Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, November 24, 1891, Image 7

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THE AMER1CUS DAILY TMES-RECORDER: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1891. “MOTHERS*! FRIEND” Makes Child Bl'tii Easy. > Shortens Labor, Lessens Piln, Endorsed by the Leading Physicians Book I. ‘•MotMtn” mailed FltEE. BRADFIELD REGULATOR OO ATLANTA, OA. SOLD BY ALL DRUOOJST3. wmamm 8 SSVS&, Medlc.1 tstois, bet a* eqaaL— 'uSUrnsA£SStSSW&e^ GRATEFUL—COMFORTING EPPS'S COCOA. GROWTH OF THE 80UTH. The IMnlttol'Development In the Week * Bodlni Nov. lie Chnttakoooa, Not. 28.—The Trades man, in ita weekly review for the week ending Nor. 21. report* 48 new indus tries. 14 new bnildings, 1 dummy line and 2 electric linos. Among the most important new indnatriee incorporated as reported are the following: Agri cultural implement works at Mineola, Tex., canning factory at New Berne, N. C., clothing factory at Colnmbne, Ga., development company at Fair mont, W. Va., and flouring mills at Magnolia, Ark., Albany, Ky., Com- ville, Ky., Btannton, Va, and Zeigler P. O., Tenn. A stamping company has been incor porated at Charleston, W. Va, with a capital of $1,000,000; store works will be erected at Bridgeport, Ala, and a company with $100,000 capital has been organised at Newport, Ky., to manu facture lamps. Mining companies hare been organised et Shetland, Tex^, Birm ingham, Ala, Bottom Creek, W. Va, Greensboro, N. C., Fort Smith, Ark., and Weeton, W. Va, the company at Eastland, Tex., having a capital of _$!,- 000.000, and the one at Weaton, W. Va, $800,000. A cotton mill with $100,000 capital la to bo erected at Blacksburg, S. C , and a fiber factory will be'estaS* Uahed at St. Angustine, Fla . Among -the most important wood working plants, we note the following: Barrel factory at New -Berne, N. C., ingmlllat Sparks, Ga, sash fac tory at Blnefield, w. Va, and saw milts at Avis, Va, Sparks, Ga, and Burlington, N. C. Lumber companies hare been organized at Black Bock, Ark., andOoean Springs, Miss. Among the most important bnildings to be erected are the following: Conrt houses at Bards town, Ky., and Tns- cnmbia, Ala,, depot at Newport News, Va, hotel at Louisville, Ky., jail at Titusville, Fla., and ware houses at Asheville, N. C., Bristol, Tenn., and Sbelbyville, Ky. A dummy railroad is to be construct ed at Lake Charles, La, and electric roads at Galveston, Texas, and Macon, Ga. ’ and Children’s Kor Business, Dress and Work. A HIGH GflAHE AND A FAIfi MICE IS OUfi BID FOR BUSINESS. Our line is large and complete clear through—all sizes, all fabrics, all styles and all prices. We guarantee All-Round Satisfaction to any man with judgment enough to know a real good thing when he sees it. I ALLIANCE TALK. «nrern th© r o^Bii?lon« # or'd^fe^ *h. February Meeting will Deold. Met tlon end nutrition, end by n careful app'Toa- tor*, tion of the line of well-select- - _ , ^ , ed|Cocoa, Mr. Epps ba* prosified our INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Nov. 23.— It bat break fust table* with a delicately flavoured ll.l of beverage* hlch may save u* many heavy Ioafce<1 out Here that at the gecret meet- doc tor'* bill* It I* bv the Jadieion* u*e i.f log of the supreme Alliance councils *uch article* of diet that a constitution msy I * . v u be gradually built up until strong enough to resolution was passed binding the entire «?ra.d d « r l!Sfr„; a H m U u« membership of the p.rty to support the sa , ws&s , 3rsisrr toaalsj". °' ** ov keeping o wolves well fortifled with p«re This, ill the opinion of politicians here, WSfff-SBTffi «* cap .heaf on the triumph of I* 1 half j the third party manager.,' The .npreme council of the Farmer*’ pound tin* by gmoer*. I,h*ll«l thu.: JAMBS EPP’S * CO , Homcuop.thlo Chemists, London, England. yy Pfunw* T\SSSm L.I mSmBS sj rsusssrcSrsT s adjourned at 10 o’clock a. in., to meet next year at Atlanta, Harris burg, or San Francisco, the plaoe to be agreed, npon by the executive commit tee. A grand summer encampment decided npaN, the time and place being ft to • special committee. The committe on national legislation made npof President Polk, Macone, L. P. Featheratone, of Arkansas: Page, 'iroinia'. and Uwynn, of Texas. After Sherman. Columbus, 0„ Nor. 23.