Newspaper Page Text
ye.terdar'a Dolngi In Fnnxsnt para
graphs—Some Snap Shot, by the Bepor-
tortnl Camera—What Waa (Mine no l»
Town Told In Briefest Manner.
He thkes to water like a duck,
Can breast tbe foaming tide;
Bat like the duck, Impervious.
No water gete Inside.
We can furnish yon with the finest
metallic eases and cloth goods In town.
Orders for our new hearse left at store or
Prince Bros'. Hawkins & Loving.
The advance agent of Hilton Nobles
was in the city yesterday, patting np
Thanksgiving day at the A. L. I. fair
was spent' quietly. A. fair attendance
was in the hall and the booths did
spanking good business.
Synchronized time will be the stand
ard 90th meridian time. The Western-
Unton will make connections, insuring
to Americus absolute accuracy |lu her
The managers of tbe A. L. L fair wtll
auction off the large and splendid variety
of exhibits, and tbe articles tlint will
pass under the hammer will inspire
some lively bidding.
The Superior Court devoted yesterday
to hearing claim cases argued. The
court will consume the today in setting
the calendar, and on Monday will re
sume tbe trial of several Important civil
Chsrlie Schuart the butcher, killed
the largest hog on record in Sumter
county. It tipped > tbe beam at 687
pounds, and the bam weighed 47 pounds.
This hog is large enough to take the
edge off of tbe appetite of a hyena.
Two Sootcb "birds of passage" are in
the city, giving the sidewalk gentry
doses of "linked Jsweetness long drawn
out," on Scotoh bag-pipes This music
is quite a refreshing departure from the
“Italle man” and his wheezy band-
The first special train over the Sam
road from Montgomery to Amerions
rolled into the depot here last Thursday
evening at 11 o’clock. In a very short
time a regular schedule will be in force
and a through passenger and freight
servloe will bo installed.
Mr. W. R. ’ Hansford of Tub Times-
Rkcobdeb, received some fine oblokens
yesterday, the first of the variety that
have been seen in Americus. They are
black Langshans and are of the pure
Paragon strain, and are prize winners.
It la worth your while to visit his yard
on Spring street and tee them.
Clifford Ford, a little colored girl,
stole.84 from a colored woman Tuesday
last. She went to the bouse to sell some
greens, and noticing where tbe woman
got the money to pay for the greens,
watched for an opportunity, and when
the woman went out in tbe yard to her
washing she slipped in and stole the
Travelers may learn a lesson from Mr,
C. D. Cone, a prominent attorney of
Parker, Dakota, who says; "I never
leave home wfthaut taking a bottle ef
Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera and Dfar-
rhma Remedy with me, and on many oc
casions have run with it to the relief of
some suflerer and nave never known it
to fall.” For sale by W. 0. Russell,
Amerions, Ga.
Arnuene Ribboeene, Chenll
Bods, Canvas, Pompons for 8
full line Ohina Silk Scarfs,
goods can be foniid at Mrs. F. M.
on Cotton avenue.
and a
Notice is hereby given that by action
of the Demoeratte'Exeoutlve Committee
of the city of American, the primary
eleetion for Aldermen heretofore ap
pointed for Tuesday, November 20th,
has been postponed until Wednesday,
December 3d/1881.
John Windsor,
novSddtd Chairman Dem. Ex. Com.
Ladies, have you priced those novell
suits at Allen’s since be has mark*
them down. They have got to 00. Call
early. - -
A full line of library and pedestal
lamps and fixtures sold at reasonable
prices at Do. Eldbidob’s Drug Store.
Council Chamber, Amebicub, Ga.,
November 23, 1891.
Present—Mayor Felder, Aldermen
Bivins, Logan, Williams, Davenport
and Williford.
Absent—Alderman Wheatley.
Minutes of last meeting-read and
The following report waa received and
To tbe Honorable Mayor and City Council
We, the Flnanoe Commute, In tbe matter
of extension of tbe compulsory sewerage
connection llmlte referred to os, recommend
that the said limits be extended so as to In
olnde tbe following street#, vis: From Jef
ferson street down Lee, on both sides to Col.
lege street, From Jefferson street down
Jackson to College street, on both sides.
Finn street on o-oth sides. Taylor street on
both aides from Rees Park to Lee street
Cbnrcb street on both eldee from Hinkle to
Dudley street. Prince street on both sldee
from Lamar to Cburch street. Lamar atreet
from Prince to Dudley etreeL College street
from Bartow to Forrest stteet on both sides.
Rnssell alley from Forrest to Hampton
on both sides,
Ws recommend that tbe time glvea to
property owners on tbe above streets for
connoting wltb the sanitary sewerage be
fixed on March 1st, 1883.
On motion it was ordered that notice
of the above extension be published for
thirty days.
