant line of fresh Groceries-*** Confectioneries, whioh he will sell at rock bottom prices. Country merchants will find it to their interest to call and see him when needing anything in his line. WHISKIES BRANDIES and plenty of Jugs in the rear, which will he shipped to any part of the United States and Georgia. SEND HIM YOUR ORDERS. B. L. MoMATH. B.J. McHATB. B.B. MoMATH. MoMATH BROTHERS. -DEALERBIN- Groceries, Prorans, Country Produce. BOOTS, SHOES, ETC., ETC., WHISKEY, TOBACCO CIGARS, SPECIALTIES. 207i FORSYTH STREET,: AMERICUS, GEORGIA. Wt solicita *h*r« of the patronage of the trading poblie, guaranteeing 'eaUcfeetloa low price*, and good goods. We deliver goods anywhere m the eity. Call and tee a*. McMATH BROTHERS. uikoiim (Huuceisore to W. L. Mardre.) SCHOOL HOOKS ’ for any County in the State, Blank Books, American Bibles at actual cost. Oiford|BIblesTeachers’ edition. FINE STATIONERY Daily papers, Magazines, etc. Subscriptions for any pa per or publication. Rubber Stamps, any kind, size Pictures, Easles and Sheet Music. Picture Frames to order and to our picture-frame depart ment we have just added new machines, glass cutters, etc., also an experienced workman. Satisfaction guaranteed. 105 FORSYTH STREET. TELEPHONE, 106. Grand Show Oped In front of Allen House wherejyou can call at all times and find fresh fish of all kinds, oysters received daily, fruit of all kinds on hand; candies, crackers and cheese, fresh and fine. Call and see us. McELROY BROS. ' ABBOTT’S > 1 COR N? £s /■gSPE E[)ILY A s aiJNl5NS«^vv..Hn ’’VO WARTS ™ llj PAIN. For sale by the DAVENPORT DBUG COMPANY Amerieus, Ga. Notice of Dissolution. Notice Is hereby given that the Arm of Martin A Lewis has this day been dleeol red by mutual consent, R. M. Lewis withdraws from the Arm. The buelneea will be eonllnn- ed by W. U. Martin, who retain, all tbs a*> •eu and aaanmaa all the liabilities of said This October Mb. UU. _ M octet iawtw «.■*•£UK*