—The qnie- A a system ok maki no stock and I tnde in affairs of the senatorial oontest A r».^r.nW5i! y c; t n t.ln D ;iS:l which ha. prevailed a, this end of the 'SZ3X? 1 iiE^Jcvc* DtoATB. bsr the past few dajT. was broken by « w.liet., n. r. | information relating to an important development of the canvass. men i ltnprobx addreuli It is fllCnC Aaenu profit. per month. Will, <tki)/n PJSII stated upon reliable authority that a ^ e*nt fr J -e to all.' “ mp * document is to be given to the public, W.H. Cbid«i>rABon.,»Bi-dst.N y. attacking Senator Sherman in a review of bis thirty years of pnblio life. The principal points presented against him i are understood to relate to hie course and votee -on labor legislation, his speech and vote on the arrearage pen sion act in 1884, and an unfriendly spirit manifested daring bis congress ional career toward the oolored man. • GOGS NEWS • a FOR THE UILL10US OF CONSUMERS OF a Z Tntt’a Pills.! • It gives Dr. Tntt pleasure to sa noonoethot ho Is now putting up » _ •TINY UVER PILL# - —a.— *—* J, tly small •!*«, yet llroohlyn'* IVater Supply. Nsw Yobs, Nov. 28.—On the out- skirts of Brooklyn a large water main bunt near Ridgewood reservoir in an excavation, in which a number of men were working. The foroe of the water - Ther are Ur »” # I instantly covered all the workmen • vegetable. iinth eta* orthesspujil a I under, hundred. of tons of earth and are etrn leeneU. Tiu> met aim JT.W water. The water was shut off in a A TINT LIVES pills m few momenta. Three bodies wsro re- 1* shown la the border of this GE0.D. WHEATLEY hu iait opened bis iecpnd shipment tbit sea-1 ton nr novelties la tbs tin. o( «r» at the' vmy oIom of their ustoa's trade, Dan Gladney, oBu* Inducements la tbs way of pries Vnap-1 severely whip proaebable in itoeke taught only . abort' — 1 — ' ■ ttaosgo. For yonr bait drees salt joa "»»» on. of oar £?ES/T DiTaMnS^ pistol wes accidentally diachused city, while he was examining it. The ball .track and instantly killed a negro The origin of the Trouble Between the Kosciusoo, Miss., Nov. 28,—For the past few days trouble has existed among the race, of Attala county. A crowd of white went to the house of colored, shot him and „. ed several other negroes. Fickle, a white man, was ar- We make most any parent proud of his or her boy. Nothing can do quite as much toward making a lad took neat, wholsome and manly as one of our stylish little suits. No trouble about fits for little and big; we keep them all. I . ‘ - , : . c » ,,\e ^Men’s = Furnishing = Goods!* > Our present line of attractions is certainly a credit to the establishment and a satisfaction to our trade. A larger variety or a finer showing of Choice New Novelties and reliable standard goods would be hard to find anywhere. Careful buying enables us to offer that big, solid value for your money that never fails to please. When needing anything in this line remembec our F. F. F. F. f which stands for FINE FURNI8HINQ8 AT FAIR FIBURE8. , 4KJOHN R. SHHW.fe Americus, Ga. “Tin ChMpioR" Clothier and Out!tier ol Saathwast Georgia, Aad Proprietor “Eagle" Shoe Store. 117 F orsyih Street, 119 Forsyth Street, AN ORDINANCE. ipeal Beetlon 402of the the city or Americas, .when all An onllnance to rc Icotlo ofonllimncceor i, - , and In Ilea thereof te OxtheUmeeHH city taxes shall become doe and payable, and to provide for the collection thereof sod I for other purposes. | Bsctiok 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Ctty.Coupoll of Americas, and it Is i hereby ordained and .nanted by the anthor- ly ortbesame. That (Motion .USoftbe oode of ordlnancea of the city of Americus. which prescribes that It shall be the doty of the Mayor and City Cnnnoil or Americas, to fix by rseoiatlon the time when elty taxes .ball i become due, aad lor notice thereof by the oleik and treasurer be, and tbe earn, 'a W2S5^u:°.2ciSd^-%"° f 1f0 ‘ ■Bae. 2. Be It further ordained by the an! shall ne,lector refuse la pay Ithesothdayoft eo mberof ei be entered a»>n tbe llet ofl Itbe Clerk andTrensa^^Mn early year. _ forthwith, __ iui prAotleabie, tube execution