The building committee submitted re
port reoommendtng that a janitor be
employed for the city hall. Beport re
ceived and adopted, and the committee
was instructed to reoommend a suitable
person, and report price for wbioh same
ean be had.
The street committee was granted
farther time on petition of Messrs. Csin
* Brown.
The ordinance introduced by Alder
man Williford at a former meeting
amending section 272 of tbe eity code so
as to prohibit the riding of bieyole’s on
any sidewalk in the eity, was taken np
and adopted.
Oo motion of Alderman Davenport
the active members of the Americas
Light Infantry were exempt from street
tax when a certified Ust of said mem
bers is filed with the Clerk and Treas
Alderman Williford offered the follow
ing resolution which was adopted:
Resolved, That the antborttles of' tbe
TiMfs-RxookbBB, Americas Steam Laun
dry, ana Mr, James Smith he requested to
moderate the blowing of the eteam wblstlos
connected with their respective depart
His Honor tbe mayor was authorized
to make deed deed to county commit-
sloners for strip of land sold them.
The request of Americus Baptist
Chnrel^ through Bey. A. B. Campbell
and Mr. T. Wheatley for use of city hall
was granted.
The ordinance Introduced by Alder
man Logan In regard to drilling of
freight trains and keeping open of fruit
stands on the Sabbath day, was taken
up end a motion to adopt same was
The following bills were ordered paid :
Central Railroad Company 850.90#840.74
and 81; Morgan Tison, 84; Floyd Stev
ens, 88.76; bsnds grading Lee street,
806.60; hands on water-works, 816.70;
Nelson Bright, ^10; T. F. Gatewood,
8112.60; Lott Warren, 8H2.60; Americus
Construction Company, 867.27, 831 84,
806.05 and 81.
Bills referred: U. S. Lockett * Son.
810; J.W. Harris, 826.30.
Application of Mayo A Stanford for
transfer of restaurant and fish license to
L. F. Kinard was granted.
Application of C. A. McElroy for trans
fer of fish license to Will Glover was
Connell adjourned.
D. K. Brinson,
City Clerk.
* Csllod Meeting. .
Council Cbaubbb, Americus, Ga.,
November 24,1891.
Present—Mayor Felder, Aldermen
Bivins, Davenport, Wheatley and Wil-
Absent—Aldermen Logan and Willi
Meeting called for the purpose of con
sidering the proposition of Ur. Jackson
In’iegard to placing mattings on the
floors of the several offices and council
room, etc.
On motion it was agreed that the same
be covered. And a committee consist
ing of Aldermen Williams, Bivins,
Wheatley and Davenport waa appointed
to take tbe matter in charge, with au
thority to aeb
Council adjourned.
D. K. Brinson,
City Clerk.
"Come so roes” and look at those
evening gloves at Allen’s in 8,12,16 and
20 button.
Cheap Cloths.
Going onto! tbe Merchant Tailor bus!
pants goods, and patterns for whole
suits, linings and trimmings.
This is a splendid chance for parlies
who know how to makeup men’s cloths,
or such who desire a fine suit or pants
cheap. By bnying the cloth at cost you
can have it mule up very reasonable
somewhere else in town.
jCari. J. Schneider,
314 Lamar street.
The Amerions Jewelry Company’s
store will be closed during the day, but
will be open early Friday morning, And
will he pleased to have you call and in
spect their stock.
Mr. C. M. Desn of Atlanta la in the
Miss Hattie Clark Is visiting In Smith-
Dupont Guerry, Esq, of Macon la in
the city.
Miss -Lillian Bolton is visiting in
Smith rills,
H. R. Wilcox, Esq, of Atlanta is in
in the eity.
Mr. E. A. Torbert, of Columbus, Ga.,
is in the city.
Mr. Thornton of Preston spent yester
day in the eity.'
Col. F. A. Hooper went down to Lees
burg last night.
G. W. Warwick of Smithville is
the Allen House.
Mrs. John Bertllng of Smithville Is
visiting In the city.
Mr. John W. Jordan, Jr., of Atlanta is
visiting in tbe city.
Mr. C. S. Crawford of Benna Vista was
in the city yesterday.
Mrs. N. M. MeNabb of Atlanta Is vis
iting relatives in the city.
Mr. John L. Tyr of Atlanta is auto
graphed at the Allen Honse.
Mrs. Frank Stanton of Atlanta is the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Cawood.
Mr. J. T. Lester of Macon, a popular
commercial tourist, Is In the city.
Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Reese Of Bnena
Vista spent yesterday In Americas,
Mrs. R. E. McAfee of Smithville I* at
tending the A. L. I. fair In Amerions.
Dr. M. D. Shelton, of S&lem, Ala., Is
in the oity, visiting friends and relatives.
Mr. G. O. Loving returned from a visit
to his parents in Colquitt, Ga, yester
Mr. John M. Green of Atlanta, pros!
dent of tbe Americas Guano Company is
in the city.