agAtoit Mayor and City Connell oi Am.rlcue and bo dlreotMt to tbs Marshal, who .hall, by levy and sale, forthwith collect tb. earns as pro- vided by law. Mao. a. Be It farther ordained, that all ordinances and parts of omlnaoe. In era- list with this ordlnancea,be and the some are ^Sfty Cliy Ciuncl Clerk *nd Tr*wsur»r. Will be aold, before the conrt houae door intl.ecitv Of America*, Hum ter county, between the legal hour* of aele, on the flr*L Tuenday In Decera>>er, 1H»1, the following AN ORDINANCE. An ordlcanoato repeal rectlov rw of the oode of ordinance, of th. city of Amerlone, pisssisyi ■ the time within which all tax refl Mil be made, and canae the clerk and tmM a ret to (In thirty dayepu bile notice thereof, be, and the same la bomb jrepeaied, and In by the authority afureeald, That from asdl after tbe pas<as* of Oils ordinance all tax re turn! .hall be made between I he flrst d.y of April aad tbe first day of July of each year. That npon tbe first day of July of each year H shall be the dnty ef the olerk and inmmd hi* dlxrn nuU lo procccl tol NOBBY SACK SUiTS ImChevlot, Bern and Iraporteil Wonted effect*, I named Kennedy. T1 from 4;^o to .15 per suit. | trouble is not known. OVERCOATS AND ODD PANT8. t takes the cake. Onr line of Collars, Cuffs, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Neckwear, Etc. is the choicest ever seen In the city, and onr low prices on everything will simply astonish *%o will bo pleated with wbst yon buy, and savt money by doing yonr trading at George d. Wheatley, . L -mtr Ureal and Cation Aviniit Proclamation. Upon authority of tho mayor and city council at regtitar meeting I ntviby gtvn notice that on wednfMday, I)e* cemberlSlh next, nn election for three al dermen will be held at the City 11*11 at Americus, Oft. The poll* will open at 9 ocloclt a. x. and clo«e •». 4 o’clock f. m Only those who are qualified to vote tor member* of tbo leglslHture *nd who bmve pxld all t*xe* legally Impoeed by tb* city ■Will be permitted to vote. w J. B. FELDKfL Mayor. November 18,' 91. A Weight or Woe. New York, Nov. 28.—The officials of the anb-treasnry In Wall street are straggling with a plethora of bronxe cents. Stored away in different parts of the big vault* are 18,400,000 of them. As 3,000 cents weigh seven popnds the weight of woe that is oppressing the officials amounts to 72,800 pounds, or more than thirty-six tons. The accu mulation is credited To the cent-in-the- slot machines. There i. also in the sab- treasury $05,000 in nickels, presumably contributions from tbe nlukel-ln-th* .lot machines. Souther* Manufacturer*. Augusta, Ga., Nor. 23.—The South ern Manufacturers’ association met in thl. city. H. H. Hickman of Augusta, presided, and J. 8. Hamilton, president of the Princerille factory at Athena, was elected secretary. Kepreoeutaflvee from many southern mills wars in at- That ell ordinance and part, of ordlnan'es and resotatlone, contrary to this ordinance, be, and tbe earne are hereby repented. Adopted by City Councilj^. isat. “lerk and Treasurer. THE LITTLE SES7IHG MACHINE MAN orrxss VOB 8ALB SEWING MACHINES & MOTORS For *11 Machines on eaay terms, and can 1 supply the best Idles, Oils, tUneeis, He,, rOR ALL MACHJVfS. Special attention given to re pelf ■mull Mueblnery. Orders, by mull ’ reive prompt attention. T. M. Allen. T. E. Allen- TO A QUICK PURCHASER K Taylor. -:- A FIDE OPPORIUNITY. 400 ACRES-2,000 DOLLARS HALF CASH; BALANCE IN TWELVE MONTHS AT 8 PERICENT. 180 seres cleared; 220 sores good pine timber. Situated in Terrell county, three-quarters miles from railroad station. A groat many other bargains, ALLEN,. TAY.LOR & CO., REAL ESTATE AN0 INSURANCEfAGENTS. AMERICUS. OA. is all iTlre- Registration Notice. Tbe books for refletratloo of elty voter* for 18U opened Monday. November lad, and will be kept open ee tbe law requires until Sat urday, December Uth, 1S.I, when they will be Snally closed. Hours for recietratlon aro from . o’clock a. m. to 11 m. and from t o’clock to A p. m. _' D. K. kaiaaoa, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. EEPIBSEITIK TIE SAFESTASD STROKGESI^NPAXIKS.ISJTI^ FYOEW. laenue niumj m. «»» gad Country Property. Iksnnaoa plaosd on City« OSm oa Jaoksoa Street, next door below Mayor's Oflo*. Koyot'a ItAs, off of lot of lunft number two hundred *nd flfty-one In the twenty-ninth (Mth) dlstilctof Humit'r county, bound as follows: On tho east by the o d stage road, on the south by l*M# M. P. Hu tier, on ibe west by bind*of W F. KwHfeilln xnd Ueorge Huber, on the n' rtlt by HilasHmlth. levied on ns the properly of W. H. Glover to satisfy one fl fa .s«iie<l from the County '’ourto Mimtero>»nuty In bivorof Chas. <». onn vs. the said W. II Glo<er. Proper'3* . dnte<loutbyW. II Glover. Thl-* Marco ‘2Sth, I MU. lA*vy uinue by L. II. Forre*t, dep uty sheriff. L. H. FORHE8T, Bherlfl. Last April we accepted the agency of the PATEK, PHILIPPE & CO. Watohes, and have just received our flrst installment direct from the faotory. which is located at GENEVA, SWITZERLAND Messrs. Patek, Philippe & Co. Are manufacturers of the finest grade watohes in the world, surpassing in merit the well known Jules Jurgensen, and there are only a few.cities in Georgia, where these watches are sold. We will take great pleas ure in showing them to any one who wou'd rn'uuT-eJronnou'^'nrru.'.T^.Tis: like to see a very fine1 watch. c^ncum, l. c.jb,.j^.- 8hw)(r> , ; We aae also headquarters for all styles and grades of American Watches, from the long wind Waterbury to tne finest grade Howard. . JAMES FBICKER & BRO. D HERIFP’H HALF. O GEOKGIA—Bumtkr Col’1*TV. Will b« so’d before i he courthouse door. In Ihe el’jr of A'nerlcurf, Humter county* on the flr<*tTuesday tn licc*roi»er ( 1891, te- tween (he legal hours of sale, the following d scilbed property, to-wlt: An undlvldcil Interest lu lot of land lying In HKHh district, O- M., of taldconnty, cont-dnlng twenty-A veacmt.nioreor leas,ad joining the Unds of Mnry 81ms on the north, on 'he south b/.lames Green, Hr., on the east by W W. boiler a»d Jame* Green, Hr., on the west by property of defendant. Levied on a* the property of Jane Wilkinson, for* merly Jane Hollis. In favor of N. A. Harris to antwy a Justice court fl. la., Issued from the Justice court of the llM&thdls riot, G M,of Will !»•» sold before tin* court house door In the city of Americus, Hu inter county, on the first Tuesday In Dec.. 1891, between tbe legal hours of sale, the following described property, to-wlt: A tract of land lying In* the 118 ith district, G. M.. of Minuter comity, containing one hundred (109) acres, more or less, adjoining tho lands of l>. A. Morrell, on the north, James Met Aar ah on the south, John Mash- burn on tho east, and W. H. Hargrove on the west. Levied on h* tbe property of Julia E. Jones to sAttsfy one Justice Court fl fit Issued from the ll*>th dls net, G. M.. of said coun- fv, In favor of S.T. Crawford va. said Julia E. Jones Tenant In possession notified In icrmsofthe law. Levymsdu and returned to me by J. A.Covington. L.c. This Decem ber 4th, 1890. L. B. FOKKRHT, td* Sheriff. iHEUIFF’S RALE. D GEORGIA, Hcbtbk Cod.vty. Will be boM before the court house door In the city of Americas. Humter county, Ga., ontheflrstTiwdayip IVccmlK-r.lxvi,bet ween the le<nt hours of sale, the fo.lowing de- scrlbed property* 10 wit: One house and lot In the city of Americus. bounded west by H'rlfe sereet, south by Mrs. Iluoy nn<l John JufTor on, east by lot of Wil liam Jefferson and north by lot of UreMweii & Turner, known as 10* ntrlfc street, and It is fha place where Campbell Washiugton now Uvea. Levied on und sold aa the property of —ipbell WiiHbiiiKton. to satisfy »count-/ l execution issued from the county court ofsald county. In favor of H. H. Hawkins. J83L;i«X. b ’ co ' mlycourt “ “ LAM dR, >uty HberlfT, j A rPWCAT,0N LKAVK TO 9KL1 GEORGIA—Hl'mtkb County. Whereas, Mails** Parker and J C. Parker, executors of the esinttj of Harney Parker, de ceased, having made applies* ion for laava to ie city of Coraele, These are tkereVore to cite and admonish all parties concerned, whether kladrsd or creditors, to show cause on or he for* the December term of the t oort of Ordinary of aatd county, to be held on tbe flrstMooday In December next, why said petition should -ot be mated ee preyed for. Witimes my bend and odlelal signature, da tod day of November .IWi. Tis a.c. b^kbr,r -