Mrs. Joe Marshall, formerly of Amer
icus, but now of Savannah, it visiting
Dr. Westbrook here.
Commissioner Fort and Mrs. Fort
spent the week in Atlanta. They i
turned last night after a pleasant trip.
Mr. J. Duke Murray, advanee agent for
Milton Nobles, who plays et the opera
honse December 3, was In the city yes
Mr. George C Cummings, represent
ing the Southern Soda Works, of Nash
ville, Tenn , Is here In the Interest of his
Mr. J. C. Little president of the Lonis-
ville & Wadley railroad, and Mrs. Little
are visiting Mrs. W. H. Morgan at her
home on Brooklyn Heights.
Hr. Bloom Brown of 'Amerions wai In
the olty, Monday last, a guest of tbe
Burton House. He is as handsome as
ever, and we are ever glad to meet him.
Col. W. L. Glessner will canvass Ohio
in tbe interest of Savannah’s harbor.
Major Glessner has done great good for
this state by his numerous tripe to tbe
Mrs. Wm. J. Turrell of Ponghkeepsie,
N. Y., bss arrived in our eity,. and will
spend the winter as usual, with her
niece, Mrs. D. K. Brinson, 214 eorner of
Barlow and Taylor streets.
Mr. Ahdrew Jackson of Buena Vista,
was In the eity yesterday. Mr. Jackson
Is marshal of his town, and was recently,
involved In trouble with Mr R. P, Butt,
which resulted In tbe death of the
A party, comprising Messrs. G. P.
Bell, Emmet Bolton, E. P. Harris, Tom
Bell and Julian Cawood, left yesterday
for Smithville, where they attend an
elegant ball to be given by Mr. and Mrs
E. M. Hearsay.
Mr. Sam Hawkins is on a visit to
borne, remaining hi Ameriona until to
day, when he returns to Maooh to i
sume bis studies. Mr. Hawkins It
bright young man and will win sneeess
In whatever calling he may ohoose.
The many friends of Mr. G. W. Glover
will be glad to know that bis interesting
family have returned from Atlanta, and
will again take up their residence in
their old home. Miss Georgia Glover Is
a great favorite In society, and her many
friends will rejoice to know of her return.
Master Carr still remains at business
college where be is winning golden opin
ions from hie tutors. This young man
wilt enter holiness soon and The Times-
Recordxr prodiets a successful future
tor him.
It Is Precious.
Therefore, it -behooves every
one troubled in any way with
defective vision to have it cor
rected. Weak eyes, hpadache
after reading, inflamed’ lids, or
eyes running water after read
ing are symptoms of defective
vision. To anyone suffering
with cross eyes, near sighted
ness or any symptom of defec
tive vision, we invite them to
come in and have their eyes
examined. We charge noth
ing for examination. Resp.
Thompson & Anderson,
Hotel Windsor Jewelers.
E, the self appointed, yet, sincere and careful guardians
of the people’s household expenses, do hereby proclaim
the appropriateness of the Thanksgiving season, and
Whereas, While the immutable laws of Supply & De
mand* have reduced the marketable value of our most staple
productions; still, we have been enabled to leduce the prices
on the most staple articles of consumption, and so with the
wail of cotton at 7c. (you hear the echo.) Tumblers, 3c. each
—surely for every bitter there is a sweet, and
Whereas, While the Protectionists of the classes have
increased the duty ou tin over 120 per cent., we the Protectors
of the masses, have lowered the tariff you have been used to
ou tin, and, while ye Custom House officials proclaim duty
increased $2.20 on tin for (comes the echo) “Sweeping reduc
tions on tinware at the Peoples’ Artesian Confer,” and
Whereas, While with these grey and sombre mornings
comes the winters winds, the biting frosts and shivering
shakes, ’till one’s frozen mind almost congeals, and icy
thoughts displace warm regards; still then there is provided
for you all a line of stoves and heaters, whose brightness and
warmth will dispel the dreariest chills ot existence and per
vade your being with a warm thankfulness as will echo back
compliments of tbe season to Artesian Corner Stores, and
Whereas, We have proclaimed the appropriateness of
the season to all, we commend it to quiet thought and
consideration. Be ye thankful for the favors you receive, and
if you are wrong in doing this; then, we are with you too.
Given under our roof, this 422nd of Lamar street.
1 sdies, Allen’s is the piece for fancy
goods and all kinds material for fancy
Stamping neatly done by
noT-22-lw Mm. F. M. Mat.
Mr. William T. Prico, a Justice of the
Peace, at Rfebland, Nebraska, was con
fined to bis bed last winter with a se
vere attack of lumbago; but a thorough
application of ChamberlafD’i Pain Balm
enabled bim to get up and go to work.
Mr. Price says: "The Remedy cannot
be recommended too highly.” Let any
one troubled with rheumatism, neural
gia or lame back give it a trial and they
will be of tbe same opinion. 60 cent
bottles for sale by W. C. Russell, Ameri
cus, (ia, novl-lm.
1 I understand you to say that 1
could get single and split zephyr, Ger
mantown and Saxony wool at Allen’s?
Why, of course; any shade you like?
Now is tbe season to plant your
onions. Call at Dr. Eld ridge's and bay
Grand Show Opel
In front of Allen House
where you can call at all times
and find fresh fish of all kinds,
oysters received daily, fruit of
all kinds on hand; candies,
crackers and cheese, fresh and
fine. Call and see us.
Upon authority of the mayor and city
oonnoll at rezniar meeting assembled. I
hereby sits notice that on Wednesday, De*
cemberlSth next, an election for three at-
• nen will be held at the pity Hall a.
ericas. Os. Tha polls will open i
o’clock a. X. and close at 4 o’clock r.
inly those who arc qualified to vote lor
umbers of tbe lexlttature and who have
aid all taxes legally Imposed by the city
rlU be permitted to vote.
J. B. FELDER, Mayor.
November 18,’ 91.
< ABB OT T S/y'
4W0 warts’ 1 PAIN.
For sale by tbe DAVENPORT DRUG
COMPANY Ameriona, Ga.
For Sale this Season.
1 shall be prepaired tofurnlab a high
grade Lump Coal for Grate purposes, in
any quantity this|fall and winter.
b. R.lSIMS.
Sept. 3, tf
Notice of Dissolution.
Notice 1h hereby given that the firm of
Martin * Lewis hatlhMday been dtnnolved
by mutual consent, R. M. isewtu withdraw*
from the firm. The bnaines^ will bt*continu
ed by W. M. Martin, who ratal me all the an*
*etM and assume* ail the liabilities of *aid
drm. •
1’bU October*/Uh. MU.
W, M» Makti
ocl31 lawtw K. M. Lkwih.
—. .. b
hours of a«|e on Friday, the 2Uo day of No
vember MM.
One red cow. marked with a crop In the
right asr, a crop and swallow fork in the lef!
•ar. gold to pay the expense of Impounding
Woven!brrglri, 18M. A.P. LINGO,
We are encouraged with our Wholesale business from' the post
year’s experience, which has been to some extent experimental for
Americus, and honccforth wo may be classed as a Wholesale and
Retail house, whore the public will be served with the best and most
reliable products at the very closest prices, from 5c. worth of salts up
to any wholesale quantity. Bnying now largely, we are enabled to
sell closer. We otter a large stock of the following articles:
Cut Glass Bottles, all sizes ; Plush goods, Leather goods,
Toilet Sets in wood, Smoker’s Sets, etc.
In Patent and Proprietary Medicines.
s. s.
i*. pi jp.
B. B. B.
O.’ CJ. O.
W. W. C.
D. X>.
Scott’s Emulsion,
Brown’s Iron Bitters,
Bearsfoot and Sarsaparilla,
Lemon Elixir, 2 sizes,
King’s Discovery, 2 sizes, ,
Simmons’ Liver Regulator,JJ5
Cuticura Remedies,
Tutt’s Pills,
Carter’s Little Liver Pills,
Derma Lotion, 2 sizes,
Stone’s Cod Liver Oil,
Horsford’s Acid Phosphate,
Barker’s Horse & Cattle P’d’rs
Warner’s Safe Cure,
Perry Davis’ Pain Killer, 2 s’zs King’s Royal Germateur.
And many others.
In Rubber Goods.
Fountain Syringes, holding from pint to one gallon. A
;ood family Syringe, from 75c. to $2.50. Water Bottles,
olding from a pint to one gallon. Nipples, Nursing
Bottles and Fittings.
I3XT I*JE3Bl.^ ,, XJ:ME3!F?.Trr
Lazzell's Odors,
Perelan Bou ,
Crab Apple Blossom,
“ U8 O0H * ’
( Lunborg's Perfumes,
I Edeina,
I Swiss Lilac,
[Goya Lily.
City Mantis:.
La Belle Cologne, 3 sizes,
A very large assortment of Pear’s, Fel’s and others.
[Fever Thermometers, Urinometers, Lactometers,'“Old Probabilities.”
Garden, Field and Flower seed, Onion sets.
Oils, Varnishes, Colors in]Oil, Paint-Brushes.
Toilet Articles.
Combs, Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Nail-Brushes, Face Powders.
We bottle very largely colognes, castor oil, turpentine^
Bateman’s Drops, paregoric, laudanum, spirits camphor, ex*'*
tract lemon, extract vanilla (from best beans) and many other
preparations. We solicit your patronage. Respectfully.
322 Lamr St. DAVENPMT MM!